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How do you feel about these?
I like sweet and sour pork. I feel like somehow they make every food item more filling than it should be so I can't steal their money.
Honestly, goated. Best way to get unlimited crab rangoons, and those sugar topped fried doughnut/buns.
I don't.
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as a roundeye who worked in not one but two of them, i would never, ever eat there, and if/when i do its only vegetarian items that exist in its original form in some way. nothing wrapped, fried or any sort of meat ever.
It like of looks like a cheap ass indian joint with Christmas lights hanging all over the place. They serve their purpose as being the lowest hanging friuit so to speak and that's not saying much. LCD.
Looks like some kind of west coast protester type of door. I hope you tipped the delivery guy properly for having to deal with your political bullshit.
Why? Give us details m8
the one close to me is awesome. $20 a head and you can get whatever tf you want. The food is always fresh and hot due to how quickly it disappears and there's even a hibachi and huge sushi selection. It's always packed though.
>we won't kink-shame
You just did, passive aggressively.
obscenely based every time
only people who disagree are prissy faggots who hate food
If gutter oil and raccoon meat is good enough for China, it's good enough for me. Stop being racist.
Thank you Chinese Mafia for bringing us these across the country.
Not every time, bad ones exist, but yes, based.
Pretty good during peak hours. Some of them are human trafficking operations and are prime targets for easy dine and dashing. Hehe.
t. chink
t. prissy faggot who hates food
I like HuHot
Ive always wondered how they decide who gets to go where. Once you get trafficked here, you either work in a Chinese restaurant, a nail salon, or a rub and tug massage place. Id honestly choose the nail salon. As gross as feet are, they at least get to socialize and work in the AC.
going to the buffet for shit tier items

the american dream
>How do you feel about these?
Grew up eating at these suckers damn near weekly. Honestly, they aren't bad. Low tier ones were a challenge, the stuff would be dry and meh quality, so you had to be picky about what was safe to eat. The mid tier ones all had good sweet and sour chicken, ice cream was always nice. The nice ones were a real treat - you could get some good shit like sushi (low tier sushi) and neat little cake desserts. Don't care which one, they ALL used shitty iceberg lettuce on the buffet for "salad".

I don't have any where I live now (yay COVID!), so I kinda miss them a bit, but I have good take out, so it evens out. Plus it's better for me I don't lard out eating a fuckton there at one.
>As gross as feet are, they at least get to socialize and work in the AC
Are you sure about that? You are working on Karen's nails and Laquesha's lard ass feet. Women are cunts and drama cows, your life would be hellish. I'd think a Chinese restaurant would be far better customer wise, the Karen's get thinned out by normals. The amp probably does better tips though.
Dude, there are places near me that serve chinese food and have literal windows so you can watch the (mexican) chef make shit. Absolutely none of that made me squeamish about food. And I can't recall ever getting sick from one of these places. I'd trust Chinatown over Little Mexico every day of the week, and fast food never.

If it was bad, there would be videos/photos of the shit leaked from disgruntled employees looking to get back at their employer. Foot lettuce, rats, roaches, mold, whatever, there would be photos of it. Especially since these places have mexicans running them in the kitchen now.
I detest sea food, but would eat as much of their low quality, factory farmed, frankenstein lobster, scallops, salmon, and crabs. As they are the most expensive to buy, they count on fat people eating glyphosate filled carbohydrates making a killing (pun intended) on the masses.
I miss them. Had one near my law school that served duck on weekends/Friday. I'd go there and devour that stuff and watch people fight over the crab legs. Can't believe people would care about shitty crab when there was duck available.
was law school hard?
i loved the rice noodles until they replaced it with ruined salmon that wasn't even asian in any way. fucking slant eyed dumbasses
The one closest to me uses way too little salt and I think stopped using MSG, which is what makes Chinese food taste good to begin with. For some reason, they have prime rib, but it's hidden in this weird hole in the wall that you wouldn't ever notice unless you're looking for it. It was overcooked to shit and frankly a waste of time to even eat. Buffets are great when they're good though, although you need to be aware that they try to trick you into eating cheap carbs by placing them first so you don't get the more expensive options.
i loved them as a child. i am disgusted by them as an adult.
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They have the best pizza.
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A pyschopath lives behind that fucking door
Chinese buffets are the best food ever when it's been about 3 months since your last visit to one.
Hit or miss, usually a miss
They suck, I very much prefer buffets dedicated to one food item
this anime fucking slaps, best /ck/ anime since the first season of Food Wars
i used to live near some pretty good ones, all but one has since shut down
Best of Winter 2024 and still going strong in the Spring
They buy it frozen from nearby grocery stores. You can have it any day of the week.
They're all right. I have two in my redneck town and both of them have different selections.
The closest and bigger one to me serves crabmeat stuffed mushrooms and mushroom and crabmeat salad which I always make a bee line to. The smaller and further china buffet serves the better fried rice and coconut shrimp which is worth making the drive to.
My only gripes are whenever I travel with my mom, the only takeout place she will eat is a china buffet. I explain to her that we didn't travel all the way across the country just to eat at what we can get at home, but she'll starve herself on the road unless if we find a china buffet.
My other gripe is similar to my mom, but my brother always hypes up a china buffet outside our town better than what we have and we'll have to go to one if he spots one. But at least he's easier to convince than my mom, as if he finds out that there's a Golden Corral he'd rather eat there instead.
It's what Castlevania should have been.
>Cool monsters and the ways of slaying them
>Diving into a wacky castle
>Food porn
>Fun, yet still having serious moments to build up tension
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Definitely worth shelling out more money per head and going to a nice one. Look for one that has a hibachi and sushi bar in it. Can get some solid fried rice or teriyaki noodles and your choice of meat or seafood and then anything at the buffet... lush
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What you WAN?
You eat to much!
you go home now!
here fortune cookie. get out.
I used to love these places but then i started getting more squeamish in my dotage.
there is no legit reason for buffets to exsit
I don't eat dog, bat, gutter oil or river stones
mmm gutter oil
both of you forget the meme arrow
you cannot find a mass-market frozen pizza that looks like that in a grocery store. you need the foodservice supply chain
I used to, until I realized they're literally all fronts for ching chong human trafficking. That, and they're usually filthy inside.
>If it was bad, there would be videos/photos of the shit leaked from disgruntled employees looking to get back at their employer
This happens all the time if you check the news desu.
I got food poisoning trying to stuff my face full of undercooked shrimp.
I'm not a big eater so buffet doesn't appeal to me. If I get roped in to going to one however and they have salt and pepper squid I'll be happy.
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I used to love them until they became prohibitively expensive. They started raising the price because too many Islanders were turning up to bankrupt them.
Most of the time it's literally just fried matter of unknown origins, shit quality meat, heavily processed sauces full of MSG and sugar to hide the fact that the meat was probably butched back in 1992 and processed somewhere in the early 2000s before before being frozen for a dozen times over and eventually ending up on your plate.

If i want a decent good buffet i just go to one of the big hotels in my country and pay to access their brunch or evening buffet. Sure its more expensive but at least the food is good and you know it's not the equivalent to eating off a garbage bin.

You can't bankrupt a buffet because they operate on a seat cost model.

They simply calculate the amount of food they will cook for the day and the number of entries they need for the day to break even. For example if its 150 customers to break even, anything after that is pure profit even if they got many big eaters.

They raised prices because processed food is getting more expensive due to all the intermediaries involved and also pure greed seeing people still are willing to spend extra to eat unlimited goyslop.
What is an Islander?
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love em
Is this from that Russian guy that dug girls out of their graves and stuck them inside of dolls he made?
They were good 25 years ago, now they are garbage. Bring back American Buffets.
Have you heard of Samoans? Native Hawaiians They can eat massive amounts and are big dudes
My grandma used to take me yearly for my birthday bc I absolutely loved the breaded fish they had there, it was like a sort of family tradition I suppose. But then suddenly I some years back its my bday and I go with my grandma to the place again, but my local Hometown had closed and I didnt know. What happened? Business closed all of them. I was sad.
Not a cookfag myself, so I've never been able to replicate that breaded fried fish they had. Also, now my grandma makes me burgers for bday sometimes.
anon... thats not food...
Why did someone feel the need to photoshop the reddit logo there? The picture speaks for itself lamo
If I don’t eat for 3 days I should go there
Imagine doing intermittent fasting and eating on buffets only.
That would probably be very time and money efficient.
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All buffets are gross as fuck because you gross people go there and be all gross and shit spitting on the food and touching everything with your gross hands. Just gross. Chinese buffet of all places? That's so fucking gross on both sides of the counter.
probably sysco food unless it's a rare one which makes the food fresh
it's pretty easy to make everything served at a sysco chinese place much much tastier at home yourself
ok chin let's see it
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I like their terrible pizza
10/10 if they have Prime Rib
7/10 otherwise.
I don't usually take photos but I had a couple here you go
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weird larp but okay, whatever you say, underaged poster

shouldn't you be asking for obese troon's kiks over on soc?
Not that Anon but, it looks incredibly good. Well done
Their quality seems mostly proportionate to the quality of the areas they're located in. There are two in my town, one in a whiter part of town and one in a mostly beaner spot. The first one was really fucking good when it first opened but after COVID things started slipping fast. Used to have the white tuna and all these exotic kinds of sushi, all of it's gone now. The other one is meh, some good things but mostly pizza and plantains and other slop. Sushi is alright but half the time the shits warm, nobody fucking cares
Just quantity over quality in essence, some good ones out there but most of them are shit
The owner got shot a few years ago in Australia
what offended you in that pic, redditor?
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Do they even exist anymore? I thought most buffets got killed off during the pandemic.

Takeout is where it's at these days anyway.
you're grossing me out
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