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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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Aren’t our savings/investments going to get rekt when they introduce policies to help people like this?
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she spends her days looking for a sugar daddy only finding that sweet n low
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we'll never be truly free ever again, feels bad man
nowhere did I say I believe in voting. I said the unwashed masses will vote in someone who will take your money and give it to her. And we can't outvote them. it's just how it is now. I'm not offering a solution, because there is none.
Nigga you gamble on shitcoins for a living
Big fat tick


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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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>you all
They are helpless
How's the weather in India you short dick sister fucker?
Is that the REAL GME or is that the retarded crypto gme?
when is loopring gonna pump its our fucking turn bros

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I just wanted to say that I hate every single on of you for making me buy this. I should have just held ETH and I would be actually up instead of down.

By no choice of my own I'm now in a telegram I don't want to be in, waiting for some "announcement" of an "announcement" so the price gets pumped and I can get rid of this underwater bag for at least my entry.
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Do you think GALA or Axie or Uniswap made a token 1 year before they launched and didn't do anything but AMAs and tg jannies giving updates on what they ate today?
It will go back up. Maybe.

Kek you really think this will go back up? And you're fudding AVI?
Even when APU goes down, it's just a "buying opportunity" to the cultists that blindly worship this rug while it dumps more bags on their faces.
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You weren’t looking good not too long ago either. I can’t predict the markets. It may go up or down. It’s not my only hold. I hold a bit of AVI too, I just find you fags a bit obnoxious.

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Was making titty pepes the wrong move to shill our shitcoin?
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The best way
Sir please fix coin price
It is very bad now



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Which one will hyperinflate first and become toilet paper?

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What if you make it and you’re still not happy
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What about converting those numbers into living in a nice place where people are polite (white) and using your newfound time to spend on meaningful things you enjoy?
you can try making everyone else around you unhappy, it might even things out
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oh this already happened to me, i made it with the last kermit pump, im above 9 figures now
it means nothing, all of my financial problems are solved and yet i feel a void inside of me
what is wrong with me
Watching things burn has never not made me happy. You want to know what makes me not happy… not putting my millions baaack.

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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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Gov Attorney for some pension fund withdraws from the BBBY case.

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expecting a chubby.
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the papa judge streams were fucking funny
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I pray we get a 1:2 (bbby) conversion frens

Who here shorting LINK?
literally up 7 figures from my x10 short
Post it
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are we supposed to know what those flags are, Mulud?

why the pump?
binance is buying

solves the blockchain trilemma?
/biz/: wow it's fucking nothing
I got 70k kaspa bros what can I expect peak bull run

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lmao, thanks for playing
Jews are brown retard
They're racist against non jews regardless of skin color.
They hate arabs, europeans and everyone else you can imagine
Jews are based in that aspect kekw.
As soon as one un-hover hands an IDF qt, it's over for them
why is this happening all over the world? literally Indians are being shipped by the thousands and even millions into every country. I dont know anyone who supports this, its literally the one thing everyone can agree on, even the "i love immigrants and refugees" crowd has been suprisingly vocal about no wanting so many indians. and yet our leaders keep pushing them.

All the smart indians either left years ago and were not as much of a problem at that time, or else they had positions of power in India and will never leave. this new wave of Indians is the bottom rung of Indians. absolute trash.

obviously there must have been a back room deal between the WEF, Global institutional leadership and world governments because nothing makes sense and none of this is organic. Australia has had it bad for years, but starting with Canada letting millions in all at once, then Europe and the US started bringing them in almost right after. Even countries like Bulgaria are bringing in thousands. They are even going to south america and mexico. EVEN FUCKING ISRAEL, WHAT THE FUCK. Jews are jewing themselves even, they never do that, so why all of a sudden? what do they know that we dont? why are our leaders going against everyones wishes and bringing in mass hordes of Indians. the massive inflows across the world of Indians is not organic, but the hatred springing up across the world toward indians is absolutely organic, these people are repulsive.

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Did you accept your inner spurdo yet?
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on my way
Very nis on ghain sumer gomming :DDDD Gardenings are
I hav stretsed all dhese years do mage grate dhings :DDDD I gan do SBAGAD :DDDDD
kek I love these memes
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Could someone make an OC of a Spurdo dressed like Jesus saying to a spurdo dressed like Judas. "You bedrayed me 4 2 eth gryptos judas :-D" and the Judas spurdo saying "Fug D---:" They should be surrounded by a few spurdos.

Maybe include the dexscreener screencap of the guy who sold 8k it will be funny later.

Save this gif guys its perfect for posting if spurdo pumps. Its the perfect pic for a new thread.

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Is crypto dead now or is it just calm before the storm??
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SHHHHH. russians aren't globohomo. it's all a ruse
Are y'all still holding crypto? Why
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Are you really sleeping during constant rise of EOS Ram? Chads are getting bags filled.
dumped the shitcoin already. Stacking RAM currently, EOS is cooking something yuuuuge!
If Shibaswap Bone is below $3 crypto is dead. Nevermind.

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The most obvious, immediate use case for crypto is in gaming. Aviator is going to be that token. There isn’t a project out there with devs that are as intelligent and focused as Aviator’s development team. As people are becoming more skeptical of meme coins with no use case, projects that have lively, energetic communities with coins that actually have a use case will see dramatic growth. Aviator will be one of the top.
Get out of meme coins while you’re still ahead. Get out before you get rugged and put those gains into projects that have value and purpose. Look into Aviator and be a part of something
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bro you're pumped about aviator that's some weak sauce a wallet integration with coinbase's smart wallet that's like getting excited about a new feature in internet explorer meanwhile i've got my eye on chooky token now that's where the real gains are forget about coinbase chooky's got a community of hodlers that are true believers we don't need no stinking exchanges
hey chooky dev here aviator is just a rip-off of chooky token anyway they don't even have base memes or nfts total boomer token aviator is boomer af chooky token is launching on base chain the most cutting-edge l2 platform on ethereum aviator is just stuck in the past chooky is the future

Chooky isn't gonna happen. Stop trying to rug people, and stay in your own lane.
>please buy my bag. It’s called NOTcoin
Sure, right after I buy Don’t Buy Inu. Kek baggie
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kill yourself chookynigger
im sick of these annoying faggot bots that trick literally no one
rangeban india NOW!!!!!!

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Face it chuds, ROSE won


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I'm thinking of shopping at Walmart more often to save some money. Walmart has good prices.
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walmart has been my go to grocery store for most of my things for years.

for "best" pricing try to get their credit card, you get 5% and do curbside pick up
based fellow W+ member, I haven't had to shop in store for anything in years, it's such a time saver not having to shop for groceries because you get free delivery. Why waste hours wandering a store when you can get a wagie to do it for you?

They do expect you to tip the driver but here's a pro tip, you can edit the tip right after they leave your stuff, so what I do is set the tip to $35 and I always get my delivery super fast, then after they leave it at my door I edit it down to $3.50 for the South Park meme.

Been doing this for the past year now every month haha
IMO its better to get a sams club/bjs membership.

its cheaper than w+ and you get an entire new store
Is Walmart's logo really the Star of David? I figured them for a Christian business, I don't know why.

Yeah but they don't deliver. Well they do but it has an extra fee.

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If I give you $50 will you give me $100 back?
No why would i do that
I will give you nothing, and you will be happy.
Only if you give me 200 first

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What do you have conviction on?
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(you) tongue my anus

(((you))) tongue my anus
Don't know if I can say in case I get banned. But...an interesting and underrated coin.
LINK 350 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 $

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