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Didn't see one in the catalogue, they're so much better in 2D it's unreal
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>those toes around the glans
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2D feet >>>>> 3D feet
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Kurisu is the reason i'm into feet
Are there any good feet artists who can draw good feet that take comissions?
Most artists are too inept at drawing feet for that to be true, and the ones that aren't keep drawing Greek feet for some godforsaken reason.
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I'm more into stomping
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Read Mitari no Sono for footkino
what's even the appeal
It's got a unique appeal that's kinda hard to explain. The foot is by far the most used and relied upon "appendage" for day to day business. Anyone with no feet is gonna be significantly worse off than somebody with no nose, no eyes, or even no hands. There's something about such loyal, depended upon appendages that draw me to them.
as opposed to what?
As well as great sticky soft skin for the most part that works great for fondling penises.
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Feet are a good indicator of health, their curvature resembles the female form, they're a part of the body that's normally covered in public adding a layer of intimacy to their reveal, and they're often warm moist and smelly similar to genitals and armpits.
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A homosexual wouldn't understand
More feet please
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Either what the anons said or the actual serious hypothesis about the fact that the part of the brain that makes people feel turned on is quite literally right the fuck next to the part that identifies shapes, mostly about limbs, and the part that makes people identify feet is like, almost fully connected to the part that makes people say "hot" when they see something. So it could be a mixed signals scenario that hasn't been corrected by evolution because it wasn't big enough of a debuff to cull population by itself way early into human history, thus it being so damn universal of a fetish. Which then makes me wonder which things humans don't like that they used to like but were so much of a fucking turn off that those guys literally died without reproducing even with Unga Bunga Smack Slap Pickup Women buff.
As someone who has had a footjob irl, they are genuinely the best sex position, I was already experimenting with foot fetish and then I got a footjob and it solidified it for me. Feet turn me on every single fucking time now, I'll be watching an anime and they'll be a foot focused scene and suddenly boner.
Based thread.

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