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iPad-only setup edition



>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Cover: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/g/image/1709/19/1709190996356.png
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous: >>100434428
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share your thoughs on this techno track I made in Ableton.

How do I get the crackling sound away ?

FPBP. A collaborative version of this with more languages but less polish:
Next meme album should be code only submissions. Live up to the /g/ you cowards.
>How do I get the crackling sound away ?
don't get rid of the crackling. it sounds cool, like it was made in an abandonded warehouse.
>iPad-only setup edition
lmao. no.

>share your thoughs on this techno track I made in Ableton.

>How do I get the crackling sound away ?
hard to say. vst plugins too loud, tracks too loud. everything about it is too loud. sounds like clipping to me. check your levels.

>it sounds cool,
no, it does not. it sounds terrible. it'll sound much better if it was mixed better.
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Seems like it's coming out of one of your effects, but it sounds cool anyway, I'd leave it. Check for clipping in the chains, also
honestly I'm kinda jelly of livefags with max integration
I only use hardware these days but every now and then I try to get a decent puredata setup running and it's dogshit every time, seems like noone is working on it or even using it anymore. Must be nice to have a decently integrated max/msp in a daw..
Not really the dame as M4L, but have you tried plugdata?
no, that looks really good thanks anon
last thing I tried was the pd-ceammc distribution which seems from the docs like it has a bunch of really good features (especially more modern data structures) but just a complete hassle to install and run
What's stopping you from just using Ableton?
If you're running Linux you can use a Windows VM or Wine/Bottles.
Surely that's less of a hassle than fiddling with PD.
>honestly I'm kinda jelly of livefags with max integration
i've been using ableton for around 8 years and max is terrible. when you have access to a massive collection of vsts like i do, max may as well not even exist.

is it cracked yet?
Is it true that final cut for ipad is subscription only? Is cubase the only good alternative the way davinci is for final cut pro on ipad? I need a tablet + desktop or laptop combo to pair up with, not sure if to go with logic or cubase. Which one has better duo laptop/desktop + tablet combo toys and trinkets? like control vsts or step sequencer or midi editor, etc. Can tablets be used at the same time with any desktop/laptop daws or just logic pro?
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my impulse response renderer is almost done :D
I'm trying to transition into Music Production, it has always been a passion/hobby of mine. I already applied to 63 positions and haven't heard back. Can I get some feedback?
that's super neat
I just came across this old vst back in the day that did something a bit like that (but very simple, only 2 sources and mics in a rectangle)
damn good luck anon, I think like any passion-ish profession it's just gonna be very tough competition desu
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really cool. what's the deal with the room?

energy decay relief plots are cool visualizations too
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see >>100511926
to the surprise of no one lol
I would love to try this, is it going to be commercial or open source?
logic does not work with vsts, give up
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>iPad-only setup edition
lmao. yes.
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it just werks
classic 4channel.org
>is it cracked yet?
not yet but it will be soon for sure. I bought it just cuz and wew, it's nice af. some of the texture and bass presets are bonkers. has that fat Dune low freq rumble
This make me mad, fuck you.
hahaha based

it's like the opposite of Jay-Z's Blueprint 3 xD
>iPad-only setup edition
Good luck shill kek
are you thinking of this? https://www.voxengo.com/product/imodeler/

it's just a crappy model i whipped up for testing, the plan is to have more acoustician related info available in later versions (schroeder plots, for example)

it'll be commercial. i'm currently running a beta though; https://lese.io/impulse
My man
weird question, but can you make audio sound like it was recorded from a video camera rather than straight from the source? like imagine someone was in the studio recording video of people fucking around playing beats on the speakers i don't know if that makes sense

i'm thinking a combination of convultion reverb, eq, etc
just don't use as heavy processing as in a song. making it lo-fi on purpose would easily just make it cheesy
What do you guys think about this, worth continuing?
You're saying you paid for it? Like with normal money?
Or do they take crypto?

solid I like it, I'd change the melody of the synth to go harder accustoming the vibe of the track
Do people still make money with this stuff without having to also perform?
Nah it was ES Spatialverb
yeah there's impulse responses for shit like that and you can even make them yourself if you happen to have a suitable sound source from the room you want (hand clap, slap of that movie slap thing they write the scene names on etcc)
I've got some old Gen 4 hardware around, a i7-4790 and plenty of DDR3. Is that suitable to run a DAW and use a good bunch of software synths, effects etc?
no, it's impossible to make music on a cpu made before 2024 and without ddr5 ram
Is that a yes?
It depends on the synths/effects you use
OG Massive should be fine
Synth1 and Sylenth1 should be fine
You might not be able to use Repro, or those new Virus emulators, at all
Prefer algorithmic reverbs to convolution reverbs
Don't bother trying Vital, or anything made by Arturia
Okay that sounds fairly limiting, thanks.
just give up on music bro
I mean, people were definitely making music on processors that make yours look like a thermonuclear space shuttle or whatever, and they obviously didn't immanentize the eschaton
If I were you I would try making tracks for the "simple waveforms" album and see how it goes before giving up completely
>If you're running Linux you can use a Windows VM or Wine/Bottles.
You better have at least 16 gig, i9 or better or expect crackling like crazy when you add more than one track. kek
For serious music production In 2024, No. 10 years ago it would have been pushing it, but ok as long as were talking at least 16-32 gigs of ram on a laptop? Still fine for sketching something out but so are ipads or phones technically so?
Aight would a modern 6/12 cpu do?
Yeah, I would have to look at the specs to confirm. You want to take in account what you're going to be doing? Live recording audio, high quality audio instruments, e.g (spitfire audio) going to very demanding. As newer software demand more, Ableton 12 for example will not run 32 bit and stopped somewhere around 10.1. Things you want to keep in mind. good luck anon.
>ableton 10
>fl studio
don't need any more
Lrn 2 Reaper
LOL thanks for that
people make music on their phones, you'll manage.
you can always render your synth as audio if you are really running low on resources
>ableton 10
>fl studio
Why do you have both?
cheap, updates for life, more synths, can work with projects/people who have either daw
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he's got 2500k, he can afford whatever he wants
>updates for life
What happens if they stop
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>wigger studio

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/dmp/ is canonically a wigger general
Class action lawsuit.
only tangentially related to this but god i will never forgive maxon for what they did to zbrush
pirating+seeding that shit till the end of time just to spite them
Thoughts on Ardour?
Can you tell me how you got into audio dev? I've been learning the basics of c++ to eventually make my own plugins for fun
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What's the best general use Linux distro for also making music with? I'd be using SunVox and Reaper. Currently looking at Fedora and Mint since they both seem user friendly. It's been years since I last used Linux at all. Haven't use a single distro since 2009, so I assume a lot has changed.
linux sucks for audio stuff, driver shit bad
any mainstream distro will work fine; you don't need any weird driver or kernel config shit to get low-latency audio working; it's imo better than dealing with windows ASIO and shit. I use ubuntu mostly out of inertia, but arch is fine too and both have tons of documentation.
Fedora worked out of the box for me, but I'm not on the current version
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>I bought it just cuz and wew, it's nice af.
yeah! sure sounds excellent going by the videos i saw.

> apple are so fucking shit in current year that they stole the idea for the advert from LG
> that was made in 2008
> 2008
lmao. itoddlers just btfo themselves so hard on their own these days it's just unreal
skill issue only exclusive to fucking retards. most of you faggots here would fail at plugging in a cable to the audio out of your pc so i'm not surprised you'd have problems with linux.
it became mostly irrelevant when blender introduced similar functionality so.. fuck zbrush and all the simping and cock sucking faggots that tried to protect it from being pirated. people still pirated it anyway!
>it's imo better than dealing with windows ASIO and shit.
i install asio4all, it automatically loads. it has no latency. i can adjust latency vs. performance. 100% skill issue on your side, chump.
>> apple are so fucking shit in current year that they stole the idea for the advert from LG
Steve jobs embodied the idea of great artists stealing, and this advertisement is in line with that.

Fuck apple, but you're being dumb on purpose out of spite if you think that wasn't a good ad and worth stealing lol
my pain with asio is mostly dealing with routing between programs. voicemeeter potato works most of the time but man it is such a fragile mess compared to jack.
> and this advertisement is in line with that.
now THAT'S coping.

>my pain with asio is mostly dealing with routing between programs
oh. yeah, it's not much fun in that regard.
I just called Steve Jobs a thief.
The brand warmonging on this board are so fucking dumb
i have no problem using linux for programming. audio is another thing entirely especially with hardware in my experience
i want brazolian
i want to make brazilian phonk
My king, the Brazilianaire
Are any of you fags at Superbooth this year?
>I've been learning the basics of c++ to eventually make my own plugins for fun
Come back in 2 years and say that again if you haven’t killed yourself by then
has anyone made more music like this?
idk much about music genres, but if you know, or have, please let me know or show me what you've made.
Yeah I made this 20 years ago https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CKAc3nYEatw
I made this on my iPhone like 15 years ago and it’s better than 99% of the rubbish I hear on /dmp/ https://voca.ro/1mKV0mZQPL6X
Even this gay beat I made on a volca sample while drunk and taking a shit is better than most crap I’ve heard here. https://voca.ro/11RxHwbMgeA1
That’s why I rarely visit this general except to shitpost and troll.
That Tekken 7 trance track is an absolute banger!
I wonder if making music like that is possible with a tracker... (not Renoise)
i'm not >>100532940 but you should use JUCE if you want to make audio software, it's what basically everyone else who makes plugins uses https://juce.com/
Sure, here’s all the code you need to get started: https://github.com/pichenettes/eurorack
192khz will probably be unusable, many people are barely adopting 96khz after all this time. you can get started with what you have but it will strictly be a hobbyist amateur poorfag cope. check out the AMD zen 5 processors once they come out, you only need a mid tier setup to btfo your 4790.
i hope youre joking
Who wants to point me to some nice sample packs (free)
I’m not biased or anything; I think my stuff sounds better than most stuff I’ve heard here. Grant it I rarely ever listen to the stuff posted here but I don’t feel like I have to. I just know I’ve got something unique. People will like me. If people don’t like me then I I’ve failed. You do like me, right?
nice. the crackling is perfect for it. Industrial chase scene from a movie. Its like a pack hunt from a technomovie.
Dire Straits Brothers In Arms was 100% recorded and mixed and mastered digitally at 44.1 KHz. I think the limiting factor is a person's own musical creativity and how decent they are at using the tools they're given, not the bit depth and sample rate of their recording setup. You sound like you're selling something.
cope, audio fidelity standards aren't the same now as they were in the 80s. only some neckbeards like dan worrall, who doesn't make interesting music, are clinging to 48khz (and did a shill video for fabfilter) and only recently upgraded from an ancient computer. see:
>cope, audio fidelity standards aren't the same now as they were in the 80s
what are you even talking about, you are selling something

people do fine with any old kind of gear, there's no need to buy a new computer to get started in music, fuckin weirdo lol
this is /g/, you can get an excellent modern PC for no more than what an entry level bicycle from a reputable brand costs, people don't even buy core 2 duos for $2 because they're not worth the electricity and time it takes to run them, they're well and truly obsolete
Also is this a reply bot? Every fucking link with this weirdo is a link to a youtube video


seriously just stop, stop shitting up /dmp/ like this, it's awful
cope and seethe, keep doing mental gymnastics to stay in your comfort zone, thinking some generic drum and bass loop your made on your iphone 15 years ago is impressive
>inventing scenarios in your mind
this could be actual mental illness, the point is, there's no reason for a person to buy a whole new computer to make music, even ancient computers can handle it fine, it's not like this is a new thing
>You do like me, right?
yes man. we're all friends here on 4chan!
play a 1080p youtube video and click "stats for nerds", chances are you're dropping frames unless you have a gaming PC, there's nothing noble about robbing yourself of experiencing a modern 5+ GHz PC with an M.2 SSD etc
most computers have been able to handle 1080p youtube videos with native decoding on the gpu since probably like 20 years ago now, regardless, this has nothing to do with making music

you are a bot
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this is with an AMD APU, it's not even expensive. even something as basic as using a modern OS like windows 11 is glorious for native dark mode support
for example nvidia GT 710 is a joke as well
90's Sample CDs:
Music Radar regularly put out free sample packs:
Sample CD regularly get uploaded to Internet Archive:
Why Asio4all? Why not using the ASIO drivers of your audio interface?
>dead internet is becoming realer by the minute
it was a good run
chords are hard man
Hurry up and do a video on the shit I want to sell so I can put it on ebay at a slightly higher price you bald fuck
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This is a crazy request but has anybody put together a sample pack of those electronic music vocal sample standards? You know, like "whoo yeah" and the various James Brown noises he makes, which have been sampled like 5000+ times? I'm thinking of doing it myself if nobody else has, but I'd rather save some time if possible.

I heard a lot of these made their way onto sample CDs and vinyl from the '90s-early '00s era but can't figure out which ones to get. I have quite a few battle / scratch records and some have one or two.
>be dunning kruger anon
>thousands of hours spend practicing with an instrument
>still doesn't into tuning like luca stricagnoli
I've seen compilations like that being shared here and there, but I guess they can never be anything more than forum shares, for copyright reasons.
I was playing one of my sample records, one by the name of Lab Rat something or other, and it had a number of the ones I was looking for, FREEESSSHHH, various James Brown grunts and oh yeahs, etc. But it's fucking trashed, obviously well used by some DJ and crackly as fuck. It has a cool Star Wars sample-based little mini tune on one side. Obviously there's no way one could get a reprint, this shit's from the '90s and there was clearly no clearance for these samples.

I suppose I will have to make a list, find the original albums, and sample them myself. It's cool. Might even be fun. I will share it all here when I've got it compiled.
lab rat breaks

it has half the samples i want but it's fucking trashed
I got saving/recalling sequences of MIDI events working in my MIDI app. Right now, it only stores one sequence, and only for the session... but the hard work is done. Scaling it and saving to disk will be easy. I can't believe I actually got it working.
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What are your guys favorite twitch/youtube/whatever long term streams, where they make a song start to finish? Because I'm in a creative valley right now, unable to figure out what the fuck to do, so I just wanna see some people's workflow and then steal the parts that are good. Either that or read dance music manual again.
Speaking of clippers, there's a great free plugin called ''PeakEater'' where you can clip in 6 different modes, from hard to soft clipping in gradual steps, it's one of my most used plugins
I like the german shitwig shill's videos (polaritymusic), especially the wacky grid stuff. I also liked producewithme's earlier bitwig videos. you probably won't get a lot out of either if you use a different daw though.
everybody wants to clip, but no one wants to rectify
I'm here for the process/arrangement, not the sound design.
I'm just tired of spending hours tweaking songs/sound design/mixing, cause I'm not getting anything done.
Reverse engineering finished tracks is pretty helpful for that I think, i.e. dragging the audio into the daw, cutting it up into the major sections, then marking instrument entrance/exits with empty clips in other dummy tracks that line up. Then you can see how a finished track looks and feels in your daw. imo way better than just reading about or watching arrangement, while still being pretty low effort.
>I heard a lot of these made their way onto sample CDs and vinyl from the '90s-early '00s
far better to sample from the original sources, most of what you'll hear is already colored through samplers, distorted, reverbed and all that.

I'd be interested as well.
Most of what you hear is obviously like the same 5 sources over and over throughout different breaks but there are a lot of random ones you hear in like... the blue marten jungle jungle pack especially.
I need a partner to make music like qebrus and valence drakes when they duo’d that one time >:|

I know a guy who has autism 2x but I think he’s avoiding me for months at a time and I’m scared to message anybody who I think is actually capable
/prod/ died at 14 posts
Fucked up the link my bad
Tell him you want to make some unreasonably autistic shit and make sure to make him think that there's nothing to gain other than autism (this is key). If that doesn't work I'll eat my hihat.
Sorry, I had to mow my lawn all day today so I couldn't keep it bumped.
I love small simple free plugins like that, unfortunately you only get to know about them through word of mouth or constantly searching for them
He said he’s embarrassed about it or something though I don’t think he wants to be artistic he just can’t control it and he makes (made?) funny music because of it.
Idk this fucker just randomly disappears on me I think he started an autism supergroup without me
Send him this
All autistic people love trains, he'll 100% fall for it
Thanks he’ll probably rig up some pure data fuckery with it :ppp
Ian Kirkpatrick's twitch streams that were reuploaded on youtube are pretty godlike in terms of seeing how an actual professional works inside the daw. way better than watching youtubers
Hey, I remember this "game." I thought it was pretty cool. Back then I was making dark techno with ModPlug and a cracked copy of Cool Edit. Halcyon days for sure.
Any love for Bitwig?
i gave it a chance, but serious crackling which is strange. Better off with Ardour if you're stuck on linux, Ableton is a option if your computer has serious high specs.I hear zyrythm is not too bad, but seems like hype.
hmm, I thought The Grid might be interesting
You should provide a link to a song they did together that you like. I’m not going to Google it. Spoon feed me, retard.
Anyway…the first 2 minutes of this track is hard not to like https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eo0l0yQ2OsQ
I've only ever used it for the arrangement view as I do mostly everything in renoise. It's fine - does everything you'd expect. Sometimes I hit tab and end up in session view (or whatever the fuck they call it). It seemingly has sandboxing for plugins where Ableton doesn't, but I don't use anything that's prone to crashing.
I'd do more in Bitwig if interesting stuff like the multisample editor and FM-4/The Grid/etc were available in the basic version. As it stands, I'd probably be using ardour if not for the fact I didn't pay for bitwig essentials.
Well it looks like I'm eligible for the EDU version, so full version for €135. I better dive into the trial for a couple hours.
true. they only did three songs together lol (RIP)

Not trying to be arrogant but like I know I have the technical ability to do music in that lane but like I'm just too unfocused, and I tend to get distracted in normie genres; having a partner would help to hone in and more quickly de husk my schizo flights of ... uh....
I'm on the way to being drunk

knocked loose goes hard as fuck playing halo 2 i think i'm gonna stream to like 5 people on the clock and then go whore myself out on the bad board when i need more attention
>I can't do it on my own, I need a partner to be successful
>t. qebrusfag
>>t. qebrusfag
i would preciate this name over "faggot" and "schizo" etc <3
it's interesting but depends on what you expect from it. people that come from ableton think that it's a m4l copy and end up disappointed
>most used
You use it on multiple tracks or something? Is there a use for a clipper beyond cutting peaks on master?
is there a good way to add saturation/warmth to a bass tone?

silly blog below lel
god this album submission is still hard as hell
been brainstorming since the extension and i've still got nothing. i can't even tell if i want my song to be fast or slow
probably doesn't help that i'm trying to learn a new daw at the same time, but man.
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train enjoyment is a mark of the civilized
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I'm thinkin' this, what do you say?
Looks good. I like the plus too but it's more expensive and less portable.
Hmm, for me it's more about desk space and not portability.
Then yeah, I think it's all-around the best one of these small ones.
The Arturia equivalent has slightly better keys but worse pads and IMO a much worse layout.
>money with music
What sort of hardware do you guys use?
Does anybody know about a good resource for proper solicitation of acoustic instruments for the stage? Like how to use mics and mix for dummies? I'm damn too ignorent to even identify legit knowledge.

A bass flute from which I squeeze and physically filter/resonator the most overtones I can.
live/"pro sound" vs studio sound are both their own entire fields, you'd need to be way more specific. there are a lot more resources for studio stuff as a lot of pro. most of it learned on the job in studios/live venues and not really in books, there aren't static solutions to problems and it can change almost every performance.

search for stuff with live sound engineer or live audio engineer
I'do sine to tanh and/or waveshaping, then filters. Is that allowed for the album theme? I'll do it anyway.
chains, cuffs, whips
Thanks, will look. It's an acoustic trio project, we have a 250W setup none of us can use properly because we rehearse in a living room.
Lol, I don't have 500€ for mini mic and transmitter/receiver. I'll keep trying to learn how to use my good ol' sm58 decently.
live sound isn't cheap. 250w is barely anything in terms of power, but would be enough for small gigs. it also doesn't make sense to buy all these things without knowing what you're going to use it for
>would be enough for small gig
That's what we, suboptimally, do. Reading about mic'ing contraints and I just figured out a 4 position flute/mic setup I see myself using scenically.
for the guitars, i think a clip on pickup is easiest to deal with in a live scenario
We have electroacoustic and hollow body electric, this part's fine at least. Our guitar EQing is lacking, tho.
then why did you say "acoustic instruments" retard, this shit should have been in your earlier posts
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poggggg it's here, i've just been playing with discontinuity and loud the past few days
Pretty cool
I like it enough to keep using it. Contrary to >>100550344
it works fine my linux machine, even including the multitouch gimmick with my laptop touchscreen, which i used like 3 times and it was cool I guess. I think it comes down to whether you find the modulation autism exciting. Like if you've messed around with vital and wished you could do the same sort of modulation routing except across the entire daw, bitwig is for you. Otherwise, while it still does all the basics just fine, so do ardour or reaper or renoise. FWIW the little I've used ardour and reaper, I find them "clunky" compared to bitwig, but I'm sure if I kept at it I'd find a workflow. Same with renoise, I know people like it, but I just don't have the tracker tism.
>13 subscribers
>Oct 5, 2013
A laptop and an iPad. I sometimes use my phone to record random sounds to use as samples.
You might like this https://www.modularaudiotools.com/
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>Ultimate music teacher
Still trying to find my genre, but I am more and more producing deep funky tech house or whatever it is called.


What do you think?
I love it. What did you use to make it?
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DAW: Ableton Live
Synths: Diva, Xfer Serum, M1
Plugins: Stock Ableton, Decapitator

The project overall is still kind of small. I want to change the HiHats though, making them more bright.
Is there a plugin that just nukes the muddy low-mids? I am sick of having to EQ that shit out all the time
What theme is that?
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Its called "Immaterial", with these settings.
Its in german, but its not hard to recreate.
Looks like a SOPHIE tribute with that name and those colors
tranny theme
can't wait to have it on bitwig
If you look at the Ableton Live's GUI over the years, there's an unmissable trend of it getting sleeker and sleeker.
The lines/shapes get cleaner, the colors get less dull, etc.
It's obvious that this trajectory isn't indefinitely sustainable. One day they WILL reach peak sleekness, and what are they going to do on the following version? Get LESS sleek? Do a complete redesign? There's no outcome to this madness that doesn't lead to disastrous consequences.

I plead with you, Ableton. Rethink your choices. Peak sleekness might be closer than what you think. It's not going to only affect the future generations, but also yours. Even you and I might be forced to face the consequences of this wickedness.

Thank you.
Is the 8gb macbook air powerful enough for dmp?
8 GB is a bit low nowadays, but depending on what kind of music production you do, the 16 GB is likely to be more than enough.
Live's UI will become only several buttons with a text prompt box in the middle, and a big button below the prompt box that says "Generate Song."
But how sleek are those buttons going to look?
Incredibly sleek, with all the buttons and the text prompt box having finely rounded corners, because sharp edges make some people feel uncomfortable, and we wouldn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable, would we?
bitwig will NEVER get themes
>Incredibly sleek
I see some people on the tubes preferring linux, you guys think there are upsides to it?
>people on the tubes
Holy FUCK https://l-a-n-a-r-k.bandcamp.com/track/surface-light Is this not cutting edge digital music production or what?
how so
did you even listen
no u
i might give it another go just to see if i can track down the audio crackling for something to do, not having that issue in Ableton so? It would be nice to have something bulit for linux.
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All me btw
no kys
Also me.
best thing i’ve heard in years holy fuck
nice samefagging
whenever i post something people hate on it for no proper reason
bandcamp plays its songs louder than most streaming services which makes it sound "better"
even then, the harmonic and melodic content is severely lacking compared to most vevo songs
the gating is tryhard and ridiculously overdone
for non-traditional music there are things like this
it's like an abstract painting, you can't articulate why it's good without spewing a load of nonsense, 99% of people won't have a boner for it
realize that there are flaws in your equipment and/or brain that are keeping you from appreciating normal music like a normal person, those songs you post have 200 views on youtube for a reason
nearly had a panic attack when i read tanh lmao
based tho
LOL cope
Cope for what?
>posts some bro step womp womp in 2024
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yeah in response to "intelligent" dance music
>Emerging from a generative paradox of laser precision and fluid dynamism, Metallur fuses percussive, metallic force with warping tempos and a field of ethereal resonance and debris.
>The result is an insurgent, elemental, time-smearing of hyperspace, where "tellurian beats merge with alien glossolalia and vocal samples blip tesseracts of human affect into a ghostly, melodic aether".
>Music for a crushed infinity.
sounds about right
when i hear this kind of music all I can think of is most basic bitch neurofunk samplepacks
>379 views, uploaded 1 day ago
Is this you?
any anons here with talent?
in music, no
outside of music, also no
short answer: no
long answer: negative
>fucked up my LPB and now i gotta redo everything so i can have triplets
eh at least it was only one pattern
any thoughts on this so far? i'm gonna worry about adding and removing parts for more structure later, might also change the arp. thinking of adding a slow filtered saw lead to counterbalance the fast arp
Can I use a bebop scale anywhere if I try really hard
Can I use a bewop scale anywhere if I am really Italian
Can I use a boowomp scale if I really live in a pineapple under the sea
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What the fuck is stable volume? Was normalization not enough? Are they compressing our songs too now?
It is, the bottleneck will be the cpu before the RAM, I never ran out of RAM (8 gb too) no matter the project but the cpu will hit the wall if you have too many cpu intensive plugins going at once, the cpu is by far the most important thing in dmp
Are you scoring your indie 8bit platformer?
i can pickup golf balls with my toes
It's supposed to be work for the album submission but it's also supposed to emulate that sort of 8 bit sound, so sure why not lol. I wanted to use 2a03 restrictions but I'm literally just not smart enough to compose around those and I'm cheating with sine chords and a saw wave (not heard)
Since posting that I got a bit more structure and a melody going but I'm away from my computer and don't wanna post it again until I can hear substantial improvements anyways
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Pirating instruments is based. They brought it on themselves by making people sign up for more bullshit accounts just to use it. Fuck them, I give no fucks about how much money they lose because they fucking deserve it.

Pirate everything
So fl studio and logic now have Ai, but ableton doesnt. Are we gonna get any updates. or are we ableton chads that good we dont need it?
I hate people like this. Just fucking produce music. Holy fucking jesus, how do you even know are you into producing if you havent tried. >>100522606
What the fuck? Your plugins are not gonna make you better any way
Show a screenshot of the session
>how do you even know are you into producing if you havent tried.
Because I already have made music, however that was 30 years ago on a 486 or a Pentium 1 or something and a SB AWE32.
Even if your work is being limited by your CPU, you could just freeze any tracks you're not working on to limit the load. But it's better to not fill your session with a bunch of demanding plugins anyway because they all cost computation. Even if you do have the hardware, it's good to be economical rather than wasteful.
99% of people don't need 32gb of RAM, nor should they want to. The only thing that should go up in RAM is the speed for most users.
Just use a drum rack
AI will replace producers. All we can do now is make music for fun where it will just be another hobby like video games.
was it ilok
did ilok radicalize you
it's about to radicalize me
Drum machines will replace drummers. All drummers can do now is play the drums for fun where it will just be another hobby like shitposting on /g/
AI will replace anons shitposting on /g/ all we can do now is... ?
In the first place if you're making music to hit it big, you're about 50 years too late for that. Like 15 too late for electronic music, even
Like yeah maybe you can still find work with studios and stuff but any art form is still best enjoyed for the passion of it, simple as. No point in worrying about being replaced in what's basically a walled garden of a field that's full of competition already
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It's one of the straws, yeah, one of the worst. Every bit of friction between using the software just ticks me off.
Not like in the 80's or 90's. It's a joke now to what it was.
Only the really popular ones, or those who make music for other things/people.
it's the baseline amount of ram for ddr5, and costs a whopping $100 or so, not prohibitively expensive for a new pc build. can run dozens of browser tabs, don't have to print stems all the time or restrict DAW/plugin choice etc.
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imagine being a fucking casual
>record midi, slam forehead in lower register
>load in 60 instances of sylenth1, all detuned saws
>"mmm yes, another fine job"
>immediately bounce to audio, first take has all the magic
>save file "sesamtkunstwerk_15b_final_final.als"
>feels goodman
How hard/tedious it is to learn stuff like Max/Pure Data/Ppooll? Is it worth it?
If you go through tutorials teaching you shit you don't care about it can be pretty tedious, but if you try building something you actually want to build and research things along the way, it's not tedious at all.
I recommend doing a bit of both.
it's in a really shitty spot i think in terms of difficulty and return on time invested. the biggest pains in the ass i have is how spaghetti the code gets especially when you have patches inside patches and trying to do sequencer things.

very quickly it's easier to program something than wrangle cords in visual programming. another thing is debugging patches FUCKING SUCKS in visual patchers

>it's not tedious at all.
absolute bullshit, it's very tedious even if you're building something you want to build because you see the exponential explosion to add basic features of things that exist in daws already or that would be a cinch to program in code but is a mountain of manual labor in visual programming
>that would be a cinch to program in code but is a mountain of manual labor in visual programming
We're talking about LEARNING here.
USING a visual programming platform may require more time to do the same thing, but programming takes orders of magnitude more time and is orders of magnitude more tedious to learn.

I learned Max without any previous programming experience of any kind and was able to make a useful low-mid complexity M4L device in less than a week, and afterwards I could make utility devices in less than a day (all stuff that doesn't exist in any available software because it was too specific to be useful to anybody else).

Years later I started learning how to program and it took me more time (and WAY more effort) to learn the basics (doing tedious command line stuff most of the time) than I had ever spent in front of Max, and I still can't program anything useful in audio.

Max on the other hand was fun the whole time. It almost felt like a videogame.
Drummers are, by far, the most underappreciated members of bands. I've seen metal bands use drum machines for recording a studio album, but they hire drummers for their live shows, and many of these bands never have a consistent member for a drummer. I've seen this even happen with bands who *do* use a real drummer for recording in the studio.

Sucks for drummers. You can always tell when a drummer is fantastic these days because the band they're in actually keeps them around for as long as possible.
Drum machines were literally capable of doing that for many decades. But havent
>paying a subscription for logic
Yeah, if you're not popular enough to be doing serious tours or playing big festivals, you'd better be trying to break into making music for movies, TV shows, video games, etc. Even bands/musicians who play big shows consistently as still going to be making a huge chunk of their income on merch sales.

It isn't like things were before the new millennium. Smalls bands and producers from nowhere aren't being discovered by talent scouts and suddenly being rocketed to stardom. Even back then, those success stories were a mere fraction of the artists out there. 99% of musicians have always remained in obscurity.
>buying any software
you must be 18 years or older to use this website
I paid like $60 for Renoise 12 years ago and still haven't had to pay for an update. Other than that, I've bought a few apps for my iPad, like SunVox, Animoog, Sunrizer etc.
>reddit spacing

>We're talking about LEARNING here.
doesn't change my point
>make music for fun where it will just be another hobby like video games.
That's the point
Fully vegetable-level braindead.
Use nyquist lel
it didn't take me years to learn how to program, and i can program audio stuff lol

hurrrr this is just like a video game ecks dee it's so fun
even pc hardware which has obvious benefits, some anons get massively butthurt at the idea of spending a few hundred bucks to not have to cope with using deprecated 10+ year old hardware
Did it take you less than a week to be able to make useful working patches? No.

>coding shit is way quicker than dragging premade blocks, just be an experienced c++ programmer lol so easy
1- he asked about learning and you keep doubling down on the blunder you made earlier when you started talking about how fast it is to use as someone who's already experienced
2- you're lying. Doing the same thing in Max is faster than in Juce or csound or whatever you use
3- learning max is infinitely less tedious than learning any programming language
4- yes, that video looks boring because puredata is garbage and what he's doing isn't the most exciting thing in the world, and yet it's still way less tedious than the command line stuff you'll be doing a ton of when you learn to code.

I'm going to stop responding to you now.
>DSP dev discussion
>not a single mention of HISE
it's like JUCE but with visual programming and easier javascript-like scripting instead of C++
Surprised the discussion went on this long with nobody mentioning it.
What does /dmp/ think about the new Windows AI stuff?
Can the NPU be used for audio processing?
there's nothing wrong with C++ especially since buying a $200 cpu makes you cry you should care about performance vs scripting
it's machine learning, AI-assisted, dynamic processing of audio content to meet a set guideline on volume in order to ensure safety and comfort for viewers
it fucking butchers everything but what can you expect from people blasting out shitty earbuds and phone speakers
>1- he asked about learning and you keep doubling down on the blunder you made earlier when you started talking about how fast it is to use as someone who's already experienced
it's not a blunder, i'm being completely honest. it's very common to need some type of sequencer element when you're creating an element or track
>2- you're lying. Doing the same thing in Max is faster than in Juce or csound or whatever you use
anything with indexing into buffers and more complicated than the built ins takes way longer to write and debug

the original thing wasn't "should i learn programming or these music languages" and my reply wasn't that either. it was stating that there are some benefits but it's also a massive pain in the ass and time sink
Astaghfirullah this must be the work of Shaytan himself
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*mogs airwindows guy*
I ain't never finding my preferred music genre to produce bros my brain is too autistic or adhd or something
No one needs 100 tabs open at once. The solution to dozens browser tabs is a management/dicipline issue rather than a technical one. More technological freedom encourages people to be lazy, wasteful and inefficient.
No one technically needs anything. You can survive by being a caveman and foraging. The line you're drawing is arbitrary.
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must consoom ads in video form on social media

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