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Am i doing any good progress?
You could be the next storyboard artist for Hi Hi Puffy Ami/Yumi
You're dogshit but you mog me
If you improve on everything else, then that ass could work. Do less chicken scratching too
Good enough for baraag your art is already above 40% of people there
Now add some green plumes
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im /beg/ to, but ngl hand need redone + ass low detailed and composition - why viever cannot see ass fully? Is canvas pixels is paid?
Appreciate the hand and forearm advice, but there's NO WAY i'm actually this much of a faggot to make Marisa's ass THIS small
Also, the ass is cropped like that because the original picture's body is half cropped as well, which is why you can't see legs in both pictures, i just want the art to be true to the original, that's all.
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np, your image make me laugh as hell.
Anyway can you make some sketch already (curious see what you plan lineart)
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small ass - boring
Build for Pedo Bear Cock
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Alright, here's my finished work!
Your fag ass doesn't even understand the beauty of phat asses.
ifunny porn....
Good luck trying to sneak this on ifunny. I don't even draw porn and I've been denied many times.
kill yourself, tonight

Fuck off fag.
Absolutey based. Nice work dude.
the problem is that your pose is lazy, try doing it IRL, you'll find that you can't look that far back, her shoulders should be turned further and thus her face too, half angle doesn't work on the face here, probably more of a 45 degree angle, as a result her body should be more twisted instead of from a straight on veiw of her back, this would make her hand look more natural rather than on backwards, finally the thumb connects too far down, it shouldn't be coming from her wrist
I can't comment much on colouring/lighting, it seems passable for now, you should work more on the posing and maybe fix the face a bit more and the rest will be fine for the time being.
I'll just say on the face I think it's too small
do you upload art anywhere? I'd like to see it
what a mogging, holy shit
You need to open your own atelier.
>bigger ass too
throughout my years of commissioning, i still always appreciate the art with the most lewd SOUL, please more.
What's your social media account?
I mostly draw lolis but it's orenjipiiru
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So you're saying you're the same one who drew this shit?
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How does it feel to be a legend among cunnychads?

Can I get a fat loli gf booty in the same way as >>7171818 ?
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fucking embarrassing. Pray that a real man never connects your art and your face
Even in death, the meme can cause this amount of seething from anons. How based.
>real man
we have a larper over here
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>makes loli porn
>makes pedophilic dogwhistle meme
>people are reasonably weirded out by this
>"hehe hoho everyone is seething fucking gottem checkmate lol im so heckin smart lmao so based look how many likes this get on X, formerly twitter kek and jej"
Granted, zoomer humor is a mix of being groomed by trannies, schizophrenia, porn addiction and overexpose to extreme fetishes at a young age and a desperate craving to get validation for their porn addiction by deluding themselves that everything they do makes someone else mad because they get mad at anything that doesn't fit their own delusional world inside their heads

Making a meme like that isn't worth putting a target on your head because
>wahoo ppl be seething fr fr so baste and cooke fr lmao

All you need is call a lolishitter a pedophile and they can't help themselves trying to cope and damage control and actually seethe into oblivion, which is way funnier than getting normies riled up with low hanging fruits.
lolishitters are on a crusade to normalize pedophilia through memetic warfare and porn, either by claiming that
>everyone is seething
>it's just a joke
while they keep pushing loli porn in the background with the excuse
>but japanese people like lolis it's completely normal
or other extremely predictable and overused bad faith arguments, deflections and insults.
Of course, also trying to find any and all weaknesses to discredit, mock or otherwise damage control anyone who dares criticize them in an objective manner that simply says it how it is, while trying to convince everyone that what they're seeing is not what they are seeing.
Most of them also like pretending to be the victims of unfair treatment blaming groups like "the puritans", to score points with other porn addicts and immature people.

Calling a lolishitter a pedophile is extremely effective because it genuinely makes them mad, since it triggers their own insecurities and makes them think they have been found out and they are unable to defend themselves in good faith, while unable to ignore the accusation, because ultimately, it is very much true, objectively and observably so.
Same as when you say that nsfw art sphere is all carried by minors and bots; it is very true, but they can't help themselves trying to discredit it through any and all dishonest means that would only fool and work on kids, because that is the prey they have specialized themselves to.

Lolis are for hugs only.
This meme being made has done immeasurable damage to anti-lolifags, almost as much as them being outed as actual sex offenders.
Holy shit the sheer seething orenji generated with that drawing. It just makes me wanna join the party too, i'll follow his steps so i can make anti-lolifags seethe aswell
>Calling a lolishitter a pedophile is extremely effective because it genuinely makes them mad
90% of lolibros will confirm it and will not give a fuck about what moralfags like you think lmao
ts actually amazing that we have now redditors here calling loli memes "zoomer humor". New generations of posters completely lost any idea of what 4chan even is.
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And there you go
e z
>Damage control
Totally fucked by a drawing kek
I’ll never be able to draw like this, I’m stuck on the same level as OP. I wanna kms
He's right, they're just shitty people who often deny it.
I don't believe this shit, draw Constanze
I just realized that's not his @ anymore since that one got banned

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