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Your car has broken down on the road.
The engine is pouring smoke.
There is a light mist in the air.
You can see the town ahead that you were driving towards.
[You] -> [Red Bottlecap]

You are a:
>Fog Spirit
>Write In
In addition, you are a:
>Townie. I live here. I am returning from an extended leave. I know the town and people. Easy.
>New Arrival. I moved here recently. I don't know most of the town or people in it. Medium.
>Out-Of-Towner. I do not live here. I know barely any of the town. People distrust me. Hard.
>Write In. Custom.
On top of that, you are a:
>Student. I have just finished my management degree. I am a good planner and organizer. ||Organized, +1 to Search rolls & ||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Lumberjack. I cut down trees and split logs for a living. I am strong. ||Burly, +1 to Might rolls & ||Axercise, +1 to Might rolls if using an axe
>Health Inspector. People dislike me in this town. I am worried. ||Disliked, -1 to Social rolls & ||Overspecialized, +1 to kitchen sanitary inspection rolls.
>Write In
>New Arrival. I moved here recently. I don't know most of the town or people in it. Medium.
>Student. I have just finished my management degree. I am a good planner and organizer. ||Organized, +1 to Search rolls & ||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
A Beast
>Out-Of-Towner. I do not live here. I know barely any of the town. People distrust me. Hard.
>Student. I have just finished my management degree. I am a good planner and organizer. ||Organized, +1 to Search rolls & ||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Supporting. We are a traveling business executive that is certainly NOT actually a beast wearing a human suit. We care about DELIVERABLES and RETURN ON INVESTMENT. We would NEVER consume the flesh of unsuspecting humans at night to sustain our horrific existence.
Backing Hard mode
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You are a beast of indeterminate gender. You are inconspicuous enough in your natural state to blend in among crowds of non-beasts.
You sometimes dine upon raw flesh. You have not eaten any humans before, but you could give it a try if you want.
You are not from this town and were travelling for an interview to work as financial manager at the Packard Sawmill.
You expect great things, as you are a recent graduate with a degree in Management Service.
Your name is:
>Alptraum The Beast
>Write In
>Write In
Rolled 1 (1d2)

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Your name is Lilith.
You begin walking towards the town.
There is a metal sign that reads "Kirk's Creek".

Beside the town sign is a pickup truck that has been converted into a food truck. It looks to be selling coffee, sandwiches and other quick lunch food.
The shutter is open and several food items are left on the bottom shelf. You see a ||Cold Coffee, a ||Lettuce & Pistachio Sandwich and a ||Blue Fungus.

You can't see anybody inside. You:
>Take something. [What?]
>Open the car door and look inside [Search (+1)]
>Continue into town.
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink

>Open the car door and look inside [Search (+1)]

Let’s take a Quick Look-see. If we get caught snooping, explain that we are interested in the profit margins on food trucks in the local area…
>Open the car door and look inside [Search (+1)]
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Rolled 18 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

You look inside the car. It is mostly unremarkable. One thing catches your eye, however...
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The glovebox is hanging open, with a ||Comedy Flashlight sitting inside. On the side of the flashlight, it says:

"Why'd the bike fall over?"

You decide to take the ||Comedy Flashlight and turn it on, shining it inside the car. The projected light says:

"It was two tired."

There are no signs of the driver in the car. You lean back and close the car door again.

>Take something. [What?]
>Continue into town.
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

Kek, are you giving us thermo-vision like we’re the Predator? If so, I applaud you

>Continue into town.

Let’s keep going
>Continue into town.
>>Continue into town.
>Take something. [What?]
Anything of value
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You leave the open truck alone and walk towards town. The mist seems a little thicker as you enter.
On the ground is a map. It doesn't look official. It has some labels on it.
[Circled] -> [Found]
[Crossed] -> [Cleared]

It looks like the Packard Sawmill is quite far away.
On your right is a parking lot. It looks mostly empty except for two sedans. Music is coming from one of them.
On your left is a gas station. There is a man fuelling his truck. He is wearing a suit.
Ahead, the road splits into two directions.

>Check out the car with music
>Go to the gas station
>Walk down the left road
>Walk down the right road
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
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Oops, posted the version without the bottlecap. Here's the right one.
>Go to the gas station
>Go to the gas station
>Go to the gas station
Imma beat you bottlecap ass nigga, I ain't playing boy
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You approach the man at the gas station. He smiles a little at you. He is wearing a business suit. You have seen plenty of these at university.
You would guess with almost certainty that this guy is called Tony.
You say:
>Nothing, and enter the store at the gas station.
>"What's up, Tony?"
>"My car is billowing smoke. Can you help?"
>"Die!" and then strike Tony with the ||Comedy Flashlight [Might -1. Bad Weapon -1]
>"How's it hanging, my guy? Big Tone, y'know. How the fuck are ya?"
>"This mist is a portent of something horrible to come. I can sense it."
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>"My car is billowing smoke. Can you help?"

>"My car is billowing smoke. Can you help?"

> "This mist is a portent of something horrible to come. I can sense it."
>Write In
Fr nigga, Imma bust you bitch ass. We ain't no playin nigga, this is my hood dawg. Imma get real with you boy. You trippin thug, give me all your money
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You tell him that your car is billowing with smoke.
He seems concerned, raises an eyebrow and says there is a mechanic in town called Roth who you can get to help you. He tells you to mention his name, Tony, and that Roth will come and service your car for free.
He points to the location on your map.

You are not sure if you want Tony or Roth to look at your car so they can fix it, or so you can eat him. It is unclear at this point.

>Ask Tony if he lives here
>Ask Tony what his job is
>Convince Tony to come look at your car [Social]
>Go to the mechanic
>Go inside the gas station
>Jab him in the neck with your car keys
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Write In
>Jab him in the neck with your car keys. I ain't playing with you homie, give me the dough playa. FR FR this is my hood thug, Imma get real with you boy. Where's my fucking money dawg. We inna make a blood sacrife for Mazela up in here
>Ask Tony what his job is
>Go to the mechanic
>>Jab him in the neck with your car keys
no witnesses.
>Convince Tony to come look at your car [Social]
>Convince Tony to come look at your car [Social]

There is no way this middle aged man doesn't want to tell us about how to fix a car
Rolled 3 (1d3)

Rolling between car key attack, mechanic or convince!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Alright, now rolling for outcome...
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You tell Tony that it is very urgent and that he looks like a guy who knows what it takes to fix a car.
He tries to sound humble.

"Suppose I do look like a reliable fella... Sure, I'll come look at your ride."

He pulls his car away from the gas pump and to the roadside, then begins to follow you back past the food truck and over to your car.
There is still smoke pouring from the engine.
He shakes his head and lifts the hood. He seems distracted. You could probably try to hurt him if you want to do that, or you could let him look at your car.

>Smash his head against the engine and drag him into the woods. [Might+1 (+1:Got Him Distracted)]
>Ask him if it looks serious and how long it might take to fix it [Social+1 (+1:Made Him Feel Reliable)]
>Let him try to fix the car, *then* eat him
>Say you want to work in this town, and inquire about his job [Social+1 (+1:Familiar With Suits)]
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Ask him if it looks serious and how long it might take to fix it [Social+1 (+1:Made Him Feel Reliable)]
>Smash his head against the engine and drag him into the woods. [Might+1 (+1:Got Him Distracted)]
Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>Ask him if it looks serious and how long it might take to fix it [Social+1 (+1:Made Him Feel Reliable)]
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Tony leans out from the car and turns to you.
"Something to do with the fluids. Stuff leaking everywhere, looks like it might be brake fluid. Sorry, stranger, but you'd do best to take it to Roth."
You don't really like being called stranger, so you tell him your name is Lilith. He shakes your hand and begins to return to the gas station.
Following behind, you notice the music has stopped from the parked car.

>Investigate the now-quiet car [Search+1 (+1: Organized)]
>Go inside the gas station
>Murder Tony with the ||Comedy Flashlight before he gets away! [Might-2 (-1:Missed Your Chance, -1:Bad Weapon)]
>Continue into town
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Go inside the gas station
>Investigate the now-quiet car [Search+1 (+1: Organized)]
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You step inside the gas station. You see out of the large windows that Tony gets into his car and drives into the town.
Inside there are a few shelves with snacks and small miscellaneous items such as lighters, pocket flashlights and fridge magnets. A particularly blue ||Frog Magnet sticks out to you for some reason.

Beside a set of fridges containing chilled drinks, there is a large corkboard with some posters on it. They advertise things like a church sale, a community center youth trampolining activity and a family picnic at the Packard Sawmill. There is also a large leaflet that says "REPORT CRIME. BE VIGILANT." that looks rather official.

There is nobody behind the counter. A radio can faintly be heard from the backroom. It is playing a song you vaguely recognise. The door to the backroom is half-open and the lights are on.

[Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBd46BbdTfs ]

Multiple courses of action are always allowed to be voted for. You decide to:

>Take the ||Frog Magnet
>Look closer at the shelves for stuff to buy [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
>Tap on the counter for service
>Go into the backroom
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
Sorry anon, had already typed the post up, didn't see your vote!
>Take the ||Frog Magnet
>Look closer at the shelves for stuff to buy [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
>Tap on the counter for service
>Write In (Kill anyone you see and start making blood sacrifices to Queen Mazela)
>Take the ||Frog Magnet
>Look closer at the shelves for stuff to buy [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]

Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolling for shelf-searching!
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You take the ||Frog Magnet and pocket it without paying. It doesn't look like there are any security measures by the front door for such things, and you don't see any CCTV cameras either. While assessing this, you see that the mist outside has gotten slightly thicker.

You start scouring the shelves for anything interesting to buy when you realise you don't have any money or a wallet on you. It might be in your car. You can just take anything that interests you, since nobody is watching. You see a ||Pack of Batteries that might come in handy for use with your ||Comedy Flashlight, so you take it.

The song that was playing continues. You get the feeling the employee is probably on break or something along those lines. You are beginning to feel slightly hungry. The last time you ate was about five hours ago when you had a hamburger and salad before setting off to drive to Kirk's Creek.

>Leave the gas station and go into town.
>Go into the backroom.
>Tap on the counter for service.
>Eat the ||Frog Magnet
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Write In
Kill anyone you see and start making blood sacrifices to Queen Mazela. Eat some of the body parts in order to satisfy your blood thirst, but before you do that you should Tap on the counter for service
> Go into the backroom
>Go into the backroom.
>Tap on the counter for service.
You walk straight into the backroom of the gas station. A spotty-faced guy in his late teens is sitting with his legs up at a small wooden table. He is sitting on a plastic lawn chair and looks to have been reading a pornographic magazine. He fumbles the magazine and drops it on the floor before shouting.

"What the hell!? Can't just walk back here, lad-, uh...sir? Listen, you person of indeterminate gender, you can't be here!" he shouts.

You don't think he has ever used the word 'indeterminate' in his life before. Odd. It does make sense that you can't just walk into the backroom. Looking around, you see a shitty-looking stove and countertop as well as a standing fan that is whirring away. Some cardboard boxes are piled up in various spots, with a CD player sitting atop one of them. It's a pretty small and sparse backroom.

>Apologize and leave.
>Apologize and ask a question.
>Say "Fuck you, do your job, idiot."
>Ask if he can come and fix your car. [Social-2 (-1:Out-Of-Towner, -1:Pissed Off)]
>Murder and eat him, you are getting a bit hungry. [Might+1 (+1:He's Sitting Down)]
>Ignore him and search the room [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
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Image attached.
>Write In
>Watcha say boy, you think you're a gang banger? I should knock yo ass out. You better be playing thug or I'll beat yo ass. I told you FR FR. I don't like yo ass, I'm done with you, stop playing me nigga, now I'll steal some shit from you because you made me almost go skrit on yo ass boy
>Ignore him and search the room [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
>Apologize and leave.
Time to go to that mrchanic I've been hearing about
>Apologize and leave.
>Apologize and ask him to take us to the restroom.
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You quickly apologize and leave the backroom, hearing the door shut behind you. You're surprised he actually went back to looking at the magazine.

You step out of the gas station and into the open air. You decide to head towards the mechanic that Tony indicated on your map, which you can see is rather close to your location.

However, as you cross the road, you are accosted by a strange vision. Visions are not entirely new to most supernatural entities; for instance, daemons will receive them almost daily. But as a beast, you are never expecting one when it comes.

You see a swirling, twisting shape of indescribable color. Every time you begin to process what it looks like, the colors shift and it recedes further into the dark. After that, a vision of incredibly foggy streets with guttural grunting and growls emanating from them. You see people being ushered into a nearby building before the door is slammed shut with a resounding thud.

>Dive deeper into the vision
>Climb out of the vision

You have:

You are:
>Climb out of the vision
>Dive deeper into the vision

We ain't scared of some punk ass hallucinations, we be dropping LSDs and shrooms on daily basis ma boys
is it grunting or is it growls? pick one
cobwon doey
>Dive deeper into the vision

Real schizo hours
> Dive deeper into the vision
>Dive deeper into the vision
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You push yourself deeper into the vision, closing your eyes and clearing your mind.
You see thin, wispy figures, similar to fog spirits but much more emaciated. They run past you in huge crowds, pushing eachother.
You also see your car, absorbing smoke from the atmosphere, pulling it into itself. Then it explodes. The pieces begin to crawl back together and reassemble, before the process repeats again.

You find yourself coming back to reality. You're slumped against the wall of a building on the opposite side of the street from the gas station. Shakily, you get back up. It looks a bit darker, you must have been laying there for some time. Did nobody see you?

The mist also seems thicker once again. You can see a fair distance in front of you, but distant buildings are completely shrouded.

>Go into the mechanic's shop
>Check your car hasn't exploded
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Go into the mechanic's shop
>Check your car hasn't exploded
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You walk down the street, passing a few houses and a large, industrial building. There's a sign above but it is obscured in the fog, so you can't make it out very well. Nobody else seems to be outside. As you approach the mechanic shop, you see that the large shutter has been pulled down, which probably means they're closed. There is a metal door with a small window, leading into the front desk.

>Try the handle
>Bang on the shutter
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Write In:
Look around the building for anything interesting before trying the door
>Go into the mechanic's shop
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You walk around the exterior of the building, trying to gauge anything interesting. There's some poorly-done graffiti on the wall. Around the back of the building is another street.
There is a backdoor leading into the mechanic's shop. It is similar to the one at the front but without a window. You try the handle. It is unlocked.

>Enter through the back
>Enter through the front
>Bang on the shutter
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>Enter through the back
[Also love ur work so far :D]
>Enter through the back
Hell yea ma nigga, we gonna bust a cap in their asses and rob em
Shout "Hello? I'm coming in! " before entering.

If we enter silently, we look like a burglar and aren't as likely to get help OR the opportunity to eat them, if we go that route, as they'll be on guard.
>Enter through the front
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You slowly push open the back door, making your presence known.
"Hello? I'm coming in." you shout, receiving no response.

The backdoor has led you into the primary room; two large lifts to hoist and hold cars, neither of which are currently occupied. There are a few carts with wheels as well as metal countertops around the corners of the room. You can see through a small window into the front office at the opposite side of the room, right beside the metal shutters. There's also a wooden door near you.

You don't see anybody around, but you can hear sounds of movement coming from the wooden door.
>Go into the front office from the back
>Open the shutters
>Shout again
>Open the wooden door

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
> Open the wooden door
>>Open the wooden door
>Shout again
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You open the wooden door to a small storage room filled with mechanical parts on two broad shelving units. A well-built man with a permanently-etched smirk on his face is facing you. He's wearing a navy blue jumpsuit covered in oil stains. He doesn't look happy to see you, despite his expression.

"Fuck're you!? Fuck're you doing here!? You been in the fog, ya crazy!?" he shouts, pointing at you. He is holding a heavy wrench in his other hand.

>"What's wrong with the fog?" [Social-1 (-1:Out-of-Towner)]
>"No?" [Social-1 (-1:Obviously Lying)]
>"Are you Roth?"
>Attack! [Might]

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>"Are you Roth?"
>"Stop goffin with me thug I ain't got time for this. Are you Roth young blood?"
>>Attack! [Might]

We're not likely to be able to feast on a human in "self defense" again. We'll figure out some solution for our car later. Let's feast. We're hungry. So hungry.
>"What's wrong with the fog?" [Social-1 (-1:Out-of-Towner)]
lets play innocent and naive, then, when he puts down the wrench we can proceed with >>6001609
>"What's wrong with the fog?" [Social-1 (-1:Out-of-Towner)]
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

"What's wrong with the fog?" you ask, keeping rigid on the spot as not to provoke the man.
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Should be -1, so it'd be 3/20.
The man in the jumpsuit pulls a snarling expression before taking a step towards you. You get the feeling he is not going to talk. This feeling is strengthened when he swings the air in front of him with the wrench. He's foaming at the mouth, actually. Clumps of white froth, like he has rabies. It narrowly misses you as you step back.

>Try to disarm him [Might]
>Appeal to sanity [Social-3 (-3:Mouth Foaming)]
>Strike him in the head with the ||Comedy Flashlight [Might-1 (-1:Bad Weapon)]
>Block him inside this room
>Run out of the building
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
>>Write In
Flex our digits to expose our claws. Which we probably have. I hope.
Then slash the fucker. If we have claws.
>Try to disarm him [Might]
Jesus did ya guys already forget?
>Write In "Calm down Tony sent us!"

>If that fails try to disarm him
Rolled 6 (1d20)

If you had some kind of beastly implement such as claws, you would definitely use them now. But you don't. Being a beast is not that cool.
You step back again as he approaches, trying to explain that Tony referred you. You assume this is Roth because of the jumpsuit and the fact he is in this mechanic's shop. There's a glimmer of recognition when you say the name Tony. But he continues to slowly move towards you, out in the open room now.
You decide to try and disarm him...
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Attempting to disarm your assailant, you essentially just run towards him and grab at his hands. When he smacks you in the face with his free hand, then pushes you onto the ground, you barely manage to roll out of the way before he swings down and hits the ground with his heavy wrench.
That did not work. You scramble to your feet, situated in the middle of the room now. He's still slowly encroaching on you. When he first spotted you, he was coherent. But now, it feels like he is entirely zoned out, mouth frothing in a grotesque way.

>Bolt out the front door [Agility+1 (+1:Young)]
>Quickly grab a heavy object as a weapon [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
>Use the ||Comedy Flashlight to attack [Might-1 (-1:Bad Weapon)]
>Say his name to him [Social-2 (-3:Mouth Foaming, +1:Glimmer of Recognition)]
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
Ah right, guys out of it we shoulda said it when we first came into the damn place. Right should we keep trying (and probably failing) at convincing em to stop acting like a moron or do we make a run for it?
>>Quickly grab a heavy object as a weapon [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]

Take a moment to feel sad about our lack of claws, and then grab something. It's a mechanic's shop, right? There's gotta be some span-dangle or doohickey we can smash his head open with. It's self defense.

But mostly, I think we should eat him. Or at least poke around his insides. It's just... feels right, yknow? He feels like prey to me. Despite currently beating our asses. Still.
>Quickly grab a heavy object as a weapon [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
Nigga Imma fuck you up
>Bolt out the front door [Agility+1 (+1:Young)]
>>Quickly grab a heavy object as a weapon [Search+1 (+1:Organized)]
>Bolt out the front door [Agility+1 (+1:Young)]
Later virgin
>Bolt out the front door [Agility+1 (+1:Young)]
>Bolt out the front door [Agility+1 (+1:Young)]
You take off, running towards the front door and grabbing the handle. You hear him clambering after you, no longer walking...
Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Probably helps if I actually put something in the dice field...
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Thankfully, the door is unlocked. It swings open and you run out into the street, which as usual is even foggier than it was before. You can hear what sounds like a man screaming to your left, and the sounds of running footsteps to your right...

You spin around and see the door to the mechanic's shop slam shut. It seems like he didn't want to follow you outside. Something... inherent to you and your sensibilities tells you that you shouldn't stay outside for too long.
[Fog Level will now be displayed in any exterior posts, or when peering out a window]

>Run towards the screaming on your left
>Run towards the footsteps on your right
>Run back towards the gas station
>Go back inside the mechanic's shop [Strategy-1 (-1:Stupid Idea)]
>Run to your car [Agility (+1:Young, -1:Not Nearby)]
>Stay perfectly still [Strategy-10 (-10:Internal Feeling)]
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium
>Run towards the screaming on your left
Must be a party guys, let's go
>Run towards the footsteps on your right
>>Run towards the footsteps on your right
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You quickly pick up speed, running in the direction of the footsteps. You can make out figures in the mist, one ushering others with a broad handwave towards a doorway. The figure lowers his arm and hesitates for a moment, giving you an instant to think. It feels similar to your vision, or at least the part about human figures running indoors with misty weather. Maybe you could rush in with them, last second? Get some answers about what the fuck is happening right now?

>Try to run inside, pushing past the doorway figure [Might]
>Call out and run towards them
>Approach slowly, shout "What's going on?" [Social]
>Move on, no need to get involved
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium
>Approach slowly, shout "What's going on?" [Social]
Yo nigga, what's cracka lackin?
>Approach slowly, shout "What's going on?" [Social]
>Try to run inside, pushing past the doorway figure [Might]
>Approach slowly, shout "What's going on?" [Social]
Rolling for social!
You slowly move towards the shape, shouting out "What's going?" before they can leave...
Rolled 19 (1d20)

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The figure hesitates in the doorway, before making the same ushering gesture to you and shouting out in a wavering, frightened voice.

"Get inside, quick! It's dangerous out here. The fog is bad news."

The figure in the doorway grips the handle of the door tight. It's clear that they're about to shut the door if you don't come inside.

>Ask for further clarification
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium
I mean, obviously. They're gonna slam the door in our face.
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Ceasing your hesitation, you run towards the figure. You can see as you get closer that it is a bearded ginger man with thick black-framed glasses.

You enter the building. It is a flower shop. A large glass window to the outside is present with a display of potted plants. There are ceramic pots with lilies, chrysanthemums, daffodils and tulips amongst a variety of others. It is quite spacious for what you would expect from a florist's shop. On the countertop is a cash register and a ||Marked Calendar. You can see behind the counter there is a door with a "Toilet" sign.

Sitting on a wooden stool near the counter is a short black woman with messy black hair. She is looking at her ||Hand-Me-Down Phone. A young boy wearing a "Satellite Six" shirt is resting his head against her leg.

There is also a woman wearing a striped apron. She seems to be in her 50s or 60s, and looks mostly undisturbed, although she is panting and wheezing from running inside.
The ginger man closes the door, turning the key in the door handle and ensuring it is locked.
This is all very overwhelming.

>Ask the entire room what exactly is going on. [Social-1 (-1:Out-Of-Towner)]
>Speak to the woman & boy
>Speak to the older lady
>Speak to the ginger man
>Gaze into the fog
>Figure it out yourself and present your theory [Strategy, Requires Write In]
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium
>>Ask the entire room what exactly is going on. [Social-1 (-1:Out-Of-Towner)]
>Speak to the woman & boy
Im guessing the fog either drives people batshite or its a The Mist scenerio regardless probably best to just do some small talk for now we can't exactly afford to flub a social check this time around considering how many people are in ere.
>Figure it out yourself and present your theory [Strategy, Requires Write In]
This must be the fucking chemtrails everyone has been talking about in the news. The government wants us all dead, they're experimenting on us to make us wage cuck who obey rules, don't question authority and always pay their taxes but the experiment must've gone HORRIBLY WRONG
>Ask the entire room what exactly is going on.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolling, minus one!
You're a little worried that nobody will trust you, considering how many people are in here. However, you decide to ask them what exactly is going on in a straightforward way, addressed to the entire room...
8-1 = 7
In a stressed, unsure voice you shout out to the room.
"What the hell is going on in this town? What's wrong with the fog, exactly!?"
You don't think you came across very well, because the older lady simply scoffs and ignores you. The woman on her phone glances at you, seems to pause as if she's about to speak, but then turns her head back to her phone.
The young boy looks you straight in the eye and puts his hands up in a mock-intimidation.
"Muwdehwews and Monstews! Mom says they come out in the fwog!"
You look at your ||Frog Magnet quizzically before realising he meant 'fog' and not 'frog'.

From behind, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You spin around and the bespectacled ginger man is looking at you with a deadly serious expression.
"Dude, you seriously don't know? This town... it's a place where mysticism and the terrors of unreality meet together at a convergence point of, well, total dread. It's just so utterly unsettling whenever this happens. The fog, it rolls in... people get driven crazy easily, and things start to manifest in such a terrifying way. It happens pretty often, this terrible venture into the darkness of our world, but usually in a very minor way. Just.... minor incidents, a few people get harmed and nothing more comes of it... but this is a serious one, I've heard it doesn't often get to this level much... maybe a few times a decade, hmm... you're lucky I got you inside, ma'am. Or sir. Not sure about that, but this day just gets stranger and stranger, and I can't help but try to reconcile my emotions with this whole thing. Jeez, this... this just sucks."

You don't really get a chance to but in or say anything, but this guy has just delivered some very pertinent information in a very verbose, annoying way. You just nod in response, trying not to show any disdain for him. This is all so much, you feel yourself sweating from stress and not just physical exertion.

>Ask him to explain it simply, and how this is possible
>Ask the rest of the room if what he's saying is true
>Freak out and panic [Acquire New Trait]
>Sit down and try to calm your nerves
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium
>Ask the rest of the room if what he's saying is true

>>Write In
>excuse ourselves to the toilet
since these people are alive i doubt they have seen the worst the fog has to offer while more mumbling about crazies (who we have already met btw) and incidents wont lead to much.
the only person who might know something interesting is the old lady, but lets map the building first.
also, when we return, with the attention lifted from us, it should be less awkward to peak at that calendar
>>Write In
We still haven't got a chance to eat anyone. Are we hungry? I feel like we're hungry.
That child looks edible.. Just putting it out there. We're not eating the child. Probably.

Maybe we should just sit down.
>Sit down and try to calm your nerves
>Sit down and try to calm your nerves
>Freak out and panic [Acquire New Trait]
New trait poggies
>>Sit down and try to calm your nerves
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You sit down in an unoccupied corner, nestling yourself between two hefty flowerpots. You try to breathe normally. You're feeling thirsty and a little bit hungry. You're also sweaty now, so you pick up a tissue from a box of them by the counter and wipe your brow.

About half an hour passes with you and the others sat inside the florist's shop. During this time, the ginger man talks to you, mostly *at* you, about himself and the town. He says his name is Axel, that the older lady is Janine and that the woman and kid are called Bella and Milo. None of the others pay you much attention.

You are not surprised by the fact supernatural creatures roam during the fog. After all, you are a beast, and are familiar with daemons and ruins that blend in among the populace. Most are not malicious, even if they have predispositions towards certain behaviour.
What does surprise you is that he describes entities you have never heard of before. Fog spirits, tendrilled beings, inhabiting malevolent forces... all sorts of things that you've never even seen a Wikipedia page about.
It does make you wonder whether you should reveal your beastly status to the others here.

>Keep it to yourself, for your own safety
>Ask a probing question about beasts to determine the attitude
>Reveal your beastly nature in hopes that it may come in handy

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium
>Ask a probing question about beasts to determine the attitude
>>Keep it to yourself, for your own safety
>Ask a probing question about beasts to determine the attitude

Wait, are we a weird fog monster? What do we really remember before we arrived in this town?
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>>Keep it to yourself, for your own safety
i feel reminded how chatGPT cant write evil/blood thirsty characters because at the first chance given they become cartoon villains who deep down only want love and acceptance
>Keep it to yourself, for your own safety
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You are a Beast, not a Fog Spirit! You can remember being a student with a management degree.
...OK? It was never indicated we were evil, and people haven't taken it in that direction yet.
You decide to keep your beastly nature to yourself. After all, what benefit could you gain by getting these people to distrust you?
Janine makes a passing comment to you about how "things used to better" in this town before they "started letting all the foreigners in", which elicits a skeptical look from most people in the room. She leans over a small display of plants to look out the large window, seeing that the fog has started thinning slightly.
Axel joins her, nodding his head enthusiastically.
"This cruel force should be back to manageable levels soon, or so I hope..." he says to nobody in particular.

>Just wait until it dissipates and head outside
>Leave and go somewhere else (Where?)
>Talk to somebody (Who?)
>Check out the bathroom
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium
>Check out the bathroom

>Check out the bathroom

You’d think that the residents would be more prepared for these fog crises if they happen every 3-5 years
>You’d think that the residents would be more prepared for these fog crises if they happen every 3-5 years
You'd think that the residents of planet earth would be more prepared for these financial crisis if the happen every 7-10 years... kek, if you want to prepare for something bad then you need to think about it, people don't like thinking about bad stuff, they just pretend it'll never happen then act surprised when it does
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You mention to Axel that you'd assume the townsfolk would be more accustomed to these incidents if they're so common. He shrugs and says that most people just stay indoors and fine, and that if you're out in the commercial area, hunkering down in a store for a few hours is usually advisable. Janine gives you a glare and assure you that everyone is "perfectly capable" and that "usually only city slicker fuckers like you" end up being the ones who get hurt, or even die...
You decide, given the awkwardness, that now would be a good time to excuse yourself to the bathroom. Axel ruffles through his pocket and hands you the staff key.
In the bathroom there is a small sink, a toilet and a toilet brush. There's also a slightly cracked mirror on the wall.

>Tidy your hair up
>Stay in here until you hear the others leaving
>Take a piss
>Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls

Fog Level: Medium (Lowering)
if trait == good then >Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]
else >Take a piss
>Throw up
>Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]

>Throw up

I’m a little grossed out but I guess we have to know what the trait is, lol
>>Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]
Yeah. We weren't hungry, so that weird feeling must be something else. A worm, maybe. Get it out.
>>Throw up [Unlocks New Trait]
why not?
> before exiting back in a hurry, open the window and let the fog in
You feel the stress of the situation hit you all at once, and instinctively drop to your knees and hunch over the toilet. You throw up, leaving a nasty mess that you quickly flush away. You rinse your mouth out with water from the sink, and make sure you didn't get any on your clothes.
Often times, you find yourself feeling physically sick when you are stressed out.
On one occasion, you were nearly mugged and spent the next two hours with a bucket sitting in front of you.
Another time, you felt very sick but, finding yourself in the right climate for it, gorging yourself on a coyote immediately suppressed your sickness. Probably something instinctive in the Beastly part of you.
[New Trait Acquired: Stress Eater, prone to sickness, +1 to all rolls for two hours after eating raw flesh]

>Leave the bathroom
>Wait until the fog has dissipated
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
||Stress Eater, prone to sickness, +1 to all rolls after eating raw flesh
Fixing a mistake.
You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
||Stress Eater, prone to sickness, +1 to all rolls for two hours after eating raw flesh
>>Leave the bathroom
>Write In
Make a blood sacrifice to queen Mazela using your vomit in order for the wind to start blowing the fog away then leave the bathroom and tell the folk that a gust of wind is imminent since you're an air shaman
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You step back into the main room of the florists, mostly ignored by the people around the room. Axel turns to you and looks like he is about to say something, but both of you are drawn to a particularly grating sound. It sounds like a rapid tapping or buzzing, gradually getting louder.
The others around the room also hear it and seem to freeze up.
Axel raises his hand in the air towards you, balling it into a fist and giving you a concerned stare.
A few seconds later, something lands on the glass window. Then, another something. Two more, then three more. Within ten seconds, there are about a dozen large insects skittering around the glass. They look like beetles, but with long dangling feelers at the end of their heads that leave little residue stains all over the glass as they move.
Axel maintains his gesture from earlier.

>Copy his gesture, raising your hand and balling it into a fist?
>Stay perfectly still, not moving an inch?
>Slowly walk towards Axel?
>Write In?

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
||Stress Eater, prone to sickness, +1 to all rolls for two hours after eating raw flesh
>Stay perfectly still, not moving an inch?
Probably for the best.
>Stay perfectly still, not moving an inch?
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You stand perfectly still, not moving even slightly. Axel nods, almost imperceptibly, in affirmation that you're doing the right thing. The bugs continue to crawl around the window, covering it in thin mucus. After thirty seconds pass, they begin to fly away, a few at a time.
Once the situation seems safe, you approach the window and look out, seeing the occasional large insect flying through the sky. There's a car parked outside, barely visible now that the mist has started to recede somewhat. It looks like somebody is inside, as there is a figure in the front seat vaguely in the shape of a person.
Axel joins you and shakes his head. "That poor soul must be utterly terrified at this situation. I mean, can you imagine the depths of terror you would feel to be stuck in a contraption with so many windows, with those insectoid menaces plaguing you?" he says before turning his attention elsewhere.
With no other course of action at the moment, you sit down and wait for the fog to recede some more. It is a quiet hour before you look again and see that it has pulled back significantly. Janine opens the door and steps out, unfettered by this now-light mist.
Soon, the others follow suit, surveying the extent of damages on the street. It looks mostly normal. You can see a pile of dead bugs near a large building across the street with people emerging from it.
Back in the direction you came from originally, you hear some shouting. Other people seem to be walking that way to investigate.

>Go towards the shouting from whence you came
>Check out the dead bugs across the street
>Go back to the mechanic, get your car fixed and leave this town
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
||Stress Eater, prone to sickness, +1 to all rolls for two hours after eating raw flesh

Fog Level: Low
>Go back to the mechanic, get your car fixed and leave this town
This is the direction we came from anyway so two birds with one stone.
>Check out the dead bugs across the street
Can switch to this.
Apologies for the radio silence. Stressful week. I'll update tomorrow.
You head in the direction of the mechanic's shop, towards the shouting. As you approach, you see the distinct shape of a man on the ground, sprawled out. He's wearing casual clothes, with a white t-shirt splattered with fresh stains. A crowd of people are arguing around him, pointing at eachother. You can hear crying as well. There is blood leaking from the man's head. Nobody seems to be attempting to help him.
You instinctively feel a pang of hunger when you see the blood. Can't be helped, even though you've never eaten a person. Seeing an open wound just does that to you.

>See if he's still alive
>Ask why people are arguing [Social-1 (-1:Out-Of-Towner)]
>Just walk past and try and go inside the mechanic's shop
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
||Stress Eater, prone to sickness, +1 to all rolls for two hours after eating raw flesh

Fog Level: Low

>See if he's still alive

And if he’s dead, we can volunteer to bury him. And maybe sneak a quick snack while we’re at it…
>Write In
What the fuck are you doing you fucking animals, stop arguing and call an ambulance.
You rip up your own clothing and you bandage him
This will net us a free repair, I guarantee it
You approach the man on the ground, moving past a few of the surrounding folks. People seem to eye you with natural suspicion - they don't recognise you, of course.
You can see that he is very still, and does not seem to be conscious.
One woman leans in to you and says there is no point checking his breathing, as he is dead.
Looking closely at the bloody wounds, you can see large precisely-sized holes dotted across his shirt. They are about the width of a pencil.
One man mutters something about bugs. Did the insects from before get to him?

>Head inside the mechanic's shop
>Ask what happens now
>Try to search his pockets
>Write In

You have:
||Car Keys
||Pen With Black Ink
||Comedy Flashlight
||Pack of Batteries
||Frog Magnet

You are:
||Organized, +1 to Search rolls
||Young, +1 to Agility rolls
||Stress Eater, prone to sickness, +1 to all rolls for two hours after eating raw flesh

Fog Level: Low
>Try to search his pockets
Damn, I didn't know we were jewish kek
>Ask what happens now
>Head inside the mechanic's shop
Only answer that makes sense really searching his pockets for no reason is just asking for the crowd who is currently staring daggers at our backs to go ape shit and what the hell do we honestly expect them to say that could possibly be good for us by asking "what happens now" that's something someone asks before they get their ass kicked.
Sorry to cut this thread short, but I've been exceptionally busy IRL in recent time and I don't expect it to let up soon. If someone can archive, I can pick up in Thread #2 next week.

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