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/lit/ - Literature

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Simple as
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Gonna drop a few to get the throod goin
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Also as a bonus feel free to drop an except or a paragraph you've written alongside a pic
I wrote this a couple days ago. Books for this feel?

>That compliment will make a nest in the back of his mind. To creep up on him in the small hours of the night, when nothing but the sound of passing cars, nightbirds, and the ceiling fan can be heard. To bounce around his head and torment him with thoughts of a missed connection - a 'should I have done something more?' - a hundred 'what if's - a dozen sleepless nights imagining a fantasy, a construct with a woman who liked his eyes and his cheap, forty dollar owl-clockwork necklace. He liked her eyes, too. He will remember that moment for the rest of his life; Within a week, she will forget it ever happened.
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Can someone post the image, or the name, of the painting involving demons rising from hell to heaven, whilst being converted back into angels?

>Inb4 "I have it, but will not post it".
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Something I wrote in a self-published work

> All of the arguments set forth by gadflies like Robert Sapolsky and Samuel Harris are refuted by the simple fact of the unearned prestige based on an ethnic Jewish tradition. Since the days of Spinoza, Jews have had a innate contempt for metaphysical libertarianism they happily. and with impunity enjoy foisting on a helpless Gentile population through passive aggressive nepotism, and a immense collective effort to rid the whole world of Christian influences. which is not too dissimilar similar to atheistic (as opposed to theistic) natural scientists and pagans and revolves around a worship of nature, in that they is not intermediary between God's existence and the material world (also not too dissimilar to the biblical trope of worshipping a golden calf) Therefore they see no contradiction between the natural world and its material worth in the temporal world, instead of something that is immaterial and enduring. and not only that, in tandem with Judaism’s relationship with Gentiles, committed determinists display a constantly depressed woe-is-me attitude and are really committed to the idea that they bear no witness to agency nor are responsible for any of their actions and exhibit an extremely selfish attitude similar to solipsism; an equally self-refuting philosophy, only that solipsism has at least a sense of self at the very fundamental level, which already puts it leagues ahead of determinism’s lack of personal agency.
>in that they
*in that there, actually.
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Georg Trakl (imo)
Ecology, Community and Lifestyle

rec for pic related pls, it was used for the german translation of les chants de maldoror, but i've read that already
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Something that will make me feel like this.
The Metamorphosis by Kafka
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Something like this picture and/or Talk Talk Laughing Stock would be great
Their Four Hearts
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The Three Imposters Arthur Machen
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Tarry Flynn
>no "forgive me padre for i have sinned"
bad version of the pic
The art of molecular dynamics simulation
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Books about a blonde bombshell ruining a man's life (no erotica)
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Paul Gauguin - Avant et après
Not the obvious answer please
The Corner
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Till We Have Faces
The Nightwatches of Bonaventura
francis of the filth
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I’ll try again
Also checked
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The Waves - Virginia Woolfe
Image reminded me of Bernard's last scene
>Augustus Stoner,
>I Claudius, Graves
What must've been going through his mind while painting this shit bros.
It's rumored that this was the last painting on his canvas (It's unfinished) before he shot himself
>t. Some biography and catalog book I read about him
So to answer your question
A bullet lmao
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>It's rumored that this was the last painting on his canvas (It's unfinished) before he shot himself
Yes I'm aware of that, although I've never heard of it being unfinished and wikipedia says it being the very last painting is a myth.
But still
imagine what he was thinking........
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I forgot the picture :(
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The quote of the pic you posten comes from Dance, Dance, Dance by Murakami.
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name of the Rose / the Accursed Kings
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I really love the geometric buildings in the distance, it's so incongruous with what you see in traditional ukiyo-e, yet it's from the proper era.
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I remember staring at this wallpaper for ages as a kid, it just looks so comfy. I've just finished Treasure Island, it was OK
either typee or mardi
endurance by scott kelly
Robinson Crusoe
I would If I had it anoen :(
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it's a kids book but the true confessions of chalotte doyle was kino
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Who Censored Roger Rabbit
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An Island to Oneself


The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium

A Sand County Almanac

The Trial

The Soft Machine

The Devil to Pay in the Backlands


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Only time mass replyers are based
Don't tell me what to do.
Don't post anything
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Silmarillion, and then pretend the dog is a giant spider
Why not just Carcharoth
A King Alone by Jean Giono
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Sartre - Nausea
Thanks man
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Books for this feel?
Thanks anons. I started Robinson Crusoe since I was always vaguely interested. Surprisingly very clear and readable prose for being 300 years old
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Faust part 1
Giono is so underrated. Great writer, just read his first book ("Hill") and was blown away.
>"Gretchen's innocence provides a Christian contrast to the other characters in the play. It is this innocence that allows for Gretchen's corruption, penance, and ultimate redemption. Because Gretchen's actions are never motivated by evil intent, she earns her own salvation and aids Faust's through her love for him."

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Also kek
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Starry Heaven above me.. Mortal laws within.
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The Case of the Howling Dog by Erle Stanley Gardner
The Slynx by Tatyana Tolstaya
East, West by Salman Rushdie
The Case of the Fandancer's Horse by Erle Stanley Gardner
Porno by Irvine Welsh, or if I'd be feeling uncharitable I'd say the Blade Artist.
Pedro Páramo, by Juan Rulfo
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Valérian and Laureline albums by Christin and Mézières
The Egyptian by Mika Waltari
For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Hemingway.

Writings from Ancient Egypt, by Anonymous.
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I'd really love to read something that feels like this
A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny
(Is this a trick question?)
Just re-read Urusei Yatsura! again.
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light on shattered water
american psycho
a christmas carol
how to bomb the us govt
Death Note Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases - but only if you read / watched the deathnote series, elsewise ignore
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>Just re-read Urusei Yatsura!

Anon, I said book, not manga.
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Confessions of a Mask
they're about music rather than dance but song of the lark and lucy gayheart, both my cather.
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