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Useful links:
- https://kigguide.com/
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo

- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image source: https://twitter.com/xiajing_XN/status/1789130825814130801?s=19

Previous Thread: >>46727798
It was supposed to be Kigurumi Competent Slayers but I got distracted and forgot to change the word again.
>very noticeable shoulder bones
>sticc thighs
You should eat more, Miss kigu!
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post kigulegs
what do kiggers smell like?
The best kigs smell like light perfume appropriate to their character (or cum), most kigs smell like synthetic fabric with a light undertone of musky dudesweat (or cum), bad kigs smell like your high school gym clothes after you've gone an entire semester without washing them. Or cum.
/kcs/ - Kigurumi Cum Scent
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a canadian delicacy
That's very detailed anon. Have you experienced all three?
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I want to take a nap between those.
Arcweed kigu anon has a twitter?
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need kigu mother
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Kcs nsfw channel gave me my monthly reminder why I don’t use it for porn again
share the latest 'cord drama with us, sis
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I need to bareback one of those sluts
MayiU is the pinnacle of kigusex
MayiU > Topi
Your loss
god I wonder why I feel shitty sometimes
average eastern kig
average western kig
Assuming this is Jake, stfu, you put effort into your kig and don’t sit like a French girl in shitty zentai. We need to see more dp28 titty.
If it isn’t Jake we still need more dp28 titty
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attainably cute kigus
I try not to be too hard on thess types because they're clearly autists. And not the socially anxious ones salvageable into breedable kigus.
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is that a short sofa or are they fucking massive?
Does this Ho'ol kig have a tail?
massive kigs on my face rn??
Mono (right) is only 177cm so I think it's some weird tiny Polish sofa
The middle one is cute. Rare DAME I'd breed.
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Damn mono's slightly taller than me? I might be able to pull the kigu look off after all
Not always, but yes
lmao jake doesnt fucking post in here anymore, yet you anons assume its him all the time
t. the jakester
Not a photographer, but I guess it's a perspective thing caused by their camera. I've taken pictures in my bedroom before where my bed looked really short and the effect was even more noticeable when using my phone's wide-angle lens.
>only 177cm
I know <180cm is manlet height, but didn't expect it to be kiglet height as well.
I must have missed that one. Very nice. Thanks, anon.
I rarely post here. Usually its just sources for anons asking for one or refuting one of you anons larping as me. Last time I tried posting here seriously yalls turned it into a meme spanning several threads. So I dont know what anons expect from me.
Honestly dont feel bad. If put in the effort you will look good in kig even if you got a bit more weight on then the average person. Effort and work usually pays off in kig. And even then every kig has its fans.
Every thread someone assumes a post is made by me. Last thread one of you said I did the cumtributes and I had several DMs from people asking me if I actually did it. And whenever the thread goes off about trans people or racist shit someone always has to call me out as the poster.

And since I will likely get tons of DMs asking me if this was me I will add something that only I would know.
A wrestling fact.
This vignitte was aired on SmackDown for several weeks because the original plan was to debut Kofi Kingston against Funaki on a january 2008 SmackDown. This was scrapped and he debuted two weeks later on WWE ECW against some random jobber.
hi jake
I never thought the day would come that I'd actually want to filter posts on /kcs/
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not jake but shut up please
oh boy that retard is thinking about getting a youmu and putting a 'unique' spin on it
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>that retard
you'll have to be more specific, anon. there are a lot of those.
[chair clattering]
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fkin hot
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Topi sex!
If I'm black and want to kig a white girl, is that okay? And are white people allowed to kig dark skinned characters?
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Sorry, people are only allowed to kig characters matching their skin tone. Get in the sexy dark-skinned anime girl.
No one worth listening to will care.
for sure mah kigga
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It's perfectly fine, go become the white girl of your dreams anon
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I have a dream that we will one day live in a nation where kigs will not be judged by the color of their hada, but by the quality of their masks
I'd asked because I've been to my cosplay club at uni a few times and people have gotten in trouble in the past for "blackface" cosplay and stuff like that. I probably have more leeway because Im black anyway but didnt know if there was any consensus on this. Thanks bros
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I want to breed mayiU
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You need more kigus in here other than me anon
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bingoooo! woohoo!!!
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Go for whatever character you want anon. Become the cute anime girl you want to be.
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Become a red/blue/purple/whatever demon girl and you don't have to worry about this problem.
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how do you reply to a message
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That is a very general question
like this
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I need sex
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I really like niffler he's cute
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Sauce ?
Kigs are so hot
Im only into girls but real anime girls are so fkin hot i sometimes fantasize about doing a kig or kigging and jerking someone off
Why are kigs , when done right so fkin hot regardless of gender
Kigs who post teaser pics for upcoming masks should be forced to work in some kind of anon sex gulag to make the minor annoyance up to me
If you mean do this arrow number reply thing, click on the number in the header of the post you want to reply to. Or you can also just type >>number manually.
Why is the feet so huge?
So that you have more room to sniff.
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I wonder if masks with removable visors are expensive/hard to make
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Those boobs are huge
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is this your weird way of baiting for teasers?
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Looks like some cheap chinese shit
Is it a bit tragic that the thing that finally got me back into fitness was wanting to do gay anime bobblehead sex?
Anyway I'm down 30lbs
Some people go to the gym because of Dragonball Z.
If it gets you off your ass I'm not going to judge.
frail twinks encumbered by big heavy breast forms
>ywn give your malnourished Asian kigwife such massive tits that she has trouble walking
why live
the only time I met one she smelled like Pantene
still cant stop laughing that driving force of most the retardation in this thread is some 'lolcow' obsessive faggot and his server, who acts all 'better than thou' as if his landwhale gf isnt posting borderline nudes on twitter begging for money
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if you have a gf(female) you aren't a real kigufan
literally whomst
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I love this kig
Why are they so cute
What are you on about nigga?
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Literally whomstve x2
What kigu would have a flesh GF
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Anon please elaborate.
based schizo
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Kig neck is so good
I'm brown and this is why I love Kigu, I can escape from this awful being, even if only for a while.
Hey faggot you forgot we're not in your secret club server and we don't care what you're vaguebooking about

Go back
how many americans have a teitoku? it seems like a lot of the owners are asian
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Requesting a visa to China right now.
That's it, I'm selling my soul
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It's over
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So he gets one kig broken when he's already had one stolen. Is there anyone more unlucky with kigs? Except for those who died of suffocation
Holy damnn thats great proportions
>check kig likes
>it's all pics of himself
Why? I've seen this lots.
>Except for those who died of suffocation
Who would drive in a kig, isn't the visibility bad? You could get into a car crash
Its china my dude
Never heard about a kigu dying, but I remember pic related almost suffocating. Plastic bags on your head are no joke.
The problem is breathplayfags keep escalating until they're handcuffed, using multiple bags, and holding their breath for 10+ minutes. Watching it makes my dick happy though.
I've never seen any kigus except turbo shit ones do this.
sex with the turbo shit kigu reading this
How to do a demon kigu.
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How NOT to do a demon kigu.
How to get done by a demon kigu?
This guy commissioned a Chinese maker but used his own art as reference or something.

Imagine sucking your own dick so hard and using your own art as a kig mask reference while in reality it's fucking shit and now your mask looks like trash.
would you fuck a demon with down syndrome
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Am I missing something? This demon's cute
Not ungodly hot like Trevor or MayiU's demons, but who is?
The face looks fucking lame. At best this looks like your average anime side character that got dipped in red paint.
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At least they could make the sclera black.
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Or get some kind of special iris shape. Anything other than this a dime a dozen Chinese cartoon character who got into a red paint accident look.
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cute shrimp!
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It's not even hard to make a cute demon kigu that looks like a proper demon girl.
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Which direction is she even looking at in this pic?
Kigs with horns = automatic sex
Not even asking for MayiU's or Trevor's level of hot here, just not looking like complete garbage.
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Post some.
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Delighted to, brother.
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The demon kigu population must increase.

Not like this though.
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Trevor's ass.
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Shrimp hasn't posted anything for a while, are they okay?
I want to be under that tail...
>not anal plug
See what you've done, anons?
>Vanron reading the thread
Vanny ignore those idiots and please let me fuck you with happy ending on the demon.
So what've we done? Dude doesn't even seem upset there so what are you crying about?
kigs can't reproduce naturally though
The demon kigu population is declining, (You) should become a demon kigu today!
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Foot slut.
The eyes are definitely the wrong thing. Black sclera or something with more details would be better than like, western looking eyes.
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Also the eyes would definitely look better this way than so far appart
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Kigs have business cards now?
Kigs have had business cards for a while.
I've got ones from Topi and Lisk.
Yea, literally just change the eyes and the mask wouldn't look like shit. Too bad this dude think his art is some kind of masterpiece.
Jp kigs have ben exchanging these cards for age
>Too bad this dude think his art is some kind of masterpiece.
can you share where he has expressed this kind of opinion?
can you also share the ref he used for the mask? you talk like you've seen it.
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My guy just take a single look at his art. That mask is literally the same face the he drew over and over just with red skin.
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What even is the purpose of these cards? Do they give these out in case someone needs a kig performer or just as a fun little collectible?
collectible, and sometimes so photographers or people at cons can tag them or reach out to them later
Anon is so desperate for kig attention that he says random mean shit in the hopes that they'll post a screenshot of it on their Twitter.
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"trust me bro. I totally didn't make it the fuck up. Just use your eyes bro."
you didn't even answer either of the questions. I think you just want attention. go troll to some other board.
1. It's the same face that every single of his character has.
2. It's the same face that every single of his character has.

Not that hard to put 2 and 2 together.
vanny, I want to sniff your crotch.
do you happen to have a link? I really like this.
>Random mean shit
Saying the eyes look kind of weird and could be improved by changing the position and sclera is hardly "random mean shit". Pretty tame by /kcs/ standards. Also nobody asked him to get mad and post about it on twitter so he could pretend he "owned the haters" by having his little sycophants give him pats on the shoulder. Seeing him go full lolcow mode over critiques as minor as those, it's no wonder his art has seen zero improvement over the span of the past 7 years.
You have a great body though.
You seem to have a short memory or selective eyesight in addition to mental retardation, so I copied some of the "hardly random mean shit" here that was said:

>Imagine sucking your own dick so hard and using your own art as a kig mask reference while in reality it's fucking shit and now your mask looks like trash.
>would you fuck a demon with down syndrome
>The face looks fucking lame. At best this looks like your average anime side character that got dipped in red paint.
>Not even asking for MayiU's or Trevor's level of hot here, just not looking like complete garbage.
>Yea, literally just change the eyes and the mask wouldn't look like shit. Too bad this dude think his art is some kind of masterpiece.

Nice gaslighting attempt. You get 0 points.
Dude is actually mad that someone said he's hot but not as hot as Trevor
Are you vanron? Because if not, there are much hotter demon kigus to devote yourself to.
Always nice to see an anon saying a kigu is bad, then another anon defend the bad kigu like his lef depends on it. It makes the thread so much more lively.
why european kigs such schizos?
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I want to worship kigu heels
>Every other Anon on here is the same guy
I'm a kig and I want to meet more europeans kigus but I'm shy
what should I do?
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Not worth dealing with the constant drama, elitism and narcissism.
Why are there so much drama around the European kigs? Things seem to come up in every thread
You put a bunch of egoistiscal cunts together who can't go without attention for 5 seconds and get mad jealous when someone is more successful than them and that's what happens.
This is pretty lewd.
Oh yea total coincidence that his mask looks like his art. Yep, no correlation at all.
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You guys still arguing over this? He practically posted the ref art.
buttfangs sighted
do they make their own masks? if so do you think they'll make one for me via commission?
No, he commissioned a Chinese maker.
Very nice succ art would plap
more like this pls
that reminds me, what happened to that one fat ugly kigu from a couple of months ago that anon kept posting over and over again?
how to like your kigself

>excited to see an Ubel kig
>realized the face is fucking wrong
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That is not how you use a microphone.
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That's just a new form of ventriloquy anon.
Can you even call that Ubel if she doesn't have that psycho smug?
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We league of legends splash art now
> "splash" art
i see what you did there
hit me up uwu
You definitely look super cool to hang out with, but I'm a bit intimidated because we never talk together before >w<
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One of the reasons I haven't kigged in years
Which one
Which one?
Especially Nero, clear alpha kig of the group
What does M stand for? Maybe?
Holy shit, that wyu 2B looks horrendous. Also the kigus on the left side either need to get more hip padding or lose an incredible amount of weight.
Robot girl is as cute as always :)
Most of those kigs read 4chan... so please be nice.
From left to right :
Sex (Thighjob)
Hugs, cuddles, sex
I originally wanted to have sex with this kigga but I’m not so sure anymore
Sex (titjob)
Sex with better shoes and a better stance
I think that’s darlingpinkdreams so, sex
Cuddles, hugs, sex
Has potential
SEX, cute sticc legs
Hugs, cuddles, sex
Looks cool
Sex with the amerikig reading this
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>you will never have a kig wife
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Considerin how this threads gone so far this has to be a joke.
No but cute mask
No but cute mask
No but cute mask
Who gives a flying fuck what the kigs think
I can't remember their name, they were an American who took a photo at a Macdonald's and anons talked about how they couldn't handle going out in public in kig.
Life as Birdy?

that 2b mask is revolting
yeah, that's the one
I'm getting a kig soon and can safely say I will look better than almost all kigs in this photo (which isn't saying much)
Will the kig community get pissed off if I attend these events and just do my own thing instead of be in these cringe group photos?
You're allowed to do whatever you want as a kig as long as you're hotter than any kig attempting to criticize you, so you should be good
Looking at their twitter, nothing at all in almost a month

It WILL upset the people that think 'handlers' are necessary (and if you're more popular :) ).
>Will the kig community get pissed off if
Can I cumtribute to mommy Bisko please?
What's with Wyu masks and fatso? It's like whenever I see a Wyu mask it's perched on a pile of fat that can barely qualify as human.
Jesus them vtuber kigs and that 2B make up 70% of the total weight of the group.
>people that think 'handlers' are necessary
how hard is it to navigate a crowded con without one? as a future kiggroid it sounds scary
Your vision is very limited in a kigu mask so you need someone to make sure you're not bumping into stuffs or people. Lacking vision makes you vulnerable so it's better to have a bodyguard just in case. Also they are your means of communication with others.
Just make your photographer be your gear/merch mule slave and handler, you don't need a separate one
... You will have a photographer, right?
Please elaborate. Why will it upset people who think handlers are necessary?
I do wonder about this. In 90% of kig vids on bilibili the kigs are going in public by themselves, so I started to think if kig limited vision was heavily exaggerated.
sounds like I need to find someone to tag along then. I was planning on going solo at a smaller hotel con first to try it out, but I don't want to step on the wrong person's foot and get stabbed
>In 90% of kig vids on bilibili

Who do you think were recording them?
Vision can vary a lot from mask to mask.
Handlers will be a thing of the past once Chinese kiguHUD 360 vision displays come to the west
And the camera just magically floats behind them?
Autonomous drone keyed to an RFID tag inside the mask
They use selfie stick
"Yo handler toss me the selfie stick I need to record a video for bilibili."
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Why kigs so depressed and moody?
Be sexy, not sad!

These are live recordings. See for yourself if your handler is anywhere in sight.
lel she got shoulder checked by another blind kigu and almost dropped her phone. kiggers are ungainly creatures
Ah yes because a phone camera cover a 360 degree angle therefore can capture everyone around leaving no blindspot.
Now that you post this it makes me wonder, why there's a bunch of Frieren kigs but not a single Ubel kig so far? Isn't she one of if not the most popular character in that series beside the main cast? Her hairstyle and face should be easy for Chinese makers too.

Extremely vile and NSFW, view at your own discretion.
Sex no question
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Bring back the weekly dose of cringe. You can't just unceremoneously end the experiment, or I'll assume a kigger out here getting stabbed.
Real Beta behaviour to ask before glazing a pic of me lil anon
I would say there is lots of sexy stuff on their twitter aswell
but I want mommy Bisko to pick the image
I want mommy Bisko to pick me up
Be a proper degenerate and pic it yourself or else ill pick the most sfw boring image I can conjure up
80kg is the break-off point for getting picked up
but I want to cum on a picture of mommy Biskos big cock
maybe when I open up my ura and just embrace my degen self...
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worship kigu heels
Huffing kigufeet!
I always liked that brand (and Realise) but thought those Asian-sized swimsuits were really small, but a tall Euro kig like Azu can wear them no problem? Where can a Euro kig buy them in Western size? They look damn good.
pharfaite's largest size is a bit small on western kigs but it's not impossible to squeeze into. If you ignore the straps they look pretty great still.

You can find their stuff on cultulu alongside other good swimsuit brands. Expensive but quality, just unfortunately on the smaller size.
I am so intrigued by those, really seems like a good solution. Hardware seems easy enough to get, albeit expensive, but I haven't seen anyone post much information on software. I presume there's a bit more to it than just loading up Raspbian on a pi and getting a camera app if you want something that immediately boots to a low latency video feed.
I'll check it out, thanks.
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Are (you) tuning into y-chan's special stream tonight?
I wasn't sent a personal DM asking me to, so no
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Post kigpit.
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Goddamn this thread is DEAD.
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fantia be like: fuck you
> Thank you for always using Fantia.
> From 15:30 on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, The use of Visa and Mastercard credit cards has been temporarily suspended.

download your porn before you're going to lose all access
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My lust for syrup is infinite
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The fuck, I don’t even have enough storage to download sezuna’s video. Each post is like 5gb.
You better grab some drives then.
ending your subscription makes you lose access to all videos you didnt unlock with back numbers.
And not being able to pay since they shit down your CC does exactly that.
>Paying for kig porn
i shiggy diggy
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post kigs with drip
For every based coomers itt, I found a Fetish Faith torrent and it's working.

>Not supporting kig creators
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Well of course I do. A mask, hadatai, clothes, and shoes don't pay for themselves.
I want to have sex with Coru.
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oh hell nah
would have been even better with the lidl sneakers, but nice heels anyway
Cute feet.
Oh Hell YEAH!
I would eat at Waffle House DAILY if these were my servers.
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Sometimes you can't even see right in front of you.
>webm related
who wore the blue and yellow better anons?
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Different pic for undecided anons
Mio has seen better days
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Remove all those obese vtuber kiggas too.
To be fair that 2b kigga didn't look that out of place
what are you smoking you dumb ass nigger, that 2b is vomit inducing
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no problem
There are like 5 total good kigs in that entire image lmao
Which 5?
Which one are you?
id rather not some boomer's silicone gooner suit be slipping up, I feel terrible for the anon who had to make them cover it up when it got somehow worse than this
there are stinkers sure but that 2b is a demon manifested into reality
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Aspiring kigus, please, take your time and save up instead of rushing it and get a Munimuni and a cheap Amazon zentai. I guarantee you it's worth it to get a mask from NFD or Aniplus or one of the more reputable Chinese makers, and a tailor made hadatai that fits your body.
skin and bones
Not that bad desu, I've seen more malnourished kigs.
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I am going into battle and need your skinniest twinks
Source? Not a fan of latex, but that looks great.

Me and who?
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You can't handle my skinniest twinks

How tall are you?
6 foot
You are fine.
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Although judging from the mask style I doubt it even exists anymore.
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>You will never be a sigma male and sigma kigu simultaneously
Why live?
Also I love when this hashtag starts trending
Please post Azur Lane kigs I need motivation to become bote
I hope you want to be one of them german botes anon ?
That's the plan
Agir specifically
become a 2hu instead, anon
Sorry anon but that was never really my thing
I am a ship girl enjoyer at heart
That reminds me, I want to commission a Kancolle kig but I can't fit it in my plan.
just found out one of my favorite kigs is an ugly foid, day ruined
All of them are.
ABSOLUTELY BASED I dont care what you will look like but hit me up when you got stuff to show

Also on that topic anyone here getting mad if their character gets done by another person aswell ? I personaly would be throlled for more "clones" to appear so to speak
I support clones if and only if they have selfcest kigu sex with each other.
Not anytime soon I'm afraid. I got a mask coming in 2-3 months and I already planned a different character if I do commission another one. Kancolle will have to wait.
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There's at least one other kigu doing the same character as me. I'm not sure who got it first and I wouldn't say I get "mad" when I see their posts as I have no online presence myself so I don't see them as a rival for internet points. If anything it gets me a bit anxious because I feel I'm being surpassed in a way; but on the other hand, it makes me especially eager to improve my own rendition of the character. Also getting more kigu content of my favorite character without having to kig myself every time is convenient.
The only situation where I could imagine myself getting really mad would be if I was kigging as my own OC and somebody else just copied it without asking, but even then I could take it as a compliment because they like my OC enough to kig as them. But I don't own the character I kig as and expecting to be unique forever isn't realistic, so I have no reason to be upset.
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Oh neat more hololive kigs
im just glad to see more stuff of the character I love, even if its not me. though I do have the benefit of having at least some decent differentiation in her expressions and how I portray her. I cant be everything of her, neither can they, but together we do cover a lot more ground even if separately

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