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Unicorn actually. the whole incident is just a bunch of nothingburgers
All the non-Tomino UC content.
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You again?
Fuck off. The original Gundam became what it was thanks to people like Yas, Kenichi Matsuzaki and Hiroyuki Hoshiyama.
The bald coot's raw ideas have always been an incoherent mess. Or. like in the highlighted excerpt, cringey as fuck.
Take a look for yourself
Sorry you've never had an animal friend.
Is this supposed to change my mind or something?
Didn't watch second Igloo. What did it retcon?
there aren't any
Article 15 is the dumbest shit and you cannot convince me otherwise.
0083 and the other OVAs, maybe even AoZ a little.
There are 80 different machines that are all better than the Gundam Mark II, their new flagship MS, and the titans didn’t make use use of ANY of these things or their technology. That or they did use some, and then still lost somehow.
The fact that there are now not only a dozen or more Gundams active during the OYW but that they all manage to have top tier ace pilots too.
>t. soulless pet-eating insect
Unicorn's zeon apologist bullpoop
What the frick were they thinking?
But even so....
Aside from Fukui's stuff (Moon-Moon being a secret Newtype colony is so infuriating since Moon-Moon are my favourite individual Gundam episodes along with Break the World ), the retcon in Origin about how Char stole his name and joined Zeon. How lazy, implausible, and stupid.
>the retcon in Origin about how Char stole his name and joined Zeon.
That was just referencing material from the 80s. which already had Char stealing the identity of a "real Char". Although,yeah, it's still stupid, but it's not something Origin created out of nothing.
I don't have a problem with Char stealing his identity from someone else, but did it have to be an identical twin with different-coloured eyes? The most horrifying thing about it is the types of Unicorn-tier retcons it could spawn in the future, but fortunately that may not be outside a minor manga since Bamco is moving towards late UC with the Hathaway movies.
so G-reco happens after turn-A ;)
could he not pass off his eye color as a clerical error he couldn't be arsed to fix instead of wearing sunglasses at night
Past medical and biometric records would prove the old eye colour. They might also cross reference and compare with what the original Char Aznable's parents eye colour were, if someone were investigating his background.

Then again, it's completely retarded that he passed through all of Zeon military academy, medical checkups included, wearing sunglasses and visors the entire time.
Unicorn is up there but collectively it's probably all the OYW revisionist stuff like Thunderbolt where there are now numerous Gundams running around during the war all with crack aces behind the wheel, which completely invalidates Amuro and THE Gundam being the propaganda machine/symbol they were.
Why exactly am I supposed to dislike this
This. How were all of those things better than the 78-2 and running around like they’ve been in service for years? The 78-2 was only finished in September.
To this board everything is zeonwank.
Unicorn, The Origin. You can feel that they really missed the mark by making their favorite character/faction el sooper especiale con de leche.
The Zeon apologism has been really bad since Unicorn.
They added more MS into a part of the timeline where its too early for them to pop up. The most notable being the EF having Ground GMs at Odessa.
Thunderbolt is in its own seperate timeline. It's not part of the main UC animated timeline.
That Kamille didn't actually come up with and design the Zeta
How many prescriptions are you on?
>Didn't watch second Igloo. What did it retcon?

Besides the weird Shinigami character

introducing more Federation MS prototypes
This but completely unironically
The entire Zeon section of Igloo fellates the general noble cause and nature of the Zeonic fighter, turns every Federation fighter into faceless mafioso goons, retroactively adds a production flaw to GMs while also significantly rewriting the point of their deployment, and also allows the vast majority of its cast including the nameless kid cadet squad in totally-better-than-Balls escape with their lives.
The entire Federation section is virtually every single EF character dying exept for the one explicitly cast as an asshole.
Yeah, as dumb as Unicorn is I can at least sorta handwave that with "it was ultimately a pretty small scale conflict between a few families and everyone shrugged their shoulders at what is essentially an worthless piece of paper from decades ago".

All the OYW wankery stories not only made that part of the continuity overstuffed, but it also took away from the original series and what we're told is unique about Amuro and the RX-78. Never understood why the OYW is so favored when it's probably easier to justify your OC donut steel super prototype into the Zeta-CCA era.
>GMs at Odessa
Also shown in 08th.
>Show a guntank crushing a zaku

The second IGLOO 2 episode has one guy in that EF tank unit survive. Rayban Surat is his name, I believe.
Article 15 is dumb. The rest of Unicorn is nothing burger and even kind of cool(at least until it becomes God).
He's a zeekfag being sarcastic.
There are some things I don't like Igloo for, but it's is actually one of the only Gundam works to ever show GMs for example being threatening in a major capacity as well as to show Balls directly killing things.
>All the OYW wankery stories not only made that part of the continuity overstuffed, but it also took away from the original series and what we're told is unique about Amuro and the RX-78. Never understood why the OYW is so favored when it's probably easier to justify your OC donut steel super prototype into the Zeta-CCA era.

The original series was the only truly mainstream UC Gundam (or Gundam in general until SEED). Zeta and the others were successes with the hardcore public buying model kits, but they didn't have the popular culture presence that the original tv series eventually reached in reruns (where its ratings reached an average of even 17% once).

6.6% ratings for the mid 80s (when you still didn't have internet or advanced videogames competing with tv time) is pretty damn low. Lupin III part 3 for example was considered a black sheep and had the entire franchise ignoring it for years and going back to the Part 2's look due to the tv ratings falling to around Zeta's level (7%).

That's why you get so many people trying to fit in their One Year War story, with Zeta and CCA long behind the OYW (and even so most Zeta and CCA material are related to elements from the One Year War, like the Zeon fallout, rather than a bunch of AEUG/Titans centered side-stories for example).
Newtypes coming out of nowhere and being some important thing at the end of 0079
honestly, I think a big part of it is that the One Year War is a larger-scale conflict than the Gryps Conflict? the One Year War is a big contest between nation states, whereas the Gryps Conflict rides the line between insurgency and civil war the whole way through, and doesn't feel like it has as much space for new big battles to occur.
The fuck are you on about, shit like that happens all the time irl.
>government secret gets exposed
>outcry lasts a few weeks
>due to the comfy status quo, nothing changes
t. Yas
Episodes 1 and 2, nothing. It's a bit (a lot) corny but I like how it depicts how hopeless fighting MS are as infantry and tanks.
Episode 3 had an OC guntank prototype
My biggest problem with Igloo is how rubbery and hyper-exaggerated the motion of the mobile suits is.
>OC guntank prototype
Sorta. The RTX-44 was already mentioned in databooks and gunpla manuals since around the mid-2000s? Then the RTX-440 (they literally stuck a '0' onto the end of the model number) was introduced in MS Igloo 2 and is apparently a modification of the RTX-44. No picture or really any detailed information exists for the RTX-44, and I'm not even sure what changed exactly from the 44 to the 440.
Hi Deacon!
That was only the ships in the first episode.
Almost every One Year War story besides the original series. The Gundam was supposed to be this advanced, unique war machine that changed the tide of the war. But with all side stories there's dozens, maybe even hundreds of them in the same time frame.
>unique war machine that changed the tide of the war
The only reason it changed the tide was that Zeon dedicated an obscene amount of assets to hunting down White Base. The show is pretty damn clear that it doesn't actually believe in one fighter changing the course of anything.
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OYW is the only war with a true sense of scale. Stuff like the gunperry or other logistics vehicles that added alot of world building were dropped immediately after MSG, therefore, making wars like Gryps or CCA feel kinda insignificant and small scale. Also making battleships and other combat vehicles like the type 61 irrelevant for more pure MS v. MS combat ruined MSG's combined arms feeling. I feel author's have alot less to work with when it comes to making their stories when the world of anything afterwards MSG is just MS and boring identical space aircraft carriers. Compare that to MSG's two completely unique factions with their own vehicles and spaceships.
To be fair, Gryps and the Axis drop are explicitly much smaller scale in-universe too.

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