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But I can use Blender somewhat, so I just make models from schematics
I was also thinking of remaking art by actually creative and artistic people in 3D, or replicating video game scenes.
Anyone else like this?
You wont get anywhere with blender.
I've been using Blender for a few years now, I can use it, it's just that I absolutely lack creativity.
like i said, you wont get anywhere with blender, cris
But how do I get creative?
Do what I did (you're not going to like this)

Learn Marvelous.
Even so, it won't make my work actually creative or interesting.
99% of 3D artists are just guys modeling some 2D artist's work.
do you actually like 3D?
It's true though. It's rare to find a 3D artist that actually designs what they model. I mean you give me the names of just 5 3D artists that design what they model.
What's wrong with Blender?
He is right thoughever
The best way to be "creative" is to literally not focus on it at all. Go outside, go for a drive, a hike, have some kind of experience, watch a movie or show, play a game. Do literally anything else besides art. Keeping your mind fresh and open to new experiences is how you can get creative juices flowing.
Now when I say that, I don't mean procrastinate and consoom media, I really do mean opening up your mind and taking in the sights and sounds, enjoying things in the moment. Shit like that really does wonders.

If all else fails, just do drugs and center your entire life around them like all the "dude weed" people.
I find drugs to be kinda gay (because of people who base their whole personality on them), but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't work for some people. Kinda makes "being creative" a bit expensive though, I'll bet.
If you want to be creative study art that you find creative, look at a lot of artworks, expand your visual library, study history or other subjects close to what you aim to design, draw from various inspirations, creativity is a skill that can be developed, it will take time to go from uninspired works, to inspired, to original
Actual dogshit advice
Replicating things that already exist (from reference) is extremely common and has been for thousands of years. Everyone does it and you should too. Make shit that you enjoy or enjoy the process of making.

If you want to be more creative try stepping out of your comfort zone more. Experiment and remix when making things. You will fuck up, but think critically about it and you can learn. If depression is getting in the way get some exercise and sunlight.
your modelling talent is required to preserve old art. starts making 3D models of those cultures that are unexposed that aren't Western or Eastern.
I'm in the same boat over here with my aphantasia. For creative outlet I just love modifying things, since I can see shortcomings or missing pieces, but not create anything from scratch.
On the other hand, if you WANT to create things without imagination,unironically use Dall-E 3 to generate shit (there is an outpour of threads on /v/ for AI generation currently, if you don't have any idea how to prompt). It will create the rough outline of an item/character/place, provide some details and you can make the thing take shape in 3D software (something I considered once I saw some outputs of mine and thought the contents were a cool idea).
See what art you like and make your own referencing the original, but not copying it. To be creative, you have to be ''random'' (Just like a child looking at the clouds and see a king doing backflip with a mage's skateboard).

If you do models, take inspirations from the media that you like, maybe even mash with other things.

This shit only works with people with schizophrenia and I am not joking. Even more so the part of drugs. When you have a job to do, you have to force yourself to do art. Not all people are the same and can hear the squirrels dancing with a cat in the tree
>Anyone else like this?
There's this nigga on /3/ who wants to create a Berserk adaptation in LoL Arcane artstyle.
Doesn't matter what you do, just stay consistent.

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