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If I asked Sagume "Will you have sex with me"
and she answered "No I will not have sex with you" that would mean it is fated that I will have sex with her right?
On the other hand, if she says "yes, we will", is it possible at all for me to take advantage of this consent?
If the former is true, doesn't it imply that in the latter case you're destined to never have sex?
There is an excellent chance she would just frown and cross her arms.
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Of course, which is why I'm wondering if I can escape fate if i do it right away
touche lol she'd probably do that
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It's all about how you ask the question. If you ask "Do you want to have sex with me?", than it works because, one way or another, she consented.
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How does this differ in outcome from asking if she will have sex with me?
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If she says yes, it won't happen
Her ability isn't that the opposite of what she says happens, it's that if she speaks of something it reverses the situation
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Of course! You're so right anon
but what does that actually mean?
Just rape her, dude.
Let's say Sagume is going to go to the store.
If Sagume says "I will go to the store", her plan will undo itself and she will not be able to get to the store.

If Sagume says "I will not go to the store", her plan will undo itself still because it doesn't matter that she said the opposite of what she planned to do, her ability activates by her speaking on the topic. Whereas before she would've been able to go to the store, the situation reverses.
I see, but if she isn't planning on having sex with me, wouldn't her talking about it by saying" we will not have sex" reverse the situation still?
Yes, this is why Sagume intentionally keeps quiet and chooses her words extremely carefully. In Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, the main reason she spoke of the Lunarian's plans to hide in the dream world was so it would unravel, and she was banking on it unraveling by the protagonists saving the Moon from Junko
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interesting, I always found her decision to talk about it strange
now i know why
Sagume Ballz
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god, she's so cute, I want to comfort her and speak for her when she's scared of doing it
Sagume has been monitoring her language since well before your grandfather was born Anon. She's not scared of it. If anything, there might be times where it comes off as frustrating not being able to speak freely, but not scared.

That said I doubt she'd complain about you acting as her mouth, assuming you were good at it.
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I just want to gag her with my penis to be honest
I just wanna white knight for the gorgeous Lunarian lady!
You want to gag her when she sucks it. I want to make her gag when she smells it. We are built differently.
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I like to think that, as wise as she is, she's actually terrible with people from a social standpoint, it's really cute to imagine her losing her composure
You should wash you dick more often, dude.
Lunarians were built to clean smelly cocks tho
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I think that'd be very cute, but is that really compatible with the idea that she's composed enough to not talk at certain points? It might be, i think it'd be cute to see
I wonder what sagume would say about it
sorry, only toyohime is into sweaty, muscular, unwashed earth men
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What does it say anon-sans?
context makes me think it says "i will keep my clothes on" or something but I'm probably incredibly wrong
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I bet Sagume gives the best blowjobs.
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I think Sagume has a very quiet, whispering kind of voice. Peak ASMR stuff.
Will she let me keep feathers as souvenirs?
Actually, the Lunar Palace has a contract with Sagume wherein every shed feather off her wing is collected and used in the production of high-class ergonomic bed cushions. She sheds very little, so it takes a long time to produce one cushion, making them an extremely rare luxury good.

They aren't even that comfortable.
Nah, her ability is to reverse a situation if she speaks about it.
Meaning that if you were making progress towards having sex with her, her taking about it would get you further away from it instead, and if you were actively making your chances worse, you'd get closer instead.
There's no guarantee that each of those possible consequences would guarantee success or failure, as renewed efforts could change the course of fate once more, and it would merely make things harder or easier for you.

However, as you are completely beneath her notice and you never had any chance with her to begin with, it makes no difference.
The inverse of zero is still zero, so she can talk freely about how she won't ever sleep with your impure ass!
>you are completely beneath her notice
But that's the best part!
Sagume-chan is a good girl!
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regardless of how her voice sounds, I think the fact that she very rarely uses it would make me cum buckets if she decided to use it to talk to me in specific
Nursing handjobs from Sagume while she whispers sweet nothings in you're ear!
What if i completely disgust her and get her to shout "IM NOT GONNA HAVE SEX WITH YOU!"
you have won her heart!
Traumatized Sagume-chan is hot.
I want to torment her by constantly reminding her of what she did.
"Is this some sort of human joke that I'm too pure to understand?"
Imagine raping the 'gu
Lunarians are made for rape. Every single one of them.
Including the male ones?
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If Yori is into incest and Toyo is into savage earthling men, what is the 'gume's weakness?
Sagume likes to molest shota moon rabbits.
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I can't believe nobody's translated that doujin yet

I bet it's because of this page
Well Anon that's not gonna be that difficult for sure
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The Yorihime incest I get, but where does the earthling stuff come from? Is it just "she looks like she fucks human men" type deal?
she found a human man who'd passed into the lunar capital on a turtle's back and then let him live with her for three years and he may have been the father of her son (yorihime's husband)
This, plus just look at her. Listen to what she says and how she says it
That moon hime's got some issues she needs to work the kinks out of.
I started saying it because during a moonie thread we were discussing Kegare and I found the fact Toyo's legend counterpart married a man with a profession involving killing beings, thereby creating Kegare, to be funny.
Ergo, Toyohime fucking savage men.
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I want to go to the moon, meet Sagume and become very close to her, but I'm scared that she will kill me instantly for being an e*rthling
Romance. Grab her by the waist, hold her close to you, look at her in the eyes, tell her you love her and you're gonna make her feel good and comfortable and she's yours! Oh and the ultimate weapon is to hold her hand and kiss it.
Men who are no talk and all act.
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Do NOT rape the 'gu!
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The 'gu will rape those anons
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Why does Sagume only have one wing?
She lost the other one when she fell from heaven.
The moon is still the heavens, so where did she really fall from?
Into the rivers of Gensokyo City
Sagume's thread will fall off of the catalog
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Looks like she expects rape and who am I to let lady Sagume down
took the 'gu home
it's time to let it go, anon-kun. that accident wasn't your fault. let it go, forget about all of.. this. until, we meet.. again......
Is that anon who made the Sagume exam thread still around?
I think we did well on his exam, didn't he?
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I'm still here. I actually wanted to make a Sagume thread again myself before I saw this one.
Yeah, it worked.
seggs, with sagume
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She's too busy with other stuff.
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Sagume-sama to Kegare Nuki
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how do I conquer these lesbians?
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