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Necessary characteristics:
>Must be very hard to kill, and must be able to defend itself from diseases, fungi, insects, etc.
>Must be really easily to take care of, and should only require things that are easily available.
>Must live atleast as long as humans.
Preferred but not necessary characteristics:
>Should have traits that make it interactive, i.e., flowering of fruit-bearing.
>Should be Monoecious.
Here you go bro:
I am looking at pics by people who own it, and are you sure that thing doesn't grow too big. Doesn't even seem like plant that can be contained in a pot.
Sansevieria will grow in a dark corner of a room and it's sufficient to water it every other week.
Nymphaea zenkeri or Nymphoides aquatica. Have no clue if they're monoecious.
Why do you have that logo next to your name
Wandering Jew kinda works
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Pomegranate is perfect. Picrel is mine
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the perfect houseplant doesn't exis-
What plant is that?
It's a yellow dotted aquatic niggerfucker, pretty easy to maintain
1ft per year i think you can manage that with the slightest of landscaping skills, picre also contains copius amounts of mescaline
It's vallisneria. Been growing like that for a year now
Spider plant works for me, don't see why it should not work for you too.
Very lively, grows easily, bumps back up after prolonged dry time, do not seem to care much of pests(springtails)/fungi/mineral deposits, never fertilized it and its fine, hanging offshots look nice, can flower a little.
The only problem is that it can start to look a bit ugly after couple years, then you may need to get rid of it and replant the offshots.
This shit INVADES my garden, it's getting out of hand.
Nibble at some, it tastes like sour candy.
You dumb motherfucker, springtails are the absolute opposite of pests. They eat fungus and mold (i.e. Make root rot hard to achieve), aerate the soil, help with nutrient transfer, and don't even jump out of a house plant pot unless startled.

Any pot of dirt is improved by springtails.
And that’s a good thing!
What the fuck, I thought it was a joke, but this shit is actually edible?
go outside, pick some wild plant that's growing in some shitty place like a crack on the pavement
enjoy your hardy plant
What is that?
Yeah, woodsorrel is one of the few actually pleasant tasting edible plants near me. Makes a good garnish, but it shouldn’t be a large part of your diet since it’ll bind to the dietary calcium your body needs to work.
Sequioa tree
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vallisneria I planted in a bottle almost a year ago. The ideas is it becomes a self sustaining ecosystem.
What happens when it out grows it's bottle?
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>springtail hate on MY board
a pox of fungus gnats upon you
I can tell you what NOT to get, a loofah. Got one of those bitches for free and its ruining my life. Too fucking tall too fucking fast.
what do you like about them
Those little flowers, theys tasty ifn ya get em before they open.

Cool beans; I'm not alone, lol.

OP, I dunno that last word, but I vote golden pothos just for its ability to be neglected. I did a clipping thing in an old glass milk bottle for my niece when she was 5 or 6. Like a science, watch-the-roots-grow, how to plant it after awhile; shit ya do with kids to get em into it. She just graduated high school and it's still alive. She's done her own clippings, starts, planting, everything. And I really thought she'd kill it.

Dunno, might not be what you're looking for, but it's good info to have if someone wants something nigh-invulnerable and easy to care for.

Flowering? Wood sorrel. I would say, but I forgot the name, lol. They look kinda like a fuzzy-leafed violet but I can never find any anymore. Could've been from Japan(?).

A fruit plant that stays small... Cherry tomato bush? They die kinda easy, but hey, 'maters. You could constantly have a back-up plant easy.
I can't really outgrow the bottle since it doesn't have access to co2 outside the bottle. The idea is that old leaves will simply die and decay and the plant will use that to grow new leaves and so on. so far it's looking good.

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