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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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Lovely Beasts Edition

cont. from >>4787478


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull Harness, X-Back Harnesses, and Sledding Harnesses. Pulling IS Dangerous.

ALWAYS: Size Correctly


Tom Davis (R+, R-, P+, P-, EC, PR): https://www.youtube.com/@tomdavisofficial
Joel Beckman (R+, R-, P+, P-, GL): https://www.youtube.com/@BDTraining
Larry Krohn (R+, R-, P+, EC): https://www.youtube.com/@lklencho
McCann Dogs (R+, P+, P-, GL): https://www.youtube.com/@McCannDogs
Emily Larlham (R+, P-): https://youtube.com/@kikopup?si=Rc-MXWZEWBxB864m

AVOID: Television Trainers Like Cesar Millan and Zak George

ALWAYS: Try R+ Only Before Using Other Methods

R+: Positive Reinforcement, R-: Negative Reinforcement, P+: Positive Punishment, P-: Negative Punishment, EC: E-Collar, PR: Prong Collar, GL: Gentle Leader/Head Collar



AVOID: Foods That Aren’t Labeled as Complete Dog Foods

ALWAYS: Manage Weight for Obese Dogs. Obesity IS Dangerous.

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Cope if you must, seethe if you will
Your obsession with getting heathers owners attention is getting old. No, I'm not them, but your meltdowns in the past threads sold it.

It's also getting really old watching who is probably heathers owner brutally mog you in dog food arguments. The intellectual pummeling you receive is embarrassing to watch.
/dog/ clothing:
For work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ training:
Be nice to /dog/s:

/dog/ breath freshening:

/dog/ feeding:
Get the facts about the raw feeding myth:
Quality dog food reviews here: https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip

in4 another whole thread seething about a specific husky because op literally has the ass burgers
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Based real op
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You faggots trust the govt to know what is good for you pets? Quick check revealed some anti raw food propaganda.
>ugh the government found salmonella in raw meat and said i shouldnt feed it to my dog so we dont both get sick, this is covid vaccines all over again
Has a dog ever gotten sick or died because of the nutrients lost to low temperature cooking? Just throw it in a pressure cooker to kill the microbes retard.
Reminder that this is the worst general on this board.
This is a life-changing correction for that dog. He will think twice about trying to punk other dogs.
This isnt dog training. This is animal abuse.
>got a mean dog?
>put a muzzle on and my dog will make it bleed.

Also reminder this usual contentious argument fell off when anya’s rapist realized he might be going to jail this year and hes been pretending to be marcies owner
Because its half zoosadists trolling, half the actual users being mad at it. This dogfighting webm >>4790684 was posted by someone who wrapped a puppy in tape and stuck a dildo in it as punishment for running away from his rape truck.
There's a broader social context missing from your analysis.
You posted a webm of someone releasing a muzzled bait dog to be attacked by a doberman

This is illegal dogfighting but then again you’re someone who views raping animals as morally neutral.
lol the dog attacks twice
Telegremlins on panic mode itt

They just remembered anyas rapist told a few californians the exact location of one of his normal truck stops and has been panicing and threatening to dox random posters (and do what?). Maybe he knows that if someone ran a rape kit on his dog…
So panicked he can’t even type.
Post dog with timestamp
Telegram was a mistake

It quickly turned into a zoophile hideout and they've taken over this general in an attempt to defend their member with the worst opsec from getting kiwifarms'd.

unfortunately, he's still getting kiwifarms'd, by the FBI. because he broke the law.
>if I bump the thread with my headcanon it'll go away faster
I'll be making threads from here on out.
Telegram has a lot of practical uses. It’s just that unsavory people tend to hide out in those types of sites like you say
It's basic self defense. You come at me and I'll bite you.
BTW I've never once pretended to be detective B or surfing sputnik.
>Pic related is his tele prof
Nope. I didn't post it.
It's obvious self defense and a teaching moment. A true bait dog would have been really mauled and bleeding on the ground. >>4790710
>been panicing and threatening to dox random posters (and do what?).
Lol wat? No.
I have yet to find any evidence anyone but the schizo's here may be after me.
Just pass the flyers out at the truck stop already

“Schizos” are only after mr puppy tape/stretching kit goes brrr/“i gave her to a fellow zoo”. Justifiably. We’re passing flyers out at some truck stops soon with your dog and your posts. No zoo goes unpunished.
Based! Add these flyers to the general for distribution reasons.
My least favorite dog is becoming my favorite dog
Why tho?
They're just too good looking
If you want a husky remember that you don't live in an arctic village or use sled dogs as transportation. You'd be happier with a pomsky or klee kai
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I love Chihuahuas bros. There's nothing like a lap dog keeping you company while chilling
If you want a pomsky or klee klai remember you aren't a 40 year old childless woman. Ywnbaw so you'd be happier with a samoyed or husky.
opinion immediately discarded, obsessed p*msky autist
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They’re like a more based version of a Sheltie and they’re one of the smartest breeds. They pull sleds, hike, hunt, track, and are early warning alerts for dangers such as wild animals or enemies approaching. such a broad and versatile category of jobs is a clear indicator of this dogs, intelligence and ability to multitask.

some people are jelly because their dog is some sort of sledding breed, but it will never be as intelligent as Klee Kais or Asian Spitzes.
You want attention really badly
The only dogs I see childless feminists get is pitbulls, they're also usually poor
Interesting, what a perfect alternative to a husky
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AI thread.
Just remember their shitty behavior and disposition
Actually pretty cute. Thanks for making me aware of this of superior husky.
I miss Pete more than most dogs. :(
They look retarded
>This is illegal dogfighting but then again you’re someone who views raping animals as morally neutral.
Call the police then and stop kvetching here if you truly believe it to be illegal and dogfighting
>McCann Dogs (R+, P+, P-, GL)
mccann dogs uses positive punishment? not in anything ive seen
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he's happy but very tired after his walk today
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Post a goofy freeze frame from dogs playing if you would like.

It could very well be funny.
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this was us playing after he got brushed last night
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Very nice. His eye looks human. Always good to see.
Looks like you met up with that basset hound guy
Hey sputnik, do you know what they say about basset hounds?
When I get home from a walk with my dog I throw some treats down the dark corridor and he runs after them but he often has to sniff a lot
For some reason my dog has a terrible sense of smell and so I'm trying to train him to get better at it
Training dogs for scent work takes ages dogs have a greats sense fo smell but dont naturally know how to use it
Plus theres a difference between tracking scent and detection + tracking scent, the latter is far harder for a dog to understand how to do and needs training
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Murdoch was good today but he got distracted by an aggressive malinois. Didn’t need to correct him with the prong collar though, he was chill.
Gooboy, SDiT?
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If I can get him to be a service dog I'm gonna but he's in training now because I'll take him on a flight with me so I'm short on time, that's why I need to prong collar him. If I had time I wouldn't prong collar him.
I hate /r/service_dogs so goddamn much. It’s all autists with “not enough spoons to clean up or go outside uwu” who think a dog will magically solve all their problems, ignoring that even if a pre-trained service dog is an enormous amount of work and responsibility and that having a dog is inconsistent with their NEET lifestyles.
Very nice. I also take my dog in public to socialize with him and work on his public access skills.
This is clearly bait.
>Discord pedos have even more pics of my dog saved than thought
Disturbing. Also, I saw the criminal threatening to dox me last thread.

I'm sorry but if you go off that sign in a park the best you'd find would be the homes of people I know, who really dislike visitors (with bullets) so please keep yourself off the news. I don't even live in that city.

Maybe don't break the law and abuse animals and you won't have to have meltdowns because someone said that there's a non-zero chance a 4chan user who knows you will recognize the zoosadist shit you've posted
my 3 month old gsd was attacked this morning by this pit mix, he suffer no injuries but he shitted all over himself and is pretty shook up. i took him inside the house and he has been whimpering for a couple of hours, gave him some stuff to calm him down and bully stick. how fucked is he mentality now? will he get over it? are there signs i should watch out for.
pit mix owner was a Mexican women, she kept saying he doesn't bite
3 months after I adopted my husky she was attacked by a german shepherd puppy that ran across the road to defend its property from someone walking across the street

It amped up her reactivity pretty severely and trying to train it out with "corrections", like 9/10 dog trainers told me to, instantly amped it up 10x more and she began showing what looked like actual aggression towards the same dogs/breeds she was "corrected" around. And all I used was a martingale and a pretty weak leash pop. I spent over a year coping and slowly easing her out of it.
Who would listen to some nasally fuck who thinks setting up dogfights and making his doberman maul peoples muzzled dogs for "going at it" has any credibility whatsoever

If you tied his arms behind his back, hit him across the head with a bat every time he spoke, and had mike tyson bite off his ear if he got uppity, he'd learn to shut up, but I'd be concerned for the lives of anyone at a school or a dance club if he had an AR-15 and a bad mood after that.
people who have a smol pp and a short fuse

dog owners have been criticized for this for over 100 years. hp lovecraft wrote an entire essay damning dog owners for behaving like emotionally insecure slave owners with a violent and primitive need for subservience.

at some points in history it was common sense not to touch a strange dog because common training methods (yank and crank, solitary, dogfights as "corrections", and other prison inmate control methods) made them more likely to bite strangers as an expression of the fear they felt around humans.
also antisemitic
Not a samefag just saying this guy's methods ave been long since proven to be a short term show and a long term disaster.

The appeal of abusive trainers is that you get to watch a man beat a beast into submission, and imagine that you could be that man. Instantly obtaining loyalty and subservience with a flick of the wrist, bringing animals to their knees and making them accept you as god.
The reality is the animals suffer psychological damage with side effects ranging from apathy to disordered nervous tics to unpredictable aggression. These things take weeks to months to surface, and are not included in the youtube videos. It's just yet another demonstration that only a minority of humans actually have empathy for animals, even ones that should be easy to empathize with like dogs and apes.
the science is settled

harming animals... harms animals.
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Anyone else have this problem?
its evening nap time. let her rest.
ur dog was just being dominant when they do that you're supposed to go up to a prong collar and yank harder until they pass out

t. caesar milan
I see Leoanon is getting gangbanged by the resident trolls.
The nap I get, but the egg laying?
Confirmed trolls


All currently running ‘campaigns’ on /an/.

t. Discord mod
This>>4791450, >>4791458 is my only post today, you goofy guy. I don't indulge in the pointless and exactly same arguing every thread.
Post calcium

??? Kys asap
There hasn’t been a /dog/ since leto initially began raiding it and never will be again even if you all leave. they will find someone else to hate the moment they express the typical factual knowledge:
bestiality is wrong

you would have to track down and murder several people to have pre-leto /dog/ without beckman/dog daddy videos showing bloody abuse under the guise of “training help” and constant “le heccin cookie” posting. the zoosadists enjoy these posts. sexually. if you leave literally anyone with a soul is next in line to be offended, and they will make it like this any time they cant make it /zoo/. forever. as long as they live.

the penalties for animal abuse are too light for justice to stop them. mods call it board culture. this is your new 4chan. be afraid to post your dog here. never post your dog here again.
Based call to action. Bark buddy reunion?
call to action? you dont understand

you can leave or not but they won’t stop. similar autists have been hanging out in ruined generals on other boards FOR OVER TEN YEARS.
Deep down inside I know that if I got anya's rapist in person, with the FBI coincidentally near by, they would not do shit and play it as safe as possible with respecting his "rights". No rape kit for the dog. Nothing. They do not care. If it was child abuse on the other hand they'd string him up for the national news on hearsay. Not unless someone (surfing sputnik?) copped a telegram screenshot of solid evidence of abuse.

And they won't leave. The zoofaggots are here until they die and half of them are from eastern euro shitholes because 4chan is impossible to moderate now due to [redacted]. They really will be here, forever, getting hard to videos of people hurting dogs.
No despair!
No, despair. He's actually right.

What are you going to do, besides rangeban every mobile provider in the southwest and any IP ranges used by [redacted]?
Surfing Sputnik is marciefag. They linked up to troll Heather's owner. No such thing would be likely.
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Ignore them and tell stupid jokes about dogs? Oh, and blogpost. Blogpost A LOT!
Lmao that's not me.
You might be able to get the FBI after Leto then.
He linked up with me for that. I like trolling him a bit about the good parts of Marcie.
You two have a lot more to lose than a homeless trucker, a teenager, and a slav by provoking those amoral zoosadists
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First post X request ever fulfilled. The 16% layer feeds keeps them nicely topped up on calcium!
Do they get any attention? Do they need it? Are they friendly? What are all those tags on their collars?
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Info, and an airtag, lol. 2 of the 3 like to escape occasionally. The stupid electric fence can sag and they'll jump over the fence and roam around.

They're super friendly and loving to anyone they know, but will be all scary, and probably bite intruders. We spend a little time with them each day when doing the chores. They're happy to see us and get pets, but they only really know the LSG life.

They're akbash x great pyrenees. The male is definitely over 100lbs, and the females are probably in the 85-95lb range.
Those airtags saved us a couple of times. Have you heard of Fi collars?
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Yes I have. Probably much better than airtags...
First step is repairing/dogproofing all the fences to the chicken ranch. Then they will have around 10 acres to roam around, hopefully! If better tracking collars are needed after that I'll look into purpose made gps collars.

Pic is of mom and dad.
>also antisemitic
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Does anyone else have a dog that, instead of jumping on you, sits back and puts both paws in the air in the hopes you'd catch them?
What the fuck?
My mother just came back from the butcher, and she brought me an oxtail tip for my dog. Similar in size to pic related.
Is it safe for a labrador to eat those? Should i prepare it in any way before i give it to him?
It should be fine if it's uncooked.
im not a dog daddy lover but his dogs are fucking beautiful
>My mother just came back from the butcher, and she brought me an oxtail tip for my dog. Similar in size to pic related.
post the actual OC, then we'll talk
until then take picture and post it here
Sounds delicious.
i just looked him up. he looks like a clown but he's taking young dogs in crazy busy areas with lots of activity and they are behaving extremely well, so, obviously he's doing something right
He brutally abuses dogs until they are controlled by fear. Dog barking? Dog excited on a leash? Dog daddy says:
And then the dog stops reacting.

It's a great way to end up with a dog that will bite whoever reaches straight towards its face as long as you're not around with that well earned aura of fear.

Also see: 9/10 non-female malinois/gsd/pitbull owners

Anyone who needs to hurt a dog to train it shouldn't have dogs

Anon said it best
>The appeal of abusive trainers is that you get to watch a man beat a beast into submission, and imagine that you could be that man. Instantly obtaining loyalty and subservience with a flick of the wrist, bringing animals to their knees and making them accept you as god.

Look at "the dog daddy". Look at his name. Realize he's a tatted up borderline tranny playing gangster. And this all makes perfect sense.

Joel beckman and his little dogfights suddenly fall into context too. It's not about training dogs, it's about their ego. The dogs will behave when they get sent home. if they snap from the abuse, they will get put down, they don't care. if the dogs personality has been replaced by apathy and fear, they don't care, the abusive trainer lingo for that is "calm and submissive". Everyone else calls it "acts abused" .

Abusive training is a sham, and without the internet it would be limited to pitbull faggots and ar15 bumper sticker dicklets larping as cops with "K-9s".
Holy shit, put him next to a normal man, and he actually looks like a woman. Is this an FTM tranny?

Testosterone: Nonexistent
Homosexual: Probably

This explains a lot. Gotta compensate for the fact that if he puts on 25lbs he looks like his name's shaniqua ramirez.
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oh wow, if you dig in to this guys qualifications for 30 seconds it just gets worse and worse
>All of a sudden DeOliviera begins posting about “haters” going after him, about the town of Hanson, MA not wanting to allow him to move into a 99-acre property because of discrimination against him “for being Brazillian, young and gay,” according to a petition (posted in the references) he began

And he's an actual scammer breedline toadline tier german shepherds
>GSK has multiple breeding dogs with the same name, some AKC registered and some not of the same name, and does not separate puppies of known litters. He sold one puppy with registration papers, then after the puppy was returned with a life-threatening heart defect claimed it was a puppy from a “stray” that had whelped at the same time. AFTER providing the buyer with AKC registration paperwork.

>Literal faggot, obvious bottom (majority of zoosadists are homosexual or bisexual)
>Does not believe "animal abuse" is a concept
>Breeds unhealthy dogs
>Scams people
>Uses the fastest training method with the worst long term results to charge as much money for as short of a training session as possible
Imagine getting scammed by this literal cocksucker KEK. He probably learned to "train" dogs by trying to stop his own "dog daddy" from going for his ass in public.
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Zak anus gorge x The dog tranny OTP
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You just know… he’s running a puppy mill

>he learned to train dogs by trying to hide the mental damage from fucking them
When people hate themselves for a fetish they can turn sadistic towards the object of it. With violence they can absolve themselves of their sexual urges.
The Dog Tranny and Zak “The Twink” George link up soon fr?
For now, I'll say what I've said over & over:

You can train a dog to do anything with click & treat, and I've used this to train almost everything I've taught my dogs, but you can't train them NOT to do something without some kind of correction. The correction depends on the dog and how determined they are to do the wrong thing. You can't do food scatters to distract your dog from chasing the chickens. YYou can't click and prevent your dog from growling at you when you try to sit on the couch next to him.

Why the Zak George hate? Is it because he's actually a bad trainer or is it because rightoids start bleeding out of their asses as soon as a normal human is doing normal things, like not being a bigoted retard.
His training videos look fine to me. He's not cucksar milan.
There is a "correction" and then there is abuse, setting dogs up to fail so you can have an excuse to abuse them, usually with excessive force because muh first time every time

"Corrections" for reactivity in particular create bad associations and it's not the way to deal with what is either caused by friendliness or fear - neither of these things should be overridden with pain. It's not chasing cars or going for rattlesnakes. It's barking on a leash. Beckman/dog tranny/etc are retards doing it for their ego, 100%. Making a dog react, and then doing something like yanking on a head halter, and letting dogs run and then yanking them back with the leash, are not legitimate training methods. Making your dog rip off the ear off a muzzled dog is NOT training at all. It's the kind of thing pitbulls go through to make sure they fight harder next time.

These people are not dog trainers, they are "influencers", but like the kind that tells you about MMS and black salve, and not to listen to "the government liberals and big pharma". They don't have good intentions. They want to appeal to a market because appealing to a markets preconceptions makes more money than pursuing truth.
Hes a bad trainer who employs otherwise good methods incompetently

There are good balanced trainers, like larry krohn and mccann. Watch them and see the difference between good trainers and beckman.
Note: our local zoosadist idiot WILL say larry cant fix aggressive dogs because he cant do it in the span of a single youtube video. Anything you do in one video is just transferring the aggression to a new stimulus or turning it into a future snap without warning. He trains actual k9s, he does work with aggressive dogs. He doesnt make them worse, which takes time. Meanwhile people take their dogs home from beckman complaining about them flinching and tucking tails around strangers and dogs… the similar milan had ASVAB warnings put out about his methods and one of his dogs killed another dog lmfao
And there are good pure R+ trainers, but these people write and sell books because they are accomplished intellectuals and are above youtube channels. Such a trainer worked with obamas notoriously well behaved dog. Hence /dog/ doesnt know shit about R+ because these shut in neets cant afford it.
When dealing with problem behaviors such as aggression, the method really depends on the primary motivation of the problematic behavior. Punishing dominance-fueled aggression really requires correction. Punishing fear-motivated behavior aggravates the reactivity, and I think the only way to correct behaviors motivated by fear & anxiety are positive experiences such as "touch it" and careful desensitization that sets a dog up for success & builds confidence.
Ivan Balabanov invited ZG to an open live (online) discussion of using alternate methods in training. He declined Ivans invitation with this incredible word salad of lies. This guy is a total nit-wit if you ask me. If you want to learn positive methods there are plenty of trainers that can teach without all this fanfare and emotional garbage.
99% of the time dominance related aggression is believed to exist, it is fear aggression related to resource guarding. If you say the word "dominance" and your dog is not walking up to other dogs, humping them, and getting into prolonged fights due to it, you are a shit trainer and dont know shit about dogs.

We're talking about people like beckman here who says "dominance dominance dominance" and then let his dog rip a muzzled dogs ear off. Dogs know when another dog want to fight before we do, so we must wonder if HIS dog is actually provoking "dominance" tainted interactions due to being an unsocialized retard that bites muzzle dogs.
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Can confirm. Negative re-enforcement on Serva didn't work very well in comparison to Anya. I assume it was because she was probably abused before I saved her.
>99% of the time dominance related aggression is believed to exist, it is fear aggression related to resource guarding
[Citation needed]
Redpill me on elbow hygromas and its sub tumors
Google learned helplessness and relate that to you wrapping a puppy in tape and using anal stretching kits on it. Then turn yourself in to the cops and give them the name and address of the “fellow zoo” you gave piper to.
I actually haven't used them on her yet. Too young and she's not in heat yet.
BTW her name was pepper
>actually i am planning on raping my dog, i havent done it yet
Step 1: give your dog to a rescue
Step 2: show the cops all the photos you took with your buddies horses
Step 3: enjoy prison
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Cope and seethe
So according to you, stopping on a walk when the dog pulls, waiting for my dog to turn towards me and relax the leash, and then continuing the walk is abuse?
>s-she consented!
Animals cannot consent.
You're an animal
>*hits dog*
>*wraps it in tape*
>this is just like stopping while my dog walks at a moderate pace. behavior science!
Retards like you should be indoctrinated into cults and locked in monasteries so you die happily without breeding
>religious seething
Did you get touched by Father Martelli as an altar boy or something?
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He's not me.
I can use them as straws.
this is why i cross the street with my puppy whenever i see a shitbull and i always carry a knife inside my treat pouch incase you need to end the shitbull before it gets to your dog
only ever had to use it once, ironically not on a shitbull but on a rottweiler

come to think of it why has every single aggressive dog i've had issues with been with a woman. its not like blokes dont own shit dogs too but every single one thats caused me hassle has been a w*man's dog
correction isnt negative reinforcement
correction is positive punishment
negative reinforcement has worked fine for my nervous dogs and is a perfectly non-abusive way to train animals; normies are just scared of the word negative
what you do isn't any type of positive or negative reinforcement or punishment though, it's zoosadism
> Every single aggressive dog I've had issues with being with a woman.
What type of dogs? Not surprised by pit bulls or golden doodles.
shitbulls, other types of terriers (mainly jack russel) and one rottweiler
Embarrassing. Humiliate these people at all times
Most of the planet is bigoted retards it’s not normal no
>i see a shitbull and i always carry a knife inside my treat pouch incase you need to end the shitbull before it gets to your dog
this enrages the libshit
>but every single one thats caused me hassle has been a w*man's dog
i don’t imagine most women can even physically restrain those dogs so that’s not a surprise
eyes and teeth so edited they look like an AI image
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I am going to adopt a dog this summer
Most likely a random shelter mutt
Wish me luck
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They're innocent creatures and he dindu nuffin.
My pibbies? Destroy your car?
Now dig into beckmans reviews for all the stories about people getting their dogs back flinching and tucking tails lmao

These trainers are just animal abusers who only get off scott free because what they do doesnt offend the old white christians in government
>come to think of it why has every single aggressive dog i've had issues with been with a woman.
This is about as interesting as the trend I've noticed of the vast majority of exceptionally good dog owners being women too. It's like women dog owners are either really great owners and trainers or just absolutely shit. No inbetween. Weird.
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>That image
Fuck, you're triggering me on every ASPCA trip I took for three solid years.
They just make up a large portion of dog owners. Outnumbering males 6:1 and overwhelmingly white.
its about training
women who put the effort in I find can generally be better trainers, many of the childless ones use their unused maternal instincts on their dogs and can be very patient and give them a lot of time and effort which creates a good dog
but take a woman who doesn't care about proper training (most people) and her dog will be significantly more dangerous than a similarly shit male owner just because she's less capable of actually keeping her rabid shitbull under physical control
while im not saying beating your dog or the other types of 'quick fix' shit bad owners do is a good thing whatsoever, some level of control and training and discipline is superior to doing absolutely nothing to correct problem behaviours in problem prone breeds like terriers
basically, generally speaking, men are more likely to step in and 'correct' shitty behaviour like aggression than women, who are more likely to just be okay with having an unhinged beast on a thin rope and far less capable of intervention when it goes mental

also completely anecdotally i've met women who seem to actually like that their dog is dangerous, it seems like they enjoy that the dog will hurt someone for them, like a maladapted protector thing for lonely roasties
when my dog was attacked by a rottweiler i swear to god the woman made the decision to let it off it's leash knowing full well it was going to attack us, i just saw it in her eyes
>They just make up a large portion of dog owners. Outnumbering males 6:1
Maybe they don't outnumber males but they do take their dogs in public more which leads to higher perception.
so you just pulled that out of your arse?
the truth is most dogs are owned by families meaning your projection/made-up world view doesn't really work because the dog is owned by a man and a woman
being a lonely spastic must be hard but do remember you're the minority when talking about the world at large
Women just walk their dogs and take them to parks more than males. Consistent with stay-at-home mom stats.
>most dogs are owned by familiess
Is that based on where the dog lives or who takes care of it? Most families aren't dividing up the dog grooming, feeding, and walking time evenly.

If you don't exercise, entertain, or maintain the dog you don't own it and have no rights to it. Would you say the same thing about an abandoned bike or watch?

>that typing style
>censoring women word
Post timestamped dog, or stfu zoosadist.
psychotic post
>Redditor newfag adapting to 4chan or zoosadist
Call it
You're just screeching at someone cause he took issue with the obviously nonsensical post that says 6/7 dog owners are white women go away
Goofy post, white women do own a lot of dogs. Why are we overlooking the fact that they censored women as w*men? That's weirdo behavior.
I'm extremely paranoid about misgendering someone's dog. I don't want them to correct me "Ummm, actually she's a GIRL." So I give all strange dogs a little tuck-and-rub to see if it has a wiener or not. Then I can accurately say "What a cute boy/girl!" I disguise my feelup by petting the dog. Am I the only one?
Don't ever tag me in your dog molestation fantasies bitch.
It's not a sexual thing bro, I'm simply feeling for the ol' red rocket. It's entirely clinical, like going to the doctor.
Deliberate gaslighting or mental retardation? Post timestamped dog.
I only have cats. It's OK to call all cats girls. But people get really uppity if you misgender their dog for some reason (can any dogfags chime in?)
> so you just pulled that out of your arse?
many, many such cases lmao
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See, unlike you. I have been amassing an army of turbo-autist NEETs who have nothing better to do than roleplay as various posters here by copying their typing style and filenames etc…you and your little goblins don't stand an actual chance to the heirs of classical trolling. Your type died in 2012 along with shock humor and ISIS beheadings. You're not a good troll and will never be. I sentence you to death. Cast him!
based jew hater poster
Shitbullmommies? Our response?
t. retard
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The park has fallen, millions must ROOOOO!
>surfing sputnik is so fucking autistic he actually got the only two people left in this general to leave
if you were afraid of leo's owner beating up the trucker who rapes mini mares and plans on raping his dog, and thought driving them out would save your friend...
this actually frees up more time for them to get him.

anyways, please neuter dalton before you get any ideas.
>nooooo! no more fresh dog pics I can collect to my zoo folder
no dog btw.
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For real. Ever day he asks for a new pic of Anya.
why does it look like your dog has a haircut? are you too retarded to brush it or are you just fetishizing lions?
She keeps finding snakes
Oops forgot the webm
Is surfing sputnik asking for normal pics of anya or for rear pics?

I'm officially worried about this guy. He had upside down photos of peoples female dogs saved too and has made comments about german shepherd balls.
The fuck is this
Has she found your snake yet?
Give you dog an extra kiss today anons, today was the day I lost mine.
>guy has two pit bulls
>these pit bulls have killed other animals before
>guy also has a infant child

So who wants to start a betting pool on how long this is gonna take?
Would it be any different if he had two German shepherds that had killed two dogs?
If the other animals were cats it doesnt matter
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A bit of both. I only removed an inch, also it's really hot.
Nature walk and fetch was idealic today
Damn, sorry for that, will do
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Yes it does retard. If you let pits wildly attack other animals you can be sure it won’t be long before they start seeing small children as targets. Get your mind off cats for 10 seconds
Fuck you
No, fuck YOU. Cocksucker.
A dog knows animals aren't people
If it kills cats or rabbits it's not going to kill people

A dog definitely knows cats arent people. Cats are naturally lower than dogs on the food chain. A dog attacking a cat is nothing like a dog attacking a person or a dog. Their brains process it as the same emotions they feel when they rip apart a squeaky toy. Is your dog going to kill you because it chews on toys?

A cat is not a special moral line to cross for a dog because you like cats. The dog is part of nature, and in nature cats are just pests. A lower species. What's, you're going to kill random hookers because you ate a cow? Same logic.

Instead, be glad your dog helps exterminate destructive invasive species.

If anything if you let a pitbull attack cats it'll be saner because it has an outlet for its natural prey drive.
Oh that must be why pit bulls never attack anyone
They attack because they are dumb. My aussie heems cats and loves people. Smart dogs for life!
I adopted an Aussie shepherd on Monday and she just refuses to go to the bathroom outside. I take her out every 30 minutes, but every time she waits until we get inside, then hides from me and goes to the bathroom. My friend said the hiding could be because of past trauma to the point that she's just too scared to pee around people. Any tips on what I can do or should I pay for a proper dog trainer? She's 2 years old if that matters
Literally just wait with her out there all day. Or better yet, camping under the stars for a few days.
Cat website, subhuman
Based and correct. My dog will absolutely kill rabbits. She doesn't show any aggression towards my son, it's the opposite. She totally loves him.
Caused by abusive training
Doggo needs positive reinforcement

>nooooo you need to base your preferences off what was a meme in 2006 t. redditor desperate to be seen as an oldfag
Cats suck. Enjoy your brain worms.
Show her what to do out there

As in have a piss yourself
We’re talking about pitbulls. The dogs everyone here hates. Not just “dogs”. Your point is moot.
>What's, you're going to kill random hookers because you ate a cow? Same logic.
No, it’s not.
Pit bulls aren't prone to killing people. They have good temperaments.
This study wasn't run properly and should be completely nullified by animal behaviourist community, if it isn't already. The only reason why it's still being thrown around is because it's the only thing that pitmommies can grasp onto to "prove' their dogs aren't evil.
Its a test where participants are passed or failed based on these parameters: https://atts.org/tt-test-description/

Here's a video during the test: https://youtu.be/cr470Vfh3ME?feature=shared

It's an accurate gauge. You can read up on it by yourself with those links.- a dog that's a “child mauling wolf demon” would not pass these types of in-depth tests.
reminder pitbulls literally are not aggressive but they attack, kill, and often attempt to eat people anyways

they are one of the few dogs, other than wolf hybrids, that EAT THEIR VICTIMS

thats because sufficient inbreeding can cause an animal to deviate significantly from what you think its meant to be
pitbulls naturally view humans and other dogs as prey
they snap out of nowhere after showing no aggression whatsoever and attack with the intent to kill and eat

this makes them great at dogfighting, an illegal and immoral "sport", because they are not actually fighting. animal fighting is relatively ritualized and doesn't escalate unless someone is really desperate for some food/sex they're being kept from. normal dogs literally can not expect that the pitbull actually just wanted to kill them, just to kill them, because that's whta pitbulls do.

a pitbull does not surrender in the fighting ring, or when they start mauling you/your dog just like a normal dog won't surrender and drop their meal because they rabbit they caught is kicking
they are THE dog that is most likely to actually rip parts off of your body instead of just leaving you with lacerations and punctures
they are THE dog that just attacks you, despite never being abused, never choked, pronged, or shocked, never hit, never improperly socialized etc
all pitbull attacks are predatory in nature, they go at it until their victim dies and then they start eating simple as

to a pitbull you and your dog are as rabbits
dogs do not growl, snarl, and bark at rabbits
dogs are not aggressive with rabbits

they just walk up and kill them for sustenance
pitbulls lack the ability to distinguish between you, your dog, and a prey animal like a cat, rabbit, rat, squirrel, etc
just like a wolf
Reminder it's extremely rare to get killed by a dog and pit bulls aren't fighting dogs anymore. They are mostly family dogs. Abused dogs and fearful dogs attack more often than “prey-driven” dogs.
Foxy beheading is in progress.
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>that occupit
Conehead ahh dog fr fr
Based. Didn’t know we were in the presence of a pitmommy here lol
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>do you think theres life somewhere out there?
This retarded movie had no right to be as funny as it was. Fuckin' 80s style, man.
Greyhounds have been horrifically abused but you rarely read about them killing humans.
If someone is being mauled by a dog (most likely a pit bull or related breed), informing them that the dog had been abused doesn't help them.
Greyhounds weren't abused. They were neglected. Living in a tiny cage and getting sodomized/shit kicked out of you aren't the same thing.
anyone else's dogs smell bad but in a good way?
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Go back tourist
He's got a radar dish.
I saw a stupid fucking woman walking a pitbull, rottweiler and a big dog of a breed I don't recognise all at once on a single lead this morning
Fucking bitch
Reading and understanding this post is why I hate the internet and intend to log off forever one day
No, weirdo
You should always be nervous when you see women walking big dogs
I hope you get called up for monasticism because you're never getting a girl friend.
Feeling attacked? Seethe pitmommy :)
The only people who use that word are men with small dicks and an obsessive hate for women.
sounds like he hit the nail on the head lmao
Puppy Berg, did you try feeding him after he calms down near the scary object?
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>ctrl+f “women”
>17 results
Verdict: Under Raid
Prongs are for popping, not yanking
Ivan Balabanov is actually a competent trainer. He not only invited ZG to a live discussion, he INVITED him to take part in research he had gathered funding for. Zak refused because he is afraid of his bullshit being disproven.
is pet insurance worth the money? I was looking at quote from Banfield, Figo and Embrace. They dont look too bad, but coverage is kind of shit.

Please let me know your thoughts
Insurance can be beneficial for those who are financially challenged but make sure to check the coverage and waiting period dates. I used Lemonade Insurance for a couple of years. If you can just set aside the same money into a savings account or emergency fund it's the same thing…
The emergency fund is actually better and you don't have to give your hard-earned shekels to some Jewish corporate insurance that won't even pay you out because of loopholes they wrote into the contract you signed and agreed to.
>only hurt them a little bro
Prongs are abusive. No exceptions.
>be redditor
>read about caturday on knowyourmeme
>make a leap of retardation and think 4chan must worship cats
We always had memes with black people in them too fyi
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Happy mother's day to all the bitches out there and doggirls too
not the same thing in fairness
wat..you could just look at the color of the collar/check the name tag
Pit bull website
The point is to punish the dog to stop the unwanted behavior retard.
>the point is to abuse the dog
Reminds me of when gangsters caught a hoodrat popping his pits prong collar for the old stop and sniff

They held him down and used the prongs on him. He screamed and flinched whenever they popped it and when he tried to escape he was dragged by it.
Don't care. Inappropriate behavior is corrected, only the dog can determine when the correction has been effective.
She's England mastiff you stupid cunt
[quote] 4794752 [/quote]

Stop feeding the resident troll.

Pic rel
I have a very large American Bully (about 77kg) and I cross the road whenever I see a woman with any type of bullyish dog (even down to French Bulldogs) or large Shepherd. It's without fail that she has a poorly trained dog that's going to start a fight, or at the least SHE has poor discipline and won't correct or stop the dog in anyway

In all honesty you can expect permanent "defensiveness" at the least around similar dogs. My dog was fairly badly attacked by a Husky that was left chained up on the pathway and now has issues with male dogs that look like Huskies (whatever that smaller one is with the same look , and Malamutes) - he still gets defensive when seeing a Husky from a distance (but when close enough to be confirmed as female that overrides the tenseness). Then again he's a breed that SHOULD be assumed to exhibit dog aggression, so I can't confirm with certainty that the attack altered that behaviour but it seems likely as he is otherwise "fine" with dogs.

Pit mixes are honestly usually fucking nutty anyway, maybe more than actuall pure APBT, due to shitty backyard breeding and a bizzare combination of drives. You can end up with a dog that's very bite happy.
>if i just rephrase my opinion as a statement its correct
Animal abuse is wrong
>shut up if my pet annoys me i will hurt it until it stops
Translated that newspeak for you, beta plus.
Based husky launching a pre-emptive strike
I assume anyone "misgendering" my dog is clinically retarded as his balls are right there (though he sometimes identifies as a bitch - thanks to a friend making him respond to bitch)
I remember your dog from The last thread because you mentioned his weight. What does he look like? All breeds are welcome and console war faggotry is not tolerated.
my 8mo old won't leave a dog alone even when it's snarling and snapping at her, she keeps trying to lick its mouth and play. wut do? im worried she's gonna annoy the wrong dog.
Tell her no the first time, smack her the next time, then put her in time out the third time.
Luv me collie
Pain in the arse for how quick she learned to open doors.
Do not hit your dog for interactions with other dogs dumbass animal abuser.

They are a puppy. You shouldnt have them around aggressive dogs at this age unless you want “le heckin corrections” from aggressive german shitturds and amerimutt shitbull terriers to turn them into yet another bite risk
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Stupid fatties
Lever handles are collie owners’ worst nightmare. My australoid figured that out within 15 minutes.
my old dog got hurt :(
but is much better tonight :)
that is all, anons
You made the classic mistake of letting your dog become more interested in other dogs than with you
This file is what I see in this >>4795676 photo.
confurmed zoo
He is, doesn't even elaborate on how he got to the conclusion. at least Leto's dox was given an explanation behind it that is likely him.

this is just a random person
So why does he keep posting this
everyone told me she needed to be around other dogs at this age to learn proper social skills and not bark/be afraid of other dogs.
Not aggressive or surly dogs

They meant like malamutes and golden retrievers that were raised with kids
>inb4 appeal to nature
“Naturally” dogs are hard to trust and prone to biting when scared. Thats why you don’t let them get bit “naturally”.
being around != engaging with other dogs.
you should've found a dog around their age months ago to have play dates with
I don't have any friends so I just take her to the dog park. i tried getting her into a group puppy class but no one else was there.
Sorry anon. I would work her around other dogs and get her to engage with you instead, either with food or play, and make it a big reward when she chooses you over other dogs, like, sound like a big giant retard who is so happy she wants to interact with you. Dog parks suck because you have no control over other people's shithead dogs.
my almost 4 month puppy goes crazy at 8pm,
zoomies, digging and nipping at me, is this normal?
Yeah. They're just letting out the last bit of energy they have before bed. Happy dogs have zoomies also. :D
How many puppies can I expect from a 2 year old golden retriever going through her first pregnancy? I've heard they're actually fewer for younger dogs.
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Any tips on how to settle a dogs stomach?
My boy has diarrhea. I've heard plain white rice is supposed to work great for that, but given that he has never eaten that before, won't that potentially cause diarrhea by itself? Similar to how changing from one type of kibble to another with no overlap time?
He is full of energy still and he eats. He's not sick sick, so far. I've also withheld his food from last night and this morning. I feed him twice a day. Going to feed him again this afternoon
dogberg has taken well to mat training (think yanks call it place training)
also learning drop/leave it/lets go pretty well
hes gone from not enough confidence to walk him properly to getting cocky and pulling me around
its funny that ive had to go through the hard stuff of having a young rescue puppy with temperament/fear issues that only now at 6months am i getting the typical puppy mischief to enjoy
Changing the dogs diet significantly isn't a good idea unless the problem is persistent and not appearing to resolve on its own.
>go to the dog park
>see a pitbull pulling the ear off a beagle or basset thing
>literally, chunk of ear hanging by a thread
>tatted up dudebro in cargo pants yanking on the pitbulls collar yelling “DROP IT”
>pick up my dog and start slowly moving backwards
>girl by the houndoid pulls out a little gun or pepper spray thing
>he pulls a bigger black gun with a mini scope on it and says “DONT YOU SHOOT MY FUCKING DOG BITCH”, drops the pistols grip hard onto the pitbulls head and it releases her dog
>he still has the gun pointed at the woman and is screaming “DROP YOUR FUCKING WEAPON HANDS IN THE FUCKING AIR RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW” despite clearly not being a cop
>leave dog park
I am never going back

Going to dog parks is a retarded idea anyway
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Finally, they are all starting to play together! For the longest time the big white dog has been territorial with pointy eared dog.

Nice! You'll be a better dog owner/trainer for it.
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My boys
Feed him Pumpkin, raw goat milk with probiotics, and lamb green tripe daily for better digestion.
Did you get a friend for the large fellow? They are both very cute.
Matching tongues!
It’s crazy how outlandish this was sounding without the mention of a pitbull. Then it just became Tuesday. Should’ve recorded it
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>had to put my dog down today
>second one in 9 months (both due to old age and failing health)

it's too quiet in the house
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she keeps killing my pigeons
Cute dog. Does she eat them?
Its normal these days. Did you see the video of the pitbull degloving a goldens leg, where halfway through some retards mob a bystander for going at the pitbull with a knife?
yes, from the head first. it was a bloody mess when i saw her gnawing on the body with the neck exposed
You shouldn’t let your dog kill birds
Based Beckman Method employer.
as long it's pigeons only I don't care.
We just out here having big time fun. :D
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He loves to use miscellaneous items of mine as "pillows"
damn why are so many posts like >>4795828 deleted?
some guy attempting to “doxx” anyafag
What is it with old people, including my own boomer parents, who think my dog looks like she’s gotten bigger since the last time they’ve seen her? My dog stopped growing at around 18 months and has been the same weight since.
Fat dog cope
Your dog has terrible taste in pillows.
That husky is FAT
total archosaur death
Zoosadists are asleep new thread without animal abuser shilling and troll advice
I pity the intelligence of dogs, I'm sitting here rn listening to a podcast and she doesn't understand a single thing. They're at the mercy of the humans around them. Well if they're too intelligent they would be hard to control anyways...
Some dogs are highly intelligent and others are not

The dumber they are, the better at obedience they are without requiring neurosis (“drive”) so most of the western world is going to purposefully smash and slam their brains given enough time
lol implying the rest of the planet wants to deal with the ‘disobedient’ dogs either
Command obedience is irrelevant if you simply follow the law and keep your dog leashed. Come, leave it, drop it, etc don't need to be 100% because your dog should be controlled via a leash at all times. You do not have to have them under complete verbal control - JUST USE A FUCKING LEASH

Your dog being critically retarded if not painstakingly trained, however, does guarantee they might do something extremely stupid like bite people for touching their face or bark at nothing. I can pet the faces of strange akita inu and they do not bark at nothing, but if they are at their home they protect it. They are disobedient, but those are intelligent dogs especially for a "working breed". I can not even touch a strange rottweiler. They are not intelligent dogs. They do not think before acting. They only follow their instincts.

I don't want to be around an intelligent but driven dog like a german shepherd any more than I want to be around a rottweiler because high IQ doesn't temper their mental illness. They're safer because they're not retarded, but they do retarded and sometimes dangerous shit anyways because they are mentally ill.

The double shit dog is a dog that is both driven and stupid, like a pitbull.

t. catfag from a dog ridden family
I do not hate dogs, but I hate what dog people are doing to them so they can fulfill their beastmaster fantasies and order around a dog that's not leashed.
>muh working purpose!
Oh you're a cop? You work with the disabled? You farm sheep? Suuuuure.

Dogs should all be exterminated and replaced with some kind of medium sized shiba/akita pet type dog unless they are used by actual working professionals. A smart dog that isnt a cuck and that I can trust not to be retarded or autistic. You know, like cats - they are all the same semi-natural breed that is reasonably intelligent and not mentally ill except for rare specialty animals.

It is fucked up that everyone thinks they need a mentally ill/retarded "working dog"
Agreed. “Dog owner culture” has shaped dogs into unpredictably violent and neurotic shitmutts. Deformed too because ugly means more manly.

All the dog show “breed bettering” isnt helping either because inbreds develop unpredictable issues that are beyond the tiny brains of breeders
>japanese culture respects nature
>western and chinese culture is that only humans even have minds let alone souls and a giant magical jew made the entire earth their property
>japan has the only dogs that even begin to resemble real animals in appearance and behavior
>china and the west so bad they're smashing and slamming the cats
really sorry anon
my elderly dog started barking all the time at nothing. literally just staring at chairs barking
it might be going blind or deaf
yeah, I have to yell to get his attention otherwise he looks surprised to see me until I get directly in his line of sight. 15 year old german sheperd btw
after googling a bit more into this it looks like "sundowner syndrome" describes my dog's habits.
Not arguing against any of that just saying that the ‘West’ is hardly the only place that desires dogs like that
what are the implications of male knotting with another male for the recipient male dog?

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