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/g/ - Technology

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>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>100485174
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good morning sirs
everyone is stupid except me
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literally me
by definition either both of you are stupid or only one of you is not stupid
Is it a bad idea to list my phone on my resume? Also can I have some feedback? Got only 3 interviews so far, 2 didn't get past the screening.
how different is using nestjs + prisma compared to using express + sequelize
what is a laravel
laravel deez nuts
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Is Flutter worth learning? You can make a web app, native smartphone app, and desktop app with one codebase
you'll probably find flutter on killedbygoogle in a year or two
react native won
Nah imma use MERN instead
My company is giving me a Udemy course of my choosing for training.
Anybody know any good quality Django courses? It has to be of technologies that we use and I'm good on frontend so I wanted to start getting better at backend.
just learn react
Apparently Flutter is more performant though. But yeah maybe Google will kill it, who knows.
iirc flutter is only /slightly/ more performant as it's using a custom rendering engine rather than binding to actual native elements. it's basically a game engine rendering fake representations of "native" elements.
that difference probably switches over to RN once the custom static hermes js engine comes out
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When did it happen to you?
leave the website attention seeker
How can I ensure an atomic transaction in MongoDB while using the Atlas Cloud DB? Transactions are only supported for clusters and replica sets. What if I want to delete a document and it's reference somewhere else and only finish if both are deleted and not delete either if one fails?
async removeImage (userId, imagePubId) {
try {
const user = await this.userService.findById(userId);
return {success: false, body: 'User not found'}

const image = await this.photoService.findOne({publicId: imagePubId});
return {success: false, body: 'Image not found'}

const updateResult = await this.userService.update(userId, {
$pull: { photos: image._id }

const deleteResult = await this.photoService.delete(image._id);

if (updateResult && deleteResult) {
return { success: true, body: 'Image and reference removed successfully' };
} else {
return { success: false, body: 'Failed to remove image and/or reference' };
} catch (e) {
return { success: false, body: e.message};

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>Telemetry was added to create an aggregate count of searches by category to broadly inform search feature development. These categories are based on 20 high-level content types, such as "sports,” "business," and "travel". This data will not be associated with specific users and will be collected using OHTTP to remove IP addresses as potentially identifying metadata. No profiling will be performed, and no data will be shared with third parties. (read more)

>Implemented URL.parse()
>The CSS zoom property has been enabled by default
Interesting. Yeah I heard about Hermes but I didn't know when they're releasing it.
Someone has taken my work at my job from within the company that I have done and can prove that it was mine that I have done and put their name on the top of it within my division and is taking credit for my work. Would I be an ass for taking this to a high level to report this at my job?
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Got it, Atlas Cloud DB is a cluster by default and it supports transactions, fuck me I'm retarded
async removeImage(userId, imagePubId) {
return MongooseRepository.withTransaction(async (session) => {
const user = await this.userRepository.findById(userId, { __v: 0 }, { lean: false }, session);
if (!user) {
return {success: false, body: 'User not found'};

const image = await this.imageRepository.findOne({ publicId: imagePubId }, { __v: 0 }, {}, session);
if (!image) {
return {success: false, body: 'Image not found'};

await this.userRepository.update(userId, user, { new: true }, session);

await this.imageRepository.delete(image._id, session);

return { success: true, body: 'Image and reference removed successfully' };
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>boss complains that a new feature doesn't look good on small monitors
@media (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1280px) {
#new-shit {
zoom: 0.6;
What is better entity framework or prisma?
Is it possible to overwrite the natural return value of a javascript class so that it would act as a getter rather than returning the structure of the class itself?
>class Dialog { .. }; const d = new Dialog(); console.log( d );
>// expected result: HTMLElement
no you can't return anything from a constructor method
but you can create a factory that does it for you
class Dialog {
constructor(args) {
// do stuff
this.element = document.createElement(something);

static factory(args) {
const dialog = new Dialog(args)
return dialog.element

const d = Dialog.factory();
console.log(d); // expected result: HTMLElement
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console.log() implicitly calls toString(), you may override that.
>no you can't return anything from a constructor method
Sure you can! But you shouldn't.
>wanna get into game dev
>playing with Babylon.js and Three.js
>Babylon.js seems superior in every way, full webGPU support, WASM havok physics, way more tools and features, better performance
>documentation is shit, no good tutorials like the ones for Three.js, every demo for it is piss ugly, best examples are using unity porting
>try Three.js demos
>look fucking great
>max bloat, no one can get a good functioning game like in Babylon.js though

Are these really my only two choices? I'm sure Babylon.js would be 10/10 if the documentation wasn't so asswater and the creators released some tutorials on decent fucking shading and how to use the tools.
>>wanna get into game dev
>not already in game dev
You don't need a canvas yet. Stick to moving around html elements.
>people get paid more to move html elements around in a week than you make off your shitty pixelfest indie game in a year

lmao @ ur life gamie
Does Yandex really use Unity?
What they probably use is FSB techniques, and possibly espionage, to try to undermine countries that the Kremlin doesn't like
I replied here: >>100526516
I guess I accidentally deleted the link to the post
meant for: >>100522773
Meant for: >>>/tv/199247433
So my mom has a small hair salon here in Uruguay , I was halfway through the UX/UI design course on coursera and have had some financial hardships I just want a simple website, where her customers can submit an appointment towards her whatsapp or some other API? any help :( My scholarship hits until Mid june and I wanted it before as a birthday present
Another day, another confirmation that pure frontenders have half the brain power of full stack engineers.
Use twillio whatsap

or make your own

developers facebook com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/guides/send-messages/

Worst case fall down to SMS, that way you can just pay some third party to make it as easy as a single line of code.
can someone redpill me on figma -> ui pipeline? is it actually viable?
I want to learn webdev, but I can't settle on an idea. What can I do that an entire development team cannot?
google killed it bro

website that rings your door bell with a camera feed
I suddenly wondered if it was possible for Wordpress to show recent posts in a 2xN table a la the Pokemon website from the 2000s. Because I'm a lazy fuck, I tried asking both Copilot and Phind to cook up code for this. Alas, even without running the code, I could tell neither understood the assignment
Fuck you
Why would I ever
Fucking EVER
want to have all of my concerns for a page
Jsut right fucking there in one file
I need a database access factory
I need
to abstract every 3 lines of code
I cannot possibly ever
fucking EVER
keep up with what's going on without minimum of 6 files for one page
So fuck off,c unt.
with prisma or ef?
Will I get a job if I get amazon certs?
With a direct DB connection you fucking scrub.
sounds like some boomer shit, next you will tell me to not use garbage collection
dont mind me just testing something





SQL is dum dum tier shit. Bringing an ORM to do what SQL was made to do is dumb as fuck. You're doing zero extra work by using SQL, and you never have to learn some DSL bullshit reinventing what SQL does out of the box ever again. The irony of ORMs is that they're great for simple stuff, and dogshit for everything else, but basic SQL is also great for simple shit so ORMs just don't make any fucking sense
show me one(1) example
show a fullstack project built using html,css and javascript
Eat my asshole, idgaf if you keep jumping across ORMs for the rest of your life. If you aren't inclined to spend 10 minutes looking in SQL to see how easy it is then nothing I say will make you and less of a niggercattle retard
i swear dumb fucking niggers at these big companies just don't know what in the fuck they are doing. there's no fucking reason to have a tweet id that fucking long. literally no fucking reason. on top of that, it's as if they don't know what the fuck letters are. i hate everything i see that i don't work on personally
Isn't it just a u64?
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Which one do I display when I select employer? Its technically one form but 2 looks better
no use to separate the form divs so stick with 1
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I didn't realize that's still around.
Either way, nothing beats vanilla JS
-- except maybe jQuery.
>vanilla JS
99% of the time, writing plain SQL is better than dealing with an ORM. But then you'll get that one project that needs to work on multiple databases...
yeah they're called snowflake ids and they encoded other important info into them
anon is a retard seething about something he doesn't understand
>page 8
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Is django the go-to framework as an aspiring solo dev?
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Would making a dating website with Unity be too insane?
I guess I really like how easy animations are, basically doing any animations with React or Vue is painfully slow.
Maybe some people like it but I'm not a big fan
i knew you couldnt prove it retard
>Would making a dating website with Unity be too insane?
>I guess I really like how easy animations are, basically doing any animations with React or Vue is painfully slow.
css transitions aren't that difficult, vue even has a built-in component that breaks transitions down into each step
I mean, I guess it would be bit overkill

>css transitions aren't that difficult, vue even has a built-in component that breaks transitions down into each step
it isn't that they are difficult, but just more time consuming than what you could do with Unity

Is it hard going from from React to Vue?
>Is it hard going from from React to Vue?
that entirely depends on how fucked your brain is from using react and its retarded way of doing things
vue is very easy to pick up, its docs are great and it's nice to use. the downside is that the IDE support is substantially worse
Not him but React is easy to use I think. But I also think it's bloated.
I finished my first real world project in a company.
It didn't feel hard at all apart from understanding the needs.
Is it all there is to web development? Is it that easy to earn good money?
> (you)
get the fuck out of here, woman
No, you're ugly
i hate javascript so much. it forces you to write spaghetti code with its verbose ugly syntax
Links on your ass...
i just use golang with angular, got 3 jobs coz of that
what's it like working for zoomers, zoomer
I bought a Digital Ocean VPS. How do I deploy to it?
Can anyone explain to me how Typescript isn't 100% bloat and just a pointless layer of complexity to your project?
nobody can because that's all it is. zoomers will attempt to though
I'm not a woman, just a better dev than you.
>Is django the go-to framework as an aspiring solo dev?
I'd say any fullstack framework will do, so django/laravel/rails
Honestly, it will depend on the type and scale of the project. Simple crud stuff is easy, the more you customize and optimize it, the more complicated it gets. The devil is always in the details.
Quite the opposite actually. Here is counter component written in html and javascript...
<button onclick="textContent++">0</button>

How is that verbose? Is your framework that simple? Probably not. Most people would actually argue that the whole implicit type inference thing is too difficult, hence they put stuff like TS on top of JS.

Can't do, sorry. Only people with serious skill issues fall for TS.
retard moment
only ligma pipline is visible
what is ligma
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Ligma balls lmao
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Should I learn Django or Go to build a small website for fun? I currently work with Rails and Node.
>for fun
Use a memelang. Barring that, use Flask.
I used to use Phoenix a lot for personal stuff but I kind of want to try some of the most popular stuff.
I heard Go shies away from MVC but that's what I'm most familiar with
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Where can I get a real comparison between frameworks for speed and other stuff?
Everything I find is clickbait with poorly thought out benchmarks
These benchmarks are mostly useless since there are so many different factors that can impact real-world apps. The truth is, for 99% of web-related stuff, framework performance is irrelevant, bottleneck will be the database.
Type safety is important, chud
>The truth is, for 99% of web-related stuff, framework performance is irrelevant, bottleneck will be the database.
Dang, that sucks. Guess I'll pick up some python framework for easy iteration, and I'll use my optimization autism elsewhere.
Y-you too...
>Is django the go-to framework as an aspiring solo dev?
I would say it is a good starting point for people who don't already have a solid understanding and experience building web applications before. Imo, any popular opinionated framework works well.
Is there a way to download the entire last.fm database as a JSON file (and storing the URLs for the covers) like what you do with lunr?
if you're asking about backend framework then it *generally* just depends on the language, but yes IO is usually more of a differentiator than framework

for frontend, framework speed usually isn't that important unless you're rendering a lot of elements at once or manipulating a lot, like filtering a large list client side rather than doing filtering server side
svelte and solid are the fastest currently
>Where can I get a real comparison between frameworks for speed and other stuff?
It is not the framework, most of the slowdown is from the language itself when it comes to actual production software.
Java >= .NET > JS > Python

Unless you are talking about frontend frameworks, then it is more about having skilled devs that produce the least amount of code possible that gets the job done.
anons im turbo retarded and i need help asap. i been working on a project in react and whatnot for uni, i thought i had everything on github but it was just the starting react app with boilerplates. and i something went wrong and basically i shift+delete my local folder and downloaded the git one just to realize how i fucked up. anyway, file recoveries arent working. the website is still running on localhost and i downloaded the htm file, there's a lot of CSS but no components. is there a way to get all that shit back?
>never pushed
Did you delete the ".git" folder in your project too?
no the .git is still there
actually nvm, its not there
and you did *not* replace it with the one in your github repo?
nah, i mustve deleted it as well
Okay then, major damage.
Does your website have sourcemaps?
i dont even know what that is, i don't understand half of the react I'm using lol. the only last thing i have is the tab with the preview. i cant open it in another tab since its dead
Use CSS grid-template-column: repeat(2, 1fr); on the parent and bingo, you have your 2xN layout
Go to view source, it's probably some_bundle_name.js, if you're lucky you've had source maps on and the last line will be a gigantic string containing or referring to your original code. The browser's developer tools should have picked it up.

Either way, you'll have to save everything from the Sources tab, assuming Chrome, and hope to god your build step didn't minifying everything to near useless.
so i found a bundle.js file with like 55k lines. i can see some parts of my code so i guess its the best i can do. thanks
Once you've saved that crap, here's your homework for today: https://learngitbranching.js.org/
Ctrl + z
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Any cool $1 domains?
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I might give up on vanilla JS and use a framework. Vanilla is taking too fucking long to write.
I have three different Git GUI applications on my computer. Maybe I need more.
Just use your code editors git integration + terminal.
How do I make my spinner spin just once? When I remove the spinning class it spins backward https://jsfiddle.net/v1ezckhg/
I like the GUIs
you remove the transition from svg, just that
Nice thanks. Is there a cleaner way to do this by the way? What I do is adding and removing a class with a setTimeout
Your way of doing it is pretty clean, just add remove a class.
But what you have to understand is that the transition, in the svg will animate. So you just do not add it there for that same reason.
Now that I think about it, the add class is clean, but the set time out is not clean so to speak.
See if you can find a way to avoid the set timeout.
Something that comes to mind is handling the animation in mere js. Like getting the property, and and adding 360 deg extra to it, but that doesn't sound too clean either.
See if animation keyframes can help you.
complete and utter bullshit.
Why do companies use React? Because it saves time
Try writing drag and drop by hand
What is this this thing called where you have multiple branches, multiple environments and multiple pipelines to deploy your stuff?
I want to learn it but I don't know where or what to look for.
that sounds like hell
That looks fun
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After experiencing Tailwind I can't go back to regular CSS
lol you sit on a "web development general" and downtalk anyone that mentions web frameworks. Have you ever looked at job listings? Because 100% of job offers will require knowledge on React/Angular and sometimes jQuery if they have an old codebase
What makes you think I downtalk anyone except for that one specific anon I do indeed downtalk who repeats a dumb, bullshitty and disproven phrase.
so it's the culture around here, fascinating
No, the actual culture over here is
>Hey, we made this hip new framework thing which totally solves all problems of all other frameworks that came before. We cannot prove any of our claims, but this fancy blogpost will lure you into using it anyways
and then /wdg/ is like
>wow, such awesome arguments, totally makes sense, we hyped bros
retards gonna retard anon, this retard calls everyone a retard and outed himself as mega nocoder by not knowing what slugs were
>hurr dumb dumb dumb
Yet you couldn't respond to my point that companies use React because it saves time. Because you're a moron.
You can write html and css in the same file. No need to deal with class names anymore
bootstrap did the exact same thing 36 tousand years ago
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anyone here has used Blazor? Is it worth learning?
literal retard
kek, frontend devs are so delusional. such "I'm a big boy" energy. you use a single-threaded language running on a user's crappy laptop. you don't know shit about data flow.
Oof, critical hit
yet we earn more than you
If working "backend" was what makes money then embedded devs would be making bank, yet they are the ones paid the worst.
>no u
Yes, I did. I told oyu that it is a disproven myth that react et al. "save time". Thankfully, most real world devs have since stopped using this dumb argument. What react actually offers is: Unification, testability and adhering to one (bad) standard.
Fellas I'm having an issue, I'm restructuring a very large frontend codebase.

The previous guys made a main <header> and added styling to it, but then also made more headers in some pages, so you end up with them sharing styling. What is the easiest path out of this? Can Tailwind (never used) deal with that?
It's been almost 20 years since I've taken a web dev course. Haven't really kept up with it. What do webshitters use these days? Are PHP and MySQL still viable?
simple css cascading selectors can deal with that
what is a cascading selector?
top secret, don't google
funny because they would know the most about it actually due to that you absolute buffoon
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>Are PHP and MySQL still viable?
Yes, still very solid options today, as long as you're using their latest respective versions.
nobody uses them. this isn't 2007
Laravel is used
redis is better than prisma
wdym, it's the most used backend lang and database??
question I was asking myself, how would grug php?
bootstrap customization is shit
should i learn laravel from MERN background
mern is dead dumbass
How do I git gud at CSS? All of my shit looks fucking gay.
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anons, is there a better way to handle errors and the return result inside my imageController coming from the imageService? currently i return an object with
{ success: true, body: result}
from the imageService and inside my controller i check if success is true or not, while the whole things sits in a try-catch block like this:

async function removeImage (req, res) {
try {
const {imageId} = req.body;
const userId = req.user.id;

let result = await ImageServiceInstance.removeImage(userId, imageId);

} catch (e) {
res.status(500).send('Error uploading file', e.message);

is there a better way to do it or is that fine?
fucking let using retard nigger. just use var like a man
Design skill <> CSS skill
>ask for help with something
>get called a nigger about something unrelated
ah, the /g/ experience
Looks alright, although I'd update the removeImage function to either only return a value ({ success: true, data: xxx } | { success: false, error: string }), or throw an error (and just send the data on the success). Not both like it seems in your example.

I'd lean towards the former if you were working with TypeScript (for discriminating unions and catch errors aren't typed), but since you aren't using TS, any would suffice.
the removeImage function initiates a transaction and returns the successful result or an error if it fails
  async removeImage(userId, imagePubId) {
try {

return MongooseRepository.initiateTransaction(async (session) => {
const user = await this.userRepository.findById(userId, { __v: 0 }, { lean: false }, session);
if (!user) {
return { success: false, body:' User not found' };

const image = await this.imageRepository.findOne({ publicId: imagePubId }, { __v: 0 }, {}, session);
if (!image) {
return { success: false, body: 'Image not found' };

const response = await cloudinary.uploader.destroy(imagePubId, { resource_type: 'image', invalidate: true });
if(response.result == 'ok'){
await this.userRepository.update(userId, user, { new: true }, session);
await this.imageRepository.delete(image._id, session);
return { success: true, body: result };

return { success: false, body: result };


} catch (e) {
return { success: false, body: e.message };

this is the transaction initiator:
async function initiateTransaction(fn) {
const session = await mongoose.startSession();
try {
const result = await fn(session);
await session.commitTransaction();
return result;
} catch (error) {
await session.abortTransaction();
throw error;
} finally {

is this too much spaghetti code?
Since it's already wrapped in a try/catch, you don't need to catch anything in your controller code.
>Are PHP and MySQL still viable?
Yes. Though Python or Node is more popular than PHP for new smaller projects.
If you are interested in getting a job, check your local job market for the most popular tech, should be one of Java, .NET/C#, Node or Python, but could also be PHP especially for entry level no-degree jobs.
Just know that from my experience PHP devs are usually paid the least. Comparable Java, Node or Python jobs seema to usually be paid more.
Use tailwind and learn complementary colors
I really don't, do I? I handle errors inside my service and there's nothing that can cause an error in the controller anyways since requests go through middleware validating them right?
Nope, because the function you're calling already handles any kinds of exceptions by wrapping itself in a try/catch and returns an object ({ success: true/false }) instead of re-throwing the error.
thank you
>setup a wp site
>setup my own plugin
>register a gutenberg block inside that plugin
>edit a page, add the block i created, save the page
>the block is displayed on the page
>disable the plugin, which deregisters the gutenberg block
what will happen to the page? will the block disappear? will there be an error?
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not sure where to ask this, but is there any way to get a button to randomize filenames manually instead of automatically in 4chanx?
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why randomize when you can remove?
>jobless but doing freelance work when i can
should i get some certs that align with the gigs that im getting? say i get a google analytics cert just because i did a job involving google analytics.
anons, i have a pr request where my junior is taking a $_POST variable and using it in array_search with no sanitization at all. can i exploit this somehow to teach him a lesson?

a question older than time. you should probably get certs that align with what you want to do
not sure if this question belongs here but what's a good vps for hosting a vichan-based imageboard?
With Railway and Heroku eliminating their free tier, what other choices are there?
Heroku eliminated their free tier ages ago
it wasn't that long ago, like 3 years.
Either way chat GPT suggested Vercel, which looks a lot like Railway, would anyone recommend this?
>only 3 posts in over 4 hours
It's over, /wdg/ has fallen
everyones gone back to their restaurant jobs cause they cant get hired
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what is this syntax ?
Okay, I have a CRUD app that Works On My Machine(tm) and I have a frontend/react webpage that works on Vercel with just a json file as the "backend", now how do I put both the frontend and backend online? I need to host the database somewhere, but how do I connect it after that?
I'm basically following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re3OIOr9dJI and here MySQL just seems to, like, magically handle the connection for you. How do?
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railway is basically free as long as you keep under $5
react is written in flow
stupid nigger
Whats the correct way to manage global state in NextJS? Assuming you have a block with both server and client components, can you just dump your vars in an encompassing layout or something? I know redux is off limits since it only works for client components which forces you to load everything from the client then.
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so which is it? pizza? burgers? something novel like italian?
I don't want to bother people with bugs I know I can solve
imagine using nextjs like a zoomer, leave
As opposed to vanilla PHP or NodeJS+ejs as a boomer? Pls elaborate.
got an example of usage? server components can't read from any kind of state and you can't pass props from client to server
i dont know that but the answer is "globals.ts"
Nvm, ofc its impossible. Unless I loaded it from the DB or something.
you can place server components as children of client components as long as its a server component doing the initial render
with that you could probably use something like jotai and its useHydrateAtoms to pass data from server to global state
in most cases its recommended to just refetch the data though. or just don't use RSC and bail out to client rendering, at which point just use remix
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I'm learning docker and react, and I'd like to use a docker image to create a clean slate base react install that I could move to a new docker container and build there. I tried attaching to a docker node:latest image and using vite to set up the react project files and package.json, but it didn't really seem to work.

Is what I'm doing possible, or should I go about it the regular way, which is taking the files from the host machine and dockerizing them?
i want to beat that thing to death with a hammer
>at which point just use remix
Is Remix "dead" now that it is merging with React Router, or was that a joke that went over my head? (New to webdev, nobully.)
Is Rust useful on any level for webdev?
for what purpose though? Why Vite? It'd maybe make sense if you're using a server rendered framework but if it's just a Vite project you should just be hosting it on a CDN.
React has a compiler now, it's over for flutter.
there are many ongoing projects just for web dev tooling, I'd imagine the demand for rust is in a good state right now
Can't think of anything for web applications other than WASM based stuff, tooling and maybe servers.
How do I store a postgre db in vercel?
Vercel already has it built in
But you'll find it cheaper using their underlying provider Neon
anon you are a lifesaver
I started making my website 20 years ago and got sidetracked, I was abouts here https://web.archive.org/web/20030117224128/http://www.internet.com/sections/webdev.html , I have a couple of web pages left to do, should I use a guestbook script or make my own
are you literally me
thanks anon
now i just need to figure out how to change from a local generic mysql server to whatever the fuck this shit is
I have a bit of experience with react, but it was a year ago. I'm just trying to get the basics up and running, preferrably in a docker container. I've heard this is relatively industry standard, so I wanted to learn it now rather than later.
>what's a good vps
Contabo is the cheapest performance/price you can get, but their minimum price is a little higher than others, but you get way better hardware. Vultr is also good.
>job hunting again
>job ad says "internships do not count as experience"
this just tells me that companies are digging for every excuse they can find to not hire someone
>Docker for React
Literally no point in doing that.
Unless you run Next.js or some server process, you don't need Docker. Run the React dev server normally, and deploying React is just compiling it into JS and serve the files directly to the user. No need for Docker.
is using multiple headers normal?
primereact is the booststrap of react
ok ty
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Can someone explain why my html starts shrinking to the left in smll resolutions?
>every excuse they can find to not hire someone
Or just claim you're not qualified and take someone who needs sponsorship
What about the possibility of using multiple versions of node? I'd read here that the best way to install node and etc was through docker. Is nvm better on Linux than using separate docker images?
Burger don't know how good they have it, here you can go to the job bank.

>Requirements: Must have a pulse

But you will never hear back. It's there only for legal purposes. The position already belongs to Rajeesh.
where can I buy good css?
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Why are you posting viruses?
Would it be possible to make a Jeopardy game with WebRTC video chat between plays and host just using HTMX/CSS/JS?
Don't listen to the naysayers. I think Flutter has really been ramping up in popularity and it makes building UIs fun.
>be me at company x
>frontend is a bizarre amalgamation of different js frameworks
>backbone, knockout
>react with classes and hooks, each sprinkled everywhere
>5000+ line component files with a dozen sub components scattered in different files
>alter a single line anywhere and everything blows up with unreadable stack traces
i came here to say i want to kill myself but really all i can say is “nigger”.
nigger this, nigger that,
niggers tried to steal my cat.
niggers like to tongue my anus
niggers steal and then blame us.
nigger here, nigger there
goodness me there’s niggers everywhere
nigger nigger chicken dinner
sucked that nigger, we have a winner!
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I just incorporated my own company and need a website, but I haven't made a website in over 20 years. I only ever knew HTML and even as a teenager I wasn't very good at it. CSS and JS might as well be Chinese to me. I bought a domain name through GoDaddy and haven't made any progress since. I just want to make a fast, simple 00's-looking online store, but I'm getting pretty close to just giving-up and selling exclusively through Amazon.
Ok thanks for telling us I guess
how much you paying sir? i can do it
I'm trying to figure out what to do besides trying to teach myself something I know I could never get any good at.

I don't know if I could pay more than $200-$300.
Sounds good, email me at jamescrovo450@gmail.com and we can exchange more info
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I am so sick of web dev
how the fuck do i pick a tech stack, they all look simultaneously the same and mutually incompatible
I gave up on learning blazor. What's the most popular web framework, or is it equally distributed among React, Vue.js and Angular?
why in the fuck do you even need to use one you stupid fucking zoomer? oh wait, i answered my own question...
>What about the possibility of using multiple versions of node?
>I'd read here that the best way to install node and etc was through docker.
>Is nvm better on Linux than using separate docker images?
Yes, use NVM. It is easy and works really well. Make sure to add a .nvmrc file that specifies the Node version in all your repositories and have NVM auto change the node version when you switch directory, so that you always use the correct node version when switching between projects.
We use NVM at our company, and it works really well with multiple different Node versions.
We use a CI runner that uses Docker containers to build our frontend and backend projects, but that's only for the CI runners.
Start with a basic WordPress template, replace the content and host it on a cheap WordPress hosting provider.
By popularity.
React >>>> Vue >= Angular
All the basic wordpress templates look like ass, with an obnoxious hero image or some other bullshit that only looks good on a smartphone.
>dudes i got no page at all and have 20yo knowledge about making webpages
>just start with this easy to edit system and ease youself in
>no dude that's icky
fuck outta here
how do i into a media cdn for my site?
>put website on host
>put all pictures on aws or some shit
>link to pictures on website
My primary concern was always making the website not be shit. The goalpost hasn't exactly moved.
yeah, and so people suggested you use a proven, easy to use system with thousands of free templates to get the ball rolling, and then you started complaining, so it seems like the only thing that's shit here is your fucking attitude
>thousands of free templates
Does it have thousands of free templates? The last free website-making thing I tried was Limecube and the different templates were just very slight tweaks to a single design.

literally google "free wordpress templates" and this is on first page.
they basically implemented everything that made remix stand out, into react router v7
so remix is "dead" but they say it'll come back in some form later. what shape that means, i have no idea
>facebook, twitter, reddit, are all just "stupid fucking zoomers"
>i need to dig a hole in my garden
>use this huge excavator
>why? it's just a small hole
>yeah but this huge company uses it
if you're looking for a job, research job offers in your area (it varies from area to area), for junior openings, pay, number of applications, etc.
I am using docker to deploy frontend to Azure has the retarded Azure can't find my github organization so I can't directly deploy from code
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holy fuck this is a breath of fresh air. it's expensive though.
I'm guessing he wants to learn how to use the excavator so he can work on a building site
But the simple fact is: He will never need that thing. And he will have more trouble and more work even just getting that damn thing in his garden. The cost for running (fuel, rent) it is way higher than buying a shovel, too. The thing is making a freaking loud noise as a nice side effect. He always wrecks his neighbour's water pipe with it. In three months he will have to upgrade to a new model, because they stopped making the replacement parts. The new model will have the sticks in the wrong place and do weird stuff like telling you how good shovels actually are which is why the made it smaller...

Do you understand what an analogy is?
He doesn't want to dig a hole in his garden, he wants to get a job on a building site, where they use excavators

There's your fucking analogy for you
No, that is where the analogy ends, because the fact is that besides the very big players, there is no reason to use any of this shit EXCEPT for wanking over it. And even those I doubt that would need this kind of stuff in 2024, if they had actually trained their employees instead of making them dumb by going "full stack react" - which was just a meme we used to lul at, but now has become a sad reality
Hey retards, thoughts about https://github.com/twbs/rfs ??
I did something simpler yet similar with a font, the screen width and vanilla js like 10 years ago
idk, I think I could achieve this with a few lines of code. But the reality of it all is, do I really need this ?
dumb idea done in an even worse way. font-sizes relative to vw are hostile to users. the code itself is bloated as fuck.
Lots of companies use React, even smaller companies
to get a job you fucking moron
Like: Are you even into reading?

I never said that small companies are not using it. I said they have no reason to. I said that they should not. Small companies with "small" software products could and should do without frameworks.

The smaller a company, the less likely is it that they are going to be able to keep up with all the shit that is happening in the web. You can call skill issues, but the company I work in - which is indeed small by basically any standard - still has severe problems migrating all the shit that they made in angular ... The stuff is working, but you cannot change or fix things at all, because everything breaks all the fucking time. But nobody has got enough time and/or money to rewrite everything. Even when we do (we made the decision to use vue instead of newer angular... but that was vue2 which is also obsolete and incompatible with new versions at this point!) we're basically getting fucked in the arse.

There is some hope, as some people started to doubt all this shit. But the thing is: We are still using excavators in the freakin garden, but we are not building the new Chrysler Building at all...

>skill issue
Yes. And that is part of the reality, too.
>There is some hope, as some people started to doubt all this shit. But the thing is: We are still using excavators in the freakin garden, but we are not building the new Chrysler Building at all...
you're missing the point, the point is using as much react experts (tm) and keep pumping and dumping them as there's no tomorrow, best business stance approach
react just babysits the pipeline, it's simple
I have most likely already told you this, if you want to do the same with vanilla js, etc. it'll take 3 times the skill to do, because most devs are react shitters and straight up don't have the mere basics of js down.
React just gives them a massive pool of wagies to hire and fire from without much to worry about.
Get it now? nta, btw.
>Get it now?
Indeed, but that is not the point that I am making. I would not even argue against anything you're writing. It's basically what I am saying: If you "learn" react or something similiar, you are part of the 99% of unskilled people who write bad code that ends up being thrown out of the window BY DESIGN in just a few years. You will keep learning and learning new stuff... and that specific new stuff is old in just a few months (or at max a few years) and you got to start over. Complete and utter bullshit.

And the worst part in this whole game are companies that do not even want to invest in their employees: If they want you to know a specific framework - you should not want to work with them. They will drop you as soon as that specific version of the $currentFramework they have jumped on gets replaced by the nextBigThing. Which *you* will not have worked with in your company but in your spare time at home...

do not do that.
>I never said that small companies are not using it. I said they have no reason to.
Who cares though. If I want a job then I need to learn what employers are using. Are they choosing the wrong tech? Maybe, but that doesn't affect what I need to learn.

Anyway, React just works. It's bloated, but it's easy to use and it just works.
>Who cares though
You should, if you don't want to be abused and get hired && fired in the same way the adopt new frameworks.
>Anyway, React just works. It's bloated, but it's easy to use and it just works.
Yeah, it does not. Hence why they have to go through insane shit to "make it work". They always find the next big thing to fix and fix it by going full circle. And that is the very same for all frameworks. Now we're back to server templates that are basically just glorified (or better enshittified) cgi - cgi based on JS based on JSX based on TSX based on a client-server hybrid framework written in a different typed dialect of JS.

How stupid can you get?
Yeah I'm sure you're smarter than multi-billion dollar companies you fucking idiot
>you're smarter
1. Do you ackshually into any reading comprehension at all? I never said that the companies are dumb - I said what they are doing is dumb obivously from YOUR perspective. And following them makes YOU dumb, not them.
2. So what is it? Are they hiring dumb people who fall for that crap and therefore stay on a level that makes them cheap and easy to replace or are you dumb if you can handle the supposedly more complicated framework free code? Like what is it? Your whole argument is "they know better, they know what is good for me", but that is not how (especially the big !) companies work, that is not what they care about.
nta, but anon, get real, there's 99999999 react jobs vs 1 vanilla js that is actually worth working with
that one unemployable schizo that shits his pants whenever frameworks come up is very funny
indeed, but anyways it's the never ending
>oh I have to learn a front end framework now? fuck that!
kind of mentality, but they're just not so fucking persistently retarded like this dude is
take a break, maybe learn a front end framework, it's not the end of the world
SvelteKit is awesome there's just hardly any jobs. If you are building something solo why not use it?
you can't
constructors return the instance of a class, implicitly
that's also why they can't be async
This: >>100586065
it might get better, might, who knows, infinite react devs is probably more attractive than "doing things right"
>oh I have to learn the language and APIs my framework is actually build on? fuck that!
corrected your mistake
>hurr durr u unemployed schizo look at u
>also what framework do I need because I am unemployed
the duality of men.
there are 0 react jobs "worth" working with. react is for mediocre people, who work in companies that somehow accept mediocre devs, who in turn create sub-standard to mediocre code that is the base for dumb products - which (no doubt here) somehow still get used by them dumb masses that want to share dick pics and pictures of the food they had for lunch. yep, totally worth it.
I mean they are
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I've been trying to get a MySQL database running on my linux machine for the past week.

Whenever I set it up, however I set it up, it won't let me login to the database as the default user. This is before I've even configured any password.

Does anyone know what could be causing this? It's so fucking frustrating bros.

Also is it true that MariaDB is basically the same as MySQL because I think I remember setting that up a long time ago and it easily working. I just need a MySQL DB to use some SQL scripts written specifically for it. Please halp
I like React because you can just make little shitwidjets and pile them all onto the page however you like
It's like lego for webpages
except lego has a proven concept that has not forced your children to throw away all stuff and "upgrade" to the next release for like half a century (?)

and except for the fact that legos usually get stacked in a highly logical and cohesive way.

and except for the little fact that fucking grown ups usually do not play with them if they are not totaly weirdos.
they must be noobs if they can't be bothered to learn new frameworks. it's literally impossible not to pick new shit up if you force yourself to use it on a project
dumb arguments in favour of frameworks
>look at them noobs, they must be noobs if they cannot into learning a new framework every freakin week
quite the opposite. I have been doing web dev since the early naughties. I have seen it all. cgi, perl, php, jQuery, then the new hot shit that were SPAs, and now back to cgi but this time it's called SSR with JS. Seriously, that don't impress me much. My company still has raw java servlets running on tomcat. Bare bones, no framework. Shit just werks. On the other hand we got things that were deployed two years ago, but that is unmaintainable at this point because going from vue2 to vue3 is just a mess and to make that happend we'd have to charge the client basically the same they initially paid a second time.
>incognito mode blocks third party cookies by default
>so if my backend is on a different domain to my frontend then i can't set cookies unless i convince the user to enable third party cookies
imagine using cookies to begin with, retard zoomer
>it's the cookies schizo now
you don't need frameworks you weblet retard
>he thinks cookies are bad
Genuine retard
reminder to you cookie using retards that you have to have a big intrusive box that takes up all of the screen asking the user if they consent to cookies. you stupid fucking retards will never figure it out despite me saying this a trillion times
You're genuinely a retard
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You absolutely can, as demonstrated in the attached image. Class constructors in JS are no more than an ordinary function with some extra calling semantics and assignment of the object prototype.
cookies are mostly bad, even the leaders of the non fattified western world agree.
Cookies are just easier than JWTs, fact.
you don't need either you stupid fucking weblet
New thread
Yes I do need cookies you stupid fucking cunt

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