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Recent announcements and updates
>TianYi studio Sideways
>Unique Toys Stinger
>Dreanstar Toys Devastator and Prowl
>01 Studio Devastator
>Dr. Wu Bumblebee, Cyclonus and Megatron
>Transart Dinobot
Do tend to collect a specific color of Transformer? If you can only buy one, do you get a repaint or stick to an original color?
Long live Bayverse.
So are MPM KOs practically dead
>Do tend to collect a specific color of Transformer?
I don't like Primal's cartoon or toy colors, but I do like the Burning/Translucent Red color.
Shockwave as deep purple.
Toy Galvatron.
Toy Reflector.
Delta Magnus.
In a way, Ratchet>Ironhide.
More or less, it's all SS and Legacy KOs now. Only 3P MPMs like Drift are getting KOed, probably because they are less risky. You'd think the heat would have died down by now but it seems that they are still scared of the Weijiang raid. It's a real shame, I still want a massive OSKO Blackout/Grindor.
What's the point of reposting this?
Hey there folks, question for ya. What's a good Bruticus to get a hold of in your opinion? Recently got the pocket Bruticus while neat, wishing it was just a tad bigger to match up to the legacy menasor scale wise. Also fear on breaking the connector joints on swindle and brawl with how tight the ratchet joints are.
I really like the toy colour Magic square bruticus
Recently got the gun upgrade for him too
Your OP pics are always so souless.
I like them. I always feel like there's a torrent of stuff coming out and it's nice to have a recap rather than highlighting a specific toy.
Toy photography is always cringe.
I'm not liking the torso on that Devastator. It doesn't look at all like it's made out of construction vehicles.
For good reason.
Who's Craftsman Toys?
Smells like legends
gee, what gave you that idea?
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Holy fuck finally, the only Autobot Combiner I care about is getting a legends figure.
You like the only one without real vehicles?
Yeah, it baffles me too because I'm actually very stringent on transformers that have cybertron alt modes because it's practically a cheat when it doesn't even have to adhere to anything.
Between all you flyboys looking the same and Defensor having a lot of overlap with other more popular guys in components, seems understandable someone would feel that way.
>all you flyboys looking the same
Sounds like someone who doesn't like jets
>Defensor having a lot of overlap with other more popular guys
not sure what that means, having a rescue force is great and a great opposition to Bruticus military force
That is definitely understandable, you're less annoyed by things being wrong to the real thing
>not sure what that means
Police Car.
Four of the five alt modes belong to someone else. Groove is the only unique vehicle out of all of them.
Three of the bots alt modes belong to the Autobot team too.
What a weird argument
Hot Spot is a different model of fire truck and colors than Inferno, and Whirl isn't even a show character. Fake issue.
Stunticons are so samefag they did an episode where the Autobots pretended to be them.
That and first aid is arguably one of the best characters in the show and voiced by Michael Bell
>Cars are too samey
Why are you here?
It’s why I don’t like many of the Autobots honestly.
I like the race cars like Jazz and Mirage and Wheeljack but the rest all blend in with each other.
It isn't a genuine complaint. The episode was rather bullshit and relied on Mirage's powers to keep up the act.
Bet now, will it use a frame.
Looks like it'll have pants, at least.
Thank god for that
I want to be able to pose him
I don't mind pants so long as they do something with it. Like if it sat down like Metroplex and turned into a battle station or folds into a block trailer that other vehicles can tow.
Face doesn't look like Iceberg's aesthetic actually.
These guys announced a MP catbird last year.
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Wow the face looks awful. Her eyes are too far appart, just like with Nicee.
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Got Paddles out yesterday. Loose but the PX dinobots are still cool imo.
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Rising Force will be completing their Menasor before NA......
I have mostly MP, I just don’t like MP combiners and collect legends combiners
Pants are always better, no exceptions
NA haven’t even started their Menasor though?
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But Legendsfags have a higher percentage of trans since they spend all there money on HRT.
Jets are cool but the aerialbots are supremely boring. The individual bots are just generic dudes with jets tacked their backs and superion is white menasor with jets instead of cars
>he doesn't melt down his china plastic legends toys for crypto estrogen
Them being generic dudes with tiny jets on their back is part of the appeal
Like their all a military unit
>Superion is just Menasor
God damn, what is with all these shit takes tonight
Don’t you mean “bootleg heckerinos”
Superion is sort of just a guy with jets strapped to his arms and behind his calves like Menasor is with cars.
Superion's look varies heavily between episodes. Sometimes it does that, sometimes it has only planes with them even being much larger in the forearm than the shoulders.
>Superion's look varies heavily between episodes
That's a testament to the inconsistencies of Sunbow
>combiners are just 5 or 6 bots joined together
Thanks for that observation anon
This means literally nothing
When you can't know what is off-model.
They announced a Breakdown when MS was putting their Menasor out.
Two to three years later and NA has had nothing to show for since.
Oh look. The same shit for the 40th time.
We don't need another fucking Devastator. Or another Menasor or Superion.
Legends scale doesn’t have a Computron.
Nor does MP but some people like to pretend that Combiner scale didn’t change like seven years ago.
True, but some of the other combiners were more often depicted with more integrated limbs is the point I want to make.
Computron, Predaking, Defensor, Devastator, and Bruticus are usually depicted as the limbots becoming the full limb rather than placed on them. Your specific type of autism isn't really going to change that Superion and Menasor are the white bread of combiners.
But the real meat and potatoes of the combiner discussion is when are we going to get a chugified Piranacon? TFC's is alright, but I would rather blocks than curves. Combiner Wars looks okayish, but it's also a Combiner Wars toy.
Oh hooray another Computron. Whoopty shit.
I guess the tism dictates that transfags have every character in every scale. Until someone makes a better one in that same scale and you gotta buy that too.
>Your specific type of autism
>proceeds to provide his type of autism
the ironing
There isn't a point in caring about things that don't appeal to you.
Yes, I actually collect transformers.
I really hope the QC on this is OK, I got the combiner they made for an absolute steal (£15 per fig) and I still feel like I overpaid. Design looks great, I just hope it feels good.
we all do anon, that's why we're in this thread
except this guy >>10984605 who's just here to shitpost
IDK mang, the plastic looks kind of shit in those pics.
They said that this is a collab with Goodsmile China so maybe that implies their using GSC's factories.
Maketoys corpse is paraded out again for a cyan seeker.
Saturated Thundercracker?
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Imagine if Trans Art or someone did Magnaboss and the bug guy
buy a statue
Athena are you in here
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Skyguy on this chart. TFSource are too lazy to do any of the interesting decos on this chart.
>traffic cone never ever
Don't some of these have normal names already?
I would actually be amused if they made Literally Who with a question mark tampo’d onto him
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>Be me
>incredibly autistic
>didn't buy MPM 3 because the inner frame was black instead of silver
>WW01 Wasp Warior releases with improved chest, ankles, wings and paint
>still don't buy because the yellow isn't orange enough
>TF40th Anniversary version announced with proper silver and Orange-yellow paint
>Still won't buy because it doesn't have Wasp Warrior's improvements
>KO scene right now means it's unlikely we'll get a 40th color Wasp Warrior
I'll be forever miserable and Bumblebee-less
I honestly might buy the reissue because my MPM (bought when I was ignorant about 3P) fell from the shelf from carelessness and his door wing broke. It’s only good as a car now.
Especially sucks since it happened right when all the KOs dried up and couldn’t be found anymore.
If these ever end up going for $60 like their other exclusives, I would pick up a few of those repaints for sure.
Nah, but your seething is greatly pleasing me
You said that to someone posting Shockwave the robot that turns into a made up gun
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I finally got the flametoys Arcee model kit, I presume they did not get away with being able to take her bra off to see her bare milkers?
Not a very apt comparison
That anon didn’t say he doesn’t like megatron or browning
No, fuck you. Keep doing the same thing until you do it perfect.
To be fair this >>10984007 was a weird comment, like who cares?
I don't think companies are necessarily learning from other ones.
Then keep making them until they do it right. I would rather have a 100 repeats until I get a good toy, than mediocre variety.
I think you’re just a troll, so piss off
This, unironically. None of the Devastators before FT/XTB were acceptable for an MP collection. I get that most people here are Legends collectors now, but imagine if they rescaled TFC Hercules and told you that's your Legends Devastator. Even thought the aesthetic doesn't match with MS or NA and the engineering is dated. That's what Constructor as an MP devastator was, an oversized 3P classics
What do you mean by "original" anyway?
MP-scale combiners are terrible ideas. Way too big to support their own weight.
I prefer legends scale but most legends combiners are basedbiners where 3/4ths of the combined form is an action figure and you just kind of clip the altmodes on there
weird that they are using pants when they aren't doing G1 style.
This feels like an off-shoot of Cang Toys.
Which I absolutely don't mind.
Doesn't seem like CANG/TFC since there's no diecast.
Their Weibo account is also from Shantou City, where all the KOs and unregistered toy factories are. Maybe it's NBK, MFT or one of the Jiangs.
Maybe they didn't want to be naked.
That's just what 3P combiners are now in any scale except for MMC.
>weird that they're making it poseable
Nah, looks like Iron factory if the could actually engineer a transformation
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I bought this set more for the King Bakugan Galvatron but the clear purple Galv isn't too bad either. The different shades of purple and metallic blue paint helps makes it look interesting unlike other scanning Galv figures.
I’m surprised by how quality the dr Wu figures feel
modfans Cerebos is out. not looking good, a lot of paint scuffs.
enough paint to make /40kg/ blush
You keep autistically spamming this but we had posable combiners before they became non-combining action figures.
such as?
the combiners that existed before they got lazy and started using frames.
Such as?
Okay give us a list now.

I'm not playing your game you mongoloid
NTA but I have Maketoys Giant and considering he's the second ever 3P combiner, he's pretty fucking poseable.
You humored it. Now it'll say
>Actually that one is bad! It's so much better now that all combiners don't actually combine!
On Chinese forums, threads that don't have picture of cats up top will be deleted and reported to the authorities.
He coomith.


MMCs integrated combiner style left their Brut with more range and articulation points than many of the ones with frames somehow. Their defensor here improves on that.
6 bots can sometimes work but Long Haul almost always suffers from having to make up the hips, as do most that have to make up that part
You have to make a trade off to have an all in one combiner and I prefer to have everything look good, in proportion and be poseable
And if that comes with having separate pants then that's what I want
No I mean why would it be shocking someone who likes a made up gun also likes made up vehicles
I think you might be missing the context of what I was saying anon
I’m not questioning why he likes made up vehicles
I’m questioning why he didn’t Ike real vehicles
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Bingo Toys already blasting out some Missing Link-esque stuff
where are the tits
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DST-02-001 Forklift Warrior vehicle mode.
I don’t see the point of that endeavor when Takara will put a better one out in a matter of time.
Maybe the original pitch for a dinosaur girl robot went through and they went with something that has easier engineering and mass-appeal.
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Even the Toy colored Newage one is better despite being initially designed as a Toon version. Only thing it was missing was the Diaclone seat gun but the Bingotoys one doesn't open. I honestly thought the Bingotoys one was a POTP KO.
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I only had 1 of this mold yesterday.
Now I have 2 + .5 attached to a ball.
How’s the core class Megatron?
I feel like nabbing it so that I can start a Legends Megatron collection thing.
pop-on knees are really loose
pointy shoulder cannons get in the way of any arm movement though you can remove them.
is this guy worth it? what version should I get? also what's a reasonable price for him?
There’s a KO that fixes all the problems but he’s larger than the original. I don’t know the name or if it’s even out there still, but it’s the one you want if you’re not planning to get the full team.
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Newage Grim may be one of my favorite Newage bots honestly
Feels incredibly good and I only didn't get the KO cause it's bigger
But I've heard a lot positive and it fixes some things I only barely consider a problem like the leg panels
It doesn't bother me to see the inner leg bits and I was gonna get the Newage Sludge anyways at a later time
Desu it doesn't fix enough to be worth it for those fixes, and comes with its own list of issues that come with being a KO. But he is as big as ultra magnus and MUCH cheaper, so it's still an attractive deal
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If you like their Grimlock and don't posess their Sludge yet, do yourself a favor and get it. Grimlock is a nice but flawed figure, but Sludge is probably the best figure Newage has made yet, IMO. The hips articulation isn't hampered like it is on grimlock because of the shape of the thighs and it feels way better in terms of proportions. The transformation is also super fun.The neck may not be able to collapse like the Magic Square one, but the trade-off is the super expressive articulation in dino mode.
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Lost Light Hot Rod isn't that bad.
>MMC mirage
How dose that ancient mold hold up?
If it had new hips like what MS does, the thing would slaughter the competition.
That said it’s still a really good piece that holds up well despite the times.
Transformers that don't wear pants
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TM2 Dinobot, Silverbolt and Auickstrike are grear but I hope Tigatron is revealed soon and its not too late for Transart to do Apelinq.
>designed by Alex Kubalsky
Basically everything he does is worth checking out, especially something where he wasn't being as squeezed on budget. I remember messing around with the prototype when he was doing a thing in London and being very impressed
but also...
>toys "holding up"
What does that even mean?
>pop-on knees are really loose
Can confirm that's not the case on mine
East to sort either way
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I like the alternate take for a set of modern and sleek constructicons, but there ain't no way I'm touching Dream Star shit after their Silverbolt's bout of parts leprosy with complimentary exploding ratchets.
I think the Mecha Invasion Devastator looks the most interesting
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Forgot pic
Swappable Grimlock in the centre btw
Nice, that’s definitely a buy from me
Just gotta see the colours they go with
>Confirmed pantsforming
That sucks. Looks cool otherwise.
I didn't think he was much more complex than something like BA Prime. I didn't mind because the jet modes were clearly the focus and look super clean due to all the panels. I think Devastators vehicles aren't nearly as iconic so they can get away with simplifying things more. My concern is if he's going to have his chestplate, and if the arms are going to turn into a vehicle like Superion.
I can’t wait to see colors.
honestly fucks Dreamstar. They're bold to assume enough people will want to invest in another of their combiners after SuperShiteon. I'm still waiting for the fucking replacement arms and I placed the request for replacement parts in November.
I get that MP's thing is being super accurate and using cheat parts to get there, but it's so lame on legends. Defeats the point of a pick up and play figure if I have to pull out the drawer of parts every time I want to combine it. Lucky Cat Devastator doesn't partsform AND are all quad changers due to the box gimmick.
Yea but isn't he meh?
I haven't seen much to convince me he's good
My issue is between him, The Jin Bao oversize of GT and the Magic Square they're all like $160-180+ and some are that AND they have an extra "upgrade kit" that fixes some stuff
It's hard to pick one and justify a near $200 tag
File deleted.
He's going for a 1/3rd of what MS Devastator retailed for. As far as the Upgrade kits go, I'm fairly certain the GT kits were to make them more show accurate right? Seems unnecessary considering you'd only be getting GT nowadays if you wanted the stylized look.
Wrong screenshot, I've seen him go for 130$ if you shop around though.
That’s Set B of A, B, and C
The whole thing is $210 minimum.
>Toon Avatar
>Hamhands movie toy
It's almost nostalgic at this point.
Is this legends,mp or chug?
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It feels like the opposite to me desu. Larger scale things have the surface area to pull all that off (as MMC has repeatedly shown as they continue to shit on the lazy competition), legends really doesn't if they're also trying to be accurate and super articulate. It makes sense why all the integrated stuff is stylized because they really don't need to be beholden to one specific look.

I think that, at least, legends stuff should strive to have the bulk of the combiner be the actual bots, if nothing else. I can deal with a hip assembly and chest crest + head but when you're having whole fake limbs and torso it's just lame (and also can end up looking like shit if IF liokaiser has anything to show for it)

Anyway, legends predaking that isn't spiky chinese garbage, when?
Disagree, but if you like the look of that, go for it
says the size is 25cm, the individual bots are 10cm and the alt mode of Nosecone is 14cm
>Anyway, legends predaking that isn't spiky chinese garbage, when?
We still don't know combine Magic Square is currently working on, but they've said they're making one
>know combine
Know the combiner*
I really hope it's predaking but they also haven't done an autobot team yet, so...
It'd be really based if they just kept doing decepticon ones so we could actually maybe get terrorcons and seacons for the first time in forever
Personally I want to see the Terrorcons though a Defensor would also be great
There's also that legend scale Raiden being made by the guys that did the recent Metroplex
I can't find the picture right now but I know TransArt teased Tigatron, Rampage, Depth Charge, and a few others in a single post maybe 2 years ago. Some of the figures in the tease have already been released. They seem to be making a point of completing this roster so it's just a matter of time before they release Apelinq and Tigatron.
Hold up compared to current standards.
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I don't see how they could get an AiO Devastator to have articulation parity with Optis Pexus, but its a little more believable with Ignis's improvements. Jack-o posing combiners is not something I had listed in my collection goals but I'm not going to complain if it becomes reality.
>/v/ plays an FPS.jpg
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What am I in for 3pg? Good choices?
That is the best Optimus, remember the fifth wheel is pegged into the hole that a trailer can plug into, just pull it up and out if you have the APC trailer. (Best match for him yet)

The Bruticus is most iffy but just research it before you break anything if anything feels resistant/stuck.

That Wheeljack is better than official, so it's a good choice.
Awesome, appreciate the tips anon
Bummer about the lil Bruti but hopefully it’ll still be fun
Its probably fine, but iron factory designs can be too tight for their own good and KOs are always iffy
I like big bots and I cannot lie
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Feels weird to see someone say Transformers in canon
That was the first name they had. Cybertrons/Cybertronians came later.
How? Cybertronians didn't always transform.
Because it was the first episode. Even the episode showing that didn't use a name for their collective species before learning how to transform, only Autobot and Decepticon.
Aren’t the literal first words of the show the narrator saying “Cybertron”?
Do you call yourself an Earth? Or a human?
If aliens were real we’d identify ourselves as earthlings yes
No you wouldn't. You would object to being called the same as your hated enemies that live on the same planet. Maybe the aliens would call you an Earthen.
If your combiner can move like Zappa, then you know you are looking at magic.
We’ll see when it gets some weight on it
>boobs with headlight nipples
they just can't help it huh
What is this based on? Thought it was another FlameToys conversion but the sculpting is entirely different.
I like it, does it come in two pieces?
So Bingotoys has a dartboard then?
3 repaints. Hype's so dead after release.
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I like triple changers.
Now get Startoys Blitzwing
If only the wings could fold down like G1 Jazz
Bot mode is cool but this alt mode is a mess
Did ShowZ reduce the amount of points you get from comments? I used to get 16 for each comment with my premium membership, but now only get 8 and no points from comments being liked.
I used to be able to collect enough point each ear for a free MP figure...
see quote train >>10982411
These random items in the BingoToys lineup reminds me of post-divorce Toyworld when they were trying out multiple things like SS and MPM bayformers, Legends Wheeljacks and BW TM Megs, and what later became CANG Predaking.
Good News: Wu releasing a 2-pack of original color Soundwave vs Blaster without the battle damage
Bad News: Limited release exclusive to Uncle Billy Shop
no opening chest
no transforming tapes
Sorry Dr Wu I dig the wst scale but no.
You don't have an opening chest with enough space for your pet cat either.
Darn hope he sees this and reconsiders
Speaking of:
>keep buying the new casette beasts Wu has been putting out, because they’re awesome
>don’t have a blaster or a soundwave at the proper scale to hold them because i just never bothered collecting bigger shit

Anyone else?
How likely is it that the new Dr. Wu artfire will suffer from yellowing?
Is it bare plastic or paint?
If paint, it will be fine
Maximum Hebrew
The SG set was also gone in seconds on ShowZ, Bombus and TF Safari
Their cassettes are awesome but I truly don't see the appeal of micromaster scale
It would make more sense if we had modern versions of the micromaster bases (like grandus). Or just more good baseformers in general

The modulators being canned after 2 molds by Hasbro left a hole that no 3rd party company seems willing to fill. Makes me sad
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There's the Metroplex last year.
Looking forward to their upcoming Scorponok too
those bukkake figures got KOed
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I suppose it's like collecting Beast Box toys, but smaller. At least you didn't buy both Blasters just so you can have Rewind/Eject(who are gangmolded with Blaster parts and forever bound to them), like I did.
Iron factory Leadfoot shipping soon
>bukkake figures
I know he’s legends scale, but he feels a little too big for the micros.
I hope they corrected that horrible highlighter yellow that the used on the product picture, because their Mirage mold is a lot of fun, so I may be interested depending on the finished product.
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We are spoilt for choices for Springer but I prefer XTB's.
The backpack is too much
I got the MMC one instead

Updated testshot. Looks fantastic might get this over TA.
Still QC lmao
showz just posted this set for 25 dollars btw
cannot stand listening to that language.
It's much better than british people. Listening to those mushmouthed drooling swamp people literally churns my stomach
Yeah, I can agree with that.
That pearl pink is so good. We really need special finishes to catch on like Gundam.
Cabed and bought it. I bought the dino casette combiner and Overkill so I want these guys to go with them, even though the scale is totally off. I guess certain characters in G1 can size change though…?
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Surprised I don't see much talk about this MhZ Commander in here, y'all just that much of a clump of geewunners?
There's so many takes on that Optimus it kinda burns me from jumping on any because I wanna get the best one. But then there's new versions coming out every few years it feels.
The MHZ Commander is the best. Old voyager size, so not completely compatible with the normal size upgrades, he's still nearly perfect, if they did a metallic version with the shoulder upgrade and better hands, he'd be better, but without that it's still the best one.

He can even pull trailers because the fifth wheel part is removable.
Does it look good with Studio Series ss109 Megatron?
They didn't fix those horrible shoulders, therefore I have no interest in it
BB optimus has a better design (and mainline toy to ripoff) too
Doc Wu cliffjumper is bundled with Shockwave (boy)
while Hubcap is with Shockwave (girl)
This is an anonymous forum. You really shouldn't post the exact same pic that you post on tfw2005, Ellamin.
Doesn't stop Docseth81 posting his shitty shops here.
I am fascinated with those pictures. They are so, SO bad and he just makes them constantly. What's the thought process behind them? Such a unique combination of figure choices paired with completely inappropriate background settings
One of those times where I really wish they’d just pack the mold-mates together. I have no desire for a shockwave in my collection but i really want both of the lil car guys
Like you don't grab photos from others to repost here.
What makes it more amazing is that he's in China meaning he's actually PAYING for a VPN to post on these sites overseas.
Look I had to order shattered glass shit to get wheeljack so this is hardly that bad
At least that's just SG Inferno or w/e
Not some forced meme "look it's bulkhead" shit
I had the opposite issue. I only wanted 1 firetruck, SG inferno looks phenomenal but I don’t really care for wheeljack. So i kind of just settled on Artfire + Exhaust since I like how both of them look (worried about yellowing on Artfire though)
I get what you mean but I would rather have a new character just because I wasn't collecting shattered glass so SG Inferno is a pretty fucking weird outlier in the collection
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got 2 snarls today
He's taller than Megatron, so you might hope for a similar size OSKO of that Megatron like I am.
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I herd you guys needed more primes.
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Back of truck shot suspiciously absent. This was from Magnificent Mecha btw.
I think this is the first Optimus toy I’ve seen that has those poles on the front corners of the truck.
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Using Black Apple's colored test shot so you can see more of the detail/be a fairer comparison.
>Proper taper on the legs, wider foot compared to the knee. (Biggest issue with BA IMO)
> Taller foot armor and bolt on top of the foot
>Visible Brake Disc on foot wheels
>Disc on inside of thigh is much larger and a separate part
>Thighs are layered instead of a solid piece
>Thigh wheels split and and can be angled independently
>Taller crotch, bolts next to it angle inwards now. Blue waist plates properly layered in front.
>DOTM abs built in
>Headlights on waist are significantly smaller, might be a cheat part
>Mechanical detail on inner windshield is more pronounced, gap in the neck is removed, windshields pecs are closer together
>Airfilters have sharper detail
>Shoulder armor is much larger (might be less accurate)
>Disc on the shoulder is a separate part, seems like it articulates independently.
>Bicep armor is larger and is the proper V shape, arm frame is much wider and has the disc on the outer elbow
>Forearm panel now has proper detail on the outside with hole, instead of folded truck panels.
>Palms are much thicker, V shape on front of knuckles is more pronounced.
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>significantly taller foot with "blocks" on the back, doesnt even seem like the grill is kept there anymore
>cylindrical part in backs of knees (a bootleg version of BA actually added these)
>Diamond shaped panels on calves are a separate part, again much larger
>More layering on backs of thighs
>butt plate is a huge separate part instead of two nubs that fold out of the brake lights
>Much cleaner fenders, cabin scapula closer and angle more
>Fuel tanks have mechanical detailing on them, don't know how that will transform
>No gap behind the neck
>New discs on the back of the shoulders
>Better panel on the back of the forearm
There are some changes, the sets are now
>Cliff with Shockwave (boy)
>Cliff with Shockwave (girl)
>Hubcap with Shackwave (urban)
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Note that the real pic is mirrored for the comparison, so the wipers on MM are accurate
>Seemingly taller nose, shorter windshield
>lower half of smokestacks are thinner, likely don't compress like BA
>circular section in Sideview mirrors
>Steps are longer on BA
>Sunvisor comes out further
>Curve on bumper guides is more subtle
Neither have fully accurate mirrors and rims
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Top left is vanilla BA. Middle is MM. Rest use various upgrade heads and different versions of the chest mod.
Legacy Blitzwing pisses me off
What are my options for a 3rd party Blitzwing, which one's the cheapest?
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Okay last post but Dinomodel Shop has so much cool shit. Diecast Metal antenna, rack chains, horns and proper length mirrors

If the truck mode is good, this will be a must have

I'm just not sure if I need him to replace the one I got from my parents or not.
If that's the same one as the test shot grey model above I want him.
It’s movie and series versions and grey is toy
Boys get dark gritty colors, girls get frilly bright colors, niggers get the dark black.
>mogs DMK
>mogs threezero
>mogs all these shitty asian homemade kits
>actually transforms
It's for the Black Apple version, but Dinomodel always makes multiple versions of the same kits. I'm pretty sure every version of their head upgrade comes in BA and DLX versions, and for a while they were doing Legendary Toys and Black Mamba too. The real concern is the lack of a socket in the trailer hitch, would have been great with the upcoming Tianyi trailer.
I'd still say there are some Asian kits that look better proportionally and all of the upgrade heads look better than MM's default. Still incredibly impressive how close they got. Transformation must be insane, even compared to Black Apple's.
MM02A (chest version)/MM02B (abdominal version)
No gun storage in the fuel tanks like BA, Nose is definitely taller, noticeable gap on the front of the stairs. Note how the grill and bumper are two separate parts, this is probably how they are able to hide it better on the robot.
This makes Hubcap much more tempting
I feel like these could've been one release with swap-out parts.
I try to only get 1 set per wave of the Wu stuff so I settled on this. I never really loved Shockwave’s purple coloration but the black deco makes the design really pop. I feel like Hubcap will be a good fit for the off-road patrol as a surrgate for that monster truck guy
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I am awe in of the sculpting and engineering of this. It's just incredible when you think back to the beginnings of 3P. I don't think anyone would have expected such a leap from FansProject upgrade kits to a screen accurate and transforming bayverse Prime.

Do I have interest in getting it? Nope. But I really can appreciate it.
I'm not much of a 3P guy and just scroll through these threads periodically, but I still think City Commander is pretty impressive given what they were working with.
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Robo monkey.
What don’t you like about the legacy? Do you care about how big it is? Your 2 options in terms of MP size are star toys and dx9. Dx9 is much more dreamwave esque and gigantic even for mp standards. But has a pretty smooth transformation with the inly altmode really suffering being the tank. The star toys is super toon in it’s styling. Has a bit more articulation but is much more expensive (getting a reissue) the alt modes are also more consistently good I would say. I went with dx9 gewalt but that was for my own collection.
fuck this looks good, have they finally figured out a movie accurate bot mode?
I would like to think this thing would be $180 minimum because of how the KOs and such flooded the market, but lmao this thing is going to command $225 easily and I'll be surprised if it is somehow less.
That looks good
Jesus fucking Christ this is insane.
Which Grimlock212 is this? Looks good.
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About time. You dumbasses just spouting off metoos and retarded observations just to get points, drowning out any meaningful discussions or reviews. Fuck you.
It got changed again, Cliffjumper now has a 2nd girl deco. So 2 cliffs 1 hub and 3 shockwaves.
designer commentary by Punished Brack Apperu
Newage on the right, Magic Square on the left
Got this little guy a while back and absolutely love 'em. 1/2
is anyone making an MP scale bumblebee/ROTB arcee?
Nice. How big is it? The original toy was small, but in the show he was bigger than Megatron.
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TMT is making a Camaro reshell of their Bumblebee movie Bee. Doesn't have the offroad mods and the robot isn't accurate to ROTB but it's the closest we have at the moment. Doesn't seem like there's a lot of demand for Rise stuff beyond SS KOs unfortunately.
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Has any company tried tackling the AoE bumblebee yet?
Seems like it would be a feat of engineering if possible.

Also does anyone know the behind the scenes reason they even went with this design?
You stupid apes need to off yourself already
"h aha weee he he wee ha ha yay weee hehe oh boy weeeee yaaaay" - Onslaught
Wasnt that design just because bee was jealous of Stinger? He saw the human made copy of himself and rescanned to make himself look cooler?
And it's by far the worst bee design lmao
BB movie Bumblebee is way worse. G1ifying the movie design was a mistake.
AOE Bee was just the Stinger CGI model given a new head to save time. I wouldn't be surprised if the reasoning behind the overly complex car chest was to hide it being used for two entirely different vehicles as well. If you don't mind it turning into a Pagani, UT will likely recolor their MP Stinger.
That was the narrative reason for the design change, but I wanted to know the production reason. What artist or producer demanded that.
seems to cover some of that, I'm still wondering why even go with the new model though, they had a perfectly good one.

I agree, I just think it would be really interesting if anyone were able to figure out a way to make it transform because it seems impossible.
When the AoE Prime got figured out that blew my mind because I thought it would never happen.
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Insanely better looking and design
I couldn't imagine unironically hating on the BB movie design, it's legit peak
They just could have had an actually better movie if they kept doing that beginning Cybertron sequence
>When the AoE Prime got figured out that blew my mind because I thought it would never happen.
Unique Toys working black magic on a design that quite literally cheats in it's own fucking animation is so insane
Those guys are legit wizards
>Those guys are legit wizards
They really are. Their first figure was Peru Kill? At least that's the first figure I remember being amazed by. I thought maybe that was just a lucky fluke, but they keep pulling it off.
...Oh, it's Jazz?
G1 how? Because they used the buggy?
That said I think it’s an alright design but I’m actually a fan of ROTB Bumblebee and it’s my favorite design for him by far.
Sharty L
Keeping the Bay movie head was a mistake.
>yeah it's a different universe
>keeps Bay-bee's face and gimmick
You'd have rather they have him act like BADASSATRROOONNNNNNNNN?
Do we know the exact size?
I'd rather him act like at the beginning of his movie and not a mentally impaired mute pet.
Why do you call it Shockwave (girl)? All Shockwaves are not girls.
Why not?
>giant tits
>not a girl
Being fat isn't enough to be a girl
I can't believe they censored the Playboy reference from the original Japanese version.
Its newage bayverse it's going to be around MPM+ size, in scale with their prior movie soundwave Mercedes.
Ah, so you just want a teenage killer who'd never befriend humans because he's on a scouting mission for the autobot regime.
Should prove that it's MP Spike compatible.
Finally a Scamper without buying the T30.
SIXGUN my king. One of my favorite characters.
>Official Starscream too small
>OSKO Starscream is the same height
I need a 16 inch tall one, I don't care about the scale chart.
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Fat enough to mog almost every fembot
unknown 3P
MPM scaled
So it's a no?
It's Toyworld apparently, or at least they had planned to do this WW2 like Optimus
>Scaling the vehicles
>Toyworld apparently
IAMNOFIRE would probably say so if it is, he did photography work for them. It's likely someone bought or took TW's unused designs.
oh wow the one company i hate more than maketoys is back
Robot mode height should be a consequence of the vehicle mode. Size changing is dumb and so is making Starscream small just so Megatron can be the tallest.
>so is making Starscream small just so Megatron can be the tallest.
You're not sneaky, Starscream, I know that's you. Just face it, Megatron will always tower over you, metaphorically and physically.
I love Iron Factory designs. I wish they were chug scaled.
Lmao why would someone make this based on that Summertime Saga game
I got Studio Cell Unicron today and was going to come make a big post about how pissed off I was with how frustrating it it but I had to look at YouTube reviews for something and saw Bobby Skullface's and I just can't find it in myself to complain anymore. He might genuinely be retarded and it's making me question if the toy is the problem or if it's me
The problem is you.

Look up jobby the hong's reviews on it.
i did and it fucking sucked because during the hardest part he just goes "uhhh i dunno this part's going to be hard" and doesn't show anything
Did you try each one of them?
I mean I finally got it but it took a couple hours and was a miserable experience all around. But I didn't have anywhere close to the problems Bobby did.
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wow a cool effect part that I wont fucking get with the actual good looking toy version
Limited to 1500 pcs? Also the yellow looks more orange.
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How fucking big do these things need to be, the DX9 already towers over like all the MPMs and KOs that exist
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PSA to be super careful around DST silverbolt's shoulders. They are ratcheted+have rubber gaskets+are screwed super tight. The rest of my combiner team was perfect so it sucks he broke at the last moment.
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Here's the inner shoulder assembly. I suspect that removing the plastic insert tabs that activate the ratchet would fix it as they still seem pretty tight without them.
those are some GINORMOUS shins, holy shit
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Forgot to take a picture of the innermost layer. You can see that the rubber is chewed and the housing was scraping. Will shave some of this down too.
Is this your first time seeing a Dinobot?
That's the Unique toys iteration it's compared to.
UT on left, NA on right, yes?
That’s what I’m trying to say, and I’m aware that the DX9 is like one of the largest MPM toys you can get period.
Only 1500?? It's been up for prworder for years
Yes, that is correct.
Honestly, the only thing I'm excited about is another Afterburner toy. He was the only member of the Technobots that I owned as a kid so he was the only one I grew any attachment to.
Shouldn't have announced that, now they'll bundle him with the pants.
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Just got MMC Hotspot, it's interesting to see just how much Onslaught DNA is in this guy, while also fixing literally every problem Onslaught had.
DNA better release this set for motormaster and paint it asymmetrically to mimic menasor's colors.
Looks like shit. Just KO the old one.
I think the idea is that it also turns into the fire engine back in alt mode
>erected, more dicpics will be added later
The old one looks like it can't pose.

At least the new one becomes.the full fire engine and can hold better poses.
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APC and Transart add more articulation to their KOs. The 3D print kit for the original still looks better and has the firetruck mode.
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Apc and transart haven't made tfa kos, so your argument is reliant on the original being worth three or four times the price as the legacy version at minimum
Looks nice, they gave hellbat a bit of a light blue though, kinda weird choice
Legacy isn't worth the 35$+55$ for an upgrade kit. Original base Prime retailed for 20$ which is about 30$ today. KO or not, there's zero reason you should be paying nearly 100 dollars for something that's still worse than a toy from 2007.
He looks cool but you'd hope so given half the combined mode isn't real.
1/2 or 0.5
It's more than half anon
Eh, not a big fan of how blatantly fake the torso and pelvis look. If they're gonna do fake combiner parts, they might as well at least try to make them look real. Lio's central body here just looks like an action figure with a couple of wheels and wings stuck to him. Aside from his arms, I would have believed this was one of those non-transforming figures if I didn't know any better.
Cell is a marvel of toy engineering and I love mine, but it suuuuucks to transform
There are a few clips on it that are way too fucking tight desu, and most of them don't really have a good way of applying leverage to tab/untab them. It's been a while since I transformed mine but remember tabbing his ankles into his chest being the worst part, the rest is just varying extremes of fiddly.
Do you actually own animated toys? All mine are loose as fuck and the joints never looked quite right to begin with. They look cool standing there, but they aren't very good toys.
Ok hamhands.
>loose joints
Nigga are you retarded?
Animated toys were literally the last of the brick era of TFs, none of mine are loose 15 years later and yours shouldn't be either.
I really don't think it's bad at all. I managed it with no instructions both ways and found it shockingly intuitive, especially if you're comparing it to Haslab. Literally the only part that gave me any trouble was collapsing/extending the transformation joint in his chest and that was less an issue with figuring out the next step and more that that joint on mine is way too fucking tight.

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