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>neighbour lives about half a mile away
>creepy looking dude who lives alone in an all black house
>owns a single (1) large dog (unneutered male)
>he built a little fenced enclosure for it
>never cleans the poop out
>"is that the bare ground?" no its poop
>every time the wind blows from the east it smells like in standing on the Mount Everest made of nothing but stale, funky, dog poo
>the stench is literally indescribable after it a heavy rain
wat do?
Plant bushes at the edge of your land and his, that will block out the sun. Or if you're far enough south, throw some kudzu seeds into his shit heap, that'll turn dog shit into a better smelling problem quickly.
Nothing. Enjoy the shit stench. Clean his yard for him. Or get rid of the dog.
contact the city government
Some reddit edgelord will say “kill teh dog xddd im such a channer amirite fellow terrorists” but the real solution here is to modify a drone to ignite and drop homemade molotovs on his roof at 3am. make sure you turn off all its lights, fit it with IR cameras and dont launch or retrieve it from your property or the same spot.
>go to neighbour's house
>knock on door
>explain the situation about the dog shit smell
>ask politely for some kind of resolution to the problem
1 of 2 things will happen:
>neighbour refuses
>you make his life a living hell see: >>4798307
>neighbour agrees
>problem solved
Why are you retards so constantly scared people will call you out for the Reddit user you are?
This creature has the most stranglabe neck I have ever seen.
Confront him. If he doesn't do anything get ahold of your council to open an enforcement. Tell them his choices are affecting quality of life for anyone nearby and he's hurting property values because you're considering selling.
that’s by design
That's illegal though.

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