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>We're going to test that!
Todd is my favorite autist on Youtube.
>makes useless tests and skews results for certain brands
Nah, go fuck yourself
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Nah, the Eagle Grips are really that good. Gearwrench too!
this, most if not all of his tests are "laboratory" tests where individual aspects are tested in a vacuum and not in tandem like how they would be in real life use. he appeals to reddit and boomers because its muh heckin scienceroonie and boomers dont have critical thinking skills
So what? RC hardness tests, for example, give you a pretty good idea of how hard a knife blade is for edge durability.
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I like his videos but he talk WAY too fast.

sometimes I just skip to the graphs since I don't need to see all the testing.

pic related is for you.
>my brand turned out to be shit and my butthurts REAL bad now.
his video about windshield wipers was correct The ones he reported last the longest do.

TLDR really expensive windshield wiper blades last longer.
I watch all youtube videos on 1.25 or 1.5x speed and his are still fine sped up.
It’s just entertainment you morons. It’s not le heck in’ science, go somewhere else for that.
I find his fast talking so annoying I often stop watching the videos if I have no interest in the product.

how impatient are you? I like youtubers who talk normal, and don't do jump cuts to remove pauses and flubs. some of my favorite channels have very long videos:
Vice grip garage
I often put them on while doing other things. It's relaxing and I like to hear when people reminisce. I usually avoid fast talkers and people who talk with that odd youtube voice.

the where there is an emphasis on the last WORD.

when they do it every TIME.

it's extremely ANNOYING.
>there is an emphasis on the last WORD.
>when they do it every TIME.

post some examples, I need a good laugh. And as for OP's gerbil, about 2 minutes of that chirping and my head esplode.

He's my favorite autist, simple as.
well this sucks I had an example and can't find it. it was a channel that had something to do with star wars or movies.
This. He tries. If any of ya fags tried to do the same thing on a Patreon budget, they would be far more shitty than Todd.

Would be cool to see real scientific studies done multiple times so you don’t get one bad batch of a certain tool, but I don’t see UC Santa Barbara’s engineering and material sciences department putting out results of their brand point drill bet tests.
ok so here is an example but not the video I was looking for.
I can't wait for his tampon test video.
>his tampon test video
Poor Cousin Eddie...
>t. salty boomer that slavishly buys whatever his youtuber tells him to buy
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Made for a woman, butt strong enough for a man!
He's allright, the only suspect reviews I fond is ltt screwdriver and the olsa ratchet.
>ltt for obvious reason
>olsa because that's not a tool company, they only sell re-brands
sometimes I find aspects of his tests to be asinine, like using a hydraulic press to crush diagonal cutters to failure doesn't really tell you any genuinely useful information, nobody is clamping their cutters into place and jumping up and down on the handles to try and cut god knows what in the field, knowing that BRAND X experiences failure 100lbs sooner than brand Y when both failed at 400+ pounds is just not useful knowledge in any particular capacity

I wanted to replace my old dull klein diagonal cutters. I've already sharpened their edge with a file a few times through my life, and now there's a slight visible gap in the jaws when closed. so I watched his video on those and it clearly demonstrated that the channellock high leverage design resulted in lower required force for all PRACTICAL applications, at the consequence of a much lower failure load than other brands, but what kind of moron is out there cutting drill bits in half all day with their cutters? So I picked up a new pair of channellock cutters and I've been happy with them.
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his voice and high speed yapping make me want to test out drill bits in my earholes
>ltt for obvious reason
I watched that and didn't see anything suspect in his testing methods that seemed like he was favoring the LTT driver over any of the other brands, what do you mean?
Eh a lot of the tests don’t really translate to real world scenarios

Cheater pipe on a ratchet, the bend resistance of a screw driver shaft while prying etc is some real Mexican tier shit

A a lot of the cheaper tools perform well but in the real world aren’t all that good tools
Baseless retard
I’m not sure if that Olsa brand is straight rebrands. They have a few designs I haven’t seen anwhere else. Pic related only seems to come from them, and they have stubby flex head combination wrenches with a 6pt ratcheting end and a V-cut open end, you don’t see those from anybody else either.

Maybe some autist dug into them, but they could be like a Tekton trying to grow by investing some money into new designs coming from a Taiwan factory, or maybe it’s like VIM which was quietly doing a ton of private label stuff for many years before popping up with their own lines.

There’s a lot of brands who don’t really manufacture shit themselves, they just spec it out to order from Asian factories. Some of it is straight rebranded generic stuff, but Olsa has some original products which means they have money to get the custom tooling for it coming from somewhere.
>doesn't really tell you any genuinely useful information
of course it does, it proves that just about any diagonal cutters are pretty good.

>A a lot of the cheaper tools perform well but in the real world aren’t all that good tools
that is some nuclear powered cope there.
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White label Cheng even arranged them in the same way for stock photo.
shango is a fun watch, but i skip past the parts where he's fixed the widget and tunes into some awful american broadcast
i get that it's a social commentary but ten minutes of crap erase or presidontal lecturn is a lifetime's supply thanks
>his testing methods that seemed like he was favoring the LTT driver
You just pick testing methods that will be favorable to the tool you want to come out favorable.
But a lot of his tests have questionable real world applications, so it might be as simple as that, autism instead of malice.
The whole premise of pc building/tech optimized ratcheting multi bit screwdriver is retarded.
That brand has em too now? That’s another one of those new Amazon sellers that has some of the better random Asian stuff, not the cheapest Chinesium.

Picrel is the ratcheting wrenches I was talking about. Even if they are jusr another Asian seller, they seem to be selling stuff to a little bit higher spec than most of thise Amazon brands.

I wouldn’t order from em for anything more than like $20. When I was looking a little more, that Olsa Tools store was pushing pretty hard a couple years ago with more new tools and they have kinda fallen off.

The one brand that pops up on Amazon a lot and looks somewhat legit is that Capri brand. Not sure what fat tool den guy says, but they might be trying to become the next Tekton.
>Picrel is the ratcheting wrenches
I suppose if you have a bepis tier toolset you could always throw those in, but I've been working on cars and trucks for 30 years and I doubt if I ever needed a stubby wrench. Same goes for crows foot. I'm sure there are stupid designs that require those, but a normal set of ratchets, sockets, box and open end wrenches can do just about anything; once in a blue moon a u-joint is needed.
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Anon with Chengs resellers, buy from the one that offers good warranty.
Olsa has some tools fairly priced, if you want for example to buy the Cheng USA SK, 90 tooth ratchet PF reviewed from them, it costs the same as buying the SK lucky tool brand one.
Some of their tools are overpriced, like picrel sprag "ratchets", they price them 2x of what they go from other Cheng resellers.
And yes they are exactly the same besides branding, and they are shit regardless of brand, avoid.
I have yet to buy stubbies for the same reason. I don’t know why they’re offered so widely.

The Olsa full length flex heads are the same, 6pt with those goofy grooves and the V-cut
I bought a set of cheap stubbies specifically for fucking with my air compressor, it's a vertical 60 gallon and the motor and compressor are crammed together atop it with little clearance. there are multiple bolts and fittings that require a stubby or crows foot to access. Only example I've got, but I guess I'm glad cheap options are out there compared to them being obscure and overpriced
Whenever I want to make myself mad I go watch his long nose plier video again. Jesus fucking christ if there's a vid he needs to remake it's that one. half the fucking video was testing the cutters, he didn't do a lateral pull test THE MOST IMPORTANT TEST, and the twist-force test I think was flawed

I'm going to build my own fucking pull-test rig and test the long nose pliers I own just because I'm fucking upset about it
best tool testing channel, but he needs to talk normal.
>how impatient are you? I like youtubers who talk normal, and don't do jump cuts to remove pauses and flubs
Pathetic boomer. YouTube shorts and tiktok are the future.
The eventual discovery of his 10-acre Fritzl-style underground compound is going to be amazing.
>Can anyone hear your screams?
>We're gonna test that!
>Woah, look at that damage!
he's no gord though
>Wow! check out those dance moves! Very impressive!
Test subject #3, running without head on fire. 29.2 seconds, best yet.
only in hell
How long are gonna keep posting this stupid fucking thread?
>bitches about thread
>bumps thread
you were a bottle baby, weren't you?
You thought Cousin Eddie wasn’t real…

Damn it’s Sunday, what did he test today?
>what did he test today?
Vacuum cleaners
Agreed, cutting is of secondary purpose for needlenose pliers and the common criticism that his progressive cutting of ridiculous things that are too hard and heavy duty for what is being tested is correct. I saw someone else say that the pliers whose heads were longer and more needlenose like (which is of course fine for this purpose) were incorrectly punished for the reduced leverage they offered. I do feel though that the twisting test was the most useful thing in the video though.
He tested the cutters on vise grips too. When was the last time you cut something with vise grips?
my problem with the twisting test is how the force was applied, I don't think the jaws being inserted into a larger piece of steel and that piece twisted reflects how the pliers are used, it should have been the pliers clamped down onto a flat piece of steel and then twisted so all the resistance was coming from inside the jaws instead of an external twisting force being stopped by the jaws.

the knipex pliers performed terribly in all his testing methods because none of what he tested reflected what long nose pliers are intended to do: manipulate materials in tight clearance spaces. the knipex pliers are fantastic at doing what they're intended to do, they're dogshit at working as holding pliers for random fasteners and cutting through fucking deck screws. I wanted to see him test how well the pliers could do a straight pull on various materials to test how well the teeth grab in that function, since that's my #1 use for them
>he appeals to redditors and boomers
>i watch his stuff
outted yourself fag
clickbait retard who trollishly designs his tests to be 100% useless for determining product quality. he might as well drop each one down a plinko chute and the winner is whatever falls into the right slot.
It’s not Todd’s fault that you didn’t buy Gearwrench like I recommended! Now you’re all Mr. Sandy Vajayjay over here
goddamn all those girls are hot...unlike the "females" of today with the tiktok freckles filters and other gay shit like that, they all look like clones
his review for the best string trimmer was absolute dogshit. he was comparing low end shit from one brand to high end shit from another brand, he could have at least bothered to get comparable and competing products instead of getting shit from completely different ranges and then acting like they weren't powerful enough, etc.
Le raging aids faggot face
He did that with some other power tools IIRC, like a Milwaukee Fuel vs the new budget brushed Ridgid. As if when you’re shopping for an oscillating tool, you’re trying to decide between a $200 Fuel bare tool and a $79 Xmas special entry level Ridgid with battery and charger.
>how impatient are you?
Extremely. I watch his videos at 2x speed, and everything else
Why wouldn't I do something in half the time if I can? Are you retarded?
You’re missing out on the entertainment value! You see the dancing jack stands?
>The whole premise of pc building/tech optimized ratcheting multi bit screwdriver is retarded.
It really isn't when you consider that the point of what they did in building it was to take a design they liked and optimize it for their own constant use case, which is working in server racks and building computers. Nobody was making a screwdriver they actually liked, so they built one they did and started selling it.
No hoover windtunnel 2 :(
I mean that EEV Blog guy designed his own multimeter after seeing so many meters focused towards electricians and HVAC dudes and industrial and automotive techs. If the market is missing something, design it and sell it!
>The whole premise of pc building/tech optimized ratcheting multi bit screwdriver is retarded.
bullshit. I love them. I had a craftsman and stored all the bits I needed in the handle. used it all the time because compaq and IBM had to use different screws from everyone else. security bits etc. all you needed when working on most computers fits in your back pocket.
on of the best youtube channels. but talks too fast.
>talks too fast.
>Playback speed
I watch most YT at 2x but for PF I slow down to 1.25
That's just me - youbu
This guy has the most annoying voice over ever. I'd watch his videos more of it wasn't foe his tv-shop style voice editing. He speaks likena fucking flex seal commercial. Fuck that.
hur dur
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Summary of most of this thread:
his older vids just from 2, 3 years ago have a different tone.
he's slowly trying to appeal to the YouTube algorithm with those new thumbnails
>Summary of most of the threads on this board:
they are a useful metric to see if you should spend more on a product to get features that may or may not be useless to you.
most of the time the bottom tier price point works for 99% of cases but maybe you can go up a tier or two if there are features that are important to you.

his testing is patterned more after real life situations.

Most other lab testing is about replicating certain conditions observed in real life, and testing to those conditions.

but you are right that his tests don't repeat very much. But they do weed out bad performers that won't last with their performance past a few uses pretty well.
harder =/= better and the ideal hardness is task/tool and material grade dependent.
This guy is alright for novices to the devices. While many of his tests seem more practical towards real world situations, there are many that just aren't even close.
It was when he did the fleshlight series that I decided I had seen enough and stopped watching his channel.

Coffee makers!
i hate this guy so much
>sample size of 1
>2 or 3 is pure lucky
>always uses amazon priced shit when other stores have better price fucking up scores in the end.
fuck this guy
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>didn't test bonavita
>didn't test moccamaster
I see he put in 0 research for this video
If you really care about that, he would have to test five samples from five different lots from each manufacturer to weed out manufacturing defects. A company can make excellent pliers, but if you are unlucky and you get the .01% that accidentally skipped the tempering and hardening process, they are going to bend on the first use.
But that's a mark against a company's QC if that can happen, as well.
>Most expensive one he gets for comparing most models consumers would buy is the $150 Makita cordless novelty
>Demand he buy two $350 coffeemakers
>makes $10,000 a month off Patreon alone
>thinks less than $1000 in a couple of coffee machines is too big an ask.
It just feels like going outside the reasonable range for those. Especially when he might be using that to buy a dozen chainsaws to test that month, too.
Except it's not unreasonable.
The entire point of his channel is how does low and to high end compare.
He didn't not buy them because he was cheap, he didn't buy them because he put 0 research into the video.
This >>2803889

That’s probably the best part of it. Seeing if the 3x price tag on the premium model is worth it or if the big box store model does 95% and the Amazon chinesium model is pretty good too.

My biggest complaint about the choices is that he will buy 4 of something from Amazon that are all the same rebranded cheap shit and/or listings with fake reviews that have been up for a month, but neglect a couple models you would find at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Walmart.
So tell him in the fucking comments that you think he should test higher end coffee makers as well next time he does a round up.
Just admit you were wrong.
Or you're just never going to be anything but a sad, malignant tumor on the internet who has to talk shit about everyone actually doing something.

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