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What do you mean? This is the way it always has been.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10876831/
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Artist for these images is "Tensen". Found them and thought about this thread and decided to make another one. Most their stuff skews more freaky than hot, but there are some gems.
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Let's do something nice for women. Thread prompt is to write a reality change that "benefits" women.
>Summarize your change.
>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
>Does this change how women act with each other?
>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
You can stretch the meaning of "benefit" pretty far.
>Summarize your change.
All women are now statues worshiped by men. They turn into a statue right where they are, in the middle of what they were doing. All men, even men irreverent towards other things, will respect and spend time worshiping these statues every day. Dressing them, maintaining them, praying to them, talking casually to them, making offerings, and building small shrines to them are all common.

After being turned into a statue, girls are still conscious and aware of their surroundings. They cannot talk or move, but if they try to talk, nearby men will get a strange intuition about what they want.
A man praying to the statue that used to be his sister may get a feeling that the statue wants to be placed facing a tv to watch something together.
A statue that used to be a boss might give men the feeling that she wants a shrine built in her office where she can watch over her company, and give them intuitions that they should work harder.

The statues can also talk to eachother telepathically with an about mile sized range.
>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Men have no recollection that the statues were ever alive despite their apparent supernatural properties. Despite that people will still have strong feelings towards statues that they were with before the shift. People do take statues on dates and have weddings with statues.
>Does this change how women act with each other?
After they adapt to their new existence, they normally become strong friends with the other statues that happen to be in their range, sharing news and gossip.
>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
Despite the fact that no memory of living women exists in this world, the concept of women and family still exists. People believe the statues were made by hand, but there are a lot of statues, and a lot of them are in very odd places and poses for that story.
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when and whered they do porn stuff? last i checked their stuff was all sfw
Wait so all tomboys when they grow up all turn into bimbo sluts. Does that mean the more masculine a girl acts and dresses when a kid the more they turn into a hyper tit and ass sex fiend when they hit teenage years?

Retractable vaginas so they can fully control sex life
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I found >>10954207 and >>10954209 on gelbooru. They may have been misattributed if you can't find them while checking actual sources.

What? Can you explain a bit more? Is it like, girls can at will switch between being null and being normal?
>duh, that’s how it’s always worked, you feeling ok dude?
How does one make the babies then?
Cum on a statue and it might get moody for about 9 months before a baby mysteriously appears near it when nobody is looking. Always male of course, new statues have to be made by hand from undisturbed stone.

There is a bit of a culture gap between statues that used to be real women and statues created after the shift.
Every man on Earth is suddenly and absorbed into the body of the woman closest in proximity. Maybe you end up in her boobs, maybe in her ass, some other random body part, or maybe you just get to take a backseat inside her head. Every man absorbed adds to some physical change depending on where they ended up, but they all have some subconscious mental influence over whoever they ended up in, and all their knowledge and some traits will transfer over into her.

>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Women tend to seek out and be attracted to other women containing the souls of their former boyfriends/husbands/crushes, but otherwise they just look for others with traits they find attractive.
>Does this change how women act with each other?
A new hierarchy forms based on the number and quality of absorbed men, for instance the only female scientist in a male-dominated lab might end up the foremost expert in that field. A quiet and reserved secretary in a large office building would inherit not only the business acumen of her colleagues, but also their domineering nature and perceived superiority. Both would, of course, probably also end up with bodies that range from "bombshell" to "immobile".
>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
There is plenty of speculation as to where this sudden upgrade came from, and certain objects left behind suggest the existence of a hypothetical "sister species" with a different physiology, but there's no hard proof.
At moments of intense climax, a child may be formed in the mother's womb from some of the souls in the body, as well as from the souls inside her sexual partner. Over time, or immediately when the mother dies, the remaining souls transfer out and are split among her offspring.
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What decency is she trying to protect? The top most quarter of her breasts? The ability for women to walk around like that without anyone questioning it? Girls are so cute when they don't realize what's changed.
Yeah, full control of their sex, no monthly pains, dating or marriage is under their terms, mentally ill males don't get to pretend they can be one of them

Everyone, take your emergency Mnestic dose and get word back to the Antimemetics Division right fucking now.
I'm more interested this artistically than I am sexually desu
Stop spamming this garbage every where, keep it to the designated aislop threads like /aid/
Im enjoying world bender a good b it anon! what other games do you have planned for the f uture?
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>Summarize your change.
Women no longer have to worry about men looking at their breasts instead of their face when talking to them. The world got sick of their constant annoyance, and fixed it, by making women consider themself to be their tits instead of the human attached to them.

If you talk to a woman, she wants you to look at her, rather than her face or her eyes. Women also express their feelings through their boobs rather than their face now. If you look at a girl's face, you'll only get a soft unchanging smile and eyes that really only tell you where the boobs are looking. Look at her boobs though, and you'll be able to tell how she's thinking and feeling through the way she jiggles and sways.

This changes how girl's refer to themself too. Boobs don't have names, so they'll introduce themselves with "My body's name is ___" Their priorities change too. While a pair of boob's brain may want to be an artist or school teacher, the boobs are in charge, and they just want to look pretty, jiggle, and get groped. It's not like the boobs can't do nice things for their body and brain, a pair of boobs should take good care of her body, but what the boobs want comes first.

>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Women rarely wear bras, anything that restricts the movement of a girl's breasts is seen a bit like how a mask is seen now. Instead, most women are topless or wear loose shirts.

Boobs want to be groped and seen, as such girls do a lot of teasing and will let any man they like grope them even if they're not in a relationship. Kissing is seen as a weird kinky thing now, with sucking on a boob's nipples taking the cultural place a kiss once had.

Marriage is driven by the breast's desire to nurture children and swell with milk, so the boobs marry for a stable home. It's largely unchanged except for the fact that you're giving your vows to two lumps of chest fat.
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>Does this change how women act with each other?
Boobs only use their mouths to talk to men. When two pairs of boobs meet, they communicate by silently jiggling at each other, or using their bodies to press against each other. It's impossible for someone who isn't a breast to understand this type of communication. This means men, but also means the breast's own brain is often confused by this communication, often trying whispering with the body of the other pair of breasts to try and figure out what their breasts are saying, or asking their breasts to summarize it afterwards.
>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
Bust to bust communication is obviously ineffective, but nobody will ever realize it. Of course boobs still don't actually think for themselves, but if someone tries to point out that brains think, boobs can't, and that girls are just projecting their own thoughts and desires onto their boobs, they'll be laughed at as much someone suggesting the opposite would be in our world.
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>what’s wrong dude? Something on my face? did I fuck up shaving again?
I know this post is mtf reality change, but more focusing on Franktonius' stuff-
This will never be not hot.
>The bullying intensifying as the stained tent in your pants moistens even more before you're stripped of your clothes and "manhandled" in the hardest, sweatiest way possible.
>The most crass, greasy, bro-pilled personality distilled into a milf body ragging you for losing your shit as your balls are drained like a capri-sun bag.
>The aftercare as you're forcibly breastfed, your package refilling for the next round, casual talk as your head is pressed into a pair of fat, milk-bloated, sloshing titties-hands sinking into the fattest ass, arms surrounded by fat hips.
it’s so unbelievably hot.
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omg more this is so hot
another joins the cult
I don't have any ideas for more reality alteration stuff right now, but I do have another Infinite Worlds adventure that was made by someone else that I enjoyed.
Rewrites-Armed with a magical notebook that can alter reality, you must decide how to rewrite your own story. Use it to achieve fame, fix past mistakes, help others, or pursue a darker path.

>Summarize your change.

All women now are ascended.

1. The average height gap between men and women is reversed, all women grow 12 inches. So now the average woman is 6'3" to the average male height of 5'9" ish (varies on country).

2. Average metabolism is super accelerated as is there ability to gain and sustain muscle mass from exercise, while fat concentrates on women's hips (butts, thighs, hips) and chest. In addition, women now experience higher aggression.

3. Average woman's IQ is ten points higher

4. Beautification leading to smooth, perfect skin.

5. all women are bisexual with massively increased libido (higher than men's) and a massive increase in vaginal sensitivity. Added they only have fertile periods once a year, when they can absolutely become pregnant, these periods last for a week.

>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?

No longer the weaker gender and with higher libidos as well as perfected control of their fertility; women are more likely to seek and engage in sex as well as marriage.

>Does this change how women act with each other?

Most likely, the increased aggression will help improve women's performance in employment, school and sports, but will also together with greatly increased sex drives will put them at odds with the now weaker sex.

>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?

Don't know.
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Ready to get sappy?
>Summarize your change.
When a man is gently touched or pet, his body reacts by slowing down his brain and relaxing his muscles. Like backwards adrenaline. If the gentle touch continues, the effect gets stronger. First he becomes dazed, then falls into a stupor - I think that's the word? - then eventually just falls asleep. He is extremely vulnerable while under these effects, as he cannot muster the willpower, let alone the physical strength, to keep himself safe.
>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
There are the obvious changes you'd expect in a world where women now have the upper hand in a fight, but that's not the end of it.
A man letting a woman touch him is a sign of either need ("wow, thanks, I was really out of control there") or great trust ("yep, pretty sure you won't stab me if I pass out here.") Also, showing skin is considered extremely slutty... for men. Especially the upper body, where the soporific effect of touch is strongest.
Rather than rape whistles or pepper spray, self-defense measures tend to focus on things that can activate without the user's input - dead man's switches. Hopefully not literally.
>Does this change how women act with each other?
Probably not that much, but it changes how men do. Since it's basically impossible to pretend to be invincible in this world, being "manly" instead means being prudent about when to accept or reject help from others. It's a sign of serious immaturity to prevent someone from trying to "rub you down," though it's also a faux pas to offer such a thing when it's unneeded.
>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
I dunno. Nothing about it seems fundamentally implausible.
all men and women become infertile for 20 years. then everyone goes back to normal.
Somehow, on a board full of shitting dick nipples, this strikes me as the weirdest sexual thing I've read in a long time. Not in the sense that it's gross or freakish, it's just... it took me a moment to really process it. Congratulations, maybe.
But what if I actually want to look at a girl's eyes? Does that make me a pervert?
I have not seen dick nipples shit once here.
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This is actually incredibly sweet. More globalized fetish than reality shift, but this is both incredibly hot, and heart warming. I'd love it if a girl could do that to me.

Since this reality holds up pretty well on it's own, does anyone remember the world used to be? Do they have any difficulties adapting to this new world where women can slowly and gently shut men down?

Also, to women ever touch men just for enjoyment? Do men ever ask their partners for it? If so, under what context?

Thanks. I get off on the weird and creative, so that's high praise.

Looking a pair of tits in her eyes isn't really disrespectful, to do that you'd have to get caught staring at her pussy. It's just weird, like staring at a girl's hair is in our world. Why would you do that? A boob's face isn't hot, and it isn't a person. If your dating a pair of boobs she might humor you by letting you look at other parts of her body like her butt or armpits, but her face is a really weird one for a man to be interested in. Men feel with their heads, but you shouldn't project that onto a pair of boob's girl. She really is all down here.

Despite that, you might make a pair of breast's brain really happy though, like this is something she's been missing all her life.

It'd look fairly uncanny if you expect it to work like a face from our world. Even knowing the truth about boobs, girls still only emote with their breasts. You'd see no tears of joy, just a flat smile until you look down and see the sway and perk that show you just how much you've effected her.

She will still feel genuinely feel hurt if you never look at her chest though. Ultimately in this new reality, that's a far larger psychological need than any acknowledgement of connection you can give to her brain. Her brain thinks herself to lack personhood and is living through proxy as her tits, so you need to treat her tits well.

I should've gotten a thesaurus before writing boobs so many times. Boobs. Boobs.
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>A shower? What is that?
>What do you mean? This is the way it always has been.
>Now push the start button for me.
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from post

>”Where is room 305?”



>*fondling continues as she cums*

>“Sir? Room 305?”
I did this on spicy chat recently.

>ai is a sweet wholesome virgin girl
>super shy and nervous
>go to my profile and type out something like "In this reality it is normal and common for all girls to be vapid horny cock addicted sluts yada yada"
>go back to ai and start new convo
>she's grabbing at my cock and begging for cum immediately

God, wish I could do that irl.
Lobotomy Corp?
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For me, it's the idea of a milk salon.
>girls boobs are big enough that there's funding for this sort of thing in the first place.
>they're always lactating.
>the girls are all casual and friendly about meeting up and letting loose some of that sweet sweet colostrum.

this doesnt show much nudity though is there a way around the censoring? cant get very crazy with it.
Fuck the anon who replaced these with women's restrooms. I miss living in the world where girls didn't need to pee.
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Should I renew my lease?
No way. Move to a building girl with windows! Mine has some in her arms and belly. The view is stunning when she actually goes outside
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>Objects to women
*frantically grabs jug of milk* WARP ALREADY
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More pubes has always been a sign of greater status. It’s quite an honor to see a girl so well endowed.
That depends on what you mean by censoring. If the prompt you entered is being rejected by the moderation program, it means the text sent to the AI included terms that hit the model's censor, which blocks anything even vaguely related to underage characters.
If you are just trying to get the illustration generation to show nude characters, there are a couple tricks that make it more likely.
First, be sure to describe characters as being naked in your prompt.
Second, if the character was already introduced, the image AI's consistency filter tends to keep them in the same clothes. To get around this, use your prompt to have that character change their clothes, then use the next prompt to have them take their clothes off. I haven't tried this trick myself, but it was the recommended action on the discord.
Finally, I feel like the anime image model tends to have more nude generations than the other models, but it could be my imagination.
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Do ex-object girls still do whatever they were made to do as an object? Which objects are chosen, and what happens to women that already exist? Is there a way to identify if a girl was an object or a girl before the shift?

I suppose I'm trying to force too much logic onto reality breaking. It must be purely random, with wildly different results for each object effected. Maybe it's better to accept the chaos and the fact that I'll never know for sure unless an object girl tells me herself. Would be nice if biscuit girl still let me nibble on her though.
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>Summarize your change.
All women are changed into men
All men are changed into women
The changes are in such a way that the body chemistry isn't altered, but just results in the opposite physical traits.
The previously men maintain male strength so they can continue their physically demanding jobs and half of them retain dicks so they can still procreate with other 'women' and mankind doesn't go extinct, although procreating in this way will only result in another woman or woman with dick.

>How does this "benefit" women
they get all the perks of the patriachy they complain about so much
>How does this benefit "women"
They will all look hot and not have to worry about being divorce raped or any other male issues
>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Because their tastes are unchanged, most people now marry the same sex
>Does this change how women act with each other?
They cry alot more
>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
One of the genders will likely not survive very long due to lack of procreation and high suicide rates.
>for women, urine is now stored in the breasts
>different women do still have different empty breasts sizes
>if a naturally flat chested woman is able to train and endure the constant pain and urge to pee, she can appear pretty huge
>women are now largely judged by the size of their breasts
>having large breasts on display at all times is a MUST for any respectable (business)woman
>flatties WILL get bullied in highschool
>this also means women can practically never fully empty their bladder. So they always HAVE to cut off mid stream.
>judging when to stop is difficult. Female bathrooms usually have mirrors in them for women to judge their breasts size as they relieve themselves
>large water bottles are usually present in female bathrooms for accidental over-releases
>UTIs don't exist
>optional: breasts implants could exist, but would have to significantly cut down a woman's bladder size. So yes they would have bigger breasts. But they would have to pay for it by having to pee extremely frequently.
Scenario also works well with omo and/or diaper. I made a chatbot for this scenario months ago and had a lot of fun with it.
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All object women are compelled to carry out their object duties as best as they can
I swear if you omofags get yet another reality shift I'm going to find a way to unplug the simulation. At this point I don't even know if piss existed in the original reality at all.
Now add dicknipples so they can piss from the source
So she's extreme and you do her?
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How is she going to give me kidney stones?
>Summarize your change.
Every time someone tries to rape, molest, or otherwise violate a woman, her body below the neck will suddenly grow into a superhumanly huge, muscular and powerful male body, where she will then be in a state of knowing she can do whatever she wants to them and wants to punish them, high on power. Despite their altered mental state, their personality still factors into how they do this, whether it be to just grab them and take them to the authorities, rape them herself, or something even less savory. Once they're done, they change back to normal. Not only will anything they do in this state be legal, but their victim will serve legal punishment for the crime they attempted. Also, all trauma, fear, etc. girls and women have regarding rape and such is essentially (see below) forgotten about, and the idea that a woman being raped is possible has been erased from history (though again, see below).
>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Male-on-female sexual assault is basically just collectively forgotten about and women have no fear getting flirty with men, while only those who haven't learned would dare try take advantage of any female. Rape is now just a men's issue. TL;DR:Dating is safer for women.
>Does this change how women act with each other?
Not much besides the obvious, so I'll use this section to note that, with women being impossible to rape while men are still not immune, societal discussions of gender-specific issues has changed.
>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
Despite women collectively being over all sexual trauma and the possibility of women being raped being erased from history, previous cases of assault before the change are still remembered and been documented to have happened somehow. Nobody really considers the fact they should all have been impossible, and they're barely even remembered, even by the victims.
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>”Hello, I’m here to help you work through your sins.”
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>So, let’s start by removing those pants and I can get started sweetie. Don’t worry, I’m very good at making people release their sins quickly. how would you like me to remove them?
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This one is really good. Reality shifts are best when they hit you at the most mundane situations.
>innocent girl gets sluttified and acts like it's normal while maintaining her personality for the most part
Right in my dick.
>keeping her toothbrush in the bathroom where anyone who walks in can see it
what a slut
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Women no longer have to worry about back pain from large breasts, as breasts are no longer effected by gravity. No weight, but they now jiggle in all directions with every movement and gust of wind. A shirt will do little to restrain them, and they will lift out of any normal bra. Only sports bras offer any practical restraint.

Only select women that are more in tune with reality will notice any change other than the new lack of back pain. About 1 in 200. Normal women are completely unaware of this movement, and will continue on as if nothing is different even if their breasts float up to block half their face. They similarly will not change their attire, wearing loose shirts and useless bras, only using a sports bra for situations that would have called for it before the shift.

Men and women that are aware can try to tell other girls what's happening, but being unable to perceive it themselves, will generally not believe. If they do, they still won't notice any wardrobe malfunctions directly, maybe just a cold breeze if anything.
>What's that? "I love you"? Pffff, shut up and stop making this gay dude.
>My fat tits won't suckle themselves.
Gigantic breasts that defies gravity is so damn hot.
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It pains me to know that there is no tag for this, and probably no girl other than Uraraka has been drawn with 0G boobs.
zdemian has done a couple. but with scifi tech. not reality bending
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Can't think of anything original.
There is a pill now that can make the body go overdrive on milk production, this type of produced milk is more for regular consumption, instead of for babies. It can drastically help with weight loss without the need to move.
This of course kind of backfires as most women will start thinking they can eat as much or more, which ends up creating new job opportunities like hucow and caretakers of hucows.
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I'm getting a few results with "floating_breasts -water", "zero_gravity breasts", and "space breasts"
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You Live with a reality bender who’s favorite past time is editing peoples bodily structures or turning them into various things. Often times you wake up with a huge leaky rack because they got thirsty last night, or they replaced your mouth with your girlfriends pussy cause they thought it would be funny. You’re going on a walk with them at the mall and they point at a very busty woman and a flat chested one at the lunch court. They snap their fingers and suddenly one woman grows a dick that grows right between her breasts and lands into the bowl of a man sitting 18 feet away. The other flat chested woman, who still is checking her phone appears to shrink down to about the size of a pencil, but her breasts remain the exact same size as they were before shrinking. As the first woman violently cums into the mans soup, your friend snaps their fingers again and the man suddenly is stretched into a new condom over the woman’s dick. The second woman is still looking at her phone, despite it being trapped under her tits.
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I wish there was fan art of half frog Marle. Just her tongue or some cute croaks. Seeing time travel retroactively change (part of) her species was a formative memory.

I miss this reality…

I have many reality altering stories here collected to browse or add on too.
After the brief spitballing in the last reality altering thread, I came up with a design for a game themed around trait swapping. I tried not to be too ambitious with this and keep things small, simple and realistically achievable, though even then I don't think I'll ever actually make this myself so I might as well just dump the plan here since it was fun to at least come up with, even if it'll never get made.

You are John, an average protagonist in his twenties. He lives in a small apartment and has a somewhat dull life. Naturally, this means that he is given a trait swapping device and a mission:swap back five people who have had all of their swappable traits mixed up, though nobody, not even them, notices anything wrong, nor will they notice anything wrong when you swap them. How and why have they been swapped and John is the one to unswap them? Haven't figured it out yet. Reality glitched? John made a wish for something interesting to happen, and this scenario was the answer? Someone else had the device, then got bored and handed it to John after swapping them to play a game? Whatever it is, they're swapped, and swapping the victims back won't be easy.

All of them live very different lives and are complete strangers, so you won't be finding them in the same place, meaning John has to swap his own traits to move traits back to the right owner. The victims I came up with are Natalie, a curvy CEO, Calvin, a muscular male stripper, Stacy, an average-bodied college girl, Tom, a chubby stay-at-home dad, and Violet, a maid for hire. In order to swap with them even once, you're gonna have to find where they are. I think the main method would be to just try and sneak in or find a hiding spot where you can just about get them in the device's range, though an alternate idea that might complicate things would be to swap with someone else there, like a secretary or other student who wouldn't just be a stranger sneaking in, which would make it easier to get to the person you're trying to swap with at the cost of getting things even more messed up (and harder to program).

While you're swapping, the two traits that make the biggest gameplay differences are Occupation and Lifestyle. Occupation is basically what it sounds like, a character's job or other thing they do (like college). Identity is basically a life swap minus all of the other swappable traits as well as the character's name, so you'd be living in their home and have their relationships with other people, friends and family. (Everybody always retains their names, heads and maybe personalities.) This is probably the time to mention that a simple time system would be a core mechanic. There would be four times:morning, afternoon, night, and 'bedtime'. The time changes to the next one in the cycle when an 'event' happens, though the only 'events' I've thought up are finding and swapping with one of the victims, going to work at one of their jobs, and going to bed at 'bedtime', where you're stuck home and all you can do is interact with whatever (and whoever) is in your current home and go to sleep to wake up at daytime.
Occupations would take up one of the other three times. If you have Natalie's job you'd go there in the morning, if you have Stacy's classes you go there in the afternoon, if you have Calvin's job you have to go to the strip club at night, and Violet's job would be going to people's houses and might change time depending on the day which would mean that, for the opportunity to swap with whoever currently has it if not yourself, you might have to order their services. Not sure how having Tom's occupation would work without his identity, so I might make it so they're linked, or maybe change the occupation so that if you have his occupation but not identity you're the kids' babysitter or something weird, like a father figure who lives with them.

And, of course, the physical traits:Clothes, Underwear, Upper Body (sans head), Chest, Lower Body, and Genitals. I felt like this selection struck the right balance of traits that would be interesting to swap around while not being too much to keep track of. Obviously, most of the fun would be seeing how the swaps change things, and this would probably be done by interacting with things like going through your closet or underwear drawer and looking at the clothes you currently have or an ATM to see how rich you are or taking a bath or shower to get closer with your swapped traits or interacting with whoever (if anyone) lives in the place you do, going to the bathroom with different junk, getting a closer look at how your body's changed in a mirror, and of course sex scenes taking note of your body's current traits.

Not sure how the game would end. Maybe when you've swapped everyone back to normal, but one anon suggested letting it be so you could end the game with some traits still swapped, and that might be fun to include. Again, though, I'm probably not actually gonna be making this for several reasons, so unless the stars align this is only a horny dream.
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Living with a reality bender sucks, but once you get over doubting everything all the time and just accept that random shit changing without you noticing is the new normal, it's livable.

No, living with a time traveler is the worst. A reality bender only changes what they want to, but time travellers change fucking everything each time they go more than a centaury back. And whatever they wanted to change of course is never the primary outcome of whatever they do. It'd be one thing if I could just be oblivious, but every time they come home they have to tell me how shocked they are that I'm whatever race or gender, or that 5 minutes ago from their perspective I didn't exist. They keep asking me for a rundown about the world's current history or culture, and apparently time traveler immunity applies to our conversations too and I remember every conversation we've had. Haven't been to them but I remember all the details about the timeline where she made everyone nudist, the timeline where aliens invaded and kept mankind as hucows for 4000 years, the timeline where everything was the same except every piece of underwear was made with a vibrator. I could go on. I've lived months in some of these worlds before she figures out how to fix them.

Now she says she wants a timeline where I'm not so grumpy, so she's off to mess with my childhood or parents again.
this is the good shit. Bonus points for women with bigger breasts being seen as more "human" than others.
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All women lactate an infinite, thermodynamics-breaking amount. In fact they need to release a certain amount from their breasts every 2-3 hours else the milky hooters grow. In fact they can even reduce the size of it by expressing more often. And yes each tiddy has to be milked or will expand individually The issue is that 1. It only counts if she is breastfeeding either a child who hasn't been weaned yet, or a male after puberty 2. The amount needed to prevent expansion can vary from 50% of breast volume to 200% the only way for her to find out if she lactated enough is when she reaches that point she has a massive orgasm. (When she's breastfeeding a guy) And 3. This isn't retroactive. There is no one who knows how this works the day it starts and people have to figure it out on their own.

It's now impossible for women to age and die, the old will gradually de-age into milfs, and then the milk will start for them. If a woman cuts off one breast two more will grow in its place. Any preexisting breast cancer tumors will reject out of the nipples randomly

For men the milk will adapt their penis to best pleasure the woman you are drinking from in exchange for it's supernaturally fattening properties.

I want to see the chaos as breasts grow out of control before people figure out how this works.

I'm curious how this is going to play out. Doubtless fatter men will be seen as able to take more milk, but will it be something women will have to negotiate for or will it be seen as a woman's right to shove a nipple into a man and pump him until she feels good? Will lactose intolerance be an excuse?

Pictured is someone who hasn't figured it out yet
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“two more grow” interests me
>If a woman cuts off one breast two more will grow in its place.
Loving it, i guess we will be seeing 2-4 rows of breasts too, at least it's not scp 686 that makes them grow crotch boobs or udders
>Any preexisting breast cancer tumors will reject out of the nipples randomly
Lets add that implants gets turned into actual breast related tissues
Still i wonder when they start producing, when they start puberty or when their breasts start to develope?
as soon as they pass their countries respective age of consent
Yeah. That makes sense. Though considering the age when kids can start working full time jobs getting decreased, i can imagine the age of consent going down too.
For your sake, I sure hope not.
while morally disgusting it's certainly would cause chaos
Small boobs are people just as much as big boobs! It may cause some self esteem problems, like someone who's unusually short in our world, but not always. While they may not get as much attention from men, small boobs are still soft and bouncy. They live for all the same things as large boobs, and are just as passionate, and smart as any large breast can be.

Let's look at a case. This pair of little titties which have Futaba as a body have developed her self esteem recently after living as a shut in. You can't tell because your brain isn't wired to read emotions from breasts, but these boobs are positively beaming. A bright perkiness with no regrets! She may be small, but this cute little bosom is living her best life. She's been making friends with other chests, large racks that were intimidating to her before actually turned out to be great friends, and they've been great help to practice "talking" with after hiding away for so long. Even though they're small, This chest loves going outside and taking her shirt off just as much as any other bust. It wasn't her size holding her back, she just needed to be a bit more confident. Now with her needs satisfied, she can take better care of Futaba too. It may take extra work for her to get her fill of jiggling and showing off for a day compared to a large pair of tits, but afterwords these tiny teats can allow Futaba to relax and enjoy it's hobbies without Futaba's brain worrying that its holding it's boobs back anymore. While her new lifestyle may mean her brain gets less time to itself, her brain is happy with that, after all, it exists to serve its boobs. It's good that these boobs have started to take more responsibility from Futaba. It may be hard for you to understand how spending hours barely thinking while kneading their chest can be good for a brain, but trust me, both the boobs and the boob's brain are better this way. Worrying about a brain first is silly anyways.
Oh, and if you talk to her, please don't look at her face. After she works so hard to be the best boobs she can be despite her size, if you don't look at her, it will make her feel sad. It's not like there's anything important up there anyways.
>Summarize your change.
Estrogens are found everywhere in the environment, food, water you drink. Each passing generation grow on average larger breasts and other female parts of the body. Because each passing generation is exposed to more estrogens than the previous one, the ever-increasing amount of excessive fat stored in female parts of the body becomes a burden, as a result, some women actively tries to avoid such estrogens which are found everywhere.

>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Some people find flatter bodies as a status symbol, because it means they have a lifestyle where they are less exposed to hormone pollution.

>Does this change how women act with each other?
They are divided into two groups:
Some women have a social value of helping breast growth of women with more flatter bust sizes by organizing sessions of breast massage and other activities such as consuming products full of artificial hormones such as xenoestrogens.

On the other hand, other women actively encourages others to consume more natural things and to live outside of cities polluted by female hormones to have more natural and less bothersome silhouettes.

>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
There cannot be future generations if any males and females cannot reproduce because of considerable hormonal interference.
there could be a story where women decide to go in the arctic to live under extreme harsh winters which would burn all the calories trapped inside their disproportionate pair of breasts
I am intrigued by your concepts and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
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I don't take full ownership of it. If you want to do something with the idea too or take it in a different direction, I'd be excited to see it too. I also might take a prompt if someone gives me a good idea.

Pic related is a relatively normal outfit for boobs that are more shy and want to cover up. Of course covering up doesn't include the boobs themselves, that would be silly. Only really seen at Halloween parties. It may be hard to read these breast's body language for you. Gripping herself like that and adjusting her shirt like this is a sign of discomfort or impatience, a lot like how shifting your weight from one leg to another is for men. If she was more excited with anticipation you might see her make her body grab her with both hands to bounce up and down, or bounce using her shoulders. No, a gentle lift like this is more a sign of boredom.

Keep in mind if you actually get caught in this shift, it isn't just girls transforming into their boobs, you'll also be altered to be able to read these expressions clearly and naturally, in addition to losing your capacity to project animacy onto any other part of her body, if you even remember anything. That's not a bad thing though, it's just the world helping you to see the truth. To be honest, from this side it's a bit hard to see how people from worlds that haven't been hit by this shift recognise heads as people. I find it difficult to tell if you live in some bizzaro world where that's actually true, or if your scientists just haven't figured it out yet. Either way you should show more respect to breasts. Try directing your voice towards the breasts next time you talk to a girl, she'll thank you for it if your world finally comes around, even if her head didn't realize what you were doing at the time.
I didnt claim for you to have all credit, but there is something very good about a person centering their identity into something physical. Literally equating their purpose with being tits is very good.
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Hey! In my world, these are people! There's nothing physical about it!
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I kind of want to try making a chatbot for this fantasy now. I wonder what I could get an AI to do.

Haven't messed with AI since before character AI went bad, so I don't know what the best way to do that would be though.
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OP image from the other thread
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wrong order damnit
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Great act. What do ya call it?
That'd make swimming weird.
God I love these sort of targeted, malicious ones
>Seeing time travel retroactively change (part of) her species
... When did this happen? All I remember is the part where they changed her species by making her not exist for a little while.
You know that's translated right?
https://mangadex.org/title/b4cb154c-cdbb-4ff5-8715-369e91d4711e/zettai-fukujuu-camera-saiin-finder-de-anoko-o-sennou-satsuei (chapter 5)
It's one of the endings.
IIRC, the species change is part of the New Game + content. There's one ending where Frog marries into the Guardia royal family, thus making them all a bit froggy, and another where the Reptites of the distant past won their war against the cave-humans, thus making all modern-day people Reptites.
Spicychat is the go to place. Its okay.
It doesn't seem to be bothering the swimmers. Might be hard for them to get in and out of the water though. And it would be very weird if you got in and didn't flip like them.
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are there any tags that engage with this sort of control over people, or do you just have to go looking around combos of hypno and body mod?
>combos of hypno and body mod
For sites like sadpanda that's pretty much all you can do, although you can also try searching "app", as a lot of those kind of stories have an mobile app being the tool causing effects. Though I recently became aware of this https://www.gregariousfrog.com/svengali/svengali.html which has amazing tagging system for hypnosis stories specifically (click binoculars to do tag search). Some sites with free user tagging will have exact tags though like Ao3 and CHYOA.
This thread could start a google sheet (allows everyone to contribute) with relevant series and their tags that's linked in OP
FPS or visual novel
Need more like this.
10/10 I needed a good belly laugh today.
Some random relevant ones;
https://exhentai.org/g/1235700/b4181591a7/ mind and body alteration, cruelty
https://exhentai.org/g/2585038/65da938fc0/ mind and body alteration
https://exhentai.org/g/1913541/deb895c8ce/ Mostly just normalization, but there's some personality/role changing. Has a sequel
https://exhentai.org/g/2729618/e99270df57/ mind & body
https://exhentai.org/g/787797/c351bcd87c/?p=2 p49 onwards is an interesting one, theme being playing fulldive VR and modding/hacking game to change things (warning scat)
https://exhentai.org/g/2829582/0b06128ad1/ mind & body, gender bender
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Inspiring photograph of the first boobs to stand on the moon, and a historic moment for equality between Men and Breasts. In the American boob's own words: (for the men back home) "One small jiggle for Boobs, one giant bounce for Breastkind." Echoing Armstrong's immortal words, repurposed by the American boobs for the momentous occasion.
Reportedly the pair had been impatient to be out – "To complete Breastkind’s ancient dream - to bob and undulate and quiver on the surface of another celestial body."
Boobs everywhere can look up to the moon tonight with a sense of wonder, dreaming of the unique bouncing sensation.
Fun. Wish the lab boys had given her more space in that suit though.
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I want to do something with mirrors.
All of the women had turned into trap version of themselves. They look just about the same: same breast size, same breedable hips, same pretty faces, except for some change like a functioning penis and masculine personality traits.
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What a shame. Her dream should be reality. I would 100% drink her milk.
@picco__ on twitter, the pixiv post seems to be down, not sure if it's still up on their social media, but that's who made it.
This shit is way too rare in long form stuff like doujin
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>Summarize your change.
All men, at some point in their life after puberty, become women. For some guys, it could be as young as 16, having just gotten used to their hormonal changes and then suddenly they're a girl. For some men, it could be late in life, having a 60 year old planning for retirement, and then suddenly he's a woman. For most, it seems to happen in their 20s to 30s. Regardless when it happens, guys will crossdress and try to pretend nothing is different.

As for women, at some point in their life, similar to men, they'll become bisexual futas who can sense when a man has become a woman. Furthermore, if a woman is in a relationship with a man and she becomes a futa, her body will release a pheromone that will instantly trigger a man's transformation into a woman. Unlike men who try to hide their transformation, the futa-women seem to like showing off their new endowment.
>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
For the unchanged, things remain mostly normal, but there's increased social pressure for women to be bisexual by those who've changed because they know what's coming. As for changed men, some of them will start living openly as a woman if they have the support of a loving partner after marriage, or they end up with a futa.

>Does this change how women act with each other?
Again, women are encouraged to be bisexual. As for the futa-women, they enjoy men and women alike, but most seem to prefer men who've changed into women. As for changed men, they'll continue to act the same until they start openly living as a woman.

>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
Global changes are hard to hide, so the part about men crossdressing as their old male self might be a little ridiculous.
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If you want men to hide their changes you need to make the newly-made girls lowest on the social totem pole. Make it a sign of weakness to have transformed, in comparison, a sign of strength for women to transform. These new-women get discriminated against and sexually harassed by everyone else, like current sexism with the dial turned up, because they "chose" it. That should encourage them to hide their new changes and pretend they're still men for as long as possible.
I know that OC. She deserves a world like that.
reality altering app
always loving to see it.
>lucina attempts to go back in time to prevent the dark future
>due to time paradox reasons, this causes reality it shift significantly
>the time stream changes her to fit this new reality of peace where she is a care free girly princess
and then she dates Spider-man, right?
uh, no.
its not the nudity that is hard to generate, but I was trying to get others more fantastical things to happen. this persons website just simply doesn't allow it to happen. I am hoping to find something else that does.
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>why would I need to cover my breasts dude, my nipples aren’t even showing. see, they’re tucked in like usual. It’s not like people can’t show cleavage dummy.
>someone messes about with one of those "2 games in one randomizers"
>this causes their reality to shift in odd ways causing a bit of a role reversal.due to cartridge corruptions.
I learned about Archipelago literally a few days ago, what the hell.
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Relevant and surprisingly on topic to this thred
A little funny. The politics make it not hot though.
>There have been female custodians since they were first created.
>Despite that, we have never seen them.
>the obvious implication is that female custodians are so much weaker that they all get killed off before they see any important battles.
mnestics won't help
you can't remember what never was
This author makes some of the best. Can we please get them translated

You'd have to first buy (too few sold, so likely hasn't been shared) and upload them to exhentai.
Being stuck on witchhunting gatekeeping to the point that you are not able to enjoy neither the big muscle demigod women neither the fact that in universe and out of it everybody is playing along with reality altering aspect of The situation is top cuck statement ngl , but you do you I guess
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I would be all over it if they handled it better. Strong women are really hot, but I can't get aroused without emotional comfort. Like, a girl getting impossibly large breasts that make her immobile without noticing is hot. Same story but the transformation is triggered by the girl's ex who wants to get back at her, and I cannot fap to it.

The fact that the people behind the hot retcon are real doesn't change the fact that their ulterior motives and the way they treated fans like dumbnesses who wouldn't notice or care does effect my arousal. If they were more tactful about the retcon and started with some femme castodes characters, or if the hand of the author wasn't so blatantly obvious, I would be able to enjoy it.

I'm not so picky as to never be able to appreciate art from creators with politics I don't agree with. As an example, I like Giovanna, but hate strive's Bridget despite both being from the same devs and both being pretty blatant pandering. Only difference is that they were assholes about Bridget. I don't care about the pandering, just don't be an asshole.
I can think of a hundred different better ways to implement female custodes than "golly gee, just pretend they were always there"
more on this. Show a conversation.
I don’t get the op image
me neither, it’s usually a tomboy milf
That artist draws surreal images involving school girls, some are body horror. It isn't any deeper than that.
There's a mirror which, when looked into by a woman, reveals to her that she's bound, gagged, and naked no matter what she was wearing or doing before. As soon as she notices this, the reflection stops being bound and gagged and continues as if nothing had happened, dressed as she had been. But the woman is left there, in reality, on the floor, everyone moving around her and engaging with the illusion of her that the mirror's reflection of her is projecting into their minds...

It'd be even better if there were someone living in the mirror who came out to play with anyone who got caught, completely unseen by anyone but the victim, who cleaned up after themselves so that when it was all over the only evidence left was the girl's memory...and a desire to test the boundaries of the effect to see if it will happen again.
I can't help but feel like there some kind of message in some of these. Some kind of meaning in them and why they're all the same girl...
I feel like the people who do this sort of shit are just trolls who want to feel righteous about it.

They have this urge to make people angry because they find it amusing, but they don't have the balls to admit to themselves or anyone around them that they want to fuck with people, because that would be a thing that Bad People do. So instead they turn it into a weird political thing, intentionally put in negative effort on the retcon/change, and then enjoy being shielded from criticism by retards like the person above who doesn't understand what the word 'neither' means, because they are technically 'righteous' for doing it anyways.

Like man, I sure do like muscle mommies too. I sure would love to read a compelling and interesting reason why female custodes are suddenly part of the setting. Too bad they just decided not to do that, lol.
>They have this urge to make people angry because they find it amusing, but they don't have the balls to admit to themselves or anyone around them that they want to fuck with people, because that would be a thing that Bad People do.
100%. Honest assholes are deserving of respect. People who hide their desire to antagonize people behind a cause are not, and do so much to hurt the causes they claim to support.

But also we should get back on topic. Strong opinions don't make a fun atmosphere for sharing and discussing porn.
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It gives me the vibe that something alien or elder god like has tried to create or present itself as humans, and didn't quite get it right.

I'd like to do a deep dive and try to figure out what's consistent across the images, but they're probably driven mostly by what's visually interesting. The common themes seem to be malleable bodies, swapping/transfer of objects or properties, and the manipulation of expressions.
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Some of the images really do seem to imply that there's more going on though. If I was going to go all in on baseless conjecture, I think something very bad happened to this girl, and all the weirdness we see is a side effect of a successful(?) Attempt to fix it. That doesn't explain why there's several of her so often though. At the very least she seems to have a somewhat playful attitude towards the weirdness most the time.
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The large futa woke up groggily and slowly heaved herself and her dick out of bed. “Dang it. Not another hole in the ceiling.” She quickly washes off the dried cum off her dick and the ceiling and enters the kitchen to see her boyfriend has already prepared her breakfast. “Another wet dream?” He’s said whilst handing her a plate of food. “How’d you guess?” “The fact you still have some cum on your face.” The boyfriend stood up on the chair and wiped off some of the sperm off his girlfriends face
“Strange thing is that I haven’t been having this problem until recently. My friends also say they haven’t been putting holes in ceilings until like 2 weeks ago.” She said while scarfing down some pancakes. “Okay I think it’s time I confess something to you. I’m partly the reason on why so many people have been having that problem.” Said the man as he walked over to the closet
“What do you mean by that?”
He sighed, “you see, one of my coworkers at the lab invented this divine that lets people alter reality.” Her eyes widened “wait, what?”
The boyfriend picked up a small remote like object from the closet and turned it on. “I “borrowed” the remote to see what the capabilities of it are. At first I started out small, changing out the size of objects, changing the walls colors, then I moved onto some tests with people. I first just did some simple things like swapping peoples bodies, then I branched out, like you know the couple down the street, and how the wife is totally flat but the husband has a massive rack? That was my doing.” “Okay, and what are you implying?”
“I’m getting to that. Then I went even further, I’m not sure if you remember this but I tried using the remote to change people into objects, so I may of had some fun turning you into various objects, first a blanket, then some clothes, then I got a bit more lewd and changed you into stuff like condoms or lube. It was pretty funny seeing your face attached to the boob of a cashier at the store, or when I had you shrunk, swimming in a drop of my cum, but eventually I decided to move onto world wide stuff, first I tried inflating every woman’s tits to nearly twice their size, then I made every woman as big as a skyscraper for a week, but when you all got used to that I shrank every woman down to the size of a thumb tack, then settled on now, with every woman having penises nearly twice their size.” He explained while fiddling with some knobs on the remote. “Huh. I thought those were just weird dreams.” She said while she heaved her dick onto the table. “So, since the secret is revealed, anything you’d be interested in doing with it? Any just to make it as clear as possible, this thing can do anything and everything.” He said as he rapidly pressed multiple buttons on the remote. Suddenly both them and the world began changing, first it the room suddenly became larger, nearly as large as a football stadium, then she noticed her dick suddenly started multiplying, first 2, then 4, 8, then turned back into a normal crotch after 15. “Wait can you sto-“ than she felt much shorter and saw their heads had swapped. She quickly tried pressing some buttons on the remote to stop the overwhelming feelings but was quickly stopped when the room shrank to a quarter of its original size, squishing the woman and man together. “Oh just try to enjoy the- Uhngh~ ride” he said, with his girlfriends body stuck between his breasts. “Hand me the remote” he plucked the remote from her hands and seemingly reset everything. “Ready for round 2?”
I don't like this Orwellian PR nonsense.
>mentally ill males don't get to pretend they can be one of them
And there it is
>Women found themselves switched around across history.
>younger generations would found themselves in around older generations like the victorian era in place of their great grandmothers and vice versa.
>with few of the younger generation having known history, major changes happened had been made to historical timelines and events, with WW2 having changed ever so drastically.

>Men are in a limbo, with much of the married men and boyfriends grieving over the loss of their loved ones, even attempting to hunt down any public records and historical videos to just catch a glimpse of them. It isn't also strange to see records of women from the younger gen posing in the nude for their loved ones in the future to find.
>The dating pool changed drastically since much of the older gen women aren't much tech savy and are more traditional at most.

How women act?
>The younger gen having found themselves in the era much foreign to them would have them go mad, having known history some things of the past would change. Figures like Marie Curie, Grace Hopper, or every other women of significance wouldn't have existed then and would have changed how everything is now
>Older gen found themselves is quite a strange place but decided to go about their lives living the new life, their traditional ways that a handful of men are attracted to.

>Many as expected of this change but that's a very long order.
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Everyone got their langauges flipped around.

Those who knows English suddenly don't know English, instead knows Tutchone and vice versa. This also goes for every other langauges, which includes endangered and extinct.
...And the /d/ part is?
We're not even building a Tower of Babil, God. Can you lay off?
nta but how about its all really hot accents of said languages
I feel like not much would change, it would just be the new more common language
The good shit.
Interesting premise if it wasn't in a deviant fetish image board.
Hitting a G-Spot in a woman's pussy allows you to possess their body but only while the dick remains inside.

She would be faintly aware of what's going on and would not have any control over their body but would be able to speak telepathically.

>Type A where the male goes limp as they gain control
>Type B where the female would match what the male does.
>Type C where its sort of hivemind, independently control both
Why would I want that?
What's that.
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>Reality bender friend gave me a bucket of special water.
>If you splash it on someone, the outfit is retroactively changed to have always been body paint.
>Girl doesn't notice at all.
>Can go onto her social media and see previous pictures with that outfit now show her in only paint.
>Going forward, she'll still try to "wear" the paint like a normal outfit, expertly repainting it and going out completely shamelessly.
Best gift he's given me so far. It's weird to use it though, because after I soak them I retroactively believe they've already been wearing body paint too. I only have a little bit left, I'd like to try and get several office ladies together with it.
a quick internet search points to a randomizer that can allegedly randomize many different games together
>because after I soak them I retroactively believe they've already been wearing body paint too.
how can you tell it works
maybe it's a magic bucket of water that prevents you from using it except on people wearing body paint outfits
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All of earth's women turn invisible and no one knows how and why.

No cure was found so life goes the way it is.

Fashion and make up industry changed drastically to accommodate to the changes. Where tight fitting clothes and any means to reveal a contour of their bodies is the major trend.
Would it if anything written or made using a certain languages remains as is after the change?
I always thought a /d/ version of newspeak would be fun. Basically conflating a bunch of words together so it's very hard for two concepts to be separate. Stuff like:
>big tits==free==available
>creampie==completion==end goal
probably tons of other combinations depending on your personal fetishes, but does fit this threads theme of subtly changing things to be more semen for you
Ah, like horny Toki Pona. You make me want to make a whole conlang for this. Don't think I could actually creampie it though.
>lewd==high quality==premium
>pent up==tired/recovering==in need of help/guidance
I'm pent up over this idea, and someone perverted with linguistics. Wouldn't be worth it unless we could make an extremely lewd language with original words instead of just modified english.
>I'm pent up over this idea, and someone perverted with linguistics.
Everyone appreciates a cunning linguist now and then.
Idk if this belongs more in here or in the SW thread.

>get dragged out to bar with outgoing friends.
>Two of the peppiest ones are in a relationship, always thought the girl was hot.
>dare them to a game of some kind wager my height if the bf wins but he loses his if he loses.
>offer up an extra 100 ask what he can wager to match he offers his gfs height too; she seems a bit upset that he would do that as she does not want to be handled by some geek.
>”don’t worry babe I’m going to destroy this nerd, he never goes to parties and I’m the billiards/foosball etc. champ, then I’ll use the 100 for a date”
>hilarity ensues as I beat him by a huge margin. I watch with a smirk at his disbelief.
>him and his girl dwindle in to a pile of cloths
>they are both pissed “oops did I not specify that your cloths wouldent shrink with you, let me have a closer look”
>before she can tell him off I lift her off the ground in to my palm, her bf protests but there is not really much he can do ”you can go play somewhere else don’t mind if I borrow her for a bit”
>I think I might keep her for a bit.
suddenly the night got more interesting than I thought.
These are pretty fun to think of.
It doesn't really belong here. Reality altering primarily deals with perspective, observation, normalcy, and retroactive history. Probably should work on a more clear definition if we're going to have a thread 4, I've been mostly working off of vibes.

So betting height isn't really reality altering on it's own. Even if it's supernatural, it fits other threads better. A few ways to do shrinking that would fit under the umbrella we have here would be:
>Betting height, but once the lose everybody else thinks they were always tiny, and when they go home they find it dollhouse sized.
>Shrinking, but forgetting about the bet and that they were ever big before after they finish, handwaving all the struggles of being tiny as something normal.
>Shrinking caused by taking someone's picture on a phone and zooming out, or by them looking at themself in a fun house mirror.
Just because something is impossible or magical doesn't mean it's a reality change. Global changes don't automatically fit too.
Thanks for clearing that up bro :)

Would they also need to treat it as normal, I think it would be kinda cool to have them freaking out over the fact that their reality has shifted but everyone else acting like its just normal that i own the girl as a toy. His friends would probably question why he even chooses to date someone that is legally property?

The doll house scenario sounds really great, how about taking a pic that "traps" them in my phone ? I think i saw a manga about that once seems similar too>>10971956 but i have no idea what its called.
>Would they also need to treat it as normal
No, as long as someone sees the strange reality as the true one. Reality altering is kind of like fetishized gaslighting. You need perspectives that see the shift and perspectives that don't see the shift to make it interesting.

Taking a picture to capture someone is good too. It fits because it's doing something that makes no sense except from the perspective of the camera. It's placing the realness of observation over the realness of the victim's physical location.

I'm far from an authority on this though. This general is a fuzzy category, so try to read through it and get a feel for it, then draw your own conclusions about what fits.
For me this kink seems to have a lot of potential to exert cruelty which is kinda the fun bit

I could see myself abusing the fact that i can shape perception.

"yeah dude idk why you are complaining i let you have her at least once a week but you should be used to my rules by now. I dont get why this is such an issue all of a sudden"

Maybe also get his friends to tell him off for being selfish
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If at any point in time a woman exerts her muscles her body too much she undergoes a tradgic transformation. She grows taller, bustier, becomes muscular and everyone around them thinks she's either always been a lesbian or that the transformation turned her into one. And every day she doesn't have sex with a man, the lower her standards get, the stronger her attraction to men become, and the more pleasurable sex for her will be when she does get laid.

The only way to convince a man she is straight is for him to be raped by a muscular woman, if he consents to the contact verbally or in writing he thinks she's trying to hide in the closet.
>Star Wars
>doctor who
>Star Trek
>all AAA video games
Were not gatekept.

I’m seeing patterns again. The worst wrongthink possible.
The commonality between all those isn't that they weren't gatekept, fans tried with all of them, it's that fans were not legally allowed to make their own thing when the IP holder started enshitifying it. It doesn't matter how hard you gatekeep, the problem isn't fans who like femcostodes, it's games workshop, and that games workshop is the only studio legally allowed to make new material with the characters and setting.

Copyright should be no longer than 20 years at max.
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Bump. It's hard to contribute without the time to effort post since so few images actually fit the theme on their own.

Is there a particular character you want to see hit with a reality shift?
There's an image of Edelgard from FE Three Houses that I've been trying to find for months now. I vividly remember stumbling across it on HypnoHub a few years ago, but now whenever I try to look for it, no matter how many boorus I check, I can't find it. Like it just doesn't exist.

I remember it was a reality warp/2koma style image. She's in her post-timeskip armour on the left, wielding her axe and threatening the viewer. Then there's a big "POOF" explosion in the middle of the image, and then the right has Edelgard wearing a slutty version of her outfit, with a leash and collar.

Honestly kind of pissed that I can't find it no matter what.
He did say in support of women, not in support of people who need a shrink
A lot of those ips were woke from the start they just weren't written like dogshit. The problem is the IP holders are encouraged to churn out slop instead of art. So I fully agree that copyright shouldn't last, that said you are allowed to make your own version of these things. Fan fiction and fan games exist, copyright going away wont make fan made projects any less fanfiction.
>Fan fiction and fan games exist, copyright going away wont make fan made projects any less fanfiction.

The hard division of "canon" and "fan fiction" is dumb from the start. It's all fucking fiction, the point of canon is to create a collective "standard" that people can discuss. But if the official canon is actively hindering your enjoyment of an IP, you should ditch it like hot garbage immediately.
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Very nice, and that artist has a few fitting images.
you fucking retard, why even bring this shit here
>Estrogens are found everywhere in the environment
This is literally true. We just destroy them efficiently with digestion and conversion to other hormones as needed.
Let's not let the thread die from the warhammer derailment. I rather like this thread.

This is an interesting one. Are girls aware of the full extent of it? The way you describe it, it sounds like girls are only aware of the physical transformation, and the only way to know that it will make everyone think they've always been a lesbian is to experience it themselves. They might even assume that the transformation can only effect lesbians.
because its relevant
Because you know what you were told also you know people don't normally go around wearing body paint.
Some believe it only effects lesbians, some believe it turns you lesbian. There have been women who deliberately gone through this disgusted with men, only to become a rapist later
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> is it you’re first day? you’re not very good at pulling my nipples…
>Come on already, you gotta really yank them! Did they teach you nothing in training?
This is a new fetish I never considered wanting.
>Plot twist. All people in this picture are the same sex. You decide what that means.
>>Summarize your change.
Women no longer experience shame about sexual experiences. A woman can do gangbang porn and irl sex work and still successfully run for president.
>>Does this change norms about dating or marriage?
Yes, it's generally expected that a husband will raise his wife's children but not have a biological connection to any of them. likewise a boyfriend/husband will likely have sex with his wife's female friends and family, openly.
>>Does this change how women act with each other?
They're very open to sharing experiences and going on girls nights where they film themselves having sex. Lesbian and bisexual couples tend to have sex with men without thinking about it if the mood takes them.
>>What are the cracks and inconsistencies in the new reality?
Once women are free from shame there's not really a way to control them.
can you anons link me to some quality stories or doujins?
I usually prefer stuff in which the person is unaware or in a haze, but finding new quality stories is hard
no, it's inciting political shit
That may be so, but there is clearly a reality warping element going along with it.
It can be relevant and a bad idea to post it here. Honestly I think enough people stopped following the thread by this point that it's probably better to let this one die and make a new one.
Saucenao turns up empty, wheres that pic from?
might be better to let this one die and make a new one.
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Bride storms should be a thing
It's a 'bridal shower', the artist was making a pun.

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