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27 years old. Ideally I’d want to attract younger women. How should I dress to accomplish this goal?

I am a computer engineer that has a sizable amount of savings and income. Most of my clothes don’t fit me or look really poor as they were purchased ages ago at Walmart.
Seriously dude? Youre a slob IT guy and you think youre too good for girls in their mid/late 20s?
This may be the first time I ever say this unironically in my entire life but KILL YOURSELF
Just go to store that have personal shopper/stylists get you a new wardrobe, i think places like nordstrom, macys, and bloomingdales have this.
kxjxjdnxjbb. bbe
Clothes don't attract women
angry low IQ poorfags lol

yes they do
Another IT loser trying to play catch up on social development milestones. You will never be cool or popular, you have nothing to offer to a relationship except money. You'll eventually settle for some asian golddigger like the rest of them.
Why should I have to settle for a girl my age who looks older than my mom and wased her life and now wants me to pick up the pieces when I'm a fit young guy with savings and a good job
All I can do now is drink, dine, and game. When the wine tastes like sand, that is when my final solution will unveil
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here sport, though attracting women is height, face and body, then confidence, then money and at the very end is clothing
>Clothes don't attract women
I used to believe the same until I fashionmaxxed with designer brands, jewellery, tattoos and shit (+working out for a year)
Now it’s much easier to get girls even with my ugly face
What if I can’t afford a rolex or patek
Men naturally look after girls younger than them. Girls like men older than them as well.
>you sound like a ,basically, [someone women literally betray their race for]
Hmm okay I’ll take the compliment
lol the cope
now this is pathetic even for /fa/ incels
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All black everything.
Alright friend. Tell the class what you tried to make you conclude clothes dont help with girls. Boat shoes with blue jeans? Leather jacket? An omega watch?

My original post didnt even say anything that outlandish so I’m curious why you are angry
if you cant afford a $5k rolex, you certainly dont have enough money to attract young women as an inexperienced old man
ID on everything?
Slobbish fattie who cannot dress himself at 27 asking for advice to pick up 21 year olds. You lost. Ngmi
You will never make it with that attitude
Get a grip bitch nigga, you can't even dress yourself.
Fucking checked
kek at all the simps seething
Anyway man besides being /fit/ you should get some tailored dress shirts, slacks and quality leather shoes with matching accessories (sunglasses, belts, watches, leather bags etc.).
Some slim fit, plain t-shirts and jeans with white sneakers for a more casual fit.
You have money, invest in yourself.
because you are a borderline autist working in IT without the self-confidence and charm required to score a woman like your description
The funniest shit is that these guys will always get swindled by golddiggers while my unemployed ass gets mad pussy, younger and same age, while wearing plain clothes all because I go out once in a while and have stories to tell.
tell us one of those stories where you live in your moms basement and score mad pussy you coping faggot ahhahahahahah
No amount of shaming will make your 30 year old ass attractive, roastie. Go fuck some 45 year old leftover dadbod guys with gout you miserable sack of shit.
OP is a 29 year old autistic comp sci faggot asking a dead image board how to dress. LMAO. Cope about 'roasties', you aren't getting any older puss either. Time for casual sex was college buckaroo, YOU MISSED THE BOAT.
Mad because no dude without gray hair or alimony payments wants to look at you?
mad because can't form normal human relationships? mad because virgin at 29? 'roastie' posting faggots always expose themselves as social weaklings kek.
>EVA image
>Late 20s
>Keyboard monkey
>Walmart clothes
Sorry OP it is over.
search downs syndrome anon you might have it
>mad because can't form normal human relationships?
Nice projection, can't imagine anybody worthwhile wanting to be around a rude and annoying cunt like you.
Whatever, have fun watching Grey's Anatomy with your cat and crying yourself to sleep for the better part of your wasted life.
27 wasted years. why do you think younger women will like you more than women your age? ngmi
>why do you think younger women will like you more than women your age?
Who the fuck ever claimed that and why would I give a shit? Take a parasite pill and stop huffing the air around the litterbox.
lmao another salty chud. stay wanking to anime horse porn and enjoy virgindom.
Rather that than trying to date some bitter hoe past her expiry date such as yourself.
i am a bloke faggot. lmao. stay arguing with your strawman 'roastie'
Perhaps but you act and talk like a bitch. You're like a chihuahua version of a man.
stay crying about roasties. ywnmi. your life never started.
Alright chihuahua boy.
most girls lose their virginity to 38 year old drug dealers when they are 13
B b but whores! Kill yourself blackpill faggot.
Your little sister got trained by at least 50 black gang member drug dealers by the age of 20, deal with it
Kill yourself.
OP browse social media and make notes on what you find stylish. Watch media from other time periods as well. Its a process, not an endstate. Dont buy a ton of clothing at once. Be aware of color theory e.g. dont wear yellow if youre pale
> make notes on what you find stylish.
Autist here, this is a terrible idea. The reason we are all in this boat because we wear what we find stylish and nobody else does
>a girl my age who looks older than my mom
>I'm a fit young guy
Why do girls your age look older than your mom, but you, at your age, are young?
unask the question. if that's your motivation for seeking out new clothes, don't bother, you'll look tacky or like you're not dressing like yourself.
if you want to look different, do that. consider what style you like (prep/trad/ivy, western, bizcazh, etc) and look at places that sell those clothes - avoid Walmart and Target and go to a decent clothing store or look online
good luck buddy, just get an attitude adjustment because 'computer engineer with sizable income looking for younger women' is a recipe for wasting a lot of time and money getting strung along by thots
If you want to dress for success with women then you need to be wearing gucci, lv, Burberry, etc
Are you not able to get pussy, is this why you seethe? Younger pussy > older pussy. Everyone knows that.
rent free
damn I was going to post this exact same thing

It's so over for you, dude. Women find you repulsive.
If you cant get pussy your age you absolutely cant get younger pussy
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Develop charisma and eat healthy. Fashion is a meme, this entire board is a waste of time, which is why it's so abundant in women and homosexuals
this but im 24 and want to attract women in their early 30s.
>Develop charisma and eat healthy
this is a meme also however
Why would you want that? It's like seeking out expired milk
idk, the only women I met that had anything interesting to say were over 30. And some of them are still very attractive. I dont know what to do with my life and I dont need an angsty teen gf to introduce more confusion. Young girls are for fucking and mature women are for loving, that is what I inferred from my observations as of now. Will probably change over time but it is what it is
get a job

It's over and it never really began, OP.
All the power to you, just beware of infertility and the wall
idc about passing down my subhuman genes anyway
lol. lmao even.
Its not 2005 anymore.
Cope, seethe and dilate, roastie hag. His body his choice. Who the fuck are you to decide who he should date?
Untermensch genetics typed out this post.
Is a good starting point. It’s plain so add some flair but this is the basic scaffolding.
are you female or just retarded?
Since there are no women on this board, my only guess is that you're an "ex" incel that settled for a 30+ hag and now you're seething whenever you see a guy who hasn't given up on himself like you did
Suboptimal, non-selectable genes typed out this post
More seething and projection, no surprises there. Here's your (You), cherish it because there won't be another one
Lol based. Roastie got BTFO.

Hell, I am 45 and are only interested in chicks aged 18-21. That'a how it should be, and always was.

end of bloodline digits typed this post.
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get a room fags
Literally anything, just make sure it fits well. Worry about your fitness first and foremost.

I'm not too fond of older guys chasing girls significantly younger than them. It drives up hoeflation and makes it more difficult for younger guys to compete in their own age bracket.
Nigger you already made your bed. The least you can do is sleep in it with a woman in her mid 20s.
Let's fuck and suck.
Would really love ID on the shirt. The sleeves look perfect.
AW21 Mainline SS Black Maille fit tee by Le Gaé Fahgot
kill yourself.
search SAINT LAURENT BLACK T-SHIRT. that is in the pic
I love this style so much, wheres the advanced chart this is basic core
This is really the biggest crisis facing our country right now. It results in male suicide rates skyrocketing too.
shinji is my thinspo
not a single /pol/ chud looks like this
>almost 30 4trans weeb chud thinks he can put on a pretty shirt and fuck 19 year olds
Darwinism in action kek
>computer engineer
You are not getting younger girls anon. STEM is a gigafailo. Strong virgin betabux energy.
Men age like fine wine, especially when fully looksmaxed.
>insane projection
got any more buzzwords to spam bud?
what we don't have is advice that could possibly help you. get real
i'm not op you stupid idiot
He would look shit if not for the fizeek
Have you tried a Micky Mouse costume like at Disney?
Why? That's almost how I dress. Grey pants, black shirt. I'm not ripped like him though.
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gain 50 lbs and wear marvel graphic tees

you're in IT so you might as well look the part
kys haes groomer
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Sorry OP but you're too late, 10 even 5 years ago you could've maybe found someone but these days hoeflation and roastie narcissism because of online simps have gone up so much than you have to be a chad to even get an obese 2/10 brown woman. American women are ruined, the average man in America is either incel or divorce raped. That's why everyone's a passport bro now
It's my fetish, would love to see your belly jiggle
Keep in mind this only works if you either have an attractive, boyish face with matching chad-hair or else you just look like a nerdy faggot. If not above, you better be tall and built. You literally will never look good dressed like a prep if you wouldn't already look good in plain clothes.
this is true, I'm a low tier brad and just downloaded all the dating apps and mostly only get liked by fatties, trannies, browns, and a rare stacy about few times a week
he's not good looking, just white and fit, plus he's probably short
Lmao at this thread
Younger pussy *is* easier
25+ is when women start getting serious and want you to be stable, have your life in order, money, etc.
They don't give a shit about any of this when they still have daddy providing for them
I am daddy to them
Cope, he's still waaaaay better looking than her
they just have different priorities. For OP 25+ women would be much easier cause to them computer engineers mean money and stability, younger girls still want the thug bad boys
Bro I cope too but look at him coming through the doorframe. He's not shirt.
Yeah by like 3 years this guy sounds weird lmao
I wish
>25+ is when women start getting serious and want you to be stable, have your life in order, money, etc.
I'm 41 and have none of that so my life is essentially over. The only relief is most women these days seem to be in the same position. My old boss was living with her parents still at 31.
Yea as a man you're expected to have everything at 40
I dont get why anyone would be mad at this gif
They are pretty much a looksmatched couple
You unironically can't judge male attractiveness if you think he has a good face outside of just having low bodyfat. He's still better looking than her, but he's also decently older and I'll bet probably has an asian kink.
so youre saying if your 6'3"
have a square jaw with piercing blue eyes and thick dark eye brows
weight 210lbs with visible abs
but have no confidence no money and a bad fashion sense
youre still able to attract attractive girls?
asking for a friend
what happened to sleaze and SEXcore?
you need confidence. it's all in the confidence and acting like you deserve to be in the company of beautiful women. you must act as if you're not afraid of them or of hurting them or of doing anything wrong. everything is going to be awesome because what you have planned has all these great qualities and everyone's going to have a great time
you get respect from people when you don't live your life a pussy. men and women respect confidence more than anything.
im scared of attractive woman but act as if I were indifferent towards them and briefly look them in the eyes if they keep glancing or outright staring at me
this seems to work sometimes because Ive been approached by a few girls that Ive ignored like this
but most of the time they just seem to position themselves closer and closer to me as if they want to give me the hint that I should approach them
one girl that was like 5'2 blond and looked like a 9/10 walked for 5min right next to me,almost shoulder to elbow) without saying a word(I was walking ahead of her at pretty much the same pace but then she speed up until she was right next to me and just kept walking right beside me)
I avoid having a conversation because I simply have no fucking idea what kind of topic, no matter how mundane, I should talk about
I have no problem talking to my female friends or female colleagues but none of them are that attractive
If you want to look like a bouncer? I rmemeber a scene at a retail shop, the vendor was dressed like that all black, and his female firend vendor was teasing him about being dressed black always, telling him he needs to change. I also like black but it's silly to be like that at all time. Anyway, a man shouldn't think too much about clothes
This. I have seen some 300 lbs fat fucks who wear pajamas outside dating solid 7/10s because they act like they own the world.
That’s the real black pill
Your looks, muscles, clothes and environment (which are easy to change) don’t matter, only your personality does (which is impossible to change)

All those guys are charismatic, outgoing, funny and have leadership qualities. Saying they have confidence misses the point, confidence comes from positive experience. Being confident while not having qualifications will just humiliate you
Women don't like sex
Anon you can learn their secrets. Beliebe in yourself for once faggot
>2024 anno domini
>attracting women
anon they are obsolete
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Kek please kys faggot. Many such cases of virgins who finally make money and want to use it to desperately catch up on what they missed out on while having nothing else to offer.
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Clean your skin
Get a haircut
Wear jewellery

If you are not confident enough to do this, you are wasting your money
dude are you serious lmao
have you ever interacted with a woman ever?
Zara head to toe
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>get programmer job, tons of money to waste
>buy tons of expensive clothes
>get gf
>”fuck yeah it worked!”
>she helps me organize my clothes
>finds my older stuff, things like Hugo, Tommy Hilfiger, Carhartt Wip etc
>”Wow I can’t believe you used to waste so much money on clothes haha”
>I have been wearing shit like Ami Paris, Represent, Margiela to our dates, she thought they were noname clothes
>she thought my Doc Marten loafer was bought by my mom
>she thought my Margiela replicas were Pumas
>she thought I was shopping at Tesco and C&A and shit all along
>ask my friends and her friends
>they all believed the same
This was literally me 10 years ago
Then the quality nosedived down a cliff
why is every decaying zoomer obsessed with identifying with the shittiest anime protag? youre old as shit and a grocery clerk carding you isnt proof nobody notices your nasolabial folds
>decaying zoomer
Evangelion is a boomer anime. Nobody under 32 has ever even heard of it
Yes. They all care about height face frame. They don't give a shit about clothes . Even when you ask them what clothes they like in men they'll answer something along the lines of ' a white t-shirt and jeans ' meaning they don't even think about it at all
I'm 30 and don't have noticeable nasolabial folds or really any other sign of aging
pretty common among my peers
and what's wrong with that? what do you have to offer?
She looks like the fat kid from modern family lol
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Younger women ?
Lift weights
Clothes don't attract women, money does.
>Have both
>Still a hot virgin sperg
Any year now...
Money doesn’t attract women, power does
Iam a women in my early 20s and let me tell you absolutely nothing gets my pussy dryer as the saharan desert as a guy on loafers.
Women will say shit like this while dating a guy who owns 25 pairs of loafers, his own loafer factory and has never worn a shoe with laces in his life
lol, was about to say this too. I openly mock shitalians that wear loafers
swarthoid core
You must be ugly bro
You are clearly not flaunting your wealth if you cant even get a golddigger
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What's wrong with having nothing to offer but wanting everything? Is that a serious question? Pic related, you and OP's mentality
i was asking what's wrong with trying to catch up. and why do you assume OP has nothing to offer? i don't get what's causing this seething
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Nothing wrong with trying to catch up, good on him for that. The seethe comes from OP's tone, he sounds like a complete dork with an incel mentality. >>18098560
Not saying he should settle for some ex-whore but when he comes out swinging saying shit like this it really makes you wonder if he's ever even talked to women
You don't get money without a position of power. Unless you're a bank robber, but that's a more violent type of power. Still attractive to women though.
I think the source of seethe itt is ugly girls furious that some slob wants a shot at having a non ugly girlfriend and they dont have the chance to reject him for social gravity themselves. All on a cave monkey level
I think there's some truth to this. Guys just want to help other guys get laid. You wouldn't expect to see such hostility amongst men.
4chan men are not men
most people here are pathetic angry ugly men from broken and fucked up families who are angry at the world and anyone who is successful or shows the will to improve life
>I think there's some truth to this. Guys just want to help other guys get laid
Are you kidsing me?
Maybe, maybe if they are very close friends, but even most friends or relatives will actively cockblock you, and laugh at you for not scoring or sabotage you, trying to steal your target. This is a fantasy on the same level as “buff guys dont make fun of fat people at the gym”
It really feels like 99% of “bro theory” online comes from people with zero friends and no fathers
i detest fags crying about not getting 9/10 21 year old pussy. you failed. you are browsing 4chan nigga. you are delusional nigga. get a grip.
>laugh at you for not scoring
That's just a way to encourage them to score. It's like when Clubber Lang trash talks Rocky, it gets him pumped and motivated to do better.
Nobody is crying, beth. He wants pussy and is trying to figure it out. You can belch all you want about men that come to 4chinz but the women that come are innately going to be an order of magnitude or more fucked up
Crab bucket type posters always trying to keep a man down from improving his lot in life, shaming him for the desire to escape from the bucket.

If you wanna attract TikTok zoomers prepare to get piercings and tattoos btw. Little cross earrings, maybe a septum piercing, perhaps a Salvador dalì elephant tattooed on your forearm. Also get your body fat to at most 13%

Protip about girls tho is that confidence is actually the deciding factor. Anon at top of thread who said it was after height, face, and looks got that wrong. GL amigo
>>nice loafers anon, what are you a faggot?
>why, has your dad been taking about me again?
>>pic rel
Is that her brain leaving her skull after shooting herself to escape the cringe?
dress in a clean suit and tie with clean shoes
He should have it figured by that big old age. Still dressing in Walmart specials.
This looks good in photos but not real life
Is right. You look like a bar/nightclub employee.
It’s 30+ now. Women are delusional.
They’re bad but there are no good alternatives for men
Ignore anyone saying that you need to dress in suits or look more mature. The actual trick to getting younger girls is to look closer to their age. Buy clean, trendy clothes that fit.
Spend the money running a short steroid cycle OP. Then basically any clothes will suit you.
You have to have the body to suit the clothes before anything.
>t. knows nothing about steroids
It's hard to have confidence when every girl on earth tells you you dress like shit.
no, its your pussy getting soaked after reading my comments
you're either indian or retarted. which is it ?
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I know enough to get girls anon. Three years natty, just went on cycle to get my summer body this year.
you know it's permanent anon? there is no such thing as a one off 'short' cycle.
Not him, but so what?

Imagine going up to a legless person and telling him his wheelchair is permanent so he should be crawling on the ground or he is cheating
And it’s a lie btw, you definitely can do short cycles, it’s just very difficult

then your strategy won't work a tiny bit. A sizable amount of savings and income is at least 50 times what a rolex costs if you wanna play the golddigger game. You are already calling 27 yo women washed and looking older than your mom so you have a big problem to start there, you are most likely addicted to porn, annoying to be around and don't have many stories/adventures with friends to begin an interesting conversation about yourself. Not a lot of sex experience as well. Work on your attitude first, go to therapy or somewhere where they teach you how to be around women.

And the easiest way out is just be slim/fit and go to yoga class. Afterwards, buy black clothes that look plain and use simple accesories (silver and gold).
yeah but the ones that can talk and be social not the ones that code. This misconception is what has incels in a social chokehold.
with you*
top kek @ all the roastie rage ITT
>27 years old. Ideally I’d want to attract younger women
coming from a bioF21, the only way to attract younger women is online because thats where all the mentally ill women are. no one irl is mentally ill enough to get with an older man. that being said, appeal to the Daddy kink and wear dark academia. if you're nonwhite don't even try to attract younger girls and save yourself the trouble by killing yourself now
Yeah none of them is mentally ill enough to do that, except when they want to get promoted at work, they need a professor to up their grade, the football coach smiles at them, when their dad’s friend touches their butt, or when a very rich guy in a sportscar talks to them in front of a bar, but outside of these rare cases none of them are
>no one irl is mentally ill enough to get with an older man
Women have been doing it for centuries. Until this gen it was the expected thing to do. And I wouldn't say a 6 year age gap is even a real big deal to begin with.
youve been watching too much porn
Nah, I have been listening to too many drunk women
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Graduate from college and then let me know if none of your friends date older men. You’ll find most of them do.
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Checked and agreed
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>tfw spent the price of a used toyota on designer and trendy clothes, and spent enough hours at the gym to learn chinese
>tfw still no bitches
When did women like men who have stories to tell? They want you to listen to their bullshit, not the other way around. Telling your stories is a form of seeking validation, it's feminine
Anon just curious have you ever spoken to a woman who wasn't your mother?
Wrong. Tell a woman you did nothing this weekend, she will ick up so hard she’ll teleport to a different dimension
Tell her you went to Bali with your bros and explain the crazy wild illegal shit you did, her pussy will be sopping wet

>went to bali with your bros

Australian detected
>she will ick up so hard
Did you mean lick? What is she licking?
No, ick
>dress like you shop at the Gap
What next? Boat shoes?
You type like you smell
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Try ten
>Get a grip bitch nigga, you can't even dress yourself.
Imagine coming back to a thread a month later to samefag your posts, how embarrassing.
You can actually learn how to dress yourself pretty quickly if you're not a low IQ minimum wage faggot like yourself, I'm sorry about the cards you were dealt.
Cartier Tank
A Tag with a conspicuous emblem on it
Maybe an Omega?
Seeing as you posted an anime character, you might want to check yourself.
Pick a girl, any girl, as long as she isn’t a lesbian I can get her. All I need to do is change my style and personality to suit each girl, something that can be easily done if I wanted to. Don’t be worried I won’t steal your girlfriend, maybe. I’m just fucking kidding.
just look clean no and look into what your type of women wear and match that style
Lift weights and get under 15%bf. And then do something interesting as your hobby like kayaking and hunting. Nobody is going to want to date you because you have security+ and play steam games or have a plex server of torrents on a riced thinkpad
This is an extremely australian post
The girl is literally a 1/10. He is not. You might be gay as you are unable to judge female attractiveness.
you act as if you genuinely have no choice but to wear old man shoes
If you didn't do it before 27 now its too late to play catch up game.

plus 1
Pro tip these drag dealers are in he girls game since 13 themselves. Not since 27.
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This is how I except the girls reading that post to react.

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