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Post bods
Gives mires
Give advice
Fuck spammers
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Cuts almost over but I still can't see my ab vein
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Last day of my cut, time to gain some serious mass

6'5" 205lbs
Because you are not lean enough yet to see ab veins. And I don't think you should stop cutting yet.
yes pls
yeah, this is suckable
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everyone just relax these men are not a threat
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when the FBI agent monitoring the board can't help but to reply
Combo breaker
white boomer
naked in a public bathroom/locker room

name a more iconic duo
Kam 182 - What’s My Weight Again

Get some tats and you can be costco voidkun
184cm 71kg
I get pussy sometimes
people who get pussy don't go around randomly telling people they get pussy
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Looking good OP
I’m 6’2”, 200lbs atm. I’m trying to grow my arms, since they’re lagging hard
>inb4 nigger
But how else would people know?
im just a gay retard who bought their gym membership yesterday and i do not know muscle science and whatnot but you two are like. mythically gorgeous if i saw you at the beach i would think about you all day. walking art pieces you are hope ur doing good
Holy shit this is one of the best things I've ever heard
Solid delts and taper
Giddy I missed you, looking solid brother

Dogshit kicks and bpm is too low, AI song generators don't seem to understand the concept of "uptempo hardcore", but I'll take it
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You’ll be a beast if you cut a lil more
kam, your response?
Is that the dude with the moustache? >>74270704
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35 5’7 159 lbs. hopefully I can make it by summer time. Not much time left.
put on some pants faggot
skinnyfat dyel
No it's the other dude w/ void tattooed on his stomach
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5'8 182lbs here. Not sure what bodyfat. Cutting until decent abs.
Summer lasts until late September you've got time anon.
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been lifting on and off for about 9 months, but stopped for the last 5. just got back into it.
Gotta cut more brev
good morning sir please redeem the protein
You can't stop them egypt
I love you but you can't
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Haven't posted here in forever. Just finished my bulk with an emphasis on strength, started in ~Jul of 2023 @85kgs. Sitting steady @3kcal/day currently, will likely taper down to 2500ish over the next 12-16 weeks depending on how everything goes.

>26 y/o
>Lifted for 10 years.

Garbage lifts (1RM):
> 175kg squat
>115kg bench
>215kg deadlift

Thoughts? Questions?
Any lifts for weak genetics ?
Eat more twink
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5’8 @ 190lbs.

Would like to push past 200lbs next.

Living in Japan now so on that Asian diet for next phase
How much twink should i eat per day? TDEE 3200
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Still cutting
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Cut is goin better than me brah
Lifts are above average
Choke my pussy daddy
If I see this picture one more time...
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77 kg

Not sure if its worth it to cut anymore
im your height how many cals are you consuming?
This is optimal bf for your build, stop cutting before you lose any more muscle.
Calm down Ranjeet.
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swimming in the ganges
rude but also inaccurate. anon is skinny but clearly has low body fat especially for his FFMM, and he’s been posting a while and been getting more defined
you'll cry yourself asleep again
So you go to your local overflow creek and take pictures of yourself instead of having someone take a picture of you?
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if I'm taking a girl to that rancid ass like she's gonna catch a gonococcus infection.
Still pretty cringy to go somewhere just to take pictures of yourself but whatever
Also pretty cringe to go awol and kill cats but no one called you out did they?
Mind yo ur own business Puss boy
Actually yes they did call me out for a long time and they still do but keep taking pictures of yourself weirdo
How many of you are there? I know there’s the bro who had loose skin, there’s anavar guy, both jacked white guys living in/frequently visiting for extended time Japan
Does your cock lift weights too?
It will be worth it to look into skincare for your chest. Or how to shave/wax properly.
(I still support killing both outdoor and feral cats cuz I’m a nature fag) (also lookin good giddy)
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Can I get bf estimate on this old pic? ty
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Dexa has margin of error of up to about 2%, so current bf could be as high as ~15.3%. Still, feels good. I didn't expect to have added that much lean mass. I got really inconsistent working out at home after an injury (was helping tear down a barn) last September. And my "program" wasn't that good even when I was consistent. Finally joined a gym in March and have been making much better progress. I'm still DYEL-tier, but that's ok, I'll escape it in time.
Between I try to stay between 1500-1700. With a refeed about once a week if in feeling really low on energy and strength.
Looking good sgt
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188cm (6'2"), 82kg (180lbs)
Hi frens, this is my first time here.
> Went to gym in the past, but never properly progressed or went consistently (started around the pandemic time).
> Do calisthenics at home now and made better progress than before.
> I want to move on from being a DYEL.

My new plan:
push-ups and bench press (horizontal push)
inverted rows (horizontal pull)
pull-ups and lat pull (vertical pull)
dips (vertical push)
overhead press (bc I can't do handstand push-ups) (also vertical push)
biceps curls
hanging knee raises
hamstring curls

Basically just a rough draft I have in my mind so far. Curious if anyone else had the same physique as me at some point and what they did to put on more lean mass.
Do you do direct training for your obliques?
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imagine blasting roids in an attempt to balance out your freakishly long body
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to understand the situation i had to physically detach from reality and explore space from my bedroom, i've returned home and realize that men can't be changed, they can only be competed with
let's show them something that really scares them
thanks bruh. Im 195 trying to get down too about 150-170. just started last week and fuck its hard as shit in the beginning. Are you power shitting or just bodybuilding?
There are too many feral and stray cats. Go after irresponsible owners instead of people trying to control the pest population.
Great progress
giddy makes me happy i'm not an incel or under 5'12"
the don't sell eye drops strong enough to clean what these eyes have seen
why does he have to be so god damn fat
Honestly among /fit/ I don't know anyone. But I'm in a gc with like 25 boomers from /pol/ mainly situated in Tokyo.
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uncircumsized btw
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that's the kinda juice i was hoping for
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look the radfem act is just to pick up some pussy, i'm working on new unexplored game here fellas, give me a break a brother is tryna get some
so you want to impress girls by showing off you have bigger boobs than them ?
what is wrong with u
How much you call an elite compared to you. I have multimillionaire friends, several billionaire friends. Friends in the highest branches of the military. Meanwhile you make 3-D designs you have no followers. Probably still trying to pay off your house. Willing to bet you live in an apartment. But yeah, make fun of me. I got a domestic violence charge about 4 years ago now, maybe even five years ago. Meanwhile I've made close to $20 million since then. My wife is still with me, fuck the shit out of me every night. My life is Gucci. Telling my buddy Jeff to shush probably wasn't a good idea, it's not that hard to find you.
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my brother in christ i don't know what i've done to offend you but you need to relax and get some fresh air
go to subway and get a sandwich, i did, and the vibe is great
all is well, everyone relax, everyone have fun
two of them
so what!
Bodybuilding. I have a very basic routine, diet is key. It’s very hard in the beginning, I’ve been there. You get use to it over time.
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You look like some sort of mix between Keanu reeves and trent reznor

Is that all supposed to be in one day? If so that’s way too much. I envy naturally skinny people because regardless of how much mass they put on they always look cut
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what's good
I heard they’re fairly racist against white people, it’d be cool to visit but I’d feel horribly ashamed I couldn’t speak it read a word and stand out harshly. I used to dream of visiting Germany but I hear it’s too brown and dangerous for women and children now, so I can’t bring the wife and kids. Oh to be a single traveler…
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Holy moly
>mogged by your own paranoid fantasies
our bodies are works of art, and once we start believing in it's automated systems, it takes care of itself; we lift stronger, we become better, trust is all it asks
this is bass heaven. why didnt you take a fishing pole with you?
Imagine having grapes this sour.
pussy ass bass nigga pay2play laid straight
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idk if i wanna date taylor swift or emma watson first, so many choices
Just get the fuck out of here.
Nah they're not bad in Tokyo. But I'm bilingual

Anyone else think that's right?
No, it was meant to be the entire exercise selection for a routine. I want to have as little exercises as possible in the beginning, otherwise I would probably feel overwhelmed and spend more time learning than actually working out. It would be good though, if I select the exercises with highest effectiveness and still keep my workout somewhat balanced. My thought was, that I could add complexity later on still.
True, that's nice when you're naturally skinny. But gaining mass is harder on the downside. What's your natural body type?
Mirin' - especially those veines. What's your routine?
Asking as a DYEL calisthenics fag looking to start lifting.
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Very solid, weight and height?
Perfect form, you can stop the cut
Goth girls will love you
Very good abs
Homosexual pose
I would say 15%
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Mirin, natty or not?
Female magnet physique
Based, you can run with the higher bf% look and still look impressive, I would just end up looking like a fatass
I'm almost the same height and weight as you, how long have you been lifting?
>weight and height?
Thanks, 175-180 lbs, 5'10"
You look flat and weak. Don’t post until you actually start lifting bro.
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I wanna die with trash genetics, being a 40 year old geezer. And skincare routine non existent.
The fat thing made another thread saying every anon here isn’t good enough to spread her folds
Why are you living like that?
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Hi, /fit/! Long time no see! I hope everyone is having a splendid year, flourishing both in and out of the gym :)
kam, thoughts on today's successful joint mossad-cia operation to kill iran's president?
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1 less man in the world
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I think my confidence right now is the lowest it has ever been with my body. I don't even take pictures fully nude anymore because I feel embarrassed. Should I eat less? I can feel the fat on my stomach. It was orthodox easter recently, I blame it on that. But I don't like it. It makes me sad.
nice tummy :3
can I see more of your tummy?
plz UwU
hot af
boost boost boost
slay slay slay
put a headband on and run through the backyard like you're a military agent ready to fuck up the establishment solo
why even
because it's your fantasy, rambo
go get 'em tiger
Have this, instead:
you look soft, but you do NOT look fat.
Round. Chubby. Time to eat less.
He's perfectly soft UwU
I'm happy either way desu ;)
I love soft kissable tummy
sour grapes, I bet your tummy is vile
yawn sounds like we playing donkey kong without the donkey kong
shut up kam
that's not how i would tackle that
whore? better than being a bore
lmaoooooo x0
you are a nasty nasty person
i got a lil group of cute autisc boys following me around x0
t800 hit the wall
mirin delts bro
Your brain rot is speaking, Wong Kar Wai is top tier.
Thanks bro <3 Wanna build my arms more too
wew my bitch got some sharp teeth relax we can listen to wong ching chong all day long idgaf
Relatively new. Began cut and now I'm similar to that level.
Should I continue cutting?
15%? I'll take that, a few kg ago people were saying I wasn't even 19%
pull up your pants faggot
>goth girls
bro I think anon is an actual twink, ain’t no girls on his mind
Kam, thoughts on mewtwo?
give a woman my mind and she kills herself instantly
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How am I looking? Focusing on strength and doing cardio stuff too 5'8 140lb
181 cm
72k. Cut or recomp
Show more tummy plz
You have very weird proportions. Are you 5'4 or is your head gigantic like a child?
What's in between your legs?

Your legs look awesome. Glutes?
If it’s a relatively new development for them they do
You ask for that every time I post..
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i got no thoughts anymore
i gave autistic boys a bone yesterday saying they didn't get as uncomfortable as normal men and the stars have basically told me to fuck off and be normal
i have stripped of all my power because i quoted jesus
these bitches are crazy, find a new node
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Thanks mate. Not natural. 7 years training with a couple of cycles in the last year or so
>elon musk finally gets a daughter
>she's fundamentally repulsed, terrified and hates him as an infant
kam, thoughts on dostoevsky?
elon musk thinks he should run the world when fundamentally every female on this planet finds him repulsive as fuck, he has no idea how to control the social world and he thinks we should have more babies, not less.
take meds schizo
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> thinks he should run the world when fundamentally every female on this planet finds him repulsive as fuck
kam, are you sure you are not projecting?
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nigga i got an emotional relationship with every single woman on this planet, that's the scope
stop simping for autism, it's caustic
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kam, reminder that you let THIS slip away because you refused to stop stuffing your mouth
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no fuck you the second i make a joke about losing power you start thinking "we can kill him now" and that's it, you have lost me
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will you leave this poor girl alone and delete her images, please
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jesus was gay, i am straight
kam, thoughts on pork and alcohol?
anytime i got alchy my sister jacks most of it
kam, thoughts on incest?
mother's usually hold the bond to their sons, sister's usually hold the bond to their brothers
kam, thoughts on chris chan?
autistic incel
basic lines on a backlit screen have turned you into mentally ill slaves, all through cyber space
yes you are kam, yes you are
if i was autistic, like actually autistic and not just carding it in for effect, i would throw myself into a truck and run it into the nearest wall screaming my head off "fuck women"
nobody is clicking ur gay little links
i'm not a man i can service myself, thanks ladies
someone sock fucking brooklyn for me when they get the chance
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Posting here to hold myself accountable as I've been lifting for a while but never had the discipline to stick through with a cut. Picrel was on day 3 or so of OMAD.
>6'7" 271lb
>lifts at 165/255/325/375 for 5
You got my hopes up for a Kam diss track to the tune of "the real slim shady"
Monster physique, height and weight?
Bro is dropping his pants in public
i wanna break your forearm on my kneecap
that gun you want to use to defend yourself is best used for your forehead
u wish faggot
don't you just hate yourself? it's so ugly being you
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holy shit this card is not healthy
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you type like a woman and I think you should kill yourself.
i'm sry sir i've been under a lot of stress recently, random lash out, i totally apologize and wish u the best
i will be getting therapy soon
Jeaus christ eating like female..no wonder u are manlet
6’1 210 lbs
Gained 5 lbs back cuz mom visited me and I can’t deny her delicious cooking.
Lifts went up this so it’s all good.
I wished I looked like the way I see myself in the mirror
i have to catch up on shipping and it is physically hurting me to do things for men
we are at that level
that is the scope
This is 6’2 at best lol
if any of my loaded babes wanna donate please don't be shy
there was no rhyme or reason to who i picked for the site i just fucking got photos and listed them ok
i know it's not an ideal situation but it's a like it or not kinda deal
i'm not a man, this isn't a conquest, you will never card me
I have carded you
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i haven't felt safe since inception, my carder will do what nobody has ever done for me and effectively take off their mask and be 100% real
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5'8 150 lbs
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Probably should get of this board and start lifting weights sometime.
182 cm, 62 kgs.
Fellow tallfag (6’6), whats your advice? What does your routine look like and how is your diet?
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Wooooooooorm freaaaaaaaaaaak
i wanna see the other banana too
Up 10lb in 4 months and still it's all fat, I am cursed
just take T at this point
shut the fuck up kam you fat faggot
Nice tummy :3
nice monkeypox
Cry about it straighty.
His tummy is beautiful and I will express that
thank fuck maybe then you’ll stop post garbage here
Your life has no real hardship which is why people telling you to shut up on the Internet is the worst thing you can imagine.
If you were to go out, get a real job, interact with people, lift weights, and challenge yourself, you'd realize you're acting like a child. But we all know that's never going to happen.
More muscle fullness and pop than I'd expect from a physique this lean, in a great position to lean bulk through the summer
We love 2 suffer, shoulders are gonna pop like crazy with some more cutting tho, gl brother
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Will I get lots of pussy with my smoking-hot body?
You look soft UwU
Like recieving a bot message on instagram
You do look much better, just keep building
>Your life has no real hardship which is why people telling you to shut up on the Internet is the worst thing you can imagine.
are we reading the same thread?
Does it really count if you make all your problems?
No thank you I don’t follow links from this place
"kam, why you gotta be an anti-christ man? chill and vibe bro!!!"
those shoulders though

>side note, am i the only one who doesn't even feel like its worth posting anymore? first you got that shitty captcha now i have to wait 60 seconds. this site is shit now
It's a waste of time as is
Actual schizophrenia
kam i want to get "give a woman my mind and she kills herself instantly" tatted on my bicep, it goes hard
That do go pretty hard
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Same backs same guy posting them it's a sad state of affairs my friends
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Trying to get stronger
what do you think of this workout routine
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Legs and Bicep/Triceps (abs)
Tuesday: Chest and Back and Shoulders
Wednesday: Legs and Bicep/Triceps (abs)
Thursday: Chest and Back and Shoulders
Friday: Legs and Bicep/Triceps (abs)
Saturday: Chest and Back and Shoulders
i want that shirt so bad
Is there one in the chamber? Looks like it's missing something pertinent.
when women take these kinds of photos they triple check to make sure it's not actually loaded
she checked like 10 times dude
Show your glutes.
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What would you say is my bfp?
All advice is welcome.

I can see the improvement.
Nice jugs, gonna bust to this later
hello dear please now be of showing your pussy bloody fuck whore
The rules aren't different for tall people. I do push pull legs and I eat 3200 calories maintenance right now, super clean. My appetite is huge and I have to stop myself from overeating even now that my cut is over. If you have a hard time getting your daily calories I would introduce more snacks. Eat candy with your post-workout shake, eat potato chips, eat peanut butter out of the jar.
Good morning sir
show us your tummy plz :3
(so we can guess your BF% )
came in my pants at work sanku miku
advice is to give me your location and post yourself in panties when updating progress
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Been lifting for 5 months now, started at the most skinnyfat smokeralcoholic build the mind can picture
why are your eyes trying to escape your skull?
Great vascularity
Masculine athlete ass
Start lifting now
Very aesthetic bro keep it up
What are your lifts?
FOCUS ON HYPERTROPHY and eat in a 500-700 calorie surplus
Jeet or black
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About 4 or 5 months of going to the gym regularly
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150 ibs
How bad is it?
Jesus, what did you look like 4-5 months ago?
you look like my ex, she had bigger tits and was shorter tho
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I’m a faggot
Bro... I don´t know if it´s the years and years of me being on 4chan or what, but at first I couldn´t tell if I was looking at a fit girl or a twink.

Hell, I´m still not 100% sure, so there... If you are a dude, it`s pretty bad. If you are a twink, you need to up your hormone dosage, and if a girl, your only option now is to put on some meat unless you have a pretty face.
kind of like that, but a bit more twiggy I guess, I went from 105kg (6'1) down to 73, and now I'm back up to about 75.
I should add that I went down from 105kg to 73 in the space of a year, not 3/4 months
Well congratulations on the fat loss. Got a lot of work to do yet, and progress seems slower than it should be, but hey, you aren't blowing back up and that's at least half the battle.
any idea on where I should go from here? I've been trying to gain some muscle so I've been getting a bit more protein into my diet, but idk if I should keep it at that or carry on trying to lose fat.
You need to gain lean mass more than you need to lose fat at this point. Aim for 130-165g of protein per day. If you're ok with eating at surplus, aim for 250 calories. If you are worried about getting fat again, eat at maintenance. You're still enough of a beginner that you can pack on lean mass even then. You should be lifting 3x/week at least, and if you're just fucking around in the gym, you need to find a program. Full-body works fine for beginners (which you still are), so do UL and PPL.
Flexing too hard hahaha
Idk if it’s a man or woman either, if it’s a girl that’s pretty cash money of her for posting that for us horny bastards
355 highbar squat
285 bench
205 OHP
I don’t deadlift
Hell yeah
You got a nice tan though
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Still on a slow recomp cut after 2 months of bulking and lifting

145lbs 5'9"
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Im in the middel of a bulk, thinking on running a minicut. Should I minicut or keep bulking?
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was told i should post here
idk how these threads work for sure
Needs to get topped
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5'8 140
bisexual flag?
Forgot to ask. Does this qualify as skinnyfat, dyel, or something else?
I'd say you're still skinny fat but getting close to being out of it now that you're putting on some muscle. Just keep at it, bro. You're doing a good job.
Thanks I appreciate it :)
moar tummy plz
If you said that to my face I would beat the fuck out of you and stomp your face on the floor, you filthy faggot.
keep going im getting close
What is your workout routine and what sports do you play? Miring.
i try to run at least a mile a day and lift about twice a week
i used to play soccer and now i do a lot of climbing and bouldering
It shows. Great body.
Post chest, you look swole from behind (behind can also mean butt)
I hate niggers
>roid trannies desperate for attention and validation
Erry tyme
jerked off to this. thanks.
Pussys, amiright
Your whoremoans are fucked up
Why do these threads keep getting gayer
Above average pretty good. Shoulder work necessary
Very good
Cut more
You remind me of the factory workers that go into the gym with their fucking jeans and smell like pig shit and do fucking pathetic dyel workout
Stop taking estrogen
kam is a 32 year old virgin and is getting desperate
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Should I lean bulk or cut?
6'2 179 lbs
Doing the Kinobody greek god program, 3 workouts a week
Update: I still hate niggers
underrated frankly that's pretty good at that height/weight
Why don’t you deadlift?
how is my progress so far. been lifting for about a year, then was forced into a psych ward and took antipsychotics and gained too much weight. now i'm trying to cut again

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