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If you ain't shaved with a Feather, you ain't shaved.
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>based japs even included a blade disposal slot in each individual case
The blades are easily 4x more expensive than every other eastern europenan brand, you're paying for it.
yeah even the wax they used to seal each blade is superior, it comes off clean and doesn't tear the paper unlike the astra trash
Pleb choice.
they don't work for all razors unforunately
worked nicely with my old but not with my new
using gilette 7 o clock now
Based razor, if you like Feather also try Kai.

My daily blades are Gillette Silver Blues since I have a couple hundred of them. No, they aren't as sharp as Feather but I never,ever cut myself even when I'm hauling ass. The soap I use doesn't matter, the lather quality doesn't matter, no cuts and no irritation.

With Feathers, they cut better no doubt, but everything else has to be dialed in perfectly. They're my going out razor blade basically.
for me, it's van der hagen
That's kind of what I found too. Kind of prefer the silver blues a bit but I have a feathers that I split with my bro since bulk they were cheaper than the silver blues
SB and gillete is the most dogshit razor there si
>razor there si

I swear this board is full of the most retarded, contrarian faggots in existence. If someone said air is vital to breath, you'd be caterwauling the exact opposite just to hear yourself talk.

Go on then, please share and enlighten the rest of us why Silver Blues are so bad and what your objectively superior blade of choice is.
because they shave like ass and cut you like a jewish barmitzva
>jewish barmitzva
as opposed to the muslim barmitzvas?
Fucking how? I've literally never even nicked myself with a Silver Blue, and I've used them in multiple razors including slants.

I know blades are a personal choice but I wonder what your setup is if a SB is slicing you up. My bear is very dense and my hairs are coarse, maybe it just works better with my hair type?
I use a coors can
derby blades also have them I think
me? voskhod of course
i hate these
The first shave before the coating wears off is like shaving with a bowling pin. They get better after that, but are still not sharp enough for me. I blind bought a 100 pack and am hoping they'll go up in value so I can pawn them off.
where can I get SI in europe? not from maroco or import
I tried Vokshod years ago when I bought blade sample packs. For me it's the Astra Superior Platinum. It's the sharpest blade that still retains the smoothness of less aggressive blades. Feather isn't smooth at all and dulls extremely fast. A blade that expensive should last a little longer.

I never use a blade more than once. I have the worst skin for shaving, sensitive combined with coarse hair that grows in random directions.
>I never use a blade more than once.
Then why do you care about how long it lasts? I can't imagine throwing Voskhod after the first go, for me that's exactly the point where it becomes usable.
I use Derby's. They just werk
I'll stick to green Astras Superior Platinum paired with Mühle R41.
More than close enough shave with one of the best shaves/dollar ratio.
My head, face and balls don't complain
You guys try Bic? Love that shit. Two blade disposable is the shit.
I'm convinced feathers are too sharp and are designed for use with feather popular and the $200 stainless steel 3-piece razor they make, both are mild enough to cover up just how sharp feathers really are, I still nick myself with the first use on a fresh blade and then uses 2-6 are like butter.

I still haven't found a better twist to open alternative, this thing is indestructible and lightweight and I drop my razor in the shower a lot, i'm sure the solid chinesium ones would have shattered or bent the shaving head by now.
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i'm referring to the each individual hard plastic case having its own blade disposal slot
Yeah I used to have reddit taste too, then I tried Personna
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guys, im trying to shave everyday after years of doing fuck all and shaving once a week but for some reason even though I get a smooth shave after a week of not shaving, if I shave daily i never get that smooth and also get a shitload of nicks for some reason.
what gives?
using merkur 34c and picrel
>made in israel
>using a R41 on your balls
I'm having an anxiety attack just thinking about that.
>i'm referring to the each individual hard plastic case having its own blade disposal slot
That's exactly what they have.
NTA but i have this issue too. Bumping this Q
i fell for the double edge razor meme for a while, spent so much money on it, then went back to gillette blue II because they give me a smooth shave much easier and i never cut myself.
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this is what i use, gillette form and gillette blue II disposable razors

if you want to LARP as your great grandfather thats fine, but if you want a quick, perfectly smooth shave (in only one or two passes), without getting any cuts, this is perfect
work on your technique. youre nicking yourself because youre not guiding the razor straight down. if your hand moves to the side while youre pulling the razor down, youll get cut
Yeah I used to be a contrarian too, then I realised that there are *some* things out there that fulfil my needs perfectly AND happen to be popular.
You are probably going to aggressively about it, which your skin holds up to the first but not the second day following.
>using a safety razor because it's somehow "better"
>using a safety razor to save money and never have to look for specific cartridges
big brain
do you really have a big brain if you have to try and save money? even section 8 niggers dont have to budget
but why am i not nicking myself when i shave a week worth of facial hair, only if i shave daily? i'm unironically so blackpilled about this i'm considering just using a mach3 for my daily shaves and a safety razor only for shaves after a long time
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I didn't go back (mostly cause I have so many blades and that'd be a waste of money).
But i agree I prefer using the easy Gillette. Does a good job, takes less time and doesn't nick me as often.
i still have a shitload of blades, and i bought like 4 or 5 DE razors during that phase, but i just gave it up because although i liked the idea of shaving old school style, i just wasnt getting good shaves. its much easier and much more comfortable for me to shave in the shower with foam and a disposable razor.
Thankfully I only have one DE razor and like hundreds of blades.
But still seems like a waste of money for me not to finish them (if I ever can before I die).
This shit is a scam lol. I miss being able to do my shave in 1 minute with my 5 blade Gillette with no cuts.
this was my exact setup before i switched to DE. as far as the end result goes, i can't say one is significantly better than the other, both get the job done. DE is just more satisfying. the most time consuming part is the lathering of the soap, but canned foam is always an option if i'm ever in that much of a hurry. i don't see myself going back to carts/disposables, althoughevermaybeit.
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Even my cheap storebrand razor set has that. dont think its a jap specific thing.
Shaving soap is a meme, if you can't shave without it, you can't shave and your technique is utter shit, period.

It also gets clogged up in your razor and builds up as gross residue.
>It also gets clogged up in your razor and builds up as gross residue.
how is that an issue with a Double-edge safety razor?
heres your (You), but i will say that my dad has shaved without soap all his life. doesnt use foam, doesnt use bar soap, doesnt use anything, just shaves with the same gillette blue II razors i use. crazy. i think i did that when i first started shaving too, tbqh
the astra is the other brand i use and they come in the flimsy cardboard with shoddy wax
also shaving my sideburns level with each other is really hard and i either
>manage to shave them at the same height, but theyre longer than id like them to me
>manage to shave them at same height, but theyre too short
>get the height i want, but they look uneven and at too much of an angle
i cycle between these, parkers, and muhle
with picrel agro, they last some time
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...damn it...
I have this. It's okay.
ill post my razor collection soon if anyones interested
I'm 29 and never used a razor
Trim to 2 mm every week or two
Would like a clean shave maybe but every poster iit sounds gay...
why did you buy so many, one is enough
it was a phase i was heavily into and i wanted to try different razors, as i said in a post above, i was trying new razors/blades/soaps/creams to try and find a good combo that would give me a good comfortable shave with no irritation afterward.
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Brand new to safety razors, just bought this kit a week ago for almost a hundred dollars, how badly did i fuck up? and what should i get instead/ do better? So far ive nicked myself 20 time, still have a rash on my neck, and my shave is barely closer than a disposable razor. Im feeling very stupid right now.
>for almost a hundred dollars
sounds like there's room for improvement, don't give up. that said, you got scammed.
but what should i have gotten instead, or what should i do at this point? will getting different blades help?
my point is this gear should be good enough to practice on, you just overpaid massively. look up videos on proper technique or something. also make sure you're getting proper blade alignment in the razor.
henson al13
hey man, dont go buying new shit just yet. thats the mistake i made which i posted about above. just keep using that same stuff. i nicked myself a lot and had a rash/irritation at first, but got used to it after a while. i know it doesnt make much sense, but your skin will become accustomed to it. it also helps to shave slower than what you do now, make sure youre prepping right (soak brush in hot water, splash face with hot water, lathering soap correctly), and apply less pressure with the razor. keep at it, the human body is built to adapt.
Kek the plastic razor guys literally cant help themselves when they see safety razors. Reminds me of the guy who starts whining about people wearing jeans in the threads about denim.
I get a fine shave out of my Wilkinson blades - different handle, but the Wilkinson itself does atleast the same job, if not better. Keep at it, no pressure, the magic is in the lather. With the right lather, the handle and the blade just glide smoothly right over the skin, cutting just and only the hair. Shave with the grain, take a close look at your neck, where the direction of the hair growth changes, and adjust your handle movements accordingly. The brush needs to be soaking wet, and the lathering takes some patience and a firm hand.
For me it's Astra.
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we don't have to fight but we choose to
>safety razor
compared to what? a sickle?
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a straight razor.
i shaved a week ago for the first time in five years and already have a beard again wtf
>shave every 2 days
>each blade lasts like 6-7 good shaves
>each blade lasts like 2 weeks
A 100 pack is gonna last me close to 4 years and I have several of them.
How do DE blade companies make money?
most people shave every day and their soft skin can only handle 4 shaves on one blade.
I shave everyday.
Switch blades every week.
>worst acne breakout in at least 10 years
>haven't been able to shave for over a week
How do I even get acne in my 30s? I think alcoholism is finally collecting my organs.
how am i supposed to get a close shave going witht the grain?
the traditional three passes: once with the grain, once diagonally across the grain, and finally the opposite diagonal across the grain.
with a gillette blue II disposable razor you can get a smooth shave with only one pass against the graain
and ingrown hairs because the multi blade design tugs the root out before cutting.
never gotten any
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there are like 30 cents a piece, why bother. who the hell still shaves anyway.
these all in one packs are usually scams

is the brush horsehair?
those ones hurt me so much, can only use gillette blue II
here's an idea
why do i need that when i have a gillette blue ii
also electric razors dont give you a close shave
we will not discuss this further
i agree. i used Bics and bunch of nameless indian disposables, and they were all nicking me. Gillettes is still the best even if their woke ads are trash.
electrics are fast but no close shave. and the cheapest ones have a shit motor so they get stuck if i tried to shave weekly. my hairs get too thick and long for electricals after 1 week.

my barber shops used this shit.
Im sure he means over the course of a single shave
i get rediculously good baby's asshole shaves with the basic bitch poorfag setup of: astra superior platinum blades + proraso white soap + merkur futur. one pass with the grain one pass xtg then moisturize and done.
the only gripe i have is that maybe 1 in 20 to 50 blades is a dud, feels like there's a burr or it snags or something. but i always notice it before it nicks me and they're cheap so its nbd.
i still get a laff out of watching the cholos shave their heads with these things (except orange) in jail
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seconding this.
CONSOOMING different soaps until you find one that agrees with your skin is crucial. sometimes thats the first soap you try sometimes its not.
and a good brush right away is worth the money. not a huge cost of entry.
but theres no point to over-thinking your razors or handle until you get really good at shaving. its all in the technique, developing the feel for it, and knowing the pattern your hair grows.
once you get the technique down THEN it MIGHT be worth it to sperg out and min/max what blades and handle works the best for how you like to shave and your skin etc.
I use a slant bar now and I prefer Astra. I butcher myself if I use a feather. Fine on my 34c though.
I thought you redditors had moved on from safety razors already
>dude I save $0.12 per shave and $22.43 per year because the blades are so cheap! I'm gonna be a millionaire!!
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nice projection, faggot
reminder to fix your technique anons
my dad taught me how to shave with a straight razor when i was 12 reddit didn't exist when i was 12.
i am >>18116031 . i was only required to shave when i enlisted in 2002. you dear rentfree readdit didn't exist. hit me up on a PHP Nuke board.
>YOUR dear rentfree readdit didn't exist
and no. being a wage slave in the army didn't make me rich and i didn't used a safety razor or good ol knife.
Nice, thank you!
i have no idea
>spent $100 and doesn't even know what the brush is made of
you really fucked up anon
>shave with safety razor and nice blades
>chubby-ass neck ends up covered in cuts and bumps and rash

>shave with disposable

>shave with nice cart razor
>same shit

Wtf the fuck, my dudes. i exfoliate, i use quality shaving cream, i use pre-shave creams, i wait until after my shower.
you're a mutant toad.
are you black?
Gillette makes blades for sensitive skin, that's what I use.
I bought 100 packs of Feather ten years ago, they were really cheap and high quality, really loved them

I ran out of them recently, tried to buy more, but now they were much more expensive. Tried them out and the quality was just as bad as any other brand, but cost more than gilette

They fell off
they were probably fakes
which ones?
the ones that performed worse
feather has stringent quality control
Sir, Astra blades are proudly made in India now.
My packages still say made in Russia.
I broke out my razor with derbys in them to do my neck last year. Hadn't wet shaved in over a decade cause I grew a beard. Gave me horiffic razor bumps and I have no idea what I did wrong.
synthetic boar bristles apparently
From now on they're being made in India, and China as well. Russia = bad, etc.
>put all kinds of shit on your face
>wonder why your skin is irritated
try some cheap gillette foam brah. also dont be so harsh when shaving, dont go over the same place too many times.
Has anyone tried Cella? I'm looking for a soap that I can use daily that won't dry my skin out.
haslinger schafmilch
Feathers cut me up too much.
For me, it’s Personna. I can shave a full beard clean without any cuts or razor burns. Same with Derby blades, but those feel a little more dull—plus I hate turks
nta but I would like to see your collection
You used Derbys.
oh i forgot, i couldnt be fucked getting them all out and taking a photo, but for you i will tomorrow
>Wet shaving is cheaper
>Spends hundreds of dollars on blades, razors, soaps, brushes, stands, pre-shave, after-shave, cream, alum
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yeah, i fell for the meme. just buy a OneBlade. simple, cost effective, pretty close shave. and no razor burn. takes 10 seconds.

i bought a safety razor, almost a hundred dollars right there for a decent one, then a “pre shave balm” and shaving cream, and a brush, and a bowl, and then a post shave cream, and fucking blades. over a hundred dollars and im still getting razor burn and it takes 30 fucking minutes with clean up on top of it
>one blade
1000 rupees has been deposited to your account
>van der hagen handle: $20
>blades: $5
>tube of prorasso: $10
all you actually need, total of $35 to start. from there i'd say you could manage to spend as little as $25 on blades a year on blades.
It’s always funny when people bring up cost, a blade is like 10 cents and you can shave with them 2-3 times
Your underwear you are standing around in costs more than a years worth of shaving
I shave with my blades like 10 times—not even flipping them or anything lmao
I’m 100% convinced shaving with a razor will fuck up my skin so I don’t
I would say it has a steep learning curve, but if you’re willing to stick with it you can get really good at shaving.
>I’m 100% convinced shaving will fuck up my skin

What shaving soap should I pair with Terre D'Hermes?
I'm using personnas and I got more into Bics recently. they're both really good blades.

it barely matters what you use. Even some of the chinese blades were okay. I had green and black Baili blades which were supersmooth. the blue ones were horrible though.
i dont wet shave to save money, i do it only for the larp
this is the most reddit fucking shit in the entire world
you only need a good razor, those used to cost a dollar.
I would say that reddit is more reddit than shaving.
You can't just call everything you don't like reddit. Use your words. Redditors don't even shave anyway, they think having a patchy beard makes up for them being totally un-masculine.
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the word you’re looking for is ‘bris’.
Would call you a dumb kike, but you’re probably a nigger
No, my drunk uncle cut me at my bar mitzvah real bad. I was bleeding everywhere and my mom didnt let me use the expensive napkins
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Bahahahahaha. My bad. Good luck, moishe-ru
>I was bleeding everywhere and my mom didnt let me use the expensive napkins
the jokes write themselves.
You must have been the smartest kid on the short bus
Shaving is for women
you're a filthy subhuman and you worship a pedofile
marketing really works well on plebs, doesn't it?
cartridge razors are the ultimate marketing meme.
I try to avoid shaving everyday because it grows back thicker whenever you shave
they're good if you have shit on your face you don't want cut like moles
this is a myth

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