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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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199 days to go

36 days to go until the 2024 Anime Expo Hotel Block Hunger Games

Thread theme (slightly dated)
Can I find a gf in this event
my time is running out
All cosplay women are fucking lesbians, so no it's not.
Can't wait for the annual con orgy
Don't you mean sausage fest?
Based falseflagging lardass
>no premiere pass still
its ogre
I thought last year's dates were retarded but damn
are they doing it just to cut down on attendance with the crowding issues?
Thur through Sun is the usual and much better then the retarded ends on tuesday crap.
the only people bitching about last years had never gone to AX or equivalent before.
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You are right I stand corrected, google's results are just outdated and I didn't read too good
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Fuck ax, who's playing street mahjong
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Place your bets
sydsnap is a cunt irl. regret doing the signing last year.
If you're okay dating a tranny
Who’s hyped on either getting the miyako or a expensive Airbnb?
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>still thinking Ice Adolescence is going to come out this year after that Mappa fiasco
So is it just going to be a free-for-all for the hotel block bookings?
Is it even worth attempting to book the Marriott or should I just go to the shuttle hotels?
I have been practicing with my burro to get ready
Actually bisexual, but that means you have more competition
are the hotel prices any lower with block vs the prices listed now? im local but was thinking a hotel just to drop shit off and not worry about driving and the prices even blocks away are insane, could spend 2 weeks in japan including flight for the cost of AX hotel.
>all these straight men trying to hook up at anime conventions and complaining about the struggle
Try being a gay chubby chaser where a good majority of attendees are fat men but almost all of them are straight or a lesbian where the odds of them hooking up are ridiculously worse
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>5 hours til registration opens
>6 hours til all hell breaks loose
I might just book the Ramada and walk a mile this year. Got O Hotel last AX and there wasn't parking and they fucked up the 2nd bed (it was a tiny rollout they wheeled in). Wasn't any better than getting an unofficial hotel.
chubby chaser fag, just become a hot trap and youll get easy fat fuck hairy popy asshole.
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Happy hunger games
I dont understand this reference, some zoomer movie?
wish me luck on the hotel, lads
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There was already 10,000 users waiting for prereg at noon according to the queue shit on the showclix site, ticketing will cap long looong before June 10th, I wonder if the scalper game will be crazy like last year, 4 day badges were being sold the week before the con for $400, with tons of normies on twitter complaining about getting scammed.
They unironically should raise prices higher.
They're sponsored out the asshole, what do they need more money for?
All the main events are paid ticketed.
to keep out the poors (re: teenagers and families) obviously.
Every hotel closed within 4 minutes. This shit reeks of botting.
I was in there 10 seconds after it went live and every room was already gone for JW, IC, Moxy, etc.

fucking insane

I already booked a JW room beforehand but was planning to cancel once i got a better rate thru the block.
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>he doesn’t know the Hunger Games
im older and dont watch western movies.
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>my shipping address is a literal hellhole
Address change implementation when?
There were 10k people in line for tickets. If even half those got a hotel thats enough to fill all the close ones.
never seen the hotel block blow out like that. I effortlessly got the JW last year, didn't get SHIT this time.
last year all the xir/zims were afraid of covid still, even the craziest barely give a fuck anymore. expect it to be Seoul packed.
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mfw i GOT covid at the westin pool party
>conflu rebranded
and yet here you are
you now have the option of anti viral pills if you cant be assed for a negative test or vaccine. Not like they enfore any of that shit
I managed to score a room at intercontinental last year a couple months after the block booking went live, so there's still hope bros.
never tested, never vaxxed, never got it, went in 2022 and 2023 been going for decades and never got con flu neither some of us well were just built different
vax-covid schizophrenia aside it's just inconvenient to get sick. also just broke down and booked the Westin since they still have non block rooms.
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I miss when military special badges were 70 bucks with the downside of will-call pickup only, guess the shipping makes it worth almost double now.
sorry you dont get better deals for shooting unarmed brown kids anymore anon.
Holy fuck, I refreshed the page for about an hour and finally managed to get the AC hotel. Shit was ridiculous.
Yeah, managed to score a few rooms at Intercontinental myself. Worked out okay after all.
Same here, brother. We're all going to make it.
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>got a room this year
>could only get the Miyako
How is the Westin pool parties? I got a reservation and a friend has JW, not sure if Westin parties are worth the switch.
Coming from someone who always stays at the Westin, from my room the pool party drowned out all the hotel worker protests last year. I always feel bad waking up the next morning and seeing some poor dude cleaning up the pool by himself.
Check the site periodically since people will cancel. March will see a lot of cancellations is my guess.
Are hotel rooms transferable?
How exactly does ticket reselling work if you need your name to be registered on the badge?
No. You're only option is sending AX a credit card charge authorization. You won't need to be there for the check-in.
NTA, but if I booked the hotel with my credit card and the person I'm rooming with gets there before I do, would they have to wait until I get there before they can check in? Both our names are on the reservation.
Bought my ticket. Are /cgl/ meetups common? I heard of some last year but never went to any, was cucked with ex gf.
yes but its a saisage fest as all the actual "cgl" meetups with cosluts sre organized elsewhere.
Is it a secrit club kinda thing or?
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Yearly reminder
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>no chance of AX events at The Arena Formerly Known as Staples Center
>there’s actually a chance of AX events at The Theater Formerly Known as Microsoft Theater Also Formerly Known Nokia Theater
>there’s actually a chance of AX events at The Novo
What are your best guesses besides nothing?
>tfw there was no cosplay groups for any of my cosplays last year
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>tfw I FINALLY nabbed the JW Marriott after 9 years of trying
You have to fill out a credit card authorization form for the other person to present at check-in if the cardholder is not there.
Nice, I put a bow on mine, makes the experience more accurate
this shit con isn’t for cosplayers anymore and hasn’t been for 10 years. only paid sluts, money wasting retards, industry drones, pervy asian tourists, and jewtubers go.
just grope women, if you have to ask you won’t get one. you’re stuffed in like a sardine and she won’t be able to tell it was you. cosplay at big conventions = consent.
Do you have your cosplays planned yet
You add your name when you activate the badge using the QR code.
You can transfer it before activation, and no you don't need to do it via showclix.
I don’t have experience, I would like to practice on myself so that people won’t make fun of me in the orgy.
AX hasn't had an interesting get in ages. Amano was a shock, but he was barely there and we couldn't get anything signed except for the posters they sold to us.
who the fuck is amano?
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>This is the caliber of AX attendee we're dealing with
well im not gonna google it fuck you bitch

probably just another weird pedo manga artist

who the fuck cares. and it was a "shock"?? i cant believe you used the word "shock" to describe what it was like to find out that this amano cunt was showing up. jfc anon touch some fucking grass
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kys normalfag
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not that anon but why are you so mad lol. pic is of some stickers I got at a gothic festival
You are that anon, why are you in an Anime Expo thread?
i am that anon you dumb fucking sperg

im in this thread because i got a badge and a room and im ready to party
'people' still go to this shithole?
I have no clue. I know I'll get sidetracked with other shit so I should decide now and start making my costume ASAP, but I'm torn on a bunch of bullshit.
I've been to Sakuracon and Katsucon. How does anime expo stack up?
Got in at the westin

are there any other big party hotels or is it mostly just the westin?
AX is a expo, not a convention. its more to see industry announcements and meet people who work on anime then anything else.
its about one million times the size of those two cons.
You wait in line all day instead of having fun
Same situation, I'm between westin and JW. Is there any way to access Westin parties without a reservation? Not sure if the parties are hype enough to forgo convenience
>Is there any way to access Westin parties without a reservation
You literally just walk in, but the Westin is built like an RPG dungeon so good luck navigating through.
Also the doors that lead to the outside party lock behind you, so the only way you can leave is if someone else comes through.
>Not sure if the parties are hype enough to forgo convenience
They suck ass, you're going to a 'party' full of socially awkward weebs that couldn't make it into normal parties - keep your expectations low.
Very helpful, thank you anon, I appreciate it. I'll stop by the westin some time anyways just to see what the hubub is regardless. Was thinking of bringing a swimsuit but I realized these parties must be a major sausage fest anyways, probably a terrible idea for grills.
You talking about the AX orgies that don’t exist?
Maybe if you don't have game but I got a train ran on me in 2018 so they definitely exist
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>getting a train ran on you by possibly the most desperate and disgusting people you can imagine
I wouldn't be telling other people about this, I hope this is a joke for your sake
haha how much game does it take to get a train run on you? do you have like actual down syndrome or smth
I prefer a Awomano, just saying.
>Maybe if you don't have game but I got a train ran on me in 2018 so they definitely exist
It getting run over by train better than burro?
no game detected
It doesn’t. All you need is a sex drive that can rival a twitch thot and low standards.

That’s it.
bottoms don't have game that's not how it works
Where is the AX sausagefest going to.be held this year.
What’s your budget for Anime Expo? I am thinking about bringing $10,000. Is that too little? I am kind of worried now that everyone is talking about how expensive it is.
thats enough

i usually spend 4-5 all in and have a pretty great time (including nice hotel, eating out and relatively high end restaurants and buying whatever from the dealers hall)

if youre a retard who is compelled to waste money on merch that you can easily find cheaper online you may need more
Wtf are you going to spend on?
>AX orgies that don’t exist?
They do, they just involve sexy gay men. I hope you like sausages.
But I am gay. Are they mostly twinks or landwhales?
I assume the AX orgies are just this:
Fag here. What kinds of men usually appear?
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>my job denied PTO for this year’s AX yet again
It’s like I’m working for Nijisanji. Holy fuck.
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never realize you guys fucking struggling to come here, while I live in LA, it's a painful blessing.
Any good hotels left? I was super indecisive and wanna go.
Not really. You should ask around if anyone is hosting rooks. Generally cheaper.
I know that feel. Just quit bro.
Did you feel that earthquake just now
I was driving so no.
>Expand exhibit hall to please corpos
>Screw out veteran exhibitors and artists that have been attending this shit show for years
Feel you anon. I'm now deciding to go but hotels are so expensive and it'd be just me. Hoping someone on here will need an extra person and I can hop on there. But I'm a fatass and can't breathe through my nose with extremely enlarged adenoids so I snore extremely badly. Any hope I have is zero to none. So I at least wish you luck
sounds like someone is going to be suspiciously sick again! what are they going to do, fire you?
Is hotel sharing not a thing anymore? Or is it just super hard to fins? Been living in LA for the past couple of AX's so I don't need to anymore, but only like 5 or 6 years ago you could pair up for hotels ezpz
Is the AC any good? I want to fall back on it if the JW doesn't work out. I'm not referring to the Moxy.
Not sure what I'm doing for day 3, but I've got my first 2 cosplays planned, I also wanna improve my armor for my bell cosplay
I'm going solo this year since none of my friends are weeb enough to brave the storm and prices for the event. However, I'm having a hard time figuring out how many days to go / rationalizing the purchase.

I honestly just want to go to buy from AA and wander around the exhibit hall, and see cosplays but it seems kind of silly to pay $150 (probably $160-170 with tax) and pay $30 per day on parking + food to do that and solo. I'm local, so at least I don't have to pay for the hotel. I did go to ALA (also solo) and Wondercon (not solo, but not enough anime) this year, but they just didn't hit the same. What do you think, cgl? Is it worth it? Are any of you going alone? Is there a better idea for parking?
Oh and I might cosplay myself. I usually make mine but don't know if I'll have enough time. I was thinking about buying an easier costume to defeat the fomo, but again, didn't know if I could rationalize the $50-100 purchase on top of everything I just mentioned.
It’s romantic you are practicing with your burro. Did you meet the family? Sometimes it’s a family affair.
Is there an in-joke with this sex with burro thing? That’s a donkey, not a person. Where is this considered normal?
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>it’s a literal who who gets announced as a guest of honor at AX episode
He sounds like a pretty cool guy who is well-known in his field of work, but I doubt many AX attendees have any interest in traditional Japanese kitemaking. Hope he enjoys his trip to burgerland in any case.
On one hand it's good that they invite someone who actually has some connection to Japanese culture instead of retarded shit like Shaq and Doja Cat or whatever the fuck they invite these days for no reason. On the other hand fucking no one at AX is gonna give a fuck about fucking kites and it has nothing to do with anime or manga anyway. It'd be fair to give AX shit for pandering too much into normie shit unrelated to anime, but an extreme opposite polar end of hyper-autistic arts and crafts shit like this doesn't necessarily make a course correction.
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>Shaq and Cardi B but worse
If anything, Megan Thee Stallion would kinda make sense as a GOH since she’s a weeb and does cosplay.
Also, if she doesn’t make a stop at the crypto arena (or at the Kia Forum) for her Hot Girl Summer tour during AX weekend, that’s just a lost opportunity right there
Doesn't Shaq like hentai or is that another nigger celebrity?
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Holy shit. How do we think AX is going to commemorate him?
AX turning down industry applications left and right for people that have been attending as industry for years at this point. What are management doing?
you don't get it, we NEED Shaq back
Don't forget all the literally who tiktok celebs.
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>the Shrine Auditorium
Lol, lmao even
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>goes on sale the same time and day as tickets to Megan Thee Stallion’s Hot Girl Summer Tour
>USC and its ghetto ass surroundings
That's why I didn't even bother with the Miku concert.
Literally all of DTLA is ghetto as fuck save for the 1-ish mile gentrified stretch from the Intercontinental/Wilshire Grand through the LACC. And even in that stretch I wouldn't go walking around very much alone at night.
Don't get me started on that godforsaken venue that is 1720. The building itself is fine, but it's in the shittiest place possible. Fakestar, who have been bringing over a decent number of japanese acts, really loves it for some reason
Same, the price wasn't something I'd wanna pay for an okay at best venue, although I remember when there used to be a small comic con there around the late 2000s/early 2010s that was cool as a kid.
Yeah ain't Figueroa great? Although I don't remember seeing crazies out after the NASCAR race at the coliseum this year, maybe I've just learned to tune them out.
Wow so sorry for such a long time to respond, just assumed no one would reply. But hotel sharing is still a thing. As for finding someone, I honestly don't know. Like I haven't bought my 4day ticket yet because I personally haven't found anyone. And if I did again I snore like EXTREMELY badly so idk if anyone would even want to have me as a roomie
Oh nice. Living by yourself, roomies, family, etc.? If you don't mind me asking
On that note though. If anyone is needing a roommate for a hotel or airbnb let me know
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The fact that the Miku concert is on a Wednesday and having to fight for parking next door with students fucking suck too.

>No Hololive concert announcement during AX this year
How come AX doesn't use the Nokia/Microsoft/Peacock Theater? It's been 6 years since they last used it. Also,
>You now remember that AX had rented out the Staples Center in 2020, but we will never know who were going to perform that year.
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So I recently cosplayed for the first time, went as Himiko Toga for a local con in my state, and I'm planning on cosplaying as Miku for the Miku Expo next month, as my 2nd attempt to cosplay.

I'll be heading to Anime Expo for all 4 days this year, and I was wondering if there's any tips, things to check out, things to do as a cosplayer, at AX. I've been to AX in the past as a civilian, but this is my first time as a cosplayer, so any advice would help cause I am nervous as fuck (i wouldn't be if I wasn't ugly, ofc)
I may be out of the loop because I've never heard of that but is that how you refer to people who don't cosplay??? Anyways, you could see if there's any meetups for the series/topic of your cosplay, otherwise just walk around and show off your cosplay and hope you can strike up convos that way. I just go to the beer garden and drink in cosplay now for absurd prices, always strike up a chat.
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So much for her being a guest of honor at Anime Expo this year
>paint skies for 2¥ and hour
>”wanna go to LA?”
Scraping at the bottom of the barrel much?
Real talk, who do you guys think will be an actual big name GoH this year? They always manage at least one announced at the last minute.
Isayama but I highly doubt that
They already missed the boat on that, should have gotten him last year before the anime ended.
He worked on a few Ghibli movies which is kinda cool I guess. This guy has to be their industry Ghibli rep because we all know Miyazaki would rather fucking disembowel himself than come to Hollywood to hang out with Amerimutt weebs.
I hope your first cosplay experience went well! There's such a rush of excitement about being in costume.Also, Miku is an excellent choice. I'm so jealous that you get to go to MikuExpo!

>Tips for cosplaying at Ax
Personally, I think it's easiest to pick a day to wear your easiest costume or civvies. On that day, I like to do my shopping and exploring the con. Most people will also choose to do an easy costume, closet costume, or regular clothes for the last day of the con since everyone is usually worn out by then.

Okay here's the actual tips:
>carry a bag with your essentials: pain pills, bobby pins, clothing pins, band-aids, and small amounts of makeup for a touch up.
>If things go wrong, most cons have a Cosplay Repair Station that can help. AX has one.
>Do not go into AA or Dealer's hall if your costume has moving parts or is bigger than the length of your body. I dressed up as Tsuyu Asui one year and had her hairbow, that wasn't even bigger than my body, immediately knocked off my back and broken as I walked through the doors of Dealers' Hall on Day 1. People can be blindsided by their desire to shop. You also don't want to block the very thin halls.
>The main entrance is the best place to stand around, get your picture taken, and have others take your picture. Second best is the cosplay sets in the Annex.
>Have comfy shoes, normal clothes, a wig bag, and makeup wipes, contact lens case and drops / glasses if you wear them, in your car or ready to go on your bed in your hotel room. Future You will thank Past You so much for it.
>Rule of thumb is 5-3-1. 5 hours of sleep minimum, 3 meals, and 1 shower per day. You can mitigate feeling like shit most days by just having enough food and water in your body.

And lastly, drop this attitude: "(i wouldn't be if I wasn't ugly, ofc)". The best accessory you can have is a confident attitude. And you're wearing Miku. You literally can't be ugly, it's pemdas or sum shit.
If you're a first timer at AX, be prepared to get shitted on because AX attendees and staff are fucking assholes. Everyone feels so aggressive to each other that a fight could start any second. It's unfortunate Covid didn't kill off this shitfest.
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So like, how do I make long-lasting friends at AX? I've made acquaintances at other local, small cons, like, we'll follow each other on instagram and exchange a few DMs, but that's it.

How do YOU make friends at AX? Where do you try to mingle with people? what app do you use to stay in touch?

t. absolutely socially inept weeb going for the first time at AX
>how do I make long-lasting friends at AX?
>How do YOU make friends at AX?
You don't, now move along
Are you a cute single Asian?
>we'll follow each other on instagram
An equally autistic question: What do you post on your Instagram? I got one for the sake of having one if someone at a con asks about it but I have no idea what to post.
Talk to people in queues you're in
Go to cgl meet
Be a photographer and start up conversations
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>there are not a lot of speed dating events at anime cons
Did he go last year? That whole "drama" with him flew over my head.
same, actually, I have insta just to add people, it's completely blank. I have no idea why it's still around, desu.
Idk, I know he was at Anime Impulse this year, at least I think he was. Not a huge fan of him.
>Talk to people in queues you're in
That's the most cringe thing you can do anywhere.
I'm down for a group goon sesh
I blame my virginity on california
>Cali considered the greatest hive of degeneracy in the country by literally everyone who doesn't live there
>one of the biggest cons in Cali is dry as fuck
random people in line are just as bored as you are waiting in line, and are plenty willing to talk about stuff with someone new. who gives a fuck about being cringe?
>who gives a fuck about being cringe?
Every irony-poisoned millennial or zoomer suffering from the "bloated ego / poor self-esteem" combo, making them assume everyone's staring at them. Bonus points if they also "humorously" cry about being isolated, miserable and on the brink of suicide
im going to AX for one reason and one reason only

and thats to FUCK BITCHES baby

if you are biologically female and have at least one (1) of the following: tits, ass then be forewarned baby because i am coming to smash!!!
>being insecure about being "cringe"
>at a con of all things
Emphatically: ngmi
I brought an uno deck to ax last year and didn't use it once...
>Emphatically: ngmi
These are the same posters who also come to complain after it's over, "No one talked to me, I was so bored, I had such a shit time"
Just 3 months left already...
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>Making friends at AX
Get a load of this dweeb.
There are many sausage fests and dude fucking parties during AX. The popular one is at the Ritz Carlton.
nah fuck no no gay shit

Discriminate much? There's no difference in fucking bitches and dudes during AX.
It's best you don't. Many of the females at AX are lesbians and will only fuck other whores or carry STDs from the last con they fucked at.
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>sausage fests
Lemme guess, they all look like pic related?
All are welcome to the AX gay orgies.
But trans women are women
Why would you have sexe with dog?
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Gay chubby chaser here, hook a weeb up.
Stop calling female dogs that, please give them respect.
>Have tatts and body piercings
>Dress up in skimpy revealing costumes
>Thinking they deserve respect
You're funny
Our 4 legged friends deserve respect
what shows do you like anon
Not a whole lot but I am in the middle of reading the akira manga and sgt frog
Would be curious to hear about your tastes or cosplays
I just want a BF to cosplay with
What’s yours first?
Mecha and shonen shit with some romance shit, I kinda just watch whatever though
As for cosplays I like making shitty armor
This year I'm doing sanji, bell cranel, and still debating on my 3rd cosplay, probably some crossplay
Same but haven’t watched much anime as of late.
Dunno what I’m gonna cosplay as of yet but will be putting my trash taste drip to good use during the con.
What kind of chub are you btw?
I could drop my throwaway discord if you wanna chat more
My tag is
AX has been a gold mine for hookups in my experience going the last 4 times. First day I usually just roam the con to get my stuff. If I come across anyone cute I small talk with them to find out if they're single/group/with bf, get their contact and meet up later to eat and hang out. Then usually any night events I dance with random girls and ask if they want to grab drinks after. Usually by day 2 I've already found someone to bang and by day 3 have a couple girls numbers. Day 2 i've ALWAYS hooked up.

Anyone telling you LA is hardmode is lying or too ugly to even get dates in a normal setting. FWIW I'm a solid 6.5, not even good looking but have social skills.
Yeah, no. This isn't the larp thread.
nah OG ax people know stuff really goes down during the con. no clue why ur so hellbent on suggesting its impossible when plenty like myself found a fkbuddy
No game huh
I always see this same response and it's hilarious.
>are you saying people don't have sex at cons??
Of course they do. You just aren't one of them.
Lose weight.
I don't care what you think, just throwing it out there that it's not impossible and actually a MUCH higher chance of getting laid at AX than any normal day. You can take your lazy opinion and shove it up your ass, thats the closest action you'll be seeing anyways.
Lazy response from angry incel lol. It's already been proven time and time again, you'll have a MUCH higher time getting laid during AX than any normal weekend (especially if you're a weeb that doesn't go out much).
Sure it is, for the straights with no standards
>just throwing it out there that it's not impossible and actually a MUCH higher chance of getting laid at AX than any normal day
>It's already been proven time and time again, you'll have a MUCH higher time getting laid during AX than any normal weekend

So did an AI write these or something?
Is anime expo a party con?

How does it compare to Dragoncon and Katsucon
You won't get Cum Wrestling at AX, Katsucon parties are on a whole other level
Give me some tips, man
Same here, brother
your physical attributes dont matter that much if you arent confident and sociable
t. me, 6'2" /fit/izen, and permanently maidenless sperg
When you put it like that, it makes sense that everyone here is a virgin.
it's definitely less of a focus than at other cons. you actually have things to see and do at AX. you'll still have parties, but way less than say, Fanime, which has fuck all to do.
But it definitely makes people post catty and aggressive remarks (like who I initially replied to)
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>president of Nihon Falcom is coming to Anime Expo 2024
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>No Hololive concert this year
hololive was independent of AX anyway. they can probably hold a concert and weebs will flock to it at any time of the year
>Sits empty and unused again during AX
WTF is AX's problem not wanting to have concerts here instead of the smaller Novo?
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There’s a small window between then and there so there might be a chance but they would have announced the concert by now
it's cheaper to rent and you can fill it easier because it's smaller to begin with. they've chosen that over having peacock half-filled.

i honestly wouldn't expect an in-person hololive concert in america every year. they'll probably trot it out every few with the main focus being hololive expo/fes in Japan.
Linking up with a girl I met on duo at this con
pretty excite
Vtuber shit is cancer and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
>Vtuber shit is cancer
Vtubers are what's keeping anime and conventions relevant today.
Please don't be afraid of line conversations. For the less popular panels, you tend to see some of the same people while in line. I've been able to talk to some of them about previous panels or related topics. I mean you're often in lines of less popular panels for pretty niche subjects, so there's already an assumption that you and the other people in line have more of a connection than just liking anime in general.

Additionally, bring your 3DS. Not saying it helps, I just need more street passes. AX has consistently delivered for passes, but I do meet a lot of people who say they wish they had brought theirs when they see me with mine-- usually another line conversation starter.
Literal who right here.
If it's a big name like Love Live, it's worth it. I believe Aqours was the only talent during AX to sell out the place.
Not a who, considering the roles she has. Eula from genshit, War titan aot, Fuuka Persona 3, Makima CSM, Miraschon Jojo's, Yuffie Kisaragi FF7 rebirith and Noise, Admi, and Yulha from Nikke, to name a few. Daman Mills on the other hand... literal who
Oh no please don't let the overcrowded convention lose its stupidly overinflated "relevance" and actually have to be about anime again, how would shit survive if it had to charge $75 for a day pass instead of $80, how could it go on if it doesn't stuff itself with Asian incel gf simulator bullshit and stupid-ass influencers and normies there for "the memes" instead of the content. How could Anime Expo survive without Shaquille O'Neal?
and Miku too. considering the number of times they've sold out versus the number of times they rented the place, better to just keep it safe and go with the smaller venue.
This. Vtubers should have their own con if they dont already. I'm not sure why they don't since they have big enough fan bases to carry cons on their own and would avoid shitting up programming and hall space at anime cons, not just AX.
they have offkai in america and in japan there's hololive fes/expo and nijisanji fes. since it's so cheap to get in front of people at another con they buy a booth for $1000-2000. hell of a lot cheaper than doing their own event. same reason why crunchyroll stopped doing events; it's way easier and cheaper to piggyback off someone else.
Which is more annoying at anime cons, vtumors or westernshit like homestuck and steven universe?
vtubers of course. not only can vtubers be western style anyway, but they and their fanbase are 100% going to be grifters and simps, no exceptions. with western fandomshit at least they are spergy fans like the rest of us. i hate costhots for the same reasons, i'm a weird hot girl who likes sexy shit and making weeb guys happy, and i've been cosplaying sexy shit for a decade. i'm not grifting but i get lumped into the same category because thots and simps and grifters poisoned cons. it sucks.
>i'm a weird hot girl who likes sexy shit and making weeb guys happy
Cool story bro
your'e part of the problem. i love anime titties and i love cosplaying cute eroge waifus to see people get excited about it.
It's just not believable. Feels like something a man would say.
Do you know where you are posting?
>homestuck and steven universe
You don't even see this shit anymore, it isn't 2015 dude.
I hate coom brained people that need to sexualize literally anything they talk about, those people can never EVER hold a normal convo.
I'm getting kinda tired of vtubers hijacking anime conventions.
Where do I meet those kinds of people
I'm too chaste and boring for my own good
>go to the Dodgers game every 4th of July
>AX Day 1-July 4th
I hope the event/panel schedule comes out soon, one of the few times I hope nothing I want to see happens late into day 1.

honestly if you’re not spending a minimum of $25,000 it’s not even worth going
CONsidering that the first day is the 4th of July and a thursday, I doubt they would have their more important panels/events on the 4th. I'm guessing that the first day will be more of a slower day in terms of events/panels. Maybe a lot of smaller/less popular panels that day since it probably won't be the busiest. Still the 4th will be packed due to people wanting to get limited merch as that shit clears out by day 1. Friday and Saturday will undoubtably be the most crowded of all 4 days, though.
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>yfw your PTO for Anime Expo got declined
take it off unpaid then
Got a chuckle outta that, thx. And I didn't even think of day 1 being the slowest on account of it being a Thursday. I'm hoping the Dodgers can do promo stuff involving anime going forward since Ohtani is a huge draw for the Japanese crowd.
Good, one less asshole in the convention center
Vtubers are keeping cons relevant. Stay mad.
That's rough buddy.
Near the edges of the con, maybe by the parking lot? idk weirdos tend to join there, some snort shit before cons.
If "relevancy" means attracting Vtuber nigger cattle then yes I guess they are.
Anime is slowly becoming a dying media in Japan. Everyone is flowing over to Vtubers since COVID.
Nigger cattle, precisely.
They'll announce VShoujo Vtubers before they get more Japanese guests
We need more PTO declinings
Less people at the con, the better.
Do NOT join the discord server, 9/10 female pfp are troons and not human, tons of noobs, and lots of fat genderconfused "people"
Isn't that every discord server?
I'm only in the /cgl/ server and it's dead as fuck. Can I be expecting some actual meetups this year?
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>People who spent money at that abysmal Miku concert
>9/10 female pfp are troons and not human, tons of noobs, and lots of fat genderconfused "people"
So it's a Discord server.
Which one, there's tons of them out there, the reddit one got nuked because of a hacker and some internal drama
It was actually good if you were there for the music and not for a screen.

Also if you bought resale tickets on stubhub it was like $5
>only 1 cosplay gathering I can go to
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>my face when my PTO got declined for something this shit
My supervisor does truly care about my well being after all
Do you have the Google Sheets link?
Click on schedule for their spreadsheet.

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Thanks anon
Did anyone go to that Anime Tatoo convention at the LACC this past weekend? I heard it was an absolute shitshow.
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>only one general since AX got announced
This year’s ax is going to be shit
>10 weeks away
>Expecting anything to happen
You must be new here
Your post got me curious and it looks like some Dashcon/Willy's Chocolate Experience-tier shit. How the fuck could something rinky-dink like that even afford to get hosted at the LACC?
lol for real
it's not even fanime yet; after that is when they start kicking into gear
>Anime Tattoo convention

I don't know if I should pity any vendor, artist, and industry guest that went to this.
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Hmm, interesting
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>VR bullshit
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>no concerts at the novo either
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Nijisanji concert confirmed.
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>implying Rku Tazumi is going to do anything
He’ll be too busy making sure his yacht isn’t sinking
Literal who Jrock bands that only did 1-2 anisongs.
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Guys you're all missing the point, this is obviously where Shaq is gonna perform and BTFO Vtumors once and for all.
What do you think?
could be fun until some LA driver gets ticked off at the road closures and tries to ram through
if they don't do that at stupid protests, they won't do it to an event road closure
Cool, sadly only going for one day for the expo. Assuming anyone is free to hang out there, I'm down to drive to there the other days just to hang out and take pics
>Road rager plows through anime event killing several people
I don't think any outdoor event for AX is free. It's not like Comic Con. Expect the street to be fenced off with AX staff and security personnel guarding it.
>Having an anime convention without Vtubers in the 2020s
Not happening sisters.
Hot dog vendors BTFO
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Blue Archive won. Hard.
I think that was blatant.
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>Buy Saturday ticket during February
>Get new job in April
>April job tells me that I'll be working from Tuesdays to Saturdays
>April job tells me this after the 12th so AX won't let me exchange my ticket
Why do I have to find some guy to trade this to...
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Gacha bros we're in.
[spoiler] it's going to be a stampede on Day 1 [/spoiler]
Just call out sick nbd
If it's one day no one is going to care
>Still in your probationary period when AX roles around
>Call out sick
>Get terminated when period ends.
If they want someone with 'food poisoning' who will potentially be glued to the bathroom alternating between shitting and vomiting then maybe that's not a place you should continue employment at
What place is this ? Nijisanji?
Westernshitters at anime cons are still uniformly worse than any other group that isn't explicitly IRL-focused (IRL Streamers, actual LARP participants, wannabe LARPers, etc.). VTuber simps are cringe, but they are the old kind of cringe that is at least socially focused, and they have an extremely easy time bonding as long as you're kind-of a fan of whichever VTuber they're presently dumping hundreds of dollars into for superchats. You're never going to find a Teen Titans/Avatar/Hazbin/etc. fan who isn't going to enter every single social engagement with every scrap of Twitter/Tumblr baggage you can imagine, and you can rest assured that all of them will expect you to be caught up with their present pool of trending headaches, or they'll be smarmy and short with you every time you engage with them. The only reason why these two are even comparable is because there are tons more VTuber simps now than Westernshitters, but I assure you I'll take 100 VShitters over even 1 more Homestuck/SU lobotomite at a con.

At least we're not talking about Power Rangers or Comics fans though, they're about as bad as any group theoretically can be.

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