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/d/ - Hentai/Alternative

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sleepy neet..
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what qualifies as a neet girl? does she need to be a neet in the source material? or just look lazy and unkept?
clear desire to laze at home. After all not many places really allows you to be at home all the time and surive. So i would say an Office lady, who doesn't move out house after work could count. at least for me they count.
so its more like a spiritual neet than an actual neet
yeah, atleast i would add characters like that idol you just posted and Tomoko the thread's neet girl isn't really neet as she goes to school. So it's more about messy hair, masturbation addict, bags under the eyes, almost doesn't leave home/room.
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You guys forgot that neet angel from Gabriel Dropout?
>mfw I'll never experience this
no hope, lads, no hope for better days
gabu is cute, she just got overshadowed by satania in her own anime
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Dont say that fren, there is always hope
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would /d/ be interested in a game i made about a neet girl? it's not porn or anything, just a silly little game
Based FluffyDango enjoyer.
please :)
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Still can’t believe the lack of Bernie in these threads
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She was made to be bullied and Yuri was made to bully her.
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what is this thing, it looks like a boy and I don't like it
It's hard to find messy hair like this when most of the time it isn't even tagged
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I like the game anon. The art is very charming and I like all the dithering you used, it feels very PC-98 in combination with the user interface. I also like the sound, it reminds me of the kind of sound font they used for music in Rugrats. Mima is cute. I'll try not to let her collapse from lack of sleep in week 2 when I load it up again later.
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Strictly speaking, Not in Employment, Education or Training. After that, it's a mixture of vibes. Baggy eyes, gross body, greasy hair, bad skin, wild pubes, unwashed, piss bottles, trash bags, dark rooms, terminally online, mental illness, myriad trauma, various addictions, self harm. and so on. I think it's not a case of any of these and others being strict necessities, but once you check off enough the list, you got yourself a neet. You know it when you see it.
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Wish there were a neetbooru
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>I'll try not to let her collapse from lack of sleep
sleeping all day is the neet experience
Cute NEET feet!
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I'm drawing a chunky sad neet girl who is painting a miniature.
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Everyone wants a cute stinky class cutting NEET you can either take care of or have someone else bully based on the playthrough until she gets a haircut. Smh
You’re doing God’s work is what you’re doing
She's cute
Cute. You post anywhere? Twitter? DeviantArt?
Are neet girls hairy?
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They better be.
Spring-boarding off of this to ask the thread: What kind of hobbies do your ideal neet girls have? Bonus points for something not computer related.
For me, it's fixing up busted model trains.
Hyperfixation on shared favorite media. Literal walking encyclopedia of the most obscure facts
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me trying to flirt with a neet
Neet diary #1
I don't have anywhere else to confess things like this.
I'm so fucked, I got drunk and pissed myself. The sadness was very bad, and the best distraction I could come up with is 4chan. And so here I am. All questions welcome.
Go to a rave, I got hit on by the bustiest girlfailures i’ve ever seen. (I’m ugly as sin)
even if it is just them being drunk and high. hearing people say nice things to you is hope incarnate
>bustiest girlfailures
you mean they got big boobs and were still girlfailures? I thought that was only in hentai pictures. (not that i'm saying that big boobs will make a girl automatically a winner in life) i just thought most neets would be kinda like a skeleton (tomoko) or chubby.
To follow up, the neet feeling is kind of shared exerience. I, morbidly, like knowing others are in as worse a state as myself. This is kind of the magic of imageboards, that I could talk about such things here.

That sounds wonderful, but I don't know if I'm at that level yet. I really like EDM, and at home it's great, but >>10970655 is right. It can also be extreme copium. The amount of drugs that you need to feel like a winner is insane.

My sincere appreciation to mutt, for starting these threads. It's so rare to talk about this, I have to go on a red board. How fucked up is that? No therapist will intrisically understand that.
how many women are into girlfailures. i need hope
pubes so tidy as if she combed them lol
Uhh- Thx Qwq
..tho I'm not the fist person to make these threads.. I saw one on here and after it died I just made a new one..and now we're here
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getting education
I need to sniff a neet girl's unique hairy crotch odor so bad
She doesn't look like she's educating much there.
Cute! Godspeed anon!
Only 60 posts in and we’re already getting guys rping as girls lol
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Hey it's me again
What kind of neet should I draw?
A cute feet neet
I will not draw feet.
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super busty shortstack neet that thinks they’re ugly because they’re short.
Sure, I'll give it a go
Kinda hot
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May be of interest:
turning into a woman and then quitting my job is literally my fantasy
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Here she be. Her sadness is immeasurable.
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a tiny boob neet girl stuffing her bra full of... socks, or something?... and staring at herself in the mirror/feeling herself up/etc with a weird degenerate look in her eyes
>This character is fictional, and does not actually exist.

Man why you gotta rub salt in the wounds
I known someone built like that. sadly they are lesbian
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>no pit hair
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Done. Sorry for the delay
More requests are welcome but I can't give any garentees
This could be cute. I'll do it tomorrow
immaculate, thank you
weirdly tall thin beanpole neet insecure about her height and frame thinking she's a freak while waiting in line at a convenience store behind a gaggle of normally sized girls
or just a tall thin beanpole neet
FYI: when I said "stuffing her bra full," I was thinking it'd be way beyond its usual capacity, so much that it looks kinda ridiculous
but that's not really mandatory, do whatever you think would be best
I would absolutely reach up to give her headpats
maybe even find a stepladder and give her a kiss haha
I want to, but something happened and I probably won't be able to do anything relating to this for a bit. I'm sorry.
It does sound cute tho
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what the fuck, why would you have responsibilities outside of drawing porn
it almost sounds like you're not a cute neet girl yourself... absolutely horrible
Probably more than you think but you'd have better chances with men, sorry sis
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alas, I have a job
my girlfriend is kind of a neet tho
heres a short comic I made with that alt-girl
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Part 2
it wasn't. I thought it was for making neet gf and not becoming neet gf.
now this is what i like to hear/see
what kinda stereotype do y'all like ?
The left, but with an a-cup and more gloomy.
Middle, absolutely, love messy hair on gals
Middle but shorter
To be honest, all three are dressed too nice for me. Give me girls wearing ratty comfort clothes.
Middle, but chubby and mommy mode
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Left, love the hair over the eyes look. and prefer NEETs busty
Niche questions. If a neet-girl used deodorant, would it be stick or spray-on? In the shower, bar soap or liquid soap? I'm assuming she doesn't shave anywhere.
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whatever's cheapest or most familiar to her
I just use the shampoo for everything when I wash my hair.. don't really use deodorant
It's not a huge difference, but chubby neet girls are cuter, I think.
>now this is what i like to hear/see
it is only a fantasy sadly
well for the see part, i really just meant content.
I like all kinds of girls, but if i had some wishes, then it would be nice if she had atleasts breasts big enough to fill my palms, also like the trope where her breasts are technically hidden due to bad body posture. But a cuddlebug flattie like Tomoko would be nice too
>well for the see part, i really just meant content.
being a female gooner in a messy room would be based as hell but besides that this is like the least sexual thread on /d/ somehow

if you want content about turning boys into girls there's another thread for that
>if you want content about turning boys into girls there's another thread for that
ah... i'm just more turned on the idea that guys want to be girls in /d/ threads, be it milking, breasts expansion, tsf, monster girls etc.
i think this thread is generally more about the idea of dating a neet girl than being one

at least with turning into a monster girl i could talk about how i'd use my new body parts or abilities
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there's a /trash/ thread all about anons talking about being girls and other anons talking about what they'd do to said girlanons
being a neet girl is inherently a really boring fantasy because 90% of it is identical to being a male neet. the neet part doesn't really add anything to it besides having all the time and privacy to masturbate to my heart's content

dating a neet girl seems more like wanting to date someone who has common ground or liking the aesthetic
I think both could be good.
Becoming a NEET girl and having to take showers less due to your lesser sweat and lower body temperature, only to spend even longer in there when you do so you could take advantage of your missing refractory period...

Or you get to find someone who shares all your same interests, with some key differences for playful banter. Walking in to a tiny, dark room, sheets smell like lust and McDonalds, your GF isn't wearing anything under that oversized shirt she borrowed from you but still sits bare-ass on her old gaming chair, browsing /v/...
>Becoming a NEET girl and having to take showers less due to your lesser sweat and lower body temperature
contrary to stereotypes, a lot of NEETs actually take frequent showers or baths because they like how the water feels. probably not great for their skin

>only to spend even longer in there when you do so you could take advantage of your missing refractory period...
if only
I am currently dating a neet girl, as much as I love her there is also the inherent problem that you are dating someone who is very mentally unwell
and I am also mentally unwell. We are both autistic and have a lot in common and met on discord
She is sweet and caring
we both love each-other and I would not call our relationship abusive or anything, but to say our brain worms align often is false
ultimately it was a very, VERY long struggle, working with each-other to try to not accidentally hurt each-other as much
all around I do not regret it, she gives me a reason to become strong so I can support her, and I give her a reason to improve herself. She is finally moving out of her parents house at 21 this year. I love her and I am very, VERY proud of her for putting in the effort to spread her wings.
I have hope for the future, but you really should not seek one out unless you are prepared for an intense version of the bad sides of relationships. PTSD, Autism, learned helplessness, difficulty communicating inability or unwillingness to take care of themselves in a non-sexy way, often sensory problems, bizarre standards ect ect ect

you gotta remember that these people are often isolated for a reason that probably isn't just "I am very shy"
there are reasons why they are shy
Godspeed to the both of you anon
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why no neet chill gf
the yellow toenails really sell this one

It's nail polish. Fingernails have it too.
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>working with each-other to try to not accidentally hurt each-other as much
that's actually kinda chadly of both of you
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thanks fellas
love is complicated like that
we all want to be loved for who we are, but sometimes who we are is damaging
so to find and keep love you have to change, so therefore you can't be loved for who you are
it's a difficult balance of giving and taking, being vulnerable, accepting your flaws and trying to improve
never give up. keep trying. communication is key

anyway I think women with long dark messy hair is extremely attractive, I want to bury my face in it
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also sweat and body musk is nice
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this is honestly the entire reason im transitioning
i know its not the same but its as close as im gonna get
Don't do it. You're going to regret it if you'll do it.
Can I go out with you
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I've been on HRT for years already Anon
Why would you want to? I'm not that feminine desu
NEET feet are the best feet.
when it comes time that the rope tightens, think of us. :)

Is "NEET but doing their best anyway" a thing?
Yeah, that's my sister.
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I believe the kids call that state of being "girlfailure"
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All I want is a cute tranny neet gf and twinkhons and boymoders are also cute
I’m going to make at least one tgirl happy and safe one day so this won’t happen
Don't worry, anon. At some point you'll realize you're entertaining the fetish of an adult man who is drunk on attention whoring, and you will be the first to celebrate when he'll off himself.
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At some point, you both will realize than neither of you is convincing anyone of anything in this thread, so you may as well just ignore each other and post neet girls.
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Yeah that was the plan after my post calling tgirls cute and why I didn’t mention them when posting about my ideal neet gf lol

Back to cute chubby girls I make shower with me every few days to refresh her girl smell
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dont know if youre still here, how about a neet girl and a neet boy on a first date and both are blushing/extremely embarrased but obviously into eachother?
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how many times have we been over this? Tomoko isn't a neet
anon said and posted a tomoko pic
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that just means the thread title is wrong, not that she shouldn't be posted
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a-a-a-a- chubby girl???? big boobies????? large ass???? thick thighs???? round tummy??? the girl smell would cast a spell on me
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more like cast a smell
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I wish a cute neet girl casted a smell on me
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Trying to get back to making more of rene soonish.
perfect bush shape. very nice
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My friend's pressuring me to post this here, but I told him she's too generic.
who are these characters?
love me some stoner slobs girls
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Any English language novels or books about female neets? It can be any genre.
females aren't real
Neither are dragons but people write about them
Samarie and Marina from Fear and Hunger: Termina. Will warm you, one is a tranny. It's done well in the game but might still be a turn off.
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There is nothing more attractive to me than a mischievous gremlin woman. Bonus points for glasses and freckles
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I graduate from college in a few weeks and I already miss this life of being shut in my room all day. I don't want to get a job and start working
https://nhentai.net/g/333050/ doppelganger neet
https://nhentai.to/g/413354 neet loli
https://nhentai.to/g/391780 mentally fucked up neet
Do you guys ever look at porn without even being horny? Just watching people fuck just to look at it?
In a way, working life is more NEETish than college. It's way harder to maintain a social life there.
Sure. Especially here on /d/. It's entertaining and provides a bit of dopamine.

I've read that it's an unhealthy habit, though, so I wouldn't encourage it.
tbf I'm pretty sure Marina started off as being just a normal girl but had her backstory changed into being trans just to get some brownie points from the Twitter audience since the Dev saw you can get easy sales that way. Her being trans pretty much has zero role into her personality aside from a few mentions of her backstory. She's basically a normie witch girl. Also the fact magic exists and she may as well just magic herself up a perfect cis female bod anyways.
Does anyone else like smelling their hand after they fap?
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best neet of all time
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How often do you guys fap? I was told that once or twice a day is a lot, that true?
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about 3 times. whenever i do it to other neets, it's alway a really shit orgasm but with Tomoko i must produce more cum because it comes out a lot more
around 2-3 times a day for me
Why can't we get one tomoko/neet thread without trannies?
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Played this today. I put of learning to code until it was way too late to make money, impulse bought a coding book, didn't actually read it, and ran out of organization almost straight away.
10/10, the learning taking longer than expected filled me with a very real and very strong sense of actual dread
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>How often do you guys fap?
It fluctuates. Sometimes, twice a day. Sometimes, once a week.
>I was told that once or twice a day is a lot, that true?
Depends on your age and sex, but it's not that much... More importantly, who cares? Is someone gonna call the fapping police on you for fapping the wrong amount?
>about 3 times.
Just... 3 times? Not 3 times per day, but 3 times, total? In your entire life?
>More importantly, who cares? Is someone gonna call the fapping police on you for fapping the wrong amount?
It's not that I particularly care, I'm just curious. Though I never like being weird by 4chan standards
This whole website has been overrun with troons since like 2015.
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What this guy said, how much you jack it isn't as important as your overall grip on reality and self awareness of it all. If you feel anxious about it, I recommend abstaining for a week or so to metaphorically detox.
It helped me a lot when I tried that, re-established that it wasn't my dick controlling me but me controlling my dick.

Lotta transphobes here, damn
It'll get better friends, hope you find peace
Yep especially with hentai, doujin etc
.. I often read doujin just because I like the art style and look of it
fapping is like meds. you get used to the effects and start trying weirder things. not that that’s always a bad thing, but it tends to happen
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Other than Watamore (which I've already seen) what are some good hikki/NEET anime?
>Lotta transphobes here, damn
If you just shut the fuck up about your mental disorder for 3 seconds no one would care.
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Summertime is near and I already want it to be over. I hate leaving the house
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No, I have high standards, they're just alternative standards from the norm. I want a girl with bags under her eyes and banana tits and who doesn't wash her clothes not because I want her to be "lower quality" but because I find those traits endearing, attractive, and cute.
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My dad wants to control my schedule. How do I get him to back off? Specifically, how do I respond when he inevitably says "If you want to be an adult, go get a job and make some friends"?
pee on him to establish dominance
I fucking hate that I possess every single quality I consider ideal in a neetgirl. I wish I could fuck my alternative universe self, I'd probably fix her with my dick too. Goddamnit.
You can't convince someone who lived in a better era. It's pretty much impossible to make friends, though the money is nice from work. Then again I can't get NEETbucks so it's my only option.
if we're only talking anime porn then tsuchiya and igarashi would be my favs
real life though definitely Kazura and Honda. awkward looking japanese girls with glasses melt my heart. especially if it's those little oval glasses they love wearing.
Miura would be good if she had a huge futa cock.
unfortunately, move out. Which requires money or a relationship.
Relationship is easy or hard to find depending on your gender. Money requires a job, which is so goddamn tiring if you just want to be a NEET
is there a tag for the neet hentai doujin I kinda want to make one and I need reference
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NEET bump
Just finished watching Watamote. Tomoko is very cute, I wish I was her friend
Be sure to read the whole manga, and the Watamote Tomodachi side series. Good stuff.
Will do. What other manga/anime is like it? I picked up Kaii to Otome hoping it'd have more hikki stuff but it doesn't really
True NEET anime is a little hard to find. There's stuff like https://mangadex.org/title/e563a8e9-a730-4216-ba42-734aee59b3f3/genkai-dokushin-joshigohan but most people just go to Watamote, maybe Welcome to the NHK. Would appreciate recs from other anons here out of mutual interest, too.
I've already seen both of those. But thanks anyway anon
Do not read the whole manga, it's dogshit. It becomes a boring yuri friend group story.
Read up and to the anime's end.
I would bark like a dog
You didn't need to add that last part
Is it normal to have gnats in your room or does that make me disgusting?
Probably better than black mold but still pretty bad
Never watched the show and I thought Satania is the main character while title is being deliberately misleading.
Gnats, specifically? Not flies? Gnats are the tiny little ones that swarm over puddles on hot days. Is your room on a boat or something?
Yeah they're really tiny and keep flying into my fucking face for some reason
>Is your room on a boat or something?
No, but I also don't throw out my trash daily so that doesn't help.
>keep flying into my fucking face for some reason
Can't remember which species but there's some that like the juices secreted by eyes
this thread reminds me of my ex, I wish I could have fixed her she was perfect otherwise :(
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This was nice enough. Though it makes me wonder what you guys normally eat. Ordering food makes me feel bad but cooking is hard
Tell us more.
he is right
you should get a job, but dont let anyone tell you how to live your social life. friends can’t be forced on you. especially when someone is annoying you about it
and if you get a job, you can buy commissions of your favorite art. I sure have
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Does Mya-nee count as a NEET?
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she doesn't leave her house that much so i would say that. Also doesn't have any job
Source for these two?
The character looks to be an older Tomoko from Watamote. Don't know the artist.
She's in school, though. Honestly /neet/ should become /hikki/, it's more accurate
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Cheers, anon. You might want to look up an artist named Frisky Dango if you like this style.
Thanks for asking. Turns out I got the name wrong. Here: https://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/FluffyDango/1
Take a moment to tell your mom you love her. I've been avoiding mine recently because I've let her down but she just called to tell me she loves me. I'm such an awful son
I would, but I don't want to lie to her
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Infrastructure-Engineer-Chan is so perfect
Do such women even exist? Where would they be?
Explain the meme behind that image, it's the third time I've seen a girl drawn on that stage in that position
"Fan Screaming at Madison Beer Performance"
Thanks anon, I appreciate it
You're welcome
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I want a smelly NEET gf
reminiscing fondly about togi-chan
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lungs filling up with tomoko feet air
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Yes, she's a powerful one
>no job
>educated, but doing nothing with it
>No real friends or peers
>Can function at a minimal level in many scenerios, but not excel
>Whatever intelligence or skills she has are entirely smothered by a combination of lack of ambition, poor value prioritization, and social anxiety
>Hobbies and interests have overtaken everything else
>Sexually deviant, with one or more fetishes that she feels (or at least thinks she must, probably accurate in her case) she must hide.
>Significantly dependant on her parents
>Maintains fair grooming and hygiene, but a mix of laziness and hedonism keeps her sloppy

She's a rarer sort, the entrenched neet. She has the tools to escape neetdom, but simply doesn't use them, suggesting this is a lifestyle preference, not an issue of fundamental breakdown.
This is also why she's bestgirl
having a neet gf would be great because I'd finally get to play the splitscreen modes of the games I used to play as a kid and I could give her tongue baths after an intense sweaty session
Hnnnnngggg, love this on
Always icing on the smelly, tasty NEET cake
>Nerdy Girl's Story
Game for when?
Depends on if I have sex that day or not. Sex days I don’t, but it varies too. Like today, I haven’t had any pussy in 4 days, so I’ve jacked off 3 times so far, might even go for 4 with this thread
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Same as it ever was
I don't like cooking, but just boiling rice, and frying some chopped vegetables with meat and spices is pretty easy and fairly quick. Especially if you've got a rice cooker so you literally can't fuck up the rice. I got mine just to remove that stress element even if I never actually fucked the rice up.
Omelettes are easy, it's just whisked egg that you fry and move around so it doesn't get stuck. I usually put cheese and ham on it while it solidifies, and sometimes I eat a carrot with it so I can pretend I'm healthy.
If you have an oven, you can copy yousuckatcooking's chicken breast recipe very easily. I throw more spices on it than he does though, usually chili or paprika or cumin.
Cooking isn't really difficult, it's just a matter of finding things that aren't too stressful to make.
I bet women don't jill off to men like this.
you know she doesn't wipe after she pees, right?
you know she's NOT REAL riight?
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And that's a good thing!
why is that a problem?
I'll just have to drag her ass to the shower and personally spray her ass down.
This is what you get for collecting the most boring army imaginable.
ok and
Imagine tonging her hymen
Not even a week of living with my family and I'm already tired of it. I wish I was alone again
>face and personality of middle
>chest of left
Right should go teach math and stay unloved forever
Kill yourself
friendly reminder that stay at home mothers/wives are neets and you (you) have the power to find one and make her yours
Literally me
Had to stop anal cause I was getting so loose I couldn't hold a fart anymore and it scared me
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Makes giving her a tonguebath all the more sweet
no, she got overshadowed in the memesphere, the anime is pretty equivalent for all four main characters

raphiel is best btw
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Somebody went wild in an AI thread yesterday making a lewd neet girl set. I grabbed about twenty of these in different poses and amounts of clothing.
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Exquisite taste.
Post em up anon, this thread is dead otherwise.
Which board? These are skills I need to acquire
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It was across a few /b/ AI threads. The OP has tutorials for how to generate hard NSFW stuff on your own machine but it's beyond me.
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shawty obese, like yourself maybe you need to gymmaxx instead of neet maxing
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You weren't kidding, this guy really makes a lot of this neet/femcel girl everyday. Because I have a tendency to go overboard when something activates neurons in my brain I combed the archives and saved like 124 pics he posted.
Dude, link me. I check the AI boards on /b/ but couldn't find the neet pics.
NEED Mega link.
Ngl, I was debating to horde it for myself for reasons I didn't even fully know, but then I realized our love for neets makes me oddly love you guys too, so here is the stash. There might be 2-3 repeats and off ALL the stuff they posted 3 were like pregnant variants that I didn't save because I didn't vibe with them. Sorry if that's your thing.
My brother.

Great image, too. God, I'm glad I lived to see the era of AI-generated porn.
Words cannot express how much I love girl failures
Cute feet
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My family keeps staying up really late so I have no time to myself anymore
The 'hairy_slut' and 'rustic girl' tags on Pixiv have some good results.
Also 'bristle' if that's your thing
>Horror-related stuff but with a cheeky attitude towards it
>Motorcycles and cars
Aww I love you too bro. Thanks for the Mega.
Amen brother. The ability to just type some words into a box and have it spit this out in seconds is fucking aces.
Remove the character name, change the art style, boom.
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Of course, too bad recently they seem to have gone silent but I'll check the thread every once and a while.
Cheers bro
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Show us her MASSIVE pussy bush
Based af, love you Neet Queen.
Thanks to the anon who first posted this here.. haven't read such a relatable manga in a while.. it got me kinda emotional desu

You're welcome, anon. The only complaint I have with that manga is that the main character is too attractive and not NEET-y enough. Still good, though.
didn't know manga could cause physical pain like this
>the main character is too attractive and not NEET-y enough.
what would you do differently?
I'd make her more how I think NEETs should be in my head
>smaller cup size
>slightly bigger ass
>hairy pits and pubes
>worse posture
>more awkward

That said, I could also be down for a flip on the NEET stereotype where the girl was some non-NEET that became a NEET through some odd event. Like getting fired, getting unexpectedly dumped, whatever.
>Like getting fired, getting unexpectedly dumped, whatever.
Anon that's exactly wat happened, she was abused at her job and quit. She was a normal member of society before.
I'd argue this is kind of the genesis of a lot, if not most, NEETs. To one extent or another, you continue along in whatever mold your society expects of you until at some point you can't fit within it anymore, and so you retreat. Out of sight, out of mind. NEETs are broken people at their core, but they've all broken at different points along the way.
Pretty much
The specific reasons are widely varied, and there genuinely ARE a handful of deliberate lifestyle neets, who have chosen this lifestyle despite the options for others existing, but for most it's usually a bit of a one two punch; an early, long term destabilizing feature, be this neurodivergeance, strange formative experiences, ect, followed by the sudden disruption of something the person relied upon but was vulnerable in.
They lack in the set of fundamental skills society expects of functioning adults, and so can't recover from the disruption, putting them in a situation they lack the combination of skill, want, or opportunity to resolve on their own.

If the second destabilization doesn't happen, the person is often perfectly fine living in a very narrow set of life circumstances they occupy.
If the first doesn't occur, the person generally has what it takes to restart their life in a new direction.
But when both happen, there's generally not much that can happen to reverse the situation, barring random intervention by another, or else sudden, spontaneous recovery from whatever the first thing was, both of which even then might not be guaranteed
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More from Pixiv, there's no neet tag, so it takes digging through related tags.
this is just an ordinary glasses girl
she's lovely but not particularly neet-ish
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>51 New Pics added to the Mega
Enjoy y'all
Dude, 15 of the last 20 pics are mine, doing my best to keep the thread alive.
You wanna be picky feel free to take over.
Good job keeping a thread that already hit autosage before you even started posting them alive instead of making a new thread with them jackass
For a thread about neets, it's impressive that you're the laziest one here. Can't do anything except complain others aren't doing enough for you.
Either do better or shut the fuck up.
Hairy neet sexo
Love this thread and will keep loving it, thanks once again mutt

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