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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: powertools-discout.png (4 KB, 347x113)
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does this really work in america? i need to resupply my workshop, what are the best cities to do it?
I’d imagine most cities in California will have something like that. But then you have to deal with the crackheads.

The problem is lots of these guys sell them to the pawn shop, and then the pawn shop asks 90% of MSRP for the new tools, and you’re better off buying the stuff when it goes on sale at the store and have a receipt and warranty.
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just go where the purple is, and please... stay there.
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That’s not even true. The places where people are most likely to do it are the dark blue spots on this map. There are lots of drug addicts in those neighborhoods who are more likely to steal the tools because there are very little consequences if they get caught.

Also you can go find your personal junkie thief. I met one before, he’s like “Hey man if you ever want stuff from Bass Pro Shops, just tell me what it is and pay me 50% off cash” and that dude definitely would’ve made a Home Depot run too before he went to detox.
>Pam from the office: "They're the same picture."

Sorry boys, not at my memeing computer...
I homeless guy tried selling my a cheap ass light outside Walmart.
This is immoral, you are stealing and exacerbating a man's worst sin.
That's a really old map. Inmove from Cass county ND and because of the niggers, just look and it shows 6.5%, but you maps shows none.
I never actually went through with it. I think that kid may have died from an overdose because I texted him one day and his dad answered with some wild shit.
Yeah it works. If your in certain areas then you could literally just go and take shit and walk out and no one will stop you if your acting aggressive and are black.

My advice: buy a black face mask (literally a Halloween style pull on mask of a black face), dress down like a hoodlum, and just go take shit in one of these areas. No ones going to stop you. If you wanna have some fun with it as your walking out of there you can act all aggressive while grabbing your crotch with your pants sagging down and yell at the min wage white workers “fuckin racist ass cracka!! Fuck u gon’ do stop me?? Racist ass bitch dis ma reprashions!”

For any fags in thread saying “b-b-but stealing is immoral!!” You literally live in a country that steals half of your paycheck to give to illegal niggers, Mexicans, and immigrants that sit on their ass all day, and these stores lobby for this kind of action because it’s good for their business (free money from EBT and welfare leeches). If you still think “le morality” applies here like we’re in the 1920s in a nice white country then kindly rope yourself you fucking beta moron.
>acting aggressive and are black
Do you think that white meth heads don't steal stuff? Just another reminder that your average 4chan racist is fucking dumb as shit.
They do, but store clerks are ever slightly more intimidated by the a hoodlum black over a scrawny white methhead.
>Do you think that white meth heads don't steal stuff?
they don't get a free "get out of jail" card
eBay is full of stolen tools.
So there are a higher percentage of blacks in jail, but that's because they all have a "get out of jail" card? What are you trying to say?
I don't understand why you have to pay for things. Why can't you just walk in a big shop and walk out with power tools for free? The big companies make billions
>50% or more
God that is scary. I get unconfortable when I see just a single one in my white town.
how do you find this? i only find facebook market place scammers.
Fucking kek. That one county in Northern California. It's Lassen county, has a total population of less than 40,000 people. It is home to California's largest prison, which I'm pretty sure is the entirety of the purple on that map.

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