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Thread for genie tf, lamp/bottle suction, and general "wishes gone wrong"
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I didn't realize i needed this till now. Thanks /d/
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So what kind of scenarios do you like for your genie transformations?

>Overall, is becoming a genie an improvement or a curse?
>Willing, forced, or accidental? What kind of triggers do you like?
>Personality changes?
>Are djinn forced to serve their lamp's holder?
>How powerful are they? Can they use their power freely, or only to grant wishes?
>How are they bound to their lamp? Is it just their home, or is it a magic prison? Can they pull other people inside?
>Tail or no tail? If tail, what kind of properties does it have? Is it smoke or silk or something else?
>Do you have any other preferences about Genies?
>>Overall, is becoming a genie an improvement or a curse?
I personally see it as a curse. Usually having your freewill taken away is a miserable affair.
>>Willing, forced, or accidental? What kind of triggers do you like?
accidental is my favourite.
>>Personality changes?
Eh, i like to have the character's persona intact, but they revert to a genie personality/mannerisms when resisting the magic.
>>Are djinn forced to serve their lamp's holder?
Absolutely, its very hot.
>>How powerful are they? Can they use their power freely, or only to grant wishes?
Depends on the medium.
>>How are they bound to their lamp? Is it just their home, or is it a magic prison? Can they pull other people inside?
I actually dislike the whole "tiny home inside the lamp" schtick, i prefer it being a place of stasis or sleep.
>>Tail or no tail? If tail, what kind of properties does it have? Is it smoke or silk or something else?
Tail. They're the best part of the genie, something about how helpless they seem with a functioning lower half, and the fact they more or less tethered to the lamp with it, like a leash.
>>Do you have any other preferences about Genies?
Cuffs/braces are a must, i like veils too.
Damn. Not sure why this is so hot.
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>Overall, is becoming a genie an improvement or a curse?
Sort of the same box as becoming a vampire. Lots of benefits and lots of drawbacks. Most people would react negatively because getting trapped in a bottle is pretty bad, but being a genie is a life most people could get used to.
>Willing, forced, or accidental? What kind of triggers do you like?
Willing and accidental. Seeing someone force a transformation on someone else always makes me too frustrated to enjoy it. I don't like the popular botched wish trigger too, it feels cruel and genies permanently turning other people into genies on their own always feels wrong. I prefer empty genie bottles as a trigger.
>Personality changes?
Largely no. The experience might change them over time, but that's not magical. On the edge of this I like the idea of turning someone into a genie magically giving them skills for service roles or being submissive, but it's still up to the genie to choose to use them.
>Are djinn forced to serve their lamp's holder?
I prefer incentives, like Genies having a wish quota, maybe needing to grant wishes for so many people before they can be freed, or genies feeling the need to grant wishes like a physical need. Like we are uncomfortable without food shelter or warmth, genies are uncomfortable if they have outstanding wishes. Maybe the lamp holder has special leverage over the genie, like being able to force her back into the lamp until she's let out again.
>How powerful are they? Can they use their power freely, or only to grant wishes?
Again to the vampire comparison, young genies are only slightly stronger than human, but the more experience she has being a genie or the more she embraces being a genie, the stronger she becomes. They aren't more powerful when granting wishes, but she may be able to bend some of their restrictions like being able to travel further from their lamp.
>How are they bound to their lamp? Is it just their home, or is it a magic prison? Can they pull other people inside?
No genies without lamps. If you give up your lamp with it's restrictions and mandatory service, you stop being a genie. Of course a genie should always be tethered to their lamp and unable to move it on their own, giving themself limited mobility unless they can get someone to move it. I like the idea of an extra dimensional space inside for the genie to freely enter and leave, but it should be just as much a bottle or lamp inside, a single room, not a palace or anything like that. Something like pic related is good. Somewhere luxurious, but not good for much more than sitting around.
>Tail or no tail? If tail, what kind of properties does it have? Is it smoke or silk or something else?
Tail, which should start at the hips. I know vapor and smoke tails are more authentic, but I don't have a strong preference.
>Do you have any other preferences about Genies?
No not really of the top of my head. Appropriate attire with silk and gold is good. Playful or submissive attitudes are good. I'm really a fan of unorthodox bottles.
>Overall, is becoming a genie an improvement or a curse?
There's the benefit of being an all-powerful celestial being, but the curse of being bound to a bottle and under complete control of the person holding it, so I would say curse.
>Willing, forced, or accidental? What kind of triggers do you like?
I prefer accidental. Forced is a second. I don't know if I've ever seen willing genie transformations
>Personality changes?
I think it's better when there are no personality changes except for when genie law forces them to recognize their subservience to their masters. I do like the physical changes, say if a meek person is turned into a genie and turned into a bustier, curvier, more scantily clad version of themselves.
>Are djinn forced to serve their lamp's holder?
Yes, but I sometimes like when the relationship is a little friendlier.
>How powerful are they? Can they use their power freely, or only to grant wishes?
Generally speaking, their magic should only effect other people or the world at large when the holder wishes for it. Otherwise at most their magic should only extend to making their own cosmetic changes on a whim.
>How are they bound to their lamp? Is it just their home, or is it a magic prison? Can they pull other people inside?
Agree with the other anon, they should be in suspended animation or something when inside the lamp. Makes the idea of being stuck in their for years more terrifying than just being bored in a tiny little bedroom.
>Tail or no tail? If tail, what kind of properties does it have? Is it smoke or silk or something else?
Preferably tail, but I like sometimes when their full body exits the bottle. Not sure how to best implement that along with complete subordination.
>Do you have any other preferences about Genies?
Large dangly hoop earrings. If it's a man who turns into a genie I want them to become buff and bald. Generally I prefer their skin to be human toned and not some color of the rainbow.
There's a few good genie vore images. Usually with the theme that whoever eats or inhales them becomes their new lamp/vessel and gains control of them or access to their power. It's a fun scenario I don't see often enough.
what an oddly specific fetish; I suppose pics like this is why it's worth checking the catalogue once in a while, thanks for dumping OP
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So specific. Rarer still. It doesn't have to be genies but I've had a suction fetish for as long as I can remember. Bottles, jars, vacuum cleaners. What are common tags to search for it? Are there any lists of suction artists out there? I don't care if it's male, female, or non-humans at this point.
I don't understand suction fetishes. Could you explain it? Like, is it just the sensation of suction? Do you like to imagine it happening to you, or are you only a spectator? If you had a magic bottle that could catch and release anyone at your command, what would you do with it?
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Watching or seeing it happen to whatever characters caught in the suction. The peril and helplessness is the turnon. What >>10959787 said but I never thought of it as vore. A vore furry did make a term for it but they get off to suction of any type so dont know. Does that apply to genies?
That artist remade this pic. She's pretty hot, love me some white bitches
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I hope folks will still check this thread, kinda wanna see some opinions
Most of what I'd have to show you are very MS-paint tier or western in nature but I'd recommend Rachel's Genie girl stuff on DA - while it's still there to check out. DA has been closing a lot of accounts tumblr style based on vague porn rules.

Most fetishes have a significance, especially "unpractical" stuff like getting sucked into a bottle. It's an extreme version of submissiveness, peril and ... safe kidnapping? So to speak. Everyone I know that likes to self-insert are self-declared women. It's a cleaner, less brutish, romantic version of slavery (although what happens to her after becoming helpless may vary wildly).

I have two drastically different versions that I'll post later now that I've saved the thread from page 10 lol
Tagging and discovery of it is such a bitch.
It's too niche. At least there's art being made of it or commissioned, which is more than can be said for some other niches. I doubt a thread in other boards could survive long.
Earliest I remember following is Garon. I got so much shit saved I can't post here because it's western or furry. I have no standards.
make a catbox or mediafire please if you have the time
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mentioned writing a longer reply, first scenario is really all about
>>10959613 (and I don't know any other tags, sorry)
they really like the idea of being placed in an inanimate object, sometimes with cartoon logic suction, they are "trapped in a pleasant way" and their focus tend to be on this event and less on the implications; "escape" is not something they want since they are right where they belong. As long as they are squeezed, shrunk and packed in a contained, even when outside the bottle, they are happy.
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then there's the (almost) polar opposite scenario where she really doesn't enjoy it (though this may just be acting), and her bottle is like a pokeball: it's incredibly tight, claustrophobic even, but also acts like kind of a stasis chamber and she REALLY doesn't want to go in there. This works best with a case where she's not an "actual" genie, she's just compelled to obey, and so may endure plenty of humiliations to not get put back in her bottle.
Then again, this also leaves room for a nice owner. Like I said, it's a romanticized peril.
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beautiful pics but mod may remove them since they look too western
Where else can this fetish get traction? No luck on /trash/ or /aco/ in the past.
Don't mean to discourage you but it really is a -niche- fetish. With the advent of AI gens there may be some new material like >>10962135
but it depends on what you wanna do. If you want discussion or erp, it's likely going to be found in very small groups like on Eka.
this fetish offers a very good 2000s vibe lmao
little content, little discussion, buts lots of joy when someone offers a (you)

new faves, thanks

is that Motoko from GITS?
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RE: >>10955365

No, that was my attempt to draw Lapis from years ago, but it's still a favorite of mine :)
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Heavy handed mind control like this is so hot, but it is a bit disappointing that there is no genie tf stuff with softer personality changes.
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My man is a content creator, and a good one at that. Congrats, these are extraordinary especially with how much emotion they show
I don't share the geniefication part of this but being pulled into tight spots is really hot. What a surprise of a thread
kinda same, which is why I don't have anything to post that wasn't posted; the idea that these pretty girls get put in a hammerspace box so immediately and inescapably that they barely have time to react, and then their "freedom" may or may not be worse
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>Everyone I know that likes to self-insert are self-declared women.
I feel like they could have gotten me when I was really young because I’m subby to a feminine level but I’m not cute in any way…The thought of struggling to not get sucked into something is really hot especially if a cute girl owns it.
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Wish shantae stay same age
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>he fell for the random tweet an unpaid intern for Wayforward posted
love love love this!
you're the king, would you ever try drawing wonder woman or other superheroine genies?
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super based
mega cringe
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well I'm out
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Trying to find any more that fits the theme. I was always obsessed with being sucked into small objects since I was a kid and later as an adult found others into the same thing. Genies fit that really nicely. I can't post most of them because they are too western but I saw someone post this one /trash/
For me it was originally villains (preferably female villains) getting sucked up- with the wispy tail and everything, that made me develop a taste for this. I remember watching stuff like the second all dogs go to heaven movie, the scooby doo movie with the ghostly witch, and shows like mummies alive and mona the vampire that had villains being defeated sucked away in a similar manner. It's very niche but exists.
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Aaw, I was just thinking of making a genie thread, but I'm not for all this sucking and TF and whatnot, been a bit down these days. I won't spoil the fun, cheers lads.
>I won't participate in this hyper specific niche thread because it's not hyper specific in the exact way I want
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Ah, sorry about that. I couldn't help but want to say something, genie threads are really rare. I will try to share this comic as a bit of penace.
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Huh. I learned something new today.

this is massively cute, thanks for sharing!
I don't suppose one can supplement the lack of OC with some AI slop... ?
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Damn it I thought these were real for a moment. Where is the AI sampling these from?
its novelai so mostly pixiv/danbooru
bump, recently discovered thread
cant i just find an girl and edit her legs out and draw a ghost tail and its genie?
Not anime
>Amount seethe over tweet post
>meanwhile real life
>Muslim shit
nice hint, thanks
>brown skin
>blue eyes
>copious amount of hair
perfect genie
lol go for it
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Source: https://twitter.com/Monamania_/status/1746560383408586827
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this is goofy as fuck, nice find
Glad you like it.
when you thought Peach couldn't get any peachier, she gets jinnified
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Wish big elf dong
Not exactly genies but does anyone have bottle capture art?
this is one my fave threads on this board and one day I will have stuff to post
this thread just reminded me that there's only like, a dozen actually good TF artists
man this scene sucks
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One of the motifs that seem to come with genie TFs is something close to the paradox of omnipotence, a being that is gifted immense magical power but is also completely powerless to control it by oneself and can only use it under the command of a less powerful being.
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never enough post tf and plot stuff
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This is probably what happens if you try to cheat the system by wishing for infinite wishes or something.
hardly a better fate for those two
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Story: https://www.deviantart.com/ladydreammaker/art/Genie-Jessy-Wish-Two-Ceriss-Wish-700676655
Any know the source for any of these?
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Unlike the usual genie in a lamp, these rings come in 2 varieties: a Master Ring and an Obedience Ring. These rings do not have the power to seal a genie, but instead the power to create one through ritual. By undergoing the rite, known as a Genie Wedding, the wearer of the Obedience Ring ascends to a genie bride, and takes refuge inside of the Master Ring. These rings are forged in pairs, though multiple Obedience rings can be bonded to single Master Ring.

The newly ascended genie has the power to grant the wishes of their ‘husband’, and will have their mind twisted to become submissive and obedient to him. While not limited to 3 wishes, each genie can only grant one wish every 5 years. They also have the ability to transform their tail into a proper pair of legs, though most will only do so for sexual purposes. This also means that they are not technically sealed inside of the Master Ring, though they are capable of going inside of it. As such, they are free to float or walk anywhere they want, which is usually not far from their husband. Other physical changes can also occur, such as lengthening hair, losing weight, changing eye colors or enhancing curves.

Furthermore, the Master Ring is fused to the husband’s body and soul, meaning it is impossible to separate a couple married by the rings. The ring also grants protection against any form of mind control against either spouse - even without said protection, the other spouse could immediately wish for the other to become free, or untransformed.

Art by IzanagisTruth
Idea by @The_Only_Shoe
Well this is new
>Overall, is becoming a genie an improvement or a curse?
Yes. It might be an improvement, with phenomenal cosmic powers and/or immortality and all that jazz, but it also brings to the table whatever being a genie in the rules of the story/setting/fetish/whatever brings - maybe they are stuck wearing harem garb, maybe they are compelled to fulfill wishes, or maybe every time someone makes 3rd wish, they disappear and teleport to a new spot, which is pretty inconvenient
>Willing, forced, or accidental? What kind of triggers do you like?
Accidental. It only works with willing when they get more than they expected and in a way they didn't expected
>Personality changes?
Fuck no. Even if they are compelled to fulfill wishes, they are still themselves
>Are djinn forced to serve their lamp's holder?
I don't have any strong stance on this. What usually ruins it is a slavish, drone devotion, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun when the genie is bound to serve one way or another
>How powerful are they? Can they use their power freely, or only to grant wishes?
Nearly unlimited power when fulfilling wishes, but modest (at least when compared with actual wishes) magic for own, personal use to be spent freely
>How are they bound to their lamp? Can they pull other people inside?
It's a beacon. When freed, they can roam freely as far as they want to, but they can be instantly summoned to the lamp. They are just smoke when locked inside, so no visitors and no pulling (besides that's usually a cheap djinnification/twinning trick).
>Tail or no tail? If tail, what kind of properties does it have? Is it smoke or silk or something else?
Tail, but with a twist, I guess? When being summoned, they are just this person in the smoke, rather than "torso floating on a smoky tail". They can freely take a "solid" form, but the default is a humanoid silhouette
>Do you have any other preferences about Genies?
I like it when they are a bit inhuman. No TG. Male genies are fun, too
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Forgot a pic
>this entire thread
Was there another version of this or am I going mad?
Love this entire concept

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