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Why did this outfit became so fucking popular in asia?

Literally all the girls wear this style when going out.
Asians are thinner and have no qualms showing their flat bellies (and their legs as opposed to their prudishness for deep necklines).
They're a singular hive mind. Consider the propensity for females to follow the herd, then add the fact that they're asian; we're talking about a doubling of conformity here.
This is how every girl under 28 years old dresses in the US as well.
What does an asian girl feel like?
That’s just a generic ‘90s normcore look. Most zoomer girls in the US wear high rise mom jeans and crop tops too. Definitely not exclusive to Asia.
Skinny and fragile
like silk
Not in Japan though, they don't stoop this low.
I saw it in Japan. Not everyone was wearing menhara/harujuku gear.
>why do people follow trends
literally everybody dresses like this, i've been to mexico, sweden, korea, moldova and greece and most the young women dress like this.
i have never touched a single woman in my entire life. last time time a women touched me was in 7th grade PE class when they had to hold your feet down when doing situps, so you wouldn't cheat.
Those were tourists.
>still not touched a womang

WTF brah wat is wrong wichoo?
or at least y not whoremaxXxing in all those cuntrees
why the "kek"
i dont pay for pussy i will not stoop that low
Yeah, this is exactly how white chicks at my college were dressing a few years ago when 90s stuff came back. Trends that start here just take a bit to catch on in Asia the same way looks from Japan/Korea take a bit to make it to burgerstan fashion nerds
What do white chicks at your college dress like now?
i always roll my eyes when i see foids wearing baggy pants
It hot seeing their mid riffs though.

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