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I know this is like the 43898458568976457875469847183656478274839472982948 thread about pitbulls but how is it possible that people can make their minds up about this particular dog type? Sounds like autism at this point and everybody will eventually start to make tip of the iceberg memes about how these shitty debates from both side of the coin are becoming beyond autistic
Despite being only 6% of dogs they bite and kill 3 times more people than all other dogs combined - all means including other shit breeds like german shepherds and rottweilers

Fun fact: if german shepherds were as numerous as pitbulls they would kill just as many people as pitbulls.
They're based aggressive guard dogs for based chads
What else do you need?
People look at them and see black people so this is their way of fighting or preaching racism
Ironically they’re not aggressive or protective. They attack because they see women and children as prey. Only severe abuse can make them “mean” with a 50% chance of running away instead.
black people have excuses - like standard normal ass interracial warfare. no they are not magically more violent. our cops behave the same as their gangsters but with the states blessing. we are engaged in a prolonged, passive aggressive race war.

pitbulls were selectively bred to kill without warning and fight without surrender. totally different. theyre animals.
Thing is, I know pitbulls are dangerous and I believe we shouldn't keep breeding them and they should be phased out, but I'm always suspicious of people who write borderline guro fanfic about them. They're still dogs. My brain sees a normal pitbull and thinks "doggy", they still play and stuff. And they're animals, they have no concept of good and evil, it's humans' fault they maul, we bred them that way. Pitbull hate is kind of like prison justice, they're a bad breed but they're a convenient target for zoosadists because who wants to defend the land shark breed that literally eats toddlers?
they have purposefully defective brains, you cant trust a being with no self preservation instinct
they see soiboys crossing the street with their screechy lap dogs their girlfriends make them walk and be aggressive, so it's a win in my book
That's because most of these dogs are usually cheap as fuck. Like 200 bucks or something. There's this website in my country called subito.it where people sells their stuff online, kinda like ebay (including animals of any kind). There are a shit-ton of backyard breeders of these dogs in there, no joke.
>pitbulls were selectively bred to kill without warning and fight without surrender. totally different. theyre animals.
actual pitbulls were also breed to be no human aggressive the only reason for this is that no dog fighter wants to deal with an human aggressive dog that will fight to death. This way they are more manageable.
The actual ticking bomb you're are talking about is the pitbull ukc. Those are usually breed just for looks.
>Pitbull hate is kind of like prison justice, they're a bad breed but they're a convenient target for zoosadists because who wants to defend the land shark breed that literally eats toddlers?
Basically this. The cognitive dissonance pit lovers display is very much alike to the kind displayed by race denialists, they’ll pull out any and every cope before they admit that, maybe, it’s more than just ‘environmental factors’
what are you implying, something like "black people are just genetic criminals?" absolutely ridiculous and make no evolutionary sense

human behavior is completely influenced by culture, go back just a few hundred years, which is not even a milisecond in evolution, and you have ytppl acting like lunatic savages
The stats are the stats, man. Maybe that was the case however many centuries ago but it’s not now and the trend is consistent all over the world. I do wonder how you think “culture” comes about
>he thinks modern-day black people are more murdery, angry and rapey than vikings.
Lol. Lmao, even.
shut up autist
Nobody said that. Engage with what was said and not the voices in your head
>The stats are the stats, man.
and have you ever asked yourself why the stats are the way they are? or are you just a simpleton that wants to satisfy your racist leanings?
Racists are inherently incurious. It's what makes them racist.

Its a shitbull apologist myth. Dogs separate peers and prey only. You are not speshul. To the dog brain, you are a weird dog.

Pitbulls treat other dogs like prey
Pitbulls treat people like prey

Reason is their peer/prey line no longer exists on an instinctive level. Their brains are so defective they make ocd colliecucks look like wolves.
They are the smartest dogs and are nursery dogs
Racists just seethe
Trans rights btw
> and have you ever asked yourself why the stats are the way they are?
Yes. Your explanation doesn’t add up. The other one does. It’s really that simple.
this, they are the only dogs beside wolf hybrids and starving, abandoned, locked in mutts that eat their victims.

wolves eat anyone who is outside the pack including strange wolves, dogs, and coyotes
pitbulls will attack and kill anything that trips their hair-trigger prey drive. the reason they fight to the death is because its predation and they are genetically programmed to finish the kill at all costs.
pretty good impression of some users on this board
>Yes. Your explanation doesn’t add up.
because you're a low IQ simpleton that has trouble with facts that you don't like. it's kinda your guy's thing.
Careful buddy, don’t wanna go talking about IQ while we’re on this topic, though I’m sure you have some feel good answer explaining that too that doesn’t make you uncomfortable right? Weren’t we talking about pitbulls again? What’s your explanation for them out of curiosity?
pitbulls were selectively bred to attack without warning or surrender. the shortest path using available dog traits was to make them highly prey driven with point/stalk/chase behaviors reduced and kill bite/shake/dissect/consume enhanced. the end result is a “non-aggressive” dog that attacks without warning fueled by genuine bloodlust. normal dogs fight as a dominance ritual fueled by anger and there’s a win condition where the loser submits. pitbulls kill and eat the loser if not removed from the fight and never submit because it is not a dominance/submission contest to begin with. pitbulls do not engage in the typical posturing before a fight and go straight for their opponent which catches normal dogs off guard (dogs do not expect to be prey). hence pitbulls dominate illegal dogfighting… and bites, and fatal maulings, because peer predation is peer predation and women/children arent very far above a dog compared to another dog.
>hit the fucking enter key by accident
my post is ruined
>don’t wanna go talking about IQ while we’re on this topic
no we absolutely can because i know you have no proof for what i know you think is the truth.
anon… IQ test results of various countries are widely available for everyone to see. i’ll just assume you’re familiar with them yourself
>the explanation that takes into account biology, sociology and psychology doesn't add up. those subjects are too hard :[
>the explanation that allows me to continue to live in my incurious, racist bubble does :] yay!
That's great buddy! Let me go and grab the safety scissors and then we can do some arts and crafts, okay?
once again you're just displaying for everyone how frighteningly mentally deficient you are by ignoring context and other confounding variables. correlation does not necessarily equal causation, but i know you at least knew that already.
Racists are cowards and idiots with no ambition.
They just declare one race the superior one and stop there, forgetting the obvious next step: If one race is CAN be superior, then you can intentionally make said race superior.
None of you are making the next uubermensch in a lab, which anyone with your beliefs and ambition would do. You useless fucks.
im not the other guy and im not going to argue with you, i’ve seen and heard all of this already, but don’t talk about “facts” when the “facts” are clearly quite damning for you and you’re the one that needs to bend over backwards and twist yourself into knots explaining why reality is the way it is when most people can ascertain why almost instinctively
>None of you are making the next uubermensch in a lab
China sure is trying though. They are going to take over the world with a country of genetic freaks while the West hims and haws over "muh ethics"
>me no like big words me get headache
make sure to join the other incel at the arts and crafts table here >>4799220 since that appears to be more your speed
And their best specimen will be called khan noonien singh. Sure.

China does not have any tech the US hasn’t shared with them. We have tech from other planets.
my cat can kill pitbulls
I don’t know man, I think it’s far more likely the entire country collapses in on itself by virtue of its constantly imploding infrastructure before we ever see fully functional chinese test tube babies
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Nta anon but I don't understand how you people can believe in evolution and epigenetic memory and at the same time be absolutely stunned that a bunch of people that lived in a climate where no long term planning is necessary for survival and where brutality is omnipresent would develop to be low iq and and violent.
If any other animal would be in question, you wouldn't bat an eye but when it the human animal you go into a fit.
You guys are absolutely dogmatic in your beliefs
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Hitler didn't just order the last of Berlin's defense to kill civilians because they wouldn't fight for him.

He ordered it because he concluded that the aryan people were inferior to bolshiviks and deserved to be eradicated by a superior "Race".

Feel free to continue thinking otherwise.
You're just strawmanning against a made up caricature of what a "racist" is.
That’s a rabbi approved narrative if I’ve ever heard one
Doesn't help they're just ugly
You're looking at the Sun and concluding that it revolves around us
weird thing to say
Makes sense if you're not stupid. You're making an uninformed naive observation. You're looking at the Sun and automatically assuming it rotates around us without taking any other variables into account. You're looking at IQ/race plotted on top of each other and automatically assuming they're connected without taking any other variables into account.
>my instinctual gut reaction is better than examining, observing, and reasoning. Do not elaborate on statistics, the statistic itself is all that matters.
pretty retarded desu
>You're looking at IQ/race plotted on top of each other and automatically assuming they're connected without taking any other variables into account.
You're just making excuses for them due to cognitive dissonance. You've been raised into the religion that all people are the same and can't accept that that is not true nor will it ever be true
I'm not sure if you glue eaters really want to talk about what the statistics say.
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Yes, men are more violent than women in general. Everyone knows this and no one is surprised.
It isn't the gotcha you think it is
The difference is there is a provable, biological reason that mean are violent. But there is no such biological distinction between races. The only argument racists have is that 'statistics show...' which is weak.
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>But there is no such biological distinction between races.
Yes there is. Look through the literature and you'll find plenty examples from genetic to physiologic. And that's just what's published in the current climate where doing such studies is career suicide
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>yfw i spray crispr gene therapy juice (grape flavored) over black communities and crime disappears overnight
no it’s a retarded analogy that isn’t the same at all and you’re desperate to try to make it work when it doesn’t
it isn’t weak it just makes you uncomfortable and as the other anon pointed out there are clear genetic links proving this
>no argument

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