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>current OP count: 99
>threads since counter: 102

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown)

Untitled fic (deceptive Zoro GF)
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Friends forever!
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Does anyone have this pic with less compression?
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Remember to randomly splash water on your friends and family members periodically to check if they’ve been replaced with Zoroark(s)
Vitiligo doesn’t look good
Too bad it doesn't work on yourself. Being replaced by a Zoroark while still being yourself would be awesome.
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Huh, now that you point it out, it does remind me of vitiligo.
Speaking of it, why is it suddenly so prominent in media right now?
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that zorua reminds me of purugly lmao
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Because it’s an easy way to get brownie points for diversity and representation.
Why every company latched onto vitiligo instead of any other skin disorder, I’m not sure.
>Why every company latched onto vitiligo instead of any other skin disorder, I’m not sure.
Fond memories of Michael Jackson?
And now I can't unsee the Zoroark reenactment of Thriller.
Zoroark and a Primarina in their mane. This couldn't go wrong.
I'm gonna learn to draw just to draw that scene some day. I've been toying with that pair as a fanfic concept for a while but never did anything with it.
Mostly 'cus I suck at making original songs.
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Happy to have a friend now.
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little maid
I don’t think she likes it
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I thought this was an edit at first... did someone seriously draw this in MSpaint and save the lineart as jpeg?
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True, even with the heart-shaped hair
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The roundness has me feeling... Strange. Torn in three VERY different directions.
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Imagine being this close to a Zoroark
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This is the best place to be
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>Arceus decided to give the all black fox the most beautiful striking blue eyes and natural red eyeliner to accentuate them
What was he thinking?
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I accept
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dibs on the ears
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Would Zoroarks be counted as skin walkers? Also what happened to the Zoroark GF story? Missing that.
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Do not bring that evil here. But yes, a community that was unaware of Zoroarks would definitely view their actions as those of an insidious force. Meanwhile:
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>Would Zoroarks be counted as skin walkers?
Probably. It's heavily implied Zorua actively tries to replace human children, though it's not explained what happens to the child they're attempting to pretend to be.
Maybe they're kidnapped by the Zoroarks to be disposed of, or maybe they just try to coexist to fuck with people.
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anyone has a repository of this artist?
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Is that one those sticks blind people use? I think I saw a Braixen picture like this once
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Daily reminder to go bother your rusefox
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What would you do if you found out that your Doctor was a Zoroark?
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What does that entail?
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That they go by Pokemon anatomy instead of human anatomy
>You’re an Electric type correct?
>”…I’m a programmer?”
>Just as I feared. Your electric gland is severely underdeveloped, basically nonexistent. I’m prescribing a series of regular shock therapy sessions to see if we can jumpstart it. Nurse! My next patient please!
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canonically yes, they were driven out of unova to hisui as per >>55904048

Unovan Zorua and Zoroark are usually depicted as mischief makers so it's likely they disguise themselves to fit in amoung us.
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Imagine getting married and when it comes to the point you may kiss the bride, your new wife gets revealed to be a Zoroark in front of your whole family.
Which is worse, underreacting, or overreacting?
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Did you know about it or did she hide it the whole time?
Lets just say it'd be as much a surprise to me as it would be to my family.
Wait… what about the guests on the bride’s side of the aisle then?
>Half of the church is revealed to be Zoroarks too
>This happens in a full 5% of weddings
>Somehow, everyone has agreed not to talk about it
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>meet her dad in the hall before the ceremony
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Why does he have human hands?
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AI cannot into Zork claws
why is there a pile of ashes on the floor
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How would you propose to your fox?
put the ring on her snoot
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>"clean it up jannie."
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I guess she gave herself thumbs with her illusions
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Stop forcing your dumb meme Magnetman
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Who the hell is Magnetman?
Why give them deformed racoon paws?
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ruse fox can into med school, so proud
I'm more concerned about why they look like fucking hyena, and why doesn't zorua have a tail?

Should've just went with the gray fox if they wanted the realism shit.
>usually depicted as
Literally one, one unovan zorua is depicted this way. N's Zorua.

The rest are
>timid (the 2 movie zorua, the dex also implies this is the norm for the species)
>helpful (the zorua from the abaonded pokemon center)
>diva (the movie star zorua owned by not George Lucas)
humiliation ritual
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>tfw you find a lonely loser who you can trick into marrying you and letting you live among humans
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Congrats on making it to a second Friday!
Got a laser to mess around with. Anyone got a simple black and white sfw zoroark graphic for me?
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I’ll try to prep the image, but this might still be too detailed.
My other suggestion would be this one >>55926483
this is a serious construct of flesh and bone and I congratulate you on existing
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First result on a rubber phone case
Not bad. Some vector work over the original image would make the laser results real crisp.
Thought about running it through some AI upscaling plug-in. Working with a simple gravotech ls100 tho, its just a beginner machine.
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I was wondering why they’re being drawn as Zoroark but I guess this might explain it
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I kinda want to know what happened to the MC for them to apparently become a sprigatito.
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Why does that Luxio have Ash's hat? so many questions.
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See you Tuesday maybe
I knew Netoro wasn't human!
I'd accept her like an absolute madlad just to really fuck with the family, then after the town bans us from entering because of their programming of Pokemon x Human relationships is seen as taboo, we happily live our lives out there in the wilderness while civilizations slowly crumble and burn, until they look and see us still thriving happily and wonder how and why we are alive while their societies disentigrate.

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