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I took in a stray cat and am keeping him as an indoor/outdoor, but I don't want him going onto the neighbor's property. Could I train him using an invisible fence like dog owners do? Anybody have experience with this?
Cats don't learn in the same way dogs do. It would just run around like a fucking moron until it stopped and wouldn't have the ability to tie causation and causality.
even dogs try the “run until it stops” method. a cat would either collapse and never go outside again or do that.
The hell is that? We have mind control tech for dogs now? Why didn’t I know this? What is the efficacy for people?
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Some people like to electrocute their family members into compliance.
an invisible fence. It's either based on radius from a central source like the OP pic or it's like underground sensors or something. But basically the dog wears an electric shock collar and if he crosses the invisible line, he gets shocked. Usually you put flags or something like pic-rel so the dog knows where it is. Eventually he learns not to cross that barrier (supposedly, idk how well it works)
Do you not have a fenced yard? Just fence in your yard and then catproof the fence. It's literally that easy.
>not just mining the edges of the property with bounding anti-personnel mines with the fuzes adjusted for dogs

Why wouldn't you just build a fence? Surely it takes less time and effort than this, and has added benefit of not torturing your fucking dog
I think these things are meant to be a very temporary solution, like if you're going camping for example or something.
how do I catproof the fence? It is a chain link fence that's like 3 feet tall.
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It needs to be taller, first of all, 5 and a half foot or more, and then stick some of this onto it. If you cant do that because of some stupid ass rules then get a catio or harness train your cat. Free-roaming is never, ever an option.
It might work if someone made one with a gradient on whatever the punishment is where it gets worse the farther away it gets. So it's not so immediate and causes panic and let's them learn the boundaries less harshly. But all the same cats shouldn't be outdoors at all.
>cats shouldn't be outdoors at all
This man understands nothing about cats
are you saying the main purpose of cats is to destroy local small fauna?
Cats are half as intelligent as a chihuahua

They literally dont understand that outside is different from inside. It’s all just “territory”. Dont let it be their territory and they have no need to be there.
Same reason city walls went out of style and chain link fences went in. Openess is chic, apparently

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