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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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So this flowerbed is fucked. Not only is a ton of grass growing in it moss is as well. I understand everything must go my question is what tools should I use to clear/clean it out as efficiently as possible?
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Shovel and a hole lotta elbo greece
Good fast cheap. Pick two.
>Good, Cheap
Tarp, as >>2797254 said. Leave it on for a year.
>Fast, Good
>Fast, Cheap
Hand weeding
Cover everything you want dead with pine straw. That way you don't have to wait to get it started again
>Step 1: Find the children who threw that shit in there.
>Step 2: Beat them.
>Step 3: Force them to clear it all out for you.
>Step 4: If they refuse Step 3 proceed to repeat Step 2.
buy some cardboard
put dirt on top
add another layer of wood on the wall
Dig all those daffodil bulbs up first and transplant them somewhere.
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I'd pull the dafos out first and plant them somewhere else.
Other than that cardboard over and just replant with good shit next season.
I bet those plants really thrived...
Is this one of the CHAZ gardens that was fertilized with human shit?
Shovel and flip dirt.
it's beautiful, just chop the dead grass with a sickle and dig it up if it's dead with a pickaxe if roots are tough or just with your hands

moss is lovely
yeah just poison the ground where you want to grow stuff
Cardboard, leave down until everything is dead, remove for a few weeks and let what evers there freshly sprout. Replace cardboard to kill new growth. Works well for most weeds but some of the hardier bastards will need to be pulled at the root
Roundup has like a 3 day period after you spray before you can plant right into that ground again...

I like how idiots think it is some super poison and nothing will ever grow again after some roundup. You are clueless.
>smokedmt in the back
ah... that's why there's all the cancer lawsuits.

A reddit board is missing it's redditor.
Be careful where you get soil from, that it does not have any Grazon contamination.
>A reddit board is missing it's redditor.

Well you better get back there faggot!
Astounding creativity!

Best you can come up with 'I have no ammo left. So I'm going to imitate you.'

How flattering.

How to tell us how retarded you are, without saying it directly.
You do know they spray down wheat, corn, oats, and onions with roundup before harvest?
You ate a fuckton of it already and you ate from fields that were sprayed for years.
It dries up the plants fast, decreasing the time between ripe and ready to harvest.
I'm an organicfag, but I can see the appeal. For example last year I lost half my sunflower yield to some burrowing asshole bugs, but I couldn't do shit but watch them because it has to be dry first.
Honestly your post was such a low quality, unoriginal, bait post anyways... Like its never been done before. Such originality!

Let me guess, you are the originator/inventor of all such posts pertaining to someone being from, or needing to go back to redit right?

Furthermore, your dumb post didnt make a god-damn bit of sense anyways. I bet 99% of the faggots on redit would see or hear the word roundup and immediately think, " OMG le heckin cancerino!" just as your limp-wristed self did. Anyone who has ever actually been around the stuff wishes it was as dangerous as all you retards think, so it would maybe work better at burning down weeds and keeping them dead.

Go inject some roundup into your shriveled up estrogen filled testicles so you can finish "transitioning" and join the other 46%.
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Look at that heifer! Milky milky.

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