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Didn't see a thread.
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Goblins are rotting my brain.
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pic related best looking gobbo
gobbos going around shrinking people
cute baka gobbo with top tier body
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An absolute shame this artist has only drawn this gob a few times.
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this is not a monster girl thread, this is a fucking greenskin camp
>complains about lack of diversity among monster girls
>doesnt post any monster girls
i hope a thick goblin crushes you beneath her fat oversized ass
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>through a freak magical accident, you end up merging with a lich's phylactery
>she doesn't seem angry or upset, just surprised
>everything she knows about magic says this should be impossible, but here you are
>she'll have to take you back to her lab to study how this happened
>and also put some protective charms on you to stop you from getting hurt or dying
>you ask if you get a say in any of this
>she waves her hand and you begin shrinking
>when you finish, she picks you up and stuffs you into her bra
>for an undead abomination, her breasts are amazingly lifelike
>she proudly explains that her magic keeps her body in perfect physical condition
>lesser sorcerers would call it wasted effort, but for her the effort is trivial
>if you cooperate with her studies, she'll let you explore the rest of it
The Rebel Army has Kaiju Girls
We must counter with our own
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Will giant slimes work?
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They're too nice.
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Should a monster girl be feral or intelligent?
gems aren't slimes but I'll let it slide because I want to fuck Lapis
Me on the bottom
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Build one then?
need more female ultraman
A feral monster girl is no better than bestality. Not only do I not go in for that, I have a very low opinion of anyone who does.
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Intelligent with feral instincts.
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Depends on the monster breed.
It should be a sliding scale.


Bruh, that's the beauty of this fetish!

By the time you even begin considering the ethical implications of mating that feral giantess?
She's made the choice for you... And no amount struggling will change that.
The only choice left is to enjoy it, or get traumatized by it.

A true lad does both! Then cries himself to sleep while his new wife whines and coos in an attempt to comfort him.
(Yes, I would marry her! Fantasy worlds are like the deep south and my party will call me a slut if I don't.)
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Someone has got to do something about all these goblins.
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its simple
we just need to barter with the other monster girls and get them to protect us
the goblins are just the smallest of the giant monster girls, so getting the onis or lamias on our side will put an end to their predations
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good day anons, how do i go about summoning a giant succubus?
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Commission thousands of images of her then wrap them around a wire frame effigy that is the approximate size of the giant suc you want. Then sleep at the base of your suc and when you wake up you'll have a giant succubus on your hands.
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mmmh giant succubus.
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This goblin infestation is getting out of hand
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she has such a great body
that should be me that she's rubbing over her body
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just want new Ultraman show starting female Ultraman is that too much to ask for
woke propoganda
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Smell of wet mofu.
Shut the fuck up retard
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Anything of the sphinx from Dragon's Dogma 2? I see barely any art of her in the normal places. And one animation that sucks
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Soft paws made to be kissed
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Wish there was more giant fairy stuff that wasn't vore/feet... the role reversal aspect is so hot, there always seems to be a more extreme fetish attached.
>a more extreme fetish attached.
yall ohioans think being shrunk or a femcel being huge godzilla is less extreme than feet a bodypart every chick has??? you gotta be rizzin me...
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horse girls aren't monsters anon
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That's the good stuff.
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Can a niggy get some sauce?
Usual reverse image searches aint finding it
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Your a big girl
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>tfw no gf that can cause quakes at every step
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Maybe Micro Magazine aren't so bad after all...
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They've got some good monster girl stuff sometimes.
I get what they're going for but man that mouth is really off for some reason
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Big blue demons
Fuck you, big red demons
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Big bunny's lucky feet.
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I say, BIG RED DEMONS and I say, POST
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interjecting into this feud to say GREEN IS BEST
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Can't argue with that.
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teach this idiot how to dom, pls
Is skin color really that important?
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>hot-headed, passionate and extroverted
>will hit you with bed-shattering, bone-breaking tier sex, ravaging you senseless despite how small you are
>cold, reserved and very frigid
>will make you do most of the work in bed and complain you aren't doing enough, blaming you for being small rather than her lack of effort
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I'll never get tired of giant fairies
Beg post, but anyone has stories involving that concept to share?
Blue just sounds mean.
Yes please
If she calls me a good boy afterwards.
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she should watch her step
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Elves still in charge.
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Thoughts on giant dragons?
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Depends on the size of their tail
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A top tier giant monstergirl
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Might dump the rest later
I want to explore a giant dragon girl's bowels...
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>oh! sorry honey! I forgot you were coming over today? how are you, my treasure?
Intelligent but feral instincts during mating season
they are monstrously cute
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Only if you're a really good swimmer.
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I need giant fairy wife..
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Man fuck those bitches, I like the gobbos, especially the cute one smooching and saying "Mmh yer cute~""

My favorite is the gobbo that apparently needs to say everything three times.
>"Smash! Smash! Smash!"
>"Dick! Dick! Dick!"
>"Sex! Sex! Sex!"
>"Big! Big! Big!"
>"Bad! Bad! Bad!"

She's adorable and succinct.
Girl wrote her whole obituary in less than a minute.
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Alright bub, this is the Monster Girl Hunter Squad (MGHS.) Hand over your giant monster girls and no one needs to get hurt here.
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Looking for a certain pic. It has these two characters and is by the same artist, but in it the high elf is lying in bed (I think she's naked) and petting the human. It's not in the artist's gallery anymore, unfortunately.
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Love this art style, I think the artist could make a lot of money off a goblin visual novel desu
I like humanity is the smallest race and it's at the mercy of pervy giantesses.
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I love Alky!
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>Last thing Billman did was elves
Puffy nipples made to be kissed by tiny me
those thighs are simply too sexy
Is he not active anymore? I remember he responded to a thread focusing on his goblins recently, namely >>10983580 this one.
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I yet live, but I haven't had time>
to draw anything in a while. Last gobbo thing I made was the short story a few months back.
It's a long chain of being in generic fantasy setting tm. Old sketchy of some ideas from back then.
I should correct this grievous insult to gobbokind at some point though.
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>accent on washed, non-smelly feet

why is this shit so rare, im tired of that putrid feet stench fetish everywhere
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Oh, Slimey! *laugh track plays*
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Alky OC as tribute
she's unironically one of the main reasons I got a tablet
Not Billmann, but looking good. The world never has enough Alky, nor enough panty-stuffing.
The things I would do in there
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you know what? im sick of all these giant monster girls. i think we should all migrate to elven lands and submit ourselves to them. im sure that our immortal betters would gladly welcome us shortlived round ear folk into their realm.
Ouch...Slime girls are cute and all but that "dissolves you" aspect is kind of horrifying, you know?
Looks really nice, coming along well. It's very flattering to hear that the gobbo inspired your artistic ventures.
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Courtesy of /co/
Aside a Succubus, what monster girl would be best for size drain?
Giant plants.
any kind of usually smaller monstergirls...shortstacks included
>her embarrassment at the end
I could see it, using her roots to suck out magic nutrients or some adjacent bullshit.

Fairy just seems best in that regard, especially considering the extremes of having the sizes reversed entirely. Noted, and thanks. I might try and writefag something.
Anyone got the manticore greentext from last thread?
Which one? Weren't there a couple?
This one?
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She's here to save the day!
It was the one with manticore gf horny about anon going in her tail
Of course, after I asked I decided to go try desuarchive for myself, and found it.
Thanks for wanting to help tho
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>Princesses are considered to be the optimal snack for a happy giant monster girl.
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>Of course, sometimes they play with them for a while first...
Was recommended I post my game here since you guys like gobos.

Launched my 3rd patch for my Twine text adventure.

Would you mind posting it? I'm glad you found it, if it's the one I'm thinking of, I actually wrote that- I'm happy you enjoyed it!
Where's the climbing gear?
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Good stuff! A fine addition to my green collection
Alky, my beloved
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Obviously slimegirls, slimes already dissolve stuff. So a slimegirl could dissolve your size and add it to her own.
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Tiny 'hero' who gets work in monster girl taverns and adventuring guilds because quests are stressful and they don't see many humans around those parts, especially not ones so small and cute. His heroic strength lets him deliver orders, while his natural charm helps him win over the clients.
Bringing drinks to rowdy onis (one at a time on his back) who have had way too much to drink, but love seeing him walk the entire length of the bar to deliver them their orders, and often just pick him up to pinch and tease him against their red bodies.
Consoling the same set of inebriated ancient evil kitsune and elves who think they are far too old to ever find love at this point, having to massage their fluffy/pointy ears while politely declining offers to come home in their pockets.
Having to appease the insatiable ego of a dragon and lamia pair who expect to be treated like an empress and a pharoh respectfully, poking him with their tails and threatening to devour him if he doesn't address them properly (at least they tip very generously)
That's just on a regular night, on friday nights and holidays the bar is packed with partying adventure partys. Full moons usually lead to some beastwoman getting thrown out after attempting to do obscenely lewd things to the tiny hero as he delivers them peanuts.
I think she's a bit overkill and overqualified for the job. That or somobody tricked her thinking she's diong pest control instead of removing kaiju level threats.
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>look up
>see this
what to do?
Got the link
thank my luck for letting me be in that situation
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It's fine. I would have preferred one of sigure's cyborg girls though.
Be thankful, She looks like a HERO of JUSTICE.
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>giant cyborg lady gets in the way of the giant tentacle monster attack
>instead of evacuating the citizens begins to gather around and take pictures
Being a giant hero is hard work.
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>i-i'm a monster girl too! f-fear me! roar!
>...p-please run away now
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>goes directly under her feet
Elves are sadistic, egotistic and smug.
Dragons are egotistic, proud and protective.
The choice is obvious. Just make your tiny castle part of the dragon's hoard and you're good for a millennia or two. All you need to do is keep it pretty and be cute.
>EEP! p-please go away! I'll c-crush you! I mean it!
If you get squashed, you are going to traumatize her for life.
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I love how much art that mermaid gets, that she didn't fall prey to the canon giantess curse.
What's the curse?
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Most canon giantesses rarely get content
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i'd be too dead + i came
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Cyclops are very underrated.
This one's interesting, but what exactly is going on? Is he climbing into her mouth and down her throat?
Slender, delicate elven fingers made this post
Not sure! Too bad they never finished the sketch lol, I really like that strong-fat body type
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My guess is he was trying to slay her by going for her eye, and she ended up having a himbo monster slayer snack.
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Guess she liked it!
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Based cyclops enjoyers saving the thread
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I'm doing my part.
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Imagine the cataclysmic purring.
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I fucking love this game, bros...
where is this from?
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Giant Guardians
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Thanks, i tried it before but i didn't like the art very much. I'm glad to see it got slighlty better.
Excellent taste, you picked two of my favorite girls. I like Regina a lot as well, and Shiena too.
Man they really updated the game since I last checked on it 2 years ago.
I'm genuinely curious what scenario led to this random ass cyclops messing with this princess
I'm sure the princess started it
Perspective shots like this are the best, but sadly harder to find
I've never seen this chick before, which route is she from? She's a demoness so Homaspernia I assume?
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It's just a bit of banter.
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Castle route in the capital city after meeting the queen, she's a gargoyle
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dear cyclops posters,
im going to poke your dumb giant waifu's big stupid eye and there is nothing you can do to stop me,
chad demon poster
>t. Nobody
Oh cool, that's a Shadowrun cyclops. They're a sub breed of Trolls that only come from Greece, she looks like a street samurai from the bullet marks in her armor. Fuck I love Shadowrun.
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reminded me somebody once used to spam a meme on /tg/ that they figured out why dragons kidnapped princesses, they were soft and warm as opposed to the hard cold treasure hoards they were used to.
Need more Faeries.
where are the lamias
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"Oi, that's a lovely throne princess, it's so big I can't help but think you made it for me, in fact...scooch over a bit, will ya?"
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They're where you least expect.
Is that Ezzy?
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The tiny little body on the massive monster body reminds me of Falin from Dungeon Meshi.
Wow almost like that's literally what they're stealing from you fucking mongoloid
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lmao calm the fuck down you pathetic basket case.
*inspired by
you freaking chud
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>like giantess
>like lamias
>don't like vore
It's suffering.
Taurs are good.
but gentle vore is based and lamias are one of the best monstergirls for it
>half snake so naturally predatory and prefers to swallow prey whole
>first stomach in human torso for safekeeping
>second stomach in snake tail for digestion
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>ywn ride on the back of your massive taur gf
Life is harsh, beyond cruel.
>greek mythology stole the idea for the chimera from dungeon meshi
>Being an obtuse retard on purpose
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brb gonna go tame a giant monster girl
is this fanart or this snekbitch got new scenes? if yes then fuark i gotta reinstall best girl in game after the cowgirl
It's new if you haven't played since the beginning of 2023.
>after the cowgirl
OK the moo isn't a bad character necessarily, but her route sucks, it's so slow with absolutely nothing going on. Her horse girl friend got a route, and in three updates more has happened than the moo has had in over twelve.
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Horn, my beloved
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>Bump limit
>Page 10
Someone make a new thread. I'm too retarded and fuck up when I do it myself

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