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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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I'm moving to a new place and I have a lot of cats. way too many. I finally got them all fixed so they can't breed anymore but anyways. the place I'm moving to is a two bedroom and I really only need one so I was going to give the cats their own room so the rest of the house doesn't smell like a litter box but the room has carpet. how do I prevent the cats from peeing or pooping somewhere that might fuck up the carpet? assuming I can't remove the carpet and install something better
Man, that's not good for you or the cats. There's no way to house a bunch of cats in a single-family dwelling. Get help. I'm not even being mean, man. I want you to get better. You love animals, that's noble, but c'mon now.. let's be real here..
How much is a lot of cats anon?
You should find them a new home, 3 cats is too many for an apartment, especially if they are indoor.
Having a cat shit and piss storage room is mental.
I like cats too but keeping too many is bad for everyone involved, including the animals. You're probably better off just keeping 1 or 2 and re-homing the rest.
Choose the cat you like the most, if any, put the rest in a large bag and throw the bag in a fast moving river
none of you fuckers are helpful at all, I don't know why I bothered asking
I found out by my damn self I can lay hard flooring over high pile carpet by putting down thin plywood and taping the seams before laying hard flooring and trim/thresholds
if only your mom had done that with you
>I don't know why I bothered asking
>I found out by my damn self
gee, if only you tried googling it first! imagine all of the time you could have saved!
She did, i survived
How many fucking cats do you have that they shit all over the floor instead of in a litter box? Enjoy your new house that smells like cat piss forever because you're an animal hoarder. I'm assuming you are renting so your landlord will no doubt kill you.
yeah never ask the retards here anything legitimate, this place is for larpers to pretend, not industry professionals
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Retard we told you what to do.
Putting hard floor on carpet does not protect from cat piss seeping into the the plywood and joists.
Your idea is retarded and you will trash that apartment.
You need to get rid of cats that you are not capable of taking care of.
>it's bad for you
>it's bad for the cats
>it's bad for the next tenants after the perfume you (((landlord))) sprays in the cat piss room wears away
Answer the cat quantity question first fat faggot and then we can actually recommend something for your stupid specific situation
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Does your landlord know youre a mentally ill cat hoarder?
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>industry professionals
Yes the cat hoarder proofing industry. I studied for a decade before I became master catshitpisstitian.
People get mad when you say cats are disgusting and dirty but i swear there isnt a worse animal to have an infestation of
Crawl under a trailer that has 30 cats living under it. Becomes a gas chamber. Disgusting animals fuckin hate pet cats. Dogs aren't nearly as bad
based and petfree-pilled
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I have 3 cats actually, had cats since I can remember. That's why I discourage retards from having too many cats.
Mine are indoor/outdoor, their job is to keep the local rabbit and rat population down and prevent a rattlesnake infestation.
I live 1/2 mile from the nearest public road so splattered in traffic is not a concern, they don't go that far alone.
Inside I have automatic liter boxes otherwise you have to scoop daily. This also allowed me to cut down my litter costs, I was spending about $700/year just on litter and that was pre covid inflation. The box scoops itself immediately so the rankness doesn't spread on the entire litterbox, makes the whole lot last longer, so spend $200/year instead.
It's because their shit & piss is more rank than mustard gas. Especially if you don't clean it right away, it just gets worse and worse.
>have n-1 cat per responsible household member
>if you live alone, you should not have cats,
>have n+1 litterbox for every cat you own
>have at least 500sq/ft of space in your home for each cat, you can share the space with them, it doesn't need to be a dedicated cat shitting on the floor room
>have enzymatic piss remover spray on hand even if they "never" have accidents
Id rather have the the snakes, rats and rabbits
Turn the cats out to roam free and fuck up the rodent/bird population.

The only good cat is an outside cat.
It's not perfume it's acid that neutralizes the piss
Oh no poor guys did they keep breeding out of control they look related
If you have a cat infestation you can just grab them and throw them into the dumpster to get rid of them
that place is disgusting. I have to deal with the occasional pee or poo in front of the litter box instead of in it but that's about it.
damn /diy/, I thought you had more soul than this
you're just as bad as /pol/ with but with none of the justification for your hatred
The word is out, cat people are disgusting
Deal with it
why are you so butthurt over people having cats
did your mom get a cat and love it more than you or something
I grew up in a clean home
that's nice dear
should have made it about kid proofing and you wouldn't have so many idiots pop in just to say "I hate cats" as if anyone cared
>should have made it about kid proofing
Put kids in sack and take to river. Works for me.
I know, these incels wouldn't understand responsibility if they had an assault gun pointed in their face. They tell me 34 cats is too much but they're literally just lazy or jewish.
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saran wrap, painters tarp i would weigh it down with a perimeter 2x4 like a skirt board. big concern is the trapped water already in the carpet
tie a washer to a strand of hair and hang it, mark it; as the humidity changes the hair will change length. covering the room in baking soda and vacuuming it up as you go will pull more water out. hot air holds more water than cold.
increased predator increase prey, the old and stupid are preyed upon by predators leaving more food for the young and breeding aged animals.
outdoor cats increase rat population dramatically and reduces internal species competition for resources. cats are bad mmkay.
You asked, faggot
you are probably an animal hoarder, please rehome some cats, they will be much happier
Ive got 2 dogs and have had cats before, and would like to again, but a hoard of cats is a nightmare and can easily destroy a house.
the justificiation is literally in your own post, you need to do a whole DIY project and contain your many cats to a room to keep them from destroying the place you'll be renting

that is absurd. it isn't normal. this is not a normal problem, and it isn't normal to be looking for that kind of solution.

have 1 or 2 cats properly cared for
5 kids are cleaner than 5 cats, 5 kids will just do surface damage if theyre little and probably no damage at all if theyre all older children
kids get diapers until they are potty trained
if your kids regularly pee the floor then I question your wisdom and any opinions you have
whenever pets outnumber humans it's fucking bad, always.....

I have 2 dogs and a huge yard for them to roam around and destroy (including hunting the rabbits) and I couldn't imagine a single cat being left in a house all day, let alone a god-damn hoard
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Put the cats in a chest freezer
Dont keep cats if they cant go outside you absolute fucking retard
what's an assault gun? is it just whatever gun you happen to be assaulted with?

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