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Draw your last pathetic card anon. The great demon Shamiko doesn’t have time for 3rd rate duelists like you. Kekeke…
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Ito has already stopped taking comissions! Her que filled up that fast!
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Shamiko Vs Satania Children's Card Game when?
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Did somebody say 'cards'?
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YGO cards either have effects or flavour text. Never both.
Hopefully the pressure won't kill her.
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For ewes that do have horns (most do not), they aren't curved like like those for rams. That means Shamiko is a man dressed as a women.
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Not with those shamiboobs.

A shame she’s…ya know.
I draw pot of greed
Sorry tripfag, but you're gay.

What does that do?
By banishing the top 10 cards of your deck face down as cost you can draw 2 cards!
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I draw pot of greed again
By banishing either 3 or 6 random cards from my extra deck face down as cost you can draw 2 cards!
I draw another pot of greed
By shuffling 5 cards in your GY back into the deck you can draw 2 cards!
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The real trick is that pot of greed never specifies where you draw the two cards from, so legally you can draw two cards from anywhere on the table. This is the real reason it was banned. People were drawing cards from the graveyard, their opponents deck, the banished pile, a random stack of poker cards left on the table, it was anarchy back in the day.
She said she was only gonna do like 3-4 a month but knowing her she'll try to do them all and collapse from overwork
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I concede
you might have beaten me at yugioh but can you beat me at poker
That bottom bit of text is wrong. If you have a single card left and you were to use PoG, you'd just draw the one card and continue the duel.
Actually PoG did speciffy where to draw 2 cards from in its original printing, its only the more modern printings which don't specify location and even then it's covered by the rules so you'd instantly get DQ'ed
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I draw pot of greed
This allows me to draw three cards from my opponents deck
I place pot of greed in attack mode
When pot of greed is summoned onto the field I can activate it's special effect which allows me to draw three more cards
that’s not what that card does
i draw pot of greed allowing me to draw two more pots of greed
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Get Rekt
A card for ants.
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Shamismell particles
.webm of Swimsuit Ryoko summoning a cavalry charge and then throwing a beaker of explosive liquid where? Draw that card.
So what kind of card would this be?
Not really, the picture is right.
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Shami author lives!!!
>Shamiko gets scared by satania taunts
>Satania still manages to mess by her own
It would be nice
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Umm... You're fucked.
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People these days don't even know how to run a proper Shadow Mistress deck
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i HATE shamiko!

>Only dumb assholes get in this box
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>People start bullying and shitposting Shami
>Thread starts to die
As expected
Only Shami love is allowed
This looks a lot like bullying.
it's just aggressive love
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Need a card for this one.
Why does she have the extra deck in hwr hand?
i LOVE shamiko!
she should have charged way more.
Ito is so based it's dangerous.
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Shami anal
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>Can be summoned with any three.mazoku cards
>Other monsters can't activate effects and lose 1000 attack points
>If this card leaves the field due to battle, you can banish one magical girl or mazoku card to instantly bring it back
>Any link card it defeats gets summoned to your side of the field
>You do not need to shuffle your deck
So I have the option to shuffle it or not?
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Get out of here, Shiroko!
She totally should next month, especially if her medicine is getting pricier or she’s not getting paid my the manga is on hold.
I assume that's a temporary fixture.
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I summon good girl in face up attack position. ENDO TAN
Can she be fused with something to make her stronger?
It's part of the shadow mistress archetype.
With the dark magic awakening or dark magic ritual cards you can use Yuko-chan to special summon a higher level shadow mistress card.
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>a higher level shadow mistress card
Any nice special effects?
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Mazoku Souls.

Ironic that Shamiko may be rounding up and re-housing Mazoku Souls very soon in the manga itself...
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The "I Win" card.
>Summon yuko
>play "Ritual of darkness"
>Special summon Shamiko: Ruler of Tama Town 5* 1000/1000
>Play "Master's contract", to special summon Monmo Emissary of Darkless 7* 2400/800, as long as Shamiko is on the field
>Shamiko the Dark Ruler's special ability takes all enemy monsters and puts them on your side of the field for one turn upon summon.
>Monmo can attack twice per turn
Pretty easy instant kill combo for newer players

Once you have three Mazoku type monsters you can link summon "Demon Lord Shadow Mistress" 3000/LINK-4

Getting shamiko's on the field allows you to easily steal enemy monsters or quick summon Dark Ruler minion type monsters or mahou shoujo helpers like Momo or Mikan. Her attack power is very weak but her effects allow her to special summon others easily.
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By Demon Lord Shadow Mistress you mean her?

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hello shamithread
hello shamifrens
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>Unironically playing a Shadow Mistress deck

So many plebs. Shadow Mistress is way too slow, you have to go through so many useless combo pieces just to get to their (admittedly amazing) boss monsters. Sure, it can be fun to build it up but in a serious match there’s no way it can compete. I mean, look at its competition
>Monmo decks and their relentless collection of beatsticks and omni-negates
>Mikan decks shitting out Citrus Counters everywhere all the time, to say nothing of their synergy with Ugallu spells
>Lixpo decks and their insane control and lockdown effects
>Ogura decks and their peerless searching and draw power
And that’s not even counting other niche decks like Sakura Fusion Control, Light Clan Synchro Spam, or Lilith Xyz Swarm. Shadow Mistress decks are completely useless, only good for the sexy card art.
Shami deck synergizes with Monmo deck; you use Shamiko to control enemy monsters to become your sacrifices for stronger shami summons. Any turn you can easily get Shamiko on the field which lets you instantly special summon one Momo or Mikan. Its perfect for link summons or synchro summons with how easy it is to special summon.
Shamiko if a duelist
>devs abandoned apple decks
>no support for years
it's not fair bros, when they first came out it seemed like it would be a perfect counter to ricky decks
You’re absolutely correct, but in that case you’re not really running a Shami deck, you’re just running a Monmo or Mikan deck with a suboptimal tech choice
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>Summon Shamiko
>Use "Form change", special Summon Shamiko: Emotional Wall form. 5* 0/3000
>Impervious to all attacks, spell cards, or trap cards
>Summon two gosenzu tokens to the field using Mazoku Festival
>Any time a Mazoku card gets played I can instantly special summon Shamiko: Wiener Salesman to the fiend 2* 0/1000
>Sacrifice gosenzu tokens to summon Philosophy Shamiko, 2300/2000 instant effect she shuffles all cards from graveyard and banished pile back into the deck, along with shuffling your hand back into the deck, and draw five new cards.
>Special summon Restaurant Manager 2* (tuner) 0/400
>Synchro summon Giant Destroyer form Shamiko 9* 4000/4400, cannot damage opponents life points but its allowed to attack all enemy monsters every turn.
>Play ritual in the dark night (Can only be used when Shamiko is on the field) to summon three 2* and below mazoku monsters from the deck. They cannot be used for sacrifice summons this turn
>Attack all enemy monsters with Destroyer Shamiko
>Quick play "Moonlight Oath" to ritual sacrifice destroyer Shamiko and two of the 2* mazoku tokens, to summon 12* Shadow Empress Ruler of Dreams. No trap, magic, or card effect can be activated on her battle turns, instant effect whenever an attack is declared you can take control of any one card on the opponents side of the field and move it to your side of the field, each turn summon one mazoku from your hand to the field, opponents cannot attack other targets aside from Shadow Empress as long as she's on the field, if Shadow Empress is beaten in battle you can sacrifice one mazoku from your field to resummon on the same turn, if a magic or trap card is used on your opponents turn you can sacrifice one mazoku per turn to negate and banish the card.
alright, your turn
Looks very shamidifferent.
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*hand traps you*
*forces you to sit there watching me combo'ing for 30 minutes straight*
*sets up a full board of omni-negates and various disruptions*
*doesn't let you do anything as I negate and destroy all your cards*
She looks like she runs madolche.
I was very surprised seeing the huge Sanrio building when I got there for the pop-up store
Believe in the heart of the shamicards.
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But it's too much fun swapping in Shamis and all the different equip cards. Sure it all collapses if they pull a certain mesugaki but once you get a Shami on the field she's pretty much immortal. Even mid level shamis get some really interesting trick play potentials if you keep a level head and watch for the gaps in their strats.
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>only good for the sexy card art.
In the end, is that not what really matters?
This. You don't run a pure Shami deck like how you don't run a pure Kaijuu deck. You put a Kaijuu in your deck to fuck up your opponents, so in that vein you put some Shami to easily buff your Mikan or Momo decks.
She's a hafu from her father's side, she'll be fine
This sounds busted. Is there any counter-play?
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Play Suika deck using some Gusion support. Those two combos very well in locking down and banishing mazoku, the more mazoku you banish, the more you lock out Shami's supports and thus her power.
too lanky, Shami is short and curvy (fat)
I'll do that. Any specific cards to look out for?
Odd proportions
Requesting image of squirting citrus.
Be the change you seek.
Trash demon
When flip summoned, retrieve one card from the graveyard to your hand

High strategist demon: lilith
Both players at the end of the turn discard all cards on the field and in their hand to the graveyard
Damn, you got me.
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It seems like a oversight to have a mazoku card game with no sharks.
This seems like an unfair match-up.
So she mentions that she won't take commissions of Kirara stuff and mentions OCs being okay, but could you commission art of non-Kirara existing characters? I"n hoping to commission her when she re-opens requests but unfortunately shamiart isn't allowed.
Anything non Kirara is allowed.
Its funny, I wonder if the editor left instructions of what to do if other kirara mangaka themselves commissioned pics of their own characters by her?
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Lillith Shark Commando card where?
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I wonder what Goku's stats are.
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Hefty mazoku udders held back by the illusion of a kimono..
Very cute animation.
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That's a lot of money to spend on a pop-up store. I wouldn't what the rate of return is.
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Goku?! That's impossible! Nobody has been able to summon him! AAAAAIIIIIIIIII
Don't worry, he still needs to use his zenkai boost and super saiyan cards to make him worth a damn.
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Stop posting my wife.
>kingu kurimuzon no noriaki
What are you gonna do about it?
Drink some OJ
Who /chainburn/ here?
What were her prices like?
Outstanding move.
I demand another season.
That would kill Ito
We need to build her a golden throne.
that is rules text
>you must immediately
what happens if i take my time?
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>play someone who is using a Shami deck
>This'll be easy
>Spend the first turn banishing half my deck to summon Heretical Suika, her power is based on how many cards are banished so naturally I'm feeling confident
>end turn
>Guy summons dark Messiah Shamiko and sends all my banished cards to his side of the field or the deck
>Spends the next fifteen minutes link summoning dozens of mazoku
>Suika loses all her power, while Shami Messiah grows in response to how many cards she un-banishes, and how many mazoku are on the field
This isn't legal
When are they finally gonna nerf that deck?
Shami deck is like dark magician deck
It gets new supports every few years to stay relavent
>24000 yen
Actually better than expected.
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I know very little about Yu-Gi-Oh except watching the anime 20 years ago. Are any of the DS / 3DS games good?
I'm pretty sure pendulum cards can have both.
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>snake eyes
Get that weak shit out of here
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The DS World tournament games are great fun
Download duel links for the phone if you want some quick duels that explain all the new mechanics bit by bit

Download Master duel on the phone if you're autistic but you want the authentic experience
yeah, I wouldn't advise jumping into modern yugioh right away if he haven't played in 20 years. The current game is way more complicated and faster.

If you want to ease into the new new mechanics then try duel links then Master duel if you really want to see how crazy modern yugioh is. Most games end by either turn 2 or 3
I mostly recommend duel links, it takes you through each series and you experience them as though it's the anime almost, you play against anime characters, and you can experience things bit by bit, and not bothering with modern gameplay much.

Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is basically just 30 minutes of a guy summoning every card in his deck in a single turn before you can even make a move. It's a guy setting up 14 monsters with 1000000 attack points that negate literally everything on the field on the first turn before you even make a move, and when it's your turn the cards on the enemies field negate literally everything you do, you draw a card it's negated, you play a card it's negated, you do literally anything it's negated.




This beyond human autism
The best YGO games are the tag force psp ones
I wasn't aware they did that for Dark Magician. That's cool.
All the main or popular archetypes have to keep getting supports to stay relevant.

You ask
>But how good can fusion be if I need two specific monsters
Ever since GX there are dozens of ways to fuse monsters straight from your deck
Watch the recent Yugioh movie to see how Blue Eyes and Dark magician decks have evolved in recent years

Its one of the last things the creator made before he died.
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Where is the extra deck stored on the duel disk?
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Looks like I win by the effect of Destiny Board.
She runs one of each exodia and 35 pots of greed.
Ganbare, Shamiko!
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Hideyuki Umezu, the narrator, passed away.
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Literally me.
it's over...
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Ito needs that Monster Reborn
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Why is this manga so cursed
>Shamiko unseals daddybox
>he's just a skeleton
too soon
Ganbare Ito-sensei, become the ultimate healing mangaka.
I blame magical girls.
>Hideyuki Umezu
Shit its real. This whole manga is cursed. None of the voice actors are going to want to come back for their roles even if they can convince the money people that Ito won't die before finishing the Suika story.
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Dead author
Dead actor
It's shamiover...
Take a step forward and get set three steps back.
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It's clearly Shamiko's fault.
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Poor Joshua.
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You fool!
When the HELL are they going to put Shamiko’s Totally Normal Stick on the banlist? Sick and tired of seeing this thing and its bullshit plays everywhere.
Exodia's win condition isn't an effect and it doesn't activate, thoughever
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Do you know how much money they make from people trying to acquire the Totally Normal Stick? It would be killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
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Post more Ryo please
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Do you want 司馬 (Ssu-ma) Ryoko or 太史 (Taishi) Ryoko? Shamiko's Generalissimo or Ogura's librarian and tard-wrangler?
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Taishi Ryoko.
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The Goldfish said Ryoko's mana was exceptional.
Is the only thing keeping her from using the Stick is that she is not a awakened mazoku?
In the Bible, there were supposedly two sticks kept in the Ark. That of Aaron and that of Moses. They need to find where that other stick is so both sisters can have one.
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Never forget what they took from her.
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Cancelling her bust is a bigger crime than being denied her father for her entire life.
She has time.
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Its no surprise that she starts hanging out with Mikan and Ugallu and has taken up yoga.
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9 (nine) years old...
Correct time for precocious puberty to hit. And it usually leads to having the "short stack" body type, especially when your starting height is 2 years behind your classmates to begin with. Ryoko is average height for a 2nd grade girl and she is in the 4th grade. Shamiko is in the tenth grade and is average height for a 6th grader.
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>Exodia's win condition isn't an effect
Their height simply goes into their massive intelligence instead of height.
Shamiko is cursed so her intelligence is barely average, though her ability to empathize with others is dangerously high, enough to get herself killed with misplaced compassion. The family curses don't affect Ryo but apparently- the height is not a curse, its just Joshua's DNA. And so Ryo is as precociously intelligent as she is sexually developed. A much safer match.

Women debate whether the precocious puberty is a curse or not, technically in this case its probably not, just Seiko's DNA expressing itself, but some women might not agree.
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False, Shamiko is a brainy demon
Victory conditions are not effects, activated or otherwise. The only stipulation is that you achieve the condition on the card and you are not currently in the middle of resolving the effect of another card.
You were supposed to run Forbidden Memories to brain wash the opponent's Shamiko allies to your side.
Would Ryo do enkou?
If it is to build the glory of their clan...! She'd even be Daji if it's necessary to take down enemies of her sister.
She wanted to bleach the goldfish just for asking her to be a magical girl. No I don't think she would do enkou. At least not in the traditional sense. If you were female and non-human and if it might benefit Shamiko like>>266845137
said, she would give it a try.
Her reaction to the fish's offer is understandable since the magical girl system is diametrically opposed to Shamiko's growth. If doing enkou had enough benefits for her sister I'm sure she'll go for it, even if reluctant.
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She is an unconventional thinker.
That she is, Shamiko's imagination and ability to visualize things in great detail is amazing.
daddybox is airtight and is self cleaning.
when they open it would be a fresh and neatly organized pile of organs and bones.
Skeleton warlock when?
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Remember to stay hydrated, eye juice can sap your electrolytes.
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fresh mistress yuko
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now there will never ever be another season huh
just like hidamari sketch
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we're okay with that
another season would genuinely kill Ito
Gochiusa lost both Tippy and Chiya's granma if you need to stare at the ceiling some more.
Why would you stare at the ceiling, are you trying to look up Gusion's skirt?
Wouldn't it be looking down (up?) her blouse? Since she usually hangs upside down.
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what is she looking at
Gochiusa S4 is in development though, official announcement coming later this year
They're still better off than we are. We're stuck praying for Ito.
I just realized that a dragon is the only creature not in the cast of Machikado Mazoku.
>He's a snake
He had a dragon gem
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Are there pandas?
>not in the cast
Shami vs Yugi, who would win?
Yugi, but he'd help her learn the game similar to how Joey learned how to play after Yugi treated him like a friend despite the bullying. She'd slowly learn how to play, probably build a deck around Fiend monsters, though there would be oddball cards in there that reflect her connections to Momo, Anri, and so on. Kind of like how Yugi's main theme is Dark Magician, but he pulls out crazy shit that's unrelated like the Magnet Warriors.
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Yami's deck revolves around dark magic and fiends

Yugi's deck revolves around weak monsters which combine together to grow stronger, or monsters that grow stronger over time

It's the reason small Yugi's final deck had gadget warriors and magnet warriors. Silent swordsman and silent magician were his ace monsters, they grow stronger every turn, they level up over time, it's symbolic of how small yugi grows stronger over time and they use the power of friendship to become stronger

Yami's deck isnt about growing stronger, it's about being a trickster who relies on magic and turnabout to undercut the opponent

You only appreciate their two different deck types after the final arc. The magnet warriors and a few other monster archetypes in Yugi's deck in battle city were due to small Yugi's influence, while the fiends were more yami. Yugi was the better duelist than Yami all along, but he didn't believe in himself, his journey was about gaining the confidence to show the determination of a true duelist. The ultimate answer he found was "silence".
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Gadget warriors, any time you summon one onto the field, they can call upon other gadget warriors. You can instantly summon several monsters at once with them.
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Also a theme of small Yugi's cards, they're mostly toys, indicating his childish nature which he managed to accept. Toy soldier, toy golems, etc. the deck reflects the soul of the duelist.
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Last duel was all about them showing their souls to each other. The themes ofnir all were almost perfect.
That's a cute story.
What extension for chrome do you guys use to download images from artists that post on twitter?
Some people just don't appreciate the simultaneous Yugioh and Machikado Mazoku thread
What if Shamiko was a card?
The strongest card.
She'd be flat.
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I finally got the Shamigod card! Shame that it's almost as much of a brick as Shining Blue Eyes Dragon but if I made that work when it came out I can make this work too.
I rely on /a/ to repost them.
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PhotoShow and X original images.
It would be a case of it works because the card says it works, like that one card that triggers off the affect of "an endless ocean" even though endless ocean has changed it's name to umi by the time the effect would trigger
Link Shamiko > Shami synchro > Shami LV > XYZ shami
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why is yugioh like this
I don't like images depicting shamiko feeling bad things
Full image is complicated
The game has gone on for a long time.
What are they saying?
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Shami LV cards get the most interesting tricks to play with though. The extra deck Shamis are more about synergies with the other MM archetypes as cores but with a Shami LV core deck it's all about hanging in there, being brainier than the opponent and coming in with a clutch win after sending as many Shamis you can to the the graveyard. Even if it has a fairly high bricking rate, it's the most satisfying way to play the game and is still viable against those braindead combo decks.
Did these fan cards of shami exist before or are people making them for this thread?
Magic cylinder.
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Maybe it's time for yu gi oh to die!
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It's a mixed bag of mazokus.
>Maybe it's time for yu gi oh to die!
super pregnant means she will have twins
>Draw a card.
Shami cards are all about shitting other cards onto the field instantly. You lay down a Shami you can quick summon any mazoku in your hand or graveyard pretty easily, perfect for shnchro. Shami brainwashes the enemy monster, you can now use that for a sacrifice or synchro, it's all about quantity.
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Ganbare, narrator-san.
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It's not fair
this franchise is so cursed
it's my fault everything i dab into becomes cancelled or dies
but i cant help it i like it
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Unless you're talking about some new Shamicard refrain, LV5 >>266733752
doesn't let you use them for synchro, xyz or link summoning. You could use them as tributes to summon more Shamis if you have Double Summon in your hand but otherwise it's only meant to neutralize but not quite kill enemy monsters.
Example of a Shami link card >>266691133

Can be summoned with any three mazoku effect monsters
1) any card it links to loses 1000 atk and effects are nullified
2) if it is defeated in battle you may banish any mazoku or magical girl card instead to negate any loss
3) if it defeats a monster in battle you may special summon it to your side of the field

Shami link summons opened up new styles of play with Shami decks. These days it's all about quick summoning mazoku cards onto the field which can be used to link summon or synchro summon big monsters onto the field instantly

Level cards require various cards to make it usable at all to automatically advance the turn several turns at once to fast level them, it's very slow compared to new age summoning
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Shami LV cards aren't that slow. You basically summon LV1-3 in the same turn via their searcher effects and even put out 4-6 too if you have any in hand. I'd argue that you'd be able to summon that link Shami with a pure Shami deck than using a mix of Mazoku archetypes.
Ganbare, Shamiko...
Shamiko's tail whipping about as she runs...
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Shamiko will summon the sky dragon eventually, just wait for Ito to re-alive enough to continue the story
I'm confident Shamiko will usher a new era of world peace.
Winged dragon god of the Osiris

More and more these days I just think back to how weird localization has been for the last 40 years. "Kids won't understand if something is called Osiris, it'll scare them. Quick change the name to slifer instead". The second you realize how ethnocentric localization has always been with people just thinking the original writer is retarded and they can do better, the more you wonder how anime was ever popular in the west with these people always in control
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I am a shamibeliever.
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What did Kurisuta do to Shamiko?
Thank you very much!
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Is this true, and will it hold up in court?
Mazoku existence are not legally acknowledged, so it's not rape.
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Check my 5
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shamicar on tv
We made it.
Need that
Tough talk for someone in Kaiju distance
Have a Nibiru, friend. You've earned it with all that summoning.
>nuking is now legal
That's clearly a monmobile.
her idea of a stick is definitely unconventional
I love itasha
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Her mind is unshackled unlike ours.
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Ito status?
Slightly better the sacrifice worked
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Muscles no longer work
She's currently undergoing a training arc to be able to sit up straight for longer periods at a time
Taking art commissions every month to pay for her art supplies, and as practice so her arms can be working properly again. Commission cost is around $240, she takes four or five a month.
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Momo apologizing to Anri for some reason
I can think of a few reasons.
I need your most romanic images starring shamiko and momo.
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nothing anri remembers though
What exactly is plaguing Ito?
She's likely a victim of poor parenting decisions.
could shami drive a stick shift?
>The ultimate answer he found was "silence".
>uses Silent monsters
The deck always reflects the duelist, that why Yugi's final deck was so good. Every card was his soul. His determination was to keep his feelings silent so his friend could pass on peacefully, they already said everything they needed to say. The silent monsters are his determination.
>Unable to sit up anymore
>Muscles have lost all mass
>Can't draw properly right now due to hands and muscles not working right
Could be anything
Well this>>266945487
But according to a tweet from a couple years ago, she has emphysema as her primary ailment, which has its root in the damage caused by having whooping cough as a infant.
However she has had bouts of ataxia, the first coming during the run of the first anime season. She fell asleep in the middle of a chain of all nighters trying to finish a chapter and when she woke up again her right side was numb, including her right eye and the right side of her mouth. After a stroke was ruled out it was called nervous ataxia and was initially treated as psychological. Its happened a couple times since and from the description she gave it sounds a lot like she had one again. Maybe its related to low oxygen levels, but its not something that appears a lot in the literature for emphysema symptoms.
I want to Ito to live.
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The red page nine
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This is now a Traptrix thread
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No, it's time to duel.
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Do any other magical girls have a gamer mode?
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Why does Momo wear crocs?
when are we going to see the other mahou shoujo and shami's osananajimi from the hospital?
Give or take 2-10 years if all goes well.
You miss timing activation.
When will the new doujin be translated?
I think you'd have the option if the deck is in a state of unknown order (already shuffled) but you wouldn't if any of the cards were know (such as cards placed at the bottom or top of the deck due to card effects)
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Calf and her sister cow..
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You just know this card would get on the ban list for no reason at all.
How much time is actually spent shuffling in tournaments? Is it on an as-if basis (so if you play two cards that search the deck right after each other, you don't have to do it twice)?
They are comfy and easy to wear
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08/09 World Championship NDS games are the best ways to learn basics
The rules of the game stipulate that win conditions are not effects and cannot be negated. They do not start a chain and nothing can respond to them.

Exodia ends the game as soon as the condition is met and the same applies to Ghostrick Angel of Mischief.

"A Legendary Ocean" is always called "Umi". That's a condition as well, not an effect. It's always "Umi", even on the Side Deck.
They have to pretend that they're enforcing some kind of standard.
I shamibelieve in Ito.
I shamibelieve in anon who shamibelieves in Ito.
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>rig the deck
>place card under my sleave
>GODshuffle the cards so it all lands perfectly
>beat my little bro's friends with the worst 5 card win condition in the game
And then they dropped the game forever.
But what if they just hit your Destiny Board with Remove Trap?
I don't get it.
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Cute umbrella.
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i wonder if we could get suika and yurine to fuck off together somewhere
wfdownloader app works
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Shami love
Shamihug every shamiposter
What's wrong with Yurine?
We already did. Maho Akogarete is actually a spin off and Venalita is responsible for shit that happened in the mazoku town's past.
Yes but there's a special ruling on warrior of Atlantis that says it can treat a legendary ocean as a legendary ocean despite what the rules otherwise say, a card that countered exodia would logically be given the same rulling
Aru looking like she's about to die.
Pet the Shamicat
sex with seiko
Got one with Momo?
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It's not shamiover!
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I totally understand what's happening here.
Yes, I'd love to bump Shamiko
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Shamithreads are the strongest or so I've been told
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Did that come to you in a dream?
Have I been a victim of mazoku dreamwashing?
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oh, momo, hello

sorry, but shami isn't here right now
>no, i came to ask you for something
me? my my i wonder what it could me

>could you teach me how to cook? i... i want to make something for shamiko
sure!! of course i can!

well then, let's make lunch right away, yuko will be happy too
>please do...

rlixpo: you can ask me to
*wink* call me nee-san
>oh, i'm fine
Thank you, anon! That's really cute.
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How hygienic Shamiko is?
We know that she's an indoor person (before) who loves video games, but I don't think she's the type who skips bath time or forgo grooming herself.
Either way, she's a succubus. Her pheromones overpower what ever stink she have.
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shamiless shamiko
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>Rereading yugioh
>this happens
Momo's drastically altered Shamiko's daily schedule and triggered some succucow instincts that have put the otherwise indomitable peach mahou shoujo at real risk of submission. The training sessions kickstarted pheromone production, with Shamicow unconciously not wanting to smell unappealing to her target. The regular use of mana during training has also improved Shamicow's mana flow, leading to an increased sensitivity in focal points such as the nipples. Access to Momo's limitless supply of groceries has improved Shamicow's nutrition which also led to improved succucow functions, more milk production, strong pheromones, higher dream diving fidelity, increased passive allure..

Shamicow, being subconsciously aware of the ensnaring of her target, has also changed her behaviour. Particularly she puts much more attention to her appearance and hygiene, as evidenced by when she brushed her teeth for 20 minutes prior to a date. It's also safe to assume that bathing at the Yoshida's is a family affair, with everyone sharing the same tub in turns. Shamicow would not want to miss access to this so she most probably places great importance on the activity. Access to Momo's mcmansion has also increased the frequency in which Shamicow bathes, with the succucow regularly coercing her mark into the tub with her to prevent the lethargic peach from ignoring self care.

All in all, Shamicow's mix of succucow pheromones and light, well groomed girl musk, are incredible and tailour made through countless generations of succucow to aide in seduction.
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if that's not where momo's stick goes, then why does it fit perfectly? checkmate shamitheists
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The picture I want is a dancing pallbearers joke about carrying dadbox to the funeral pyre, or recycling.
I can't find the picture that Ito took of her blood pressure device that day her diastolic dropped to 47. And you are supposed to lose consciousness when it drops to 50, but she was so used to low oxygen levels she was taking pictures and tweeting about it.
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That's not a fucking quick play spell
Pot of Greed can do anything.
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Devious succucow
Is this a Yu-Gi-Oh thread or a shami thread?
then Momo wakes up and gets unjustly mad at Shamiko again
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The first one is revealed
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How about the taste?
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Shamiko wearing motherly clothes does things to my imagination
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that's a truly demonic bosom
Shamiko always has cute clothes. What a spectacular design that she can dress like a traditional housewife or an exhibitionist, yet always look good.
It's nice how machikado embraced the different body types, unlike bocchi anime.
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The outfit
Momo borgar.
Its another one of Seiko's outfits, with the top of the skirt rolled up, isn't it?
Thats supposed to be a E cup.
The mazoku has put on weight. The mazoku needs to go on a diet.
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Hiatus this month again...
Why did you expect a miracle when the woman surfaced to announce that her muscles barely work at the moment? I wouldn't be surprised if she'd actually been in coma these past few months and only just woke up weeks ago.
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Shamiko's E cups..
it just occurred to me that sakura is a oppai fetishist and jumped at the opportunity to literally get as close to shamiko's boobs as possible
no wonder she flat out rejected suika
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Shamipai tend to have that kind of alluring effect, I wouldn't put it past Sakura to have manipulated a specific curse to allow unfettered breast development. Shamicow is packing for an impoverished mazoku, truly succucow genes are unstoppable.
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Oppai loli are peak. I feel safe knowing this perverted moozoku is patrolling the streets!!
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>no wonder she flat out rejected suika
Hey, Suika has some decent melons too
obviously not of the caliber sakura seeks
that's fan art also
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Of course it is, drawing the melon saps Ito lifeforce too fast
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Mazoku on top!!
More generally speaking, melon on the bottom
Need. To. MILK
The strongest.
The problem is that Exodia doesn't create a chain. You can't activate traps after the game is over.
You would need an already activated card on the field that says that it negates Exodia win condition, or literally change the rules of how Exodia and other alternate win conditions works.
The picture is right. In Yugioh, the rule of trying to draw from an empty deck doesn't work like that.
The rule says that whenever an effect tells you to draw more cards than you have in your deck, you automatically lose the duel.
If for example, you were to draw a 100 cards, and you had all pieces of the exodia in your deck, you would lose the duel before you got the chance to draw all pieces of exodia.
There is only one "oppai loli" in the series and it's Ryo. Shamiko's just a regular shortstack.
Oh wow, that does really shut down some of the shenanigans you see in the anime.
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this fandom is heading towards a dark future, I can feel it
Anon... We're already past that point
I love how her crisis management form's "bra" is just napkins held by a belt, and not even held at the top. This provides cleavage, sideboob, and a small amount of underboob, giving three forms of breast-related eye candy. How wonderful.
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I love Shami
I wonder how many of the Hidamari alcoholics are still alive.
Like someone else said, not surprising since she's doing commissions as a form of rehab.
Does anyone know if she's finished one yet?
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Is it bad if I completely forgot that I was supposed to expect anything at the end of the month? Such is shamilife
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the juice is loose
me on the right
She needs to rest.
What is this for?
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You have shamiadapted.
monmo would never wear a skirt that short
this is lixpo in disguise
>Shamigo thread still alive
Wtf how this is possible?
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that's a cute board you got there. would be a shame if i entered the battle phase.
What is happening in this image? Surely not shamirape right?
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Holstein such as Shamiko are Shamiasking for it with such a lascivious body so it's clearly not Shamirape.
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Damned perverted mazoku parading around town bereft of all modesty.. She can't complain if residents start making demands for Shamizuri..!!
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momo borgor
Cute borgar.
>thread lasted longer than a week
Shamiko teach me your ways
the power of yugioh
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She believes in the heart of the cards and so can you.
Sporks are the most powerful utensil.

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