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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.

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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
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Because it's a very important board.

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Penis lol
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Just gave gook moot $20
Was this a mistake?
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Depends how often are you posting here?
Just eat out less and you'll have balanced yourself out.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Everyone loves Yeji. Very true.
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yejibros we told our yejidad we thought we had chigger bites and he told us to call them chegroes
yejibros we had a dream that we went to the grocery store and when we woke up there was no food in the refrigerator
yejibros we are eating everything we can get in our mouth and we still cant break 2000 calories we are going to be skellingtons forever brothers
yejibros we has a dream that former idol heo gayoon had a sex tape and we woke up with a raging bone ready to fap
that is very convenient brother

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It has become more and more obvious that the U. S. Government, or large parts of it, are attempting to reestablish the psychopathic Nazi regime.
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Satan is their master.
And they worse than the original Nazi's.
You knew?
Well fuck it
>step 1
>elect a felon as president

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I wasted $20
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Me too. I hate myself.
Quite cheap in the long term
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i paid in shitcoin
Same. When I found out that you didn't have to pay in crypto anymore, I decided to paypig. Oh well.

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I remember not too long ago if I was using my iphone on this site, if I loaded a photo, it would give me the option to change teh size to small, medium, large, actual .

This was very useful when some photos were >4mb, as it made posting very easy. This feature seems to be gone. Is there any other option?
Do a screenshot, then trim the photo
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i will try. thank you

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>since4pass does not work during the april fools event
They need to revamp the pass benefits.
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But enough about you
I was talking about your mom
How did you put gigachad in your name like that?
You need a 4chan diamond membership $99/year
(Only available to select VIPs)

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Hello Florida

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niggas aint on that shit bruh
Aren't you dead?

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An epidemic of starvation and disease in Gaza.
1.7 million people displaced.
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Everything ruins, how will they fix?
I want to know how Hamas keeps getting rockets. Where are they coming from? How are the parts getting into Gaza? Where are they assembled? How do they get away with launching them?

In America if I tried to by a large amount of fertilizer without being a farmer, I might get a knock from the FBI. But these fuckers are launching rocket after rocket, and no one (not even leftists)
give a shit
Now they can fix it themselves.
That was December, it's much worse now.

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You can only make ONE post in this thread a month. Let's see if we can make it to 2021!
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Happy April Fools Day, /vip/!
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It's June and we're half way though 2024!
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thread started 5 years ago... O_0
enjoy the spring!
May is for Yay

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>Guideline 1/76, "On the Development and Handling of Operational Cases"

>The German word Zersetzung can be variously translated into English as corrosion, decomposition, breakdown, disintegration, annihilation, demoralization, undermining, or subversion. Zersetzung measures were aimed at opposition groups or individuals and used psychological manipulation on an individual or group basis in an effort to influence attitudes and convictions, with the ultimate aim of limiting or eliminating the effectiveness of dissidents. Guideline 1/76 lists a range of specific methods for "corroding" a target: discrediting his or her public image; orchestrating professional failures or problems in his or her social sphere; undermining convictions and sowing doubts about his or her personal perspectives; setting up personal rivalries and mutual suspicions in groups; assigning a remote job; circulating compromising photos, letters, telegrams or similar material; spreading malicious rumors (...) All of these measures were conducted covertly so as to keep State Security off the map, unlike its intentional displays of power. These undercover activities could be combined with official measures, however, if it meant the difference between success and failure - temporary arrests, interrogations, and warnings, as well as psychological terror in the form of violence or threats.

>-The History of the Stasi
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>Microwave Weapons

The targets of nonlethal microwave weapons fit a common profile similar to the targets of previous illegal government programs. People with a history of political activism and whistleblowers (people who have reported criminal activity in powerful government agencies and corporations) are used as human guinea pigs in terminal experiments that are designed to force a suicide, incarceration, and eventual death from the effects of non-ionizing radiation. Political activists and whistleblowers are struggling to make a better world, and this has landed them on a hit list. Torturing a target into committing suicide using extremely low frequency (ELF) nonlethal microwave weapons is perfectly deniable because individuals are tormented invisibly. These assassinations are accomplished with technology that leaves no obvious injuries. There is no physical evidence, no traces of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons residue, and no bullet fragments. The [perpetrators] have achieved perfect deniability for their crimes.

These people who are being tormented have been portrayed as criminals. However, the opposite is the case. The targets of torture and intimidation and destruction are the good guys. This tracking game relies on attacks using microwave weapons as well as organized stalking to make the life of the target a living hell to where they eventually succumb physically and die from the effects of non-ionizing radiation or, due to the extensive and never-ending torture, they are forced to commit suicide.
The target experiences physical attacks on their body. Microwave weapons are placed in close proximity to where they live and where they work and are even placed in their cars if necessary. These miniaturized electronic devices, in essence antennas, are capable of tracking and attacking the target with microwave frequencies that can deliver shocks, stabs, or sub-dermal burns to their physical bodies in a continuous manner. Or perhaps every few minutes their body experiences internal heating and burns, sleep disruption, or sleep deprivation as a primary tactic to slowly break them down. These types of physical attacks are complimented with attacks on the mind of the subject.
>Millimeter Wave Devices

Millimeter wave is the same frequency used by airport scanners to see beyond clothes to the naked body. This frequency has the same capability when directed towards the walls surrounding homes. It enables a view inside the home where movements and activities of the people inside can be observed.

>Ultrasonic and Infrasonic Weapons

Physically harming people in a hands-off manner, using infrasound and ultrasound has been closely studied by the UK and US military, from the 1960s onward, with purported intent to produce disorientation and confusion in rioters and protesters, protect facilities, induce stress and compliance in prisoners under interrogation, induce vomiting, nausea, and defecation, and so on. Extremely low frequencies have been found to have seriously harmful effects to the human body, affecting all organs; they have been the subject of serious military study for a very long time.
>Smartphone Apps
Several apps for mobiles and pcs exist in the UK that allow subscribers to add intel and photos of anyone deemed to be a ”nuisance.” These apps' message boards allow all members with app on their phone to post any info on anyone and to monitor anyone. The apps are intended for monitoring suspected criminals, real criminals, an ex-criminal, or a community nuisance such as an aggressive beggar.

Intel on the person, such as a photo or video, last location person was seen, where the person frequents or lives and what they have supposed to have done wrong can be added to these apps by not just the police but by ordinary citizens and shop keepers, publicans, taxi drivers, ect and a notification goes out to ALL the people who have one of these apps on their phones or their PCs.

The apps also contain and message boards for the purpose of mass communication of these alleged nuisance members of society. I say alleged because these apps operate under common law and as such any one can be added as an ”undesirable,” the person does not have to have committed any crime at all.

Names of some of the apps:
Pubwatch, Shopwatch, Townwatch, Farmwatch, Neigbourhood Watch, Community Watch, NextDoor
Stalking by corrupt cops, spies, and corporate security goons is psychological terrorism combined with a systematic effort to destroy the victims financially and socially. Administering severe extrajudicial punishment is not only unethical, it’s illegal under both federal and state law. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, the Sixth Amendment which says punishment should be preceded by a trial, and the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits “cruel and unusual punishments.” Such operations also violate similar laws in state constitutions. In addition, “stalking” is specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.

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Wake Up.
Many of us exist like Indentured Servants in this country and they plan to keep taking away more. They need to face some consequences for having their boots on our heads.
Remember that it is far easier to destroy something than it is to build, and it is far easier to make a mess than it is to clean a mess.
These people do not deserve to have a future.
I don't care if we have to destroy the whole fucking Planet.
Fight Back!
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Look for solution.
First they have to get off their ass.
A lot of them are real failures, can't expect much from those.
Their asses are too big.
Big ass and no balls?

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