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I know one case where whole family (parents + daughter) died taking Astrazeneca. that's why I opted for mRNA.
I even hedged my bet by splitting my shots between of Moderna and Pfizer so the possible (bad) effects average out.
if you took it years ago and haven't been bosting you probably would've noticed by now if something was wrong.
unless the turbo-cancer meme is real and has more basis then just "cancer line go up", then I'd be worried. not sure what you can do in that case though, I don't think you can easily walk right into a doctor's office and get a detailed and accurate full body screening with 0 symptoms
pfizer and moderna are mrna based vaccines, the astra vaccine is not mrna based and as a result carries some of the risks that covid does (in this case, clots)
this isn't even the reason it got withdrawn, it's cuz it couldn't compete
>I know one case where whole family (parents + daughter) died taking Astrazeneca
vaxxxie holocaust best day of my life
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Why are they finally changing the narrative?
Get your igg4 levels tested and I'll tell you
>Please tell me the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe anon.
>I even hedged my bet by splitting my shots between of Moderna and Pfizer so the possible (bad) effects average out.
Don't worry, Anon. Nothing bad is going to happen.
You just need to believe.
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Have you started shopping for funeral plots yet?
They aren't safe, if you took them you will probably die of them
>I know one case where whole family (parents + daughter) died taking Astrazeneca
what was their name ?
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This alone speaks volumes to the right observer
some people aren't all that observant
Its telling that the same type of shilling used in goyslop commercials was effective in selling the covid vax
>Please tell me the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe anon
I'm not a doctor nor a vaccine researcher, sorry
goyslop is not as toxic or harmful as the vax was
Its best to avoid both
If the side effect is rare then how is it dangerous?
Way more people have died of diabetes, obesity, and other goyslop-caused illness than of vaxxes. Yet.
>tell me the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe.
The government never required my employer to fire me for not having obesity or refusal to eat processed slop.
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All covid vaccines are safe and excess deaths is purely due to covid
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it really does. This video is just amazing. If you don't find anything wrong with this video then you are SCIENTIFICALLY an NPC.

I treat NPCs like slaves in real life and it works beautifully. They literally do not understand the level of psychological damage that has been done to them. Once you understand the programming you can then use it to your advantage.

Thank you leftists for all your money. I stay rich, you stay poor and vaxxed lol
Astrazeneca caused clots when a you had a special type of molecular bind point on your platelets (PF4-dependent). The types of antigens it produced caused clots to activate or something.
>I know one case where whole family (parents + daughter) died taking Astrazeneca
Whatever the specifics of it were, it was very likely genetic. thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome was the condition it induced. I looked all this shit up because I was in the at risk demographic (1 in 30,000) when I took it.

They figured this out in the early days, and a very effective treatment plan was devised - making it the safest vaccine when all was said and done, so long as you were within range of a hospital within a few hours of developing symptoms. The public opinion on it was absolutely destroyed by that point so it didn't really matter and they had to scrap it.
I'm currently working minimum wage at a theater. How can I take advantage of normie cattle?
If you have to ask then you are not smart enough to do it. Smart little kids realize very fast the truth about the world. At 18yo they already have a decade of experience monetizing normies' stupidity.
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100% safe and effective. Get two COVID boosters in each arm right now!
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>ZOG bureau of statistics
fake and gay
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When is vaxxxxxxie pride month?
Major patent litigation is underway, this is where filth is legally submitted. So it is best to get hold of the overton window.
>out of the mortuaries and into the streets!
It is mRNA based. Instead of using lipid particles, it uses a modified virus to deliver the mRNA .
>notice entire familes fucking dying after taking clock shots
>proceeds to take them anyway
Anon are you fucking retarded?
Never let a tragedy go to waste.
They will set up villains and scapegoats and other woe is me things.
Jabbies will keep dying.
Same reason Canada and US urban fire season cycles with elections.
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I don't care
you seem upset
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No refund
the karen meme is both racist and sexist
>t. facebook expert
normie detected
Good meme, they always try and play innocent when they're caught lying. Just like how they try to call the epidemic of outright fraud in academic publishing "the replication crisis" to make it seem like they're not intentionally publishing harmful lies and that its all just a big unfortunate accident and nobody is to blame

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