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I find that after wearing a costume to a con or other event I don't know what to do with it. When the next event rolls around, I want to make a new costume. This means I have a closet full of old costumes basically just sitting there...
What to you do with your costumes when you are "done" with them?
I honestly can't understand the 1 and done mentality. You put in effort into making something look great, why not run it regularly?
I used to be like you, OP. I learned to keep a few “staple” cosplays that are easy to put on and can be worn during the slow days at a convention. It also probably didn’t help that I used to be a cosidol and would hoard cosplays, but I freed myself from the shackles kek.

Feels like you run into this issue a lot with store-bought cosplays because you don’t really see the work being put into making the costume. If you’re not already, start making your cosplays. It really helps, plus you learn and refine a great skill.
A lot of girls will sell them. Not in a fetish way but theres not really a way to know if the person buying it is doing it for a fetish. When they're done talking pictures and wear the costume out to a couple of cons / got their money's worth, they'll sell them on different platforms. I've noticed some cosplayers have a highlight on their Instagrams with cosplays and wigs they're trying to get rid of with pricing.
I wish the cosplayers I've dated were down for this, there were a few exceptions but in general they'd put too much work into to the costumes to be willing to ruin them banging in them, even if they didn't plan on wearing them again.
t b h this is why I switched to lolita. I handmake a lot of my stuff so I still get the creativity aspect, and I can switch up the way I wear my dresses so each occasion still feels new to me
I don’t wear a lot of costumes, but I would take that sort of thing to a swap meet. I usually don’t even trade stuff there, I give it away when someone wants it.
I try to choose cosplays where the majority of the separate pieces could be worn irl as actual clothes, and go into it treating anything which couldn't be worn irl as disposable. This may cause me to use some pieces which are not 100% accurate to the character or to historical accuracy, and my job is then to figure out how to hide those inaccuracies. If I know I would be able to use a part irl if it just didn't have a design or whatever on it, I purposefully make certain parts removable (such as attaching designs on fabric with temporary glue, magnets, temporary paint, etc instead of permanently gluing or sewing them on), or purposefully choose a version of the character (such as "prequel vs sequel", "manga vs anime") which contains less wasteful parts, or I pose the costume ("use the scarf from episode 4 to cover your neck so no one can see your neckline is actually just a normal t-shirt").

I'm a public school teacher so I can't wear too "out there" stuff even in my private life, or I'll get found out and fired because random people take photos of you and send them to your boss and coworkers (schools are damn strict - can't be a ninja or even make a finger gesture of a gun like Vash in Trigun because that "advertises violence"). So I'm mostly doing tame costumes and stuff based off historical clothing.
This! I recycle my pieces for casual cosplay like on weekends and nights out.
sell them on cos marketplace groups,, or let ur friends borrow them or wear them again
Personally, I eat it. I don't like wasting carbohydrates.
I put it away in my closet until it calls to me.
I usually take a large bag, fold the cosplay up, and throw in all the accessories. Then I put all those bags full of cosplays into one of those large plastic tubs. I store the wigs and shoes separately though, because those can sometimes be used for future cosplays. Here and there I pull out an older cosplay to wear again. It’s nice knowing that they’re there if I don’t finish a cosplay in time for a con or if a friend ends up cosplaying from a series, then we can be matchy
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I like to work on upgrading my existing cosplays in addition to making new ones. Sometimes I ran out of time to finalize all the fine details, something didn't come in the mail in time, or time has passed and I got a better wig or have improved my crafting skills. When I repeatedly cosplay a character over the years I find I can get dramatically better at makeup, posing, and other details of them that I simply can't nail on a first try.
Oftentimes it's just something small, like replacing buttons or adding another accessory, but there are one or two cosplays of mine that I've done a full "ship of Theseus" slow remake on.
Lol I love the ship of Theseus analogy. That’s something I’m in the process of doing with my cosplay of my favorite character

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