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/aco/ - Adult Cartoons

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Online translate generators still too primitive. Can someone fluent help?
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not someone fluent, but google and chatgpt gave me the same "Look! There's the cool guy who wanted to teach us how to swim"
still don't understand the picture

"but, daddy, I haven't let go of the ball!"
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I don't get this.
despite being married, she is a slut for wearing such revealing clothes
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"Fresco" means in slang the exact oppossite of "cool" even if the main meaning is the same. "Would-be-playa" would be a good translation in context.
Also, a ver si aprendéis a hablar en cristiano, panda de orcos.
This one is in Spanish. It's in Argentinian, which is as Spanish as Ebonics is to English.
Portuguese, noyt Spanish. But "reais" means "real", not "royal". Same word in Portuguese, different one in English.
"A bit more risqué" would convey better the joke.
>a ver si aprendéis a hablar en cristiano
why should I? So that once every 30 years I would be better in helping some anon out in translating a text from spanish? Even though in the next 30 years AI will be able to do it on its own?
I might as well tell you "Learn german, french, chinese(all versions), korean, russian, hindi, turkish, vietnamese" because who knows, one day you might see a comic in these languages and want to translate it
fucking orc yourself
Yo! You got mah cell number, is mah nahzza ahn Faceboaahahght, like, I goaht ya added ahn Sonahco, ya is ahn mah LahnkedIn network a' ya follow me ahn Twahtter. Ah be baaad..... what mo contact du ya wat, mostly, Lucas?
nigga, the same person is fluently reading English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (and Argentinian and Ebonics) ITT. Because I am intelligent and you are a moron. Keep being a proud moron, be my guest.
- Eh, boys, here come our baby bottles!
- I'd be OK with getting rid of the bottles
- Baby wanna booby
no text worth mentioning, "happy new year" many times and "rico tipo" which is just the mag's name
Looks like a South American cartoon because they list the prices in Argentina and Chile. The beach babes are saying look there's the noob (literally "fresh") that we wanted to teach how to swim. Maybe his wife will let him learn but she has tied his hands so he won't try to squeeze their tits and assess. Before feminism went into overdrive and started labeling everything as rape (while turning a blind eye to pizza epstein type child trafficking) there was a lot of this type of humor, even in maddox's 2007 book about slamming on the brakes so her tits land in your hand..
I think in this one he's nearsighted so he mistook her ass for the ball (same colors) and dove for it, then she smacked him with her purse, meanwhile his son is protesting, but daddy if I haven't even thrown the ball (why are you injured)... the strip is called the Penguin by the way.
So it needs a better or reworded caption?
Fuck off to /r/
probably? I think so anyway
what's the joke?
"fresco" means more like shameless or creep in this context. It is also used to refer to someone that often takes advantage of others or expects stuff for free. "fresh", "cool" or "noob" are never the meaning when used to refer to a person, even though literally means fresh or cool.
t. chileno
I'm the guy who thought it meant noob, thanks for clarifying, so the idea is they tried to teach him to swim and he took advantage of them, so now his wife is tying his hands maybe to throw him in the ocean as punishment? South America seems really fascinating like a totally different world, would love to visit someday.
>they tried to teach him to swim

The other way around. He probably offered to teach them so he hit on them or cope a feel.
He isn't tied up. He's helping his wife to roll the yarn. i think the idea is that he's henpecked by his ugly wife (a common trope in this kind of humour) doing a boring thing and he was just trying to have some fun (he's in a lot of trouble now).
>would love to visit someday
If you come to Chile just avoid Santiago. We have pretty much everything except tropical rainforest (there's cold rainforest though) and the people are nice if you stay out of the larger cities.
Are you channeling my 4th grade teacher? She bitched me out for skipping the third grade. Why? Because that was the grade they taught us cursive in my school. I never learned it. Technology has eliminated it. Can't say its held me back at all.

I also never learned touch typing, another thing they taught in my school (on Apple IIe computers). They thought we would all be taking dictation from our bosses or inputting hand written letters into databases or some shit. Seeing as I am a computer tech and spend almost my entire day in front of a computer and still don't have to type that much, I can't say that has hurt me either. Again, technology has eliminated the need for it.

I really did have multiple math teachers tell me that we wouldn't have calculators available to us all the time too. The 90's were a wild time.

Not the guy you were replying to, btw.
Either way works honestly.
Pretty good argument.
Tho i'll say that learning to make shit on your own will be important as we further move on to the 'AI utopia that will do everything for us'
Not only is it good for the brain to have a purpose, But also because shit may go haywire at some point.

Neither of the previous anons, btw

Are you retarded? ...Or are you a turbo normie that does not understand the implied degeneracy?
Lmao didnt catch they were the same colors.

Wait people dont like how argies speak?
Shit i always though it sounded the closest to spaniard's spanish, y'know the real spanish?
On second though spaniard's spanish is kinda awfull...
You must daft...
The joke is that the thing she is holding is already small as fuck. Keep in mind, this was published in 1960, so she is already being kinky as fuck.
Lol you're right, I need to work on my grammar (and South American slang).
Argie speak is always made fun of. Though desu I'm not sure if it's because they dont like how it sounds, or they just don't like Argentinians. A little bit of both probably.
Have you tried /r/?
Is there something I'm supposed to get?
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doesnt make sense
what am i doing wrong if a literal child can get attention from a woman and i can't
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this online translation doesn't feel nuanced enuff
You dense?
Probably everything if I had to venture a guess.
what would you change to add more nuance to it?

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