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luv me shulkie
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Give me hypers being girly
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W-what are you going to do to her?
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impossibly muscular women being girly is peak
so much this
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does being a massive sub counts?
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While I love hypermuscle girls, I think that if they were real I would avoid them like the plague. The combination of an average woman with immense physical power would be catastrophic.
Sadly true to some extent. I still like to think a woman capable of maintaining a body of such size and strength would also demonstrate discipline and generally refuse to obey the victim mentality many women are sold on which makes most of them psychotic to begin with. They’re no gym thots, but dedicated and driven. That amounts to a lot, if you ask me.
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Being outmuscled by an average out of shape brat with no effort, is almost the entire point of the fetish for me
Ooh, imagine this scenario
>every woman has a dormant amazon gene
>a woman can activate her amazon gene only through strenous physical exercise and by feeling certain noble emotions such as genuine affection or self-respect
>when active, the gene greatly promotes muscle growth and height growth in a way that is proportional to how much effort the woman makes and to how "noble" she is inside
>essentially, the bigger and stronger a woman is, the nicer and brighter is her personality
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Biggest muscle girl? Not counting a literal giantess like Matrona. Soiree from Kingdoms of Ruin is huge.
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fuck yeah, I love bratty musclegakis
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Is there something going on in America or other English-first-language countries I haven't heard about? Clonecamando1471 refers to everyone they commissions as non-binary, so I pointed out two people revealed their gender, be it through pronouns or through name. In response, this person had a meltdown and blocked me. They only upload stuff they commission, so it's not a loss, but I would prefer to avoid this sort of situation in the future.
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>Find out people like muscular hags
>Focus on them
Smart man.
Hope for more variety, though.
Which artist are you referring to here?
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Mutant Floof
That's something I knew I wanted, but can't remember anyone actually doing it. Thank you very much, Anon.
Female muscle artists that have gotten better?
I kinda hated Dadaflix because the covers of his comics were made by better artists and his art being visibly inferior but he has gotten a much better and so has his coloring.
And he makes his girls huge with lots of muscle growth in his stories.
Kind of reminds me of a Bruce Timm esque artstyle, minimalist but pretty good.
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DAMN, got anymore of her?
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Kingdoms of Ruin / Hametsu no Oukoku
Chapter 40, not much after. just ol' big muscles jobbing then some clones, for more details, Soiree has pink hair and is a nurse. It would be awesome to see big names drawing obscure muscle girls being found here and there. This one made LSS Broly look like a twig. Hyperchads would love her.
She looks pretty giant to me anon
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Imagine having a schizo /x/ pilled meatball GF.

>Unkempt, comes home smelling like sweat from the gym after a brutal workout
>Refuses to shower until 4:30 PM as that’s when the government stops pouring liquid evil into the water supply
>Goes from touch-happy and horny to freaking out about Freemasons, you have to stop her from bulldozing the local lodge
>Will drag you out into the wilds with a tent, blanket, candles, and certain metals for a spiritual journey
>Ends up punching out a skinwalker then drags a whole deer carcass back for dinner, trip gets canceled because “the stars aren’t right” or whatever that’s supposed to mean
>Summons a succubus out of curiosity
>Crushes it between her thighs to exorcise it in a moment of divine inspiration
>Asks for help to get things on middle shelf
>Blames gnomes for her inability to reach for them despite the fact that she’s barely even 5’0
I will be endlessly grateful if anyone has the latest drawing from @_by_spoon saved, with Cass Asmolith in shower. Their patreon/fanbox were cleared out and exhentai/scrapers don't have latest posts. Dunno where else to ask, since it's specifically about huge muscles.
I think I'm in love.
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Hey it's me, White Throne
>artist making fmg comic
>great start
>she grows a penis
I'm tired boss
This or the basic side-step disguise of clit-growth.
Seriously, sometimes people just want buff girls.
Please more swolestacks

Fucking love
Personally i'm fine with clit growth as long as it isn't too much and it's obviously an accessory to her cooch
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We need more adventures with schizo hyper muscle gf.
Anyone know who's the original artist for this?
>artist making fmg comic
>great start
>she turns into a bitch or a power hungry dominatrix
I'm tired boss
More for me!
That's like at least 80% of this fetish unfortunately.
Oh man, I went on a whole spree looking for this in some past threads, gimme a moment.
I feel like this is just how a modern witch would live, after giving herself huge muscles inspired by watching too many cartoons and anime.
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You talking about anon8919 Namari thing? Yeah I hate it but it seems to be a habit with him.
One thing I do remember is that the suit is an irreversible muscle growth suit that numbs the users emotions, turning them into super soldiers that eventually burn out. Also, the crystal is a communicator.
Is there any spells I can cast to make myself more muscular?
I really hate the fact that in every single comic/image sequence Anon8919 does, it always end up into futa crazy bitch domination energy drain whatever whatever. I don't care much about futa FMG artists but the thing is he never advertises himself as one as far as I remember, and that's what's bothering me.
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It would be cool to see one where she becomes a selfless superhero.
Wasn't him Toufu? The creator of the Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero manga?
It could be worse, it could've turned into a a surprise futa... Or a parasitic one.
Dresses are girly, right?
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Pretty normal to refer to people you don't know as "they/them". I'm not gonna search through everything they ever posted to figure out if they're male or female, and even if I learn of it in passing, if I have referred to them as "they/them" for long enough, I'll probably not change it out of habit.
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>search through everything they ever posted to figure out if they're male or female
It's the first thing you see. https://files.catbox.moe/ohg4cc.jpg
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Another one
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See, now it's even worse. I would need to go out of my way to check the about tab on deviantArt to figure someone's gender out. At that point, I'm just gonna continue to refer to to them as them, since, that's a normal thing to do. Doesn't really have anything to do with assuming they would be non-binary or whatever.
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I really don't want to extend this conversation too much, but that's the home tab. Hence why I said it's the first thing you see. https://files.catbox.moe/i0sn8x.jpg
I'm amazed at how much muscle art of her and Komi's mom there is.
The power of a single autist, and god bless them honestly
Did you find them anon?
I remember going through my temp folder too because I had found the entire repository or something along that line of the author as well.
It sucks I can't search via direct image on desuchan because I remember asking about the sauce too.
God bless that White Throne dude, he's got money and he ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVE milfs. Probably one of the more normal "specific-character autist" out there. Tho I'd suggest for him to just use all those bucks to just hire a real FBB and make them cosplay as the characters he love.
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Thanks! His work is interesting for sure. Really don't see the muscle growth+corruption mix that often. But maybe tard wrangling the hyper buff schizo GF is a better deal than bioweapon GF.
have you considered that you were perhaps blocked for pulling the most needless "um ackshually" of all time like an obnoxious cunt
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that eye glow is so ridiculous
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do any of you have a filedump of guitartist DA work
Kek, based. See you over on /x/ anon.
>one day she asks you to buy her a few gallons of holy water
>when you do, she douses herself in it and proceeds to singlehandedly exorcise a haunted house by punching the evil spirits straight back into the underworld
>one night, an U.F.O. appears over the woods you're camping in
>she lifts a nearby boulder and flings it at mach speed at the flying saucer, punching a massive hole through it
>as the U.F.O. flies away erratically while leaving a trail of smoke behind, she smugly says "Take that, you ayylmaos"
>she likes to make amulets and trinkets and hangs them all over the place to ward off evil, she gave you a dreamcatcher so that "the machine elves won't be able to get you"
>she exclusively watches movies on VHS and DVD, she refuses to watch tv and streaming services because "they mkultra their viewers"
>she might be short, but she is rather wide, she loves it when you rest your head (or even your entire upper body) on her
>as you do, she caresses you and whispers sweet, yet weird, things such as "Our souls are intertwined in the astral plane", "You make me feel as if I achieved Gnosis" or "Not even the Demiurge is able to stop my love for you".
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>She might be short.
I dunno about yours, but my schizo GF is built like killdozer not a fun sized killdozer.
>she tries to make a tulpa
>it's another hyper girl
>she now has an imaginary rival to push her to grow bigger
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>read horror story
>watch horror movie
>immediately inspired to write hyper muscle fmg parody of it

To put this into perspective, I watched The Thing (1982) and immediately thought, what if an Anon had a flesh-shifting hypermuscle meatball gf?
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Guitartist2 'sketch last piece
Some good work from this guy recently.
Well said, little girl.
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Happy Mother's Day
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There's a guy who has been going around commissioning artists to draw buff Fauna of late.
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Anybody know if Magister's put out any new muscle Panda recently? Or perhaps fanart?
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>Take a mom character
>Make her a mountain of muscles
It just feels so right!
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I think SalmonellaShark has a new name.
CitrusSenpai on X.
What do you guys think?
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how would a cosmic horror story with hyper muscle grills end up working out?
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wow, who made it?
It's right in the filename, although it seems this one was deleted. This person primarily uploads to twitter, like most faggots, but its content is primarily weight-gain faggotry.

This is the only other muscle-based work I could find by this pseudo-human.
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If they're the cosmic ones, it wouldn't be a horror story, now would it?
Depends on things. Is it "chick becomes a buff four armed behemoth with glowing eyes and funky colored skin" or "she becomes a muscular fish monster"? Also depends on pov.
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it really is a shame he uploads very little buff girls, and his models are very good.
fat fetish is the worst.
the antithesis of female muscle.
I think artists need to stop having a trend of making a dramatic exist just to come back within the year.
>fat fetish is the worst.
>the antithesis of female muscle.
Mr. Ph.D. over here.
lol what I do to you?
Don't state the obvious.
Makes you look dumb.
Having spent much of my free time rereading Lovecraft, I’m highly tempted to try writing a Shadow Over Innsmouth parody where a man with the sensibilities of Lovecraft himself, but with a muscle fetish, visits a small coastal New England village on invitation from extended family. His host ends up being a grizzled old fisherman, with a late teenage goth daughter. During his stay there, being a classical neurotic academic protagonist, the MC discovers that it seems like the only girl in town is his host’s daughter. Yet when he questions the random townfolk of their marital status, from near twenty teen boys to hoary mariners, he finds that they’re all married. He attributes this to the town’s strange customs, no doubt born of generations of isolation and inbreeding.

Then he begins to notice just how strangely close his host’s daughter is acting. They’re only distantly related, sharing a common ancestor from the early 18th century, and barely know each other. Yet, despite her appearance and cold demeanor to everyone else, she is warm and loving to him. He also comes to notice the age difference between her and her father, who seems to have been born before the last century or so. He questions their customs, how he is practically confined to his room every weekend night, and so sneaks out one stormy night to investigate. He discovers that his host is missing from his room, and the presence of a dark slime trail leading to the open window. His nerves rapidly begin to fray as he makes for the door, rushing out into the storm only to slam face-first into a slimy, scaled, yet soft substance. His glasses nearly come off, and he adjusts them in time for the lightning to briefly show a hulking fish-like form, standing on two feet like men do. The MC loses it and faints in the middle of the cobbled street.

The MC awakens the next day in bed, dry and cozy. He dismisses his harrowing experience as a nightmare, only to find that his clothes are unfamiliar, and his familiar suit has been left hanging on a chair to dry out. The implications of this shakes him greatly, and as he comes downstairs for breakfast, he notices that the father is missing. The girl looks at him lovingly as always, though he begins to notice an abhorrent shine to her eyes, one that brings the image of light reflecting off of oil to him. In the days up to the coming weekend nights, the girl has begun to aggressively flirt with him, touching him, speaking in suggestive tones, and on Friday evening catches her humping his crumpled jacket.

The father returns on Saturday and without elaboration bars the MC into his room. The MC quickly comes to realize that he has missed his chance to escape, being distracted so by the girl, and begins to undergo his nervous fit. Then on Sunday evening he awakens from a short nap to find the girl sitting on his bed beside him. He starts, only to be pushed down with a surprising amount of force by the girl. With a sly grin the man finds utterly abhorrent for reasons he cannot explain, the girl finally explains what’s going on in the town. How he has felt the call of their blood, the inhuman origins of all those descended from that distant ancestor, and how it only manifests in the womanfolk of their line. She tells him in horrid (at least to him) detail of how once the women turn 20 they ‘shed their human skins’ to don their true appearance, and as her exposition continues the revelations dawn on the MC who realizes why all men in the village are married yet no trace of their wives seem to exist. They live deep in the waters, in the dark coves and devil-haunted reefs. He puts together what it was that he slammed his head into that one fateful night, and is snapped out of his contemplation by the girl saying that she turned twenty this morning.


She straddles his fear-stricken form, grinding and undoing her hair as the sun sets and the moon rises, and between pants and heavy, desperate gasps, she tells him how lucky he is to get to experience the thing in person.

She then hulks out into a slimy, half-fish, half-mollusc meatball with black oily eyes, and the MC gets ‘raped’ until he faints from overexcitement. He wakes up the next day to a slime drenched bed, and decides that his fate has been chained to the town by his blood. Despite the very clear fact that he can leave, he chooses to stay. That night, he is visited by the hypermuscular fish creature that is his new wife, and she complains how she hasn’t gotten any taller like the others. The MC realizes that she’s basically a fishball of muscle, and so the story ends on a slightly comedic note.

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Depends on what you're meaning.
If you mean sheer size, then probably something by Saxxon or RaRaNaNa's Eleanor
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RaRaNaNa made some drawings like that and it was horrifying.
I'll only post a few of them because it's gross.
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this is more horrifying than the chaos 3d muscle growth videos
that's nasty
no more body horror shit itt
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>I wonder what's going on in the hyper thread toda-
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i’ve seen RaRaNaRa’s TETSUOOOO art before, buf i regret asking my question
It's just someone that escaped from the BBW threads. Pay it no heed.
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>fat fetish is the worst.
>the antithesis of female muscle.
I have a fat fetish and a muscle girl fetish so I always come out on top. As a bonus, extreme bimbo proportions are also great and skinny girls are hot too when they make fat and muscular chicks look even bigger.
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Wow! Post your favorite fatshit pics. :)))))))
this some shit out of Akira
Some cherry picked AI slop to balance this awful thread.
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builtfat girls?
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well now I wanna share a few too
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The closest thing to a hyper muscle woman with a pretty face IRL is Vladislava Galagan.
The things I would do to have a woman like that all for myself.
Julia Vins?
Kiki Vhyce?
the closest thing in proportions to a hyper woman is amazonka or natalia trukhina but she has been bogged
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imagine an isekai story where the MC gets sent to a world of hyper muscle girls

why aren’t there more hyper muscle isekais? i know there are a few written in Japanese but i’m barely literate in Japanese.
I see a...tit leaking milk?
Dude, I can't tell what the fuck is going on anymore, even Piyokorota's most confusing work has SOME kind of reference to where you can figure out what's going on.
I'm lost here.
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We have no writefags.
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Your only hope is probably fetish stories in sites like Pixiv, that's what I do to get my written hypermuscle fill. But MTL isn't perfect and I have yet to find something that fit the isekai description.
Hell, even role reversal isekai doesn't do it. The only one that does is Island Inn and even then they gave the really muscular girls man faces.
Even better.
Fat bitches so gross bro
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>"Oh finally! The prophecy is fulfilled! A man has finally appeared in our world after they went extinct and women became immortal amazons!"
>*Rips off her clothes*
>"Sex, now!"
Like this?
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>"Anon! I need protein!"
>*Sucks your dick dry*
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Right pic is my dream. An amazon knowing you like muscles and using hers to seduce you.
It's everyone in this thread's dream.
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At this point y'all should know who this is
>someone has made fmg art more bizarr than saxxon
didn't expect this
Saxxon's FMG art is fine. Someone made an fmg sequence that suddenly devolves into parasitic humans expanding and exploding out of her belly, having stolen her muscles. Thought I had successfully wiped that out of my memory.
Anyone know where to find leaks to MaxFlax/WhatAMass's latest stuff?
It can't be helped. The more shitposters find out mods won't remove anything from these threads unless it can be classified as western art, the more disturbing shock content we're going to get.
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Any good ones?
what the fuck
so cute and incredibly arousing, there has to be a way to learn this power
Where is this from?
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Nothing memorable, really. I might need to look at my bookmarks for that.
Most nip muscle artists on pixiv do try to write along with making illustrations. I remember liking Runonpu's stories, even if they are samey.
Here's a science fiction horror fmg story a dreamt about once, I can't write so anyways:
>You are a military scientist and your childhood friend is a female soldier.
>She has been selected as a candidate for a superhuman serum experiment
>You as her childhood friend of years suggest her to stay out because the previous trials were fatal and the chief scientist is lying about the 90% success rate of this one
>As a tough, tomboyish, athletic woman who already has some decent muscle mass on herself, decides to do it anyways, she would love to have some extra mass on herself anyways
>"Don't worry anon. I promise I'll give you a nice bearhug after this." she says confident
>Fast forward... the 5 test subjects are strapped and injected with the serum. Your friend is the only female amongst the 4 male soldier test subjects
>Minutes later they all start having seizures, the 4 male candidates experiment muscle growth until they explode, limb by limb, organ by organ, dying painfully
>but your friend keeps growing, muscles beyond that of a pro bodybuilder and growing in height, soon her skin starts to tear too but she is alive and in pain
>her eye bulges out of place, her jaw rips from the side, she grunts, growls, and her voice deepens, becoming a muscle monster
>her outfit which was specially designed to stretch as much as possible could not withstand the growth and rips apart, revealing her naked, ripped hyper muscles covered in veins, with some parts such as arms, legs, and face with open wounds
>now 10 ft tall, mindless and with monstrous strength, she starts a massacre in the facility
>you manage to hide but she finds you, ready to kill you but you plea for mercy
>until she snaps out of her madness... she begins to cry, and falls to her knees beside you
>you comfort her...
A few notes about this:
I watched some clips from Resident Evil games one day and at night I had a dream of a massive woman cornering some soldiers in a hallway.
The woman was massive, enormous pecs, shoulder, abs throbbing and she was grunting, no gross mutations thankfully just huge muscles.
So I came up with this short story based on that dream but added more realistic details of what would happen to a women if she grew massive in mere seconds.
The skin tearing apart was inspired from the character Mammoth in Young Justice.
The bulging eye was inspired from Alex Wesker in Resident Evil Revelations, and the torn jaw was just my idea.
I'll continue the story later.
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I hope I'm not going to far with this question but what would you do if your mom looked like this?
Anyone have wasteland animation from levi?
Oh man, Kryptova, MGChaser, Dedog, where'd they go?
Patchouli if she didn’t have terrible health problems
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Misbehave 24/7.
Not from a femdom artist....
Ask her how to get a woman that looks like her
Military/Government related muscle growth stories rarely have a happy ending don't they?
>bimbo girl's girl accidentaly gains mutation that makes her regular morning calisthenics routine make her turn hypermuscular
>same personality but she has to deal with rapid muscle growth in a comedic manner
>has struggle with her boyfriend due to her muscle growth but love conquers all
honneslty all you need
do any anons here have the art of aokai (who made an animated fmg page for his comic Let’s Grow) saved or archived?
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Anyone has Runonpu's paid art and is willing to share?
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god I love thick pecs
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im still here.
Are Kryptova?
What's your new name?
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yea. these past months been out becasue some personal stuff, but im going back to drawing.

this is mi discord if you need anything:
i remember a fmg progression sequence/comic from the shoulders up that was really good and aesthetically appealing which sadly doesn't seem to be the norm for a lot of stuff that focuses on muscular traps, neck, face, etc. i remember you being the artists of that, do you know what i am talking about? did you draw that?
ive done a couple of muscle growth sequences, but they are kinda old. do you know the character?
Do you post on twitter, deviantart, pixiv?
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Here's another one
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Proof that moms >>> daughters. Tomoko needs to keep up.
Hope her insurance covers FMG related home destruction, though. The entire place looks destroyed.
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what would you do if your best friend’s single mom was a meatball?
Hope she has a daughter that is equally massive. Hags need not apply.
>ive done a couple of muscle growth sequences, but they are kinda old. do you know the character?
i don't remember but like i said it was just shoulders up headshot basically and like 3-4 stages
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Either I'll die from snu snu or by his hands.
No compromise.
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Hey, did you ever finish pic related?
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Very entertaining seeing the "I'M NOT GAY, YOU ARE" squad come out in force in every muscle girl thread on /a/. It's like they can't fathom being attracted to women who aren't traditionally built.
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Does this count as female muscle cosmic horror?
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pectoriah's entire works is similar to comic above, minus the futa.
it’s so hard to find chink muscle girl works
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Do you guys like muscle girls with some other kinks combined?
For me it's huge muscles+domination+height difference+feet.
That's pretty good for AI generated stuff, especially since I love drawings from Muscthonk.
I still don't quite understand those things tho. Is there any simple ways to generate with LoRA like web gui?
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I think you need a high end PC for it I dunno.
More AI stuff I found.
just found these on deviantart yesterday, downloaded the non futa ones.
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How did I miss that xXDexSeaXx is back? And he shared a Google Drive with hundreds of pics?
Just for the future, thats Sophia genderbent
Uh... it's obvious, I meant how do you generate easily with this model. Some of them have GUI for easier use, can't find anything for lora by myself.
Sent you a request.
There's a pokemon romhack with fmg https://www.deviantart.com/masterruby/art/Pokemon-Team-Charm-FireFMG-926445306
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Nodegama is among my favorites
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I love buff leyley
I'm going to read her Ted Kaczynski's manifesto. After I've finished, I'll release her unharmed and untouched.
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imagine having a younger twin sister who not only gaslights you, but is also the most muscular person alive
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It is I, White Throne again
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never miss
I don't get why you're obsessed with that character, but the art is pretty great.
every fetish artist or commissioner has one.
just look at ritualist with kiva.
I've talked to him before. He just love MILFs and he just so happen to have a select few that he absolutely likes. Extremely based desu
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>I still don't quite understand those things tho. Is there any simple ways to generate with LoRA like web gui?

the main way most folks use stable diffusion is through a local installation of it (it run as a web gui)
min 6gb VRAM 8gb+ gpu VRAM strongly preferred.

below is the link to the repo on how to get started

there are other alternatives like fantasy.ai and a few others that offer a cloud like service similar to novel ai but with loras available on them.

image provided is what you can get away with for custom loras

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