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Previous Thread: >>8160059

>No futa
>No gays, but lesbians are okay
>No racebaiting
>No gas or onara
>No drama
>No AI 'art'

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Think we should merge/add robots to the OP next time? We've kinda been kindred threads, but if you guys think we should keep it separate, I get it.
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You could just give these threads a rest? Let supply and demand bring them back like they always used to, instead of relying on reposts on threads back-to-back all the time.
But we haven't? The thread only archived because some autist was flooding the board
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I'm not the OP but I try to keep the content fresh. Sometimes it do need a break sometimes not, it doesn't matter either way. And hopefully not mixed with the robot thread. I don't want to see some shitty my life as a teenage robot porn in these threads.
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made for breeding
If this thread can survive until tomorrow I'll force myself to make some OC for it. The last one died in the night
i will pre-preemptively request cuddling or loving mating press
it only died because some retard spammed like 50 threads on aco, culling most of the threads
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it's habbening again
maybe posting more new content instead of the same shit over and over again might help too
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I said I'd post some OC if the thread lived
Halo armor's extremely fucking difficult to draw
>security and odst
based taste
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The thread falling off really isn't helped by the AI shitters who made a dozen threads a day.
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have some fresh stuff tho while it lasts.
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hell yeah anon nice work, thanks for drawin'. also i'd say practice drawing the H3 armor since it's objectively the best looking while still being fairly simplistic. reach armors are a close 2nd
this guy has a faceless knight character he's added to his CYOA, if anyone wants to get in on it >>8167533
She's got curves in all the right places.
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last thread returned from the graveyard lmao
>mods doing their jobs
You love to see it
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so are we sticking to this one, the old one, or keeping both alive?
Last one has died a second time
>new content
On /aco/? Come on, anon, that's crazy talk.
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not explicit but still somehow incredibly arousing
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yeah, those cute feminine mannerisms, really nice.
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mmf mmf
>is clearly a milita pliot
>is surrounded by IMC Grunts
Is no one concerned about the obvious spy
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What discussion topics can you even come up with for masked/faceless? It's not quite a waifuable fetish
your mother is not waifuable
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The same discussion topics for waifus with faces? I don't think people are starting discussions based solely on how the face of a character looks, but I'll humor you
>Do you prefer top half of the face covered so you can see her mouth, or bottom half so you can see her eyes?
>What type of body language is used in place of facial expressions?
>What type of headwear do you like to see? Motorcycle helmets, TV screens, hoods, masks, knight helmets, partially covered faces, fully covered faces, blank faces, sunglasses, goggles, facemasks, etc.
We don't need waifus. That shit becomes cancer everywhere else.
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critatonic on newgrounds
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good shit mate
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TiF2 Pule Blade model. Could be a merc working for ARES. White paint scheme is not required.
You can do this in-game just get default pulse blade pilot and select ARES.
i know this is off topic since this is a board for art, but does anyone know any cosplayers or pornstars who do IRL porn with some kind of full face covering mask or helmet? thanks in advance
there is that onlyfans slut who dresses like a shygal, cant remember the name.
I will look it up thank you
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Not on only fans no, I'd have a guess and say that there's probably a huge amount of latex stuff there but that might not be what you're looking for.
Vyne occasionally retweets posts from some slampig that does stuff like that, can't recall the name though
@Styrlingelf on Twitter occasionally does stuff like that.
Who is vyne?
he makes fempyro animations, his twitter is vyne34
I've seen pictures like that before but unfortunately I don't have any saved
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Ah shit, I posted the Pixiv version, hang on.
imagine the braps
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if I was degenerate retard emperor Commodus I would piss away the state's coffers on hosting lean and fit female gladiatrix fights and condemning the loser to forfeiting her hard-earned abs by being impregnated by me while my father Hadrian looks down from the afterlife in palpable disappointment

I would piss off the powerful and connected patricians so hard from eschewing governing duties in favour of ceaseless amazon dickings that I would basically speedrun political assassination much faster than the real Commodus ever did and get taken out while balls-deep in a panting and writhing warrior lady still in all her equipment sans skirt, belt, and underwear; fading into perpetual unconsciousness with a smug smile on my face knowing that setting a nearly-millennium-old state on the path of increasing political tumult and decadence was very well worth the gallons upon gallons of cum I pumped into the bellies of athletic Mediterranean women
based coomer
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You know what's the most evil /mfg/ thought? That technically a fursuit fits the requirements of this thread.
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lethal cumpany
cuddle faceless gals
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put her back in the suit
you spilled some, now you've got to fuck another load in
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Any mask lover content coming in from new media?
The only thing I can think of recently is helldivers, but that came out a few months ago, isn't as good as the first, and has tons of art with making them take off their helmets.
...elden ring dlc in a couple months?
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On the quieter end, yes.
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Finally some good fem custode content
The colors are captivating.
they're very pleasant to the eye
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when all the geedubs lorerape controversy was going down I was secretly hoping it would result in art like this
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extracting nutrients
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>thrust, squishing noise
>thrust, squishing noise
>thrust, squishing noise
hawt who are these?
Nice, wish there was more elite x fem!spartan/odst stuff
So far there's only really the ankhaijit stuff, and I think methados had done some ODST art years and years ago
She must be legendary at sucking dick
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there's some stuff out there at least
Might be spl4ts?
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Captcha: TOPXDY
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every csarphong pic is a blessing
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I want to be able to draw like this some day
slappable navel
does it matter? it allows you to have all the benefits of a character having a mouth, without getting rid of the mystery, or lazily slapping collagen injected lips on an otherwise good design
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This midnight teeth person is making some fire art
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new RoR update is out
shame most of the new art will be degenerate
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character based on a random shitpost I saw
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very nice
love the jingles
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I changed them to tiny morning stars
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She's lovely.

Would love to see her stuck modelling one of her own instruments, like a pillory or shrew's fiddle.
A Scold's bridle but with a gag rather than a spiked bit in the mouth?
I was thinking of suggesting Scold's bridle too, but unfortunately she can't be both gagged and Masked/Faceless.

Also, speaking of medieval torture devices, she would be a great fit for scavenger's daughter. Gotta make sure the devices work before using them on her umm... customers.
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Imagine being the poor engineer that receives a request for power armor with these measurements
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>she can't be both gagged and Masked/Faceless.
not necessarily true: that's a cloth mask, and it looks fairly thin, so you could have the gag kinda 'bite' through the mask and have her mouth lightly outlined, sorta like this
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She's definitely a huge bitch for no real reason other than being an elf. You think with a witch hunter and a dwarf that she'd look better in comparison but no, not by a long shot.
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doesn't seem all that much more work than usual, maybe just a few more materials at best
Elf pussy
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SEX with SA-X!
mucho grassy ass
>armored samus
patrician taste
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Their twitter @detw3EbbEnGLcgB is still active so it may have gotten deleted because of pixiv's censorship rules. They haven't used it since 2019 though.
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armored Samus is the most natural Samus
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I know it's
But have you guys heard of zentai?
What are your opinions?
There was a period in my teens that I jerked off to lewd zentai often.
haven't heard of it
maybe there's potential
could I get some sentai stuff? I need it for some refs
I don't have anything saved so you might just want to look it up in a search engine.
It's basically just full body Lycra/spandex bodysuit fetishism.
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That's all I have looked for
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it's like a cruel parody of masked/faceless made by normies
I think I finally get it when people say 3DPD
didn't know i needed this
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The dichotomy of /mfg/
It's literally masked faces.
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Paradox is a character from Valve's new multiplayer game
I might try something with her if I get a chance
Daft punk if he were a girl
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Surprised I’m not seeing lewds of Mag or Ember Heirloom
Also I’m curious, do you guys play Warframe for the faceless latex fetish or is that incidental
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Ember Heirloom
Hopefully they don’t nerf the advertised assets. DE’s not the most wokescold developer ever, but they’ve paid attention to accusations of catering to muh male gaze before so I dunno
on 3dpds
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>do you guys play Warframe for the faceless latex fetish or is that incidental
the faceless latex is what brought me to it, but the gameplay itself was good. the grind is a lot worse for a lot of people because they single-mindedly focus on finishing missions as fast as possible and getting items instead of not caring and using the game's actually-really-good parkour to bounce off the walls and run circles around groups of enemies you otherwise wouldn't be able to face head-on.

haven't played in years but I remember the atmosphere and art style getting diluted over the updates, but I'm not really able to articulate why
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>atmosphere and art style getting diluted over the updates, but I'm not really able to articulate why
You’re far from the first to talk about it, because it has strayed way away from the art style Warframes had in the first couple of post launch years.
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ah geez
I understand they have to add another frame every update for tradition and are probably running out of ways to make them look distinct, but that one looks like a resident evil antagonist after he mutates into the final boss
I got into it because of and ground for Saryn, as soon as I got her I almost immediately stopped playing.
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Gameplay was fun, but grinding for Valkyr > Mesa > Garuda + Primes was what kept me going for a time. Was purely in it for the fashion frame.
Kinda based that you knew what you wanted and got it. I believe DE’s sold a line of Saryn figurines at some point over the past couple of years, if thats your jam
Ay, Siege stuff is nice.
Admittedly my interest in Warframe sort of died when I found out you were not playing as sexy latex robot ninjas, but a space baby astral projecting into one.
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baconlegs my beloved
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>characers voluntarily surrenders their identity for the cause
>accept being referred to by number at all times
>even slip into it when in private
>it's nice and comfortable just being a faceless cog
Why am I like this? I wonder what fucked me up to get me off on this kind of thing over more normal stuff.
I just noticed
>no plates for the chest
>ballistic chastity cage
kojima truly is an oddball

as for the rest of it, iunno, you like stability?
The whole suit is bulletproof material but yeah some titcups would make sense.

Yeah stability I guess. I'm not imagining for me tho, just for the hot ladies in my wet dreams.
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We need more of this if we are ever going to make it, bros.
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I don't know if this is Ai but it wasn't tagged as Ai.
I think it'd edited AI
The bike has a very weird perspective issue
its definitely ai
sorry man not for me >>8285549
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Artist source?
thanks for posting everyone
gonna be away for a week or two so the next thread is up to you guys
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See you next thread, anons
nice, is there more?

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