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What did she meant by this?
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I miss flying giant naked girls.
People die when they are killed.
Sounds really self-explanatory to me.
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Not the same as there’s nothing redundant about that dialogue. You guys clearly don’t love flowers thus should return to the soil for that.
The world is not a square
Taken in-context there was nothing redundant about the "people die when they are killed" line either.
It was iirc part of a juxtaposed statement: contrary to Servants, normal people actually die (and stay dead) when they are killed.
The grammar is still weird.
I'm not familiar with the story of the Golem besides the fact it was made of clay, by Jews of Prague, and you give it orders by stuffing paper with the command in its mouth.
I don't know much about the original story but I think she's referencing the 30's movie where the golem crumbles after a little girl gives him flowers
>you give it orders by stuffing paper with the command in its mouth.
Sounds cool, this is the kinda concept I could see being used in a fantasy mecha setting to explain how they program their machines.
Shit. I even watched this whole show and I completely forgot about her because I was entertained by Johnathan.
She was my favorite girl, felt weird that she was in a relationship with an ugly bald man.
Unironically love this song, drove me crazy trying to track it down back in the day, made me sad when I found out the artist didn't have much of a career past it and just disappeared into the crowd.
I've tried like three or four times in my life to watch Brainpowerd and have never managed to make it all the way through. I could never really articulate why but little by little I've come to understand that it's Tomino at his most Tomino and it's a natural response. It's like missing the beginning of a conversation between two people and struggling to make sense of what they're talking about, nothing adds up, you just try harder and harder to put the pieces together, assuming the problem must be on your end until finally you realizing with a crash of epiphany that you're in the middle of a mental ward and every word is gibberish.
Nonetheless it's occupied a place of fondness in my memories for being one of those early "weird" late 90s animes that somehow managed to survive being remembered as artsy and avant-garde on the merits of its concept art and soundtrack.
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get over yourself
Oh wow didn't think I'd touch a nerve there. Which part outraged you?
>me me me
you're a lost cause
Kek try not to stay mad all day buddy
just breathe
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>"And I wonder if the Clay Doll.... Ever found it's Freedom...!
Anyways, back to naked chiks and weird mechas.
I think the funniest thing is that the opening has nothing to do with the show, same for the lyrics about people literally fucking. I don't know what Tomino was smoking
Is that a...
He let Yoko Kanno do whatever she wanted.
File deleted.
>Yoko Kanno
But she did not wrote the OP.
Tominos's illegitimate daughter.
Someone post the webm please, you know which one
Fuck off, Duel.
It's just a rock song, bro. Relax, bro.
>has nothing to do with the show
oh boy
>get over yourself
You are right. This is how one can enjoy such anime is spiritual & mental clarity.
She has a youtube channel, but nothing has been poster for 2 years now
She was doing anison covers
god the late 90s were so good for weird ass shit
Eh I found it fine and understandable by just thinking about each episode for a few minutes after I watched it - you just don't get much built for audience exposition and have to pay attention to context. When characters say something weird it tells you something about their perspective - and the show doesn't like dictating to you who's perspective is the "correct one" - it can be confusing, but also feels very immersive and lifelike due to it.
brain powered was a fucking mess ngl
I have finished almost every tomino show by production order (skipped over triton and garzey because I can't find a working torrent online) and the dialogue/plot/world building in BP is his messiest show so far.

I can sieve through the spiritual pseudo science mumbo jumbo but so much shit is happening so quickly without enough buildup.
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>brain powered was a fucking mess ngl
That is more or less the general consensus. BP is too much weirdness with no real grounding going on.
Correct and right are different things. It is correct to say that Epstein's clients were powerful, well-connected pedophiles. But that doesn't make the exploitation of children by the rich and powerful right.
If it's not right then why isn't it being stop?
Because you're an ESL retard that doesn't know the difference between an observation and a value judgement.
I understand BP really well, does this make me a genius or an autist?
Sentient space alien lands on earth and goes to sleep. The people investigating the "ruins" end up realizing that its waking up and wants to go back to outer space. People are concerned that if the alien goes back to outer space then it would ruin the earth.
That's one part.
The other part deals with the dynamics of parents and how their actions can influence their children. More specifically mothers which is why the brains/grandchers are generally presented as children, the two most important men in the series have mommy issues from neglect and why the final boss is a mother.
It's not that complicated but Tomino has a writing style that can throw people off.
I wonder how much of it is the subs as well? BP subs are a very old localization, Turn A, Wings of Rean, G-Reco and King Gainer all got subbed later and don't seem as confusing to people (G-Reco alienated the young seasonal watchers, but maybe it wasn't so hard for older fans?).
I'm pretty sure it's quite deliberate, there's no nudity in the show itself so there's a sort of juxtaposition here
I watched the dub for both Brain Powerd and King Gainer and I could understand those shows just fine. I think the issue is that the show is very fast-paced and dense. I wish the old manga localization would get scanned; reading it may be easier than watching it since you can control your pace. I'm also pretty curious about Tomino's novels for it in case it's an F91 situation where the anime omits several important parts of the story.
That's not even the context. The context is that Shirou was functionally immortal thanks to Avalan being bound to his soul so no matter how many times he would receive a fatal injury and "die", Avalon would heal him and bring him back. So what he was saying was "People die when they are killed...that's the way things should be", saying his existence was unnatural.
Is more of the way it is presented and executed as the core of it (as >>22612153 kindly exposed) is quite simple.
Havent seen BP but wasn't the localization handled by sunrise themselves? Their work is generally good as far as I can recall.
No, it was done by Bandai's American division. I don't think Sunrise ever did distribution of any anime themselves.
i really liked the idea of origami self assembling silicon mechas
post clips please
I must have misheard something then. Never really heard anything bad about Bandai America's localization as of yet, how are they?
They're typical 2000s dubs. You either love them or hate them, and I love them because old dubs are great.
This line made sense in context.
I was referring to subs but I really have liked listening to Kirby Morrow as Jonathan. He's cool.
That didn't stop them.
Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right.
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Anyone has good clips to share?
step on me
The fuck did he say that triggered you?
That was such a middling appraisal of show that frequently gets a lot more hate and criticism than "I couldn't get into it" and "It's weird".
It's to show that they truly loved each other regardless of looks and understood each other on some level
It was Tomino telling incels they're the problem
>there's no nudity in the show itself
Funny how there is a lot in the promotional material but then, as pointed out in >>22610460 , such events are common.
It has everything to do with the theme of BrainPowerd and is one of the greatest opening in anime history you illiterate fucktard.

BrainPowerd catch phrase was 'live on even if you not being asked to'. It is Tomino's answer to the social issues in the 90s. Remember some guy wrote this as the End of EVA's catch phrase? 'It would solve it all if everyone just die...'. Then another guy made Mononoke Hime and wrote the catch phrase 'Live, live on.' BrainPowerd was Tomino's response.

BrainPowerd is an anime discussing about the universally popular and cliche theme: dysfunctional family. Opening song In My Dream was talking about passionate lovers, the anime itself talked about the story of dysfunctional families, end song Love's Silhouete was talking about passing through the stage of romantic love and forming family and raising next generation.

The opening was just talking about vitality, the visuals and the music matched like made in heaven. The lyrics of 'cranking up my engine and go all the way to the other end of the sky' was genius, the whole song was genius.

Now go get the HD remaster version and watch it over you fucktard.
ma man, then you probably also get the part of incest.
tell me anon, you like the incest?
>Remember some guy wrote this as the End of EVA's catch phrase? 'It would solve it all if everyone just die...'. Then another guy made Mononoke Hime and wrote the catch phrase 'Live, live on.' BrainPowerd was Tomino's response.

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Speaking of art, Anyone has the artbook or knows where to download it?
why is always the dysfunctional families given them big robots?
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G-Reco confused the hell out of me on my first watch because of how dense it was. It got easier once I realized that the plot development is mostly pushed forward by dialogue, particularly every time Aida gets to discuss things with or observe the interactions of adult characters who are in charge of things.
I love her, she's such a failure
>It was Tomino telling incels they're the problem
As is typical of most incel problems
Based defender post
Got clips with the mecha?
You can replicate any Brain Powerd mech scene by putting a picture of one of the brains/antibodies standing straight up into MS paint and sliding it around
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Kino big Brain.
is Brain Powerd any good? never seen it
You should see it at least once in your life. It's one of the best-written anime out there.
I can't tell if you're messing with me or being serious, so I guess I'm watching it anyway
Not him, yes he's sincere. You baffon.
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Won't go tthat far but it does indeed deserves a watch.
Well I guess you guys were right, because I started watching it and I'm liking it so far

The OP is pretty cool too, despite the weird abundance of naked women
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I got you bro
A really great one given how wonderful the art was for this series
Because it's a M E T A P H O R

What a chad

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