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>possesses highest intelligence of any animal
>randomly goes on a murderous killing rampage after a certain age
what did chimpanzees mean by this?
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It is a manufacturered caricature of an extinct Hominid, you expect it to make any real sense?
>possesses highest intelligence of any animal
Isn’t that still up for debate? Cetaceans are at least pretty close
The list goes:
1. Humans.
2. Niggers.
3. Aboriginal Australians.
4. Cetaceans.
5. Chimps.
6. Gorillas.
7. Octopus.

It seems the smarter animals are less compassionate, except humans.
What's unintelligent about violence? It's very natural. Maybe you're just a beta.
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>What's unintelligent about violence? It's very natural. Maybe you're just a beta.
>humans are compassionate
humans have killed more than any other animal
i heard chimps are literal niggers and will rape and kill their own family whereas gorillas use violence but with discretion
That's just because we're too stupid for our intelligence
that wasn't the case in antiquity
humans have greater capacity for destruction and murder than chimps.

the thing is, chimps don't have enough consciousness to temper their violence. so, the violent animal impulses get combined with an animalistic, but extremely high, relative intelligence to create something very vicious.

violence + impulsivity + intelligence + nothing holding you back = potential for horrible destruction

in humans, the capacity is higher if less random and less misguided.
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You can't do this with chimpanzee
‘rillas really are the greatest…
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gorillas are warriors/protectors and orangutans are caretakers
you can't trust the physiognomy of a chimp or bonbon
kill yourself immediately
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You are the descendant of pic-related.

The berserk violence of chimpanzees is as natural as the cattle-like docility of our ancestors. Being a bipedal beta ape surviving in the Savannah was a legit niche.
>beta ape
>started causing sabre tooth cat and other predator extinctions before having mastered fire
the dopey looking face with giant cheekbones evolved to deflect punches. it's not a beta ape. it's literally built for ritual combat.

humans have only gotten less violent. get a load of erectus:
>For the first few million years of human evolution, hominins were relatively small-brained, chimpanzee-size creatures that subsisted primarily on plant foods.
>Early Homo
>But by 1.5 million years ago a new kind of hominin was on the scene—one that was bigger, smarter and armed with stone tools. This was Homo erectus
>What we had not anticipated was the steep downturn after 1.5 million years ago. It was this timing that hinted our Homo ancestors might be at fault.
I'm sorry bruh, any Hominin after chimps and before Homo were beta apes.
You first glowie.
>a team of researchers has discovered that 400,000 to 700,000 years ago hominids who were the immediate precursors of modern man killed 90 giant baboons at a butchering ground on the plains of Kenya
>400,000 to 700,000 years ago
Again, these were Homo. These large cheekbones of late robust Australopithecus evolved to deflect punches FROM HOMOS, like how chubby geeks coping with chad bullies at school. It doesn't mean Australops were capable of inflicting ritual violence themselves.
They're just like me fr fr.

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