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>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX20
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega

>Theme Stuff

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive

>Previous Thread
"Heroes and Villains" theme is here - superheroes, magical girls, toku heroes, super-spies and more have taken over Koi City!
REMEMBER to reply to this post to have your cards added to the theme spreadsheet!

>Character Sheet
>Sheet Font
>Theme Spreadsheet
>Theme Mega
You are also mentally ill.
I love Scene Mega Anon.
I love Secret Vault Anon.
Kit is gone Anon.
Kitanon is never returning.
Bro made it.
I bet he's just posting AI Kits on the IRC. Or sleeping. One of the two.
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I'm going to leave the mega up for like... 3 hours, since I need to go to work around that time.
This is a whole new torrent, combining the older torrents alongside the new update I made a month or so ago.
For the people that only saw this torrent now, This is a torrent made to allow the sharing of my scene collection in case mega goes under.
Due to the risks and how mega can take down my mega at any time. I only add the "safer" part of my collection in the mega, which is things like items, weapons, vehicles, props or maps. If you already downloaded my mega before, you can ignore the first 2 7z files.
The rest of the archives are basically the unfiltered scenes. There may be some overlap between stuff already shared in the mega and torrent exclusive stuff, I apologize, by this point its like 9000+ scenes, and I will have a hard time checking what I have already shared or not in which side. I do think in a few months I will just organize everything and redo properly the torrent, until then this is what you get.
>>8020480 (me)
During the night or days when I'm at home most of the day, I plan to open qbittorrent to keep the torrent running. I will try to keep it up for around a week or so, due to how my shitty internet can't upkeep a torrent without annoying the rest of the family.
Not confusing at all.
based, thanks anon
>>8020490 (me)
Hold on, give me a second, I just have some issues right now with my qbittorrent install. I will fix it and share a new one later.
I agree. that is why I want to organize it later.
should be working now.
Please show me your girls waking up, opening their cute eyes for the first time after sleeping.
i'll leave it up to whoever is doing the sheets and megas to decide if they want to include becky in this. i just wanted to fill out this out because it's a good time and it lines up with my own lore. also whoever did the sheet, good work! this sheet is fantastic!


she only looks fat in a couple of spots to me
Not sure if I'll be making a character for the hero theme. Wow Remix is eating up most of my free time right now. I'm enjoying how quickly you can accumulate bronze.
Built for anal probing.
Becky needs her holes filled with cum
Becky is innocent, she knows only hotdogs and basketball
I will put the torrent back up in around... 8 to 9 hours
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Oh Becky, that is EASILY fixed, just share her card <3
I need to make a Witchcore girl for the hero theme so she can get fucked and sucked by tentacle henchmen
Define "witchcore" in 500 words or less
Big expressive eyes
Short hair
A girl imbued with the spark of life and a hint of youthful innocence
Beautiful work, this is exactly what I ordered. You are a good one.
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Alright, I fold
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You can’t hide from us, Witch. We know you. Better, even, than you know yourself…
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I'm sorry, I didn't get that, I don't speak gangbanged.
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>I don't speak gangbanged
lmao I don’t believe that for a second
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Alright, admittedly I've picked up a few words from hanging out with Nara so much, I can probably order a sandwich or ask the way to the airport.
heh that's more like it. now make a cute girl so I can actually use her this time and wipe away the shame of not using Annette
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Unlikely. I have very limited access to KK these days - I'll only stick around until monday - and inspiration hasn't struck me, so don't hold your breath.
Just make a magical girl outfit for Annette, and bang two brats with one stone.
were you imprisoned for gangbang related crimes and let out on weekend release?
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How do I make the men transparent like in this scene? I come across scenes with it every once in a while
there's a toggle in the panel with their clothing n shiet
somewhat kino
I've been stuck with my company laptop for nearly half a year now, and I ain't putting KK there.
did the company take your old computer as insurance to keep you from defecting to the allies?
another day is here, so time to throw the entry #2 of 7. meet sparkle (or daiya), the leader of the midnight watchers and someone that really, really wanted to be a magical girl, so nimue had to pick them!
(note, while i do refer to them with neutral pronouns and what not, feel free to use masculine ones.)

cards + plugins > https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZtdqMZv8zlgnhQ4EjJhGphg6jIYfWifllX
mods > https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZUdqMZLuyp2OaYOAQDJLfkejdAG0G5Vt8k

(hopefully the webm is fine, lol)
You'll have to take me to dinner to get my full life story, anon.
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I'm at least happy I got a couple scenes from you before you disappeared in a puff of smoke
I'm just looking for ways to cope with the loss of Witchcontent
I downloaded a card and it will not show up in the main game. It will only show up in studio and has no name attached to it, just a blank bar. Anyone know a fix?
Noir is cute!
Get your eyes checked.
I feel like I might have misunderstood the term witchcore.
She loves her coffee
I can accept this as an alternative definition
I agree!
it would be a fun game mechanic to shoot dildos onto characters and have them stick to them and waggle around
what kind of things could she do to me?
But where card?
That's probably the least worst thing that has ever happened to her
take her arm away a punishment. Don't let the disabled forget they're disabled.
She doesn't need her arm to handle you anyway
Her piss was sold once!
my cute amputee elfwife
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That's hot.
You should make a magical girl for the theme
imagine her stumps waggling with joy
Why a magical girl?
So I can have her get violated, the natural job for magical girls
this theme is a sausage fest
youre going to get poop on your dick
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I actually have a magical girl concept for the theme, I just don't have a design in mind.
What's the idea?
Girls don't poop, you absolute fucking moron.
The genderbending majokko trope, with some sprinkles on it.
Could be just a super hero with the same spirit though.
Are you suggesting a cute boy desu?
Not a trap - a boy that TFs into a magical girl for combat. He doesn't need to be cute by default.
I suggest a short blue haired boy that turns into a long redhaired girl
But Isn't Noir Kitanon's?
Arent we supposed to dislike his stuff?
the plaprat thunderdome...
The loser gets gangbanged.
And the winner also gets gangbanged.
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Honestly, mekakkure generic mooks are one of my favorite things
Exactly, it's rape correction.
>So I can have her get violated, the natural job for magical girls
Anon, nonmagical girls are perfectly capable of being violated
But im into shit like this.
Way into it.
So what's a good magical girl/superhero name for a girl that looks like a demon and likes to punch things?
We like him and Vhix.
Uuuuhhh Zheng? Hibiki? Some greek name like Saint seiya did for their magical boys?
don't care for him nor witch
What a cute bunch of rats.
Fuck that's hot.
She's so cute.
I couldn't really get it to look right. None of my sex scenes are coming out right nowadays

Faceless dudes suck unless they're in a group of other faceless dudes, and then they're absolutely peak, and I don't know why that is
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I don't quite remember but was there ever a fix to the casted shadows bugging out like this when using the xukmi shaders?
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The love-struck love striker, Kaida!

Yeah, that one's gotta be it. Lines up pretty well with what I was going for with her origin.

Also really good.

I did consider naming her something based on myth, but couldn't really find anything I liked that felt fitting for her.

Thank you!

Blow your mind and destroy your penis (magically or nonmagically).
I've been working on custom textures for bras and panties.
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Gonna take a nap in that lap
Dinnertime for Kay
Every creator that left is having mind blowing sex right now.
can confirm, I just did literally minutes ago with one of my OCs of course
Apologize to Farm Theme.
Me too buddy. I just came all over my SSD containing her. Shit was so cash.
Cute boy I mean they
Amazing lmao
And Kay receives her reward
We weren't stable enough to give the farm theme a fair chance.
what in the xwitter
some things are better unexplained.
my plan worked. i swear i have some girls on the plate for the theme, though.

how accurate does get to be his forecasting?
a cute specimen... how horny she is, though?
>If he says 5% chance of rain, it’s gonna storm.
its up.
>it's another comfy scene but with le EPIC clique outlines xD
MY (YOU)s are in ORBIT!!!!
Awesome scene
Fuck off
cool scene, nice outlines
Cute! Super comfy looking scene.
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a wip
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oh wait i forgot about something
I'm getting a bit better at this.
Alright, that'll do from me.
At base, not much. Reflexively punches whatever's near her if she thinks of doing anything more than holding hands with someone she likes.
With the bandage off, she's a typical hungry succubus.
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can you help becky spot all the aliens?
i wanted to use the other heroes but the pcloud cucked me and i think i'm missing stuff for forkass

>>8020653 me again!
here's the card, i didn't link it the first time because it's just the same as the one on my mega. but since these guys asked >>8020713 >>8020917
i decided to make a special collectors edition card with alternate art! and that's the only difference!

...i think i know why the pcloud cucked. ig linking my mods folder i have on pcloud on f95 made that happen...?
might have to mirror daiya and cedric somewhere else for now.
I actually like the first one better. It’s clearer and more… wallpaper-like, I guess?
Just use catbox
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Follow-up to that scene I made where Claire stole Feelai's hair.
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Also, what's a good way to reduce the file size without having to lower the resolution too much?
just make it a jpeg man
Damn, I'm stupid. Thanks.
she should have had her arrested for tresspassing
I like this biki.
Becky with braids hits real good. She also reminds me of another OC who's name I don't remember anymore.
What are these errors? Whenever I get this, the previous scene that was loaded just slowly fades out as this dark vignette starts covering everything, but the Work window shows that the new scene's been loaded. Nothing seems to work at this point, unless I shut down Studio and restart it.
So fucking cute, nice work.
Very cute girls, nice feet.
Take me to the plaprat nexus.
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no thoughts brain empty saber
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Finally done with Eve (for now). Hope you enjoy her.

Really nice work. Great colors and nice composition.
Cute!! Your blonde girl has a really cool design.
Hot as fuck.
Maciej Nowickis beautiful wife...
This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Nice work anon.
Some mod called ParentSwitch was causing it. Not really sure how it would, but getting rid of it made the problem go away.
yeah, I know some loli tricks. big heads, tiny body, usually not curvillinious at all. They all look like shie shit frankly. But even making a more mature girls in koikatsu I feell really offput with my results. Not sure know what I'm doing wrong or what I should be pursuing.
I'm not helping a 3dpd faggot with awful taste, sorry.
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fuck off Dan, Don't care for your input anyway.
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Boobs aren't the only secondary characteristic.
Give them noticeable hips and the thighs that go with them.
Don't give them a big belly (unless pegrant), accentuate the waist slightly so that even without boobs, their body shape is not a tube.
Don't go crazy with your body to head ratio.
Maybe editing an Illya and a Chloe card was a bit of hardmode in this instance. I had both of those that were pure bliss a long time ago. Gonna try Saya Endou next, and try to find better Illyas and Chloes.
Illya/Chloe are super short and slender. I think you'd have an easier time making Chloe look more like an adult Pettan with the method I gave you (if you're planning to use them in the game and not just Studio, you also need to increase their height).
imma rum my dick between those titties
Now this is art!
Go away Relvel your mom hates you more than I do.
I got called Relvel today!
I wasn't talking to you I just wanted to make sure that if he scrolled past at some point, he would see that and cry himself to literal death.
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>keep getting distracted
haha i will surely work on theme content soon
once i finish Abiotic Factor anyway, god IS-0091 is annoying as fuck
Go away Fluffer I hate you more than your dad hates black people.
>Cute!! Your blonde girl has a really cool design.
Thank you...
Thank you Becky-sama!
you know what? entry #3 of 7. with one of the two girls. don't you need a milf that gets younger when transforming???

card + plugins > https://files.catbox.moe/trfood.rar
mods > https://files.catbox.moe/kju34t.rar

also, reposting links for cedric/judge and daiya/sparkle on catbox, since, lmao, my pcloud cucked.
https://files.catbox.moe/ljywvl.rar (charles and judge cards + plugins)
https://files.catbox.moe/k0pzzk.rar (charles and judge mods)
https://files.catbox.moe/0eima3.rar (daisuke and sparkle cards + plugins)
https://files.catbox.moe/k3yij6.rar (daisuke and sparkle mods)

(imagine you didn't saw this post already)
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i enjoyed making this giant
Worst image of the entire thread
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damn i totally improved, haven't sculpted this model since
your new work looks more defined
true, my old model looks like its on steroids and has cut the fuckin... uh... usage

yep, im so happy
wow dude that's adorable
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actually had this villain idea because of the theme but i feel like making a male and calling him macaroni man
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i go start from scratch bros, have a good day
probably just simple shaders
lets make comical characters, lesgoooo
Get fucked.
She's so cute. I love her embarrassed look and the way she holds the fabrics. What did you use for those by the way? the transparent effect looks dope.
God-speed. Don't hesitate to check other people scenes and cards to learn the ropes.
Making your cards from the basic male and female every time will stunt your growth.
You forgot your clique outlines
cute girl desu
She clearly has outlines though?
Don't feed the shitposters (you)s, you're enabling their addiction

That wasn’t me but I’m taking it anyway.

desu I’m not familiar enough with south American geopolitics to know if Peru has beef with the Phillipines. Aren’t they on opposite sides of the globe?
The white outlines he uses his other images that he chooses to gatekeep instead of just telling how they work.
He has contributed nothing to this community, only cries for attention by pretending to be a schizo deleting everything all the time and yet people defend him for it all the time. It's ridiculous.
fiddling around with character creation and I've ended up with two blondes with ponytails. I want to switch up hair for variety - anyone have suggestions? My inclination is to change the girl on the right's hair
Get ready for soem nostalgia https://youtu.be/JImcvtJzIK8?
So are you the latest obsession-type schizo?
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here's my macaroni man
i will make a scene with him fighting the eggplant man
so anyone who this dude beats up turns into mac and cheese
Everybody loves mac and cheese. Chicken alfredo? Mac and cheese. Lasagna? Mac and cheese, with some meat in it. It's all Mac and cheese dude. Rigatoni? Well that's just a noodle, but. If you put cheese on it it becomes Mac and Cheese. Do you see where I'm going with this?
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Honestly dude, it would have been better if you made it all a single image instead of wasting image slots. like, its not even that hard to use paint.
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It’s not like image slots are at a premium desu
It's possible the newfriend isn't aware of image limit.
Vhix isn’t really new
To the anons who maintain the theme megas and spreadsheets... If you can do this favour for me please remove my characters from their respective themes and just please understand my perspective for making this decision... Thank you...
so should i continue the story or what
yeah we need those slots for more zero effort reposts like "WHEN YOU WHEN YOU WHEN YOU" etc
look at what the card looks like and he made that in an hour
how is that fucking new
i thought its normal coz some guy on internet said i didn't improve
I'm the anon that manages several of the megas and spreadsheets, I'll be duplicating your entries multiple times because I like them and think they're very cute. I will ensure the legacy of your hard work for those who love you, like me. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
the accuracy on that chest, the shorts and you even wrote mac cheese on that short.
the body looks great and you only took an hour to do all this, that's something.
did you draw this card on paint and just pasted on koikatsu? damn.
sir that's too much O///O i guess im gonna do that story someday
you can continue, but only if you suggest me a better hair style for this blonde girl
Nobody cares about your ugly chikas, retard
He's totally fit for commissions.
I think he would make this same level with same time spent if he was paid right.
If he needs mods, he could always ask some people.
I love you Nana, but grow some thicker skin ffs. It is literally just one dickshit who smells blood. Besides, we all know you’d be back in a few months anyway.
This is all assuming this isn’t a false flag of course. Because if it is, fuck you nigger.
don't forget he's banned. no way he could ask somebody with a banned status
Poin 2.0 Electric Boogaloo
nana, pls, don't pull a poin.
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Never go full Poine.
more like Poin 5.0 considering how many times nana has left.
he really needs to get some thicker skin or learn about self-esteem before coming here. And to stop fucking replying to the shitposters with "sorry" "apologies" or any amount of weakness, or let them get through his skull. I don't even dislike nana, but I don't blame if someone is tired of him being in this spinning door, entering and leaving this thread every few weeks.
possibility of it being a sussy impostor: >0%
>caring what people say about you
>on fucking 4chan of all places

Now everyone tell me how my lazy scenes are the highest art you've ever seen.
the face also great and it's much more impressive that he started with sousuke
Stacey had just graduated catholic school when she went to the slaveworld. She was sold to an owner who's very respectful of her faith - he makes sure to only use her ass
>*throws a melty for no reason so they can get more (You)s*
Which characters are we talking about here anyways? That blonde one and who else?
Who the fuck is Nana?
Who the fuck is Poin?

Where is the thread variety?
And just like that, I've lost all my respect for you.
thread's asleep, time to pull a repost.
Nooo don't do it anon!
What makes the breasts of Annankn cards so jiggly in comparison to other ones. I'm not sure what slider is making them ragdoll with each outfit swap and it's certainly not weight or softness.
Dunno who that is but BreastPhysicsController lets you go into deeper tit physics autism.
Who's Annankn?
So which pet should join the theme and become a magical girl or superhero?
Charlie. Winter will stay home and be my pussy puppy instead.
the cowe (so you have a reason for finish her)
This isn't a random mood swing, I posted my school theme pics on pixiv and Nana took offense that I told 2 commenters who thought the other OCs were cool to check /kkg/ if they want the lore and/or cards (seeing as only Annette's card and profile was included at the end of that entry).

The perspective of a handful of tourists checking out our public thread was apparently a hill high enough that Nana wants to die on it.
I dunno if I'm blocked or if Nana's pixiv page has been wiped manually, but it looks empty to me now.
It's an overreaction but it's not aimed at this thread.
pussy puppy and cunny bunny…
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Turned out great!
Alright somebody get out the beyblade arena, we have another Witch situation to deal with. Best of 3 match, loser has to say sorry while having their feet tickled by the winner.
finish the cow so we can milk her
>schizo doing schizo things
More news at 11. Don't think about him, he does that all the time.
The torrent is going to be up all day btw, not max speed though until night.
I don't know what everyone is doing, me on the other hand. I have been checking my collection and the cards I have scavenged around searching for some ponytails in picrel, This time I want to make a char with a ponytail, but I don't know how to make a ponytail look good.
Depends on what you want to achieve. Why do you want a ponytail specifically?
Just to have more variety or change the design a little bit between the chars I have worked on, I do either short hair, long hair, or straight/slightly ondulated hair. I want to try doing some rarer hairstyle or go with... dunno, fluffy hair (celes technically fits that though), braids, some afro or some really outlandish hair
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How do I get rid of the "No Tent No life" logo on the long T-shirt? The shirt itself is great but I hate the logo but I don't know how to get rid of it.
Mat edit/overlays
Just make the logo the same color as the rest of the shirt? If that's not an option you'd have to export the maintex in material editor
The texture is actually totally blank aside from the logo. Any uniform colored square will work

I am pretty sure you still get a couple crusty outlines if you do this
Literally just make the logo the same color as the shirt.
In that case you'll just have to test the ones you like the most on your character, and see which works best. Just start with a super basic ponytail and start changing the others. Maybe you're already doing this.
and you have to share your private conversation with all the schizos here because...?
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You think someone as elegant and sophisticated as Winter would be willing to just be your puppy pussy? (Yes she would) well you might need to think again Anon.

Perhaps. I need to come up with something first.
My wips right now was magical girl Flower and then just reworking Fantasy Winter so we have a fun silly villain to bully.
You're always at odds with someone every time you pop around again.
please don't awoo~ in front of theodore, though.
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Glad you dug it, was a nice break from messing around in timeline.
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haha wtf
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oh oh oh
I may as well say this one is done for now. I wonder if anyone remembers him.

Along with some mediocre props and color adjusted dogs for scene use.
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ok last one
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kek, I suppose that's a little insensitive

Pretty cool

Hmm hmm. He's always been pretty far up my alley. Hopefully I can finally get this WIP moving again and start doing magical adventures in earnest
So fucking cute.
Very cute, probably my favorite of your girls.
He cute, what was he in before?
anon11's kit is better than kit-anon's kit.
Bullyable villain Winter would be pretty fun, the princess attitude works pretty well for it too.
That would be the first magical girl theme
I really miss Anon11.

When I was doing Fantasy Winter's design I had evil bullyable magical girl in mind. Theres a few tweeks I want to do before I would submit her.

Currently working on magical girl Flower. and I have a lot of ambitions on it that im sure I wont be able to deliver.
2nd row, 2nd from right. Who’s she?
>woof has a red riding hood theme
Nice, once more he comes to be plapped and bullied(cute).
Flowerwifeanon is going to love this.
Yorigami Shion from Touhou
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There's more than one of those.
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I can't believe how many fans Flower has.
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Nip bonanza!
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watch this
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are we witnessing the collapse of the Clique Age?
Overwhelmingly smug Flower with chubby cheeks full of smug…
You get what you deserve. Enjoy.
Thanks, I'm having a great time!
but we've always been against kitfag posting
here's preset for the boys
be unimaginable today
i forgot the set the height to 200, you do it
Everyone is obviously working on their cards for the theme!
It dropped out of nowhere, my first card out of a minimum four ain't even ready yet.
yikes /kkg/
so true bestie
I have ensured that your precious cards are being cared for, no need to thank me :)
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I had a few plans for farm theme but never did anything.
But I saw a handful of Anons having fun with it so it brought me joy.
>contribute to my theme, it's about comfiness and fun and being nice to people
>nooo not like that, that's cringe
I for one am glad anna started the fighting game theme to detract from pokemon
If I remember correctly it was made before the pokemon theme, and the pokefags got salty.
Fighting theme had tons of entries but little scenes.
Pokemon theme had tons of scenes but little entries.
But I did enjoy both themes.
It was just one guy (most likely aika) but his seething was hilarious. Everyone else knew it was a nothing burger.
FG characters were dope. I hope they make DLC.
womp womp
Fantasy theme had a good number of scenes and entries.
Can't say the same about this one. Maybe people shouldn't have shitposted and chased out scenemakers.
It’s literally not even a week old, be patient.
excuses excuses
Now I know you're shitting. Good bye.
>not even a week old
And it already made Nana melty. It's ahead of schedule if anything.
That was Witch, by his own admission.
Is there anywhere I can upload and download collections of characters?
I swear none of you know how to read the goddamn OP
I liked the idea of two concurrent subthemes that people could choose to focus on, or work on both.
Honestly that could work. The only real problem would be getting people to manage the sheets/mega for both. Maybe.
Daisy forma magical girl.
Still a pretty big wip.

On that note. When trying to have different eyes for different outfits. I see the Iris Overlays has an option for this but how do I export her current iris? She needs a differnet eye color in magical girl mode.
Ayo new dick mod just dropped on the Discord. Should be called “Peenor” by Rikki Balboa. Has a lot of blendshapes https://files.catbox.moe/6cnpmr.zipmod
Matedit hitomi maintex
If you see a cow magical girl please defeat her in combat quickly so that you can then do lewd things to her.

Okay thank you. I looked around that before but somehow I never found it.

The blue and the pink would match each other better if you toned down the saturation and/or the brightness on the blue a fair bit. I think the shade is about right
Please teach me how to use the reflect matcaps, none of the sliders do anything.
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Just a teaser of Magical girl Flower's wip

Yeah I also think so. Colors are still far from final.
>Can't post "furry/anthro" here
>They hate the thing over on the Discord Server
>Due to the niche cause by the two, making a thread on Trash is impossible with no posters
>The only place that deals with this "niche" is on another Discord Server that treats that shit like a private club instead of a commute

I just gotta say that I give this game and community too many chances, because of the fact that the non-anthro stuff is good, the games chara studio is great, and the character customization is addictingly great, especially with the mods. I just can't find the footing with the community. Because it's too damn split up and only poses as a chill community.
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wow you literally turned into loading screen
She looks cool, excited to see her.
The OP only has collections of cards made by specific people. I want to make a collection based off of a series.
since previews came up
here's a cryptic one
ooo this looks very nice
The CCCCP was pretty much that, but it stopped being updated like 2 years ago. Not sure if the torrent is still up.
Other than that, certain places may have collections for certain series or other media. I know one VTuber general had a mega with VTuber cards, for example. Outside of that, I know of nothing up to date with everything in one place.
I am one of them and it's true!
Yeah I want to put something together like the CCCCP. As stated it hasn't been updated in a long time. A lot of cards have been made since then.
Thus proves my point. This community ain't shit but smoke and mirrors
we don't care about IPs here
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I suck but I'm having fun
I think it looks cute anon
Somehow, I do feel this theme will bomb even harder than farm one.
There is something amiss
Torrent down. The ratio in my client says 1.4 though, so by now there is probably people with the full thing downloaded, I will keep on torrenting it this week during the night. But without that much priority from now on.
Fuck this fucking scam central community
no one asked
Is there a repository of animated scenes other than Bepis?
That catalog is a bit too bloated with reposts of existing scenes with different characters, the most bizarre of all being the dudes making every guy black for some reason I probably don't want to know.
>the most bizarre of all being the dudes making every guy black for some reason I probably don't want to know.
Get used to it.
and done
Done? Wheres my hero sword?
Bro...your clique outlines?
forgive my retardation anons, but where exactly do I drop the zipmods for a card? folder I mean, I never had to do it manualy so I am not sure
to be exact, I put the zipmods in the mymods folder but the card doesnt seem to recognice them as it just says they are missing when loading it...
nvm anons I'm retarded, I didnt realise I still had studio open and just had to restart it I will not delete so that everyone can laugh at me
sorry, that was a 50% for the reforge

there you go anon, i also fixed some pet peeves while at it
What if she had a cute mascot character who turns her from an ordinary cowgirl into a Super-Lactator using his miracle powers?
I'm not deleting shit, this is a porn game, not a daycare
Very comfy, nice work.
Much better
crafted with pussy juice from a lava slime girl
I was asking and am happy you informed us.
Dead theme dead thread dead game
then leave
>nothing for an hour
>the minute I post it starts up again
Either it’s a bot or it really is just sitting there waiting. Thank fuck for 4chanX filtering.
Stop replying to it, it’s basically a chat bot. You are not speaking to a human capable of intelligent thought
Yeah, thankfully it either replies to itself or posts the same thing over and over so you can catch it super easily.
i've had the same thought about those messages for a while, it's either ai or a half retarded loser which is basically the same thing
Who are we talking about, the doomposter?
Whoever I dislike typically.
Vhix can save this thread.
>Is there a repository of animated scenes other than Bepis?
I guess there's not.
Another question, then. Do you guys know how to unfuck accessories when swapping characters in scenes? It happens with some of them and the modded hairstyles look especially fucked.
This is what you're looking for: https://files.catbox.moe/1grihr.torrent
alright finally got my shit stable here's the first batch of pso2 accessories all in all 54 individual accessories let me know if there's anything wrong except rotations being weird I don't feel like fixing every single parts being at the wrong angle at start


now I'll work on something for the theme should be relatively quick
trying some random outfits from alvarna's mod outfit
Hot, nice work
kind of rushed posting stuff without replying to a few things

thats actually a really charming scene

not really interested in playing the game but that bodysuit is just too damn good

feelai continues to be adorable great job

lovely, we can always use more nip mods
Any tips for doing displacement with stuff like bras? What's the best method to paint the displacement map?
substance painter is the proper way to do it but every time I try I fuck it up
>Do you guys know how to unfuck accessories when swapping characters in scenes?
Nevermind, fixed it.

I read the thread, I know that exists. But it's not something I can exactly browse and it's kind of huge to download just for that. Though I can see that it might be useful if I was looking for something specific.
u don't know shit
that's the paywalled scene torrent
it has all of the gooner timeline porn shit you're looking for
just pick one or two of the braindead fotm gacha slaves listed in it, retards like imsayaa, willy72 or tachumi, most of them do timeline since that's where the patreonbux are
Then no. Just bepis, and pixiv to a point. In every other place, things are either spread out, or in archives like that torrent.
I recognized some names, but I wasn't looking for anything specific. I guess I may as well slowly check it out.
I got impatient and started on Daisychains. Does anyone have any good tutorials on using substance painter for hair colormasks?
That was a pretty vague question looking back on it. What I mean is, does anyone have any tips on making a color mask with a swirly two-tone pattern?
Whats her motivation
I approve of Fairy-Type Flower.
>Nevermind, fixed it
Ah, the fix broke something else. Those floppy dicks are tricky.
Explain to me why blue shadows are bad.
Because shadows aren't blue
When they aren't intentionally blue they tend to give a blue shade to things that shouldn't be and give unintentional awful looks. Blond hair is a very good example of this.

That said. If you want the blue tint for a certain kind of look or effect go for it. Much like you can use any other colour on your shadows for a specific look. It's just that the default tends to muck things up more than not.
Like another anon said it skews the colors, and as a prime example blonde hair with blue shadows looks TERRIBLE.
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what are you dumb?
There's a proper reason that KK made their shadows blue. Darkness tends to make things look bluer. Something to do with the way light reflects and bends. However it's by such a miniscule amount in real life most people don't even see it. A lot of art courses also teach you that you should make shaded parts of your art more blue, and there are plenty of people that follow this. KK overdid it WAY too much though, so it tends to make stuff look shit. Especially colors that are far from blue on the color spectrum.
I accept your concession.
don't ever post retarded ass real life bullshit again anon. you probably thought that was koi didn't you? dumb ass bitches, i swear
Still got a handful of things I wanna tweek. But I think her design is pretty final.
Where is catanon and her blue shadow schizo rants when you need them?
This L has blud mad.
I just need two more Flowers of different types and I can have a whole team of them.

I love Ako and her speech bubble that goes into her asshole!
there >>8024439 >>8024071
Imagine truly having no extra pounds. She weighs exactly as much as she needs to now, working at absolute peak efficiency
The master has failed more than the novice has ever tried.
I have never seen such a devastating thread before. What has Nana done to you to deserve this?
Give her the pounds back
>What has Nana done to you to deserve this?
It's just trolls. This is why I keep saying, you can't expect an anonymous thread to ever be rainbows and sunshine all the time. There's zero way to control posters. If you go into a jungle without being prepared to encounter a wild animal, you die. If you go into a 4chan thread without being prepared to encounter a wild faggot, you cry. It's just nature.
Care to share that scene? I have ideas
>What has Nana done to you to deserve this?
literally 9/11
Here;s the original from kostaway

Some people (or maybe just one person) wants to ruin the thread out of spite because they didn't get enough (you)s.
Acting like a whiny bitch.
He didn't do anything, people found out how easy he was to upset and tore him to shreds. Now we just have to wait and see who they'll target next.
show me 2 characters, and i'll say good of a couple they would be in %

preferably take at least 1 from someone else to make it funnier
V isnt catanon. Why would anons lie?
>post a picture of your discord message
This literally just makes it out like a bunch of psycho trannies on discord bullied him. You're exonerating him if anything.
emi and... hm... ume?
If anything if these responses are real, it just shows that the real way to deal with him is to ignore him if he appears, he needs to help himself instead of begging for validation in a anonymous board or discord, compared to Poin he just doesnt know he has to fucking quit coming here.
If anything I just want to move on from this conversation.
grassy-ass, anon.
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The earth has done another rotation with me on it.
Comic-con this weekend.
I do wonder if anyone has ever gone to a con as Chika.
Seems like a fun exercise

Happy birthday dude
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he should have never got with that slut sophie.
tell me about their compatibility in the bizarro world anon
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How is it doc?
Remember, no Russian.
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Why do Koikatsu threads omit popular media characters from movies / games?
You're a shitty person for taking advantage of mentally ill people. Kindly off yourself. I know who you are.
youre an even more shitty person for letting a mentally ill person behave stupidly in public. nana's your friend right? if you know who i am then why dont you message me so we can fucking fight 1 on 1 on who cares about his well being more
Take your ugly ass no-shadow blank background chikas and drown them in the closest river, fucktard.
You don't have a leg to stand on dude, if you "care about his well being" why are you on here posting private conversations between you and him?
How about leaving discord shit only to discord shit and not bring it up in the thread?
so he can either confront me in person and finally change as a person or stay far away from the thread and do something else in life like poin did
Poin, Poin, Poin... Jet or scene mega anon...
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Koikatsu by Illusion!
I love making scenes!
I love sharing my cards!
So poin was murdered by Fakeaika anon... be careful out there anons....don't trust this guy. He's likely responsible for all the missing(murdered) anons.
does anyone know who was maintaining the discord rips? seems like they closed their mega account today
my scene sharing website is gonna go up soon, and I'm willing to host the backups for free if they still have them
Question. How do I attach an object in the studio to a character in the studio?
Like say a staff to a hand so where the hand goes the staff will go as if held?

I'm sure I'm missing something simple here.
Obviously it could be done at the character card level but not all studio objects are character card objects.
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does anyone have her? Sairitsu Kahara.
Couldn't find anywhere, she's just a tertiary char from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu.
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Thanks, I figured it was something simple.
post superhero theme content.
you're getting both rayne and theodore today. because it seems i have to fast dump everything if the theme goes nowhere (i'd be peak sadge...)
No, if we have to hear IRC shit you can deal with this.
1 Correction.
Shift will select everything in-between, Ctrl is what is needed to select the 2 individual elements currently it seems.
That's fair.
the missing anons are having mindblowing sex RN
in hell
Even me?
no you're not missing since you're here posting
Well yes, but my /kkg/ user persona hasn't.
Not that anyone has noticed my absence, but still. Where's my mindblowing sex?
8%, im pretty sure the first one wouldnt be happy without kids

67%, decent, in an abusive way

92%, they seem like a great couple

71%, both got to be very religious, its important to share common values...

50%, because it might result in death by crushing
I'll try to make some content tomorrow or something. Classic Cataclysm just released so im stuck leveling.
was trying to catch up with the zoomie drama, but I couldn't care any less. Anyway, what got my attention, the fuck is up with mega?
To be honest, I'd be fed up too. He's the only one making threads, making scenes for everyone's characters and gets nothing in return.
Having a melty over Anna seems like a recurring theme.
mega is like a sharing website, you can upload files and share them publicly
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mega.nz, i to be clear. there's mega links in the op if you wanna try those out. creating an account is free, that's why people here use them
What mega? If you mean the theme mega, I just didn't have the time to update it. Im going to update it now
His scenes are pretty but him having a melty or starting to kill whatever is related to him, only to come over a few weeks or month later is getting annoying, I don't even dislike him but this attitude of burning bridges that violently makes it hard to take his side when he comes crawling back, and all it takes its one mean comment to repeat this whole thing again.
it is way riskier to get your account banned in mega compared to other sharing websites like pcloud.
>it is way riskier to get your account banned in mega compared to other sharing websites like pcloud.
that wasn't the question anon. they just wanted to know about what even is mega.
was skimming the thread to understand the drama and someone
that there was something wrong with mega. Was searching for news of some fuckup and got nothing apart from old news. In context it might have been his own mega, not sure, or some policy change with nudity and sensitive material. Still, no mention of either elsewhere. Thus, I asked.
when you say discord, just to make sure, do you mean Illusion-Soft channel? Din't find it there, was searching for descriptions of the mod.
Outfit's kinda done, sheet soon-ish

Terribly sorry, didn't mean to offend

Yep! I know it's not very original, but I made the outfit on a whim and thought it was cute enough to use for a magical girl uniform.

Love bondage shota

Yeah the color of the hair is throwing her design off. Otherwise I like what you've done with her so far.

Good lord put it back
>Illusion-Soft channel?
>they just wanted to know about what even is mega.
Playing dumb to annoy someone else has limits, yours is next level.
This cat is cute cat.

>Yeah the color of the hair is throwing her design off. Otherwise I like what you've done with her so far.
What about the color is off?
so your racist against the chinese.
that's it isn't it? yeah let's all move over to pcloud! the chinese have never done anything of value! another normal day on kkg! real cool anon, real mature
The clique really was the downfall of /kkg/.
It's Rome all over again.
Trying to explain to people in other threads just how much effort and detail I put into not only creating scenes but characters themselves feels like I'm talking to a brick wall.
no one cares about how much work you put in anon, no one ever will.
you should've kept the sketch. You fell off a bit. It was your win over me and yet you ruined it. Also, I'm a pretty easy mark today, it has been a day.
and i liked it when you weren't a blatant racist. but it is what it is
No one here cares. This place only likes low effort creators like Foxowner and Vhix.
Why is it that around these hours is when you have the most pessimistic fucks collected over, deciding to just vomit all around the thread?
Gonna cry?
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This is a really bad trolling attempt
But you got a (You) out of it so that'll feed your ego for a day
having a different opinion than you is trolling huh.
if you see it as negative then that's on you, but people are generally only going to care about the finished product. they'll either like it or not, and that's it
What happened to all the high effort wigglers?
It's not trolling. No one cares how much effort you put into something but yourself at the end of the day.
Stop replying to the doomer bot. It's not that hard
She looks so good, what will her powers be?
God I love vampire ladies, very nice.
>it's all colorable
Holy shit dude nice work, these are gonna be fun.
I want her to smear me with lipstick.
Was thinking of having the basket generate exactly what she needs to save the day. But its always used in a convoluted/potentially lewd way.

>This cat is cute cat.
She's supposed to be a wolf girl, but I guess with the ears/tail aren't the best for it.
>What about the color is off?
Mainly the blue in the hair like the other anon said. Replacing the black parts of the hair with the light blue is eye catching and works for the magical girl aspect but also kinda clashes with the rest of the design. Ends up drawing attention away from the outfit, and making the few darker parts of the design (eyebrows and collar) stand out a bit more than intended. Not sure how to keep the blue, as the purple/pink is already rather eye-catching, and the little white on the sleeves works great as a tertiary compliment. Maybe have her use some kind of large blue/pink/white weapon to make it work. Otherwise replacing the blue in the hair and cow bits with that slightly darker purple on the edge of the top you have might look nice.
Oh, and apologies for my design autism.

She's really horrendous at applying makeup.
>Was thinking of having the basket generate exactly what she needs to save the day
This would be extremely useful for lewd and comedy scenes, actually great idea.
For you, anon
I will have a character done eventually... Hero? Villain? I dunno.

Ty anon. I have texture editing and a lot of cleaning up to do
Hell yeah she's looking great, have you decided on her abilities?
Does anyone have cards that are just blank featureless mannequins?
All things plant related, I think. I'm still ironing it out.
can she put people in a plant equivalent to a tentacle wall though
Uhhhh probably
Been kind of inactive in the thread for a little bit with distractions, but I finally got my first submission for the theme done! Here's Arisu, the first of my Magical Girls. Got a whole team of these fuckers I need to rework and make purdy.


Great job on the double-sheets after they transform! The transformations are really colorful, I'm excited to (cry after I fuck up installing the mods and take forty minutes fixing it and) use them.

Simple but effective costume, the stupid little doodle works perfect. Reminds me of minimalist villains like Onomatopoeia.

Fellow magical girl spotted! I like her gimmick, can't wait to see all her punching victims.

Very cute fox brat, hook and chain's a good weapon choice for a scoundrel. Is there an upper limit on the kind of shadow beast he can summon?

Damn you move fast, I can't keep up. Looking forward to see the rest, it'll take a lot longer to get my other cards done.

Like others have said, but she's off to a great start. Swamp Thing waifu hits different.
identifying if a scene looks good with low effort or how to make it happen is also effort
you can't just slap your garbage card on a scene and look great on 360
effort =/= quality
effort =/= concept
effort =/= good

don't wait the time you understand this outside of koi, you might cry
no matter how long you spent time on something, if it's garbage then its fucking garbage my man.
its about the art sense
Gears of War looked good on 360, it’s really about how skilled the developer was at taking advantage of the hardware
yep, those little secrets
high time spent on something can make it look better but that's not always the case
like imagine the good shots of photographers and good lights by lightman on wedding prenups getting butchered by blur spam and "color correction" filters just so the editor could say he can edit and flex his multi layered editing screen
Nice work, I will have to investigate that Godknight Body of hers.
finally decided to organize properly. Was going for anime folders only for multiple cards but it was still a mess. Got almost everything properly sauced now, except for obscure cards I couldn't bother with.
and for the younguns itt. You may delete the game, illusion is a trash dev and they'll get under your skin. But save your cards. Hide them in a pw protected zip file in a folder you'll never look. You have no idea how much I'm missing my old collection.
>Is there an upper limit on the kind of shadow beast he can summon?
Depends on the strength of it, but if it's just a basic wolf or something he can hold up to a bakers dozen on his bandwidth as a sort of supply limit. It's mostly why he uses his chains or dominated people to make it easier on himself.
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>everyone I don't like is a bot
This is actual cope.
You forgot "dead community"
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This is useful feedback thanks.
Im going to tone down the color of her hair a bit. I also plan to change her collar and if I can figure it out also her eyebrows to blue for just this outfit.

As a magical girl having all her colors just be bright and colorful is part of the design even if theres a lot of it. Her outfit still needs more work done, I wanna add more things to it but also keep it as revealing as possible.

And she will have a big hammer as a weapon... probably. Gonna have to design one for her.

>She's supposed to be a wolf girl
Cute wolf!!
You are worthless
That's some great work.
I might have a problem.
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I am the real catanon, you got me. Blue shadows blue shadows
Pfff. Only 22GB? Peasant.
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It's kinda upsetting that Nana acts like he's an underappreciated regular, when his posts consistently get replies and for every shitposter, there's on average 3 supportive comments.
Meanwhile most people who leave do so because they don't get any feedback or interaction when they share their work.

This is the general that banded together to cheer Nana up when he was having a depressive moment (picrel), but I guess we're just assholes who don't care.
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>the Blueshadows Lord
Retard, he clearly suffers from depression or some other mental illness. His brain won't allow him to be happy.
Guilt tripping like this is really pathetic.
Good birthday dood

It's mostly that the regulars mostly only care about their OCs. Content with non-OCs is mostly ignored, unless the scene is exceptionally good or something (and even then not always).

>tertiary char from recent anime
If it's not in the obvious places (Pixiv, Bepis) then it's highly likely nobody's made/shared her yet.

Clearly your loophole isn't working.

On one hand, it's highly likely different people doing the shittery.
On the other hand, Nana does need to grow a thicker skin. Not just the trolling, but even valid negative criticism affects him too much. He needs more time away to improve himself, then learn to ignore the shitters when/if he comes back.
I agree. I don't know if it's intentional but it feels like it sometimes, like the post above. I don't understand the logic behind it, to me it's either mental illness or looking for attention.
What could you possibly mean by this? There's at most two people stirring the pot while everyone gives them unconditional praise like no one ever receives. Expressing concern about someone's clearly deranged behavior is not trolling or harassment.
But when it's someone else that's the target of actual trolling, crickets.
So apparently FakeAika has been getting 1 on 1 private help from nana on discord to improve his koikatsu. All the while, he's also one of the people giving nana shit whenever he posts. Fucking psycho. And he's still absolute garbage at Koikatsu.
What the fuck is a FakeAika?
you guys act like a bunch of middle school girls
Roleplaying for new school theme.
Nana acts like that one quiet nerd at school that draws silly stuff in a notebook and barely talks to anyone. He slowly tries to show his things to others who also draw.
And the shitters are school bullies who just pick on nana verbally, until one day they get the notebook and tear it. Nana makes a big fuss, cries a lot for the rest of the day, then just stops coming to school. He returns after some time, then the whole thing repeats.
I honestly wish everyone would just drop this and move on
I got no (You)s so I will shitpost. Society will feel my wrath.
you gotta admit that's based
I did try to help Poin when needed it. This feels the same, and "our" help won't fix anything for Nana. I can only advise them to see a specialist.
i didn't give Nana shit whenever he posted dumbass. and I'm more of a friend to him than you are and ever will be. i went out of my way to find him so i could help him in private because i knew constant praise and validation wasnt going to help him get over himself. he has nothing and nothing to look forward to so im trying to help him fill that void with something other than here but he keeps messing up likely because you keep telling him to post his stuff publicly only for him to delete it all again when he gets embarrassed. i know how he acts, i know hes probably beating himself up over this mistake again. but a life where the only thing a person has to look forward to is other's validation isnt a happy life and isnt something i want my friend to go through for the rest of his life. im doing anything i can to help Nana even if it means hurting him from time to time for his own sake
I'll touch all of you.
Touch these fists
you two suck ass
this is the third start of a theme in a row that has been hijacked with your bullshit discord drama
fuck off already
Am I supposed to know who any of these people are?
People with low self esteem don't need to be praised and cuddled. Doing so is in fact detrimental. You want to be gentle and patient, but also critical and honest.
I don't know him specifically but I guess it's the same. Being overly positive only helps in growing the disconnect between one's self-image and the outside, making it a perfect environment for impostor syndrome and feelings of guilt.
Themes are so old kkg. nu-kkg is all about that sweet sweet high fructose drama
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Need some clarification on the KKManager for Sunshine Repack 9.

Recently gave the update mods function a go and it seems like the updates aren't being done properly in pic related.

I'm not seeing much different in terms of contents other than new maps and everytime I run to check it's always showing me these 4 times same as ever saying they've been updated the day before with no drop in download size.

Is the updater bugged or am I missing something here?
fuck offfff
No you.
What drama? People forced another theme when only few people are doing content for it. It feels as if someone is trying to recreate same golden star from school theme, but i won't happen anymore. Don't worry, past "regulars" will come, post their characters and leave.
Themes were a mistake.
I don't care about your excuses to mindlessly self indulge in drama, fuck back off to discord and stay there with your shit ass high school level bullshit
You are not making things better with your low budget level comment anon.
Hope this whole situation teaches him to never come back here ever again. Good riddance.
This thread is so cooked
See you all next week
If we would moarn the departure of beloved creators like anna, rice, or tinala I would understand all this outrage. But why the fuck are we talking about this random ass dude who has contributed absolutely NOTHING to this place except crybaby attentionfagging? I do not understand.
I do wonder why are you here, faggot.
I haven't been here in a while, did the kitfag fuck off too?
Can I post the pic I spent hours working on without having it hidden by a flood of low effort kit crap?
I said this a long time ago.

Do it so I can mock you.
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It just came to me that I might as well post what I was fixing. Those colliders are hell to navigate.
This is Black AI; Kizuna AI's twin sister. It's not original, but it's better than drama. Right?
The scene is too long, so the video is potato quality.
If only... We now have two low effort spammers instead of just one.
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>anon posting their own work
It's so over koiskies
i say wait for the new thread brother, this one is cursed
BBL Drizzy?
Careful what you post anons, I might just rizz up your Ohio gyatt
What a great friend you are, making him give up something he enjoys doing by shitting on him! With friends like you, who needs enemies.
You've also been shitposting in the thread on a regular basis from what I hear. I guess that was also some tough love for all the anons in the thread! Wow, what a nice guy you are, spreading the love!
please just move on from this discord drama and post sex, old stuff, new stuff, i dont fucking care, just move on from this stupid "he said, she said" bullshit
Post feet pics or it didn't happen.
Technically it's pixiv drama
Hey, I posted this old stuff>>8025916
Though in hindsight, I could've chopped it into parts and posted in higher quality. But I didn't want to spam the thread with yet another thing no-one cares about.
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>ask to post anything else
>doesn't post anything at all
Have something in return anon.
>Japanese censorship
Because I wasn't done with a scene trying to "feel" the char I made that hair search on >>8023124 to see if she was working out or if I need to go back to the drawing board.
theodore is a tsundere, don't mind him. it's easy to make him a little angry.
snek lady...? interesting, for sure
honestly, i consider the civilian and the magical identities well separated, for this they got two different sheets. (and, helps i had them done before the theme?)
arisu is pretty cool.
See >>8018539
The midget is in danger
That was Poin funnily enough.
Where are the cocks? I am disappointed
Look at them thangs a-jigglin’, gaddamn.
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Finally caught up with the thread. See, shit like this is why I wanted to start the theme right now. For all the good it did. Whatever, at least some of us are still having fun.

EVERYONE is in danger.
I want to make furry un-niche for this game. We need new blood
let’s not and say we did
That doesn't make a fuck of sense
Is the character creator even good enough to make furry or creatures? I have seen some monster girls but I havent seen outright furries or chars like loona and such unless you made mod heads to specific to them like mr delgado.
I have seen many, sadly
Sadly? What's so sad about that?! NO REALLY WHAT'S SAD ABOUT ANY OF THAT!?!?!?
are you this schizo that made like 10 alts to cry on discord after getting banned? please fuck off, nobody wants you or your gross horse anuses around
This is not a roleplay thread. Nobody here likes furry shit.
Furfaggotry is one of the worst fetishes in existence, i'll take futa over furfaggots
What about both at the same time
You must got me confused with someone else. What the fuck are you talking about horse anuses?!
either way just gtfo
How bout you get out. You love horse anus
a lot of discord talk on this 4chan thread
I love horse anuses!
>This is not a roleplay thread
How new are you? This thread is full of play-pretenders.
I've been here since the cosmic background radiation dissipated, fuck off newfag
No you haven't otherwise you'd already know that kitfag alone is a furry who spams roleplay garbage. Nevermind what themes are.
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and he thought shaders are free
Themes are fake. They do not exist.
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Not KK but it is 3d.
>she said
Who's She? This is a sausage fest in here
>b-b-but its just sliding
stock shaders don't come with proper stock sliders fag
its base and all changes you did there make it not the same shader before

also realistic shader cost like $2
doesn't blender come with default realistic shading
yeah, that's probably why its cheap
you're literally selling the same shit blender provides for free, but this is about shader market 3d and that includes koi "market"
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and this beach shader cost for like $175
I recently re-downloaded and got all the mods via KKManager and I could have sworn there were drug items before. Stuff like pills, joins and cocaine, were they removed?
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here's realistic shader pack for $10
14 settings, that's like 1 realistic shader for 0.7 cents

wow, go outside of koi sometimes
But mooom, I don't want furry
can this be bought and put in koi as plugin
of course
Agree on the second point but let’s be real. This is absolutely a roleplay thread.
That’s okay tho. As long as we don’t reach rule34-comments-tier we’ll be fine.
and if you look at the toon shader, shit cost like $37 with one setting and multiple textures
you're not even sure if that same toon shader has specular setting on it

and what if it doesn't have? feels like scam right
therefore, the base setting of the shader is the shader itself
modifications changes who it is and i don't think that's free

and im just talking about specular additions
This mod reminds me I should try to redo or work on my pso2 char recreations.
i have many thoughts to say but today's topic is the shader. He's enjoying my shader as if he made it, you didn't pay a single dime.

if you still have honor, set it to default and make your own setting.
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like, look how hot garbage you are making before i entered your life
you didn't pay a single dime
what is blud waffling about
Themes are the only reason to come here.
Fuck off vhix
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Testing out a new shader and a new normalmap, I think it's pretty sex if I may say so myself.
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you being broke.
so just give this dude 0 credit accross all works until he goes back and make his own style
or he paid me in order to get rights on using my footprints
based shadermaker
Nigger you're talking about sliders. Fuck off already.
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how about stop being garbage so you don't do shit like this
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How furry do you want it?
He doesn't even visit 4chan. Keep your schizo bullshit to yourself. Nobody fucking cares. Actually kill yourself.
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go cry me a river so i could build a landscape on top of it
we're rebuilding nature
making a tree rn for vhix scene
You're the one crying you degenerate, spamming like the mong that you are. Pathetic piece of shit, how long have you been doing this? You're fucking awful and you think moving two sliders makes you a genius. Make us a favor, neck yourself.
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vhix please use this tree for your scene made of his tears
pyw instead of shitting on workposters troll
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If that is the case why do you give him attention?
Holy shit she's cute, do you have some background info on her? That bottle positioning also gave me a jump scare upon opening that image.
that's illegal
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here is grass if you need it
that's a cute headset
I kinda wish iron chain was a real card archetype
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ok guys done with the scene
thanks for trees and grass
Adachi was right...
you're welcome
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still working for pure perfection
He's cute, but what do you mean by "real card type"?
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just pure art
absolutely breasttaking
looks terrible
and youre human equivalent of fromsoft poison swamp
Ah I see. Do his chains ever backfire on him and use him for entertainment?
Not likely really. Very few are conjured with intelligence and the ones that are are quite dumb. Personalities of loyal affectionate puppies. If it were to happen, it would likely be on accident if anything. He does have a favorite he keeps around and it’s named Cobalt
hmmm, is this a clever falseflag?
Damn that’s wholesome, I need to work out how to embarrass him a little.
i want to smell her butte
Is it possible to make socks have skin indentation?
You can give anything skin indentation with displacement maps
Any tutorial on how to do that?
Dunno I didn't need one.
Learn how to use substance painter, the displacement map uses black and white colors to either pull up or push down the mesh, it's not complicated at all.
Just search "nakay" in legwear
yeah the threads have been a real fucking dump lately, kinda hampers my already shit motivation
without headmods you can make kemono-style, muzzles and such require specific headmods to not look fucking garbage
she cute, would pet
schizo samefagging
I don't really know who Nana is as a person but I don't want anyone who makes content for the thread to feel bad about it. Hopefully they'll figure out what they need to do to feel better.

This this might just be me tripping, but I've always associated using Koikatsu for non-OCs with payfags and the begfags that follow them, both of whom I loathe.

Not seeing any problems with the latest KKManager. Are you sure you're on v1.2.0.7?

You might be barking up the wrong tree, most anons hate furshit.
A new theme starting up is fun for you, because you're one of the people who can drop a card and have it reach top-tier in usage with very little input. Not even Anna or Aegypt get this kind of treatment.
You using blue archive slop is enough reason for me to despise you
This. No one cares what I put in themes so why bother.
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Your OCs will never be better than Blue Archive characters.
character is a strong word for blue archive girls or most anime beings in general
at least post the smug pink creature
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Buddy, you're on a fucking anime forum! Playing an anime hentai game!
Hahahhahaa. God, this general is so funny.
i don't see how this relates to what i said. at least be honest with yourself and refer to them as anime HOLES. that's what they are. HOLES
Have some fucking standards for your porn at least god damn.
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you just say schizo to make yourself a better person but being a better person doesn't make you a better artist and you see this message as long tell yourself "haha vhix wrote long text for me" but it doesn't actually work like that because you are too awkward to say things the way that you feel or you lack vocabulary to do so

and you sleep, wake up everyday trying to prove something over a hentai game when the truth keep slapping your ass that all you did while breathing was to copy paste a body that you thought was good

i can make this longer but like, im playing genshin
I don't think you need to keep replying to this guy, he obviously just wants us to make free porn of FotM anime/gacha girls.
imo the general's culture is mostly centered around using KK as a creative outlet with OCs, scenes, and themes.
Nikke>Blue Archive
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entry #4 of 7, halfway the rainbow, with ray(ne), the other girl i have for the theme. let her get into danger.
theodore soon™, just let me fill his sheet.

cards + plugins > https://files.catbox.moe/8vico3.rar
mods > https://files.catbox.moe/vowi4f.rar

forgot to reply to this, but this is an highly plappable beast. (he better get plapped by someone.)

(i think the gods are telling me something, i keep forgetting the sheets)
Now tell me how to defeat it
go back to studio because im trying to get primogems faggot
also the cool horn, dang i love how it sounds
dumb culture
You should plap him yourself. Posted a good girl for amazon press
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Seriously either its samefagging or you guys really need to learn the best way to win is to walk out of the discussion.
if you want to be a better person then stop playing fucking hentai game and go to church and be a better person.
maybe help some old woman cross the fuckin road

>b-but vhix you're also playing
yes, shut the fuck up
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Imagine getting flamed on /h/ for posting anime girls (regardless of source).

And no, I don't want free scenes. Don't flatter yourself.
IP pig disgusting
are you looking for discussion of how you jerk off to boats anon? this just isn't the place for that, you're better off looking for a gay thread.
we already said you can post the bullshit you didn't even make, but no one is going to care
Post whatever you want no ones the Jerk off police. No one should care that much if someone post non-OCs or not.
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I'm posting Koikatsu content in the Koikatsu thread.
yeah, don't tell ME what to post bitch. that's all i'm saying
Oh no, pig's! Help kkg.
Post girls or else
rate my new oc
i'm posting lore
Rate mine
make the flame her head and give her eyelashes
My hair is falling out at the age of 24, am I dying?
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i hate when people trying to convince me that someone is a good person when its blatantly socially awkward and plays sexual assault simulator

i could've believed if you had communication skills, e-social tolerance but you're too fuckin awkward to be believed that you are not the same outside of this screen

you're playing kind with the same awkward people who lie that they don't masturbate to this game and i bet you would do the same to a female if you are given chance but your age range is too old for this bullshit and you're here with us trying to sound cool, pretend you're civilized when this is literally a fuckin sexual assault simulator and you are blatantly awkward as well as your friends

and the worst is, you're not even good at digital artist
show me a 360 faggot

all it takes to use my footprints was to pay a dime but you didn't give any
You're dangerously based.
digital artistry* oh yeah
god i can't wait to get the genshin horn
Honestly, what the fuck happened in this particular thread. The shit/schizoposting has been a thing for a while but this particular thread seems to have increased it tenfold.
Vhix happened
What the fuck happened to this general since last year more like. Where are all the good posters whose work I eagerly awaited? Only a handful remained and on this thread I've barely seen any of them.
Are you blind? vhix got banned from discord again, and is now spamming here because they have no life.
I hold that one anon person responsible for constantly praising a thread for being good only for it to turn into shit a few minutes later.
i'd won't be surprised that you'd use me as reference for your 360 and yet too shy to say it
you'll never be me you brainrot of an existence

get real'd faggot, work on the fuckin' 360 while i get my primogems
Breve caught the Caucasian Blast.
>what the fuck happened
fucking crazy anos.
I'm gonna blame witch since everytime he shows up it's a disaster.
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I'm going to lay it down, you dumb niggers take this shit too seriously.
-Limiting what you can and can't post.
-Bringing up retarded drama from Discord.
-Condemning non-OC content

Touch grass and calm the fuck down. Post some tits or shut the fuck up.

And before little Timmy cries about me not making this scene, there's no rule saying I have to make everything I post.
give her back her melanin...
i'm putting this on the things to do. granted that i don't forget it, he's getting that plapping.
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here's your thread quality you garbage
I don't care for your gacha brainrot.
no (OC) lore = no cares
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Honestly I just want the baiters, the dramafags, the schizo posters or whatever to just stop replying, this is just a bubble of frustration, hate and shit that was accumulating over the years bursting in one same moment and the rest of the pieces of shit stirring the thread even harder to make this place worse for everyone else because they want chaos.
I'm tired. Of all of it
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God won’t let me die.
you first!

no, im a privatefriend
Also, I'm holding a poll to see what people think Breve's race is based off her skin tone.
I had to use an older render for this.
make her green
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Have fun posting in your elitist wasteland.
New blood is becoming scarce, and soon will be nil.
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Slowly checking it out, there's this Hongcha that has most of the scenes that plague iwara with copy-pasted videos. Though it makes sense since his stuff is public.
They're also the type of scene that's annoying to edit. Anyways, here's Black AI again.
i don't care rofl, 'new blood' is the exact reason this place went to shit
Imagine forgetting you were new once.
Imagine gatekeeping outlines.
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>start shit
>get counter-elitism
>m-muh elitist

also stop caring about new blood when you can't even give a proper example yourself
garbage truck carries garbage

where's the fuckin 360

and you're not
why did we turn into gacha slave when its the other way gacha needing us because we can post anything and get attention many years ago
The thread doesnt really mind non OCs out of specific people, its just that we cultivated a culture of OCs and whenever a non oc was shared, we ended up inundated in begfags wanting to get content from paypigs or begging us to create their waifu for them.
Then with the main person focused on sharing paywalled content being pissed off by these people, they went to f95zone.
There have been people onboard with helping others create non OCs, people just prefer doing OCs here than IP characters.
Why would anyone get pissed off at a man sharing stuff for free?
the mind of a begfag is an enigma, so is his level of entitlement
name the newblood that ruined this place coward
He's talking about Krampus, who got pissed off at his audience because they weren't putting in any effort to find things to share
Bros, it's been years at this point and I'm tired of sucking shit at animating in timeline. All this time and I can't even animate something going in an oval shape. Linking nodes to an invisible object just so I can rotate it for some circular motion was a fucking epiphany for me.
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wHeRe iS tHe 360
The PSTriple is all that matters.
Ah, these scenes are so annoying to edit that they don't even load right if I save them after editing. I guess I'll just keep the originals.
so anyways I started posting wip
she looks great, truly a blessing in this hellscape of a thread
Thank you for being a hero in these times
>there's some kind of conspiracy surrounding outlines
Did I miss something?
Is simply copying a material and changing the outline attributes lost knowledge?
>Is simply copying a material and changing the outline attributes lost knowledge?
thats exactly what that is, but retard-kun believed it to be some sort of secret clique tech
I guess that happens when you don't actually make your own cards.
The original poster claimed it was easier than adding it in with photoshop. Copying materials is a lot more tedious.
Doing it with material copies is easier than PS, you only need to do it once and it takes two minutes tops.
Why are some people against IP content in Koi that much? Especially gachas.
I can see why people prefer their OCs or other stuff, but not the heavy rejection it invokes. It reminds me of normies rejecting AI content in social media. I'm thinking of a few reasons, but all of them so far also apply to many OCs from here too.

I might not like your content, but your takes make more sense that most recent thread shittery.

It's funny because, while that was a stupid choice by nana, ultimately it was one last post before he dipped. The shitshow that followed could have been avoided if people just stopped bringing it up, since nana's no longer around anyways.

Or they continue to be a pest on purpose.

What was the original outline post anyways? I don't even remember.
People bringing up nana is clearly people trying to stir shit or trying to derail the thread even further to annoy everyone else or they are samefagging each other.
>Outline post
I think this post >>8015776 links to the original one? Nana just said he did it on gimp and some anon didnt believed it, regardless, no point dwelling on all that.
The white outlines looked dumb anyway.
Rare old scene sighting
I had to do it to em like that
I would have made them jiggle more if I had the patience
I'm not against IP characters specifically, I just don't want begfags to come crawling out of the woodwork.
Though instead we got a payfag trying to shill his shaders or something. There's just no winning here.
I do nothing but IP characters, but I don't care about gachashit at all.
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Not to excuse aggressively shitty posters, but I never learned any particularly advanced techniques during my many hours in the creator. Then again I'm a non-experimenting retard who isn't privy to what tools are even at his disposal.
>Why are some people against IP content in Koi that much?
Like others said, it's not the characters that're the problem, it's the whining begfags that act like their waifu of the day is all that should matter in the thread. There's nothing wrong with posting IP characters in and of itself. What's weirder is when people bitch about OCs when the game was literally created for that and it required mods to make the vast majority of IP stuff even remotely viable. Both are fine, but don't be surprised when people use the program for it's original purpose.
I've been here far longer than you have.
>Why are some people against IP content in Koi that much? Especially gachas.
Niggas are salty their design will NEVER match the quality or popularity of a professional's.
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I think this is gonna be awkward
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just say her fantasy-verse counterpart intruded into this world or something idfk
I was here one day before you.
looks like shit
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good luck on getting motivation
Nah, I have the oldest Xbox known to man
This is pretty cool.
Don't let anyone stop your flow.
You can post all you want. I'm not finishing the 360 fuck off.
>it's the whining begfags that act like their waifu of the day is all that should matter in the thread.
Don't pretend as if we don't have people here who spam shitty scenes that amount to avatars of their OCs while constantly having to proclaim they are "cute" as it is clearly not self-evident. You people become so disingenuous when it comes to non-OC content or defending certain posters here.
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Charlie! Charlie!
What does any of that have to do with what I said?
What's with the schizo camera movements? Is this what watching MMDs have taught people?
Also your characters' heads and body shapes are looking pretty Chika. Typical payfag cards.
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People shit on them too, and it is deserved.
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You've got a big mouth for a coward who leaves the main server every time they're about to get banned then comes back crawling like a little bitch a few months later
You can pretend to be a retard that isn't affected by what others say all day if you want, but we know you cry about it in private servers as much as you do here
If you were going for the schizophrenic camera, with the constant zooms and wild panning, during the shot with the second character, try making the transitions more snappy.
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schizo my balls, tell yourselves what you're trying to teach
i've been seeing garbage for 2 fucking years

fuck off and improve
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fix your scenes retard, work
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>wtf guys why is everyone so prejudiced against non-OC?
>posts paywalled gooner NTR blacked scene #1256045 with garbage fotm card that has balloon tits and deep fried shampoo overlay
you mean cards
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HAHAHAHA but what of miss milly?
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yeah, they have reference now
most people here are actually great talking about >that< area
You can't control it, just close the tab for a while. Go to the hardware store and buy some wood and make a birdhouse
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your cards? mid
your scenes? mid
your posing? mid
your lighting? mid
your brain? ded
the way you talk? retarded asf
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Say goodbye to Kit, chat, we're putting her down tomorrow!
yeah. i said he would come today. so, entry #5 of 7, here's shiver, or theodore. an huge tsundere.

cards + plugins > https://files.catbox.moe/32hf5e.rar
mods > https://files.catbox.moe/mpx6vy.rar

she should come and step on me. (she's carrying with her bertand, tho?)
where's the dick
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chika dis chika dat
can't pull a 360
can't beat my first cards either

live in a dream, live in your imaginary geometry
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sorry posted in the wrong thread
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Finally some good fucking food.
Give me source.
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like having an extreme sense of ego while not being able to beat a fuckin minecraft intro i made back in 2020 is just way too ridiculous
motivate me to go all out of what i learned in this past years
Need to plap plap rising.
now that's the good food.
fuck off your interrupting the 360 posting
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You guys keep your old shit around to reference how far you've come? A while back I remembered I had the original KK installed and had some old cards that I made back when I first got it. I'm not confident enough to share much of my own stuff but it's interesting to see some difference.
I have improved. I started learning animations and it's how I'm telling you to improve the camera. Reducing time between keyframes helped make my camera more snappy.
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then why didn't i fucking see any, shut up
I will always be better than you.
Here's the dick
How would someone posting their WIP help you? Unless you're just upset that you didn't solely get validation for your scene. I gave you constructive criticism, but if you're not happy with it, feel free to ignore it. It's your scene. If you're happy with it, fine.
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like if people just let me do my thing and not making schemes or sort of bullshit
you could've not seen any of this but i keep on being bugged

like look at this dude, he even thought i was asking for validation
this is how you hard you struggle to get attention, you thought i was one in need of validating
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I don't even know what's happening anymore.
so you shit up this place because of fags you have issues with on discord? retarded
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and it takes a charamaker screenshot to clean it myself
your point being?
get back to work
The clique is over
hi noli, how you doing bro?
maybe greg was right about discord
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this you?
You fucking posted something, you mong. How the fuck do people not see it. How is any of this making you bugged. You could've also not seen any of my posts, yet you chose to be upset over something so trivial. Just go "do your thing". I won't bother you if you're going to make such a fuss about a little input.
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The clique won't admit it but this is the best thread we have had in a long time.
you're the kind of person who preorders videogames
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ok have a nice day
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Seriously just report and ignore Vhix.
You ever notice how a lot of posters are suspiciously missing when this goes on
>all I had to do was not take the bait and post content
this is how it is done, y'all have a few years worth of good work saved, drown the little shit in it
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Mucho culo
That is indeed what it is.
I unironically would love to have him get banned and be forced to fuck off but he's not actually breaking any rules that I can think of.

I'm just waiting for it to pass.
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>implying that even after years, i have anything worse sharing
Thats rich coming from the guy who always fall for bait.
I'm calling the police.
I'm sure you do anon, believe in yourself more king
A possibility but I doubt. It is more likely a lot of you are the perpetrators I am going through the pastebin right now to narrow it down who is shitposting.
What does that have to do with my apperciation for asses?
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tfw, out of those, i still have to submit colin. next thread, i guess.
>I am going through the pastebin right now
Well I'm not in that so feel free to accuse every single person there of whatever you want.
They are spamming, off topic a lot of time, trolling, and the post are of extremely low quality.
I can cross reference prior threads. You are not as smart as you think you are.
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I've never been on the pastebin and you cannot stop me from mentioning the truth here.

Stop playing detective and post your work.

(Not Becky btw, I just repost other's work. Seriously. When you post something expect it to be reposted if it's good. This isn't r9k)
Well if they won't ban /d/ stuff they won't ban for anything.
They banned the furry from fantasy theme. Not sure why it's fine this time.
less whining, more posting images.

If you're gonna be a dickhead, at least tell people like me that their posts look like shit
>at least tell people like me that their posts look like shit
Literally who cares?
These two look vaguely familiar, especially the left one. Are they from something? Or are they by a known creator?
aesthetically it doesn't look like shit since it seems you're actually using the lighting sliders at least but it is shit because I'm not into whatever that is
I think a lot of us have learned to just duck out when it gets like this more or less. Let the trolls and their feeders duke it out.
Left one looks like Makoto from Street Fighter.
shit u rite
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>retard sprays his shit all over the room
>wow why dont people want to go in the smelly shit covered room
I don't miss any of the posters to be honest. This is better.
greg is literally an IRC jannie and aika's bitch
Aika pegging??? owo
No worse than shit like >>8027176 which is no different from this vhix spam.
At least it's actually sex on the porn board instead of avatar attention whoring.
little lazy scene to contribute to the thread I'm going forward with the notion that the hero theme is in the same space as high school theme

was that makoto ever released into the wild or is it still private fag card?

well now she is and its more awkward then he expected

ah cool were you planning on using her old villainness persona in the theme? I do have a plan and lore reason why she's a hero now so this can be fun with her old persona in the same space

my reasons are as loose as one can be to make fun scenes with I'm a sucker for alternate timeline shenanigans
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Yes. This is much better than anna.
You better learn some manners when I get back
You better learn some heterosexuality when I get back.
read the filename nigga thats not even foxowner
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how blud thinks he looks like
God damn, we used to be SOUL as fuck.
What happened?
Requires anti-sharp shader:
All those posters left because of the shitters and now all we have left our mid cards.
I left when I spent 4 hours working on a cool pic and it was hidden under 20 kit reposts, like this anon >>8025901
I'm pretty bitter and resentful about it
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It's just my magical girl project from a couple months ago that I'm trying to get back on track, I don't think it'd actually count as theme content. I guess I'm planning on using a couple theme characters though
Blud, that was me every time I posted something.
What's worse is when some other poster used my same concepts and got roaring applause and kneels.
Funny you say that when Aika has not appeared in the irc for weeks at this point and greg only appears once every century because he has a job now.
I left when all you guys cared about was sexpest reposts.
Who's even in the IRC right now then?
Shut the fuck up already. You said this when the IRC spam was in full force too.
>oh aika isnt even that active
>neither is greg!
Just shut up.
ah ok thats awesome and I know the feeling and I look forward to seeing it completed also magical girl theme lives on for me so long as Gianna continues to be around
Can I use KKPE to make a body like the character at 0:15 in-studio, or is that something I have to sculpt in Maker?
4 to 5 people, there is more logged in but in general the irc is pretty dead unless you start a conversation yourself.
I see this argument a lot, the only thing I kind of agree with is when Kit anon proceeds to post a lot of stuff in one go, and he has stopped doing that for a while, arguably schizo knight is the one doing those these days
Shush you. I don't care if you don't care. It's on topic for once.
And Aika's absence was only literally mentioned once before and fairly recently, so you're wrong about that too.
I just got tired of these gimmick posters and reddit-tier novelty accounts, anons will bitch and moan about the discord or the irc but basically give a free pass to the same 3 retards posting the same 40 pics every thread
>service outfit
buddy it's like you're building stuff specifically for my girls
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We need more scenes of girls swimming in dicks.
Preferably happy about it, tho.
This sounds like someone bitter about their post being ignored right as Foxowner posted, probably by coincidence, and likely just once or twice. A grudge festered, and now anon can't stop thinking about fucking sexpets in the non-literal way.

Honestly some of the end-thread tier pics got boring long ago. But I'm just mildly annoyed by them, so I don't care enough to do anything about them.
You don't like it when you you you when you when when when when when you whem?
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Regardless, right now seems that we are fine, get comfy y all
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repost time
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wtf i believe in myself now
I think the lack of new work irritates some people. Well, new pics don't come out of nowhere (except maybe lazyposts), so killing the thread ain't gonna help.
>Preferably happy about it, tho.
I can do happy, but rules on my end are the girls have to be tied up in some way. The slavegirls love their jobs, but they're still slavegirls at the end of the day.
Would you marry your OC anon?
>This sounds like someone bitter about their post being ignored right as Foxowner posted
>probably by coincidence
>just once or twice.
Bollocks. It's every thread.
>Would you marry your OC anon?
Of course I would. Em's the original girl and the one I keep coming back to.
That's cute, and kind of hot.
So you'd be ok with her being your wife even after all the cock she's taken?
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Great job on the outfit!
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im too lazy so here's a screenshot
Why would you jinx it? Goofy ahh dragonfucker.
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have a good day broskis
>So you'd be ok with her being your wife even after all the cock she's taken?
Slaveworld rules, anon - all the slavegirls have to do their rounds of service in town. Besides, it helps keep her trained and ready to go when training other girls takes priority
don't reply to me ever again, scum
I spit on your replies, ptuuuu ptuuuu
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i like this dude
yooooo lesgoooo
What happened indeed. Those were fun times. I think it was early to mid 2022? Everything that came after that theme and the next one or two just lost the essence.
pure sex
Made before anyone acknowledged the Kit fag. Really makes you think.
You're seeing patterns where there are none. Foxowner is too autistic to stalk your content and post at the right timing to steal attention from you. Not only that, but what kind of attention does he get? And what kind of attention do you seek?
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>implying the 4chan user who's been on the site every day for the past 2 years or more is a pure soul without malicious intent
he's a father figure
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. It's irrelevant to this matter, because it's not about intent.
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is this a forbidden birth?
happy birth! hope you didn't spend much time here lol


she must have some powerful winds indeed, amiright! ha ha ha
7 out of 10 reminds me of pokemon
3 out of 10 reminds me of my hero academia, that show fell off hard
underrated works to be honest
looks dangerous
not the bad end 2!
cool stuff! it taking place with the school theme is also my lore
and don't worry, Em gets plenty of attention. She usually gets the honor of doing the wake-up blowjob every morning.
It's definitely relevant, I'm not giving anyone who browses this place the benefit of the doubt. Intentional or not the dude has been burying good content with his low effort repost crap, and is aware of how distressing it is for other people, and continues to do it anyway.
I'm sorry that reddit has conditioned you to play devil's advocate every chance you get in hopes of the dopamine dose an upvote provides, but this individual is unambigiously evil, arguably worse than most of the shitposters since those eventually get tired and leave.
I love the goons
Yeah, there's no point continue to discuss this. I simply don't agree with you, but have nothing else to add.
The fact that you made the mistake to engage with that dipshit at all is something you should learn from.
Oh sorry, I'm not the person you were replying to, I just also felt the same as the other two or three (?) anons who stopped coming here for the same reason.
Like I started to wonder why the fuck I was still coming here when most of the thumbnails in the thread were starting to look the same.
Greg was right
Anna was right
Anon was right
vhix was right
Witch was right
Droib was right
_ was right
Veta was right
Chimichuri anon was right
Kit anon was right
You're right. There were many times where he started flooding the thread when someone else was getting praise/attention for their work.
Not saying it didn't happen, but how does anyone even notice these things?
I'm a relative newfag... Are people so on edge even in these threads?
main character syndrome
thread was starting to recover and now we're talking about this chucklefuck again
Anika was right
Fluffer was right
Adachi was right
Anon11 was right
Becktoria's Secret was right
Laggen was right
Wax was right
SkullAnon was right
Rice was right
Ahanubis was right
was right
You notice when you post things and then...

Look it's me kit! In the same scenes I posted last thread! They don't even need bad intentions for that shit to be annoying.
It is unfortunate nothing can be taken at face value here. You could be lying. The other anon could be lying. I could be lying.
Or the makers who left could be lying about the reasons they left. Maybe they didn't even leave...

Once the mistrust starts, it never ends.
This is what happens when a bunch of literally retarded narcissists flood into a thread desperate for attention. The moment they don't get it, they go fucking psycho. We should've gatekept harder.
Calm the fuck down, Ocelot.
who is left?
What do people even want from these threads? What kind of content do people want to see?
I ask because some anons seem to be hoping for things that are just not going to happen before the general dies.
>What do people even want from these threads?
For people to just post whatever Koikatsu related content and not make a big fuss about high school level drama bullshit and/or not getting enough attention or someone else getting too much attention or posting too much or reposting or whatever just shut the fuck up nobody cares shut the fuck up and post Koikatsu fucking related images or discussion leave your reputation shit for Discord/Reddit/IRC/IDC you're anonymous I'm anonymous we're all anonymous nobody cares about any of us and that includes you JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TALK ABOUT KOIKATSU YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS.

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We tried but you people kept defending kitanon. You got what you deserve.
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Threads are stagnant, the people that come here do so because they're conservative or mentally ill and don't like change (it's why they refuse to give themes that aren't fantasy/scifi/school a shot). Since people don't change and they come here everyday patterns are formed: the way you type, the times you type at, who you reply to, what you post, etc. On their own these mean nothing, but together they make these easy to sniff people out, and most anons are too lazy to have and maintain a secondary secret shitposting persona. Unless you're socially stunted you'll eventually be able to figure out who is who.
This is how we know this 'Vhix' guy who showed up in this thread (the guy with the chika cards and basic lighting) is a falseflagger (a person who pretends to be someone else to sully their name).
The real Vhix is indeed a retard, with an inflated ego, and an unhealthy relationship with the discord main server. However, he:
1) never posts this much here in one go
2) never replies this much to people (he treats 4chan threads like a discord chat)
3) is too much of a coward to outright call out publicly people who slighted him
Cirno is another example, as pic related shows. The more mentally ill the person is the more likely the pattern will hold, it's happened with Poine before, and it's happening with this Nana anon now (he's a bit after my time, but this is like the third time I see him join a theme, regret joining, and try to take down their character, fourth time if you count the discord contest where he also pulled this stunt).
You're literally one of the retard narcissist I was talking about. YOU are supposed to be gatekept. And now you're too afraid to post anything because you know you're a faggot. I'd say kill yourself but you will anyway because you're a pathetic loser with nothing to live for but the attention of random strangers. Something you'll never get. :^)
please we need to calm down, look at this butt.
fuck off antares
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You can namedrop all your mentally ill discord buddies, it won't make it any less true :^)
In an effort to change the topic as well as none-too-subtly serve my own ends...
Opinions? Keep in mind that she's supposed to be what is essentially an evil magical girl, so the less heroic the better (while still being cutesy).

She DOES have such a nice butt...
is that the ghoul?
end of the thread repost.
fuck off antares
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The thread has run its course.
I love her and her butt
number 3 for me.
2. 1's pink is sickeningly vibrant, and 3's dark highlights is way too "I'm evil, muahaha".
2 > 3 > 1

It's all your fault.
oh hell yeah, Anna!
I love your works bro.
I'd say 2 is the one that shouldn't be picked. 1 works precisely because of what you say, and I'd say 3 looks the best, but it is indeed a bit too on the nose. 2 is just too "soft" for a villain that's not the lowkey kind.
I'm investing in Anna to make the thread quality go up.
3 is the way to go if you’re looking for evil
2 best
Half the shitposters are Anna fanboys and the other half are the polar opposite and have an extreme hateboner for him. I like Anna and hope he sticks around but people treating him like anything but another poster is a good chunk of the reason shit got so bad in the first place.
That's a tie for 2 and 3, so far, so I guess that puts 1 out of the running. But now that >>8027672 pointed it out, I can't get over how soft 2 looks. How about a compromise with a dark magenta?
There you go, this is the right way
Being able to compromise is the skill of kings. Nicely done.
I think it might be better without any highlights though desu

Very cool, is that one of Weegee's cards?
definitely the best option yeah. I think you should up the saturation and brightness a little tiny bit still
Looks pretty good. Love the button eyes.
Anna is great because
1. Is among the most innovative koikatsu artists (pushing the boundaries of the studio)
2. Helps when asked and asks nothing in return
3. Doesnt engage in pointless thread drama

So yeah, call me a fanboy but I can recognize basedness when I see it.
I love Anna and all the help he's given.
i do that stuff too anon! where are my (you)s!?
He is a god tier animator and this thread lacks animators. Well deserved praise.
That works too, yeah.

I like Anna's scenes, but his characters, not so much. Still, dude's helpful when he's around. I don't really have anything against him.

This guy has the right idea. Perhaps I respect Anna at least.
fertilize the youkai eggs.
Anna is better than anyone here. I'm not lying when I say I would rather every poster here disappear and the thread be filled with only him.
Yeah, I'm really happy with that actually. Thanks broskis.

I tried to click on the (Dead) post you accidentally created with your rank list more times than I'd care to admit ngl
And I respectfully disagree - magical girls gotta have some "extra" shit about their hair. Fancy loops and braids, twintails, multicolored, accessories, whatever. It's the LAW.

They're my favorite part! Coraline and those Lalaloopsy doll things were big inspirations.
He literally has a twitter you unironically do not need this thread if that's all you want.
I can't talk to him on there like on here though. He doesn't respond to messages. Believe me I have tried and this is the only place I can talk to him.
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i may should have done more with seraphina in the last fantasy theme. oh well, what i did is good repost bait.
He doesn't respond to most messages here either.
Your girl is very cute.
I once tried making Glum Plum ( an OC in the doll stuffing threads) to little success.
you have the right idea with balancing human with doll
(You) problem. He does for me at least half the time.
The last bit isn't true, but he's definitely more helpful and doesn't privatefag their secrets.
I never said you can't praise him. Nothing wrong with that. Just be careful not to be overly zealous like that other reply. That's the kind of faggotry that turns threads into drama factories like this one has become. Just be cool about it.
>https://files.catbox.moe/wwxgbb.mp4 (embed)
Such an awesome animation, thank you! Directly from the twisted mind of Becky.
You're getting better at animation and adding sound.
Thank you <3
i fought anna anon one time
>3. Doesnt engage in pointless thread drama
Maybe not anymore.
butt i'm glad you liked it anon
He never did you have no proof. It was always falseflaggers pretending to be him.
Also the rare lewd becky!
Aw yeah, I think I've seen Plum smut from DankoDeadZone before. She a cute.
hell yeah anon
dm me for more secret lewds
Envy is ugly.
You're right. Jealous fags are just as bad as zealous fags. Everybody be cool and there's no drama. EZ PZ.
Ah shit, I was hoping the thread would last a few more minutes.
I'm downloading stuff from the sideloader, it will end in 10 minutes or so, so give me 15 minutes to make the new thread.
Uh, no? She's literally the hottest out of all Coloris anon's posts excepting Myst and Breve.
where is she
what the hell are you talking about
gintoky gone...
i thought the same? (gluttony is the best, tho)
I still want that ponytailed brunette with the golden AK he was posting just before he left. Hope he comes back eventually but it's been ages...
Honestly you are such a cute anon, I would happily invite you to a clothes-optional Twister party.
She was a blonde. I know because I have that card. No I wont share her either.
I should ask for the button eyes. I've been putting off making a doll girl for a long time
he had a few great cards he never shared....but at least they live on in our minds anon
They're good goons, fun to make all kinds of scenes with
I want to state my interest in updated magical girl Pana. I've got no idea if that's anywhere in your plans but I'd appreciate it
Sorry for the wait
How did you do this?
Name them. Maybe they are still here waiting for this shitstorm (mostly Vhix right now) to blow over.
What is little bro yappin about?

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