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Anyone have any more stuff like this? Fakes or otherwise
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post 3 faggit
And 3
There was this video of girls watching sluts destroyed on hookup hotshot vids. Would love to see it one more time
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its SOOOO pathetic you edited that together
there isn't a woman alive who watches tranny porn
god thats so fuckin hot
are there more vids of her wanking off to fucked up porn?
How the fuck would you know? Ex GF and Wife both got into it. Would send me videos of ones they thought I'd like while I was at work.
what are black pornstars like?
Never bother to watch them
My girlfriend does. She also likes ogling Hunter Schafer when we watch Euphoria. Do I feel threatened? No, not really.
I once matched up with an 19 year old girl on a dating app. She had been in a few serious relationship before, but only had sex a handful of times and had a thing against watching porn.

One day we started talking about our deepest secrets and I end up telling her about my porn GIF collection. I tell her "I've collected every porn GIF that has made me cum over the last few years". She was kind of weirded out at first, but she eventually asked to see my collection.

I connected my faptop to my TV and we scrolled through the hundreds of GIFS in my collection. It was amazing watching her reaction to all the smut in my computer. I loved her questions like "What do you like about her?" "What about THIS made you cum?" "That's so gross! I didn't even know that's a thing!"...I wish I could've recorded it. Still to this day one of the best nights of my life.
These were quite entertaining. The porn scenes were good too
These women are full of fucking shit. Just like how pictures of disabled and retarded girls on instagram are full of comments saying "OMG you're so pretty! You're so hot!", or that compilation of women saying Lizzo is hot, she slays, she's a 10/10, even though we all know none of them believe it in their hearts. I am sure if these women watched any hetero porn, hundreds of porn videos, thousands of the hottest men you can get, they would never say things like "Omh, he has succchhh a nice dick! And such nice balls, good for him! You go boy!"

This bitch is also just pandering to her degenerate audience.
I'm not saying women aren't into as much degen filth as men but they're also huge fakers and virtue signalers
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>troon LARPS
by forcing people to participate in your kink against their will, you're a very real rapist. Literally anyone should treat you as trying to rape them if you dress or act female around them because that is ABSOLUTELY what you're doing.
Youj are an aggressive rapist and you will one day be killed in self denfense while trying to force someone to participate in your kink against their will.
And if you were within arms reach of me, I'd make you shit broken teeth for a week.
this is absolutely retarded, i can't fathom how can someone take peterson seriously
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>this is absolutely retarded, i can't fathom how can someone take peterson seriously
that's your narcissism, if you could only se yourself through my eyes for a moment you would understand immediately.
this is the same guy (peterson) who said anyone who goes online should be identified and doxed. basically you're retarded
amazing what they can do with AI nowadays.
Explain what is retarded in what he is saying.
first time im interested in reaction content lmao
Thats three very well selected reactions. Kudos!
That's her whole gimmick.
Tell me you've never ever talked to a real woman before without telling me you've never ever talked to a real woman before
are those the only two ones? seems like the website was shut down
What a wasted thread.
He has said this a few times and I was disappointed. I saw somewhere on further questioning he says anonymous comments should still be there, but you have to choose to see them, or they should be in their own section or something. He is a boomer and the only online discussion model he can conceive of is Twitter (despite his youtube following), and it's kind of true over there that he has good-faith debates and arguments with other doxxed academics, journalists, politicians, and the ones called for violence and whipping up mobs are mostly anon accounts.
I personally see the value of anonymity obviously. And the implications that governments might mandate digital ID's and gatekeep the internet with them is terrifying. I would imagine he is against that.

Bro, I fucked a couple of girls I met on soc years ago and they were into some messed up shit. I know women are into degen shit as much as men. But case remains that the clips quoted are virtue signalling and pandering, respectively.
>girls I met on soc
and you think those are representative of mentally sane women?
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>this is the same guy (peterson) who said anyone who goes online should be identified and doxed. basically you're retarded
you think you're a pretty lady
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>amazing what they can do with AI nowadays.
you'd know I guess
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>Explain what is retarded in what he is saying.
whenever you see naked counter signaling like that, it's almost always a bot.
Humans don'treally communicate that way (although midwits are increasingly being trained to behave that way) but normally people are ON sites like this to express their opinion. So it's absurd to imagine people would go around leaving 'vote counting' comments, where they express hostility to an idea but don't explain their position or articulate their reasoning.
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>He has said this a few times and I was disappointed.
no he's never advocated for doxing anyone.
Anyone who realizes the scope of botting (we're at like 85% of all content here is bots) naturally thinks about confirming personhood through ID as a first solution.
It's a non-issue, its a principled position about trying to stop something truly horrific, which has been going on since 2017, automated, mass-scale psychological warfare being waged on American citizens by their own government.
are these girls underage? Get to work, mods
Love the gif anon. I'm kinda tarded so I'm no good at putting things like that into perspective for others, but I understand.
If they're not, he's right.
My wife definitely likes trans porn.
keep your entry level psychoanalysis bullshit, it's trash
jewel was so hot
i bet your wife is an ugly fat
kek without anonimity, there is no interenet
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>be me
>married to east asian woman
>set up WMAF porn to watch together
>Jade Kush.mp4
>wife stops blowing me and starts going off on how ugly Jade Kush
>"she is hideous"
>"fucking jungle asian"
>switch to Asa Akira clip
>resumes the foreplay
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no one gives a shit what you think do or say faggot.
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you're both faggots.
an internet of bots is worthless
An ugly fat what?
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Boy this thread got off topic real fucking fast huh?
Nobody's more racist than asians towards other asians
Are you an idiot? They don't even remotely look underage.
They are but the videos are fake anyway
that gif is well phrased. like the other anon said I am also not that great at conveying stuff like that but that's excellent and I wish more people understood that.
Its hilarious how triggered you are
>no one gives a shit what you think do or say faggot
>says the guy whining about political bs in a porn thread
no one will ever see themselves with your eyes because you never go outside
but if I go outside they can?
where is the Twitch Streamer who got banned by masterbating on Stream
just checked. Yes these are underage girls. Do you really think it's legal to edit porn pics/videos alongside their faces?
Jade has always been a butterface to be fair. Can't believe your wife switched to Asa though. She's even uglier
very good bait!
Sauce on the porn gif?
True they do try to invade android pillage each other every 50 or so years
more like this

full video?
I love her reaction vids but seeing her bf is an ugly ass abo with face tattoos made me feel like I can't anymore
64 replies. Like 10 topic related vids. Imagine coming to this place and arguing about random shit. You guys are fucking faggots.
Definitely bordering on the edge of you know what
And what's that exactly? I don't see any naked underage women in those gifs
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She’s built more like Asa, and I think it’s a skin complexion thing when it comes to Asians hating on each other. Plus Jade is objectively a butterface
Anon are you telling me people play up their reactions to content to get more views
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=65d147c1b2aa1 reacting to porn in a thing on pornhub, dunno since when
ashley blue
sabrine maui
miko lee
You know there are dumps of Omegle stuff?
Don't have it saved but it's actual girls reacting.
Whats her name?
Nvm found
i swear to god, reaction porn is such a fetish and an upcoming trend.

But with the girl reacting masturbatin. there is just 2-3 channels on ph doing this kinda stuff. I WISH more women came up with this
bro is mad that irl girls aren't all the demure lolicons who don't make sounds except giggling from time to time
like bags of sand
an internet with no freedom is worse. average zoomer is some globalist at this point.
Looks like there's at least 8 videos; more info here:
Does anyone have access to any of them/has saved any of them? This content is so hot (Isabel really seems to be in shock).
Even though her reactions are OBVIOUSLY staged, this is still BY FAR the hottest reaction video of all time.
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Anyone remember a feeling years back where everyone on YouTube uploaded thier reactions to Alyssa Rosales fucking her dog? Most of those vids got scrubbed but man was that a good time
Asians are not faceblind when it comes to other asians. And whites usually go for the ugliest asians, the ones with the most "exotic" features
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Anon why are you always projecting your inadequacies and narrow perspectives? It’s getting really old. There’s no AI cum, and women do indeed come in different flavors and aren’t all soulless dead weight like your wife.
Cope and seethe all you want but remember there are men out there having a better time than you, including myself
Wish this is real
I still don't understand this "Ai cum" thing, like is it actually real or just a meme?
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>narrow perspectives
you just want to fuck kids.
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>I still don't understand this "Ai cum" thing, like is it actually real or just a meme?
its a psyop
like flerg
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>there are men out there having a better time than you, including myself
you aren't a man, you aren't having more fun than me, life isn't about having fun, if you faggots were happy you wouldn't be slaughtering yourselves faster than the people you attempt to rape can beat you to death.
>proceeds to post trannyme
You can’t make this shit up
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>be tranny
>is shocked when ridiculed for freakish and unnatural life style
what did you expect exactly?
DAH HAHAHAHAHAHA oh man the 2nd vid is golden.
>Ex GF

>>past tense

they left you because youre a queer
Lots of grunting and ooga booga
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they are good for a laugh
what is it faggots
What is even happening in the background
Sauce on both side videos please.
this thread go derailed too fast by some faggot samefagging
Amber Sonata

need more this is making me drip cum
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> laptops say college kids react
Hey buddy, you just blow in from stupid town?
can you fucks post real videos and not these retarded edits
Cope harder pussy. I'm a tranny and I fuck a ridiculous amount of pussy. You think it's enough for women to just fuck black men to piss off their parents in 2024? Naw, bring home a pink haired trans girl for the holidays and make your dad listen to her rail your guts in the guest room, that's what girls are into these days
Kike satanist pushing transexualism.
Normal human sex
Bros please take me back..
Is that Adam Friedland?
holy shit, thanks so much for that pic. haven't seen that in over a decade. classic.
You mean your faggot husband that dresses like a woman. Neck yourself you abomination.
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>Boy this thread got off topic real fucking fast huh?
yeah you guys suck at your job
the tighter you squeeze your fist the more will slip through your fingers.
reminder: you work for the people that did 911
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Man i wish i got paid to post on here, i just have a sincere obession with the girls of teens react but mostly becca hochman
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>Man i wish i got paid to post on here, i just have a sincere obession with the girls of teens react but mostly becca hochman
yeah we remember the Pentagon kiddie porn audits.
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>Is that Adam Friedland?
no that guy is too masculine
if youre going to post something like that at least post it in webm format so it can be paused and read. a bunch of words cycling means nothing
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>at least post it in webm format
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>Kike satanist pushing transexualism.
aw niga ur weird
Pretty much the best ones (like in high production porn) are like the white ones. They can fuck but it's not really mind-blowing. The blackness is just kind of there for an aesthetic, white cocks and black pussies. Not a lot of "mm get it, white boy" in good quality, if that's what you desire.
okay, fatso the clown
Mr. Rogers believed in transgenderism/transsexualism
by the way, mean to reply to >>27244008, not >>27242778
Sage this fucking thread this 911 wanna be redpiller is lame af
>Mr. Rogers believed in transgenderism/transsexualism
autogynephilia you mean?
>Sage this fucking thread this 911 wanna be redpiller is lame af
something I said?
This is an excerpt from "Everybody's Fancy" from the show Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, where he teaches children in a family friendly way that there is an immutable difference between men and women congenitally. Additionally, he insists that "everybody's fancy, everybody's fine," to specifically dissuade dysmorphic ideations in the young children who would watch the show. Mister Rogers is to this day some of the best children's edutainment you can show your children because his lessons are nuanced specifically for young children, teaching them valuable lessons in observation, social cues, emotional intelligence, and even finance. It is not AI Generated, and even on cursory glance, shows too much video complexity to be AI.
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ironically 99% chance the a gpt bot made the argument that the clip is AI generated.
Very well said, particularly the way you articulated the inherent complexity of actual human expression; that is a salient difference, that's the uncanny valley of chat bots.
>mentally sane women
Funniest post on 4chan in years
>women parse information through a consensus filter
I've done a lot of introspection, and i've come to the conclusion that this is the number one thing that I hate about women. I just find this behavior utterly guttless and repulsive. And I can't seem to come to terms with it and accept women for what they are.
Is finding a very autistic woman the only hope for me?
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>I've done a lot of introspection
BIG mistake
depression is chemically identical to introspection.
Literally never think about yourself, its the surest and fastest way to unhappiness.
which is why therapy focuses on it and leftists have been trying to force men into therapy for years, it's poison.
Never think about yourself or your actions, live in the moment, analyze nothing, go off instinct.
File deleted.
>and i've come to the conclusion that this is the number one thing that I hate about women.
their lack of acumen at infowars and their poor understanding of influence operations?
tell me about it, they're always like, 'stop fighting about comic books on the internet and come fuck me again" and i"m all, 'BE QUIET WOMAN" and if she hassles me again I give her the old Ben Shapiro treatment.
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>Is finding a very autistic woman the only hope for me?
oh no anon there is no you.
Yeah, I've heard JP talk about shifting your locus of attention outward/away from yourself and being hyper-attentive to other people's feelings in order to distract yourself from your own neuroticism, but... what if I'm a genuine psychopath that doesn't give a shit about other people (other than what they think about me, or how they're useful to me)? Should I just fake it?
Yeah you're right, it's over for me.
I've unironically considered dating a femboy, just because I hate the female brain THAT much.
>what if I'm a genuine psychopath that doesn't give a shit about other people
then you are fucking SET
you must get all sorts of pussy
bitches love psychopaths.
> Should I just fake it?
you already do what are you talking about?
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>Yeah you're right, it's over for me.
it'll be a while before the Bulterian Jihad
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Fucking based gif & based response.
Better fakes than nothing at this point
Nah, you don't understand. As a function of my narcissm, I'm extremely preoccupied with what other people think of me.
I may not care about their lives or their problems, but I do care about how they perceive me, and because I view myself as the center of the universe, I feel like everyone around me is focused on me 24/7.
Rationally, I know that's not true, but that's how I feel, and it makes me lose my confidence and act awkwardly, which I'm sure you can imagine is definitely not a pussy magnet.
So I'm asking if I should fake caring about other people in order to fix my problem.
>there are men out there having a better time than you, including myself

I seriously have my doubts about that last part, anon
>you can tell the difference between a girl who is 17 years old and a girl who just turned 18
fucking retard
Nope, I dumped my fat ass girlfriend that treated me well to marry a bombshell that turned out to be a lying, spoiled brat. Sex is only about 10% of a relationship, the icing on the cake if you will, but coomer brained incels will never figure that out.
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God Damn this thread went to shit
Anyone got WEBMs of chicks masturbating to BNWO? Saw it on a thread awhile ago
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OK, I gotta know. What is
>the old Ben Shapiro treatment?
Nevermind. I saw the webm
Ignoring all your previous posts and this one, I just wanted to react to the webm. Literal braindead people believe only X and Y chromosomes exist and based off this, you are either male or female even though atypical genetic syndromes exist. Call them genetic defects but they exist. For example the Klinefelter syndrome which makes your body try to shape you like a woman despite having male genitals.
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>Fucking based gif & based response.
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if you had NPD you wouldn't call yourself narcissistic. They tend to have zero insight into their condition.
Stop larping.
>and because I view myself as the center of the universe,
its so weird people buy the pop-conception of narcissism, but it's useful for spotting larpers. the popular view of narcissism is almost entirely distinct from actual narcissism.
Actual narcs are utterly miserable abusive people and would be loath to describe multiple personality defects as you do.
t. raised by a VERY serious narc.
>I may not care about their lives or their problems, but I do care about how they perceive me
so bad at larping.
I'll help you so you can larp more convincingly.
Narcs cannot generate self-esteem, so in that sense they are reliant on others for validation, which they get 1 of 2 ways, the more common avenue is by being abusive, the other is by befriending people that are servile and act effectively to prop them up.
This-by the way-is how you utterly destroy a narcissist. If you can cut off their forms of validation, they will 'decompensate' which is basically them becoming psychotic.
> I feel like everyone around me is focused on me 24/7.
actual narcs aren't interested in other people enough to even have an opinion of what they're focused on. They're totally in the moment and totally self centered. They don't even think about other people (unless locked in a conflict with them).
>Rationally, I know that's not true,
again, narcs have ZERO insight, you're blowing your cover by showing insight.
>and it makes me lose my confidence and act awkwardly,
actual narcs have ZERO ZERO ZERO confidence. It's all bluster and they'd never admit 'losing confidence'.
Why are you even pretending to be a narc? Very juvenile to hoax a mental illness (particularly one as disgusting as narcissism).
>So I'm asking if I should fake caring about other people in order to fix my problem.
you should stop pretending to have a problem
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>>the old Ben Shapiro treatment?
did you click the video?
>Ignoring all your previous posts
you're on a board with no post IDs tard
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>Literal braindead people believe only X and Y chromosomes exist and based off this,
if you believed that you wouldn't feel the need to shore up the lie by replying the way you did.
You know you're killing yourself, you know you're doing evil, you know your eternal soul will suffer for eternity for the choices you make.
You can stop right now. You probably won't.
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>This-by the way-is how you utterly destroy a narcissist. If you can cut off their forms of validation, they will 'decompensate' which is basically them becoming psychotic.
if you ever intentionally decompensate a narc, make sure you're safe, this is when they try and kill you btw.
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btw this >>27271889 is the post you really gotta watch and internalize.
You're a rapist. Everyone you act feminine around are people you're ACTUALLY raping (i.e. forcing them to participate in your sexual fetish against their will).
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oh shit I meant vid rel >>27232948
>X Religion reply
Same person as above. How about instead of making some insane religious bait post, you acknowledge your God somehow making the mistake of making and/or allowing genetic defects that do not conform genetically to male or female?
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>Same person as above
> How about instead of making some insane religious bait post,
what do you think 'bait post' means?
> you acknowledge your God somehow making the mistake of making and/or allowing genetic defects
God didn't do it, you did, faggot. You and the people that have psyopped you into being possessed by their ideology (also the demons that are literally possessing you).
If you feel a peculiar rage from looking at Mr. Rogers, or thinking about Jesus Christ, the King of kings, Lord of lords, that's a good indication there's a literal demon inside you.
if you can say, "Jesus Christ" without emotion (or mockery), you're probably not possessed.
if the suggestion makes you violently angry, you certainly are.
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pt 2
Peterson can help you anon
Jesus can help you
the people on discord are not helping you
the hormones are not helping you.
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we didn't encounter one another by accident. I am meant to tell you this. You are meant to hear it.
Yes, Klinefelter is a syndrome, a mutation. In much the same way that a person born with a vestigial tail isn't nature trying to suggest that we're able to be apes.

You're a useful idiot at this point if you still think sex is not binary just because genetics can have an occasional quirk.

"Oh look! That man has wide hips, let's subvert the most clear differences between men and women." Yeah the other 4.5bn men don't have wider hips but let's pretend it means something cause it makes a bitter pill easy to swallow.
What the fuck is this cult shit. What is wrong with you? Even the dumbest piece of shit on earth isn't going to fall for this brainwashing trash. You aren't being paid enough to do this here
>Yes, Klinefelter is a syndrome, a mutation. In much the same way that a person born with a vestigial tail isn't nature trying to suggest that we're able to be apes.
You tried to strawman this into a literal different species to draw a comparison between someone born with either male or female chromosome and some born with neither or a mix of both.
>You're a useful idiot at this point if you still think sex is not binary just because genetics can have an occasional quirk.
You tried to pass off "occasional quirk"s as though they didn't disprove your point. It like saying only black and white exist but when you're presented with the reality of different colours such as orange, you pass of it off as a quirk as though your initial point is still valid.
>"Oh look! That man has wide hips, let's subvert the most clear differences between men and women." Yeah the other 4.5bn men don't have wider hips but let's pretend it means something cause it makes a bitter pill easy to swallow.
Yeah, I'll just assume this is your fantasy as this is too extreme.
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>What the fuck is this cult shit.
we call it 'psychology'
this is what you look like.
Motherfucker you are on 4chan. Go recruit somewhere else
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>Motherfucker you are on 4chan. Go recruit somewhere else
why do you think I'm trying to recruit you?
not a single human alive wants you. And never will.
Humans have only two gamete types: sperm and eggs. The human genome is "designed" to accommodate production of one or the other, and its success rate is high enough that conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome are rare. Even then, Klinefelter is hard enough to notice that many who have it will never be diagnosed with it. They're male.
Deflecting with a question is definitely cult behavior
>I hate the West!!!
Leave dumbass
So you concede on chromosomes different than X and Y and now you jump onto sperms and eggs as a last defence? Yeah, you're wrong again, there are also genetic syndromes that produce neither or something different such as swyer syndrome , turner syndrome, other forms of gonadal dysgenesis and so on.
cults recruit, I want you to reject jesus so you burn in hell.
Motherfucker, Klinefelter is XXY. It involves no "chromosomes different than X and Y". I was careful to say "conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome" because I'm aware of the others you've mentioned, Klinefelter is one of the weakest examples you could have used. Just give up, you don't know what you're talking about.
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>Leave dumbass
Haha, the old Reddit "call it out as a strawman fallacy" bullshit. Men and women are completely different. My point was that just because a mutation fits the mould of your twisted agenda, it doesn't mean anything - it was a mutation. It's like hearing a poet make a mistake during a reading and you dig into the mistake looking for meaning. You're so obsessed with the possibility that there's something to subvert that you ignore the overwhelming evidence that you're actually totally wrong.

The average person can tell the difference between a man and a woman at 100m based only in their gait, even if it's a silhouette. It's baked into us as a survival trait to know the difference. What a coincidence that since the advent of modern medicine that we're suddenly on some sort of spectrum and it's natural to have your penis split and tucked up inside you.
The best thing is that after we went through the last decade having this gender identity slop forced down our necks, we've come out the other side and people are more sure than ever of the differences between the sexes. People won't talk about it publically cause they don't want to seem insensitive but the only people who still believe gender or sex can be interchangeable are degenerates.
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HYPER sick digits though
genuinely jelly
You acknowledged something different exists then you tried to attack from any angle your depraved mind could conjure not realising you've already accepted such a reality exist. Imaging saying black or white exists then saying orange exists but then you strawman around it now realising you're accepted orange exists and can't deny it exists.
Why do they always react to weird porn? Is it because other wise they would get turned on?
Or because it's funny. A bland reaction doesn't get views.
Children don't know, can't fight back, can't consent, and are being subconsciously poisoned thrugh media and schools.

It's happening right now.
Ok, mr. John Narcissist, the narcissist expert, sorry for using a word that most people are familiar with in order to convey my personal issues. Maybe I'm not a clinical narcissist, idk. Never claimed to be diagnosed anyway, but either way, I definitely have SOME issue, and that's what the actual point is. You're fixating on the wrong thing.
>40 new posts
"Oh shit, must be so many new clips! I love this shi-"
>fags being retarded fags posting
Here's a (You)
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Basedddd Becca enjoyer
bump from soon 9
Your 'girlfriend' is a tranny too tho
What trannies don't understand is super straight men are born with a mental link between manhood and dick,
No matter how much make-up they put on, how on point their wig gets, how atrophied their dick gets on HRT,
how big their boobs get with implant and how small their balls shrinks, a dick bigger than half an inch = a man,
and even then, some won't consider but a women is a fertile female, something which no tranny can ever attain.
For me, a woman is someone who has a extra perineal cavity lined by stratified squamous epithelium,
with tons of mucus vacuoles in its horny layer under a microscope, I will never fall for their language play.

And then you woke up and beated your meat against the bnwo shit you usually beat your meat .
Bump, in case anyone has info/links to these videos.
Based YYH.
where's the video of her rubbing a shoe on her pussy?
it was before AI got anywhere near decent and it was HD, so it was 200% her but i've not seen it in like 7 years.
video reminded me of Belle Delphines silly JOI videos desu, with yhe whole "absurd girl masturbates" theme.
was this part of the snapchat leaks from like a decade ago? I remember those but not a shoe masturbation vid.
>there isn't a woman alive who watches tranny porn
i mean maybe not (to any degree of relevance anyway) but do you really see no irony in saying that while posting a video of a woman watching something way more extreme?
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Good AI
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it's not extreme if you understand women. Which you don't since you larp that hey watch tranny porn.
vid rel
>Good AI
no you're thinking of the burned baby Ben lied about.
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just report the retards
No joke, all the girls say “oooh shit” over and over
It’s the one thing that all black girls say in porn
finally, i feel like I'm not the only one still obsessed with teen Becca hochman. I find creeps to obsess with her over still to this day
>anyone who goes online should be identified and doxed
Peterson is a drug fucked idiot but this is the correct opinion. Only people like dissidents in third world countries need anonymity online. Anyone else who insists they need it is just the online version of a muslima wearing a burqa. If you don't have the balls to put your name to what you post online, that means you wouldn't say it in public either and you're a little pussy faggot that needs to stfu.
2 digits off
so...what's your name?
Name and address please
I wonder when she's going to make an OF with the name "Shoeoncunt"
The children of parents who are fit enough to raise good children are countering this propaganda at home. Many will fail. The best will succeed.
Another one
cockshock king was a gold mine RIP i would die to watch them over again. the audio is just as good as video
is this a zoom call with skyrim? bitch in the top left looks like a wood elf
on a slightly related note, I think my pathologically narcissistic mother got into some videos on youtube where they accuse virtually everyone in the viewers' lives of narcissism using common character flaws or examples of normal conflict.
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sounds like something that genuinely occurred and not something you imagine happened to me that you're try to use as psychological warfare against me.
You literally deserve to be droned.
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>Peterson is a drug fucked idiot but this is the correct opinion. Only people like dissidents in third world countries need anonymity online. Anyone else who insists they need it is just the online version of a muslima wearing a burqa. If you don't have the balls to put your name to what you post online, that means you wouldn't say it in public either and you're a little pussy faggot that needs to stfu.
what's your name and rank pussy.
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This thread is w/e but Jungianism is mysticism not science. Why people get away with teaching this utter bullshit baffles me.
You snowflakes are way too easy to troll nowadays
>You snowflakes
you aren't trolling, you're a bot meant to make stolen votes seem believable since without you fag there'd be no leftists online.
personally I think the idea of getting any of your politics from 4chan autists is endlessly funny

if you read something on here you should honestly assume the total opposite of it is true and you'll be more right than wrong
0:36 needs rough anal

that or paid actor
Yeah you should try the intellectuals at reddit instead, i heard they shilled for unconstitutional government mandates, and took an experimental injection just because some jew on TV told them they should. i hate blumpf as well, he's a danger to trans peopel of colour
I don't know how many times this video looped, I've just been staring at her boobs non-stop.
anyone have the sauce for this?? or girls names(the reactors not the porn)
see? this is who's posting on here. don't believe anyone on this website
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Felt like I lost braincells skimming through these reaction videos but I had an idea. Not porn per se but the idea of reacting to someone lusting so hard for a character that you're cosplaying as (and by extension, you) that they nut on a figure of that character seemed really hot. Also Shimakaze and Mai have slutty outfits. I could've looked up animated 2D/3D porn but they were lacking cumshots. Let me know if this is the most autistic gay shit ever and I should kill myself or if this is worth continuing.
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Another one
A third one
A fourth one
Reactions are allowed to be underage.
Damn, she needs to trim her nails
Fucking love these
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lol why did this get deleted?
Ben monitors 4chan for critical memes and pays mods to remove them?
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so, we back on track with this thread?
Sounds more like anxiety than narcissism, desu

> people using different words
>This is not okay
> I want my mommy
> Пцмвeя
psychologists all over the world are in agreement that peterson is a hack
got any with that new blonde girl?
>Girls reacting to porn
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>jews trying to deny evo-psych
they only do this because it helps to expose them
Why hasn't anyone deepfaked Jewel with a cock and/or taking BBC yet? Goddammit you talented mfers, get to work!
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>Why hasn't anyone deepfaked Jewel with a cock and/or taking BBC yet? Goddammit you talented mfers, get to work!
I did that already

Thanks, here's some "regular" porn versions I also made. If you or anyone else have suggestions/requests, feel free to share. Ideally there's little to no noise in any clips or if you're autistic enough to isolate just their voice, that'd be great too.
it is. Look up teen react on youtube. The videos are 8+ years old. Mods are niggers
Oh fuck off. Unoriginal sack of shit. We know why you're doing this, you will never be rewarded for this. You phony.
Nigger, he hit nothing but net. Shut the fuck up. Worm.
No, you disingenous ape. He says that women will give the most empty praise you could imagine if they thought it was socially desirable.
....are you like unironically illiterate? Do you speak English? There's no way in hell you actually read that post you replied to.
More meat smacking reactions?
Even if this were true (it isn't) there's absolutely no doubt that these chicks are more phony than a 3 dollar bill.
Cp laws are unironically the most medieval thing of our era.

>Kid gets ripped apart by some guys penis
>(You) must go to jail for possessing footage of it
>Not paying for it, possessing it

How is this not a blatant fail-safe to eliminate people who have gotten hold of blackmail material on powerful people without being authorized? I mean it most certainly isn't to protect kids. That doesn't even mention esoteric bullshit like putting somebodys face next to adults fucking being "CP". It's almost Talmudic.
Peterson is a hack for reasons that dont require any "expert" opinion. He is a coward right out of a text book.
kys faggot
Fucking faggots fuck off, no one cares, we're here to jerk off.
i don't get it, and without sound it's even weirder
Molodoy Admin / Maddie Grey
Daily Wire Peterson is a persona. He makes more money now doing those absolutist bulshit than he ever did. As he is old and there isn't much else to do he will double down on the bulshit.
Speech too good, must be fake
I'd let her put her boot on my neck
>Guy claims people lied about facts
>Proceeds to claim different facts without any supporting evidence
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>>Proceeds to claim different facts without any supporting evidence
he's an AL Jazeera journalist who produced a documentary about Oct 7, he has unique access to the jewish government during the attack. No journalist has had more or better access than he and his team.

>getting defensive over fake porn orgasms
lol. loser.
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>I'd let her put her boot on my neck
she's into that kind of thing
This only makes it hotter then.
that dude's a pansy ass gay dumbass dude

his only audience is you fuckers sucking his dick
you don't understand women
you don't understand politics
you don't understand a violent dictator

kind of a fucking idiot, dude
So are you the kind of person that thinks that single horrible individuals encapsulate the entirety of a country during wartime? All sides do inexcusable things during wars, it's trivial to pick and choose to support any argument you want. The common people are victims of all wars, a country defending itself is acceptable but does not justify all responses, and both sides are objectively out for blood, but one side is getting more support and weaponry.
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probably should try avoid graphically depicting gay sex acts while larping as a right winger
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solid arguments.
>So are you the kind of person that thinks that single horrible individuals encapsulate the entirety of a country during wartime?
>All sides do inexcusable things during wars,
like lying about rape.
> it's trivial to pick and choose to support any argument you want.
why do you think I'm doing that?
>The common people are victims of all wars,
and those working for the government to manufacture consent are always deserving of death.
> a country defending itself is acceptable but does not justify all responses,
And like all instances of self defense, it's only acceptable while there is a threat to the defending party. Days or weeks later 'self defense' is no longer a justification.
>and both sides are objectively out for blood
the children and women you're bombing are out for blood?
> but one side is getting more support and weaponry.
and only one side has an army.
>the goose approves
Putin would be bending over ready to take any dick he could find
> These military age males dindo nothin
Does anyone even believe this? I'd also love to know how Aljazeera can decrypt SHA-256 or more likely SHA-512
> people are dying
Stated war goal is the complete defeat of Hamas, so it will continue to rain explosives until they are defeated or surrender.
> Its not self defense anymore
Its a counter attack, we are now well into the find out stage of fuck around and find out. Don't like war? Then don't start a war, especially don't start wars that you know you will lose.
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>Does anyone even believe this? I'd also love to know how Aljazeera can decrypt SHA-256 or more likely SHA-512
nah you don't.
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>Stated war goal is the complete defeat of Hamas
exactly, if those babies didn't want to die, they shouldn't have joined HAMAS.
>so it will continue to rain explosives until they are defeated or surrender.
kinda hard to take you seriously when Bibi was paying them.
>Its a counter attack,
you attacked a tent city the other day. You're literally murdering children in a field.
> we are now well into the find out stage of fuck around and find out.
that's when you're wrong moshe
the find out phase is coming
and you even got a preview, but somehow didn't get the message.
>Don't like war? Then don't start a war, especially don't start wars that you know you will lose.
I don't think they did actually.
Or huge fucking babies, holyshit!

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