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/u/ is for discussions about the yuri genre of manga, anime, and other related media. Threads requesting images or series recommendations are discouraged (try >>>/r/ instead). When starting an image dump thread, please contribute at least 4-5 relevant images yourself.

Where to read manga:

Some notable scanlators:



Just getting into the yuri genre, or just looking for recommendations? Click [Reply] for /u/ guides to manga, anime, and live action.
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Before starting a new thread, please check the catalog for existing threads.

We can't stop winning.

Previous thread: >>4204327
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French here.
Can confirm that even if they aren't perfect they usually don't change stuff because they didn't like
They use zoomer speak for teenager character (I guess in the source they use japanese teen lingo) and I hate it tho
well, next ep is Nina Drama so we'll see.
Do you have any specific reason to believe that? Because usually what Toei does has very little to do with being "hawks" and more with how they want shit to flow through their local branches, which for years has conflicted heavily with the way international corps like Crunchyroll do their business.
What even would happen? No one high up enough on the JP teams to know the full plot and have an authoritative position knows any French, and I highly doubt they’re gonna send the entire scripts to their local branch in France.
you need to calm the fuck down anon.
NTA but old anime studios always had close ties with France so it isn't unlikely to have someone at Toei that knows french and has enough authority, also GBC it is Toei's most important original animated franchise since Pretty Cure so it is only natural for them to be extremely careful with its official western translation to avoid future problems with the overseas distribution of the franchise, they had those problems with DB and they also had the same problems with Precure so I don't think they want to repeat the same mistake again.

Season 3 is here early.

The latest threads we had about it:
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Nice episode, Reina finally starting to doubt Taki and being the one with the most internal conflict after the audition results is good stuff.
Fuck off, Mugino. You're lying
You know very well that Mugino could never write such comprehensible and grammatically-correct English.
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Anyway, i feel that Mayu has more yuri vibes and could had a crush on Kumiko so is great she win the Euphobowl
now they need lose again the competition to make it complete worthless

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A thread about all things Heaven Burns Red!
https://hbr.quest/schedule (English database for event schedules, styles & enemy stats etc.)
All SheIsLegend songs full versions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIr2ayXySvD5RjLRZORDzg

Main Story subbed by defenselessperson (Chapter 1 & 2): https://youtu.be/iYgk2QsNu74
Main Story and Events Stories subbed by FLEreverse (Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 + Mari, Ichigo, Kura, Iroha events + AB collabs + Bond episodes) https://www.youtube.com/@seraph1305
U140 event subbed: https://youtu.be/KUVLZCdk4I0
Angel Beats collaborations subbed:
AB1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByYXX6Mgtjk
AB2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVZkTeZsqqI

Previous thread >>4194981
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>it was not yuri-like
Sort of. Maria certainly was more platonic. But you can't deny that Irene acted like a gay mess several times. Getting excitesd by Maria's underwear or for some reason jumping to the conclusion that she has to give her water mouth to mouth.
>31X is my least favourtite squad
That's a shame. It's the exact opposite for me. They are always entertaining and far more vibrant than some other units.
>is the crow a narvy?
No. As Irene explained in her memory episode, Jamie is a crow that she got when she joined the Seraph unit. And when she went to Japan, Jamie somehow flew all the way to Japan to follow her.
To prove that this isn't just a flase memory and they somehow narvy-fied a crow, Jamie only came to the military base long after the start of the game. Irene was surprised when it appeared in that memory episode. Therefore it must by the same real crow. QED.
Also ravens a really smart and far from useless. This event already proved that. Somehow more reliable than drones.
>But you can't deny that Irene acted like a gay mess several times
Crumbs even compared to say Hisame's event and such. Also I'm not sure if underwear thing is part of Irene's character or just weird writer's fetish.
>As Irene explained in her memory episode
Yeah, read it more than a year ago, didn't remember if the crow was before or after seraph stuff.
>writer's fetish
I doubt it. Kai just took over for the event I assume so he worked with what was there. And Jamie being an underwear thief was one of the few things we knew about it. Ragardless, that isn't the reaction of a straight girl.
Irene doesn't really have a strong coupling of her own (except maybe the original Irene, but that was doomed either way). Still good to know everyone at the base continues to be a flaming dyke.
Unexpectedly, they didn't nuke the vod with SiL live part for the WFS anniversary event. It's there at 8:22:15

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Continued from >>4153541
TL archive: https://rentry.org/atwekbsa
Note: Post if there's a TL you want to work on with dead pastes/RAWs.

/u/'s scanlations:

Raw ripping service (outdated): https://mega.nz/#F!LOJz2SpL!3o_LhDgUuqKM8k35iDAubQ
RSS: https://rawanon.github.io/rss/feed
Manga downloader: Search "red squirrel manga downloader" or "hakuneko"

Tips for learning Japanese: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
KanjiTomo (kanji reader tool): http://kanjitomo.net/
SFX reference guide: http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/

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My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover vol.4 extras for QC
>Her precious little who's she's worried about less compared to be more.
Her precious little sister who she's less worried about compared to before.

>What's with the expression.
What's with that expression?
Can someone QC? Goggled?
Apricot Fuzz ch1
Apricot Fuzz Chap 1 + 2 mag raws

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Previous thread is just about to be archived, so here's another one.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.5 Trailer
(this time we're going to the land down under)
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)
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I already have an account, but to view images I mainly use hoverzoom and similar extensions instead of opening the actual page.
You have it open the image, lock it in place, then right click and save/open in new tab.
If this works then your only issue would be the inability to directly browse the artists other works.
click the image, stop the page from refreshing, right-click to save; if you can't and you're seeing some weird description, drag the image to your tab
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4 pages
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Webtoon / Webcomic thread

Continued from
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i think i'm going to support rangari and sign up to lezhin to pay for bad htinking diary
i never finished that one for some reason, i think the translation lagged behind for a bit
Lily is such a fucking retard it's actually entertaining. Will she become the town bicycle, or will she only get "loved" by Anna and the duchess?
Will she make a bingo card with the pros and cons of every girl who will have her way with her so she can decide who she loves the most?
Stay tuned on Challenged Lily of the valley.
Next chapter is the last. I think Rangrarii really miscalculated how popular ntr was among her fans. As the comments are all negative. I would guess Lily and Anna are end game. But that just makes me feel bad for Anna. She get the second hand sex toy of Rose.
It was always going to be a short series. What is this weird obsession you have against this story.

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4210193

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

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Has anyone here played Arcadia Fallen ? I was wondering if it was any good after I saw it in the Pride bundle
>Arcadia Fallen
I completely forgot this was even a thing. It had some generic plot about stoping demons or whatever. If you are getting it in a bundle and want to see girls kiss at the end, then I guess it's ok. But I can almost guarantee that you will forget this game in a week.
Ah Ill probably pass on the bundle then
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whether or not it's actually going to be released in 2024 is another question
So it's a Homucifer/Qualia/That Other One game?

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Hi, 21F game programmer here. Im looking to make a 3D yuri themed game as I feel most yuri games are VNs. First post here so not sure what to expect but I appreciate any somewhat SFW game ideas / concepts!
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Germany" , has an approach like that: The main institutions are Church and Families. They take every girl arriving to the orphanage churches where they get education and are taught the belief in goddess along with legends and fairytales. The existence of magic is deliberately kept secret. During these years they can be adopted into families, continue to serve at the church or graduate on their own. Families are businesses like farms, trading companies, works. But "adopting" is not just a glorified recruitment, two women indeed live together with their daughters under one roof and care for each other. It is done not only to get their loyalty, but because humans yearn for connections. The ones who don't get adopted usually end up with shitty, one-time jobs or as criminals.
Magic usage is reserved for the Church and most powerfull Families only. They have permision to use it and even then if someone found having a mutation they are killed.
Churches' work is not only care for children but control over magic usage as well. That includes magic education and eradication of mutants.
Also in "German" lands mana is most abundant. [2/?]
The biggest state on island. If you were unlucky enough to end up there you become either a slave or a meat shield. And it's not up to you to decide which one. It's idea is really simple - conquer anyone who is weaker, get their natural resources and trade it to everyone around. Then repeat. Of course the more you up the hierarchy (military and economy are controlled by the same people) the better your share is. The ones who are up there hold power not only because of their influence, but also personal might. Mutations are not shuned in "Rome", in fact they are proud of them, as long as the ones in power have even a silver of sanity. Only if they become completely deranged they are a problem that needs to be solved. Noone teaches each other magic, but noone hides it. It is something of a stick to beat anyone below you. You can in theory start as a slave, learn magic, get skills, become valuable slave, then pick your time to get rid of your superior and take her place. Then you realise that you are still a slave to some other asshole who one rank above you, but now you have your own slaves and in time, you can get rid of her too.
On the top there is the Queen, old, powerful granny and insanely paranoid. She needs the others to do her biddings, but at the same time fears that they decide to take her place.
There are others, but it would take more posts so this part stops here.[3/?]
Now what's really happening. First, there is another island like this but with male mages. Second - the whole other world is one big highly advanced meritocratic state. Basically the purer your mind is the better machines you can control and therefore the better you place in society. Most people can live comfortable life, murderers and thieves can't even drive a car, use computer or start a microwave. While the ones who are up there, the ones who can't even think about harming others can use terraforming tools, cloning machines, warp engines etc. The problem is, when mages started to appear it fucked the whole society. Mages could get power regardless of morality and quite often tend to get mad and become monsters. Killing them would fuck the karma to the whole society, containing or using them is dangerous so the solution was to ship any potential mage to islands they can't escape from. And make it separate islands so in case they do find a way to escape, their population can be controlled.

What I have in mind is a party-based action rpg for this. You can play not even once touching magic and fighting only using weapons, but it would be difficult, or you can risk and deal with the conscequences one at a time. Or embrace monster girl aesthetic and deliberately build them as monsters fringing on a verge of insanity. That changes would also affect relationship between girls. [4/4]
looking at your stuff, I'd second that you should hire someone to help with art. simple/crude 2D and 3D is fine for gameplay, but I'd want to see some good portraits when the characters interact.
Good point, yeah if this acc becomes something I will make sure to get an artist for sure.

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Old Thread
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Is this yuri?
And then they all had a bunch of sex later. This artist seems to have forgotten Goldmary's boob mole though.

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Big Girls Edition
previous thread: >>4200544
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Akira toriyama's death fucking killed mahoako too.
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>translucent skirt with only an apron covering the front side
>low neckline dress that exposes her (nonexistent) cleavage
Magenta sure has some cute and funny taste in fashion.
>Korisu is wearing a naked apron
Dear fucking lord, Magenta I'm starting to understand you a bit...
He was secretly ghostwriting it...

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New chapter delayed a week.

Previous thread here >>4156752
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>implying Yuri wouldn't be turned on too
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Yuri is turned on >>4223365 Can't you see her blushing?

Welcome to the /u incest thread!
We're here for art, stories, discussions, anything you want to bring to the thread!

Previous thread:
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New Arcane Season 2 poster dropped and it's giving me yuri vibes
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1. Kanade x Yukino (+Shizuku)
2. Kasumi x Ayane (+Ayame is good too)
3. Yui x Ui
4. Lightning x Serah
5. Leina x Elina
I like this pairing but also like Violyn and Lightcanon too.
>Kanade x Yukino
Show is criminally underrated. It's one of the best yuris I've ever seen.

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Previous: >>4176754
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