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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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Allez Cuisine!
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Red Lobster, gone.
The great chefs, ageing or dying out.
We need our beloved Chairman back in the 'stad.
Now, more than ever.
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It's pronounced "AOULU..CUIZIN!"
You don't look like that THOUGH
I know Morimoto was the goat but my favorite iron chef was always Chen Kenichi. Too bad the Italian chef died (by apparently slipping on the floor of his kitchen)
Morimoto is definitely not the GOAT.
He didn't even make it past the first round of the Iron Chef showdown, and he doesn't have that great of a win record.
The best Iron Chef is Hiroyuki Sakai, hands down, the chef who won the Battle of the Iron Chefs. Not only is he trained in the most renowned cuisine in the world, French, he's also a skilled Japanese chef. Hiroyuki Sakai could literally be both French and Japanese Iron Chef, but that wouldn't be fair so they just call him French.
Sakai mogs them all, and it's not even fucking close
Wasn't Michiba-sama retired at this point though? Michiba had an 87% win rate in his battles (admittedly not as many as Chen or Sakai) and he absolutely wiped the floor with his opponents. Dude would take the time to write a menu and looked more like he was whipping up a quick lunch than the frantic action you see from most challengers. It's a dead heat between Chen and Sakai, but they're both second to Michiba.
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me and my friends watched this whole show, even the turtle murder episode. we made a bingo card for it about halfway through and had fun playing bingo every episode, here is the card you can use it too

Tell me about Sakai; why does he have the pear?
if we're going by win record then excluding the first French iron chef who quit after his first loss and only had 8 battles, 1/3 of even Masahiko Kobe, it'd be
well Michiba has a slightly higher win % than Sakai but also only competed in half the number of battles. you could potentially switch Michiba and Chen on the same basis but the gap between them is larger before taking that into account
Bang a gong, we are on!
He says QUI-SAN because Qui is the name of the of the person he’s talking to and San means Mr. in Japanese.
Yes Ohta, go ahead
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>most renowned cuisine in the world
Broth of Vigor > circle molds
iron chef threads remind me of when i used to watch iron chef at my old house before we moved to the other side of the city in 2003. i had to leave all my friends behind and my life changed for the worse. these threads remind me of better times..
unless you're italian you have no leg to stand on
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pour one out for the homies that didn't make it, miss this cheeky mf like you wouldn't believe
release the Kandagawa files
This tv show made me think that cooking was an art form that was dignified and majestic
After a few months of watching this show I started to become obsessed with the idea of becoming a chef and it lasted until I was 16 when I realised that being a chef actually fucking sucks
I guess life is tough but it's sad that this tv show lied to kid me
iron chef never made me want to be a chef, or even cook, i just really liked the pageantry and how hyped up everything was.
Literally me. Watched iron chef growing up and became obsessed with cooking when I was like 12. Wanted to go to culinary school, start a restaurant, blah blah. Then I talked with friends and family in the industry and the unanimous consensus amongst them was it sucks lmao
Fuk-ui san?
You watched IC with all your friends?

He made it to the semifinals; that's good enough.
This. Also for the pretty female Japanese guests
Ah fuck, I didn't know he died last year. At least his son is a successful chef, his restaurant in Singapore is rated two Michelin stars
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>the sweetness of foei gras compliments the tender texture of the shark fin
This is true, Michiba might be the best overall Iron Chef.
I think it mostly just comes down to experience. I was watching an episode with carrots as the theme ingredient and when Ohta asked him about it, he said "oh we used carrots a lot during the war."
It's hard to beat a guy who has been cooking for that long.
I like the umeboshi episode where blasts Takata for saying she didn't see enough plum.
Hey, thanks anon.
This will make for a fun drinking game.
>If memory serves me correctly, there is a board on 4chan with the best chefs, and gourmet connoisseurs of fast food.
>I have heard that there is one chef in particular whose cuisine is most well-regarded on this board.
>Prized for his knife skills, and his ability to draw out the flavor of any meat, he is sometimes called "the King of /ck/"
>So, Ja/ck/, show me your original creations, and do battle with one of my Iron Chefs in Kitchen Stadium!
as soon as I saw this thread I tried to remember the episode where Michiba was uncharacteristically salty and chewed out one of the judges. It was this episode, Thanks anon

Go ahead big fella
>blasts Takata
This was at 38:35 for those who don't know the format. The Jersey accent in the voiceover makes it even better.
Jack still being alive at this point is honestly miraculous, I'm sure doctors worldwide are studying him
Who takes it? Who's cuisine reigns supreme?
as a kid i thought french, but as an adult watching it again im leaning towards chinese
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holy mother of web links
Even if it was stolen, it just fit the vibe so well. The new OST just isn't grand enough.
Ohta, you alive there buddy?
I always see people talking about this in the comment, but I've only ever watched Iron Chef on YouTube with the new music.
This music definitely seems more 'epic' it would be cool to see it in Iron Chef.
me and some friends enjoy a drinking game out of hearing "fukui san"
Depending on the episode, you can get fucking trashed surprisingly quickly
I asked the challenger what he thought about the theme ingredient. He said "WHO CARES!?! If onions are good enough for /ck/, they're good enough for the other boards!"
There used to be a bunch of the old eps on youtube, but I couldn't find any. I think the old episodes had better dubbing also. There was some stadium reverb and you could hear stuff going on in the kitchens.
Here's the old intro though.

Anyone happen to have that old torrent with the series? I never did download it.
There used to be a channel with close to all of the original Japanese eps that only just got taken down. The Turtle episode may have just been lost to the aether.
>What inspiration will today's challenger bring? And how will the Iron Chef fight back? The heat WILL BE ON!
https://drive.google ( .) com/file/d/10Msv4S1fFA66OYZsyeu1gV0y8GlU3hpO/view
Sakai had the best presentation skills, which makes him seem better on tv, but Chen was supposed to be the best.
french looked the best, chinese tasted the best
chinese always looked colourless and flavourless though
But Sakai won the Battle of the Iron Chefs. Those judges actually ate the dishes, you can't say that was visuals alone.
I think ultimately the two cuisines are equal and fill different niches.
Chen was always kind of hamstrung by trying to live up to and emulate his father.
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He made some inventive dishes at times, but it did seem like he would just fall back on chili prawns or szechuan stir fry a lot.
Anyone ever been to La Rochelle? Even if it's still open, I highly doubt Sakai is doing much cooking.
Needs a space for fat netting
...the final seconds tick down, and THAT'S IT! The cooking's done. The ____ battle is O-VAH!
Who is Qui san? I don’t think they ever show him. He’s like the shadow kitchen master
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Qui, indeed.
Yes! I asked the Iron Chef what he was doing with the sardines in the ice cream machine and he told me to get lost and insinuated that my mother is a whore. Back to you...
Which Iron Chef could be responsible for such a comment?
My money is on Masahiko Kobe. He always sort of seems like a dick.
Chen made sardine ice cream once. No insults though.
he would say that, but he would say it with good intentions.
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Thanks Ohta
I wonder what this panel of literal whos and some """"""psychic"""""" lady that all have nothing to do with food have to say
i remember seeing the psychic and thinking wtf what is she doing on the show

i wish i knew more about japanese celebrities so i could tell how serious the show was in terms of its choice of guests
What is it Ohta? Is there something you need for me to do for youHmmmmmmmmm?
It's weird cause they get Asako Kishi pretty regularly and she's a real food critic.
I enjoy watching episodes where they have guest judges like Joel Robuchon, like they did in the France special. You can tell the judges understand what they're judging better.
It was neat seeing Shigesato Itoi of all people
The name is Shinichiro Kurimoto.
And yes, I know that I am the best panel judge.
>I highly doubt Sakai is doing much cooking
I agree, he's 82 now. Michiba is still around too, he's 11 years older at 93. Ishinabe is also still alive at 76 and Nakamura is also alive at 76.

Chen Kenichi died last year at 67
Masahiko Kobe died in 2019 at 49
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>Masahiko Kobe died in 2019 at 49
All that pasta? wtf, I thought Italians lived to ripe old age?
He fell from one of the floors of his restaurant, actually
Official police report stated he was blown away by some serious flammola.
Michiba has a youtube channel. I haven't really watched any since my nip is terrible.
Go ahead King
>he fell
I don’t believe the official story.
Was the 2012 revival any good?
Everyone always picked this mf kek, made me think he was the easiest one
I'd guess Kobe, too. He was fiesty, fitting for an Italian chef. Full of passion!
Yeah Chen put Sardines in the ice cream machine several times to make a mousse because it was always a hit and a head scratcher. He'd never tell Ohta to fuck off though, he was a total gentleman.
And recording artist, Korn!
TV has been fucking awful since the mid-00s, so take your guess
some of his battles felt like pulling a prank on a confused grandpa

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