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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>46725481

Pirating Japanese Music: https://pastebin.com/M1pFz6Ps

Upcoming Lives:

5/15: VESPERBELL Kasuka & Iori Matsunaga Collaboration 3d Live https://youtu.be/bJuzteJ-fsE
5/18: Ciel First Solo Live & VR Event https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10321
5/25: RK Music VOICESPARK 2024 https://rkmusic.jp/voicespark2024/
5/30: VALIS 5th One Man Live https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10390
6/01: Lucia 1st One Man Live『 Libera 』https://eplus.jp/lucia/
6/09: Meteopolis Carnival https://riotmusic-live.zaiko.io/item/363194
6/15: Sanbaka 5th Anniversary Live 3!参!SUN! https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/sanbakalive_5thanniversary/
6/29: Re:AcT 2nd gen LIVE (Link TBA)
8/02: Himehina Live 2024 Day 1
8/03: Himehina Live 2024 Day 2
8/07: Isekaijoucho Anima 3 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10411
8/08: Kamitsubaki Fes 2024 https://twitter.com/kamitsubaki_jp/status/1789128674614350313
9/19: Sana Natori 1st Live
New Isekaijoucho cover
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I shouldn't feel guilty for not watching Yukimura. I should see her as the utaite she is.
why do you feel guilty anyway? were you a Liz fan before?
I was and am still a Liz/Yukimura fan. Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical to enjoy Liz but not Yukimura? I know some of you would argue that the music is different but that’s BS. She always had covered moe songs just as she do now. She’s always true to herself. The only thing that is different is that she doesn’t rap anymore.
>Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical to enjoy Liz but not Yukimura?
i think it would be hypocritical if they like Liz solo without Lita. i like KMNZ as a whole, and i lean more to Lita so i have no drive to listen to yukimura.
but yes, i understand why you feel guilty.
Exactly, you can’t be a true RK Music fan without liking them all.
However, i dont think it is a normal behaviour. just as how someone can have a few bad songs, i dont think there is a need for us to like everything someone pumps out.
tfw i only like hacc
Is it strange if I like Yomi’s giggles but not Hachi’s?
I don’t think it’s hypocritical to only like one member of the group and call yourself a fan of that group. I think it’s impossible to love them all.

>i dont think there is a need for us to like everything someone pumps out
Yeah, it’s not healthy. No vsinger is that perfect. Every vsinger always has something that pisses me off. Everyone on Twitter seems super nice but I know a lot of them are schizos based on their profiles.
You're one of the schizos.
>Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical to enjoy Liz but not Yukimura?
>I know some of you would argue that the music is different but that’s BS.
Solo covers are not the problem, the problem is original music.
Good thing this isn't the RK Music fan club, and people can pick and choose what they like and be as critical as they feel appropriate.
This whole argument is schizo and retarded. It is the equivalent of assuming I like Ci and Fra as individual artists just because I like BGV. Nobody is forced to do that. I like BGV music, I like KMNZ music, and I'm ready to listen to KMNZ sans Liz.
Most importantly, if you are starting to acquire feelings of guilt, obligation, or indebtedness, you are falling into the exact trap that Yukimura has laid for weak minded individuals such as yourself. The people discussed in this thread are entertainers who are supposed to create music that you enjoy listening to. I'm not here for, and never have been here for, any sort of parasocial aspect.

You said it better than me, I used too many words.
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I'm still trying to figure out how Yoishigure pulled Aoi Yuuki
I was talking about Liz and Yukimura individually, not KMNZ nor even Pastel Honey.
konore. Nice vibes. Only 1k subscribers
If we are talking just about listening to a KMNZ Liz cover, versus a Yukimura cover, it makes no difference to me. To your point, it's the same thing. Especially if you are just listening on shuffle with headphones and not even looking.
But, when you take on a virtual persona, you are not necessarily the same person in spirit that you are in body. You are allowed to like the virtual persona without liking the real person behind it. I don't feel an obligation to her just because she played the role of a character that I like. Nor do I feel that it is healthy to feel such kind of obligation.
obviously meant for >>46822826
I didn’t say I was obligated either. I only said that I felt slightly guilty.
>Every vsinger always has something that pisses me off.
> I know a lot of them are schizos
uhh, i got bad news for you buddy.
Same difference. I dont want to sound like goodreads but this is a negative mindset stemming from your preconceptions and it's not actually how you need to feel. try changing your mindset
damn, these are all originals? she's pretty good.
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Ado sexo
Yeah all originals, I don't think I saw any covers. But I've just discovered them.
Holy shit when did Takayan become a fat fuck
https://youtu.be/m_vUa-9RE7A - 5 years ago
https://youtu.be/UYfeHi8q73w - now
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Yuka Nagase Archive desu~
May 13 Singing with Guitar
Gofile: https://gofile.io/d/BDDlbo
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Bookstore find. Couldn't resist
glue her
>Service Unavailable
>Currently undergoing maintenance
I should start archiving Tanaka's works
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Aaaaa cute. I like the design.
is this a teniwoha cover
Nah, she's one of the new RK Music vsingers.
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The other new RK girl
I don't have the picture of the last one but she is basically IRyS.
These are the three new RK girls
>Pastel Honey covers Strawberry Prince
If you want to listen to this garbage it's up to you, but I will not be listening.
SutoPuri are vsingers too. Don't discriminate.
I posted a Root cover last year and I think it was the only mention of Stpr in this thread in one year.
https://youtu.be/aJePDwiNgRc - dazbee catch you catch me (in 2 hours)
https://youtu.be/OwqUfOuPx9g - zuma bibbidiba
https://youtu.be/q9XFZVtLc7Q - yaya cover
I see it as a Nayutalien cover so it's a win for me
Yaya reminds me of someone else...
Anyone specifically?
Seren Azuma. I don't think it's her though.
NTA but I thought you were thinking of Enna from Nijisanji. She is one of the most highly rated vsinger in the primer.
She sounds literally nothing like Enna.
Primer means nothing here.
It's still a good list
let's agree to disagree.
I honestly disagree, but that's not really relevant to this thread, so it doesn't matter. Not to mention, the list you are referring to is for purely virtual talents only.
new echo cover
This thread is about vsingers and utaites. What do you mean it's not relevant?
Our agreement or disagreement about the list aside, the list is for only vsingers, not vsingers and utaites, therefore it is not a good resource for this thread.
nobody ever covered this huh
I really like the angel
Meda sounds familiar, maybe mikanzil?
never heard culua before, but she sounds pretty good.
Neun sounds familiar but i dont know who it is, noone comes to mind.
might finally start watching more RK music now lmao.
Neun >> Culua > Meda
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The waiting room for IorixKasuka live is no longer available for some reason
Sometimes, it’s Casca.
Ah, the live is cancelled due to Kasuka’s poor health…
new asu cover
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>gitgud description: WebM for retards
>github description: WebM for bakas
github didn't like them using the word retard
I don't like it either
We should be more like Twitter where mean comments don't exist, at least in the vsinger community sphere.
inb4 utaite cancel culture
https://youtu.be/lYI11Lg415U - lanpage (somunia x gaburyu x yaca)
https://youtu.be/fv-HjG-R2cw - iori saeki cover on crossing
https://youtu.be/8xUzExYvVW4 - isekaijoucho cover
https://youtu.be/88OxFe9FX70 - suisoh
https://youtu.be/BBVIxwazmkY - noa
https://youtu.be/bUa2uQGiPPA - ringo zutomayo
https://youtu.be/CvP2J-maRVU - setono toto
Setono's membership is crazy.
Tsukino Mito frog96 cover
Goes so fucking hard
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New vsinger Ibuki
Original: https://youtu.be/s-irkXQLk3E
Reol Cover: https://youtu.be/pX3GZBmT5rc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ibuki_Kirisaki
Kana Sukoya - Kyu Kurarin
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Hakos Baelz - Los! Los! Los!
What a weeb
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This general’s post rate would go down by 60% if I left. You weebs can’t survive without me.
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What fucking key is this
sound 1 or half a key higher than the original
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thanks sister
Didn't know this nayutalien song even existed
BIBBIDIBA is shaping up to be the most popular vsinger song of 2024, and it was written by Tsumiki. He just keeps writing so many viral songs, it's kind of impressive.
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Rice was so fast to get that first fanart in.
Welcome to KAF's Worldwide Observations
Each week we'll be working to deliver answers to your questions, straight from KAF herself!

Empty Old City - Buffer (English Ver.)
the only suisei song i liked in the past year or so, genuinely good.
genuine question, does anyone here actually care about english version of japanese songs? i fucking hate it.
Kind of sad his own band never gets any of the really big hits, he has some bangers in there too.
I think kahoca does a better job than yoasobi for example, but I always prefer the jp version. I still appreciate them trying to reach new audiences, so I won't say anything negative about this.
We've discussed nomelon many times but what did you think of his new band with 3? I posted it last week but I'm not sure if you watched it. It includes songs written by both of them. 3 is a great producer too, so I can't complain. For now, they only have this one video released. They're new new.
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I didn't know this Yuka

I only know of Yuka (Nagase), (Hiiragi) Yuka, and YU-KA. Are there any other Yuka that I need to be aware of?
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It updates so randomly it's completely different than it was yesterday.
KMNZ without Liz is meaningless
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Hahaha I miss Liz
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There must be a place somewhere where Japanese KMNHZs let out their true feelings. I would love to join in on the fun.
I for one am looking forward to may 25
I hope Voicespark is free to watch
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KasukaxIori - Bursty Greedy Spider cover
I mean they said youtube so...
Heh, it's like gap moe.
ah. nostalgia.
https://youtu.be/FeWajG1_O10 - vesperbell cover
https://youtu.be/EN8bWCv_cMI - chokotto x parfaitty cover
https://youtu.be/G_JfKOjwzwo - mili limbus co
https://youtu.be/OoAO2bEFQcI - yukimi cover
Yomi twitter space
Man, yt-dlp is amazing.
Did u grab an archive, anon? Twitter notifs are so delayed over mobile
No, yt-dlp bugged out for a few minutes after the space ended so I closed it. Sorry. If it can make you feel any better, she didn’t sing at all during the space.
there should be more kinoko ga haeteru covers. though i doubt anyone will surpass Una's vocals
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una has the benefit of also being extremely cute
Yuka bros get in here it's time for her new song
Today's algo sent is the duo GiyoDoll. I like what I've heard so far
Yeah I like them a lot. They're acting very smart too, choosing not so common songs that would get recommended to EOPs.
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Anons, give me your luck.
Good luck anon. Say hi to Acaね for me.
Thank you. Results out on the 25th.
There are 300 slots for premium seats in tokyo, which I guess are the best seats in the house. Then I put down reserved seats as second priority. I'll be happy if I can just win on this first round, even if its a regular seat. Otherwise, fan club lottery round two comes around and I'll have to decide how many shows and which ones I want to risk applying to, in order to secure seats. It's no problem for me to slightly change my schedule, but I also only want to see it once. Since they can fill arenas and this is not an arena tour, I have no idea what the level of difficulty could be.
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it's another natori banger
I'll be the judge of that
bang 'er? I hardly even know 'er!
I don't think there's a single natori song that I dislike
What the hell? I fully expected a banger, not a fucking teaser.
Happy Friday!

https://youtu.be/jQrRoRcSgwU - sangatsu no phantasia (mimi)
https://youtu.be/qlysPb_rl-Q - fuminsho ft kankan
https://youtu.be/kmk6JLI8cD8 - kobasolo ft haku cover
https://youtu.be/U-FuKvu5RV0 - imy ft aitsuki nakuru
https://youtu.be/kz1w8DVtK1Q - endorfin ft aitsuki nakuru
https://youtu.be/oXyD-Rq2EMw - kotoha sayonara mata itsuka
https://youtu.be/yxC0gohFaCs - haruta mellowcle cover
https://youtu.be/LxDZXxsWg9U - kano jon yakitory cover
https://youtu.be/fo8HBmkmgaI - atashi komedawara mai cover
https://youtu.be/AbY-IVN4WcE - tk (ling tosite sigure) new mha song
https://youtu.be/MMXEns93xEY - 3ningumi dragon maid cover
https://youtu.be/4gkvVF5-CmU - ringo zutomayo short cover
https://youtu.be/Hck00ktYkiE - yama
https://youtu.be/qKfSzi90F_A - xai suki suki zecchoushou
https://youtu.be/QtXQ1XpZGj0 - nagito x yuki himuro eshikara cover
https://youtu.be/d5sqc4hKiDs - okayu lagtrain
https://youtu.be/zDp89vQ6LZs - himehina x kana sukoya cover
https://youtu.be/nT6hc92mEw0 - soraru bansanka
https://youtu.be/2aj5MM23occ - tanaka w sheeno mirin self cover
https://youtu.be/VbT_C5ozXqM - quon tama cover

DUSTCELL - 3rd Album XFD, July 24 Release
imy seems nice. They've worked with konoco too. I will have to check this channel further.
This post worries me so I've gone ahead and applied to the other Tokyo day as well. Double the chances, I suppose.
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you still aren't replying to each other ever
why are you like this
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Here you go, anon. Take it.
does it matter that much?
anyway, heres a (You)
I don't like replying to posts that I've already replied to. It just feels weird to to use >>XXXXXX(2nd reply) when I reply the second time. I don't want to give the illusion that this place is not a circlejerk.
Both of these posts are actually mine, I just don't like to talk about older music on my daily music share posts.
>I don't want to give the illusion that this place is not a circlejerk.
so are we or are we not a circle jerk?
Most definitely
here's a post everyone can hate on. didnt post yesterday cuz it sucked ass but i love met.
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CULUA - 1st single
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NEUN - 1st single
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MEDA - 1st single
I was expecting the singles to be released at 0000 JST. I should've known it is timezone-specific.
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...you guys have not been jerking?
so meda sounded nothing like mikanzil, but i only liked her song out of the three.
I wish Proton didn't get rid of it's free Japan VPN. I'm cheap.
It's not out yet in my timezone but I expect Neun's single to be the best
鹿あるく feat.sumeshiii
>sangatsu no phantasia (mimi)
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I will give her lots of “love” alright
By love I mean views
The most pure form of love
Metro Mew - Something Mew EP Release
i miss act-age...
how the fuck did she get merch for it
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Seriously, fuck the author. He ruined my manga.
I like them all surprisingly.
Kiichan - Emerald Lakeside (RABBIT & STEEL OST)

I've been playing this game for the past few days since it came out, and I felt the voice felt a bit familiar. At the time, I did not think to place it, but it's actually Kiichan.
Otoo Kouga - BIBBIDIBA
All 3 of them are solid. Nothing super impressive but not bad.
artist got fucked over so badly too. i love the artstyle so much...
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I like both the story and the artstyle but yeah, the artist took the hit the most after the author. It's not even his fault.
Many people said that we should separate the art from the artist. I'm not one of those people. Kotone pissed me off so bad that I refused to listen to her songs anymore.
You should listen to whatever makes you happy.

Currently listening to:
wtf did kotone do?
For one, her posters are annoying.
I'm kidding. If you follow Kotone, then you already know the reason.



truly the bastard child of kamitsubaki
There's so many things happening today.
rare kasuka karaoke
new yoshino cover
Kasuka might be the cutest vsinger in the world
My vsinger oshi
What else happened other than rk music videos I've been asleep
Rare indeed.
CIEL got fired
So just ciel then?
Kasuka is a bundle of personality and sunshine
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I put off watching Albemuth for over a month, so I am just getting hit with the feels today. Here are some images I kept.
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Noda Emi Youtube acoustic live stream (already over)
Hey, cheer up.
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Aaaa they’re so cute
It seems that Culua is a vampire. For such a well-known mythical creature, there’s not a whole lot of vampire vtubers.
i cried on her speech, i got a bunch of pics but it's on my other laptop i had to bring to watch the live. i guess i'll move it over to my main pc later.
new koko cover
>>46866791 (me)
didnt see this other one
kaf guru cover
https://youtu.be/uaeTb3b7N3c - yuni konton boogie
https://youtu.be/BistbnoKJJg - kurousagi uru sasakuru project voltage 19
https://youtu.be/qS_c9UcBsds - eye g4l
https://youtu.be/lZcrzpx144U - sara hoshikawa x petit ratna more one night
https://youtu.be/GrYJCuB2PGI - gero x amatsuki x fake type
https://youtu.be/UPnKiGo8T_o - romewo pajamy
https://youtu.be/ZLV8X1uHh-0 - sugarock cover
https://youtu.be/Q2ck3KDcuIU - miru moon cover
https://youtu.be/Ilz__levsow - nagi cover
https://youtu.be/DPLAEowdw0o - forte cover
https://youtu.be/BGJMcILkl5w - kanon masaki live
https://youtu.be/I3Hx8TLcw1M - balloon live
Second cover from Ibuki. Yeah, she has my attention.
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Hey! Boogie woogie bang bang
Let's go! Buddy buddy boom boom

If you're going to post this every thread at least post the other animations.
How do we save Ciel bros?
NTA but heres a short where 3 people attempted the dance and only one succeeded
find her roommate i guess?
Saving a vsinger is just as delusional as thinking you have a chance of marrying her. There’s nothing that you could possibly do to change the outcome. You’re powerless.
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48 minutes until the next kmnz teaser video. I'm scared.
Tina sounds cute
I don't like the other animations
Step aside Liz, I have Tina and Nero now.
Cats cannot be trusted, three dog unit is for the best.
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They're cute but I would've liked them to be colored something other than black and white.
https://youtu.be/UjMp7bWU0MQ - femme fatale cover
https://youtu.be/4Fd3qp2DWXY - kaza cover
https://youtu.be/SJ0qL-HatMY - utumiyqcom
https://youtu.be/-iZVhJ6NTvA - shiho rolling girl
https://youtu.be/r3JYA_Sg1t4 - ice cover
https://youtu.be/Qxg_npT8QdU - valis myu cover
I can understand why you may be critical, but kmnz colors have always been black, white, red, and pink. Pink has been removed for obvious reasons. They could have added new colors, but all of their merch has been styled this way, and I think maybe they didn't want to change the brand image.

2024.05.25 18:00 JST
I won't be watching
Man Akiakane and Glutamine were the good times
Yoi Shigure
anyone got songs with a similar genre to these
is it ballad/swing?
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Not totally related but ill try to answer your question separately. I spent a couple of hours listening to Aoi yesterday and I think this is the best of the humming series
It's ranked on a scale of how long do I hum to the song.
Humming series 9 was released yesterday
Some of these do leave ballad territory but here are some suggestions that i thought you may like. I don't have any sorted playlists, so I just have to pull stuff by memory. Do let me know how close I'm getting.

Isekaijoucho - A Doll Of Lapis (prod. Harumaki Gohan)
Lamp - a toshi no aki
Madoboshi Chiru - Ihoujin Gypsy (Swing cover)
Madoboshi Chiru - Panspermia Circus (original)
96neko - Patchwork Stacatto (Toa cover)
Emnyeca & Az - Some Day My Prince Will Come (Relaxing Jazz Cover)
Ryushen & Friends - Sakayume (King Gnu a capella cover)
Shibayan Records - Tiny Little Adiantum
Shinra Bansho - Signal Flare
Mili - Salt, Pepper, Birds, and the Thought Police
Mili - String Theocracy
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Yuka cancelled throat hurt
https://youtu.be/Xe9lTBCqiUU - azusagawa cover
https://youtu.be/nZguV1zzglk - ray cover
https://youtu.be/a63bH4nOMfE - fukai rio biz x zera cover
https://youtu.be/JJf7RYovP9E - nanahira
https://youtu.be/KT3RNUqfe0c - lumin tsukiboshi ch4nge
https://youtu.be/ArOg_8p3IXM - hibana ft hina
https://youtu.be/iJJLZeeyCc8 - kairi tadase lanndo cover
https://youtu.be/jQ1U29Iumyo - hachimichi girls band cry

Nanahira Album Release - Good night, Dreamer
Supercell's koeda usual karaoke stream
the first one is abit too slow and bland for me, the second one sounds like a chinese song so that one is pretty good.

ive liked doll of lapis since it's release, and lamp's song is pretty good. i liked the emnyeca one but it's an english song so i'll add it to an off topic playlist. mili's song fits my requirement but theyre in english...

>mfw tiny little adiantum
as for patchwork staccato i like this one more.
i havent heard levi in about a year and now im getting her in my autoplay.
im starting to like her again...
Nice. Thanks for sharing.
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Yuka Nagase Archive desu~
Acoustic Live Streaming Session 1
Acoustic Live Streaming Session 2
Acoustic Live Streaming Session 3
Gofile: https://gofile.io/d/6MOCvb

While browsing her channel, I noticed she recently privated these very old streams. Luckily, I have them saved.
echo cover
feels like an emotionless mahou shojou and im all for it.
EMN Records
Connected Waves: VR Jazz Session
Trailer: https://youtu.be/YELGD47autw
Somel is one of the singers

It says June 1-30 in VRC
so.... everyday for a whole month?

btw any asutralian here got any experience with tenso and buyee? which one is cheaper?
No clue on if you can just run it whenever you like or how it works. I'll update when I find out more.
Not an aussie but I can vouch for tenso's service being good. I've been using them for over five years. You'll have to run the numbers yourself, but I always thought tenso was pretty affordable.
ive read around and some said buyee has an additional service charge while tenso doesnt. i checked both their shipping calculator and they had a 10$ difference where buyee is cheaper. not sure how much the service charge is, but if i'm going to make a financially horrendous decision, i might as well try to shave some of it off, right?
Ogumo Gasha - Deep Coma (cover)
+1 key ver.
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Ninomae Ina'nis - MECONOPSIS
Step aside Liz, we have Tina now
https://youtu.be/RFaMRR0Ys9Q - lyolite
https://youtu.be/7IvbaS2dYqo - memex
https://youtu.be/TxcZgrQ2dqw - dustcell ema igaku
https://youtu.be/hfvtjac2zRg - femme fatale persona 3 short cover
https://youtu.be/hVbH7ZsEmxs - chisa cover kiki vivi lily
https://youtu.be/J9-6WQ7VZZI - kayachan cover ichiko aoba
https://youtu.be/E4h9ExMeBzM - syudou live

Album Release:
Aitsuki Nakuru Cover Collection Vol 1
It's been a while since I've listened to Panno. She's singing right now.
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whats with the sudden kaf tummy posts?
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Pic unrelated
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I know that /we/ hate Ado and Yoasobi here, but do we love RADWIMPS?
>/we/ hate Ado
no? we're just critical about the music being pumped out even if theyre big artists.
personally i never liked radwimps[spoiler/], but i think the thread in general likes them.
Ado is well liked here by many anons. >We just don't like Yoasobi, Kanaria, and Honeyworks.
RADWIMPS is cool. Have you watched the Your Name orchestral concert? I thought it was one of the best anime OST in recent memory. But if you didn't like the movie then it's not worth the watch.
I preferred it when they were edgy and singing about rape
>Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Yoasobi, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads.

It implies that we are the Yoasobi thread yet nobody discusses them here really. For me, Ayase is one of those producers where it got too "samey" and I don't like his writing style enough to stick around. I liked Ghost City Tokyo when he released it five years ago, and to me this is how every Yoasobi song sounds, so it's just boring. It's just dancier versions of the same songs.
i just dont like both of their voice i guess. used to listen to them but her voice was very neutral and had no flair or uniqueness to it. if i do like any of their songs, itd be a cover by somebody else which means we would be talking about the one covering than the song maker.
i think everyone in general is just so bored of "idol" though[spoiler\]
Why'd you link HachiP?
im going to kill myself if i fail that fucking spoiler encapsulation once more
If you are using 4chanx you can ctrl+s over highlighted text to spoiler
i thought kick back was a yoasobi song cuz it was popular LMAO, my point still stands. i now only like 1 song.
i use this website raw and i keep getting thrown off by "\n"
We love HachiP here
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havent listened to yoasobi in years, please undastando
>surprise onolumi reaction face
she got me into vtubers.
i dont watch her as much as before, i just drop by once in a while to see how she's doing.
i respect her alot and while many will call me a parasocial schizo, shes a good friend to me.
She released her new EP but this is the only new song on it.
catch you catch me is also new.
is the japanese version of bambi not new? i swear ive only seen the korean one.
Shiyui's 1st album has been released today. A lot of famous composers like 40mP, Chinozo, MIMI, ryo, TSUMIKI, jon-YAKITORY participating. I'd say it's alright overall. I liked MIMI's song the most from the new ones but overall nothing else is close to Gundam's song level for me. I pre-ordered the physical version, hopefully she does well enough.
It's still yesterday for me so I can't listen yet
You're right about Bambi. I didn't count Cardcaptor Sakura since it was from last week
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It's the second week of KAF's weekly corner, KAF's Worldwide Observations. Where we're taking questions from fans once a month for KAF to answer in English~

>second week
>once a month
i dont like this version of bambi
>weekly corner
>once a month
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Video hasn't even premiered yet. Fuck UMG
https://youtu.be/SVFxmDYOBMI - guiano goes to california
https://youtu.be/ac6ImT50j9s - kaf
https://youtu.be/_wmTYKb7swo - suu usuwa sayonara mata itsuka
https://youtu.be/3Z_0R-lQtbM - wami (prod. maeshima soshi)
https://youtu.be/sWifDzH82X0 - una bibbidiba
https://youtu.be/3JwWNlGeeA8 - whaledontsleep ft qqxqxqq (cant make this shit up)
https://youtu.be/isiz55ObuSk - utau ver
https://youtu.be/-OmMAU0KJck - daoko
https://youtu.be/EwCn3utVdxI - maisondes 202 ft yuika (prod. zensei, takakuza)
https://youtu.be/BPTL0aawmXM - thread favorite lilas ikuta with ano on the first take
https://youtu.be/2b8x32brx80 - hanon x kotoha sweet magic
https://youtu.be/iqSspWjCA6s - aimyon
https://youtu.be/a7oDW0NDp1g - john tooboe live
Oh, qqxqxqq is just her twitter, it's 終末うにこ.
I suppose it's okay to post Ikuta without Ayase.
New cover from Ibuki. This time it's a LiSA song. She's great
The cat took off mid video and didnt come back. Very sad
Tell me more about Rokudenashi
Tried to give a few of her tunes a try earlier but none managed to grab me. I dunno if it's because of her vocals or the composers but a lot of her songs sounds kind of samey to me, really reminds me of YOASOBI's Ayase...
I think that this is a very strange thing to say. For example, last night I was listening to KANKAN and this song came on. You can tell instantly that it is an Ayase song.

Rokudenashi does not have a dedicated producer. It's a self made unit featuring the utaite Ninzin. The aim of the unit is to work with established vocaloid producers and composers. By it's very nature the songs are going to have different styles. The only thing that is staying constant is the vocals, is that what bothers you? I think she sounds great, but that's subjective.

My favorite Rokudenashi song is the one that Kanzaki wrote for them, Gaze. It sounds like a Kanzaki to me.
The Nayutalien song has very noticiable nayutalien themes, and the MIMI produced one sounds like a MIMI song
Maybe I am the weird one here but I can identify producers by their sound easier than singers.
i dont think it's weird to be able to do that, i think it's affected by each person's focus. personally i've never really cared about producers, i always love the voice more than the music. not saying the music doesn't matter, it's just that the name of the producer rarely comes to mind for me.
but if i listen to a specific producer alot i would probably also be able to notice their style after awhile.
Despite everything, at least Neru is still writing music.
Nonoka Obuchi - Dye My Heart Red (Debut Single)

Ending theme for Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi
i would die for Ado
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Yuka Nagacar
Actions speak louder than words
that new rim cover art is something else...
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Yomi - Ao no sumika cover

Also, yomi song frame
ZUTOMAYO live stream!
>この後「嘘じゃない」MV&曲配信。その前に生配信(嘘じゃない [Hr2Lm6oEo3c].mkv
rare ui live now
ui love
her tone is truly blessed
Interesting key choice, don't love the low register of the verses this time Yomi
ui's singing voice is always projected and very clear but when she switches to talking mode it's all mumbles and whispers
I can barely hear her
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>the lyrics to this RIM cover
I just quoted the post I haven't made yet
https://youtu.be/eJUiS9YSuSM - vwp (goat)
https://youtu.be/iaL1_EKts3Q - rim chooses another interesting english song
https://youtu.be/8dGStXEoRBE - shido acoustic self cover
https://youtu.be/QJGfxUH3GQQ - kisidakyodan & the akebosi rockets
https://youtu.be/mVAcxLqhyYA - ako acoustic live thing
https://youtu.be/sl6zvMC16QM - people 1 gun parts & ringing live
https://youtu.be/j-lnhqFapKk - shiyui (chinozo)
https://youtu.be/0UK9N1AVV6Y - fukai rio with slsmusic bansanka short one take
https://youtu.be/7ruRB3lpy3k - kohana lam anisong
https://youtu.be/GfzEf6oZo7U - ranze tokiniwa cover
https://youtu.be/7sB7Y3acUMo - ririka x raden cover
https://youtu.be/rskGS_V3ej8 - mikansei project

Eve Live 2023 (Full)
rim is not beating those bbc allegations
>Eve Live 2023「花嵐」on YouTube
Archive: https://gofile.io/d/WcNATJ
Good cover of 責任集合体
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KAF's new EP, GSA
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Gay sex addict
The new rk music bitches any good?
RIM doesn't understand English, her pronunciation is good but she doesn't understand what the words mean
that's why she picks such slutty songs
Not sure if bait...
It doesn't matter. There's no harm in biting baits once in a while, especially in a thread where there are only 3 regulars here.
Which one of the three anons are you? Are you me?
I'm not you and not that anon so I'm the third anon
I'm the one who loves RIM no matter what
You're not the one that always post Rim BBC jokes, are you?
I would never do that
I love her as much as she loves Guiano
>studied in america
>doesnt understand english
mustve gotten dropped as a child

maybe when you catch up to me, buddy
Are you the Rim loves BBC poster?
no i never post that unless im joking, which ive done once.
What he's trying to say is that he thinks RIM is for marraige
Dear ringer
Let's wait one more day and then see them properly
I meant dead ringer :(
Happy Friday!

https://youtu.be/BtY-pC1ZBCk - dazbee lovestruck mv
https://youtu.be/XvuwPS3L3VY - harusaruhi cover
https://youtu.be/ZRVT0lQciYg - kobasolo with fuji sakinagi ai no shirushi
https://youtu.be/o966WbbiPxs - toiki ft cona
https://youtu.be/oiTllopZ-mw - nanatsukaze
https://youtu.be/-qHaXuv8q5k - quw
https://youtu.be/unWGg5-2PJw - atashi igaku
https://youtu.be/se1155_CFAI - aoiko cover eve
https://youtu.be/sy5XD4_C76Q - 3ningumi mesmerizer
https://youtu.be/Y6flDfD85uE - forte piano live clip
Link is up
New thread

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