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I don't get the appeal.
He cute
this thread is retarded op
IKEA plush shark they sell that’s kind of their mascot sometimes and became a trans icon/meme. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get it or not, just don’t buy it then.
I bought this from ikea for my 5 year old son because he likes sharks and dinosaurs. he sleeps with this thing.

is he going to become a tranny now?
ok. time to start him on hrt then
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In Mexico this one became a meme for bad news. Is this all Ikea marketing?
>memes chisyosos intensifies
big, soft, fuzzy, squishy
That's the appeal.
>became a trans icon/meme.
They try to claim so much but to Hell with them, this is a cool shark, cis' are taking it back
>is he going to become a tranny now?
Yes. But not because of the shark, but rather because he has (you) for a household member along with his mom and her bull.
>Americans had to
Americans did not, only a miniscule percentage of a delusional fringe group tried.
Tranny groomers identify with cold blooded predators.
I can’t believe you just said that bro
Solid take.
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Made me laugh.
Have a YOU.
Not the fp, but damn if it isn't the bp.
Sounds like a monster name, love it.
funny monkey
what's not to like?
Sorry bro, but sadly, yes.
You should chop it first
If you know, you know
I own one myself. Very comfy and huggable :3
Ignoring the tranny obsession around them, they're just neat.
How many times are you going to make this thread. Are you the same guy that makes the Tomb Raider and Indy threads? What mental illnesses do you have?
>I don't get the appeal.
quirky chungus personality substitute
At least the Indy and Lara Croft threads give us something to talk about, I’m not sure what else can be said about the plush shark
QRD? I think I'm missing vital information here.
>"I don't understand why people like something that I don't"
Legitimate sign of severely low IQ or actual mental illness.
>They try to claim so much
Well at least they make claims. I prefer it to the cis/white way of doing things, where you assume everything is yours, and then throw a pissy tantrum when you find out that merchandise and media created by and for other people exist.
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I love soft toys
It is too late for her.
This is so surreal. I bought one of these for my sister for Christmas.
Purely because I wanted to get her a cute plushie and when I asked what her favorite animal is she said shark.
Now I find out these are some weird fucking internet trend
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I need one. But everytime I am there I already overspend on furniture gunpla.
Do Ikea names mean anything or are they Swedish nonsense words like Grinch or Jabberwocky are English nonsense words?
only in ohio
The IKEA whale is a trans male icon so get him that next to counteract the shark

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