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Recommended Anime torrent and ddl sites:


>https://www.acgnx.se/ (torrent mirror/scraper)
>https://animetosho.org/ (eng anime, torrent mirror, subs)
>https://animk.info/xdcc/ (XDCC index)
>http://chauthanh.info/ (eng anime & OST)
>https://jpddl.com/ (raws)
>https://nibl.co.uk/bots (XDCC index)

Bumping: please try to do so at least on page 8.
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ANCHOR POST for questions about existing content, link new content to the OP, please.
Should note that nearly all of the old pastebin links don't work anymore, therefore it was removed. Use the spreadsheet instead.
Anyone here watched [EG] version of the Gundam Reconguista in G movies? I downloaded these earlier this week and the first three have no sound on vlc nor any of the media players that incidentally came preinstalled on my computer (win10). The uploader mentioned the fourth and fifth movie files having different specs (Audio: Opus 2.1 (From FLAC)) from the first three (Audio: Opus 2.1 (From DTS-HD MA)). Everything else regarding audio functions nominally, otherwise everything's up to date. Any idea what's wrong here?
Assuming you're not trolling, it's the shit video players you have. Grab SMPlayer and use that instead. Also bit of copy pasted advice involving that:
When installing, deselect MPlayer if it asks.
Last I saw, on Windows there's this problem with SMPlayer bundling outdated mpv due to Windows limitations. Easy fix- after installing SMPlayer, grab mpv https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files and overwrite their mpv folder with yours. It should have an update script you run as admin; when SMPlayer updates, just move your mpv folder out, update SMP, and move back.
Found vlc log.

-- logger module started --
main: one instance mode ENABLED
main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
opus error: Unsupported channel mapping
opus error: initial Opus header is corrupted
main error: Timestamp conversion failed for 3051501: no reference clock
main error: Could not convert timestamp 0 for FFmpeg
opus error: Unsupported channel mapping
opus error: initial Opus header is corrupted
main error: buffer deadlock prevented
opus error: Unsupported channel mapping
opus error: initial Opus header is corrupted
main error: buffer deadlock prevented
opus error: Unsupported channel mapping
opus error: initial Opus header is corrupted
opus error: Unsupported channel mapping
opus error: initial Opus header is corrupted
avcodec error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
direct3d11 error: SetThumbNailClip failed: 0x800706f4
-- logger module stopped --

I have no idea what's all that supposed to mean. Seems to me like the problem lies with the files. Should I redownload?
>Opus header is corrupted
Codec problems. If anything should be re-downloaded, is that.
Works fine, thanks.
Sentai Filmworks Dunbine BDs or one the rips on Nyaa? Visual quality is a priority but i don't know anything about the difference between W_B subs and the offiical ones.
W_B subs will be the old as fuck official ones that can't keep the names straight.
https://nyaa.si/view/1656444 is the best sub wise but everything video wise is pretty bad

Looks like the BDs have fixed subs so I'll just grab these instead
Vifam rips when?
>Visual quality is a priority
>everything video wise is pretty bad
I can upload the AOmundson release if you guys want :^)
Like the other dude said, more than likely a fuckup from VLC, although we could check mpv's log after playing the videos to see if that's truly the case. Still, mpv is currently the best way to watch anything period, whether that's through SMPlayer or something else.
Nice copy paste, the dude who wrote it sounds cool!
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>I can upload the AOmundson release if you guys want :^)

I already ordered the Dunbine BDs. Just gonna trust its reasonably good visually and the subs seem to be fixed. Saw Aomundson's release on AB but 261gb and idk the quality of BudlightSubs
Does this place have the US Gigantor comic up to issue 6? I know issue 1 was linked long ago but I found a mirror I had for issues 2-6 just now if it hasn't already been added.
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It is indeed present in the spreadsheet, though I can check to see if your link might be any higher quality if you're willing to share it.
Well naturally the BDs themselves are the best option, but as far as "encodes" go AOmundson has the best video. As far as the subs go (and to clarify I can't comment on their quality compared to Official), the comment in question was regarding video quality, but even disregarding that it's fairly easy to just slap other subs on top of good video.
They're the same quality. I guess somebody else mirrored them when that lunatic woman deleted her shit out of paranoia years ago. That means 7-11 are probably out there still.

Meanwhile, the Suikoden translation is going well, I only have 3 volumes left to translate and will resume mid March.
Do you (or does anyone else) know if MyComicShop.com is trustworthy? Because they have them dirt cheap https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?TID=247421
Google search says so.

iirc, the author himself (Ben Dunn) actually sold surplus copies at one point also for dirt cheap on his personal site, I don't think he does now though. I'm talking like late 2010s
>if MyComicShop.com is trustworthy?
This website has PDFs of three Italian Daitarn comics, which retell the first episode. Since I know Italian, I may translate these (I already did the first one but it needs heavy reworking), but could you please add the raws to the file as well?
Does anyone know how good 2ndfire's release of the Xabungle BD is? I'm guessing it's better than Moozi2's?
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Does anyone know what the fat looking vtol and the ship in the middle are from? The same question regarding the ambulance looking vehicle here https://exhentai.org/s/31dbf79381/555654-7 and the spess station looking structure here https://exhentai.org/s/01a87eaadc/555654-31. Also, did the one in the upper left https://exhentai.org/s/05c6c944a2/605148-35 actually appear anywhere or is it just a scrapped concept? Thre rest of the suits seem to be from Zeta but I don't remember seeing it there. The book is Yutaka Izubuchi - Mechanical Design Works - Realistic World, inexpicably split into two parts on sadpanda.
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I think Stand Alone Complex ripped this episode off.
I think it's Xabungle.
Probably better than Moozzi since he didn't deliberately filter it to shit, but it's AV1 (compatibility issues with older hardware, low bitrate by design), and he muxed in the old fansubs.

I'll try and see if I can get a lazy mux of a proper encode and the official subs going, surprised nobody has really bothered in the last two years.
I'm grabbing stuff from Amazon JP. If anyone has anything they want grabbed for scanning or uploading tell me now.

Absolutely, grabbed and thank you! Can you give me any more information or a link regarding that comic? Wikipedia or publisher site or w/e.
Grabbed. Funny thing is I went to bookmark his account and turns out I'd already done it ages ago and forgot to grab everything from him. I'll be doing that shortly before I forget yet again.
Alright, hopefully someone grabs them at some point. I'm hesitant since I recall some comic shop or other being run by some schizo troll that was ripping people off a couple years ago, but I couldn't (and can't) remember the name or context.
>Meanwhile, the Suikoden translation is going well, I only have 3 volumes left to translate and will resume mid March.
Nice, looking forward to it. I do love me some yoko-yams.
>last two years
At least across Nyaa, and AB, the 1080p BD hasn't been available until the end of this January. Even U2 only got it last July. All we had was Moozzi2's encode.
Well yeah, I'm talking about U2, and to a degree, people getting the BD themselves before that (like we ended up doing for Dragonar). That it took a year to get uploaded is weird, that nobody has done anything with it is weirder.
eh, niche hobby, then you go to the smaller subset of people that'd buy the BD, then the smaller subset of users that are both familiar with and in the piracy scene, then those that are willing to upload, then those that actually do...

https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09FDVJ6RC/ why has no-one told me this was a thing what the fuck
I don't mind that it's AV1 personally (I could use the extra drive space), but I already started grabbing it because it looked better. I just didn't think we had any good encodes to pull from, do you think you could grave Graffiti too if possible?
>do you think you could grave Graffiti too if possible?
Do you think you could do Graffiti do if possible?
Has anyone seen BD raws of the 2nd box set of Might Gaine yet? That also only has a Moozie release despite being released quite a while ago.
I don't see why not, I'll just have to figure out the subs.

The BDMV is on U2.
does anyone have screenshots of this Xabungle release?
I finished downloading it this afternoon, looks pretty good to me, it also looks like the grain isn't too badly damaged either (which tends to be typical of AV1 encodes).
thanks man, looks not bad at all
Is that Van the Gun X Sword, also known as "Van the Unemployed", "Van the Freeloader", "Hangover Van", "Steel Van", "Invincible Van", "Pretty Boy Van from the Garbage Dump", "Van the Unsung Hero who Gives It All He's Got", "Van of the Dawn" (his favorite, apparently), "Daybreak Van", "Nice Guy Van", "Van that Weird Guy who Helped Out", "Van of a Thousand Conquests", "Van of a Thousand Naps" (according to Joshua), "Van, The Devil in The Poisoned Tuxedo", and "Van the Devil's Swallowtail Suit"?
>Chase Me! Chase Me!
Could you please grab the Tomica Hero Rescue Fire, Gavan, and Ideon manga if at all possible? Thank you!
>Tomica Hero Rescue Fire
Just the one volume?
https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4253132294/ and https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4886531407/ ? There's also a novel https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/402251017X/ I assume we need this too yeah?
one second
Sorry, had to do something.
There's two versions, an adaptation of the TV series and an adaptation of the movie(s?):

TV: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4061744461/ (1/6)
Movie: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4886531261/

Do we not have either? Could've sworn I remember hearing someone had the Ideon manga at some point
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You learn a lot about Jet in this episode.
Hey buddy, if you're still around: regarding not debinding manga, as said before it depends on the size of the manga and strength of the spine. Here's about halfway through a 320 page volume: https://files.catbox.moe/97nr73.png I'm practically cracking the glass on my Epson V600 trying to push the book down. If the spine's one of the flimsier "mag" level spines it might work out alright, but the distortion near the margin is still distinct in this case.

As for scanner recc's, no clue. I use the Epson V600 and it's alright. I mostly got it because it was one of the few scanners that advertised having a flatbed and working with linux. It does the job well enough, although I wish it had a larger flatbed for scanning big bois. I also wish it had a more advanced naming system. I've noticed it crash when trying to scan large areas at color+max DPI.
Rescue Fire has only one manga. For Gavan I was referring to the 2000 manga, not the novel or the 2012 manga.
It's not on the spreadsheet or archive.org. As far as I know scans of neither manga exist online, so it would be nice to have both of them.
>Rescue Fire
got it
Well yeah, but I meant do we already have scans of the novel and 2012 manga? If not I'll grab them too.
I don't think there are scans of the latter two Gavan materials online.
Roger, I grabbed it all
Do you know anything about Wings of Rean and Overman King Gainer manga? Were they ever translated to english?
about half of Gainer was TLed into English. Both the partial TL as well as all of the raws can be found in the museum spreadsheet. As for Rean, like 3 chapters or something were TLed into English by Shin-Getter and are also in the spreadsheet. I also bought the manga...I think? Maybe? I honestly can't remember. We'll find out if it gets here lmao. I do know I have the novels, though.
Is there any realistic chance that either will get a complete translation?
At this point not really. Only way I see that happening is if you get someone that knows jap, autistically loves one of those shows, and for some reason wants to get e-peen from the ~5 people that would care.
>The BDMV is on U2.
I unfortunately do not have a U2 account, that site is invite only, right?
Look, he fell on hard times and a man has to eat, you do what you gotta do.
I know we have a few random /m/aggots here who are fluent in Japanese, yeah? Would any of you be interested in translating stuff? Not specifically referring to the Wings Of Rean/Gainer stuff discussed above, it's just I've actually started debinding some of the stuff I bought previously and was wondering just how likely it was any of it would get TLed.
Why did no one tell me that there was a new 4K-sourced uncropped version of GE999 floating around?
Depends on interest and any free time I have which I likely will barely have any July onwards.
does Iron Man No.28 interest you? If not it can be whatever, as the TL your choice in what to look at would be the final call. Has there been any work that grabbed your attention?
good god, imagine how big the BDMV must be
>does Iron Man No.28 interest you?
Ordinarily I'd say yes but a scanlation group is already doing the manga so I don't know if I'd piss them off lol. Plus I'd have to know which version since some versions of T28 change things up to be child friendly e.g. Murasame Family being cut out. If you have the Kappa version, I could just do only the first chapter with Dr. Kaneda since that's the only new thing that version has.

The Turned A novels and Okami no Seiza/Wolf Constellation (since you claim to have all of Yokoyama's works) are probably the ones I'm most interested in though the latter is only vaguely /m/ related because of Ginrei and its protagonist appearing in the third GR omake. Either ways, I plan to take a stab at Tetsujin Dakkan Sakusen after Suikoden anyways but beyond that I can't guarantee doing scanlation work again.
>a scanlation group is already doing the manga
Are they? Is it a real scanlation or is it MTL? I'm happy to hear someone's taking a stab at it (although of course it's as I finally start to do something), I'm just worried it's someone that's throwing it into Google and calling it a day.
>Wolf Constellation
It's somewhere in my massive pile yeah, I'll start debinding it right now. Same with the Turned A novels, if I can find where I put them. vaguely /m/ related or not, I consider all Yokoyama works protected under the Museum's umbrella, totally fine with me.
>T28 version
I've got the Kibo Comics run https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B002DE6XPW/ . I want to say it was the "proper" version recommended to me by someone at some point, but it's been years since those discussions were had so I could be fooling myself.
Thank you for uploading it.
>Are they?
Afternoon Pulp on bird app
>Is it a real scanlation or is it MTL?
No clue but they do condense a lot of what's being said which leans towards the former. They're very slow though despite having no other projects.
>good god, imagine how big the BDMV must be

It's only 50 gigabytes which isn't that big for 4k
oh, it's the movie version? I thought you meant the TV series haha
terrible. Still, I'll look into them, thanks for the head's up!
>oh, it's the movie version? I thought you meant the TV series haha

Oh, yeah that would be massive
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Srungle was the ready player one of its day.
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Alert! Warner Brothers DVD rot between 2006 to 2009 has gotten to epidemic levels! Y'all are going to want to archive and back up any and all media from them released in the 2000s! That includes stuff with a Toonami release! Also Criterion stuff!
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boss is one too
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I'm really happy this project has been proceeding apace.
I hope I didn't just jinx it.
>Does anyone know what the fat looking vtol and the ship in the middle are from?
The stuff from your attached pic are all from Votoms Shining Heresy (it says so at the top of the page). I don't have a working exhentai account so I can't see the other pages you linked to... But I do have the physical book, so if you tell me the page numbers I can tell you what the contents are from.
>The same question regarding the ambulance looking vehicle here https://e-hentai.org/s/31dbf79381/555654-7 (p66) and the spess station looking structure here https://e-hentai.org/s/01a87eaadc/555654-31 (p90). Also, did the one in the upper left https://e-hentai.org/s/05c6c944a2/605148-35 (p33) actually appear anywhere or is it just a scrapped concept? Thre rest of the suits seem to be from Zeta but I don't remember seeing it there. The book is Yutaka Izubuchi - Mechanical Design Works - Realistic World, inexpicably split into two parts on sadpanda.
Is this fine?
Everything on this page is from Xabungle.

Everything on this page is from Votoms: Shining Heresy.

Everything on this page is rough designs (aka concept art) for Gundam: Char's Counterattack. The one on the upper left is the HS ("High-Streamer") Gundam, which isn't very wildly different from the final design for the Nu Gundam. ("High Streamer" was an early working title for the movie.)
Thanks for shining some light despite the heresy of me not knowing the moonrunes.
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Tim Eldred has a bunch of /m/ comics at his website (artvalt.com), including OC mecha comics (Broid, Chaser Platoon), some Harlock/Emeraldas comics, some Robotech stuff, and some translated Votoms manga. Can we please add those to the archive?
Also, there was a Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pCSR4kI4eWGlqZWSBEl%5C_68cHCuKfL1pU) full of rare Robotech comics. This link is no longer working for me, so I was thinking it would be a good idea to add any out-of-print Robotech comics to the archive -- the only other place to read them online is on suspicious comics piracy sites. Thank you!
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how well do you know Doc "E.E." Smith
Hooray! I'm always happy to see more Srungular goodness
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vaguely on-topic question. recently got a good deal on the gundam UC libraries collection, so now i figure i should slowly get physicals of the other series.
are there versions i should avoid for the stuff before seed? if its just an upscale rather than rescans of cels then ill just stick with bd torrents
Any recs on series that are less about war and drama and more about adventure and exploration, or any clever ways to use mecha as transportation devices?
Not wanting 'drama' in an anime is a prrrrretty tall order m'man. (Unless you actually mean something more specific?)
Anyone know if subs of the Blu-Ray version of Super Robot Wars OG: Divine Wars are floating around? I have The Inspector's BD downloaded already so I'm set there, and I own Divine Wars on DVD so I COULD watch it that way, but I'd like to be able to watch both shows in the best quality possible.
>(Unless you actually mean something more specific?)
Not sure how to specify this, just things that make my eyes roll three sixty degrees and then moonslide through the back of my skull due to the on screen happenings I force them to bear witness to. Things like episodic happenings that leave the cast of the show stupefied every time despite that they shouldn't even bat an eye anymore because they deal with things like that on, well, episodic basis. Things like excessive tragedy happening for the sake of tragedy in order to generate an emotional response in the viewer but in an actually rather mind numbingly dull manner, without containing any interesting tidbits about the mechanics or lore or even interesting visuals. Things that just don't amuse me because I'm tired of interacting with other people in the meatspace and happenings on screen remind me of that not, and in a good way. Things like women characters and child characters screaming and crying and doing other things that, once again, are supposed to elicit an emotional response in the viewer in an illicit, calculated manner and they do just that, annoy me (being annoyed is an emotion, right?) (I dislike annoyances) to the point of asking myself why are the women and children so prominently featured in my gianto robotto military """drama""" cartoons. Things like child characters also being main characters and the endless whining about adults not taking responsibility or whatever and children going to war and S U F F E R I N G being forced to pilot cool gianto robottos because the adults wouldn't take responsibility or whatever. I just want something relaxing, interesting and FUN, with capital F, U and N, with characters that make me cheer for them as I want them to succeed instead of making me wish that they'd be (finally) killed off (or at least completely sidelined) so that they wouldn't lower the quality of my experience with the show any longer. Does this response satisfy your inquiry?
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That's Ayre's uncle Ted.
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Oh hell yeah! Srungly goodness
BTW, thank you for all your efforts, Srungle-anon. I've wanted this show subbed for sooooooo long!
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Are you ready to SRUNGCHANGE
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P9 Bump!
Most of the UC library releases are the same as the old discs but with all the extras stripped out and subtitles added

The only releases to stay away from in terms of gundam is the old 0083 and CCA discs and the new F91 4k "remaster"

0083 had some video corruption on the older sets that was fixed for the UC library release (but is still present on all international BD's)

The old CCA BD's just look bad all around

The new F91 disc is just DNR'd to hell and back and has the saturation boosted too much
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Srungle busts out another super robot move in this one.
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Hell yeah baby! More than 1/3 of the way through the series already. This is awesome!

>Srungle busts out another super robot move in this one.
The Srungle is a weird-ass machine. It looks like a Real Robot but acts like a Super Robot... sometimes.
It's basically the love child of the Dougram and a Valkyrie. Of all the MIC shows, only Galvion feels like the mecha are an organic part of the setting rather than stuff designed to be a toy first that is inserted into the pulpy sci-fi stuff they're doing. Like the Srungle's tank mode basically disappears because they couldn't think of a reason for a ground based mode in a series where everything with legs can fly.
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>Srungle's tank mode basically disappears because they couldn't think of a reason for a ground based mode in a series where everything with legs can fly.

>everything with legs can fly

This has been confounding me the entire time I've been watching this series. It sure seems like the writers and the toy makers never talked to each other! Which I'd wager is actually a possibility.
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any of those sakuga fuckers want to add more for Srungle
That’s the flight mode with the arms pointing forward. The tank mode is more like a copy machine.
>split screen with spinning in opposite directions
dare I say, cinema
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The old merchandise for Srungle has stats for the thing and it's about Dougram sized. None of the other stuff seems to line up with the show. It does mention its made from "Paxus" titanium which I assume is misspelled from "Baxus" which are the two stars that Garrick Space exists between.
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those are some big shinsengumi motorcycles
>It does mention its made from "Paxus" titanium which I assume is misspelled from "Baxus" which are the two stars that Garrick Space exists between.
No, that says "Baxus" -- it's バクサス, but the tenten is very small and hard to distinguish from a maru

Expanding Plasma, baby!
>Expanding Plasma, baby!
They made it a point to not have that in Sasuraiger but despite all the toy boxes saying it's the size of a normal train, it's clearly twice the size at all times.
You may have seen it already, but here are a couple of new scans to add:

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt v20 (2023) (c2c) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt v01 (2016) (c2c) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt v02 (2017) (c2c) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Endless Waltz - Glory of the Losers v14 (2019) (c2c) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr
There wasn't a lot of coverage for Srungle back in the day, but places like Animage's episode guides have little tidbits of information. They do mention the staff worked closely with the toy and model kit makers (and that the show would have lots of computer grid lines), but I don't think they went further than having a transforming Dougram and lots of Star Wars style walkers. The fact the chicken walkers fly around is probably due to Macross's influence. You may have noticed the show introduced folded up flight modes for the smaller Trekkers, which I took as the staff just giving up depicted Gorilla Team's individual vehicles as anything more than little space ships.
I like your theory, sounds plausible to me! (And man, I'm old enough to have bought Animage magazines when they were coming out!)

Watching the show is so marvelously bizarre. They're always flying around in space, traveling to and from various asteroid cities. So what kind of vehicles do they use? Why, bipedal walkers with exposed seats, of course! (smacks forehead)

I guess coming up with this special zone of space with air and gravity(?) was the wrters' way of shoehorning the sponsor's toy designs into their "mission impossible in space" story.

Galvion's setting rreally would have been a much better home for Srungle's mecha. (Non-coincidentally, as mentioned previously.)
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The Animage episode guides have a little blurb before the episode description. The first one for Srungle is in February 1983.
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working overtime fighting crime
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I'm not bothered by the fact they fly everywhere in legged vehicles. It's just they barely do anything with them as robots. Even Orguss had the Ishkicks and M.Lovers bounce off trees with their arms and legs. The Trekker vehicles are also supposed to be able to swap out different equipment but that never comes up in the show. Hell, Sexy and Dolly usually hand toss bombs even when flying the Bonbie.
Apologies if this is the wrong board/thread, but I was wondering if any oldfags happen to have saved the crossover image from this thread: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/5172030/#5172160
The Pixiv link is broken and unarchived. Thanks for any help!
While I can't see the pic, I gonna wager a guess going by the replies that it's this one

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I forget, are the blueskins native that weird area of space?
I mean it's in that exposition dump that all kinds of aliens colonized Garrick Space. We also get more backstory about 2/3rds of the way through the show. That fraudulent president in particular comes back a bit later too.
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happy birthday to Kazuhiko Inoue
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Anyone have a DVDISO for Space Gundam V
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I remember seeing this toy in a store window on my walk home from school and wondering WTF was going on
Dude's still insisting on fucking rar? What a fool, and after I explained it to him too. Thanks for pointing it out though. Particularly happy with GOL since it means we've finally got all of it online!
ArtValt and ArtVault both give me errors upon attempting to connect, so even if it's a typo I can't access that. Can you either explain how to access this mysterious website or, alternatively, DL and reupload it elsewhere?
Does anyone have the Kagura release of Parasite Dolls? AniDB claims one exists, but I don't see anything anywhere, including on their blog. Considering the release on AniDB was added/updated well after Kagura went silent, I'm inclined to think it's just incorrect.

Sorry for being MIA, had an IRL emergency that's taken me out of commission the past couple weeks. I'll slowly start kicking back into gear. >>22512009
My apologies, it should be https://timeldred.com/. I've saved a bunch of his Leijiverse comics as well as his Broid and Chaser Platoon series, so if you're still having difficulty I can upload them to Catbox or something.
Does anyone have sub files from the USBD release of Ideon?
I don't give a shit about linux, deal with it.
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You wa Srungle
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Yesssssssssss, always happy to see more Srunglism
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>I want to use this format that works on less platforms and has issues working on others (not just Linux),
>and thus has less reach,
>from a shitty nagware company,
>that has zero benefits either me nor the end user,
>knowing that despite wanting it uploaded to the /m/useum it inconveniences the Project it as they have to re-archive it,
>which also results in difficulties concerning cross-seeding and keeping the source "original"...

Look dude, liking the letter R (as brought up before) is fine and all, but you're objectively in the wrong here. I genuinely appreciate you scanning this stuff of course - it's honestly fantastic you're doing it - but your obstinancy on not using correct standards is rather disappointing, especially when it's for a community service. Of course I'm going to throw it in the /m/useum because it'd be childish not to, but I sincerely hope you sit down and think through your stubbornness on making things worse for yourself and others in bizarrely petty ways.
Ah I see why you'd confuse the name. That site looks like both a comfy throwback and an excellent resource, definitely bookmarking for later. If you already have some stuff DLed then yeah I'd appreciate uploads of that stuff, his site's not the most straightforward with finding this stuff. Lemme know what you already have (or just upload it right away) and I'll grab the rest as I find the time - unless you wanna be a champ and do so!
Bizarre, I thought there'd be more releases of Ideon's USBD. I only see sxales and pruned ZetaRebel, unless I'm missing something. ZR has both the HiDive and the USBD subs so I'll throw those up, gimme a minute
It doesn't make things worse for me, doesn't impact me at all, and it doesn't seem to impact many others either since I've been sharing cbrs for over a decade and you're the first person to have any complaints.

I'm mainly doing this for me, to get books off my shelf, the sharing and archiving is just a side benefit, changing the archive doesn't benefit me so I'm not about to change up my workflow for a handful of people.
I'm 90% sure that sxales just used whatever subs EG had for their release which is a bit odd.
Look phillywilly, I said my piece, and I don't intend to clutter our thread up with arguments. As I said before, I hope you sit down and think things through someday. Regardless, thank you for your service.
eh, he doesn't specify. I was assuming he'd use the PGS subs since they're *right there*, but people have confounded me before re: ignoring subs they already have, so it wouldn't surprise me if he used EG's and discarded the PGS subs. Anyway, here you guys go https://litter.catbox.moe/8o3t7y.zip. HiDIVE ASS subs and BD PGS subs sourced from ZetaRebel, as well as the HACKJOB-sourced Shin-Getter ASS subs for the two movies and EG/U-Q ASS subs for the show. No Shin-Getter since hardsub lmao. It includes cues, timestamps, and fonts, which realistically you probably won't give a shit about but I figured I'd include anyway.

Oh and it includes subs from two episodes of sxales that DLed before I realized I had ZetaRebel. Feel free to comp it with the other two sources if you want, I can't be bothered.
Perfect, thanks a lot! A quick check confirms that sxales used EG's subs for his release.
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Anyone go a new link for the [RHS] Platinumhugen Ordian subs? The one from the mega link isnt working and I cant find episode 7 anywhere
By any chance did you work out some subs for that Xabungle Graffiti?
Well, I'm still working on the main show, so not yet. Took me longer than expected to get my hands on RAWs, but I'm 16 episodes in currently. Right now the plan for the batch is to retime the HiDive subs to fit, mux in the AXSUS Hat subs that ggt13 retimed as a secondary track, and maybe include some version of the SD-BD subs (which are the same as HiDive down to the typos, but PGS).
From what I've looked at, the official subs are considerably more accurate than AXSUS Hat, just with worse formatting.

As for Graffiti: So far I've got the official PGS subs from the SD-BD. Not sure yet if I'm going to just retime them to fit or if I go through the trouble to OCR them. Either way, gonna do that after I'm done with the series.
Okay, thank you, I will patiently wait.
By the way, if anyone wants to feel free to join us on matrix! https://matrix.to/#/#mechamuseum:midov.pl

Hey Dorkly, I was also going to ask for your help in finding a video from a while back but I found it, so enjoy it anyway https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13657883 . Also, did you ever check your mail?
I just trawled through the archive and while I found RHS's last post >>10382972 the mediafire link for ep07 is dead in the pastebin link, so unless someone has it backed up it's lost media.
Suikoden translation is done!
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Does anyone have an english version of the Space Battleship/Martian Successor Nadesico? I'm sure I've read through the whole thing somewhere about 10-15 years ago but the files seem to have been lost through the years with one of the failed hard drives. Nyaa only has raws and mangadex inexplicably only has the first two chapters. From what I remember, the manga played out like a fever dream compared to the animated series, with the ship's name (and, I think, Yurika's role too) being a clear (as in brought up in the manga itself) play on the concept of Yamato Nadesico (silk hiding steel and whatnot), the main villain force being a magical alternate universe Japan version of the main cast flying around in magical pottery pottery fortress deploying magical clay versions of japanese mythological, uh, 'things' like Arahabaki and Akito completely losing his eyesight and going full into man/machine interfacing and getting (I think) a wired connection with his Aesthevalis unit when Yurika got kidnapped somewhere by the end of the manga.
It's in the spreadsheet tho
Nicenicenice, got a link?
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give us your bananas
>It's in the spreadsheet tho
Indeed it is, huh. Thanks.
So it's actually gorilla, not guerilla?
Gorilla and guerrilla are written differently in katakana. And The team’s logo that’s in the eye catch is a gorilla. The foreign titles for the show are variations on “Gorilla Force.” Apparently before they decided to name the show after the robot it would have been Mission Outer Space Dynamo Gorilla or Mission Outer Space Gorilla.
Srungle also features a BGM track that is just ladies saying GORILLA over and over.

It sure builds up anticipation.
There is an episode later on based around someone confusing gorilla and guerrilla.
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Translation script is done. The volumes take a month to typeset since the typesetter has other manga to do inbetween. You can check mangadex etc for current progress. He predicts he'll be done by August.
1. Do complete scans of Advance of Z Re-Boot exist anywhere in the vast reaches of the internet? Alternatively, are there any actively updated english scanlations of it?
2. Same as above but Five Star Stories. I've read that there apparently french translated volumes entering the market somewhat up to date with the original release but I haven't seen any scans of them either.
1) Don't know
2) Scans of the English releases covering Books I-X are on nyaa, besides that 2 chapters got scanlated in the last few years, not much chance of more. The French versions are on volume 4 and get about one a year, I haven't seen any scans of those either.
Dearest museumfriends,
Does anyone know what the name of that weird MS with the huge lips was? It was basically just a 0 shape with big lips, a monoeye, and I think six tentacle arms. Might've been making fun of Kycilia somehow. As you may imagine, trying to search for lip related mecha stuff these days just returns a large amount of discussion of the recent seed movie.
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You don't mean the Zakrello do you?
He's talking about some goofball thing from Gundam-san.
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parades are always boring
Sadly, no, though I think I conflated the Kycilia bit with Zakrello jokes.
That was it. Couldn't even remember it was from Gundam-san. Thank you.
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Hellz 2 the yeah
So what's the best version of the uncensored BD for DYRL nowadays?
Is it still the Live-Evil one with the incorrect A:R?
no I havent, I suck lol

I've been busy with a shitload of irl, adjusting to having a car again, bunch of stuff. You're tied for second in line with That Guy I Need To Get Shinkalion To, That Guy I Need To Get The Doomed Megolpolii To, and That Guy I Need To Get Ilya Morometz To.
First place is Filipino coworker I need to get the back half of Voltes Legacy

if this is still the "we need to meet irl" thing my wife already said no, and I've been watched by the feds for years thanks to my wacky DPRK hijinks so if it's REALLY serious business you'll want me out of the loop
if it's organizing a group to pool money to do piracy then I respect your efforts and will offer non-monetary support where possible, but I've figured "money changes hands" is a great spot to draw the line between "nerds helping nerds" and "international media piracy ring"
By the way, in case you're unaware, MangaDex is specifically for unofficial/scanlation versions only. They don't host licensed versions with very, very few exceptions (presumably due to the nature of the licensing being OOP for those few; only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the Verotik TL of New Devilman https://mangadex.org/title/9dea0e32-3a19-416e-8832-c0b2fd937cce/ )
Doing a comparison right now, gimme a bit there's a lot of versions to compare.
Oh, of course. Sorry, for some reason I thought you were also doing the typesetting and that was also included under "done". Wolf Constellation v01 tonight, promise.
It is neither of those, no, though I do recall that DPRK story and still find it fairly funny (even if the consequences are a little less so I guess)
>I've been watched by the feds for years thanks to my wacky DPRK hijinks
Can we have a cliff notes rundown of this? I haven't heard the DPRK story before.
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very cliffs notes: I've regrugitated up a lot of dprk stuff because lol on-the-spot-guidance is funny
longer spoilered because I'm not /m/
I have had a mild nerd boner for stalinist dictatorships for decades, as I want to be the Big Brother
DPRK has a news organ that vomits out a dozen or so stories each day in English for no clear audience
for many years I would keep a dedicated thread going around here of dumping random images I got from futaba and other places that caught my eye
if you put text in your posts you could post faster back then
so some times I'd run with random old stuff like Star Wolf or Metropolis the Novel
many, many more times I'd use DPRK news because I thought it was funny and people who wouldn't notice the giant pile of /m/ images on the image board and complained about the DPRK news was also funny
for a little while I was a nationally syndicated radio host of a show covering science fiction and related genre entertainment
when I had time to fill I'd occasionally take DPRK news and swap out the names, so the Klingon Empire was big mad about the brigandish imperalists of the United Federation Of Planets and so forth
for some _crazy_ reason running DPRK propaganda from my own mouth on a national platform got some eyes on me, to the point that all incoming packages (which was a lot when you get free review copies of books, like ten packages a week) had a 1 cm hole burrowed into each one to see what was inside
to be fair I was flipping enough weed at the time such that if THEM! really wanted to come down hard on me they could have, but they only ever kept an eye on me, saw I was just some crazy weird internet guy, and left me alone
for many years I would keep a dedicated thread going around here of dumping random images I got from futaba and other places that caught my eye

Oh, I remember those threads, I never really read much of the text in those threads personally, I used to just harvest the pictures on occasion. Didn't know there was that much to it.
WOW. Every single bit of this is fascinating. (And yes, I too remember those threads you'd post.) You marvelous weirdo!
dorkly? more like dprkly gottem
Use RetroChocolate, which uses [km] video (I'm assuming kuramori is [km] anyway, the actual [km] torrent hasn't finished for me to confirm). Only thing RetroChocolate is missing is the alt Live-eviL track that hchcsen threw together https://nyaa.si/view/1676769 that changes the styling of the Zentran language from green to normal dialogue's.
Releases not yet comped:
CalChi (probably trash),
G_P 1080p (censored BD ver.),
Live-eviL (censored BD ver.),
IkariGendo (probably trash),
animepacks007 (almost definitely trash lmao),
DHD (probably trash),
BSenc and FLF-L-E (both DVD),
and the R2J DVDISO I see on AB. I have most of these on my HDDs somewhere but I can't find them, but the result is unlikely to change.
Hey Suikoden anon, you here? Can you tell me if you prefer ver18 https://litter.catbox.moe/geqy7t.png or ver21 https://litter.catbox.moe/o4p2i7.png
>dat bleedthrough
yeah, the paper's so sheer that nothing I do seems to get rid of it. I'm trying, but I'm worried about washing out the image or blowing out detail with the contrast.
What are you using now?
Ver21 looks better to me, but I know jackshit about the scanning process. I might just pass the images onto the only other 3 people I know who'd care about this manga to get something closer to a expert opinion.
They all said ver21 looks better.
One just said:
>but both have prob with bleed through
>they should use black paper to cover it more
>It might be able to hide it but won't be simple process and it would preferable to former
As matte a black paper as you can get.
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for my novel scans I wasn't really using anything, since as long as the kanji didn't have any issues with artifacting there was no reason to worry. This is my first time intending to fully scan one of the manga volumes, though beyond a few random pages here and there.
Alright, I've got no craft paper so I'm just gonna jog to the store and grab some real quick. If they're down for it, can you ask them if they'd be interested in joining the matrix ( https://matrix.to/#/#mechamuseum:midov.pl ) so I can talk to them in real time? I don't know a lot of people actively skilled with scanning and would like some advice. I'd also love if you would join too, of course!
have some minmay tiddies as thanks[/spoilers]
If you haven't already, take a look at https://quicksandscans.wordpress.com/resources/, lots of good resources there. If you scan a lot of colour stuff, I'd recommend you get a cheap it-8 target from http://www.targets.coloraid.de/ and make yourself a colour profile with CoCa https://www.hugorodriguez.com/blog/coca-icc-color-camera-calibrator/ or an alternative paid software.
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Hey lads, new Yokoyama reaction image just dropped.

yeah, black paper is definitely helping. I'm moderately satisfied with the way the scans are coming out now compared to before https://litter.catbox.moe/j4lkp4.png. Actively scanning the first volume now.
that's a good resource hub, thanks. I usually just glance at the Inside Scanlation pool but that's a bit more up-to-date. That being said, a lot of the stuff they recommend doing at the scanning level (adjusting levels, for instance) I can't do with the scanning software I have, so that'll have to be done in GIMP/cleaning.
>color profiles
years ago (like 7 years ago, probably) I'd looked into doing ensuring my monitor was calibrated correctly for colors, but unfortunately I couldn't find anything that'd work with linux, but my angle at the time was monitor bit depth and it's also been 7 years, and both the landscape and my experience have gotten better (hopefully). I'll look back into it.
Yeah I wouldn't do anything with scanner software personally, except maybe the colour profile. Turn off all the noise reduction, dust removal, etc. gimmicks it has and scan as raw as possible. I don't know GIMP at all so can't help with that.
I don't really want to join that place, especially if it's one of those closed off social media sites like shitscord.
>as thanks
Those aren't Bright Noa or Ryuu Murasame pinups
More advice from the typesetter:
>if they want more "detail"
>Scan all pics in same dimension
>Scan images in TIFF file format
>Use black paper to reduce bleeding
>Don't use any of the scanner's editing software, leave that for photoshop
>for Monochrome pages, 300dpi is good enough but 600 tend to preferable, specially for colored pages
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even my father never Srungled
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dude I love Yokoyama's faces, his expressions are always the funniest shit. I'm so happy I gave ROTTK a chance or I'd probably never have enjoyed him as much as I do.

No worries, the one I'm using doesn't have any gimmicks like that. Pretty much all I'm doing is adjusting brightness and contrast.
it's more like IRC but to each their own, the offer stands though
Oh my bad my bad. I don't have anything on hand for you though
Wait are you RE-X from the poll I made
>same dimension
>black paper
>don't use any of the scanner's software
check, see above
already got you, "Filesize Bloat" was my street name back in the day
>TIFF file format
I've been using PNG and I don't see any particular difference in the file quality upon comparing, is there a reason to use TIFF over PNG?
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You need to crank those levels hard. If the whites aren't white you don't have a product.
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Mid 70s Yokoyama is when the facial expressions begin to get to the shitpost level material you see. Most notable with Kong Ming and Sima Yi in Sangokushi and the entirety of Abare Tendou. This manga has Zhu Yinling (Shu Ginrei) who's facial expressions are almost always either absolutely hopeless or absolutely nasty (like pic related)
mobile format was confusing so it made it look like you had to comment to vote so I just threw a handlename I use on certain cytubes held on this site.
>I've been using PNG and I don't see any particular difference in the file quality upon comparing, is there a reason to use TIFF over PNG?
Generally, TIFF gives better image quality but the main advantage is that it's easier to work with that format in programs like photoshop in comparison to PNG. The typesetter said if you're not seeing any quality differences, then use whatever format you like most though be careful when it comes to editing.
To be clear, that's supposed to be done in post. 5 seconds in photoshop achieves more than any tweaking of scanner settings.
You can probably do a s-curve on the levels and it'll be good enough.
Just wanted to say thank you to the guy who wrote the HakuNeko tutorial in the /m/useum guide, I've been looking for a good ripper for a while and it works very well.
Yeah I'm not really seeing any differences in quality, but it seems to be better spacewise, and if it's easier to work with in other programs then I don't mind using it. Not gonna use it for this v01 scan since I'm already using PNG but I'll do some more testing with it and probably swap to TIFF for v02 and other scans I do.

I've got the first 200 pages or so here https://mega.nz/#F!LIlHWAzI!E528Ja_Nk1lPovFXsDU_bA (uploading, give it a bit depending on when you see this) if you wanna look at it. Sorry it's taking so long, it's between IRL and the awkwardness of how I'm scanning. I'm going to try shifting my workflow a bit and see if that makes it easier.
I don't mind the speed. My only question is how many pages does each chapter average at?
On the subject of ripping, is there anything you guys can think of that would be a good idea to grab and add to the archive?
Pure average is ~36 pages. There's 41 chapters (one's an epilogue I bundled into the previous one for the sake of the average) and 1,443 pages. Highest page count for a chapter is 55 and lowest (ignoring the epilogue, which is 7) is 18.
Depends on what you mean. There's tons of ways people can help. By grabbing, do you mean buying physical copies from Japan, or from elsewhere? Or do you mean digital copies and ripping/de-DRMing them? Or do you mean something else, like a way to contribute or something?
>Pure average is ~36 pages
Good. I might actually be able to do this one then.
Also, when you say you have Yokoyama's manga is it just ones actually made by him or one he's credited by tradition like later adaptations? Mainly because vol1 of GR Newtype has missing pages, and there's two more volumes of Tetsujin Dakkan Sakusen.
Steambot Chronicles was a fantastic game, it got a bit edgy with the sidequests though.
Every time you completed a sidequest it left EVERYONE involved in the world worse off, you were the only one that really benefited via quest rewards (or say the owner of the classic folksy textiles business in the countryside becoming more successful via industrialization by the machine plans you got of the prostitute while firing all his now unneeded workers).

Its a shame the sequel got cancelled and all we got was a trailer.
So, whose dick do I have to suck for a better encode for The Skullman?
Or at least a HiDive rip? It would be probably still be better than ACX's.
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no more bananas for you motherfuckers
Awwwwww hell yeah. Srunglize my great ape ass, baby!
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AB has the R2J and EU DVD releases so I'm grabbing both to compare/upload for you. Re: HiDIVE, I don't know how to extract from there, and don't have an account to fiddle with trying it, but it may be as simple as using yt-dlp; at least, it was for RetroCrush, and HiDIVE is on their list of supported sites.
The archive is going to include both; the ones I've been buying have been entirely him though. That's mostly because the one's from him take priority of course, but also partially because 1) I didn't know the GR Newtype was missing pages until the anon in that one thread (you, maybe?) pointed it out, and 2) I totally forgot about TDS tbqhwyf. I can and will grab them in the next batch, but I have don't have time to add it to the current one.

Currently, the list of stuff I've bought but yet to scan are:

蝦蟇 / 浅い川 / 死者踊り
長征 ***
狼の星座 (you are here)
Point 4
A Man From Texas
伊賀の影丸 外伝

Some of these are oneshots/short stories, some are single volumes, and others are series. For The Long March (the ***), his website lists two different versions with different dates and no explanation as to why, but I think I have both if they are different. Note that I also have ウイグル無頼, 戦国獅子伝, and 時の行者, but apparently scans may already exist; I was in discussions with HS! and Hox about them a couple years ago. There are ~60 entries listed on his website that I do not see explicitly available for purchase anywhere.
>but I have don't have time to add it to the current one.
As in I quite literally don't have the time, to clarify: I have ~5 more days until they start dumping the stuff that's already arrived so I have to place the shipping order overseas before then. Waiting on one more item that's in transit to arrive, though it may not get there in time (in which case 2nd batch will be smaller and will be much quicker to get that out of their warehouse whenever it arrives).
>re: list
If there's anything there specifically you're interested in seeing first (whether for TLing or just to read I don't mind) let me know. I've already debound the 昆虫惑星 Anthology so all the stories in that one are ready to be scanned if you're interested in any of them (being Point 4, 宇宙船マゼラン, and 91衛星(サテライト)SOS!! ).

Also that list doesn't include anything we already had scans of in the archive, like Sally The Witch et al.
I meant any ideas of things to rip with HakuNeko

Seems HiDive removed the show, at least from what I can see so your only option is the DVDs Jack mentioned
I don't know if anyone is deeply invested in Srungle's story, but as soon as Volklazer took over Crime he became practically a different character and the second half of the series changes a fair bit. Like before he was basically Darth Vader as a business administrator but now he's just evil space leader with an evil army. The show is going to introduce some plot twists and retcons (some that immediately undo the prior episode) so be aware if what you're watching seems sloppier than before.
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Is there anyone that does sequential sci fi art in similar vein to Nihei? I've been rereading his works lately and can't think of anybody else who would scratch this particular itch.
>I didn't know the GR Newtype was missing pages until the anon in that one thread (you, maybe?)
No. The missing pages thing has been known forever. I've come across 2 people who said to me that they would have already scanlated this years ago if vol1 didn't have missing scans.
>I totally forgot about TDS tbqhwyf. I can and will grab them in the next batch
That's completely OK. TDS is very obscure even amongst Japanese fans, the main problem is that all online listings for vol2 and vol3 are out of stock, the manga itself had a very limited print run. It's part of a trilogy with Akakage Remains and Babel the Returner (already being translated) of mid 00s revival mangas. Do artbooks/guidebooks for the GR OVA and Imagawa-made T28 stuff fall under your definition of what you want to include? Mainly because none of the T28 stuff has been scanned before, and as for GR, there's only the 30th anniversary guidebook and one from 1995 with background info not archived yet, I could provide you with name details of them if you want.

As for the list you have, I'd suggest prioritising these due to their significance/appearance in Imagawa adaptations. Like I've stressed many times before, there's no guarantee I will be able to translate any of them at all (I think Suikoden is probably going to be my last one) but I will try to triage some of them if I'm able to:
>A Man From Texas

The other manga I'd suggest you priortise whenever you get them should be:
>伊賀の影丸 (not just the gaiden, but the whole work)
>ウイグル無頼 (if scans already exist then great then that's one less to worry about)

You won't have to worry about Point 4, all S101 volume releases have that short story.
>I was in discussions with HS! and Hox about them a couple years ago.
Hox is still around?
Hm! I wonder what, behind the scenes, prompted such a change
I would have tried using yt-dlp myself but I don't have a VPN.

Well, shame.
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I haven't dug around too deep but there was a little preview explaining the new characters and the HYPER SRUNGLE in one magazine.
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Reportedly Srungle made Aoshima take a break from sponsoring anime, but they did make at least a half dozen kits for the series. Even two versions of one of the enemy mecha. Both were in their gimmicky kit lines like Mini Gattai. It does not do this in the series.
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And the weird nesting doll motherfuckers.
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>伊賀の影丸 (not just the gaiden, but the whole work)
Scans of the main series are in the archive, although actually looking at them they're too low res to effectively TL from. I'll look into buying a set on the next run.
Scans of this are also in the archive as "Dark Earth Demon", although I can get a set for a higher resolution on the next run. All the old scans really haven't aged that well, huh?
>No. The missing pages thing has been known forever.
Look man, B°A said jack shit when he gave them to me so I just figured they were fine. A lot of my scans were given to me by B°A and S.T. and unless they warned me about the scans being shit or having issues I just briefly looked them over, went "nice, thanks", and went about my day. Clearly I should've scrutinized them all a bit more.
>Hox is still around?
So, I did say a couple years ago. :^) Back when I was first ordering stuff I was attempting to consolidate scans between all the various hoarders, and that included Hox and Happy Scans!. Hox and I were discussing various things relating to the available Yokoyama scans when he retired, and he 1) never actually gave me the scans for ウイグル無頼 and 戦国獅子伝 that he has, and 2) never confirmed if my copy of 史記 is the same as his, as he'd told me his had corruption and that was preventing him from steamrolling through the TL. Wright told me HS! had 時の行者 and 魔界衆 and truth be told we forgot to follow up on that. I'm sending both of them e-mails right now to poke about those scans (dunno if Hox still checks his e-mail though).
>A Man From Texas
These are on their way and will be here with the rest of the stuff soon(tm)
>Point 4, all S101
ye I know, but it's already debound and everything. Plus, if HS! & HNG are going off the same scans I have of S101 for their release (it looks it), then it needs a new scan anyway.
Can't access HiDIVE from your region? RIP. I'd still recommend grabbing Mullvad or something, though, even if not for this.
>Do artbooks/guidebooks for the GR OVA and Imagawa-made T28 stuff fall under your definition of what you want to include? Mainly because none of the T28 stuff has been scanned before, and as for GR, there's only the 30th anniversary guidebook and one from 1995 with background info not archived yet, I could provide you with name details of them if you want.
Absolutely. As far as the creators/franchises that we're archiving, anything relating to them - music, novels, artbooks, manga, western adaptations, etc. etc. - are eligible to be archived. Which is part of why the scope is so massive/bloated and thus actual tangible "progress" seems so slow; there's so much to get and sort that everything becames a crawl to get it all done in the grand scheme.

And yeah, it'd be tremendous help if you'd provide names or info links, both for me adding them to the spreadsheet as well as finding it to purchase.
>That's completely OK. TDS is very obscure even amongst Japanese fans, the main problem is that all online listings for vol2 and vol3 are out of stock
I'm seeing quite a few secondhand options for it, I'll go ahead and buy those on the next run. Honestly, if your enigmatic editor pals wanna glance at the raws we DO have and make judgement calls on what needs replacements, I'll grab them all together.
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>although actually looking at them they're too low res to effectively TL from
I gave selected pages to the typesetter and all the methods he tried do little to change the quality of the image.
>Scans of this are also in the archive as "Dark Earth Demon"
Looking at the filesize, the quality might actually be OK. I don't have time right now to check all of them (I will either today or tomorrow) but the general rule when it comes to these things is that anything below 60+mb per volume is a massive warning sign (see Kagemaru)
I see. He did say he wanted to Suikoden ages ago iirc...
>And yeah, it'd be tremendous help if you'd provide names or info links
The one GR book I've not seen done anywhere else so far is:
>THIS IS ANIMATION SPECIAL ジャイアントロボ (I'm pretty sure, comparing the Wikipedia Japan citations and the stuff on the infamous bio doc that wasn't mistranslated or made up, that this is where the legit background character info originates from. There's some pinup posters of Ginrei and Taisou apparently)
>『鉄人28号』公式ガイドブック (mostly staff testimonials and interviews about the 2004 anime, some, but not all of the settei
>尾川匠『鉄人28号 白昼の残月 公式徹底解析書』(contains settei on both the 2004 anime and movie)
I'd probably recommend the 30th anniversary book, but as I'm aware it literally is just digitally colored settei that's already been scanned and comments on designing the characters by senior staff.
Now that I've looked at your folder:
All of them are fine as is. They literally just need to be re-levelled (as in the tones of black and white would need to altered slightly.)

Iga no Kagemaru and Rain Dragon are the only ones you might need to look into rescanning. I will check Shin Akakage and Taira later, but if you remember what I said about the 60mb rule, then it may be the case that these two will need rescanning though that isn't for certain.
Both Shin Akakage and Taira are alright, again just need re-levelling though Taira scans need to be rotated slightly and possibly zoomed in, since it seems that the original scanner fucked up a bit there, you can still see the black panel in a lot of the pages
Urasawa is the J.J. Abrams [DEROGATORY] of manga.
This is /m/ related because of Pluto.

(P9 Bump.)
Do you still have the raws for mechander robo?
Normal bump.
Is there a good encode of the pre-retcon-to-make-frontier-canon DVDs for Macross Zero?
Frontier would have been canon even if they didn't photoshop Sheryl's earrings into one scene.
If I don't have to see it whilst re-watching Zero, then I can pretend otherwise.
People used to say Zero was a hippie abomination sheesh
Well, not me. I liked it from the first time I watched it, despite my usual aversion to CGI.
It is, one nut does not change that
found the macrossworld boomer
Ordinary bump
does anyone still had discotek ver of King Gainer sub? there was a link at nyaa but it was down
I still have them on hand so I can re up them when I get home if you want em
>discotek ver of King Gainer sub
What's the difference between that and the DeadFish version?
Was that a good nut at least?
thanks. that would be great
Here you go https://mega.nz/folder/zA8m3biS#lLEoT7agk1JyMeZRaJmUbQ

The Discotek script is a solid rewrite of the old Bandai TL which I would imagine is what Deadfish uses
>The Discotek script is a solid rewrite of the old Bandai TL which I would imagine is what Deadfish uses
Which is better then? Unless the differences are inconsequential.
I have only compared the scripts for episode 1 but Discotek is the clear winner imo
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Srungle did the nearly identical replacement character thing decades before Gundam 00 or Beefest.
Does anyone have scans of the One Peace Books release of the Aquarion Evol manga? It's OOP and not preserved anywhere online.
thank you
Xabungle Bump. 43 episodes down, 7 more and the movie to go.
One thing I noticed is that the translator of the MJ subs changes halfway through the show, and thus the subs for the second half are slightly worse (with some negative outliers that seemed a bit phoned in).
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Srungle got a mid-series upgrade and a young Freiza to join the cast.
p9 bump
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Sho Aikawa wrote this episode when he was only 17.
Srungling out to this one, thank you, anon.
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Is there a list of /m/ anime that do not have any subs or are not actively being subbed?

Discotek's covered a lot of the old never-ever's in recent years like the J9 series and various others, and with anon giving us Srungle and Inka doing Dendoh I can't think of a lot of noteworthy ones that are still missing. Even pic related got fully translated last year. Raideen (last msubs episode was 4 years ago) and the old Astro Boy and Cyborg 009 shows are the main ones that come to mind.
>finished by ARR
fuck off
You said "not any subs", he corrected you.
ARR is worse than "not any subs".
And what he was saying was that it isn't actively being subbed, which is true. /m/subs plans to continue Raideen, but currently Dragonar and Dendou are taking up a lot of star's time.

There's still a lot, especially if you count bad subs. Like, Zambot and Daitarn need a scrub (there was a guy trying to do Zambot on the /m/subs server but he's been MIA for a year), and Grendizer probably needs new subs from the ground up. Wataru was supposedly fully subbed on the Bandai Spirits YT channel, but I've only seen the first 10 episodes from that, so we're stuck with ARR; Trider was a similar situation iirc. Anything Animeshinigami did will have to be redone too since those are MTL'd Italian. And there will probably be more the closer you look. Hell, Yamato 3 has HK subs and nobody's done anything about it in however many years since CA said they don't care.
Hikarian, Microman, Saver Kids, Machine Hiryuu, Grand Prix no Taka, and Rubenkaiser have no subs while Webdiver has crabsticks. Guyslugger, Ga-Keen, Machine Hayabusa, Balatack, and Jetter Mars have no subs. Could Mike-Tarou be considered /m/ -- that has no subs either? Anyway I think it would be better to focus on translating /m/ manga/novels since we have almost every /m/ anime translated but very few /m/ manga and novels.
>ARR is worse than "not any subs".
No need to blatantly lie like that, anon.
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Why would I need to lie?
Their MTL subs are incomperehensible and wrong, so if you know 5 words of Japanese you'll have a better idea of what's going on. And because most people just see "subs", they subject themselves to this garbage - yet worse, groups have skipped out on shows with HKsubs or ARR because those already have subs - disregarding how horribly bad they are. Not to mention the usual ARRisms of pushing people to donate, or having pro-Putin, anti-vax, hylozoics or some other kind of dumb messages in the subs. Oh, and did you know that they SELL DVDs with their terribad subs on them? ARR are the scum of the fansubbing scene.
In light of Mangadex's financial troubles, here are some manga that the /m/useum has incomplete English versions of. You can download them quite easily by changing the .org in the web address to .zip.
>Five Star Stories
>Outlaw Star
>Galaxy Express 999
>GaoGaiGar vs Betterman
>King J-Der Side Story
>Brigadoon (licensed and OOP)
>Seikai Trilogy (licensed and OOP)
>almost all Digimon manga (many licensed and OOP)
>Panic World
>Andromeda Stories (currently licensed)
>Terra E (currently licensed)
>incomplete English versions
Didn't this one get finished last year or something? I remember reading through it a few months back. Is there more of that one or do you just want someone to update the archive?
>but currently Dragonar and Dendou are taking up a lot of star's time.
I knew about Dragonar, but they're doing Dendou too? That's fantastic!

>Wataru was supposedly fully subbed on the Bandai Spirits YT channel
I heard that too, but whenever I went to rip the subs, they just weren't there.
Yeah, it did get finished. There is no more of it; I just want someone to update the archive.
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C is for Crime.
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>C is for Crime.
(The 'c' is silent)
Thank you for your continued efforts anon
I definitely missed the “we have to memory wipe you for being here” part the first time.
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Xabungle TV batch with Hidive and AXSUS Hat subs.

Seeding's going to take a while, my internet is slow as is, and today it's unstable too.
Godzilla Minus One
Also on Nyaa. The subs are out of sync, though.
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all this new shit showed up in Srungle just as their toy sponsor fucking died
Srunglistic joy! Thanks for this.
>their toy sponsor fucking died
Makes one wonder how Galvion even got made at all
Galvion was Takatoku not Clover. The latter was also doing Dunbine simultaneously. Note that Tomy rescued their DX Billbine from oblivion.
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Translated the first issue of Kazuhisa Kondo's new Gundam manga.

It's a bit rough around the edges, as it's my first effort with this kind of thing. Enjoy bros!
>Enjoy bros!
You too.
Oh shit, lemme fix it lmao

guest director: eiji tsuburaya
Thanks, at least we have a decent release to choose from now.
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At last I finally see where the inspiration for this scene actually came from.
Have there ever been any scans of Tokyopop's SEED novels?
Xabungle Bump
I've decided to OCR Graffiti, and I'm about halfway done cleaning it up. I'll see when I can finish it between my dozen other projects.

let's celebrate that new Srungle kit getting shown off
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here's a link you can share around for the Srungle subs going back to the start

For a series that had its company in the dumps, that's a surprising amount of episodes.
It is longer than nearly every Gundam show.

If you look at the other link, it was more Takatoku's death that mortally wounded them. They were the ones sponsoring the J9 shows and Galvion, which is probably why Srungle got its full run but Sasuraiger was got cut short and Galvion stopped abruptly. Although, Ashi Pro didn't seem to suffer from this as Dorvack had a natural ending. Maybe they were already getting that Bandai money for Dancouga.
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hey you look familiar
Xabungle Graffiti's out now too.

Here you go.
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hey Captain Chance I really like your green Megatron cosplay
>Here you go.
Thank you!
>green Megatron
That's called G2 Megatron, aka the first time Megs was a tank.
What's the best release for Zegapain? The only seeded ones on Nyaa are Moozzi garbage, am I stuck with those?
No that was a silver helmet with a blue face as per Cobra Commander's wishes. Now go make a ton of cack.
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What is mecha if not a bunch of space politics.
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Thank you for your continued efforts, VF5SS-kun! I'm really enjoying the show.

I hadn't realized before that Yu Yamamoto wrote Srungle and the three J9s and Acrobunch and Blocker Army IV Machine Blaster and motherfucking GINGUISER. Yamamoto was the king of "mecha adventures that aren't straight war stories"! The more you know...

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Yeah he was an absolute workaholic and full of so much obscure knowledge and trivia even the official subs didn't catch them all.
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I think these guys got lost on the way to a Time Bokan show.
Srungle is a show that is absolutely OBSESSED with the word 'data.'
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Does anybody have any release for this? Can't find it on Nyaa
I just think it’s funny that this deep into a series where they fight the most conspicuous giant robot, the bad guys still pull out the, “sir, I think that’s the Srungle!” gag.
Well, the short answer is that there is currently no complete release.

The best you'll get is some ancient TV hardsubs from like 2003 for 26 episodes (with keikau means plan type of TL) and then a still hardsubbed DVD rip for 28; that release is on BakaBT and AB, tagged Miyuki-AL, M-F, MnT & ShiniGami or just Miyuki-AL respectively.

There are some more releases that are now seemingly lost to time (S-C and A-Kraze), but nobody ever did episode 27 (it's a recap, but still).

Rouran is on my list of potential projects, so I did some research on the sub situation around it, but so far it's not looking like I'll get to it anytime soon. Probably better off TLing from scratch than trying to OCR, then fix the existing subs.
I downloaded it, but I'll need to check to see what version I have. I haven't watched it...
Any good subbed encodes for Getter Armageddon? The ones available on Nyaa are kinda bad.
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this one is a real madcap caper
You doing a batch for this when this is done? Preferably on Nyaa or Anidex would be nice.
I'll figure out something.
Oh lookit that, noice!

They never seem to put anyone in that gunner seat up top...

(I admit I'm only up to episode 18)

They do it a few times but usually in the tank mode. The back mounted one can hang down towards the ground in tank mode but I think that only happened once in the series. I did notice that mode is used a bit more than I remembered but it never gets a stock footage transformation so it’s hard to notice sometimes. The srungchange toy did most these things.

I just finished episode 19. Jeezus! I knew the Gorilla team are fine with killing, but damn... Babyface just busted into a room full of unarmed scientists and immolated them all with wrist-mounted flamethrowers! Savage.

Also, I notice "UGS" shows up a lot -- it seems to be synonymous with the Garrick Space Federation. I assume that it would stand for "United Garrick Space" or "Union of Garrick Space" or something very similar. Just wondering if you knew anything about this, VF5SS-san?
Those were all evil scientist. It's fine.

If you're asking if "UGS" is ever spelled out, it's not. I think it was meant to be an abbreviation they could use for their military but the terminology isn't very consistent in this show. The next episode has even more of MIC's patented jank.
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anybody seen The Guns of Navarone
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What's the best release? Preferably with good subs as well.
AI 'Enhancements' - Not even once.
>You need 4chan Pass to circumvent ban on image uploading for your county
the hell, man?
That looks perfectly fine though, is that really the worst image you could find to complain about it?
How were you able to type that post whilst being this blind?

babyface please
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Guess we hit the bump limit.

Take your chance, next time.

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