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Holy shit, Reimu is 14 years old now. How do you think she's faring?
>tfw you are 40 yrs old
she's probably doing pretty bad since she doesn't exist and all
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33 here.
Why am I still here?
becuase you didnt have the balls to pull the trigger
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What're you talking about? I'm all Trigger!
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>People that were babies when 4chan started are not fully grown adults who have children of their own
What's the problem bud? Here's hoping for 33 more years of taking it easy.
I really should take it easy.
If anything we should be thankful it's lasted this long. The world changes and leaves people behind, but we're here forever.
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I cant leave because all my friends are here
Japanese Corndog.
Yeah same, I don't listen to my own advice. 30+ year olding is tough shit.
take it easy anon
Probably getting bullied, I hope.
Why so green?
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33 also.
You can never leave.
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I am 20 years old and I already went through 2 existential crisis 2 middle age crisis.
Same, I came to 4chan while still a kid, now a full grown middle aged adult. We wasted our lives but at least we're not as finished as the anons that discovered 4chan when they were already in their 30s, these niggas are now older than my dad oof what a disaster.
Well assuming her and her family are still in America, Reimu is going to be entering high school in a couple months. That's something interesting to think about.
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>New Jersey
Why is Reimu in that shithole?
Someone needs to fight aliens when Coop isn't around with MEGAS.
/jp/ anons who are 30+ years old should meet up and dress up as their favorite toohoo and have gay sex with each other
reimu was born in mombasa kenya.
new jersey is where her father was born.
Reimu born to a foreign military base soldier?
I am such an illiterate fuck, I immediately saw New Jersey and chimped out
Look at the scan, she was born in NJ State Hospital.
Her father is from Honolulu and her mother is blacked out but says USA as well. The father might be "Japanese-passing" enough to get away with the name.
Nevermind I'm a retard.
Too bad it's fake, we had a thread about this a few years ago and someone found the original birth certificate that jabroni used to fool everyone. What a cuck, at least Baby Sephiroth is real.
Still, I wonder if anyone actually did name their daughter Reimu..
I still can't believe there was people that believed it was real, there is 0% chance of anyone that lurks here to have a daughter that's not from rape.
He was one of those normalfags that browses jaypee

Just like the fuckers on the fumo thread
Odds are low, but never zero.
>fumo collectors are normalfags
When did this happen?
fuck it, lets go for it again

Would you name a daughter after a 2hu? Normal names like Marisa or Alice need not apply
Reisen will be my daughter's name.
Why yes I would name my daughter Wrigglenightbug or Clownpiece
You could probably get away with naming your daughter Hecatia
Probably not, cause as soon as she realizes I named her after a girl from a doujin series she'd no doubt think less of me.
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She'll probably become a boring whore with no appreciation for touhou anyway, so why bother?

On that note maybe I should name her Sanae
You see this is why you will never have a daughter
I thought I made it perfectly clear that I don't want one. I'm not raising a woman for 16 years with all my love and care just for her to have sex with random idiots or get into a relationship with a dunce.
Clownpiece because fuck you
Sanae the turboslut
Imagine being so cucked you have a daughter.
>Normal names like (...) Alice
Al*ce is a fat girl's name
Not very good in internet popularity polls, I'm afraid
Ironically, one of my friends is named Alice and she's the skinniest woman I've ever met.
anon, you have to introduce me to alice
Between her physique and height she'd honestly make a great Remilia cosplayer.
I've never worked in my life and have no long-term life prospects. Hook me up anon, surely this can work out.
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I feel like if you are a Touhou fan and want to name your daughter after a Touhou, you've got much better options that won't get her bullied in school.
My wife is pregnant and she liked the name Alice when I suggested it to her.
You went through a middle age crisis before you were middle aged?
Hearing about /jp/ anons having wives is always a strange thought. Where did you even meet? Do they have similar interests as you?
I would name her Maribel because I find the name to be cool for some reason

Also calling her Merry as a nickname sounds cute
I'd probably choose Marisa or maybe Yuuka as a name for a daughter
Want this a hoax? I remember some one talking about how it was photoshopped.
Wow your dad is still alive? I'm 33 as well and I miss my dad so much. I hope you still talk to him anon
Hopefully she's not posting here with the other 14 year old kids.
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Oh my god, Reimu is actually David!
my gf absolutely refuses (she knows about Touhou), but if I had my way, I'd name a kid Reimu

not surprising, (30s here) but still, damn
Thank you OSINT man
It's funny to say.
Momiji and Sanae are normal names, so they don't count either.
We met through a friend.
I keep my power level hidden; absolutely no one knows I am an Otaku.
Yuugi sounds like a fine name
I've known like three Marisas IRL, all of them have been fat negresses
>I keep my power level hidden
bro did you want to have children? I want to do my hobbies not wipe noses and have something attached to me after the age of 18. That's a forever thing not just childhood.
Both could be doctored pretty easily.
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I'm naming my child, Luna
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I was born in '03 and I'm getting married in a month.
Good luck, Anon!
I always thought Remilia sounded real enough. It's pretty.
I hope you get a stomach ache.
Thanks, anon.
Quiet, bat lover
>you were born the year 4chan got created and will mary next month at age 21
Why, though?
Should I kill myself?
was also born in 2003, congrats
No, just because one Anon is winning doesn't mean you're losing, you just have to get out there and give it your all.
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time keeps on moving.......sniff
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I thought it was a fake Obama certificate.
>the folds in all of these are exactly the same.
Good lord.
You’ll always have time to stop being a retard. I believe in you
Fake news. No way one of us has ever reproduced
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>Obama is secretly Reimu
Wrong, we reproduce by indoctrinating the kids of normaltards into NEETdom and burdenmaxing.
Meet up
My coworkers keep begging to know what kind of music I listen to. If only they knew the dark fate I’m trying to spare them
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Isnt Akyuu younger than Reimu?
So, people don't love the real you.
>Having to hide who you are to appease normalfags
I did what I had to do to reach this point
Mystia sounds nice. Remilia and Maribel, too, as other anons have said. There's also Parsee and Letty, which don't sound too weird.
And then, you can go the PC-98 way and name your daughter Sara or Elly, and call it a day. And of course, it gets easier if you and/or your partner are Asian.


nigga you gay, my wife plays Mystia's Izakaya, and we read Silent Sinner in Blue and Wild and Horned Hermit together.

Godspeed little brother!

Because we can all share our love for the 2hus here. Do you just use /jp/, or other boards, too? Because oddly enough, 4chan can be informative about some topics. If you know how to sift through the atrocious shilling, bot activity and shitposting, that is.
>Do you just use /jp/, or other boards, too?
I'm an oldfag who joined here back in February 2004 I still use /a/ and /m/ because there's modern anime I still greatly enjoy as well as the ocassional "pre-2000 anime" nostalgia thread, while /m/ is honestly the best place to discuss Kamen Rider.

I don't go to /co/ anymore, that place is painfully mindbroken, it's all ragebait. /v/ has been dead to me since 2008. /vr/ was great but it's turning on /v/ 2.0 real fast, but /vg/ might be a circlejerk but some generals can be fun.
Imagine hating your child so much you doom them to extreme bullying from their peers until they change their name. It would also mean you hate yourself, as your child will hate and disown you for that, but that's a common theme with 4channers anyway.
You're not a real /jp/sie if you have a 3DPD wife
W-what? I thought reimbursed to age in realtime?
Damn you autocorrect, now anon knows I posted on mobile.
You know, had you not added this, everyone would've just thought you're retarded like the others. Now you've dun exposed yourself.
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It defitnitely odd with how many anons in this thread talked about wife or children in general when the average stereotypical otaku are people who hate confronting to society norms. I saw the same things happening with someone who is deeply invested in anime or visual novel, only to find out that he's actually married and have like 1-2 kids while also wanting to share his hobby with them. I don't like this normalization of hobbyist culture where everyone stop being outcast weird and become normalfags.
What happened to all these die hard otaku who lives in their room, watch anime and read visual novels?
Society began pushing hard against Comic Book Guy as "someone you shouldn't be" and even he got sanitized and retonned into becoming "a better type of nerd" with a qt japanese wife.
>. I saw the same things happening with someone who is deeply invested in anime or visual novel, only to find out that he's actually married and have like 1-2 kids while also wanting to share his hobby with them. I don't like this normalization of hobbyist culture where everyone stop being outcast weird and become normalfags.

The thing is that these people were never true NEETs or otakus, they were just normalfags down on their luck.
It's because they aren't otaku at all, they're normalfaggots that come here to boeast about living a normalfag life that does not conform to otalu standards or customs.

If it means buying hundreds of fumos and anime figures to boast their wealth and social status, these normalfags would do it. Just look at the fumo thread. It's the best example of this.
I grew up, anon
hey now, I love my bootleg fumo daughteru you fuck.
Pissed me off. They can go be normal somewhere else. If you've got a family now make like a normie and drop your hobbies. Go be a good father or husband.
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Honestly, i always would have liked to get irl friends and a girlfriend who are also interested in touhou and other rather obscure animes... or just otaku stuff in general, but its insanely hard for me to find such people... (most anime cons only have FOTM fans) i guess i could go to a videogame con and see if i meet someone...
But even then, is it better to just remain alone? Is it not worth it to get a gf or a wife? I heard some anons regret doing that and miss being alone on their rooms.
I'm somewhat a Touhou Otaku, but I have a good social life and can get feminine affection, now I feel like I'm just a normalfag...

natural selection, anon
normies breed and otakus don't, therefore normies will proliferate and otakus won't
>these people were never true NEETs
anon do you know what a neet is?

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