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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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Schedule: https://774-schedule.ai/

Official website: https://www.774.ai/

Previous thread:????

Link to download the old Minecraft Server: https://www.774.ai/special-micra-2020-2022


【Inaba Haneru / 因幡はねる】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Owc36U9lOyi9Gx9Ic-4qg
【Hinokuma Ran / 日ノ隈らん】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvpMpzAXBRKJQuk-8-Sdvg
【Kazami Kuku / 風見くく】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXp7sNC0F_qkjickvlYkg-Q
【Yunohara Izumi / 柚原いづみ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW8WKciBixmaqaGqrlTITRQ
【Seshima Rui / 瀬島るい】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_WOBIopwUih0rytRnr_1Ag
【Hira Hikari / 飛良ひかり】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFsWaTQ7kT76jNNGeGIKNSA
【Tsukinoki Tirol /月野木ちろる】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqskJ0nmw-_eweWfsKvbrzQ
【Konan Mia / 湖南みあ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4PrHgUcAtOoj_LKmUL-uLQ
【Sekishiro Mico / 堰代ミコ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDh2bWI5EDu7PavqwICkVpA
【Saionji Mary / 西園寺メアリ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwePpiw1ocZRSNSkpKvVISw
【Shimamura Charlotte / 島村シャルロット】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYTz3uIgwVY3ZU-IQJS8r3A
【Ryugasaki Rene / 龍ヶ崎リン】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hc-00y-MSR6eYA4eQ4tjQ
【Shishio Chris / 獅子王クリス】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--A2dwZW7-M2kID0N6_lfA
【Oinomori May / 狼森メイ】https://www.youtube.com/@May_Oinomori
【Hebiyoi Tier / 蛇宵ティア】https://www.youtube.com/@Tier_Hebiyoi
【Akane Canna / 茜音カンナ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkpqb53xiOvOgNYEbNpFSyw
【Suzumi Nemo / 涼海ネモ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJ6nejlzes6mm9UruaxQsA
【Touri Sei / 橙里セイ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBxw5bdrbKO7E60E4s3KgQg
【Ieiri Popo / 家入ポポ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_hjHmi-ODGhHlSzD16p5Pw
【Shisui Kiki/ 紫水キキ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3MBUvkVTI9p-p0be7y7TQA
【Kohaku Yuri / 瑚白ユリ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGyywYAJd2O5Y7yUyr7qBRQ
【Souya Ichika / 宗谷 いちか】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2kyQhzGOB-JPgcQX9OMgEw
【And Uge / 杏戸ゆげ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3EhsuKdEkI99TWZwZgWutg
【Kanade Kanon / 花奏 かのん】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmqrvfLMws-GLGHQcB5dasg
【Kisaki Anko / 季咲あんこ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChXm-xAYPfygrbyLo2yCASQ
【Amaui / 天羽衣】https://www.youtube.com/@Amaui
【Hinata Mashu / 日向ましゅ】https://www.youtube.com/@Mashu_Hinata

Nanashi inc friends

【Camomi Camomi / 鴨見カモミ】https://www.youtube.com/@camomicamomichannel
【Komori Met / 小森めと】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzUNASdzI4PV5SlqtYwAkKQ
【Suou Patra / 周防パトラ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLzT-7b2PBcunJplmWtoDg
Amaui 1st anniversary
Mashu 1st anniversary
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Been a minute
Probably because we all moved to /vt/.
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what did she mean by this?
Cancer brings people together. I think the world would be a nicer place if everybody got cancer.
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One thread survives.
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And it ended exactly as it was predicted.
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So I was right, and now with the other things going on this will be the only way for this thread to last, i'm okay with that
mico roulatte https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeeQd47PDJM
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What happened to /vt/? The board doesn't seem inordinarily fast.
>doesn't seem inordinarily fast
Please don't post my wife if you were never around for her vtuber career, thank you.
Nobody seems to care anymore. They're just content with the thread being on constant life support.
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Thanks but you can fuck off to that board, I have been watching since HNST debut. /vt/ does not seem out of the ordinary fast paced compared to any other day.
/vt/ has a lot of brazillians and /774/ only has one chilean bumping the thread during those hours.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCHKWqG4fyI Patora cooking balls.
The entire boards existence is extraordinally fast and you'd know this if you were actually here since debut, and the only reason /774/ even exists on either board is because /vy/ died years ago. You're not going to win this argument so stop trying to make it.
Ignore the idiot, but yeah sometimes the boards "speed" depends on drama right now at least 3 companies are suffering from a bit of small and large negative occurrences, you have a 3 way war of shitposting going on in the catalog, 774 was never a strong gen on that board in terms of participation so it goes under really fast
>/vt/ does not seem out of the ordinary fast paced compared to any other day.
A doxxing website just went down the other day and caused a flood of retards to come to /vt/. Even if you ignore how this place has always been barely hanging on over there, you're kind of a fucking idiot for making a totally baseless assumption like that.
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>/vt/ does not seem out of the ordinary fast paced compared to any other day.
Nobody said anything about being out of the ordinary, retard.
Legitimately braindead desu. I was obviously talking about its speed within the board's norms. You must not be white (or educated).
>legitimately braindead
See this is the exact type of poster that /vt/ cultivates. Please never bring this thread back to /jp/ again.
I was here before you now hush, you can take your shit to to your own link to keep it alive.
>Legitimately braindead
Didn't ask for your introduction.
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>I was here before you now hush
No you weren't, now stay in your lane.
And to the remainder of the actual fans who've been here since the early days instead of roleplayers like this guy, this kind of retard infesting your threads was a hell of your own making when you saw that cesspit of a board as an actual place for Vtuber discussion. If you guys do or don't care isn't my concern, but never directly point your trash to /jp/ again.
Cool story bro, but I was in this thread long before it was moved to vt.
If you wanna pull the oldfag card then nut up or shut up, post your first 774 sub now.
Last time I saw this thread Mimi was still around
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almost been an entire year, I miss her...
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Sure, here's my watch history.
So you haven't been here longer than me. Props to you for actually watching someone in 2018 since with the retarded way you acted I fully expected you to be a 2020-shitter, and while that's yet to be completely disproven since you didn't post a sub I'll drop it here. Now never come back to /jp/.
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Maychatting. https://x.com/May_Oinomori/status/1782838368336019818
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Everybody ITT seems like a whiny bunch of bitches. I'm gonna stick to /vt/
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Kill yourself, autist.
yurimons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69qCT6l0QQk
I'd rather be autistic than a liar like anon. "Watching HNST since debut" and "September 14th" are not the same thing.
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It's baffling to me how this game is popular when it's really just a worse version of Dream Club, with only 3 girls that all have the same body type. Sad state of affairs.
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I figured they had a couple of sponsored streams with big name streamers and everyone immediately jumped on board assuming its going to be the new big meta and wanting to be early on board
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man she is not pleased with herself for oversleeping for OW2
Kiki before sex
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The snake woman is a menace.
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https://twitter.com/Patra_HNST/status/1784073237300982168 new patola fig, looking nice.
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noted controversial streamer, this just shows how Rene's making it up in the world
Its just easy bait when she does her regular Rene content
What controversy are you talking about?
Presumably some anon making bait threads on /vt/ using a screenshot of rippy's latest clip where Rene points out she's not a virgin. That's all I can think of.
Why is he bitching about it in this thread and not in the one on /vt/? In fact, why would anyone sane even bother checking that catalog in the first place?
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Just the way things work nowadays
I thought it would be about the shitting pants incident.
Holy sex
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https://twitter.com/Mary_HNST/status/1784919154438680750 Mary having human relations with someone but her family for once.
Shopping with Mary...
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which is funny when rene is pretty much
the most low-drama person
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You'll watch it, right anons?
UiMashu 3D soon(tm)
Gorilla vs Gorilla
Not soon anymore
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Mashu... Hopefully it's just the sciatica acting up again, I will fly over and cure her and Rene's ass issues
Gotta stop slouching so much.
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shes so confused by the random collab
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It isn't Uimashu, but it's a good consolation.
That host's hair physics are silly
That's an animation, not physics. It's supposed to look like she's underwater.
wtf she's a girly girl
was there ever any doubt
Why did she lift Amaui if she has back problems?
amuai is only 5 grams
Amaui is all skin and bones. She weighs like 5 kilos at best.
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Mashu got overstimulated and tried to carry Amaui off pulling her back in the process, should have used more knees in the lift
Sei will have a big announcement in 3 hours
mary is so /sig/
Either an orisong or a piano session (in 3D this time please).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deOz_NPARU4 kuku singing?
>check stream
>average kuku voice changer
>close stream
You hate to see it.
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come back anon she's back to the shinchan voice!
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>40kg w/ pee
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mary my beloved
it's May
didn't expect Yuri to play Witcher 3
Wasn't Anna 36?
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she's right you know
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monhun collab
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she knows
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pics from gasaki's trip
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໒ܸ ⩌⩊⩌ ܸ ₎১.
I'm surprised Amaui is the healthier of the two, luckily Mashu has the entire family there to help her
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COp-qT7zau4. getting air hockey Shintaro flashbacks already
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i understand SF less than apex...
yuri with a gun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxcjBQuJBtk
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dang guitar version Twilight Stream is preddy gud. makes you forget about the unending hemorrhoids
I don't know where she went but she definitely got laid on her trip, I can tell by her voice.
you didn't have to say it
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big and black
mary sex
too bad i don't understand fighting games.
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Final Bday countdown
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many chris........
Mary drinking from 10AM on a Saturday...
Her new design is a downgrade for me.
Makes her look like a pipsqueak lol
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currently chained to a radiator in Haneru's place until they become docile enough to wear the outfits and pose
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That's our Kuku!
prove it, post evidence
I wonder if Mary thinks this is how people are listening to her ASMR streams.
Like what?
Like that
I miss Popo.
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>also sayonara
Now this is some tasty awkwardness.
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weird nemo
Big head.
Kuku's been playing supermart sim for 6 hours
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>Posting goatse on stream
I thought Anko was an idol.
Chances that May is a virgin?
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>tune into gasaki
>literal shit talk happening
are we sure shes not german
Real Chris is smaller/skinnier. She could do a perfect cosplay of herself.
stinkier too?
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This will be good.
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it's joever...
It status,over
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weird rabbit-dog-cat creature
it's time
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Is this too far?
chris is cooming so hard rn
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BLEACH themed wedding with ポポ
Is this a tranny? Voice sounds very suspicious.
That's one of the suuji darlings
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Haneru has gone too far, now they're not even having to walk anymore. I'm going to throw myself under the tires and take her to court as an insurance scam
is that license plate even legal
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now you can get yuri to sit on your face
No, she's just a lesbian gigastacy like Tirol.
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Popo stuffed in a locker like a common dweeb...
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Amaui Raft with friends (no Amaui PoV)
sei singing with ???
I missed this thread! Welcome back friends!
I'm gonna miss Chris' insane rant streams.
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May must be a virgin
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thread is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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She choose power over all else
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>Alarm has been ringing for 20 mins
Wake up already you dumb capy.
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The capybara rises
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Majora's Mask completed
LMFAO bussyblaster
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natural result of challenging Mary to a test of strength
red family
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Sharu 3D status?
Kissing Amaui on the lips.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igaovMjab0E It's Popo time
I don't remember saying this
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butt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3huHE19mkI
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Mashu should be back this week
Who comes back first, Mashu, Tirol or Mia?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBF4fhIBIss. Chris better not end this the Hana-bi way
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Can a 3D Live?
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Canna and...
2D Long Rene!
Yes, but Rene can't.
Do you think Rene will get her 3D done faster than the others? Usually they get done pretty fast when there are events on the horizon, so prioritizing Rene for concerts sounds reasonable.
Haneru might get hers sooner as well, but the others will probably have to wait for a bit longer.
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wai! wai!
It seems that Yuri has privated all her Minecraft streams again.
What is her problem?
she hasn't privated them. They're unlisted. You can still watch them. There is a minecraft playlist.
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>The story of how Izumi Yuzuhara almost ate my dog.
damn I wish I knew japanese
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o shit oh fuck
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Oh, you're right. I guess she only privates/removes chatting streams.
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Wait, that isn't a real dog!
better than tony?
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I wanna be her lot lizard when she plays the Albania DLC
what's that? and why wasn't there any reptiles in animare anyway?
hookers who specialize at working truck stops riding shotgun in big rigs. Maybe they wanted to cover the safer market of furry animal designs first. what's needed is an amphibian, one that has the gimmick of needing to be constantly moistened
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I don't think ive ever seen this combi
Because Rukako was there with them.
Chris literally became what she hated the most: a riajuu
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Why would she do this in a member's only?
Nooo Canna is playing the slut game too, I thought she's one of the pure ones
Is she, though? Do we even know what she's gonna do
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What the actual fuck
Kiki no......
Fuck. It's because of her health issues, isn't it?
This company has had such bad luck the last 2 years
I don't know. I don't fucking know. She seemed normal in her recent streams so I don't even fucking know, I wish I did but I fucking don't. I don't know what's going on anymore, I'm literally shaking and everything is spinning right now. I feel like crying. I'm going to sleep. This isn't real.
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Terrible day.
I don't want to live in this timeline anymore
Will any of Kiki public live and video deleted after?
Once she rgaduates.
Read the announcement. Everything will be gradually privated, as usual.
Kiki 3D birthday live confirmed
>New visual
What about Kiki's pubic live?
Drinking my final Mary sake bottle in honor of Kiki, but damn... The bitch drinks this diabetes piss?
Went very smoothly
Mary... https://x.com/Mary_HNST/status/1791419743347609786
..... I think I know why Kikisama graduate.
Now I don't feel as sad about the graduation
now we have mamahara
Bros, Mary is really fiesty today...
https://x.com/Mary_HNST/status/1791422961729298894. she's on a rampage
Dead group becomes even deader than never before thought possible.
One day they'll all be gone anyways.
I'd like to think that everyone who are rescheduling or taking a break this weekend are doing so out of shock or grief from Kiki's announcement. It's probably not the case, but it makes me feel better to think that.
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Why is she so cute bwos
Does Kiki have a rich CEO boyfriend to take care of her at least?
Haneru will take care of her. I bet taking care of Kiki is easier than taking care of her dogs.
On the downside, she'll be forced to wear silly costumes on public.
Sounds like kiki had a long night with mary yesterday
She said she has her ojichama so she's probably doing papakatsu
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kikisama in silly costumes...
Get in here
Are you telling me she doesn't go out in goth loli dresses?
Goth loli is sex. From now on, Kiki will get dressed up like this >>46866701
6 years feels like so long ago
the pandemic years don't count so it's more like 3 years actually
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The Jackalope is back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vTH590Fpz0
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Only a week left...
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I'm gonna miss Kiki.
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it keeps being joever
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>2D rene with 2000s visualizer effects
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weird looking mahjong
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Here's your mahjong bro
I need Yuri...
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Sei Twitch channel has been launched. https://x.com/Sei_Touri/status/1792412474555437119
Why don't this company just rebrand into a mahjong vtuber company already? I think they can get more money and clout becoming the de facto partner for stuff like M-League and jantama as well as hosting v-mahjong cups and whatnot.
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not unless they add mahjong to OW2
https://youtu.be/tcUZ67bdHKw marey coallb
>I wake up
>there's another 774inc graduation
Kiki or has there been another one today as well fuck
The announcement was three days ago. How long have you been asleep?
It saddens me that Haneru, who used to have legitimately interesting projects and collabs with other vtubers and mangakas, now is almost exclusively a mahjong vtuber, like fuck man, even when she's not actually playing the game the mahjong celebs somehow sneak into the regular non-mahjong projects. Even worse, she's slowly getting everyone else in the company to participate too, even those who until now had 0 interest in the game. And when it's not mahjong, it's some other weird endorsement like that wrestler guy, the small town tax collab or that stupid boat race thing.

Feels like things have been going downhill since the groups were dissolved. Chris and Kiki are gone, Haneru and Rene's new visuals suck too, feels like there's less and less reasons to stick around anymore. At least Patra is doing well as an independent and I do admire her laser focus on retro gaming.
I feel like I've read this same rant last year, but with different complaints.
>Haneru playing nothing but mahjong
>Vapart nuked
>Met, Wat, Rukako and Patra gone
>New girls suck
Tier and May are good. Although Tier does seem a bit mentally unstable these days...
That's because the groups dissolved last year and that's when things started going downhill, and things just keep getting worse instead of improving. As for Haneru, the mahjong thing has been going for longer but this time of the year is always bad because of the league thing. During this season, we get :
>pre-scouting streams
>training streams
>tournament streams
>coach shilling streams

Then things settle down for a few months until the cycle repeats.
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Ton-chan got a sibling
Ton-chan's balls got cut off for this...
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Ton-chan kittens would have been the ultimate anniversary merch but probably too much paperwork
I've been away from internet for a few days.
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Why did they give an ojisan such a sexy face?
Yuri made one too, she says it'll be focused on FPS
Maybe I'm retarded, but what was the point of releasing an original song this late in her career? It gets to shine for 1 month at best before they wipe her channel, is that really worth the production costs?
it's just a last gift to the loyal fans/ and maybe it has been in production for awhile
Her manager convinced her to do it and the 3D live. Chris originally planned to quit without doing anything special, just like Anna.
They share the humor of being run over by trains.
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What is going on in Mary's stream?
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good morning to all fellow hammer chads
Will Mico quit next?
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I'm kind of starting to hope that Mia is next. She's clearly not into it anymore and after Rukako quit there's nobody to kick her butt back into gear. And if she quits it would open doors for Chako to join.
I will feel bad for Chiroru if Mia leaves
I expected her to quit shortly after Eli, yet here we are.
Do you guys think Chris is going to join some AVtuber agency or someplace similar like Aogiri?
No. She's done with vtubing for now.
Where am I supposed to find another vtuber that's literally like me now?
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I don't wanna imagine any of the remaining hnst members leaving.
IIRC sometime around Chris' announcement, Mico said that there is pretty much no way that she would (could) quit.
Amaui is having a moment
The replies though
I wish Amaui would cosplay as Reinhardt and rape me until I loved OW2
Is Tirol streaming from a toilet?
Are her medications getting to her or is she always like this?
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Virginity check
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